03x02 - Whatever Happened to Baby John?: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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03x02 - Whatever Happened to Baby John?: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: here are some scenes

From the first part
of tonight's story.

J.r.: Better get dressed,
honey. Time to go home.


Yeah. No sense
worrying about the baby.

The doctor says
he's gonna be fine.

Be home in a few days.

I'm not worried about anything.

I know everything's
gonna be just fine.

Hey, sue ellen! Welcome home!

The boys are real
happy to have you back.

Why don't you give them a little

Wave or smile or something, huh?

Pam: I know how you feel, cliff,

But there's not just you
to consider, or the baby.

There's sue ellen.
She's an emotional mess.

It's like she's
walking a tightrope,

And any disturbance,
the slightest distraction,

And she's gonna fall off.

I want 'em. I want both of 'em.

I would never use what
you told me about cliff

And the baby to hurt you.

I don't know what you're
talking about, bobby.

Uh, were you planning

To go into dallas today?

Of course. I'll go change,

And we can leave.

What is it, sue ellen?
Are you all right?

Yes. I'm... I'm just
a little dizzy.

I think I'll go upstairs
and rest for a while.

Why don't you
two go into dallas?

You know, grandma, I
don't think sue ellen

Wants to see the baby.

Of course she does.

Well, you boys are just in

A peck of trouble, aren't you?

You owe us, j.r.!
You owe us plenty!

I wouldn't give you a nickel.

Now, come on, just show me

How dumb you really are.

You touch a hair on my head,

I'll have you back in
prison before nightfall.

We're gonna see to it

You're really
sorry for this, j.r.

The only think I'm ever
gonna be sorry for...

Is it wasn't you who fell
off that roof instead of julie.

I told you to stay away

From sue ellen and the baby.

How do you intend to stop it?

That child in there is mine.

You really don't care

How many lives you
destroy, do you?

As long as you
get what you want.

How many ewing lives? No.

I'm warning you, cliff.

Sue ellen can't
take any pressure.

Not now. She's not well enough.

You try and force her to choose

Between you and j.r. And you're

Gonna be driving her
back to that sanitarium.

I'm gonna have them both:

Sue ellen and the baby.

I'll get 'em... Any
way I have to.

You tell him that
if he comes near,

Comes near sue
ellen and that baby,

I'm gonna take him apart.

Tell him j.r. And I will make

A scandal so big,
it'll ruin him forever.

If the ewing name
goes through the mud,

Cliff barnes goes
right along with it.

I am not willing

To put up with one
of your scenes, j.r.

All I care about is
that you start acting

Like a wife and a mother.

I am doing the best I can!

Well, it's just not good enough.

You've got my
mother and my father...

As a matter of fact,
everybody in this household...

Wondering what is wrong,
why you seem incapable of

Displaying any kind of
normal maternal feelings.

Don't you have any
sense of what's proper?

That is real good
coming from you, j.r.

Here, pick out
something real nice,

And we'll go to dallas.

Now, are you gonna get dressed,

Or am I gonna have
to do it for you?

Would you come with me, please?

Who are you?

Lieutenant simpson,
dallas police.

Well, now, what's going
on here, lieutenant?

I'm sorry to have to be

The one to tell
you this, sir, ma'am.

Your baby's been kidnapped.

And about how long
ago did you discover

The baby was gone?

Uh, it was about, I would say,

Anywhere from to minutes.

And who did you
talk to after that?

We contacted the
dallas police department

And also the fbi.

Have the ewings been contacted?

They are in the ward right now.

Simpson: is there anything
you can tell us, mrs. Ewing?

Anything that might help?

Well, I haven't been well.

I haven't even seen
my baby in days.

How long ago did you
leave the hospital?

About or days.
I'm not exactly sure.

Before you left here,

Did you notice
anything suspicious?

Anything at all that might help

Us find out who took your baby.

He's gone, isn't he?

Really gone?

I'm sorry, mrs. Ewing.

I know this is not easy for you.

It's all my fault.

Exactly how do
you mean that, ma'am?

I've done some...

Terrible things, and, uh...

