04x17 - The New Mrs. Ewing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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04x17 - The New Mrs. Ewing

Post by bunniefuu »

I think he's going to try to make it
to the platform for the victory speech.

- Miss Ellie. This is wonderful.
- I know.

And I know just how he'll feel
about Takapa.

There really is something
that we have to talk about.

The time to talk was
before you changed the trust.

What do I do now? Where do I go?

Trust your instincts.

Everything you touch. You spoil.

J.R.. you and your daddy
use people and then throw them away.

Even members of your own family.

You both sicken me.

I swear. I don't know
what came over Daddy.

Giving our money away
to Ray like that.

Well. You should've
seen the look on Ray's face...

when Daddy told him
about that trust fund.

We're gonna have trouble with that boy.
I can smell it coming.

What do you think about that. Sue Ellen?

I'm sure I don't know.

Of course you don't know.
How could you?

You weren't there
when all that was happening.

You never are.

J.R.. what could all of this
possibly matter to me?

We better go. Wish me luck
on the election. Mama.

- Of course I do.
- Come on. Sweetie.

- Daddy.
- Good luck. Bobby.

Thank you.

I'm sorry you're upset
about Ray. Miss Ellie.

Just try to understand...

I thought it was the least that I
could do for one of my own sons.

It's not just the money.

There was a time when you would've
talked to me before you changed the trust.

Now you just go ahead
without even discussing it.

Look. Miss Ellie.
Let's talk about this.

Let's just lay the whole thing
out on the table here and now.

I'm sorry. Jock.

I have a lot of things to do.

I have a meeting with the DOA.

We're gonna stop
the Takapa development.

Ellie. There really is something
that we have to talk about.

The time to talk was
before you changed the trust.

So. What's on your agenda today?

I have a meeting with Miss Ellie.

Are you gonna tell her
about Jock's involvement with the resort?

Well. I thought about it.

But. You know. If Jock won't tell her.
I don't see how I can.

This has really put me in a bad spot.

- I have a solution.
- What's that?

Why don't you just back off
on the Takapa deal?

Now. You know
that we're not gonna do that.

You're really messing
with a good thing. Donna.

- You don't know that.
- Oh. Yes. I do.

This Takapa deal is gonna be a real
gold mine once we get finished with it.


Now. Wait a minute.

You told me that Takapa was
Jock, Punk and Pat's project.

Well. It may have been. But I know now
Jock wants me to be a part of it.

What's the matter.
I got egg on my face or something?


No. I'm just trying to find that
nice old cowboy that I fell in love with.

I'm still the same guy.
Just because my interests have changed.

There's some doors opening up for me.
Some new opportunities.

Nothing wrong with that. Now is there?

Well. I don't know.

I do know we're on opposite sides
of the issue on this Takapa project.

But you're wrong about Takapa.

Nobody's using that land anyhow.
It might as well be made to pay off.

I don't believe you're saying that.

Ray. The land was always
important to you.

There have to be places in this world
that are left natural and unspoiled.

And you are beginning to sound like every
developer that ever came down the pike.

I don't see why you have
to get so uptight about this.

Me? No. No. No. Lam not the one.

You are the one who refuses to see
the other side of the issue.

Well. That's not true. And you know it.

Just because I don't hold
with your opinions on this thing...

Hey. Look at us.

What are we doing. Huh?

Well. It looks like we're fighting.

I guess it's not our first time. Is it?

No. And it probably won't be the last.

I guess we're always gonna be
on opposite sides of this Takapa thing.

So I think we have to agree right now...

to just leave it at the door.
Don't talk about it in our home.

What do you say?

To that I say...


- Here.
- Thank you. Marilyn.

Joan Davey. Come on.

Hi. Have you ever been
on one of these before?

Well. She...
No. I haven't really.

I didn't think so.

You know. You're gonna need a résumé.

And don't you have any glossies?

- Glossies?
- You know. Pictures.

Of yourself.

Thank you. Joan.

Ms. Lucy Ewing Cooper.
You can go in now.

- Knock them dead. Baby.
- Okay.

Good luck.


Come in. Sit down.

- So how are you. Lucy?
- Oh. I'm fine. Thanks.

Do you have a résumé. Pictures?

No. I'm sorry. I forgot.

Well. Actually. I didn't know.
But I'll get some.

That's no problem. Here.

This is the name
of a really good photographer.

He's a friend of mine.

You go see him. Tell him I sent you.

