01x04 - Winds of Vengeance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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01x04 - Winds of Vengeance

Post by bunniefuu »

We gonna do to J.R. Ewing
what he did to me.

Get to his women
the way he got to mine.

Bad storm blowing in. Hands are off.
J.R. And Ray aren't back yet.

Relax. They'll be back soon.
Besides, I made dinner plans for us.


When J.R. And Ray get there,
it'll be okay.

You know what the nicest part
of all this is?

- What?
- Those ladies are so pretty.

It'd be a hard choice, ain't it?

You're gonna give us a show, Miss Texas.

Stay right there.

I swear I'll sh**t.

- J.R.
- Yeah?

- Gotta get going.
- All right. Just gotta pick up my things.


Need any help?

No, I don't think so. I got everything.

You say goodbye to Mary Lou?

Sure did.

Bye, Wanda. You take care now, hear?


- You okay?
- Yeah.

- You drive.
- You bet.

Well, goodbye, Waco.

Nice town, full of pretty ladies.

There it is.

- What the heck are you guys...?
- Shut up!

- What the heck are you guys...?
- You shut your mouth.

- Not in there.
- Hey, look, we're sorry.

Just take care of yourself, all right?

See who's in there.

Oh, hey, cut it out, baby.
You're hurting me.

Listen. Honey, it isn't what you think.

- Hey, what?
- Nobody here.

- Just old Mary Lou. That's nobody.
- You didn't used to think I was nobody.

Shut up. My brother-in-law is meeting
with his wife.

Payton, please!

It's between you and your hubby, sis.

You ain't going nowhere.

Now, which one of you is gonna tell us
what's been going on here?

Lover left his calling card.

"J.R. Ewing."

Southfork, Braddock, Texas.

Boy, I wish I could sleep in a car.

We'll be home in an hour, J.R.

No rush.

Hands are off. Fiesta day.

Yeah, there's nothing to do
around there, anyway.

We worked our butts off
selling that cattle.

Nobody's gonna begrudge us a good time.

Wanda and Mary Lou.

Wonder how them broads
get that way sometimes.

Just like us...

...Iooking for a good time.
- They found it.

Time for the 8:00 news break.

A windstorm,
which blew in unexpectedly...

... from the Gulf of Mexico, has brought
all activity in Houston to a halt.

Gusts of up to 100 miles per hour closed
the airport...

... and some of the major highways
in the area, devastating downtown.

The storm is moving across the state
in a northwesterly direction.

Small craft advisories are posted
and the highway...

We better hurry up home before it hits.

I brought you some lunch, Miss Ellie.

That's sweet.

But I don't think I could eat anything
right now.

I'll put it down just in case.

- J.R. Back yet?
- Any time.

I'll check on you a little later.

No. No, please.

The boredom is almost as bad
as the migraine.

Sue Ellen...

...I've been thinking...

How can I put this?

Maybe you and I should...

Should try to make Pam
more comfortable here.


I think we've been thinking of her...

...as Digger Barnes' daughter,
not Bobby's wife.

But, Miss Ellie, J.R. Says that...

J.R. Is as stubborn as Jock.

He doesn't like change, that's all.

Especially when the change
is named Barnes.


...as far as I can see...

...Pam's good for Bobby.

Very good.

I wish they could turn
that thing off in here.

Somebody's got it.

Thank goodness.

No, sweetheart. Everything's fine.
Why shouldn't it be?

Somebody said something about a storm
coming in.

Might even be a hurricane.

- A hurricane? Are you serious?
- Yeah.

- Ray and J.R. Back yet?
- No.

If they're not back in an hour, call me.

Oh, Bobby, I'm born and raised in Texas,
just like you.

- I've lived through hurricanes before.
- You're also a city girl.

A storm is one thing in a city.
It's something else again on a ranch.

- Okay, baby. I'll call you.
- Okay. I love you. Bye.

I love you. Bye-bye.

A hurricane?

Yeah. It's what he said.

Heading this way.

Well, maybe that's what's holding up J.R.

Could be.

I'll see if I can get some news
on the radio.

Mind telling me what you're doing home
from school at this hour?