It's only right that I
be punished for them.

You think something you did is

Responsible for your
child's disappearance?

Lieutenant, I think you're
on the wrong track.

If your wife has something
to tell me, I think she...

She doesn't have
anything to tell you.

She doesn't know
anything about that.

If you're trying to
obstruct this investigation,

Mr. Ewing, then I
must advise you...

Well, now, why
would I be doing that?

Don't you think I
want my son back?

But I won't have my wife
distressed unnecessarily.

Now, you've got to understand.

She's just been in a terrible

Automobile accident several
weeks ago, and as a result,

My son was born
prematurely. He almost died...

And she blames herself for that.

I'm sorry. I didn't
know that, sir.

Well, you can understand

That I don't want her
dwelling on that incident.

Right now, emotionally, she's...

She's in a very depressed state.

So, I'd really appreciate it

If you'd just let us go home.

Believe me, neither one of us

Knows anything that'd help.

And you don't know of anyone

Who might want
to kidnap your son?

Of course I don't know anyone.

Go home, mr. Ewing.

I'll send some men with you.

We'll want a tap on your phone.

Undoubtedly, you'll be getting

A ransom demand before long.

I suppose you're gonna
call the fbi in on this.

Yes, sir, right away.

And, please, mr. Ewing...

Don't do anything foolish.

If the kidnappers manage to make

Direct contact with you

Or any member of
your family, let us know.

We can handle these people

A lot better than you can.

Ok. Thank you. Appreciate it.

Sue ellen. The lieutenant
says we can go home.

What have I done?

Nothing. It's all my fault...

No, darlin', it's
not... Shh. Shh.

I didn't mean it
to end this way.

Believe me.

Shh. Quiet.

It's my fault.

I know it, darling.
No, it's not.

Is she all right?

She's having a hard time.

You got anything
to calm her down?

Of course. Bring her this way.

[P.a. Announcements]

Looks like he's gonna be ok.

Now, get that ointment
on good, you hear?

As soon as we finish up here,

We can go give ray a hand.

[Car horn honks]

Sorry, sir.

Miss ellie wants you home fast.

What's up?

She didn't say nothin',
except I was to come

Get you and bobby.

You'll find bobby up
in little horn country.

Man: yes, sir.

[Clock tower chiming]

Lucy: jimmy!

Yes, ma'am.

What are you doing here?

Your grandma sent me.

Well, what's going
on? What's the matter?

Well, she didn't say, miss lucy.

She just said she wants
you back at the house



I'll follow you home. Let's go.


Jock: ellie?

[Miss ellie sobbing softly]

What's the matter, miss ellie?

It's... It's the baby.

What... What do
you mean, the baby?

He... He...

He's... He's been kidnapped.

My god.

Bobby, what's going on?

I don't know, honey.

Grandma had jimmy come
and get me at school.

What's the matter?

[Door opens]

Lucy: grandma?

In here.

Grandma, what's going on?

Bobby: mama, what's the matter?

J.r. Called me a
little while ago

From... From the hospital.

The baby's been kidnapped.


We should have learned
a lesson from last year.

Daddy, we can't all walk
around with armed guards

For the rest of our lives.

I'm beginning to think
it's the only way, bobby.

Don't the police have any idea?

Not yet.

Is pamela home yet?

I sent joey in to get her.

She had some appointments
this afternoon.

No one knows
when she'll be back.

I'm going in to town
to get her myself.

Oh, no, bobby, please.

Let one of the boys go.

Mama, I'll be all right.
Just don't worry, ok?

[Police radio transmissions]

Come on, sue
ellen. You all right?

Come on.

Come on, darlin', I'll
take you upstairs.

Jock: j.r.

J.r.: Oh, mama.

Nobody knows anything yet.

The police think we're gonna get

A ransom demand soon.

Sue ellen...

She's all right. The
doctor gave her a sedative.

I'm going to take her upstairs.

Oh, uh, these are

Detectives sutton and rollins.

They're going to put
a tap on the phone.

They notified the fbi.

Reporter on tv:
questioning continues

Of possible witnesses to
the kidnapping, but so far,

Police sources tell me
there are no substantial clues

Or real leads.

