02x03 - Old Acquaintance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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02x03 - Old Acquaintance

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, that was a
nice brotherly kiss.

Surprised to see me?

Oh, yes, I'm very surprised.

I'm in trouble.

Well, sweetheart,

You have never been
a stranger to that.

Who's jenna wade?

I got the feeling this morning

She's a delicate
subject around me.

She and her daddy
were friends of ours.

And bobby and she were
particularly good friends?

Well, for a while there,

We all thought they
were going to get married.

Pamela: I want to
know where I stand.

Pamela, why don't you
just cut a deck of cards

And roll the dice for me?

The child!

Is bobby the father
of your child?

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.

Mmm. It's delicious.

What took you so long?

Well, you know I
always get hungry.

You want some?


All I want is you.


You're beautiful, jenna.


I swear I've never known
anyone as beautiful as you.

[Door opens]

Aw, the love scene.

I'm just in time then.


Good. You remembered my name.

Maybe you'll also
remember I'm your wife.

What are you doing here?

Your appointment to
the department of energy.

I thought you'd like
to know right away.

You're expected for a meeting
in washington tomorrow.

What do you want?

To know what you want, maynard.

Your appointment...
Or your lady friend?

"Anderson appointed
to energy post.

"In an interview
anderson said he hopes

"His imminent knowledge
of the oil industry

"Will contribute
to the development

"Of a common sense plan

"For the conservation
of present oil reserves

And development
of new resources."

Well, now.

That's the kind of a
man we need on that job,

Somebody with a little
common sense for a change.

Maynard's on our
side all the way.

You can count on that.

You can count on
him doing what's best

For maynard anderson,
that's what you can count on.

We've been doing
business together

For a long time, bobby.

He'll stick behind us.

Maybe he'll hire jenna
wade to be his secretary.

Nobody likes a
smart aleck, lucy.

Who's jenna wade?

She's remarkable that jenna,

The way she bounces
from man to...

Lucy, aren't you
late for school?

Oh, no. I got plenty of time.

Jock: not according to my watch,

You haven't, sweetheart.

Come on, let's go.

Well, somebody fill me in now.

Who's jenna wade?

Come on, j.r.,
We're getting late.

Are you gonna
head to the office?

Yeah, all right.




Maynard, congratulations.

Yes, he is.


Yes, ma'am?


Well, speak of the devil.

J.r., I need your help.

Why, sure, maynard, anything.

It's about jenna.

Of course.

Melissa is threatening
to wreck the appointment,

And I need a real favor.

Anything you want, boy.

Keep jenna away from me.

Ok. Give me a number.



Don't give it another thought.


Now, honey, I just
don't have the time

To talk right now.

No, jenna. Really,

Bobby would be more
than happy to see ya.

I'm not fooling.

I got a meeting upstairs,

So why don't we
meet at the office

In about, say, an hour?

All right. Good, good.

See ya then.


Yeah, I was talking to
those drilling rig people.

They took the drill
down to san angelo

Instead of austin.

I tell you, you just
can't trust anybody

To do anything right
anymore. Let's go.

Now, you got the notes
and all of that stuff?

All right, all right.

More coffee, miss ellie?

No, just put the pot there.

Good morning.

Want some coffee, pam?

Ooh, thank you.

No, I don't want to be late

For my big date with bobby.

Ranch life takes a little
getting used to, doesn't it?

It sure does.

You know, after
you have breakfast,

There's not a whole lot to do.

I'm beginning to
understand why sue ellen

Keeps so busy
with her luncheons.

[Jock clears throat]

Miss ellie... Who's jenna wade?

I got the feeling this morning

She's a delicate
subject around me.

She and her daddy
were friends of ours

Quite a few years ago.

And bobby and she were
particularly good friends?

Well, for a while there,

We all thought they
were going to get married.


Well, hell, nothing
came of it, ellie.

Like ellie said, it was
quite a while back.

Right. A while back.

Why, I've got
better things to do

Than worry about
old girlfriends.



Jock, you never were
one for subtlety.

Well, I never did see

Anything wrong with bobby

Marrying jenna wade anyway.

[Car starts]

Well, pam is a lovely girl.

Well, sure she is,
but at least jenna's

Not digger barnes' daughter.


Well, I guess I can be
thankful for something, j.r.


