04x08 - Trouble at Ewing 23

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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04x08 - Trouble at Ewing 23

Post by bunniefuu »

They're just squeezing you out
to make a place for Bobby.

It's only a matter of time and place
before I put a bur under his saddle.

A man just called the field house.

He is threatening to blow up
the wells at Ewing 23...

...unless he gets 5 million dollars
by 4:00.

Just in case you think I'm joking...

Think you're doing the right thing.
giving in to him?

Do you know what it'll cost
if this field goes up?

- Mr. Ewing. it's getting late.
- Come on. J.R.. come on.

Bobby. you got a big problem.

J.R., will you quit pacing?

You've been walking around
for more than an hour.

I'm not ready to retire. I'm in my prime.
Right now. I'm in my prime!

Well. I'd be happy to
testify to that. my darling.

Thank you. sugar. I appreciate it.

J.R.. I've been thinking.

Maybe you should start
another company.

No way! Ewing Oil is mine.
and I am dedicated to getting it back.

I tell you. I thought Bobby was finished
when that tanker went down...

...but he's made some smart moves.

I'm glad to see he's got
a little Ewing blood in him.

And speaking of Ewings.

Old Ray Krebbs.

Who would have thought
that one of Daddy's wild oats...

...would ever have blown
all the way back to Southfork?


J.R.. you seem to be taking this
whole thing just with a grain of salt.

Jock seems to be paying more attention
to Ray than he ever did to brother Gary.

Well. as long as he keeps pitching hay
and minding the cows...

I'll take care of him when I have to.

J.R.. I don't like this at all.

It feels like--
Like just everything's slipping away.

Jock turning Ewing Oil over to Bobby.
and now Ray.

Sue Ellen. you just
keep working on your tan.

I don't wanna see you
getting any worry lines.

Well. J.R.. I think the whole thing
is totally unfair.

They're just squeezing you out
to make a place for Bobby.

I want you to understand
one thing. sugar.

Bobby's riding high right now.

It's only a matter of time and place
before I put a bur under his saddle.

That can go for Ray too.

I think 6 cc's will take care
of that infection, Miss Ellie.

Thanks. Jeff.

- Looks like a pretty bad leg.
- Yes. ma'am.

- Good morning. Miss Ellie.
- Good morning.

- Jeff.
- Ray.

When did that happen?

Couple of days ago.

Jeff says he got in
with the Arabian stud.

Jeff. could you take
my horse for me. please?

Horses. They always want company.
even if it means being punished.

Miss Ellie...

I'm very grateful to you.

- Oh. Ray.
- No.

You accepted me into your family.
That's very important to me.

Ray. Jock told me about
his affair with Margaret years ago.

I know how fond of you
he's always been.

Maybe it should have been more of a shock
to me. finding out you were his son.

It wasn't.

It was as if part of each of us
had always known.

I want to thank you.

The last thing in the world I ever wanted
to do would be to hurt you or Jock.

I think you may need more adjusting
than either of us.

You're a Ewing now.

That's a lot to take on all at once.

I know.

I've been Ray Krebbs for too long now.

I just don't plan on changing anything.

That's why I didn't want anybody else
but the family to know about this.

That may not be so easy. Ray.

But welcome to the family.

Thank you.

Fine. Fine.

Button your shirt.

You loosen yours a bit. okay?

Pam. they look okay to you?

- Looks good.
- Jerry?

- Can't go wrong with a group like this.
- All right.

Would you take everybody to the gallery?
I'll be there in a minute.

- Right. let's go.
- Come on. ladies.

Remember, it's all for the greater glory
of the store. And money.

Hello. is Mrs. Ewing busy?
My name's John Mackey.

Pam? A Mr. Mackey to see you.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

- Mr. Mackey.
- Mrs. Ewing. I'm sorry.

Maybe I should come back
when you're not busy.

- Have you got information?
- Yes.

- Well. we'll take the time.
- Okay.

I traced your mother to Kingsville...

...three months after she was
supposed to have died in Corpus Christi.

Three months?

Well. that's wonderful.

Now. let's not jump the g*n.
That was 20 years ago.

Now. she worked as a waitress
for a while at...

...Jerry's Coffee Shop.

Well. then what happened?

