A Wish for Christmas (2016)

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A Wish for Christmas (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

merry Christmas ♪

♪ A magical Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry Christmas ♪

♪ And a Happy New Year ♪

♪ Glad tidings I bring
to you and your kin ♪

♪ Glad tidings for Christmas ♪

♪ And a Happy New Year ♪

[children sing] ♪ We wish you
a merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry Christmas... ♪

Oh, let me get that for you.

Oh, thanks.


♪ ...And a Happy New Year ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry Christmas ♪

♪ And a Happy New Year ♪♪


Excuse me. Oh.

Hi. I--

Sir, could you just--

Could you just
please hold the elevator?

Could you--



Oh! Sara! Hey!

Hey, Molly.

Thanks so much for waiting.

There you go.

Oh! You're a saint.

Hey, were you able

to do a quick pass
on the Miller account?

Uh, I'm so sorry, Molly.
I'm-- I've just been so busy.

Just a quick


Yeah, you know what, I--
I can do it after lunch.

Thank you so much.


Frankly, the way things
are going,

Christmas is turning into
one big, giant headache.

I know.

Christmas isn't all
it's cracked up to be.

I've tried to make it work.

If you don't like it,

then maybe
you should talk to him.

[elevator dings]

I have to go.



is not happening.

I'm sorry.

Uh, ahem, did I hear that
correct, boss?


I got five employees coming in
to work on Christmas,

but if it's not happening...

What? No, no.
That's not what I meant. No.

It's happening.


[gasps] Oh!
Best co-worker ever.

You're welcome, Bryan.

So, are you gonna be
at the party tonight, boss?

Yeah, yeah.
It's my company's party.

Of course. I mean--

No question there.

-What's that?


It's a "Secret Santa"

For the party tonight,

I can't wait for.
I mean...

I just love Christmas.

Especially Christmas parties,
you know.


so... so fun.


That's great.

All right,
I'll see you both there.


Get rid of it.

Oh, come on, boss!

A little mistletoe
never hurt anybody.


I cannot believe

I just rambled on
like that in front of him.

You don't say.

"'Secret Santa' present
for the party.

"Which I can't wait for.
Very excited.

Yup, I love Christmas."

You know
how nervous I get.


I mean, especially around him.

I think
I've said five words to the guy

the whole entire time
I've worked here.

He is so cute.


What? I can't
call our boss handsome?

It's too bad he's so uptight.

I mean, you heard
what he said to Bryan.

He's making Bryan's team
work on Christmas again.

Second year in a row.

That's just awful.

Oh! So the Miller thing?

Any chance you could
get to it sooner?

Uh, tell me again
why I'm working on your project?

Because I respect your opinion.

Think of it as a compliment.

I'll get to it this afternoon.

I just have to
finish my stuff first.

But I promise.

This morning would be better.

By, like, a lot.

Okay. No problem.



My office! Now!

Fingers officially crossed.




my Wilson Taylor file?

My meeting's in an hour.
Where is my layout?

Oh, I emailed it
to you yesterday.

Did you not get it?

I'm not seeing it.

Here's your coffee.


Um... Let's see.

Oh, it's right there.

It was emailed
at : a.m. yesterday.

You must've put it
in the trash by mistake.

Fine. That's all for now.

[stammers, then sighs]

Whoa. Wait.
Wait a second. What's this?

"Wilson Taylor: Christmas ."

This isn't what I asked for.

It's "Christmas ."

It's a new marketing campaign
I've been working on.

Christmas is the most fun
time of year, right?

So it's about keeping
the spirit of Christmas alive

days a year.

You know, the spirit
of family and love,

and remembering
what's most important.

I just thought,

with all of his brands
and companies,

that the Wilson Taylor Group
would be the perfect fit.

What I'm proposing is,

we take
all of his individual websites

and create
this exciting new community,

and combine that

with an innovative
new loyalty program that...

Did I ask for this?

Oh, no, that's right,
I didn't.

I just thought--

You're a junior
web designer, Sara.

You understand that concept,
don't you?

Me, Director of Marketing.

You, Junior Web Designer.

Of course, but if
you would just let me finish--

I mean,
you throw me ideas,

I take-down,
we spitball,

we collaborate,
I send them back to you,

but, at the end of the day,
we know whose ideas they are.

Does that make sense?


Just give me a heads-up
next time you send them over,

and, remember,

let's leave
the big-picture stuff to me.

Of course. Sorry.

You didn't know.


"Leave the big-picture
stuff to me."

He said that?

He actually said that?

He did. And that's not
even the worst of it.

The worst part is,

I just stood there
and I said nothing.

I mean, I can't believe
I let him treat me that way.

You have got to learn

to stand up for yourself,
my friend.

Be more assertive!

Here. Thank you.


You know, I am just
gonna go in there

and I'm gonna put
Dirk in his place,

and I'm gonna tell him

that I'm done
being a doormat.

You most definitely should.

Never mind.

It's not gonna make
a difference, anyway.

Okay, look.

Let's just drop it
for tonight, okay?

It's Christmas,
and we're at a Christmas party!

Best time of the year, right?

You're right. It is.

You know what?
I'll just drop it for now.


And tomorrow, next week--

we can talk about
what a slimeball Dirk is. Deal?


This place is just

That's my girl.



And so it gives me
great pleasure

to welcome the man

who has built this company
into what it is today.

Our founder and CEO,

the one and only...

Peter Williams.


Thank you, everyone,

for making this year
a great one.

It's because of each
and every one of you

that this company has had
the success that it has.

Now, as most of you know,

we have been working
round the clock

developing a pitch
for the Wilson Taylor Group.

And... I'm very excited

to announce
that Dirk has brought me a pitch

that is even making me
a fan of Christmas.

It's an idea

that's dedicated to keeping
the spirit of Christmas alive,

every day of the year.

He calls it "Holidays ."

Dirk, come on up here,
take a bow.



In fact,
I am so excited about this,

I've invited Dirk
to come with me to Seattle,

to bring the idea
to Mr. Wilson Taylor himself.

So thank you, everybody,
and merry Christmas.


Okay, everybody,
enough shop talk!

This is a party!

And it's time now

for our annual "Secret Santa"
gift exchange.

Merry Christmas to you all.



Thank you.

Appreciate it.

I'm-I'm gonna go.

What? No! No, no.
Don't go.

I'm fine. Honest.
Just have fun.


[gasps] Oh!

I'm sorry, Miss.

I didn't mean to startle you...

but you forgot your present,
and I chose it just for you.

Oh! Really?

Thank you so much.