The disappearance of baby
john ross ewing iii remains

Shrouded in mystery.

J.r.: Great. Great.
That's all we needed.

Rollins: we'll be hearing

From every crank in texas now.

Well, there's no way
stopping them this time.

No way I know of, sir.

How can it be that
no one saw anything?

Rollins: it's always that way

At the beginning, ma'am.
It doesn't mean much.

Eventually, somebody
remembers something.

I've seen it happen
time after time.

That's why we keep digging,

Keep going over and
over all the statements.

[Telephone rings]





Muriel... No, she's not home.

Well, I'll have her call
you as soon as she gets in.

No... No, don't call here.

A cheerleading seminar.
Boy, that's all we need now.

I'm sorry, j.r.

All right.

It's my guess the contact

Won't be by phone.

Any pro would know we have a tap

On yours by now.

Last time, they
called cliff barnes.

Rollins: last time?

Oh, yeah, yeah, I remember.

It wasn't my case.

Come to think of it,

It wasn't anybody's case.

You handled the
whole thing yourselves.

We did all right.
We got bobby back,

Caught the kidnappers.
Didn't cost us a damn cent.

You were lucky.

Man on radio: news bulletin...
John ross ewing iii,

-Week-old son of
oil magnate j.r. Ewing,

Has been kidnapped.

The baby was taken from his crib
in the dallas memorial hospital

Earlier today.

So far, there has been no
word from either the police

Or the ewing family

Concerning the possibility
of a ransom demand.

Man: really
something else, ain't it?

Somebody just
walks in a hospital

And pick up a baby,
walk right out again.

Bobby: pammie.

Pam: bobby.

I just heard a radio report.

Is it true?


I can't believe it. Do
the police have any idea?

No. Apparently nobody saw,

Nobody heard a thing.

Pam, have you seen cliff today?

No. I just stopped
by his office,

But his secretary
hasn't seen him all day.

You don't think cliff had
anything to do with this?

Yes. I think that's
a pretty safe bet.

It could have been
anybody, just anybody.

Who kidnapped you?

Cliff couldn't do
something like this.

Pamela, every time
that we've said that

In the past, we've been wrong.

Frankly, right
now, I think cliff

Is capable of doing anything.

Not kidnapping!

Honey, he as much
as told me yesterday

He was planning to do just that!

Stop reading
things in his words.

He didn't...

Don't take his side
in this, not this time.

I'm not taking his side!

Why don't you be reasonable?


Where are you going?

To find your brother.

Please don't do that.

Pamela, how many times
is it gonna take for you

To understand just how much

Your brother hates my family?!

Hello, agnes? It's pamela ewing.

Has cliff checked in yet?

Well, if he does,
would you ask him

To call me before
he talks to anybody?

It's real important.

Thank you.

Miss ellie: shouldn't
we have heard

Something by now?

Rollins: well, it's
hard to say, ma'am.

Sometimes kidnappers move fast.

They think it's the best chance

They have of pulling it off.

Sometimes they go slow

To let the tension
and fear build.

[Knock on door]

Sutton's on the door.

He'll get it.

I'm mrs. Reeves,
the baby's nurse.

There's a lady here who
says she's mrs. Reeves,

The baby's nurse.
Anybody know her?

Mrs. Reeves. I
forgot all about her.

That's all right.
She's expected.

Good day, mrs. Ewing.

Hello, mrs. Reeves.

The police just told
me what happened.

I don't know what to say.

I know. If you'll come with me,

I'll show you your room
and you can get comfortable,

Meet the rest of
the family later.

Well, thank you.
That's very kind of you.

Do the police have
any suspects yet?

Any clues?

No, nothing.

Pam: my brother must
have been delayed.

I'm sure he'd rather I
waited inside, though,

Than out on the street.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Come on, cliff. You
must have written down

Where you're going somewhere.

I'm getting sick and tired

Of just sitting around
here doing nothing.

Rollins: if there were
any way to hurry, sir,

We would.

Miss ellie: lucy,
where are you going?