That you didn't have
me emptying ashtrays

And fetching coffee for you.

Well, what's that
supposed to mean?

It means, j.r., That I'm a
member of ewing oil, too,

And I was also supposed to be

A member of that negotiation...

Oh, bobby, ferguson's
a banker, you know.

Come on, j.r., He's
younger than I am.

Now, what's wrong with
him negotiating with me?

Well, fine. Ok, next
time you'll just drive

The interest rate up

Another quarter of a point.

Jenna: bobby?


Now, who can that be?

Jenna: bobby!

I'll take your briefcase
upstairs for ya.


Hi. Can I get a kiss?

Well, that was a
nice brotherly kiss.

You surprised to see me?

Oh, yes, I'm very surprised.

I'm in trouble.

Well, sweetheart,

You have never been
a stranger to that.

Bobby, don't be mean.
I need your advice.


Scoot over.

[Engine starts]

[Tires screech]

He kicks you out, and
you come to me to help?


Why did you ever get involved
with maynard anderson

In the first place?

It was real easy.

He was there.


My, my.

Marriage certainly
has changed you.

The bobby ewing
I used to know...

Has nothing to do with what
we're talking about right now.

Have you forgotten
who introduced me

To the good life,
to the dizzy pace?

And offered you
an alternative to it.

That's wonderful.

Here you are, little girl,

private jets to paris,

Yachts in rio,

And just when you've
learned to love it all,

Let me take you away from it.

I never meant to
take you away from it.

I see.

Tell me, the
present mrs. Ewing...

Does she share that
dizzy life with you

Or is she safely tucked away

With all the other
ewing possessions

Out on southfork ranch?


I was so young.

I was having the
time of my life,

And then when daddy died

And I found out
that that vast estate

Was really just
a vast collection

Of unpaid bills and judgments...

You did all right
with what you had.

I couldn't come back to you,

Not after running
off with naldo,

And then there was
charlie to think about.

I couldn't let her suffer

Because daddy had been wild,

Because I'd been wild...

So when maynard came along...

He was just what I needed.

He was good to
charlie... And to me.

So good, in fact, that you
have $200 in your pocket

And no place to live.

You could've come to me,

The way I felt about you.

I'm coming to you now.

What about the condominium?
That must be worth something.


It was paid for with
corporate funds.

His wife says she'll
sabotage the appointment

If I don't give it back.

Why do you care about that now?

He was good to me.

Find a place to live.

I'll pay for it until you
can take care of it yourself.

Thank you.

And find a job, jenna.

Figure out what you
want to do and I'll help.

It's probably for
the best anyway.

It's about time

I learned to stand
on my own 2 feet.

I'll do good, bobby.

I promise I will.


Good morning, ewing oil.


Yes, can you hold just
a moment? Thank you.

Good morning, ewing oil.

Oh, say, bobby,

When you're finished
with that deposition,

I'd like to talk to you
a minute in the office.

I just finished it.

Now, I've been looking over

This oil depletion
allowance bill

Coming up in the senate
in the fall, and, uh...


We got a couple of
old boys down there

We got to contact.

Charlie baker?

Yeah. Hello?

Ok. Put her on.

Jenna wade.

Yeah. Jenna.

Bobby, I found a place
that'll do just fine.

It's in charlie's
school district.

Um... What do I have to do?

Just sign the lease?


Well, can you meet me
over there right away?

The landlady's
breathing down my neck.

Give me the address.

7224 West houston.

J.r., This shouldn't
take too long.

Oh, take all the
time you want, bob,

We can get at it another day.

I'll be right there.



[Door closes]

[Engine starts]

[Horn honks]

Good morning. Ewing oil.

Yes, I'll connect you.

Good morning, mrs. Ewing.

Is bobby busy?

He just left.

Was he expecting you?

I guess I'm a little early.

Pam, how ya doing?
Bobby just left.

Come on in the office.

I want to talk to you a minute.

Nice little plant,
isn't it? Hmm?

I raised this thing

Since it was just
about that big.

They say it's going to
be a palm 60 feet high.

Well, at least
that's what they say.

That's nice.


Do you happen to
know where bobby went?

Yeah. He ran off to sign
some papers for jenna wade,

Something about an apartment.