You are most welcome.

And Merry Christmas
to you.

O-Of course. Merry Christmas
to you, as well.


Uh... hmm.


What are you doing?

I am stopping you

from leaving
a perfectly good party,

just to sulk and go home.

No, that's not what I'm doing.

Please, I've known you
since the seventh grade.

I know you
better than you know you.

Did you hear
what Peter just said?

Dirk stole my pitch.

I mean, he took my work

and just passed
it off as his own.

I know.

I mean, the nerve of Dirk!
Who does that?

It's just wrong.

It is wrong.

What can I say

that you don't already know?

Dirk has no integrity.

It's not like
he hasn't done it before.

I just want you to stop,
calm down, take a deep breath.

You can't let him
ruin your day and night.

Having someone
steal your work is awful.

I get it.

I'm sorry it happened.

What do you got there?

Oh, it's, uh,
my gift from "Santa."

Ooh, a Secret Santa!

Well, come on, then,
let's check it.

Who knows, maybe it is
a coupon for a spa day.

Well, after this day...




What is it? Was I right?


"Merry Christmas.

"This coupon entitles you
to one free wish.

"Whatever you wish for,
your heart's deepest desire,

"is about to come true.

"But be forewarned,

it will only come true
for the next hours."


Wow. No Hawaii?

No spa day?

Not even
a lousy mani-pedi?

Yeah, I can barely
contain my excitement.

I think maybe you should
have a little word

with your secret "Santa".

Yeah, I'll get right on that.

Go. Go back to the party.

Oh, come on, you're coming too.
Just for a few minutes.

[gasps] Is that Mark?

Oh! Go.

Go, go, go.


You're right
behind me, right?

I'm not gonna stay,

but I will come back
for an eggnog.

Just one.


Holding you to it.

[footsteps receding]

Not too crazy about
your present, I gather?

Where did you--?
How did you--?

I'm-I'm sorry...
I just--

After the day I've had,

I'm not much into
wishes right now.

You should give it
to someone else.

Oh, ho, ho, ho!

Doesn't work that way,
I'm afraid.

That one's for you,
and you alone.

That's very kind, but really...

So what
would it be?

If you did want
to wish for something,

if you could have
anything at all?

If I wanted
to wish for something?

I'd like to know.


I... If I wanted
to wish for something...

I think I would wish
to have courage, for a change.


Yes, really.

I would wish
that I could be brave.

I wish I could
stand up for myself

and stop letting people treat me
like I'm a pushover.

I wish I was strong enough
to speak up

when I felt I had an opinion
that needed to be heard.

that's a lot of wishes.

Sorry. I mean, you asked.


you don't strike me
as a person who lacks courage.


Don't know what to tell ya,
but I do.


that's a pretty tall order.

You sure you don't want to ask
for something a little simpler?

A million dollars, maybe?

No. [laughs]

No, I think that's what
I really want.

I guess I'll talk to my elves
and see what they can do.

[laughs] Fantastic.

You do that.

Okay, then.

Then I wish you
a Merry Christmas again, Sara.

Uh... you too.

Thank you.




I'm happy
you came back.

One eggnog.
That's it, that's all, okay?

I'm so glad
you didn't bail on me.

Look at him. So smug.


No! Sara!

Sara? What
are you doing?



What's wrong, Sara?

There something
you want to say?

You know what, Dirk?

I actually do have something
I want to say.

It really bothers me

that you treat me
with zero respect.

I have been a creative

and supportive
subordinate to you.

I've given you so many ideas
and made you look so good,

and to see you stand up there

and take my idea
and pretend like it's your own,

that's just not right!

You know that idea wasn't yours!

Now, Sara...
[awkward chuckle]

Let's think
before we speak.

Did you think
that if you called it,

what, "Holidays "
instead of "Christmas ,"

that I wouldn't notice?

Do I need to remind you
who you're speaking to?

You may have fooled
everyone else, Dirk,

but you and I both know
what you did tonight.


I got to say

I am shocked,
Sara, and...

What's going on here?

It's-- It's nothing,
Peter, really.

I-I can handle it.

Hi, Peter.
What's going on here

is I'm done with Dirk
taking my work

and passing it off as his own.

I'm a team player,

and I understand
that part of my job

is giving creative suggestions
to my boss,

but enough is enough!

% of his proposals
are my proposals.

I mean, if it's not
Taylor's "Holidays ",

or the Quincy Proposal,

-Or the Parker thing?
-Or the Parker thing!

[Molly]: And the Hunter's pitch.
Their entire campaign.

[Sara]: Yes! The Hunter's pitch.
That was mine, too!

Thank you, Molly.


I'm sorry for making a scene
at your party, but I just--

I can't work for Dirk

if this is how
I'm going to be treated.

I'm sorry,
I just can't.


[scoffs] Wow.

Peter, I am sorry.

I-I-I will
take care of this.

Sara? Sara!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Are you okay?

I am done with people
treating me like a sucker.

Oh, come on, people don't think
you're a sucker.

They do, Molly.

You do, Molly.


No, I-I don't treat you--

No, I love you,

I really do,
but it's not a "compliment"

to ask me
to do your work.

And it's more than a "favor"

when you ask me to bring coffee
for you

and everyone else in the office
every day.

And just because I say yes,
that doesn't mean that--

I am so sorry.

I don't--
I don't know why I said that.


You're right.

I have been treating you
like that.

[stunned chuckle]

I have been
taking advantage of you.

Sara, I'm so sorry.

Molly, I don't know
what's happening to me.

I just feel so different.

I've never felt this way before.
It's like I...

It's like I'm unstoppable!

It's like I...

[quietly]: No.

No way.
That's not possible.


Did my wish come true?

When you left,

I was talking
to that Santa guy and...

I wished that I could be brave.


I wished that I would have
courage for a change.

I wished that
I would stop letting people

just walk all over me.

And it's like, all of a sudden,
I just feel...

I feel fearless.


It's like if I have something
I feel I need to say,

I'm gonna say it.

I mean, crazy as it sounds...

I think my wish came true.


[Molly]: What are you doing?

After last night,

I'm fairly certain
I don't have a job anymore.

Well, what if
you talked to Peter?

Try explaining it a bit?

Or apologize to Dirk, maybe?

I have nothing
to apologize for.

I just, I don't think

this is the right place
for me anymore.

[quiet gasp]

Are you sure about that?

I am.


Yes, mm-hmm.


You heard the title right.
It's "Christmas ."



Okay, listen.
Thank you so much.

I have got to call you back.