- Oh. Thanks. I'll see him right away.
- Fine.

And as soon as you get the pictures.
You bring them right back here to me.

- Is that all?
- Well. That's all for now.

- Well. That wasn't so hard, was it?
- Good.

- Bye.
- Oh. Bye.

Yeah. Thanks.

- Ask Mrs. Ewing to come in. Please.
- Right away, Mr. Ward.

Mrs. Ewing. Would you close the door
and come in and sit down. Please?

All right. She got the job.

- But what about the other gi...?
- She deserves it.

She's a very pretty girl.

In fact. She might even have
gotten the job if she weren't your niece.

Alex. You know
that's not what I wanted.

I never asked you to favor Lucy.

Forget it.

All I care about is your good will.


think of me when you look at a copy
of Miss Young Dallas. Okay?

Alex. I don't want...

It's all right. I have to go.
I'm late for a meeting.

Mr. Ward, your call
from Houston is on line two.

Finding Dusty alive.
Knowing that he loves me...

that means...
Has meant everything to me.

I could live for that alone.

Without sex.

But now...


Now. Without Dusty. Without his love.
Nothing means anything to me anymore.

I feel like my whole life is just nothing.

It's useless.

Yet you might be surprised what you'll
find inside yourself if you'll just look.

What do you mean?

I'm convinced you have the strength
to overcome this and go on.

You can make changes.
We've already seen that.

I don't understand.

By putting Dusty's desires before your own.
You've made a really mature decision.

And you made it without
relying on anyone else.

Not J.R.. or Bobby. Or Clint.
On your own.

Do you think so?

I know so.

- Don't you see it?
- Yes. I think so.

But what do I do now? Where do I go?

I think you'll find those answers
inside yourself. Sue Ellen.

You can decide
if you want to stay with J.R...

or build a relationship with Clint...

or even strike out on your own.

Trust your instincts.

Put the past where it belongs.

It's time to move on.

I don't know.

But I'll try.

With one-third
of the precincts reporting...

Bobby Ewing has a comfortable lead
of about 12.000 votes.

We have the results now from
Oakside. Brookston Park and Braddock...

and it looks like Bobby Ewing has got
a comfortable lead in all three precincts.

In view of the fact that
the opposition ran a strong candidate...

there was some
concern among the pros...

because this is Bobby Ewing's
first venture into politics.

However, all doubts are now history.

Well. It looks like our Bobby is a shoo-in.

I would think your family must be
very proud of him.

Yep. At the moment.

Yeah. I expect
there will be some fireworks...

if Bobby takes a position
on Daddy's new resort project.

No matter what he does. He's gonna
fall from grace with either Mama or Daddy.

J.R.? You watch the results?

Jordan? Yeah.
Honey. Can you get me one of these?

Of course.

Yeah. I'm watching.

- Bobby looks pretty good. Doesn't he?
- Sure does, but that's not why I'm calling.

Want to let you know a couple of the boys
have gotten together...

on some interesting investments
with the profits from the oil leases.

If you have any time tomorrow. They'd like
to get together with you and discuss it.

If you're interested. They'd kind of like
to say thank you by cutting you in on it.

- What do you say?
- I don't see how I can refuse.

I thought that's what you'd say.

Ten a.m. okay?

- Your office?
- Yeah, that'll be fine.

Good. See you then.

Yeah. That's interesting.

Real interesting.

Would you mind
if I sat in on the meeting?

I thought I might pick up a few pointers.

Sure. Why not?

And it's beginning to look like
a landslide victory for young Bobby Ewing.

We'll switch you now
to Ewing campaign headquarters.

To Bobby.

With him in and Culver out.
Takapa's gonna be a piece of cake.

And the end of the opposition
of the DOA.

Looks like Bobby's about
to make that acceptance speech.

Why don't we head over
to campaign headquarters.

Yeah. I wouldn't miss that for the world.
See you later. Punk.

Adios. Punk.

We want Bobby! We want Bobby!

It's definite now.

Bobby Ewing will be the new state senator
from Dallas county.

Yes, yes. I think he's going to try to make
it to the platform for the victory speech.

I'll have another double here. Please.

Damn you. Bobby Ewing.

- Miss Ellie. This is wonderful.
- I know.

And I know just how he'll feel
about Takapa.

Let's go.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.
I want to tell you...

how much my family
and I appreciate...

all the work that you people
in the 33rd district have done.

Because it looks like we won!

And by a large number of votes!