As a matter of fact, yes, I do mind.

In Bryan, Temple and Waco...

... the storm
has already left devastation.

That's why. They let us out
of school early, just in case.

- Winds, which are gusting in excess
of 100 miles per hour.

The storm is still moving in
a northwesterly direction...

.... And, unless it suddenly veers off,
is expected to hit the...

Lucy, you know
where those oil lamps are?


Get them out and start filling them up.
Check the flashlight batteries too.

Pamela, check all the windows. Make sure
they're closed in your room and Lucy's.

I'll take care of the rest of the house.

La-di-da. Who does she think she is,
giving us orders like that?

Somebody who knows what to do
around here with a storm coming.

Which puts her one up on me...

...and you.

Hey, Bobby. Half a day today, huh?

- Oh, hi, Daddy. How'd your luncheon go?
- Those Jaycee luncheons never change.

I guess that's why I like them so much.
Where you going?

Home. Bad storm blowing in. Hands
are off. J.R. And Ray aren't back yet.

Relax. They'll be back soon.

- Besides, I made dinner plans for us.
- Dinner?

Yeah. I ran into Punk Anderson
and some of the boys...

...and got to tell them about you, what
a fine executive you've turned out to be.

I bet they didn't believe that.
We'll show them another time.

Why don't you wait and call home later.

As soon as J.R. And Ray get there,
everything will be okay.

- Sure.
- Okay.

Should be down this road.

Terrific. What are we gonna do
when we get there?

We gonna do to J.R. Ewing
what he did to me.

Get to his women the way
he got to mine.

Sounds like fun.

- How are we gonna do it?
- How do I know?

Gotta find out what's there. Who's there.

Go change your clothes.
We gotta take care of the livestock.

Bring the truck up to the house.

- Hello, J.R.
- Oh, morning, Sue Ellen. Morning.

How you doing, honey? How are things?

Just fine. So far.

Miss Ellie has a migraine, though.

I'd better look in on her. Yeah.

- J.R.
- Yeah?

- Why didn't you call me last night?
- I was working late.

Why didn't you call me this morning?

I don't have time to talk about it,
Sue Ellen. Gotta get on the road...

...round up some strays.
Ray and I gotta change clothes.


Sorry, ma'am. We're in trouble.
Can we use your phone?

On 289, about 5 miles west
of Braddock...

...near the Southfork Ranch.

Yeah. I'll hold on.

Probably nothing serious.
Carburetor, maybe.

But in all this wind and dust,
no way to fix anything.

I can imagine.

We hate busting in like this.

Not another word about it, Mr. Frick.

He's Frick. This is Allen.

Yes, ma'am. Payton Allen.

Ms. Ewing, I'd be glad to start a fire in
the fireplace. Seems like you need one.

Well, that'd be nice. Lucy, you show
Mr. Allen where everything is...

...and I'll go make us some sandwiches
and coffee.

- Follow me.
- As quick as you can, huh?

I appreciate it.

The auto club says it'll be
about two or three hours.

- Storm's blocked some roads.
- Not surprising.

Why don't you relax
in the living room, Mr. Frick.

If there's anything we can do to help,
just holler.

I'm gonna get us all some lunch, and then
maybe later I'll take you up on that offer.

- At least we ain't gonna be freeloading.
- What?

We'll have to earn our keep today, Allen.
Doesn't look like there's much help here.

It's the Feast of San Antonio.
Everybody has the day off.

You can count on us.

- What about your men folk?
- My uncle and the foreman are here.

- They'll be back in a minute.
- I might've known.

I know I'd never leave somebody
who looks like you alone.

We were alone up until half an hour ago.

That's the story of my life!

Thirty minutes the wrong side
of paradise.

Where were they?

- Your uncle and that foreman?
- I don't know. Waco or someplace.

I'd better help Sue Ellen.

You don't go away, now, you hear?

I hear. I hear.

- Waco. That's them.
- It's better than I figured.

Hands being away...

Think all of them are gone?

They're sure giving us
a chance to find out.

Ain't nobody I can't outsmart
when I set my mind to it.

Like that guy you outsmarted
in Houston...

...just for talking to Wanda,
by kicking his head in.