Sara! Sara, Sara.
I'm glad I caught you.

Listen, I have to talk to you.

I really don't think we have
much to talk about.

Well, if you'd
just hear me out, that--

You're leaving?

I am.

I don't think this company's
the right fit for me anymore.

Right, that's why I--

And I am so sorry

if I caused you any grief

by having
that confrontation with Dirk

at the party last night.

No, I understand.

But just for the record,
the pitch was mine,

"Christmas ".

It was my idea.

So good luck with it,

and, uh, Merry Christmas.


Yeah, boss?


Um, boss?


I thought your pitch
was brilliant.

But how did you--?



Listen. I believe you!

I know that
this was your pitch.

Which is why
I am not taking it

to Wilson Taylor
without you.

Which is also why

I have a huge
favor to ask you,

and I know this is completely
last-minute, but...

is there any chance you could
come to Seattle with me?

As in today?

As in, our flight leaves
in two hours?

But I... I mean, last night,
at the party,

I made such a scene.

This is me with my stuff
walking out of the building.

-I know that...

Please don't resign.

But what about Dirk?

Dirk is no longer
with the company.


Okay, so let me
just get this straight.

You just want my help
with this project?

I want your help
with this project,

but I also want you to continue
working for me, Sara.

Wilson Taylor is just the start.

From what I've seen,

you really understand marketing,
not just web design,

and you need to be the one
presenting Christmas .

And after that,
if we're successful,

there is a Director of Marketing

that needs to be filled.

[panting]: Hey, boss.

Can you sign this for--

And just
so we're clear--

this does come
with a pay raise.

Fairly significant.

Okay, well, there, uh,
there would be some visual aids

that I would need.

Whatever you need.

And, I mean,

is in two days--
I have to be back,

so I can be with
my mom and sister.


It's done.

Really? Then okay!
Great! Great. I'm in.

Oh, and one more thing.

You should wear your navy suit.

It's your best look.

It really brings out
your baby-blue eyes.

[gasps] Uh...


Uh, yeah. Okay.
I guess I could do that.

Is that it?

Yeah. That's it.
[chuckles] Yeah, that's it.

Uh, Molly?
Can you bring me to the airport?

'Cause I--I, um,
I'll explain in the car.

Y-Yeah. Sure.

Great! Okay.

My "baby-blue eyes"?

Ah, I don't know.

They're more aquamarine to me.

You weren't asking me
about your eyes.


Could you sign this, boss?

They're kinda sky-blue!


I'm so worried.

What happens when
this thing runs out?

I mean, I'm gonna need
this courage to do this pitch.

Don't worry!

You still have, what?

Uh, hours.

Yeah, and your pitch
is later today.

It's more than enough time.

You got this.

I can do this.

-I can do this.

-Oh... hi!



Thank you

for coming so fast.

I really appreciate this.

We should hurry.

All right, I'll be back
by Christmas.


Maybe you could actually
buy me a gift this year.

Goodness, I can't wait
until after Christmas,

when this whole wish thing
is over.

-Thanks. Bye.



I'm impressed.


Well, I'll take that
as a compliment.

Especially coming from a man
who just yesterday said

"Christmas isn't happening".

I mean, not that
I was eavesdropping,

I really wasn't.

We were in an elevator.

[chuckles] Okay.

Well, you're kind of
misquoting me.

I mean, hearing one side
of a partial conversation

is sort of like reading
into a text message,

it does not
a meaning make.

Fair enough.

You know,
it's kind of funny

that you're so excited

about a pitch
about Christmas,

but you don't even
like Christmas.

I don't like Christmas?

Well, that's why
I hire people like you.

If my employees are excited,
then I'm excited.

I mean, it's basic rules
to a successful business.

And you are wearing
snowman earrings after all.

I feel Christmas
is probably in good hands.


Right now
I want to hear

if there's
any concerns you have.


Wilson Taylor.
What's he like?

Oh, Wilson Taylor is a shark.

The man
is notoriously difficult.

He didn't make his billions
being Mr. Nice Guy.

When we're dealing
with this guy,

we have got to bring
our "A"-game.

"A"-game. Got it.


there is something
that I feel like

I need to share with you,

since we're gonna be
doing this pitch together.

We need this account.

I mean, I assumed that...

Our sales have been flat
the last two quarters.

I don't want to
have to lay people off.

I hate doing that.


Mr. Taylor sends his regrets,

but he's decided
to go with someone else.

He does realize

we flew all the way
from Chicago

just for
this meeting, right?

We apologize
for any inconvenience,

but the decision has
just been made.

Well, can you
at least

tell us who he gave
the account to?

I'm sorry.

I'm not at liberty
to discuss that at this time.

[frustrated sigh]
I think you can realize

how important this is
to us. I mean, we flew--

There's nothing I can do.

Now, if you'll
excuse me.

We're not leaving
until we meet with Mr. Taylor.

I'm sorry?

You either tell us
where he is,

or we'll just go
find him ourselves.

I find it extremely

that he would go
with someone else

without calling
to cancel with us first.

Here we are,
we have a meeting scheduled.

That's just the bottom line.

I'm not sure
what to tell you,

except that Mr. Taylor
is a very busy man.

I can assure you

we have a pitch
we believe

your boss
is not going to want to miss.

It'll be worth his while.

I promise you.

Will you excuse me?


Uh, I'm-I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
It just came out.

I just couldn't--

This is Wilson Taylor.
He is notorious for this.

Yeah. I apologize.

Oh, here she is.

Good news!

Mr. Taylor
has agreed to see you.

But I'm afraid he has already
left for a Christmas getaway.

Do you know
the town of White Ridge?

Yeah, I've heard of it.

He's in the main lodge.
He'll see you at : .

You have been
extremely helpful, Megan.

Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

Is it far away?

It's up at the ski hill.

We can make it,
if we hurry...

but we're gonna need a car.

Let's go.

You believe this guy?

We come
all the way out here,

and he wasn't even
gonna see us?

Now he expects us

to drive out
to a ski lodge?

That's Wilson Taylor,
ladies and gentlemen.

I guess when
you're a kazillionaire,

you figure
you can treat people

any way you please.


What? It's a--
It's a thing.

Really? Is that before
or after a "gazillionaire"?


Well, I don't care
if you are a kazillionaire,

you don't
treat people like this.

Try telling that to him.

We better hurry up.

In order for me
to give you a car,

I need to see your name
on the reservation.

I don't know
what to do for you.

I wanna go home
now, Mom.

I know, sweetie. I know.
Just a few more minutes.

I don't know
what to tell you.