I'm going to change clothes

And go to the
stable for a while.

J.r.: It's all right, mama.
Police all over the place.

She's right.

I'm not going to sit
around here all day.

[Telephone rings]


Hello? Mary lee.

Yes, honey, we're
taking it kind of hard.

Well, she's asleep right now.

Yeah, I'll... I'll tell
her just as soon

As she wakes up. Now,
I hope you don't think

I'm short with you,
but we got to keep

These lines open.
All right, bye.

No point in us all sitting
around here doing nothing.

I'm going to dallas.

Jock: j.r.

Dad, I can take care of myself.

If you need me,
I'll be in my office.

Let him go, miss ellie.

Sue ellen: j.r.?

J.r., It's all my fault.

Sue ellen, everything's
gonna be all right.

Just go to sleep.

What happened?

Just go to sleep, honey.

It's all my fault.



[Police radio transmissions]

I came in as soon as I heard.

Is there anything you
want me to do, jock?

Miss ellie: thank you, ray.

Not much any of us can do, ray.

The boys still working?

Yes, sir. Everything's
under control out there.

Jock: good. Good.

Rollins: I'm detective rollins.

Ray krebbs.

[Telephone rings]

Rollins: you pick
it up, mr. Ewing.





Yeah, I'm listening, go ahead.

Now, wait a minute
here! Wait a minute!

Hello? Hello?

She hung up.

Miss ellie: who was it?

Jock: some woman.

She said she took the boy,
and now she's sorry about it.

We'll find him at
city hall by the flag.

Do you think that means...

Rollins: maybe, ma'am.

Mr. Ewing, if you'd
go in your car,

Some of the boys will follow,

And I'll have lieutenant
simpson meet you there.


You want me to
go with you, jock?


Be careful.

I will.

Connie: we just
heard, j.r. Any news?

No, not yet.

Woman: miss ellie just called.

She wants you to
call her right away.

All right. Get her on the line.

[Intercom buzzes]

J.r.: Yeah?

Mr. Ames is on the line.

I don't want to talk to him.

He's already called times.

He says it's important.

He's sure you'll
want to talk to him.

Ok. All right. Put him on.

And, uh, you and
connie can go on home.

I don't think we'll get anything

Accomplished today, anyway.

Ames, I thought I told you
not to bother me here again.

You're mighty disagreeable

For somebody in need of a favor.

I don't need any
favors from you.

You telling me you don't
want to see your son again?

What do you want?

That's better, j.r.
Let's say a million.

That ought to tide me over

In my hour of need.

I'm detective
lieutenant simpson, sir.

I'm jock ewing. My
foreman, ray krebbs.

Ray: lieutenant.

Simpson: you go on
down to the flag, sir,

And wait... And
you come with me.

I'm not going to cry.

I won't cry anymore.

I've just cried
too much already.

When I think... Of
how they hurt me

And used me...
Cliff and j.r., Huh...

But they're not gonna
hurt me anymore.

Nobody's gonna
hurt me anymore...

Not even you.

They left about a
half an hour ago.

J.r.: Well, I think it's a hoax.

Well, detective
rollins seems to think...

That man is a fool. Now,
if the call was genuine,

Dad would be on
his way to the bank

Instead of city hall.

J.r., Not everyone's
motivated by greed.

Mother, I don't have time
to talk about it right...

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Well, I guess we're all
short-tempered today.

Lucy, quick, help sue ellen.

Oh, god.

Oh, my god.

Sue ellen.

I'm ok, lucy. I'll be all right.

Thank you.

J.r.: Is that sue ellen there?

Yes, she just came down.

Well, what's she
doing downstairs?

She should be upstairs in bed.

I'll take care
of sue ellen, j.r.

You just get home
as soon as you can.

All right, mother.

How do you feel, sue ellen?

I'm all right. I'm
just a little tired.

The doctor gave you a sedative.

A sedative?

Oh, yes, I remember.

I hope you won't mind.

I found the kitchen,

And teresa's made
some fresh coffee.

We'll all feel better for a cup.

That's very kind
of you, mrs. Reeves.

Is this the baby's mama?