That's right. That's right.
He got what was coming to him.

Just like these Ewings
are gonna get theirs.

Hey, I'm with you.

- Are you, Allen?
- Hey!

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

Now, I come here for my justice.

You seem to find this whole thing
very funny.

Hey, man, I didn't mean nothing.

You and me gotta stick together.
See how the Ewings like it...

...when their women are treated
the way they treat ours.

That's right.



Luther Frick, Payton Allen,
my aunt, Pamela Ewing.

Their truck broke down outside,
and they're gonna lend us a hand.

- Pretty nice of them, isn't it?
- Our pleasure, ma'am. Truly, our pleasure.

The storm, which did so much
damage earlier today in Houston...

... is moving rapidly toward Dallas
and the Metroplex area.

Winds in the Waco area...

... are reported to have reached
as high as 130 miles per hour.

- My daddy still here?
- In his office.

- In Temple, where the roof of a bakery
collapsed, k*lling the owner.

Windows have been shattered in many
of the city's homes and businesses.

Driving everywhere
is extremely hazardous.

In Waco, the storm toppled...

Get me the ranch on the phone, Janine.
I think we had better go home.

I live in town, so I'm okay.
But aren't you safer here...

...than driving, I mean?
- I don't know.

Hello? Oh, J.R., just a minute.
Bobby called.

- Hello?
- J.R.? Am I glad to hear you.

- When'd you get home?
- Half-hour ago.

- Everything all right?
- Yeah. Ray and I are gonna...

...shore up the ranch.
- I can be home soon.

No, don't do that.
The roads are impossible.

You'll need help, J.R.
The hands are gone.

A couple of strangers showed up.
Their car broke down and...

Their bad luck is our good luck, I guess.
They're gonna help Ray and me.

- J.R., I can be there.
- Listen, I don't have time to talk now.

You take care, huh? All right?


Now you two guys get in the back.

- Now wait a minute. Where're you going?
- I'm gonna help.

- Allen, come with me.
- I'll get my horse.

Your horse is over there.


Get that black-and-white calf.

Tie them up to the post.

- All set.
- Hang on!

- Swing around.
- Hey!

Come on, now! Yeah! Come on, now.

Yeah! Yeah! Come on, now!
Get on there!

Bring them on around!

Around, now, around!

Ray fell!

Let's get back.

You all right? Easy, easy.

- Stay there.
- I'll find J.R.

- Don't move!
- J.R.? J.R., Ray's hurt!

- Yeah, what's the matter?
- Ray's hurt. He's in the pasture.

Don't move your leg! They're coming.

Get that tailgate down.

All right, easy. Easy, Ray.

Let's get him in the jeep.

- Grab his leg.
- Which leg?

- Which?
- Here. Easy, now.

- All right.
- Take it easy. Get him up.

- All right.
- Okay?

All right.

Get your blanket.

Lucy, get those horses
back to the stable.

I got it. I got it.

- Hang on!
- All set!

It's all right. I'm awake.

- You feeling better?
- A little.

How're you all making out in this wind?

We're holding our own. The others
are still out there, though.

Miss Ellie...

...do you think it's a good idea
to be getting up like that?

Well, I can't think of another way
right now.

Well, maybe I could get you a...

A what?

I'm not as sick as all that, thank you.

Looks like Ray Krebbs got hurt.

Oh, I'd better go see if I can help.

This is Lucy Ewing. Is Dr. Miller there?
It's very important.

Tell him to call as soon as he gets in,

- Let's get him in here.
- Hurry!

Take him in the living room. Right there.

- Is it bad, Ray?
- No.

Okay, boys.

I don't think it's broken.

The doctor's stuck somewhere
in the storm.

They say he'd call
as soon as he gets back.

Luther, you know what
the nicest part of all this is?

- What?
- Those ladies are so pretty.

- It's gonna be a hard choice, ain't it?
- Not for me.

- No?
- Any way we choose is a winner.

Real pretty.

Now, look, boys.
If it's money you want...

...I'll show you where it is. We don't have
much here, but you're welcome to it.

We ain't no thieves.

We don't want your money.

Then what have you come here for?