There's nothing
I can do.

It's Christmas.
We're just trying to get home.

I don't see your name
and I don't have any more cars.

Sorry, folks.

You got a ton of cars
in your lot!

It's Christmastime,
the busiest time of the year.

They're all reserved.

I hope you have a reservation.


[dry chuckle]: Oh, ho, ho.

[mother]: I understand
this isn't your problem,

but it's our problem.

We're stuck here
with all of these gifts--


Hi there.

I like your earrings.

Oh, thank you.

My name is Sara.
What's yours?


Amy? Well, it's very nice
to meet you.

Nice to meet you too, Sara.

We're gonna miss Christmas.

Santa won't know
where to find me.

You're gonna miss Christmas?

[Hank]: ...Try to call
our reservation line,

and see
if they can deliver a car.

Something like that, but I c--
I can't handle that right now.

I got my own problems.

Excuse me. "Hank"?

That's the name.

Sara, we really have to--

You do realize
that it's Christmas Eve

tomorrow night, right?


And you see you have
this little girl here?

Wouldn't you like her
to be home for Christmas?

You know, so...
[whispers] Santa can find her?

I have rules to follow, Miss.

I'm sure you do,

but those rules can be bent,
just a little...

just this once.


Please, Mister?


I mean...

I'll go get the keys.


That's the last
car, folks. Sorry.

Okay, let's go.

I'm impressed.

I am too.

We really got to go.

I can't thank you guys
enough, really.

You all set?

Yes, I think we are.


Really, you did not
have to do that for us.

Of course. It's Christmas.

Everyone should be home
for the holidays.

Well, what are
you guys gonna do?

They're all booked up in there.

I am trying to find
us a car right now.

Well, where are you headed?

To White Ridge.

Well, why don't you hop in?

We're headed
right through there.

Oh! No, no. We don't
want to slow you down.

Oh, nonsense. Amy?

What do you think about us
giving these two

nice people a ride?

Sure, Sara! Sit beside me!


I guess that means
you're in the front.


All right!

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh... ♪

Yay! We're here!

♪ ...Jingle bells
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

Merry Christmas.
Both of you.

We are so appreciative.

Uh, Peter, too.

[laughs] So are we.
Merry Christmas to you.

Bye, Sara.


Take care. Thank you.


[car engine starts]

Yeah, I know.

I-I realize that we're late.
Yeah, I explained what happened.

We're literally right outside,
we're, like, a minute away.

Uh-huh. Sure, I'll hold.

canceling on us.


Apparently, Mr. Taylor

doesn't take too kindly
to people being late.

Apologize to them
and tell them we appreciate

the value of Mr. Taylor's time,
but we've come a very long way

and we're not leaving
without having our meeting.

Yeah. I can't--
I can't tell her that.

You-You should tell her that.

-No way.
-Really, you should say it.

Yeah, hi, Megan.

I'm still here.

Please, let me try.

Let me try.

Please? Give me the phone?

Exc-- Okay.
Could you hold on a second?

Megan! Hi!
Hi, yes, it's Sara Thomas.

Listen, we are so sorry
for being late,

and we appreciate the value
of Mr. Taylor's time,

but we've come
a very long way

and we're just not leaving
until we have our meeting.

Yes, I can hold.

Okay, so, she wasn't
wild about that.

So what?

We don't get a Christmas card.
Big deal.


I'm here.


We can-- [stammers]

She hung up.

[sighs] It's okay, right?

You tried.

But she did push our meeting
till tomorrow morning.

You're welcome.




Okay. Thank you.

We're all set.

The rental car's
on its way,

and Cortney said she'll
have us on a flight out

tomorrow afternoon.

I am gonna get you
home for Christmas.

I promise.

Thank you.
I appreciate it.

Thanks for sticking
with me on this.

Of course!

Yeah, I'm just happy
that our pitch is still a go.

Listen, if I was a little pushy
back there, it's--

It's just that...

Recently, I sort of feel like

when I want to speak my mind,
I just feel--

You saved the pitch.


-[both chuckle awkwardly]
-All right, um...

So, your-your mom
and your sister

and you guys, you get
together every Christmas?

Oh, of course!

Yeah, my mom
goes all out.

I mean, getting ready
for Christmas

is half the fun.

You know, you should...

You should try it

I'll consider it.



You coming?

Yes. I'm coming.

All righty.


Aww, this is so beautiful.

[Clerk]: Hello.
I'll be right with you.

[Sara, laughing]

[Peter]: Yeah, it's festive.

Welcome to the White Ridge Inn!

Is that you?

[Peter]: Brant!

How are you, my friend?

Good to see you, Brant!

Good to see you!

Brant, this is
my colleague, Sara.

Hi, Brant.

Hello, colleague Sara.
Pleased to meet you.

So you're home
for the holidays?

No, we're just here
for business, actually.

We got a meeting tomorrow,

and then we head
straight back.


You're not staying
for Christmas?

Aw, come on!

Nobody does Christmas
like your folks!

Ahh, yeah. Look.

The-The town's all booked up,
this close to Christmas.

You wouldn't happen to have
a couple extra rooms, would you?

Yeah, I'm sure we could
figure something out.

Anything for family!

But you're not staying
with your parents?

Not this time.
We really--

We can't stay long, so.

Wait, I'm confused.

Did you grow up
in White Ridge?

Yeah. I didn't--
I didn't mention that?

No, I don't believe you did.




Tell you what,

put your bags down,
let me check on some things,

give me five minutes,
and we'll figure something out.

Thank you so much.

Okay? All right.


All right.

[Brant]: Well, I gotta tell ya,
it is so good to see you.

You too.

[woman]: Peter? Is that you?

Hey! Look who's here.

I can't believe
it's you!

Oh, I'm so happy
to see you.

You too.

Sara, Aunt Lizzie.
She owns the place.

Oh, hi. It's
a pleasure to meet you.

Oh, the pleasure's all mine.

I can't believe you surprised us
for Christmas.

Oh, no, it's just
a business trip.

We can't stay, Lizzie.

Oh. Listen, I'm heading over
to your folks'.

Got a big night

Gonna decorate
some cookies,

and help your folks
pick up a tree.

It's kind of a tradition
in our family.

You are planning
on coming, right?

No, actually, we're not.

But we'll do it another time.


You should come.

You're more than welcome.
Both of you.

Yeah, I don't think so.

Are you sure?
Because I think

it sounds like so much fun.

Why don't we all
just move on, yeah?

That's all
we're asking for, Peter.

It's time to let it go.

That's not what I meant.

Not today.