Now. In return...
In return for your faith in me...

I promise that I'll be
the most conscientious...

hard-working. Dedicated senator that
Dallas has ever sent to the legislature.

Now. There are a lot of problems...

a lot of problems
that we have to deal with.

And I promise not to disappoint you
in finding the solutions. Thank you.

Pam. I promise you...

it's gonna make a difference.

A wonderful difference for both of us.

You believe me?

I hope so.

But I was really thinking about Cliff.

How much the nomination meant to him.

Bobby. It's not your
fault he didn't get it.

I don't blame you.

I'm so proud of you.

Let's go upstairs.

Well. Aren't you gonna open it?

- Honey. You didn't have to do that.
- Well. I know.

Come on. Come on. Open it quick.

Do you like it?

I love it. Lt's beautiful.

Well. Don't you want to try it on for size?

- Later.
- Later?


What are you doing here. Justin?

I kept my Re'!-

I thought you might need me.

Now. Why on earth would I need you?

Because I know what's going on. Baby.

You know. J.R. is not gonna want
to play hand-holding with you forever.

And when he gets tired...

He isn't going to get tired.

He needs me.

He needs you?

Do you think he hired you
because he needed a media consultant?

Honey. He hired you
because you were the new girl in town.

Another bed partner
for the mighty J.R. Ewing.

If he needed anything...

it was just a roll in the hay.

You're boring.

Why don't you go home now. Justin?

It's only a matter of time...

before he's gonna bounce you right
out of there on your pretty little ear.

But then old Justin will be there.

With the bandages...

and Mercurochrome.

Don't hold your breath.

I know exactly
what I can accomplish for J.R.

And he needs me.


He just has to be reminded how much.

Daddy. I have some good news
you're gonna want to hear.

Yeah? What's that?

The old boys in the cartel...

are knocking on our door
with an interesting proposition.

- No kidding?
- No. Sir. I am not kidding.

Looks like they got a good investment
for the profits off the oil leases.

And they want to cut us in on it.

- Good morning. Daddy.
- Hey. Bobby.

I'm proud of you. Boy.
Proud of you.

Wait. I thought you didn't
care for politicians.

Well. I don't.
But the important thing is you won.

You know. I never thought
I'd see a Ewing in the state capital.

Congratulations. Boy.

Thank you. Daddy.

You know. We're crazy.

We got a wedding license
and no plans to get married.

Why don't we just go find ourselves
a little justice of the peace?

Well. I'm all for a quick wedding...

but I'd really like somebody that
we're close to standing up with us.

You know. How about
Jock and Miss Ellie?

Well. That's kind of a problem.

I'd like Jock to be there...

but Miss Ellie and I are not exactly
on such great terms right now.

How about Bobby and Pam?

I like that.

Problem solved.

- See. It's like I always told you. Huh?
- What?

Two heads are better than one.


Clint. It's Sue Ellen.

Sue Ellen. I was hoping you'd call.

I'm really glad you're back.

I was wondering if you would like
to have lunch somewhere.

- We could talk about your trip.
- I want very much to see you.

How about Madison's. 12:30?

Fine. I'd like that very much.
I'll be there.

We already have extensive holdings
in southern Utah.

We got land here. Here.
Right across to here.

All rich in coal veins.

Once we start our mining operations.
There'll be a fortune in it for all of us.

I'll be honest. J.R..
We can do this without you.

But it's a once-in-a-lifetime

and we thought we'd cut you in
as a token of our appreciation.

Excuse me. But isn't
what you're talking about strip-mining?

Do you really think that you want
to get into that at this time?

I mean. Strip-mining
has a terrible image.

The public equates it
with ravaging the land.

- Wait a minute. Who do you think...?
- Lady.

I don't think you know who
you're talking to.

Forgive me. Mr. Lee.
But I do know who I'm talking to.

I specialize in public relations.

And I have worked very. Very hard
to redo all of Ewing OiI's image.

Damn it. J.R.

You letting her do
all the talking for you now?

Well. There's no reason
to get all hot and bothered.

Leslie. I think you're being
a bit premature.

Well. I don't think it's premature. J.R.

I don't know what's wrong
with you. J.R.

The tail is sure
wagging the dog around here.

As far as I'm concerned.
This meeting is over. Marilee.

- Jordan.
- Right behind you. Jordan.

Well. I'm certainly glad. J.R.. that you
let me sit in on this meeting with you.

Why. They would have dragged
Ewing Oil right down into the mud.