Take another guess. Anybody?

The three of us?

That could play a part,
but it ain't the answer.

- We ain't no criminals, lady.
- Right.

Get wise, cowboy.

What's the matter, sugarplum?

Thought you were a fun-loving lady.

This is gonna be a lot of fun
if you take it in the right spirit.

We come here...

...for justice.
- Justice? What kind of justice?

The only kind of justice poor,
working men like us can get...

...the kind we get on our own.

All right, you.

Hey, you, countess!

Now, move. Move it!

Come on, move!

Come on, come on!

- Hello.
- Hi, honey. Is everything all right there?

Fine, Bobby.

Good. You get the hatches
battened down?

- Yes. Oh, Ray Krebbs hurt his knee.
- Is it serious?

I don't know. J.R. Thinks it's dislocated.

You coming home?

No. Daddy wants me to stay in town,
what with the storm and all.

That sounds like a good idea.
You have a nice time.


J.R. And I were just about to sit down
to an afternoon of backgammon, anyway.

Backgammon? You and J.R.?

I've gotta go now, honey. Bye-bye.

Yeah. Sure, goodbye.

Since we're stuck in town for the night,
I'll call Punk...

...and tell him dinner's on.
- No, Daddy. I want to go home.

- You said J.R. And Ray were back.
- Well, they are...

...but Pam didn't sound right,
like something was wrong.

She said she was gonna sit down
to a game of backgammon with J.R.

Well, what's wrong with that?
You want them to get along, don't you?

I don't even think she knows
how to play backgammon.

- Let's go home.
- Oh, Bobby, you're acting like an old lady.

Maybe I am, but I want to be sure.

- You coming?
- Yeah, I reckon.

What are you gonna do with us?

We were gonna get up a softball game,
but the weather...

- Look, fellas, if you're here for justice...
- Shut up.

We'll prove it.

This is your wife, right?



Don't touch me.

Now, bravery's gonna get
you dead, Junior.

Hey, you.


- You married?
- No.

That gives us a choice.

Hey, you know, I'm married too, mister.


My wife's name is Wanda.

You know her?

- No, I don't know any Wandas.
- Well, you...

You got a short memory.

I just can't remember anybody
by the name of Wanda.

She says she knows you pretty good.

You know Wanda didn't
come home last night?

Me and her brother here...

...we went looking for her.

And guess where we found her
this morning.

We found her in this old motel room.

Her and her friend, Mary Lou.

- So...?
- So she said she had been kidnapped...

...right off the main street
by two guys last night.

She said they took them up
to this motel room.

They got them drunk.

And then they r*ped them.

Well, what has that got to do with me?

You were kind enough to leave
a business card.


Well, a lot of people
got my business card.

Well, missus, what do you think
of old J.R. Ewing now?


Yeah. Yeah, maybe I'm doing you
a favor, huh?


You like him any better now...

...knowing what a hotshot
lover-boy he is?


Somebody's gotta take care
of the little lady. Looks like you don't.

Oh, yeah!

Come on, now! Fight me! Yes! Yes!
Fight me.

Go get them, Allen! Go get them!

- No! No!
- Fight me! Yes! Come on, fight me!

- I'll k*ll you! Let go of me!
- You like it? I got it! Come on!

You like that?

Thank you, honey. I enjoyed that.

Will somebody please tell me
what's going on down here?

Stay right there, Mama!

Come on, Bobby. Be sensible.
Let's put up at a motel.

- No, I want to go home.
- What's gotten into you?

- You never used to be so damn stubborn.
- I never used to be a lot of things, Daddy.

If you don't give in, I guess I'll have to.
Let's see if we can give them a hand.

All right. Okay.

Sit down.

Get some rope.

- We don't have any.
- Find some!

Tie him up.

Why him, not me? I jumped you too.

Because we need you
in the other room, Junior.

- According to you, I was in Waco too.
- Yeah, but with Mary Lou. She's nobody.

I said, tie him up.

Tighter! Let's go!

You and your friend
better get out of here.

As soon as we get what we came for.

What you came for
is gonna be very costly.

This is Jock Ewing's house...

...his family.