I don't know. exactly.

Apparently, she met a traveling salesman.
they left Kingsville together...

-...and nobody's heard from them since.
- Does it dead-end there?

No. I just wanted to bring you up-to-date
on the information I have so far.

I don't have much of a lead on the man.
but his route covered south and east Texas.

I might still be able to find him.

- You do that. Mr. Mackey.
- Yes. ma'am.

I'll get back.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Pam. we're all ready to go.
- Fine.

Jackie. would you take over for me?
I've gotta see my brother.

Sure. okay.

I thought you could use this
about now. to cool off.

I sure can.

Nothing I hate worse than book work.

Where are J.R. and Sue Ellen?
I saw them at the pool before.

Well. they...

They said they were going upstairs
to take a little nap.

I thought their marriage
was over for sure. but now...

Well. J.R. came so close
to dying. I guess...

...it changed things for both of them.

Well. our family's pretty unpredictable.
Jock. you know that.

Maybe they get it from me.

I think so.

I had a nice chat with Ray this morning.

You know. Miss Ellie...

...the way that you've accepted Ray...

...really means a lot to me.

In many ways. he's a lot like Gary.

He really loves the land.

I always thought that Gary
inherited that feeling from me.

But now. I think some of it
must come from you.

I love Southfork too. Ellie.

You really do.

Somehow. I always thought
it was because of me.

Well. I guess you just bring out
the best in me. that's all.

I thought of you first because the Wilson
property adjoins the Ewing 23 field.

- How many acres?
- Five thousand.

Wilson died a couple of months ago. His
family asked me to dispose of the estate.

The price is a steal.

Les. nothing's a steal
unless you can use it.

We're not in the land business.

Bobby. it's right against Ewing 23.
and that's producing pretty big.

Chances are. there's oil on
the Wilson property too.

Well. maybe. maybe not.

- How's this look for grazing?
- I don't know.

- How long do I have to decide?
- Couple of weeks.

Okay. I'll go look at it.
Maybe have the geologist check it out.

People's Lone Star Bank is developing
a lot of confidence in you. Bobby.

You've become quite a businessman.

You can stop selling now.
I said I'd look at it.

- I was just about--
- Hi.

Pam. what are you doing here?

Wonderful welcome
from my only brother.

Why didn't you call?

Well. wouldn't be a surprise
if I called. would it?

What's this?

Pam. I gotta tell you. it's not
really the greatest time for a surprise.

Dinner for two.

Imported? Who is she?

Wait a minute. lt's the first date.

Chinese on the second. tacos on the third.
Funny how I know all this. isn't it?

I want to tell you something else.
It's not the greatest time for a visit.

Well. I'm sorry.
I'll only keep you a minute.

I've got some very good news for you.

- I'll get it.
-I'll get it.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Donna.
- Pam.

- Are you joining us?
- No.

Well. no. no. I was just leaving.

I have some news for Cliff.
but it can wait.

I'll tell him tomorrow at lunch.

Right. I'll see you tomorrow at lunch.
I'll buy. Bye.

I can only assume what the conversation
at the Ewing table will be tonight.

You think so?

Well. they have to find out
sooner or later.

- Does that bother you?
- No.



- I think I'd like a glass of wine.
- You got it.

- Everything looks beautiful.
- So do you.

This will be our
seventh-week anniversary.

Bobby, line two.

Harry. do you know anything
about the Wilson property?

Oh. not much. Bobby. Just a nice
piece of land. as far as I'm concerned.

Well. I thought I'd come out tomorrow
and look at it.

- What time?
- Eleven, 71:30.

Well. then stop by Ewing 23.
We got things going real good now.

- Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.
- Yeah. bye.

No way. Daddy.
From what Les Crowley described...

...and showed me. the property
might prove to be worthwhile.

Well. what's your
gut feeling about it?

Well. that I should check it out.

Called Harry. told him I'd fly over.
and I thought I'd take Ray with me.

- Ray?
- Yes. sir.

Good. I like that idea, Bobby.

Doesn't turn out to be oil land.
we might use it to increase the herd.

Well. sounds good.

Speaking of our new brother. why is he
not here having cocktails with us?

He's not ready to
make any changes. J.R.