Well, that's a name

I seem to be hearing
a lot of suddenly.

Yeah. Well, I wouldn't...

I wouldn't read
much into all of that.

All what?

Well, the thing
between jenna and bobby,

It's been over some years now.

J.r... Are you trying
to comfort me?

You mean, he didn't
tell you about her?

No, bobby didn't
tell me, but it seems

The rest of the
ewings can't wait.

Well, I was just trying
to help, you know.

I'm sure you are.

Uh... If I can give him a
message when I see him...

I can handle that.

Thank you.

Well, I was just
trying to help. I...

J.r.: Dinner ready? I'm hungry.

Bobby not home?
Well, that's funny.

I'm sure he'd understand
if we started without him.

Well, we don't
mind waiting, pamela.

What the devil's keeping him?

Jenna wade, I suspect.

Miss ellie: j.r.

Well, she called
him from the office.

I think that her little affair

With old maynard anderson's

Pretty well over, I suspect.

Kinda hard to keep a
mistress and hold public office

At the same time nowadays.

I've never known jenna to
show up and not cause trouble.

She broke her father's heart

When she had that
child, didn't she?

He lost interest in the business

And was ruined.

Well, lucas wade never
was any good at business.

Took his daddy's money
and just threw it away.

Jenna had nothing to do with it.

[Telephone rings]

I'll get it.



Just a minute.

It's bobby.


I know, bobby. I
went to the office.

I think you should
probably come home

So we can talk about it.

All right. Good-bye.

Bobby's been delayed.


Why don't we have dinner?

You are a very sound sleeper.

You hardly even woke up
when I came in last night.

I'm usually asleep
after midnight.

Oh, honey, I know it was late,

But she's an old friend.

What did your old friend
want that took so long?

If you would've
asked me last night,

I would've told ya.

If I'd asked you last night,

I might've said some
things I should've have.

Why don't you tell
me about it now?

Honey, she needed
help moving some things,

And so I helped.


That's very nice of you, bobby.

I told you, we've been
friends since we were kids.

I used to be in love with her.

Used to be?

[Telephone rings]


Yes, he is. Who's calling?

Just a minute.

It's for you.


No, jenna, it's
fine, it's all right.


Ok, fine. See ya then.

What now, a spider in her tub?

Anderson wants her
to get out of town.

Hey, let's hear it for anderson.

Honey... Dallas is her home.

The few friends
she has are here.

There's no reason she
should have to leave

If she doesn't want to.

Are you going over there, bobby?

I told her I'd meet her at noon.

Why don't you come with me?

Why don't i?

[Yelling, laughter]

I'm sorry to drag
you way over here.

It's my day as class mother.

It's ok. I'm sorry.

Jenna wade, my wife pamela.

Hello, jenna. Bobby's
told me so much.

I wanted to meet you.

Well, I've been
curious about you, too.

Now, what's all this
about anderson?

I thought it was all settled.

Well, don't ask me how,

But his wife found
out where I moved.

She doesn't like it.

I'm too visible to her

And too big a temptation to him.

Bobby, I don't want
to leave dallas.

This is home for charlie and me.

Charlie's my little girl.

Besides, bobby said he'd
help me get work here.

Mama, will you hold jewel?

Honey, why don't you
say hello to bobby

And to mrs. Ewing?

Hello, charlie.

Charlie: hi.

What a pretty
doll. May I see it?


Thank you.

Hi, charlie. Hi.

How ya doing? Fine.

Ok. We'll see you later, ok?

Bye. Bye!

She's happy here.

What do you think
will happen if I stay?


Are you kidding?

Melissa anderson lives
and breathes revenge,

And she's a powerful lady.

What more can she do to you?

She could slam a lot
of doors in my face.

Any door she closes,
I'll open up again.

You mean it? I can count on you?

I told you you could.

[Bell rings]

Oh, that's the bell. I gotta go.


I'm grateful... To both of you.



Nice to meet you.

Nice meeting you, jenna.

Ok. Come on. Time to go in.

It must be hot out
there. You're sweating.

It's hot, all right,

And I don't mean the
temperature outside.

Oh, come on now.

I never let you
down yet, have it?

Well, this would be
the wrong time to start.


Man: mr. Ewing.

Thank you.

Come on, have a drink,

Or have you given that up, too?