Poor little thing.

Miss ellie: sue ellen,
this is mrs. Reeves,

John's nurse.

My daughter-in-law...
Sue ellen ewing,

And my granddaughter lucy.


I had hoped that we'd
meet on a happier day,

Mrs. Ewing.

I am sorry.

Vaughn leland.
It's j.r. Ewing here.

Say, vaughn... I need
a favor from you,

Old buddy.

Yeah, I'm gonna need some money.

Cash. A lot of money.

Yeah. Yeah, I got the
call about minutes ago.

Uh, ok. I'll be over there in...

In a little bit. Do me a favor.

Keep this under your hat.

It's real important to me.

All right. Thanks, vaughn.

I'm bobby ewing. Is
cliff barnes here?

No, I'm afraid he's not.
Can I take a message?

Is he really not in, or did
he just tell you to say that?

No, he's not. He's
not been in all day.

I don't know when
he's going to be back.

I'll just check for myself.

I told you he wasn't in!

Where is he?

I don't know!


Look, I've got a list of
calls out there a mile long.

Sure, you do.

Even the governor's been
trying to get ahold of him.

Nobody's heard from him all day.

Doesn't he usually tell
you where he's gonna be?

Yes, usually. Not always.

What are you doing?
Get away from those!

Those are private papers!

Lady, it is all in the family.

Mr. Ewing, I am allowed to
let no one near this desk.

There is not a
single appointment

Listed for today.

These are government
offices, mr. Ewing.

You are either
going to leave here

Immediately or I am gonna

Call and have
someone remove you.

[Bobby groans]

Shall I tell him
what you wanted?

He'll know.

[Car horn honks]

Bobby: ok, cliff,
you're not here.

Where the hell are you?

[Telephone rings]


[Answering machine hums]


How'd you get in?

I bribed the manager.

Becoming more a ewing
every day, my dear.

I don't really care
how you got in.

I'm glad you're here.
I've been in austin

This morning, and I just heard

On the car radio coming
in from the airport.

Do they have any idea
who could have taken him?

You didn't have
anything to do with this,

Did you, cliff?

I don't believe you said that.

Bobby thinks you're responsible.

I don't care what bobby thinks.

Well, you'd better care,

Because he cares, and
he's gonna show up here

Sooner or later. Now,
would you try and stay calm

So I can handle him, if I can?

[Throws keys on table]

I'm supposed to be scared?

If you had any
sense, you would be.

I've never seen him this angry.

So far, that's all anyone knows.

It's not much.

[Knock on door]

That's probably bobby.

Let me... I'll get it.

Cliff: wait a minute.

Before you start
swinging, let's talk.

Not this time, barnes.

This time you've gone too far.


And you knew he was
here all along, didn't you?

Wait a minute. I just got here.

Can't we talk?

Pam: he didn't know
anything about it.

You'd swear he could
walk on water if he told you!

That's not fair!

Would you wait a minute?

I want my son. I'm
gonna have him.

I did not, I repeat, I
did not kidnap him.

Now, wait a minute.

You can push me around the room

All you want, but that's
not going to solve anything.

I think we should
try to figure out

Who, indeed, took him.

Pam: for god's
sake, listen to him!

Cliff: I swear I did
not kidnap him.

I wasn't even in dallas.

He's telling the truth.

Cliff: let's stop wasting time.

We can be at each
other's throats

Tomorrow, but today, for today,

Let's try to find my boy.

Bobby: ok.


Simpson: I don't think there's
any point in waiting anymore.

Sorry, sir.

Some people have a very
strange sense of humor.

Jock: yeah. I'd just
like to get my hands

On whoever did this, that's all.

Ray: jock, maybe you ought
to go back to southfork.

I think we can do
a lot better there.

Let's get the hell out of here.

Thank you, lieutenant.

Lucy: what is it, grandma?

J.r. Was right.

It was a hoax.

Nobody came with the baby?

No one came.

May I have another
cup of coffee, please?

J.r.: I appreciate this,
vaughn. I really do.

Yes. Well, I don't like it, j.r.

Don't like it one bit.