Oh. that'll come soon enough, Mama.

Ewing assets are hard to resist.

Oh. hell. J.R.

Oh. I'm just joking. Daddy.
Maybe Bobby's right.

Maybe we should ease old Ray
into the family slowly.

Well. that'll be his decision.

But nobody knows more
about grazing land than Ray.

I'll tell you this. He's the best
at telling how many cattle...

-...a piece of land will hold. For sure.
- Except for Grandma.

My apologies. Miss Ellie.

- Daddy. why don't you come along with us?
- Well. thank you. Bobby.

But I've already made plans
to meet Punk Anderson's pet buyers...

...tomorrow in Fort Worth.

How about your
brother-in-law. Cliff?

You gonna cut him in
for half of that Wilson deal?

What are you talking about?

Well. Barnes was shopping at fire sales
before you opened up Ewing 23...

-...and handed him all that Ewing money.
- There was a legal agreement. J.R.

That money is rightfully Cliffs.

You know. J.R.. I've been thinking
about Ewing 23.

Even with Barnes.
It's gonna be a good deal.

It's a good source of crude oil
for that new refinery of ours.

What could be better?

Well. if I was still in charge.
he wouldn't get a dime.

Maybe it's the best for Ewing Oil
that you aren't still in charge.

What's that mean?

Cliffs involved with someone
who could cause you trouble.

Oh? Who?

- Never mind.
- Come on. now. you've piqued our interest.

Don't draw back now.

Donna Culver.

She doesn't think very much of you.

Cliff and Donna.
and all that Culver money?

Well. will wonders never cease? Golly.

Well. are they just
working together. Pam?

No. Lucy.

It's more than that.

Well. I think it's time for dinner.


You know. I keep promising myself
I will not let J.R. get to me.

And then. it's like he pushes a button
and I lose all sense of reason.

Honey. it doesn't matter.

Well. it's none of J.R.'s business
if Cliff is dating Donna.

Honey. he's gonna find out about it
sooner or later.

I don't want Ray to find out from J.R.

You know. he'd just do
anything right now to hurt Ray.

Would you stop worrying
about that. please?

I'll talk to Ray myself in the morning.

Bobby. there's something
I didn't mention earlier.

I had some news about my mother
this morning.

She could be alive. right here in Texas.

Well. don't get your hopes up. honey.

Bobby. Bobby!

What's happening to you?

What are you talking about?

I said. my mother could be alive.

And I said. don't get your hopes up.
I don't want you hurt.

Well. I hoped you could
at least share in my excitement.

What is that supposed to mean?

That means that I don't like
what's happening to you or our marriage.

You've become another person.

You're insensitive.
you're obsessed with Ewing Oil.

You're becoming someone I don't care for
and I don't understand.

Don't say that. I'm still the same.

It's just that all this is new to me.
I have to work harder.

I have to concentrate more.
I have to be sure.

I love you. That hasn't changed.

Oh. boy. I thought I had my
hands full with Bobby and Ray.

Now I got Cliff Barnes and Donna Culver.

What a surprise.

It bothers you. doesn't it?

Well. of course it does. darling.
Whatever hurts you. hurts me.

I'm not talking about that. Sue Ellen.

I was watching your face downstairs.

There's still a little heat left over from your
romance with Cliff Barnes. isn't there?

That's over J.R. lt's dead and buried.

What's happening between us
is what I care about now.

You just keep reminding me of that. huh?

J.R.. how do you feel about us?

Wonderful. I think you can see that.

But a man needs more. Sue Ellen.

I'm gonna cut Bobby out. any way I can.

- Donna.
- Hi. Ray.

I was just gonna“ I'm sorry.


You first.

Well. I just have to go pick up Bobby.
but I got a few minutes.

Can I show you around the place?

No. maybe some other time.

Okay -

Boy. you sure look great.

I'm surprised to see you. Here. I mean.

Well. I'm kind of surprised to be here.

I wanted to talk to you.

- Do you have some time?
- Sure. I have some time.

Been reading a lot about you
in the newspapers.

Oh. the benefit. for Dave. yeah.

What did you want to talk about?

It was just something that I thought
you should hear from me first.

Okay -

lt's about Cliff Barnes.