All right. I'll have the usual.

Very good, mr. Anderson.

We'll order later.



I thought you were going
to do something about jenna.

Listen, when daddy gets here,

I don't want any
discussion of jenna

In front of him, all right?

You know, I don't
mind telling you

That melissa is
really on my back.

She wants jenna long gone
from the state of texas.

She says it's an embarrassment
to have her still here.

Well, it's already in the works.

Bobby and jenna are
getting along just fine.

As a matter of fact,

He didn't come in until
near dawn this morning.

I thought that'd please you.

Thank you.

Thank you, darlin'.

You know, i... I
really love jenna.

Oh, now, that's it, isn't it?

It's not your wife.

It's bobby and jenna.

He's a young, good-looking stud

With a beautiful wife.

He's got more than his share.

Maynard, you're sounding like

A love-sick school boy.

You really gonna put your career

On the line for that girl?

J.r., It would've
been a lot better

If you'd have got
her out of town.

Maynard, let me do the thinking.

It's always worked
out best for both of us.

There's jock.



Mr. Ewing.


Well, it looks like you boys

Are plannin' on
drinkin' your lunch.

Of course, I can understand

Maynard wanting to tie one on.

I hear, uh...

Melissa caught you in
the kip with jenna wade.

Yeah, well... That's, uh...

That, sir, is not
the way it happened.

I bet by now she's really

Got you on the end of a string.

A bit.

Well, I wanna
tell you, in my day,

We handled our women
a little bit different.

Where in the hell's the waiter?

I need a drink.

Darlin', a double
bourbon, please.

Thank you.

Mama, I've looked
for jewel all over.

Well, honey, she'll turn up.

Everything's in such
a mess right now,

But we'll find her.
Why don't you go on

Back in your room and play

And we'll look
for her later, ok?

Ok. Ok.

[Doorbell rings]

Well, hello, jenna.


Mind if I come in?

Well, the place is a mess.

Well, that's all right. I
know you're just moving in.


Yes, this is nice.

Very nice. Bobby
set you up with this?


Mind if I have a drink?

There's no ice.

Oh, that's all right,
that's all right.

I'll survive.

Yeah, nice place.

Well, bobby was
never one to be known

As being cheap, you know.

As soon as I get work,
I'll pay for it myself.

Oh, come on, jenna.

You were never cut out for work.

You know, I always
thought it was a shame

You and bobby never got married.

It would've been nice
having you within reach.

Bobby and I were
over a long time ago.

You know what...

I don't think he
ever got over you.

He seems happy enough to me.

Oh, yeah, pam's a fine woman,

But he is a ewing,

And he likes to work
hard and play hard,

And she has a little bit

Of her brother in her,

You know, that reform mentality,

And I don't think bobby

Wants to be reformed yet.

J.r., I don't buy that.
I get the feeling

You're trying to use
me to break them up.

Well, if we both profit,
so much the better.

And you do hold the high card.

I'm surprised you
haven't played it yet.

What are you talking about?

You have bobby's child.

He'd never turn
his back on that.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Yes. Is bobby ewing in, please?

She's a little upset.

She lost her
favorite doll today.

I guess we're
both a little upset.

I'm sorry about this...
The way I keep calling you.

Just tell me what's wrong.

I've been thinking...

Maybe I should leave
dallas after all.

Is anderson still bothering you?

No, it's not maynard.

What is it?

It's you.

Please, jenna, don't
start that now.

Seeing you again...

Watching the way
you look at charlie.

I don't know. I just
started to realize

That maybe I haven't
been very fair to her.

I asked you once,
a long time ago,

If she were mine.

Look, let's not
get into that, ok?

That's exactly what
you're getting into, isn't it?

Maybe, I don't know.

You never gave me
a straight answer.

You didn't seem too
anxious to know at the time.

Well, I'm asking you now.

Do you still love me?

I'm married, jenna.
I love my wife.

That's not what I asked.

I loved you once... Very much.

I wanted to marry you. I asked.

You ran off with somebody else.

It was complicated.

Not to me. It was a question

Of being in love or not in love.

Bobby, I did love you,

But I'd known you all my life.

At the time, I thought
I wanted excitement

More than love and... I just...

Thought you would always
be there when I was ready.