J.r.: I don't like it
any more than you do,

But I don't have
a lot of choices.

Yeah, well, it's a lot of money.

J.r.: The ewings are good
for it. You know that.

Let me sign that receipt.

It's my son's life.

I know. I understand.

But there are better
ways of handling this.

J.r.: I don't have
time for discussion!

I'm only trying to
talk some sense, j.r.

The fbi should be
handling this thing,

Not you. Remember last year

When bobby was
kidnapped? You almost...

Almost, nothing.
Everything went off

Just the way I'd planned it.

Now, that ranch is
crawling with police and fbi.

I can't make a move without
them knowing about it.

Now they're waiting for me.

I want to sign that.

Thank you, vaughn.
I appreciate it.

Man: I believe we have
mr. And mrs. Ewing here.

Perhaps we can get
some kind of comment now.

Mr. Ewing, mrs.
Ewing, excuse me.

Have you any comment
to make at this time?

Bobby: no, not right now.

[P.a. Announcements]

May I help you?

Yes. I'm bobby ewing.

Oh, mr. Ewing, I'm sorry.

I didn't recognize you at first.

Mrs. Ewing, hello.


We're all terribly upset
about what happened.

Is there any news yet?

No. Not yet.

Look, we're trying to
get some information.

We would like to
talk to the patients,

To the nurses that were
on duty, to the doctors,

To anybody who might
have seen something.

Well, the police have
been here all day,

And everyone's been questioned

Over and over again.

It's not gonna take very long.

Man: is something the matter?

Can I help?

Dr. Freilich, yes.

This is mr. Ewing
and mrs. Ewing.

I've been explaining...

Cliff: look, it's all
very simple, doctor.

We just want to talk to
the staff and the patients

And look at some of your files.

Freilich: who are you?

He's my brother-in-law.
He's here to help.

As I'm sure mrs. Barker
has explained to you,

The police have been most...

Bobby: doctor, my nephew was
kidnapped from this hospital

Today, and I intend to
find out who did it and how.

We're all very sorry.

Cliff: we're wasting time.

I'm not interested
in your sympathies,

Doctor. It's your
cooperation I want.

Now, you let somebody
walk out of here

With a ewing baby.

I don't think it's
too much to ask

For you to help
get him back, do you?

Of course not, mr. Ewing.

Where would you like to start?

Cliff: with the patients,

And then we'd like to
look at your records

To see who was on duty and when.

We would like to see

What patients were admitted

Or discharged
today, things like that.

Dr. Freilich: would you
get them the records?

Barker: yes, doctor.

Bobby: thank you.

[Telephone rings]



Ames: have you got it?

I got it.

You just wait
there. I'll drop by.


Oh, don't be impatient. Soon.

And, j.r., While I'm with you,

Why, willie joe's
gonna be with the baby,

So don't try
anything funny, huh?

You be alone when I
get there, you hear?

I hear.

He fell for it.

What a stroke of luck,

Somebody snatching that kid.

We're gonna get a million bucks

For nothing.


There's nothing.

There's nothing that I
can make any sense out of.

No one remembers anything.

Well, nothing here, either.

It's like he vanished
into thin air.

No, wait a minute. Because
there has to be a clue,

If we can just find it.

[P.a. Announcements]

They're so tiny.

They're so tiny.

Bobby? Bobby, I just remembered.

There was a woman here every day

I came. She used to be

In front of the nursery window.

Bobby, she used to
stay there for hours.

If she was here this morning,

She might have seen something.

Who is it? Is it a patient?

I'm not sure. She isn't
here this afternoon

Or I'd have recognized her.

Let's go ask the
nurse, see if she knows.

You mustn't give up hope, dear.

Hope. Of course not.

Things always have a way
of turning out for the best.

Reeves: you just
keep believing that.

[Doorbell rings]

Woman: hello.

Mrs. Duncan? Do you remember me?

You're the lady
from the hospital.

Come on in.

Uh, can I get you a
cup of coffee or...

I have some ice cream
in the refrigerator.

No, thank you, mrs. Duncan.

Oh, you can call me priscilla.