I wanted to tell you myself...

...before you heard it
from somebody else.

Cliff? Why should I care about Cliff?
He's J.R.'s worry.

It's about Cliff and me.

Cliff and you.

Well. that's fine.

I'm real happy for you.

I just thought you ought to know.

- Are you in love with him?
- He's easy to be with.

We have fun together.

It's not the same.

But I just got tired of being alone.

I understand.

Do you?

- Bobby.
- Ray.

- Hello, Donna.
- Hi, Bobby.

Listen. I can wait back at the ranch.
Come on over when you're finished.

We're finished talking.

I'll see you both.

- Bye.
- Bye.

I tell you. my first thought was how much
trouble it was gonna cause Jock and Ellie.

Been around your family for 15 years.

Thought it would be best
if I leave well enough alone.

Well. I think you know Daddy
wouldn't have let that happen.

Yeah. I guess you're right.


I tell you. I was pretty scared that night
Jock gathered everybody up...

...to tell everyone about it.

Rich soil.

Well. how does it feel?

Being a Ewing.

Oh. I don't know. Bobby.
Too soon to tell.

- Did you tell Donna?
- No.

My being a Ewing doesn't have
anything to do with that.

Well. you two still love each other.
That's plain enough.

- That's not the point.
-lt's the only point. Come on.

Well. Cliff Barnes is in the picture now.

They have more in common
than she and I ever did.

She told you about him. huh?

Yeah. that's what she was doing
over at my house this morning.

I still think you're a fool
if you let her go.


Right now. just being a Ewing
is about all I can handle.

Bobby. some nut is try--

A man just called the field house.

He's gonna call back at 12:30.
He says he wants to talk to a Ewing.

He is threatening to blow up
the wells at Ewing 23...

...unless he gets 5 million dollars
by 4:00.

You get back to the field. Let's go.

- Morning. ladies.
- Morning. J.R. I wasn't expecting you.

- Morning. J.R.
- Here.

Put these in water. Thought I
would brighten the place up a little bit.

- Lovely.
- Bobby still out at the Wilson property?

- Yes. sir.
- I thought the place felt a little different.

Like old times. isn't it?
Bring me those messages. honey.


Louella. Bobby been using my office?

Things seem changed around a little bit.

I suppose it's because I haven't
been around here lately. huh?

Any new business.
besides that Wilson land deal?

No. I don't think so.

Get Hank Johnson
on the phone for me. will you.

He'll be at the petrol building at 0.8.

If he's not there. check all the big hotels.
You'll find him.

Yes. sir. Anything else?

No. I don't think so.

- Have you had lunch?
- No.

Why don't we have a little late lunch.

Do some talking. Catch up on things.

Why. thank you. I'd like that.

- Okay. now I need some hot sauce. please.
- Here.

Mr. Mackey said that Mother
was seen in Kingsville...

...after Digger told us that she died.

- Don't you care?
- No. I don't.

I don't believe that.

You know. Pam.
we've already been over this.

She deserted us.
And even if she's alive...

...l don't know why you think
she'd have any interest in seeing us.

I don't understand your attitude.

That was over 20 years ago.

You know. you might be opening up
some very unpleasant doors.

I don't know why you wanna
dig around in the past anyway.

I mean. I don't wanna look back.
I want to look to the future.

- Donna Culver?
- Yeah.

Yeah. I like Donna very much.

Her. or her big bank account
and her political connections?

Now. wait a minute.
why can't I like her just because I like her?

Why do you have to presume
that I have ulterior motives?

Because you always do.

Where do you think he'll be
in Fort Worth?

I think we should try the cattle auction
at the stockyards.

If he's not at the cattle auction.
why don't you try the White Elephant.

- Ewing Oil.
- Connie. this is Bobby.

Look. now. listen carefully.
I don't have much time.

You gotta find Daddy.
He went to Fort Worth...

...with Punk Anderson and Pat Powers.
Try the cattle auctions.

If he's not there. try the White Elephant.
Just find him.

Yes. sir.


Maybe we better get some of these men
to go out and start checking for a b*mb.

- Good idea.
- Guys. let's break up into groups of two.

Start checking each derrick
for anything that doesn't look right.

- All right. let's go.
- You better stick with me. just in case.