- What do you plan to do?
- Same thing as Junior done to my wife.

All right.

Hey, look here.

Well! So you was once Miss Texas.

You haven't changed that much.

Still a fine-looking woman.

- Ain't she, Luther?
- Oh, yeah.

Say, "Thank you," Miss Texas.

Still got this bathing suit?


But I bet you saved the banner.

Let's go get it.

- I don't know where it is.
- Well, let's go look for it, Miss Texas.

Let's go look for it!

Be right back.

If we don't k*ll you, Junior, missus might.

Payton, you don't believe
that r*pe story, do you?

Why not?

- Because I don't think you're that dumb.
- Look, I don't care one way or the other.

Junior and the cowboy were with Wanda
and Mary Lou last night.

My son and Ray were here last night.

Sorry, Mama. Sugarplum there told me
they just got back from Waco.

Now, that was before I turned
into a bad guy.

Right, honey?

Hell, I know how Wanda
likes to have a good time.

Chances are she picked him up.

But I gotta protect her.

Luther's calling it r*pe
is what saved my sister's life.

- You talk about justice?
- Nope. Frick talks about justice.

I talk about having a good time.

Which I intend to here.

Two-for-two justice.

Junior's missus. And I get to choose.

Ray went with Pam
before she married Bobby.


- Grandma, why should I have to...?
- Lucy, you be still!

- That true, beautiful?
- Yeah.

Did pretty good for yourself.

I think I did.

So you was one of us?

- I still am.
- Well, then...

...you're off the hook.

We didn't come here looking
for one of us.

We come looking for two of them.

Guess you're elected, sugarplum.

Come on, move!

Come on, Miss Texas, get a move on.

And now here's Miss Texas!

Oh, yeah.

What'd you do for
the talent contest, honey?

- What?
- They have talent contests...

...in those beauty shows.

I sang.

Okay, everybody, our former Miss Texas
will now sing.

Sing what you sang then,
only modern it up.




You're gonna give us a show,
Miss Texas.

Or you and I are gonna start
our own show.

Luther never has been the shy type.

Stay right there.

I swear I'll sh**t.

Now one way or another...

...we're gonna do what
we came here to do!

And when we're done, we can leave
a house full of people alive or dead!

If I were you, Junior...

...I wouldn't move a muscle.

Now you start singing, sweetheart...

...because I like to be entertained.

Look at this. Braddock is marked...

...right on the map.
- So what?

- So J.R. Said they were stranded.
- What're you getting at, boy?

Well, it's awful funny they'd be stranded
right where they wanted to be.

J.R.'s card.



The coat!

Come on! I have to give you instructions?

Come on, missus. A little louder.

Look, I told you.

Oh, God...

Payton, you gonna let him take his justice
out on this lady...

...when you told us yourself his Wanda
wasn't r*ped at all?

- You said what?
- I never said nothing like that.

You said she's always looking
for a good time.

Looks like she and J.R.
Had a lot in common.

Maybe your justice should come
from your wife, not J.R.'s.

- God...
- Luther?

We'd better go in the back door.


Come on! We ain't done here.

Yeah, we're done.

We're done, Allen.

What you told her about Wanda...

...it's true, ain't it?
- So what?

Allen, it ain't the same. It ain't the same.

Well, it is for me.
I ain't got what I come for.

- What's going on here, Ray?
- Two dudes with g*ns in the living room.

Leave her alone!


...I'll go with you.

I told you before.

We didn't come for one of our own.

Upstairs, sugarplum.
You let go of her, old woman!



- I don't know.
- Yeah?

Well, I know. Come on!


Oh, Grandma!

Get down there!

Somebody better call the sheriff
before I blast these two slobs.

No, Jock.

We have to let them go.

Let them go?

Somebody tell me
what's going on around here.

Trust me. We can't involve the law.

All right, get up.

Get up!

If you two punks ever show your face
around here again...

...I'll k*ll you!

Now get out of here!

Me and Wanda got
some talking to do, boy.

Now, will somebody tell me
what happened here?

Help me get Lucy to bed.

I'll explain.


You want to tell me about it?

It's a long story, Bobby.

Are you all right?

Oh, I am now.
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