What is it you
wanted to talk about,

Or are you one of
them social workers?

No. No, I'm pamela ewing.

My nephew was kidnapped
from the hospital

This morning. Did
you hear about it?

Oh, yes. I saw it on
the tv, on the news.

I saw a picture of
the baby's mother.

Poor lady. You know,

My baby was premature, too.

That's why you saw me so
many times at the hospital.

I was visiting him.

Yes, I know.

That's why I wanted
to talk to you.

Nurse barker told
me that you were there

This morning.

I hoped that maybe
you'd seen something

That would help
us find my nephew.

Well, I was only
there for a short time.

You didn't see
anybody near the baby?

I don't even know
which baby it was.

I'm sorry. I wish I could help.

It's a terrible
thing to lose a baby.

Yes, it is.

If you do remember anything,

Would you please call me?


Thank you for talking to me.

[Baby crying]

What's that?

That's my baby. I
brought him home today.

I guess he's still hungry.

I'll be right back. Just wait.

Bobby! Cliff!


I think she's got the baby.

Well, it can't be hers, honey.

The nurse said hers died.

I don't know.

Maybe she's blocking it out,

Pretending it didn't happen.

Let's go take a look.

Priscilla, this is my
husband, bobby ewing,

And my brother cliff barnes.

Priscilla duncan.

Bobby: hello, priscilla.

Cliff: hi.

I already told her I
don't know anything.

Why, that's a cute baby.

Can I hold him?

Oh, no.

He's a beautiful baby.

Yes. I don't have much time.

I have to feed him.

Bobby: priscilla, we all saw

Your records before
we came over here...

At the hospital.


He's really not
your baby, is he?

Yes, he is.

He's mine.

Bobby: no. I'm sorry, priscilla.

We don't want to hurt
you. Really, we don't.

He really is. He's my baby.

You can't take him away from me.

[Baby crying]

Please don't take him
away from from me.

Pam: priscilla, we won't take

Him away from you... Not yet,

Not until you understand.

[Priscilla crying]


Well, is that it?

J.r.: Where's my boy?

Well, now, you just let me

Take a look at it first, huh?

Ohh, that's nice.
That's very nice.

Where's my boy?

Willie joe's taking
real good care of him.

So far, you've done everything

Just fine, j.r.
Don't spoil it now.

As soon as I leave
here with the money,

Why, willie joe
will give you a call

And let you know
where the baby is.

You think I'm gonna
let you out of my sight

Before I see my son?

You don't have a
choice, j.r., Now, do you?

[Telephone rings]

Why don't you answer your phone?

I'll just go over there

And fix myself a
little old drink.




J.r.? Yes?

We found him... The baby.

He's safe. He's just fine.

But what happened... How?

J.r., It's a long story.

I can't talk right now.

We'll see you back at the ranch

In about a half-hour.

More bad news, I hope.

J.r.: No. No, it's good news.

[Glass breaks]

Trying to make a fool out of me?

If I had the time to
clean up the mess,

I'd use this on you.
Now get out of here

Before I change my mind.

I'll go. I'll go.

But you're not
through with us, j.r...

By a darn sight.

You owe us, j.r... Garr and me.

We're gonna see to it you
pay one way or another.

I wouldn't count on
living that long if I was you.

Pam: what do you think
is going to happen to her?

She'll probably be remanded
for psychiatric care.

It's no wonder.

Husband runs out
on her. Baby dies.

It's a rough one to handle.

If there's anything we
can do to help, hon, we will.

Priscilla: I'm ready.

Cliff. They're expecting
us at the ranch.

I know.


[Police radio transmissions]

Pam: priscilla,
this is sue ellen,

The baby's mother.

I'm sorry.

I just wanted to tell
you myself how sorry I am.

I know I've done
a terrible thing.

What I must have
put you through.

Priscilla: it's just that
when the doctors

Told me that my baby was dead...

I didn't want to believe them.

I wanted my baby so much.

I don't know what I did.
I don't know what I said.

I'm sorry.

I thought he must be mine.

Thank you.


Sue ellen: mrs. Reeves.

[Baby crying]
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