It's Christmas.

I think we should go.

And you know what?
if you don't want to,

maybe I'll join you.

Assuming that's okay?

Yes! Of course.
You'd be more than welcome.

Great! I love the holidays.
I mean, don't you?

And decorating
cookies is so fun!

We have to work

on a pitch.

Where's your
Christmas spirit?

Work can wait.

Actually, no, it can't.

What if we're back by : ?

And we are
pitching Christmas.

I mean, come on,
think of it as-- it's homework.

: .

We have to be back at : .


Let's go!

[Sara and Lizzie laugh]

All right.
Here we are.

Don't worry,
it'll be okay.


I don't believe it!

Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
Merry Christmas!

Oh, Mom.

It is so good to see you.


Mom, this is Sara.
We work together.

Oh, it's a pleasure
to meet you, Sara!

You as well,
Mrs. Williams.

Oh, please,
call me Barb.

Now come on in.
I've already made the cocoa.

I don't--
I don't think so, Mom.

I think I'm just gonna--

Well, you know, I think
that sounds lovely.

Thank you!

Come on, honey.

[sighs heavily]

Wow, your home is--
this is just beautiful!

Well, my sister knows
how to do Christmas right.

Thank you.

We are very festive.

Is this for me?

Oh! This is delicious.

It's so adorable.

Yeah, Mom's cocoa
is basically famous.



All right,
where are those cookies?

Oh, yes, now have a seat,
take off your coats.

I'll be right back.


I'm gonna sit
right here.

Okay, here we are, folks.

Help yourselves
to what you need.

I mean, you guys really know
how to do Christmas.

Well, get to it, honey.
You love decorating cookies.

You know, it's--
it's been a really long time.

So, yeah, I think
I'm just gonna supervise.

You guys
are doing great.


I mean, for the record,

I haven't done
anything like this

since I was
a little kid, so.

Oh, well, let me ask you,

are you planning on eating
some of these cookies?


Then get to it.

You don't decorate
the cookies,

you don't eat them.


Would you mind if I grabbed
some more hot chocolate?

Oh, no,
of course not.

Let me help you.

No, no, no, no.
You're knee-deep in icing.

I can grab it.

Okay, well, it's in
the pot on the stove

in the kitchen.


[TV playing]

[man]: Honey, is that you?

Oh, sorry.
I'm actually not, um...

Oh. Hello.

You must've come
with my...


I did.

Mr. Williams,
I'm Sara Thomas.

I work with your son.

Sorry to have bothered you.


could you ask my wife
to save me some of her cookies?

There's none better.

Sure, but...

don't you want to join us?

Thanks. I'd prefer
to watch the game.

Well, I must tell you,
you are missing out on the fun.

Family tradition.

Don't you want to see your son?

Young lady,

you're wading into
some pretty deep waters,

and I'd appreciate it

if you kept your nose
out of my family's affairs.


I'm sorry,

I know I should
mind my own business,

but you don't seem
to be a Packers fan,

but I'm not gonna
hold that against you.

Ohh... well,
that's interesting.

Is that a moose on
a toboggan or something?

Kind of looks
like a duck to me.

It's a Christmas tree.

How do you not see that?

[sisters laughing]


Maybe you should go
and talk to your father.

If he wants to talk to me,
he can come in here.

It's been two years, honey.

Two years since
I've been able to have

the family together
during Christmas.

Do you remember what Christmases
used to be like?

Maybe he shouldn't have
picked Christmas Eve dinner

to give me an ultimatum
on my future.

[game playing quietly]

You like football?

Oh, Green Bay.

Born and bred.

[Sara chuckles]

Yeah, my dad taught me
everything he knew.

Some of my happiest memories
are going to the games with him.

Just spending time together,
you know?

Just the two of us.

Well, nothing like

a little parent/child bonding
at a game.

Cheering the good guys on.

Yeah. [laughs]

That's the thing,
though. Um...

My dad's not around anymore.


We lost him six years ago.

Just no warning.

You know,
completely out of the blue.

I'm sorry to hear that.


I know that
we don't know each other,

and this is probably
really out of bounds,

but I just
have to say that,

whatever it is...

whatever it is
between you two,

I... I hope
you can let it go.

So... [sighs]

Tell us about Sara.

What about her?

She seems lovely.


Um, yeah, I mean, she's--

I don't know
that much about her, actually.

I mean-- What?

We work together.

And you know nothing about her?

Well, no, I mean, she's...
she's smart and, um,

she's-she's really, really
great at her job.

And she's attractive.


Yeah, I mean, well, I might...
I might have noticed that,

but I...

we're colleagues.

I am not going to jeopardize
our business relationship

even entertaining this,

so I certainly
don't want her to think

that I'm hitting on her.

Okay, fine, fair enough.

It's Christmas.

Well, I'm sure

Peter's Christmases in Chicago
are good enough these days, so.

He works.

Peter, your son,
he actually...

he's worked every Christmas
for the past couple years.

On-On-On Christmas?


Which is too bad,
'cause he has this...

this really wonderful,
loving family

that he should be with.

It's really nice meeting you.

Enjoy the game.

Oh, and I'll get you
those cookies.

Okay, fine, fair enough.

Just when's the last time
you dated, sweetheart?





Did you go all the way
to the North Pole

for that cocoa?

Was that a joke?

Wait a second,
did I just hear a Christmas joke

out of Peter Williams?

Yeah. Don't get
used to it.


Last call for
Christmas tree pick-up?



[Peter]: Okay!
Well, that one's good.

That's the first one.

[Lizzie]: Here, toss this one
up there, too.

I need it for the Inn.

[Peter]: Oh, okay.

Looks heavy!

Oh, it is!

There we go.

Can you pass me
the rope, Mom?

[grunts] There. Thank you.

Make sure they're on tight,

Oh, yeah. It's gonna be snug
as a bug on Christmas Eve.

Okay, I'm gonna go
pay for the tree, honey.

Oh, wait for me.
I need to pay, too.

Here, throw me the rope.

Oh, no, it's okay.
I can get it from here.

No. Throw it to me.

I was a Girl Scout for
seven consecutive years, so,

throw me the rope.

Okay, you sound a little proud
about that.

You know what?
I am kind of proud of that.

And knots were my favorite,

Here we go.

Uh, that's some
nice work there.

Oh! Ow...

You okay?

Nothing, nothing. It's fine.
It's just a--

Let me take a look at it.

No, no.
It's just a rope sliver.

It's fine.

It's just a rope sliver.
It's not a big deal.

Let me see.
Let me see.