Don't you ever do that to me again.

What are you talking about?

J.R.. Ewing Oil is back on top again.
Let's keep it that way.

Leslie. I care enough about you
not to shut you up in front of my friends.

But I'm not gonna put up
with you interfering in front of them.

Not while I'm talking business.

My daddy's gonna hit the ceiling
when he hears about this.

- Lucy. It's nice to see you.
- Hi.

- Can we get you anything?
- No. Thanks.

Thanks. Hon.

- Well. You got the pictures all ready?
- Oh. Sure do.

- Sit down while we have a look at them.
- Okay.

Very nice.

Oh. Very nice.

You're... You're not only pretty in person.
You're photogenic.

You're very lucky that...
The two don't always go hand in hand.

Well. How do you think you'll like
being Miss Young Dallas?

What do you mean?

What I mean is.
The job is yours if you want it.

If I want it?

You'll be our first Miss Young Dallas.

Oh, and here's a check for $1000
as a cash advance against your duties.

Well. What do you say?

Thank you.
Thank you very much. Mr. Ward!

Wait till I tell Pam.
Oh. She's gonna be so excited.

I can't believe...
I'm gonna be so good. I really will!

Oh. My God!

- Jackie Dugan.
- Hi. Jackie. This is Alex Ward.

Is Pam there?

Oh. Hi. Alex. No. She's not.
Can I take a message?

No. Just...

- Just tell her I called.
- Sure. Bye-bye.

Look. Cliff. There's no hurry.

Look. Bobby. I just don't see
any reason in hanging around.

I'm sorry. I know how much
you wanted the job.

You know. You might
find this hard to believe...

but I really didn't want to hurt you.

Just cut the bull. Really.

You know. You didn't even
think about me.

You're just off
on your own little ego trip.

That's not true. I ran because
there are things I believe in...

Well. Tell that to your constituents.

Because we both know I'm more qualified
for this job than you'll ever be.

All right.

All right. So I don't know
so much now. But I learn fast.

You? You are so naive.

Those big boys will chew you up
and spit you out...

before you have a chance to unpack.

And you know everything
there is to know about state politics?

I could teach you a trick or two.

Well. Maybe you should.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Why don't you put your money
where your mouth is and teach me?

- You mean work for you?
- That's exactly what I mean.

You said it. I don't know enough.

I need a good teacher. Somebody who
knows the ropes. Somebody just like you.

You must be joking. Me?

I need good legal counsel.

Besides. I know how highly
you recommend yourself.

Think how happy it'll make Pam.

If I do say yes, how do you know
that you can trust me...

knowing how I feel about your family?

I think I understand you.

I'll take that chance.

All right.

You've got yourself a deal. I'll take it.

All right. I know we can work together.
I know we can.

Just don't get me wrong.

Because I'm not taking this
for you or for Pam.

I'm taking it because...

I can't wait to see the look
on J.R.'s face when he hears.

- So your trip went well?
- Very well.

I'm glad.

All this talk about my work
must be boring you.

You never bore me.

Did you miss me?

Just a little bit?

Sue Ellen. This trip...

Being away from you for a while...

it gave me a chance
to think about things.

- Things?
- About you.

My life.

And what did you come up with?

I don't think we can go on like this.

Well. I don't understand.
We get along so well together.

Too well.

That's just it.

You're turning
my whole life upside down.

Is that so bad?

It is for me.

I feel so good when I'm with you...

so happy. l...

I almost forget...

What I'm saying is...

I'm no good at leading a double life.

I'm going to have to make a decision.

Not now.

No decisions.

Not today.

Here you go. Love.

Hey. Jordan. Come on over
and let me buy you a drink.

What“? What happened?

You tell me what happened.

- Well. Did the meeting go well?
- Lt didn't go at all.

What do you mean.
It didn't go at all?

It's that son of yours. J.R.

He seems to be letting that witch. Leslie
Stewart. Lead him around by the nose.

We can't do business with J.R.

Not so long as that uppity broad
is calling the sh*ts at Ewing Oil.

Oh. Clint.

Oh. At last.

I couldn't believe it.
My own son.

Letting some little no-account alley cat
swing you by your big toe.

Letting her screw up
the deal with the cartel.

I thought I brought you up
better than that.

A woman's place is in the bedroom.

Sure as hell not in the boardroom.

Very nice. Jock.

- Didn't hear you come in. Ellie.
- Obviously.