Connie. I won't know if it's a crank
till after 12:30.

He's gonna call back then.
I'll get back to you when I hear.

Operator. give me sheriffs department.
lt's an emergency.




- Mr. Jock Ewing?
- He's not there.

Jock Ewing. it's very urgent.

Yes. could you please page
Mr. Jock Ewing.

- Mr. Jock Ewing. it's urgent. Thank you.
- Did Mr. Ewing answer his page?

Yes. did Mr. Ewing answer his page?

- What's going on here?
- Yes. it's very urgent.

- Did you get my call to Hank--?
- Yes. thank you.

I'm sorry. J.R.. Bobby called
and asked us to contact Jock immediately.

- Why Daddy?
- A man called and wants 5 million dollars...

...or he's blowing up Ewing 23.

Five million dollars?

- Connie. what do you know about this?
- That's all.

The man wants 5 million dollars
by 4:00 this afternoon.

Why wasn't I told?
Why the hell wasn't I told?

I'm sorry. J.R. Bobby said not to panic.
It might turn out to be a crank phone call.

The man's supposed to
contact Bobby at 12:30.

He'll know then whether it's real.
Then Bobby will call us back.

Until then. we're supposed to locate Jock
and try to raise the funds.

Did it ever occur to you that I was here.
that I could handle it?

Instead of calling half of Fort Worth?

You might have given my daddy
another heart attack.

- I'm sorry.
- All right. all right.

Calm down. Let's not lose our heads over
something that might not happen at all.

Just sit tight and wait until Bobby calls.
I'll handle everything. all right?

What time is it?

That's all the information
I have right now.

You know how to get out
to the field okay?

Okay. right. I gotta go.

- Hello.
- Mr. Ewing?

- Yeah. this is Bobby Ewing.
- This is what I want.

One. a jet. fully gassed...

...and at the Lamesa Airfield
by 4:00.

Two. no police at the field.

And three. 5 million in cash.

On the plane.

When I'm in the air and safe. then I'll
reveal to you the locations of the bombs.


- There's more than one?
- You heard me.

How do I know I can trust you?

I'd say you don't have much choice.

Look. 5 million dollars. that's a lot of money
to raise in three and a half hours.

- Not for a Ewing.
- And if I don't?

You will. Can you see the tool shed?

Tool shed?


- Is there anyone near it?
- No.

Just in case you think I'm joking...

- That's right, he's here.
- You sure you can't find him?

Yes. we just haven't
been able to locate him.

Damn. Well, you gotta keep trying.
that's all.

Bobby. J.R.'s in the office
waiting to talk to you.

J.R.'s there?

- Okay. put him on.
- Bobby. Mr. Crowley wants to talk to you.

Connie. get J.R.. but tell him to hold on.

Les. Yeah. did Harry
explain things to you?

Yeah. pretty much.

Five million. That's gonna be hard.
I'm gonna have to go to the other banks.

Whatever it takes. do it.

You know I'll try. Bobby.
What do I do with it?

Deliver it to the Ewing offices.
J.R. is there. He's on the other line.

Les. you have under two hours
to get the money. deliver it to J.R...

...so he can get it here before 4:00.

Two hours? Bobby--

There's some crackpot that's gonna blow
I don't know how many wells. Now. do it!

Look what we found out there, Bobby.

Found that in what's left of the tool shed.
lt's not an ordinary b*mb.

It's much more sophisticated.
He detonated that by remote control.

- You mean this is not a time b*mb?
- No. sir.

He had complete control
over activating the charge.

Well. how close does he have to be?

That's hard to say. Anywhere. depending
on the strength of his signaling device.

Good Lord.

Connie. put J.R. on.
and keep trying to find Daddy.

Yes. Bobby.

It's Bobby. J.R.

Bobby. what's happening? Fill me in.

I need 5 million in cash and the Ewing jet.
Lamesa Airfield...

...that's five miles south of Ewing 23.
before 4:00. And no police.

That's cutting it pretty close.

This guy's not kidding.
he blew up a tool shed to prove it.

- Anybody hurt?
- No.

What about the bombs? You find them?

They're looking. But the local police force
does not have a b*mb squad.

Well. what do you want me to do?