Our top Girl Scout
has got herself

a rope silver,
ladies and gentlemen.

-Don't. [laughs]
-I'm sorry.

Just kidding.

I know, these things
can be the worst.

Especially if it--
Oh, here it is!

Oh. Ow!

I got it.

Did you get it?


You got it.

-Well, thanks.

What can I say?

I was a Boy Scout
for seven consecutive years

and rope-sliver-pulling
was kind of my "thing," so.

[laughs] Well, thank you.

You saved my finger.

Well, if it happens again,
you know where to find me.

I'll be here at least--

well, we're here on this trip,
like tonight, I mean, together.

I know what you mean.



You know, I was--
I was thinking,

that after this,

we should probably
head back to the B-and-B,

and tomorrow's
a pretty big day.

We got a lot riding on it.

We should probably get to work.

I'm ready for this pitch.

I mean, this proposal is...

it's my life,

and keeping the spirit
of Christmas alive

does not involve
going back

and sitting
in a hotel room.

In fact, you know what?

I think you need a little
Christmas- -spirit training.

Oh, yeah?


You're really
that into Christmas?

What's not to be into?

Christmas spawned from

me wanting to decorate earlier
than the department stores do.

How much earlier?

Like before Halloween?

Oh, I would say before Easter,
if it was up to me.


But, the more I started
developing it,

I realized it's not just
about decorations,

it's-it's about feeling.

Feeling what?

What other time of year
is as magical as this?


I mean, people go

out of their way
to help each other.

It's the season of giving.

I mean, why can't we all feel
a little love,

days a year?


[Sara] Only hours left.
This better happen soon.


Aw, are you sure
you can't stay?

We got lots of room.

I know, Mom, but Lizzie's
got two beautiful rooms,

all set up for us
at the Inn.

Oh, make sure
that you take her

on the full tour,
because the downtown

is so beautiful
this time of the year.

[Peter]: Are you sure
you're okay with us walking?

You don't need help?

I mean, you have two trees.

Don't worry
about it.

I'm a professional
Christmas tree-wrangler.

We'll see you
back at the inn.

Ah, I love you, honey.

I just wish you and your father
would find a way--

Mom, don't.

It is what it is

and I would rather not
talk about it.

Just remember,
nobody's perfect, Peter.

Not me, not you,
not your Dad.

If only you knew
how alike you two are.

This stubbornness...



It was lovely
to meet you.

Thank you for
taking care of my son.

You are very welcome.

It was so nice
to meet you.

Best Christmas present ever.


[car engine starts]

Bye, Mom. Love you.

Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm--

I'm good.

Listen, I'm sorry
if I pushed you

to go to your parents' house.

I understand now
that that wasn't easy for you.

You really are something.


So are you gonna give me
a tour of the town, or what?

We've actually seen
most of it, but...

we could walk down
Main Street,

and it'll take us
back to the inn.

All right.

Come on.



Here we go!


Go ahead.


Oh, come on.


You know...

I thought a lot
about what you said,

about the spirit
of Christmas.

And when I was a kid,

I mean,
I just loved it.

I mean,
Christmas was about

wishes that
always came true,

and there's nothing better

than believing in
the magic of it all.

That's the best part.

Right, but then
you get older,

and the lines
begin to blur.

And for me,

that's when
the magic faded.

How so?

Well, my dad

made me choose between him
and what I wanted.

And when I chose
what I wanted...

my wishes...

from my dad's perspective,

the magic died.

I don't understand.

It was when
I dropped out of law school.

My dad had this dream of me
joining him at his firm,

being his partner,
living in this town.

It all sounded nice.

But the only problem was,
that was his dream,

not mine.

And he took it pretty hard.


as you can see.


This pitch is one of
the most important things

to happen to my company
in a really long time.

It's your Christmas wish.

Yeah. Okay.

That's enough
of me talking.

I think it's only fair

that I ask you
about your life.

Oh, sure, ask away.

What would
you like to know?


there's one thing that
I was wondering about.

We've had
a dozen meetings

over a couple years,

and you haven't said
more than five words.

Was that Dirk?

No. No. That's not...

That wasn't Dirk.
I just...

I don't know,

I've always had
a really hard time

speaking up.


You're joking,

No, I'm serious.

I guess I just
was really shy.

Well, it seems like
you got over it.

And I, for one,
am glad you did.

It was actually my dad

who always encouraged me
to speak up for myself.

He passed away
about six years ago.

I'm sorry.

Oh, thank you.

He was my best friend.

I miss him so much,

especially around Christmas.

♪ Hark the herald angels sing ♪

♪ Glory to the newborn King ♪

♪ Peace on Earth
and mercy mild ♪

♪ God and sinners reconciled ♪

♪ Joyful all ye nations rise ♪

[Sara joining in]:
♪ Join the triumph ♪

♪ Of the skies ♪

♪ With angelic hosts
proclaim ♪

♪ "Christ is born
in Bethlehem" ♪

♪ Hark the herald angels sing ♪

♪ Glory to the newborn King ♪♪

That was so beautiful. Wow.

That was great.

Thank you, young lady.
Any special requests?

Um, sure! What's--
What's your favorite carol?

Um, I think
you should pick it.

Oh, come on, everyone
has a favorite song.

What is it?

Okay, uh...
"Joy to the World".

♪ Joy to the world ♪

♪ The Lord is come ♪
-Come on.

[both joining in]:
♪ Let Earth receive her King ♪

♪ Let every heart
Prepare him room ♪

♪ And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing ♪

♪ And heaven, and heaven
And nature sing ♪♪



[Sara and Peter enter, laughing]

Wow! Look at this.
This looks beautiful.

Not as beautiful
as it will look,

once you guys decorate it.

Brant already
hit the hay,

and I'm feeling spent

after helping your parents
with their tree,

so this one is all yours.

Lizzie, I'd love to,

but we got to focus
on the pitch a little bit.

We both
probably should.

It's Christmas!

I'll bring you
a plate of decorated cookies

and my world-famous pumpkin pie.

The best pie
this side of the Rockies.

That is true.

You-You think
she's bossy now?

You should've seen her
when I was a kid.

I heard that!



-Thank you.
-There you are.


Okay! Ready for this?

So are you really
working on Christmas?

I mean, is work
so all-consuming,

that you can't take
one day off?

Well, the wheels of commerce
keep on spinning,

or so they say.

Yeah, but making people
work on Christmas.

It's Christmas!

I mean, people
shouldn't feel like

their jobs
are on the line

if they don't want
to work.

People's jobs
would never be on the line.