Well, this is one
of a hell of a time

To bring it up.

Well, what would be a good time?


Next week?


Forget it. You're right.

You're right. I'm sorry.


How ya doing?

Been better.

I think we ought
to talk about it.

Honey, I don't know what to say.

Why don't you tell me
what's bothering you?

I don't like being
alone in our bed, bobby.

And lately, I have been,
even when you're there.

Well, you've never

Complained about
it before, have you?

I've never had any
reason to, now, have i?

Honey... There's
more to it than that.

I know.

That's what worries me.

Ever since charlie
and jenna showed up,

Our lives haven't been the same.

Why does everything
have to come down

To charlie and jenna?

Because we have a problem,

And I think they're it.

We'll work it out.


Bobby... What are
you doing here?

I seem to have driven off
with charlie's doll yesterday.

Oh, good.

She'll be so glad
to get it back.

See you, ok?

Are you heading downtown?

Yes I am, why?

Well, my car's
in the shop. Um...

I promised charlie

I'd buy her some
new things today.

I put her in a
dress this morning

And couldn't even
get it buttoned.

I'd appreciate a ride.

Sure. Come on. You
got enough money?


Sure you do. Come on.

Oh, wait a minute.
I'll get the door.

I should be back by 5:00.

So much for our third party.

I don't know where he is.

I called the office,

And they said they haven't
seen him all morning.

He's out stealing from
widows and orphans.

Don't be silly.

That's on mondays.

Oh. It's all right,
because it was you

I wanted to talk to, anyway.

Well, I'd like you and
bobby to be friends.

Oh, all right.
What's the big news?

I'm going to run
for the state senate.

You're what?

Glen cochran died.

That's probably the
first decent thing

He's ever done
for the taxpayers.

And that leaves

The race for his seat wide open.

Oh! That's so...
That's wonderful!

So soon! Yeah.

I'm not ready to announce it,

Because I've got to have
an organization and money.

Well, you've got enough
charm to raise anything.

The ewings will
probably back slade,

So that's trouble.

Yeah. You can count on trouble.

I'm going to need your help.

You can count on that, too.

It'd be good for you.

Get you away from
that ranch all the time.

Excuse me.

I've got lots of
calls to make...

Lots of calls.

Ok? Ok.

Going to need you.

Thank you.

I'm proud of you!

Sorry to miss you at lunch.

Hi. I'm cliff barnes.

I'm sorry. Jenna
wade, cliff barnes.

Bobby's brother-in-law.

Oh, yes.

Pam's brother.

Can I help you with
your packages?

No, thank you.
They're not heavy.

How's digger?

He's horizontal, as usual.

That's pam's and my father.

He's a drunk.

Had a little run-in
with the ewings.

My, you're a pretty
lady, miss wade.

If you ever need
an honest attorney,

I'm in the book.

Bobby, you're getting

More like j.r. Every day.

Have a good day.

Let's go.


I'm sorry about lunch, pamela.

Have a good day?

Not bad.

Would you like to tell
me how you spent it?

Do you want it minute
by minute, hour by hour,

Or just big, broad strokes?

How about second by second?

You haven't made it for dinner

Most of this week.

When I went by
your office today,

They didn't even
know where you were.

Charlie needed some things.

I bet she did.

This can't go on, bobby.

There is nothing
going on, pamela,

And I'm getting tired
of explaining that.

What you're explaining
and what I'm seeing

Are 2 different things.

You know, I can't even
talk to you anymore.

You're so twisted up
with some kind of jealousy.

That's not true! You
know that's not true!

Bobby, if it's the child...

If she is your child,

We can work something
out. Other people do.

I wouldn't ask you
to run out on her.

Just what are you asking?

That you not spend
every day with jenna.

That you come home to me

At the end of each day
because you want to.

God, bobby, I need you.

But if you can't
stay away from her,

Stay away from me.

Is that the way you want it?


Where's bobby?

I don't know.

He's probably with jenna.

You're taking it well.

You think so?

Doesn't show, then.

It's awful watching

Somebody you love slide away.

Bobby's known jenna a lot longer

And a lot of different ways,

But I could handle jenna.

It's the little girl
that worries me.

The child could tip it.

There, I may be
outmatched, miss ellie.

If you take that
attitude, you are.