Just sit tight and wait.
Les Crowley. from People's Lone Star...

...is raising the money through other banks.
He'll have it to you by 2:45.

Call the airport and have them
get the jet ready.

Five million dollars is
a hell of a lot of money. Bobby.

You think you're doing the right thing?

Do you know what it'll cost
if this field goes up?

I know. I just don't like
giving in to extortionists.

You just call the airport and have them
get the plane ready.

And you be at Lamesa Airfield by 4:00.

All right.

- Louella.
- Yes, sir?

Get Franklin Horner on the phone.

- Cattleman's Bank. lt's important.
- Yes, sir.

Bobby. you got a big problem.

- Yeah.
- J.R.. what can I do for you?

Franklin. Les Crowley of the People's Lone
Star Bank is trying to raise 5 million dollars.

I know. he just called.
He said it was for Ewing Oil.

I'd really appreciate it if you did not
cooperate with Mr. Crowley...

...and if you could persuade
all your banking friends to do likewise.

I don't understand.

I know you don't. Franklin. that's why
I'm richer than you are. Just do it.

On this list. which were former employees
that had experience with expl*sives?

Let's see. there's Holmes.
No. no. He's in Colorado.

Jamison died last month.

Gerrard's in the Middle East.

Dukes. Gillis and Downs.

Any reason one of these guys
would wanna do this?

I'd rule out Downs.
He's just a happy-go-lucky kid.

Gillis and Dukes were hurt bad when J.R.
shut down the field last time.

Financial trouble.

Dukes had a drinking problem. but
he was one of the best nitro men we had.

Know how we can get ahold of him?

He lives in the trailer park
not too far from here.

I lost track of Gillis.

Ernie. let's you and I head into town
and see what we can find out about Gillis.

I'll call some men
to check out the trailer park.

I'll meet them there.

- That isn't necessary.
- Yes. it is.

Someone's got a beef with a Ewing.
I wanna be there. I can talk sense into him.

I'll stay here. man the phones.

If you don't hear from us by 4.
get everybody out of here.

Harry. bring the helmet. come on.

You know where the airfield is?

Lamesa? Sure. not busy at all.

How long for you to get there?

Depending on the winds.
I'd say an hour to be on the safe side.

An hour. huh? All right.
have the plane ready to go before 3.

You got it. Mr. Ewing.

Thank you, guys.

Well. if it's not Dukes.
It's gotta be Gillis.

Are you sure you don't know
where to find him?

I'm drawing blanks.

Well. that's the last of our choices.

Well. whoever he is, he has to be out at
the airstrip by 4:00 to make the pickup.

Why don't we have the police
infiltrate the grounds.

- Maybe we can grab him before the plane--
- No. lt's too dangerous.

He has that remote-control detonator.
He's libel to use it.

Maybe we can talk to him
before he makes the pickup.

Let's get back to Ewing 23
and pray J.R. gets there with the money.

It was tough. Mr. Ewing. Most of
the other banks were very uncooperative...

...even after I told them who it was for.

But at the last minute. a couple banks
in Fort Worth came through.

Well. you've done a great job. Les.

Bobby will appreciate you
accomplishing this so quickly.

Oh. no. J.R..
I'm just glad I was able to do it.

You're a real go-getter. I'll remember it.

J.R.. Bobby's probably
very worried by now.

Yes. he probably is.

You're right. All right, gentlemen.
Let's lock this up. get to the airport ASAP.

Mr. Ewing. it's getting late.

Come on. J.R. Come on.
Where the hell are you?

Bobby. you thinking the same thing I am?

No. I don't dare.

All right. we're getting out of here.

- Come on. Bobby. let's get out of here.
- Yeah.

Hey. up there!

I'll be. Come on. let's go!
All right. move it!


For a few lousy bucks. you blew an oil field
and had a man k*lled!

Bobby. he pulled a g*n on those boys.
What were they supposed to do?

- You wanted it to happen!
- I didn't blow up that field. he did.

I could've talked to him.
You could've given him the money!

What guarantee would that have been?
He could've blown the field from the air.

If you give in to an extortionist just once.
you keep on giving.

It never stops.

And you make it sound so damn noble.

- Who is it?
-lt's Gillis.
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