But do you
tell them that,

when you ask them
to work?

That's a good point.
I haven't.

But I will. Thank you.


For the record, though,

I do pay them
time and a half.

Oh, time and a half.
You don't say?

Oh, you don't think
that's fair?

Well, now
that you're asking,

I'm gonna tell you--
no, I don't.

I think that you should

be paying them
at least double.

And I also think
you should do something

really nice for them,

like get them presents,

or, uh, or bring them
Christmas dinner,

you know, with holiday crackers,

like the little things
that you crack open,

they have prizes inside?

Oh, and stockings,

everyone should have a stocking
that Santa can fill.

Anything else?

You should write their names
on the stockings.

That'd be a really nice touch.

Okay. Now, how am I
supposed to do that?

I'm sure,

if you wrap your head around it
and think about it a little,

well, you can--
you'll figure something out.

This trip has not been anything
like I expected it to be.

Oh, you're wishing you were
here with Dirk, right?

Is that what you wanted to say?
'Cause you can say it.

Okay. You are

so refreshingly honest.

It is really nice
to spend time with you.

You're so open
and you speak your mind.

I'm really happy

that I got to take
this trip with you

and get to know you.

I had a really good time today.

Me too.


The tree looks great.

I think it's finished, right?

It is, at that.

I should probably

get upstairs
and, you know,

finish my...

well, just review
everything for tomorrow.

Yes. Me too.

You want
a midnight snack?


I just have to say,

I think your
Christmas spirit

has improved tremendously.

Oh, yeah?


And Christmas --
that what it's all about.

You know,
everything that we did today.





♪ I feel the drum
of my heart beating ♪

♪ Will this Christmas dream
come true? ♪

♪ When you think of me ♪

♪ Does you heart beat
the same too-too? ♪

♪ I try to keep it all inside ♪

♪ So you wouldn't see
what you do to me ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ 'Cause my heart keeps calling
calling for you ♪

♪ It keeps falling
falling for you ♪

♪ My heart keeps
calling out for you ♪♪

I only have
five hours left on my wish.

What if our meeting
gets pushed again, Molly?

I know, I'm just worried that
we're cutting it too close.

He said that
I was refreshingly honest,

and that's what he's expecting
me to bring to this pitch.

My time is running out.

Don't worry so much.

You still have five hours.

The meeting
is not gonna get pushed again.

Taylor's not
gonna want to drag this on

until Christmas.

Uh, actually, I have to go.
Wish me luck.

So much luck.



Hi! You all set to go?

Uh, yeah.
Ready if you are.


You okay?

Yes. I'm... Yeah. I...

You sure?

Honest truth?


I'm nervous,
but I'm confident.

I mean, I'm ready.
I know I'm more than ready.

Well, perfect.
Just stay focused on...

I've also never done anything
like this before

and I know we have
a lot riding on it.

And I don't
want to disappoint you.

I don't want
to disappoint myself.


I'm nervous, too.
I mean, who wouldn't be, right?


I don't want to
disappoint you, either.

Just be yourself.

Maybe not quite as bold, but...

[laughing] Great.

We got this.



So, the thing to remember

is don't take anything this guy
says or does personally.

I can't believe

he has us waiting
outside in the snow.

[chuckles] I know.

The stories of
how difficult this guy can be

are legendary.

It's just his way.
Don't let it throw you.

The work that you did
on this pitch,

it speaks for itself.

You've got nothing
to worry about.


So, how about
we get in there,

I do the introductions,
let you get set up?

And then, when
I give you the sign,

go for it.

Okay. So just
wait for the sign,

and go for it.

Oh, one thing, though.
What is the sign?

How about, um...

"Sara, you take it
from here"?

Just "Sara,
you take it from here"?


Okay. Yeah.
I can remember that.

He's ready for you.

[exhales deeply]


Tell her

she's completely authorized
to disburse those funds.

It's in the memo from last week.

She should have it.

I put that in an email blast
a long time ago.

That was our original plan,
but you know that.

You'll get a copy.

Okay, thanks.
I'll get back to you.


let me get this straight.

I already saw a pitch
that I signed off on,

and you two
want to somehow

persuade me
into changing my mind.

That about cover it?

Mr. Taylor,

it's an honor to meet you.

I'm Peter Williams,

and this
is my colleague, S--

No, no, no, no, no!
Why don't you guys

just go ahead
and grab a table?

Have a brief meeting.
I'll be right there.

And order me
a hot toddy, will you?

Make it a double.

Okay, Peter Williams Marketing
of Chicago, Illinois.

You got two minutes. Amaze me.

Okay, well, thank you

for taking the time
to meet with us.

I think what you're gonna find--

Of course I want a window.

Why are you bothering me
with this?

If that's your pitch,
let's just hear it.

Clock's ticking.

Great, um,
I was just waiting

for my computer
to boot up,

But, um, yeah,
I'll just get started.

So when we were
looking at your account,

it didn't take
long to realize--

Did you tell them
that it's me?

We are not waiting
minutes for a table!

You have them seat you
right now,

unless they prefer

I take it up
with Randall Walker,

a close personal friend of mine

who just happens
to own this place.

Let's just cut to the chase,
shall we?

Great, okay, well, it boils down
to a campaign that we call

"Christmas ."

It's about something more
than just shopping.

It's about having
the spirit of Christmas

in your heart
every day of the year.

Now you're talking.


Sit tight, I'm on my way.

May I continue?

This gonna be much longer,


"Sweetheart." That's...



You do know

that we came
all the way from Chicago

just to see you?

We traveled very far
out of our way

to have this meeting,
and the least you could do

is treat us with
a little respect.

Careful, missy.

You're treading
on thin ice here.

Why would you even say that?

It's patently obvious

you have no interest
in anything we have to say.

You know, I think
what we could do

is just take it back
a couple steps and--

Any pitch about
the spirit of Christmas

is clearly wasted on you.

Very well.
This meeting's over.

[scoffing]: Over?

[laughs] That's just...
kind of hilarious,

because you actually never even
let us get started, but...

And you know what?
It's actually too bad,

because someone like you
could really benefit

from a little
Christmas spirit.

But that's okay.

Because we'll just take
"Christmas " somewhere else,

and we'll infuse
their brand with

the spirit of giving
and community year-long,

and you know what?
When their sales skyrocket--

which they will--

because, you know,
"give and you shall receive"--

you'll still
just be sitting here,

talking to your little buddy
on your little thing,

wondering how you could have
possibly treated me like this.

Is there anything
you want to add?

No. That
about covers it.

I mean, can you
believe that guy?