Jenna was never stoical
about anything in her life.

When she goes down,

She goes down
kicking and screaming.

I don't think kicking and
screaming would help.

I knew a woman once...

Her man couldn't decide

Whether or not
to do right by her.

So, she took a
horse whip to him.

Helped him make
up his mind fast.

I don't think

A horse whip would
work with bobby.

I don't see why not.

Worked on his daddy all right.

Miss ellie... [Chuckles]

Of course, I really
wanted his daddy.

I really want bobby.

Then go get him.


[Doorbell rings]

[Ding dong]

What're you doing here?

Seems to be my night for
nobody wanting me around.

You buy me a drink?


Thank you.

You? No, thanks.

Thank you.

You want to tell
me about it now?

We have some
unfinished business.

Couldn't wait until morning?

Why? Are you expecting somebody?

No, damn it, I just want
to get my hair dried.

I forgot how vain you are.

And I forgot how
jealous you are.

You gave me just cause.

Only once.

Once was enough.

We were just kids then.

Yes, that's right. We
were just kids then,

And that makes
all the difference.

Now I have pamela.

And I have charlie.

Do I have charlie, too?

I was enough for you once.

Yes, you were... Once.

Let me go dry my hair, ok?

Evening, daddy.

Hello, junior.

Seems you been

Mighty pleased
with yourself lately.

Yes, sir. Things're
going real well.

I talked to anderson
about that pipeline deal.

He's looking after
the ewing interest.

Business interest
or family interest?

I don't separate it.

That little ruckus

Between your
brother and his wife...

Sounds like you might've

Had something to do with that.

No, sir. Not me.

Rumor has it that pam's brother

Is going to run for the senate.

Well, we'll take care of
that when the time comes.

Meanwhile, you leave
bobby and pam alone,

You hear?

Daddy, you been
fighting bobby's battles

All his life.

When are you going
to let him grow up?

If his marriage is no good,

I don't see any sense in
you wasting your time

Trying to save it.

Night, sir.

Night, junior.

Well... I was afraid
you might've left.

Without saying good-bye? No.

You want to buy me a drink?

Sure. Come on.

Straight bourbon?

[Doorbell rings]

I hope my timing's good.

Perfect. Come on in.

Pamela, you shouldn't
have come here.

Oh. Where should I be?

Sitting at home waiting for you?

You two obviously want to talk.

I'd offer to leave,
but it is my apartment.

Is it?

Yes, pamela, it is.

All right, well, let's find out

What else around here is hers.

Look, I've got a little
girl asleep in there.

Jenna, I have no intention
of making a scene. Do you?


Well, then, let's talk.

I want to know where I stand,

Where you stand,
where we all stand,

And I want to know tonight.

Well, tonight's just as
good a time as any, I suppose.

All right. I love
bobby, and I want him.

What do you want? Bobby.

Bobby? Or a husband and
a father for your child?

Some security.

With bobby, I get them all.

I prefer you got it
with somebody else.

Pamela, why don't you
just cut a deck of cards

And roll the dice for me?

Come on, bobby, let's
get down to basics.

The child... Is bobby the
father of your child?

Because if he is, he'll
do something about it.

But it doesn't mean

He's going to leave me for you.

Come on, jenna, surely you know!

Is bobby the father?

I never said he was!

Is he?


That makes things
a little more simple.

Then it's between you and me.

Only you can answer that, bobby.

Charlie: mommy, mommy!


Come here, come here.

It's all right.

It's been a rough
few days for her.

Why didn't you lie?

I can't.

Never could. Even j.r.
Should've known that.

J.r.? What about j.r.?

Oh, he called.

Said he knew bobby'd
want to see me,

Want to help out.

And in a way, he was right.

The lease to the apartment
signed over to my name,

And a check for a year's rent.

A good-bye present from bobby.

I hope you don't mind.

Well, I do, but
that's my problem.

Are you waiting for me?

Or to go back inside?

What do you think?

I only did what I did

Because I love you, bobby.

I don't want to lose you.

You wouldn't have
lost me, pamela.

I made up my mind
before you ever came in.

I didn't know that then.

Well, you know it now.

I saw the check and the lease.

I love you more than anything,

And nothing can change that.

Oh, I needed to
hear that so much.

Then let's go home.
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