So when you said

you'd never done
anything like this before,

you weren't
exaggerating, were you?

I mean, did I not
just give you

a heads-up in there
with that guy?

I could've sworn
I gave you a heads-up.

I know!
And I-I'm sorry.

It just--
I couldn't stop myself.

But that guy,

we were never
gonna close with him.

I'm sure of it.

We'll never know now,
will we?

He was on his phone
the entire time, Peter.

What does that have
to do anything?

That is what guys like that do,
they multitask.

Okay, but that--

And I told you, this man
is notoriously difficult.

I told you--
do not take it personally.

How was I not supposed
to take that personally?

That guy doesn't even
know who you are.

I doubt that he even
knows your name,

and even if he did,
so what?

He called me "sweetheart."
It was disrespectful.

We needed that account.

I'm aware of that.

The only thing
that mattered here,

the only thing,

was landing that account.

And if that meant

putting up
with Mr. Taylor

acting like a jerk,

then who cares?

I care.

Because I don't want to be
treated like I...

like I'm some sort of idiot,

like I don't matter.

Everyone matters.

He's a client, Sara.

Not your colleague.

Nor does he have to
be our friend.

Okay, um. I'm sorry.
Just let me go in.

-No, no, no, no. Uh-uh.
-I can talk to him.

That is not happening.

Please, I can fix this.

It's over.

Let it go.


They're boarding.

We should probably go.

I'm gonna fly out tomorrow.

But... you're...

you're not going with me?

I'm just gonna stay in town
one more day.

There's a few things
I have to take care of.

Peter, are you trying
to avoid me?


I'm not trying to avoid you.

There's just a few things
I have to take care of.

How many times
can I apologize?

I-I am so sorry.

I truly am.

You are gonna miss your flight.

I promised I would have
you home by Christmas,

and that's tomorrow.

So I make one mistake
and that's...

that's just it?

You're gonna miss your flight.



That's it.

It's over.

My wish is done.



Thank you.

[phone ringing]

What can I do for you, Sara?

Hi. I'm-I'm sorry
to bother you, Cortney,

but I was just hoping

you might have some information
that I need.

You were the one who made

the arrangements
for the Christmas party, right?

Like I do every year.

Okay, I know
this is gonna sound strange,

but I was hoping
that you could give me

the number for the Santa
that you hired.

I beg your pardon?

The Santa Claus.

I-I-I spoke with him
for a couple of minutes,

and I just wanted to follow up
about something.

This is important,
I swear.

I wouldn't ask, if it wasn't.


Well, I wish
I could help you out,

but I'm sorry, Sara--

[Sara]: But what?

Well, I didn't hire a Santa.

I don't know what
you're talking about, actually.

There was no Santa
at the party?

Like I said.

No Santa Claus.



What's the big deal?

Nothing. It's just...


I just, I really liked
the gift that he gave me,

and I was...
I wanted to ask for another one.

I'm sorry, Sara.

I wish I could help you, but...


If you liked it
so much,

why don't you just
give it to yourself?

There's no rule that says
that you can't, you know.

Thank you.


I just need two minutes.

Just two more minutes.


Look, I know
our meeting

got off on
the wrong foot,

but I really believe
that Mr. Taylor

will love what
we have to show him,

if I could just have two
more minutes of his time.

I'm sorry, but no.

Mr. Taylor
will not see you.

Not now. Not ever.

I can't believe
this is happening.

As you might imagine,

Mr. Taylor is not one
for making empty threats.

Look, I know
I was out of bounds,

and I'm-I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have
acted that way.

But you have to admit,

we weren't even
given a fair shot

at making our pitch.

If you wish to call our office
and ask to reschedule,

that's your prerogative.

I can assure you, however,

that a second meeting
will not be happening.

Thank you.



I'm not seeing it, Narissa.

I see page after page
of boiler-plate.

I'm not finding
the actual deal memo anywhere.

Call you back.

What are you doing?

I-I can't go back
to the way I was.

I won't be
that person anymore.

I can't
be that person anymore.

So I'd like
another chance to talk.

Just you and me.






All right, people,
wrap it up!

Our customers are gonna
have to find a way

to get along without us
for the next couple hours.

And we got plenty for everybody.

Boss, is this...

Oh, yeah. You bet.
It's Christmas dinner.

[bag rustling]

You got us gifts?


[laughs] Awesome!

Thank you, everybody, e

for being here with me
on Christmas.

And I just want to remind you,

that those of you
that have family at home,

you are free to leave
any time you want.

Merry Christmas, everybody.

[staff]: Merry Christmas.

I think you're missing
something, though.

You can't have Christmas
dinner without dessert.


What are you
doing here?

Do you think that
we would let you

spend Christmas
by yourself

after what you did?


There's a light out
in your elevator.

[laughing] Come here.


Thank you for coming.


Thank you.

Thank you for coming home
and straightening me out.

I love you, son.

I love you, too, Dad.

Well! Look
at this place.

You done good.

Don't know
about the decor...

Okay, if you two are done,
I think the food's getting cold.

Okay, as of right now,

we are officially
too busy stuffing our faces

to do anything that even
resembles actual work.

And did I tell you guys?
I'm paying you double today.

And I'm gonna top it off with
my world-famous pumpkin pie.

In which case,
you're all in for a big treat.

It's the best
pumpkin pie

west of
the Rockies, right?

Or so I've been told.

Really looks like you found
your Christmas spirit.

Can you stay?

You're more than

Even though you are
a Packers girl.


Thank you,
but I actually can't stay.

I just... I just wanted
to give you this.

And wish you Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas,
you guys.




you closed
the Wilson Taylor account?

Wow. I mean, I'm impressed.

I'm not sure
I want it, but...

I'm impressed.

Of course you want it.

You need it.
And jobs are depending on it.

And he's just a client.

He doesn't have to be
your friend.

And surprisingly, you might
actually come to like him.

You just have to kind of
tell him who's boss first.

I, uh, I should let you get back
upstairs to your celebration.


You really are something.

You know that?

You've said that before,

but I'm... I'm not sure
if it's a good thing or not.

I can assure you,
it's a good thing.

Well, I, um...

I should go.

Get back to my mom and sister,
they're waiting.

What if I told you

I wanted you to stay?

Even if it's just
for a little while?

I would tell you
I'd like that.

I'd like that very much.

But I have to be back by : .

: ?

Don't push your luck.

[both chuckling]



[Peter and Sara laughing]

I can't imagine!



Is everything okay?



It's perfect.



Come on.

[Sara laughs]


♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh... ♪♪
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