- Miss Ellie. You know I didn't mean to...
- I know what you meant.

You believe that the woman's place
is two steps behind the man.

Except when walking through a minefield.

You don't understand. Ellie.

J.R. let that uppity Leslie Stewart
spoil his deal with the cartel.

Well. You and J.R.
should know all about spoilers. Jock.

Now. What's that
supposed to mean, Miss Ellie?

Everything you touch you spoil.

Relationships. People's lives.

Well. Mama. I think you're
exaggerating a little bit.

Am I?

J.R.. you and your daddy
use people up and then throw them away.

Even members of your own family.

You both sicken me.

Mitch! Oh. Mitch. Guess what.

Oh. Mitch. I've got something
so fantastic to tell you!

I want you to hear something too.
But let's sit down.

Oh. No! Me first. Please!

I've been dying to tell you about it.
You're not gonna believe it.

Okay. Okay.
Now. What's the big surprise?


- What's this?
- Lt's a check for $1000.

Well. I can see that. But what's it from?

I earned it.

Aren't you proud of me?

I'm gonna be Miss Young Dallas.

That's only the advance.
Now I can pay for the maid.

A thousand dollars. My Lord.

What's the matter?

I've never had this much money
in my hands at one time in my entire life.

I know. Lsn't it wonderful?

Okay. Now tell me your surprise.

All right.

Sixty dollars.

Yeah. I worked for two nights
instead of studying.

I thought it might help pay for the maid.

Baby. I love you.

You work so hard.

You Ewings, you all have a Midas touch.

All you have to do...

is reach out your hand...

and everything you touch turns to gold.

- Mama.
- There you go.

John Ross. You know.
We're gonna be so happy.

You and Mama are gonna start
a new life somewhere else.

Give me one. Come on.

Well. That is a pretty picture.

I'm happy to see you remembered
you had a child.

What do you mean. J.R.?

Considering the amount of time
you've been spending at home...

I thought maybe you'd forgotten him.

He means more to me
than you will ever know.

Well. I do know he was born
under suspicious circumstances.

But be careful. Sue Ellen.

I don't think I can
go through that again.

Wonder what they're
having for breakfast.

- Here we go!
- Okay!

And hooray!

Oh. Bobby. I'm so happy for them.
Isn't it wonderful?

I have some news that's gonna
make you even happier.

- Yeah?
- Cliff agreed to be my legal counsel.

Oh. Bobby.

- Are you happy?
- Yes. I am.

- Thank you. I know why you asked him.
- You're welcome.

I just wish I knew why Cliff accepted.

Okay. Okay. Okay. Come on now.
You can do all of that later.

The champagne breakfast is on me.
It's a very old. Old. Old Ewing custom.

- How old?
- Five minutes.

Oh. Bobby. I'm sorry. I can't.

I've got a really important meeting.
And I can't miss it.

- I'll meet y'all at the house later. Okay?
- Hey. That's fine.

Thank you for coming.
It meant a lot.

Thank you so much.

This one girl was so gorgeous.
But I got it. I still can't believe it.

- Oh. Isn't it wonderful?
- Yes. Lucy. It is.

I'm very happy for you.


Donna and Ray have some news
that they'd like to tell you.

Miss Ellie. I'd like to introduce you
to the new Mrs...

To the newest member of our family.

You're married.

- Well. Congratulations.
- Oh. Thank you.

- That's wonderful news.
- Thank you.

That's marvelous.
Congratulations! I'm so happy.

- Donna. That's wonderful.
- Lucy.

We'll have to have a party for you.

Tonight. To celebrate.

Oh. That's not necessary. Miss Ellie.

I'd like to. Donna.
Nothing elaborate. Just the family.

It'd make me happy.

In that case. We accept.

I've got some news too.

Oh. Yeah? What's that?

I'm gonna be the first Miss Young Dallas.

Hey. That's great.

Well. Congratulations.

I'm proud of you.
How'd that happen?

I owe it all to Pam.

Alex Ward never would've agreed
to it if it hadn't been for her.

Pam really did it. That's why
I came out here. So I could thank her.

- Mr. Ewing.
- Jackie. Where's Pam?

She's in a meeting.

With Alex Ward?

No. Liz Craig
and Harrison Paige.

Shall I tell her anything?

And sign it sincerely. Et cetera. Et cetera.
And try to get that out right away.

Okay -

lt's all right, hon.
Go out and close the door. Please.

What are you doing here?

I came to tell you
stay away from my wife.

You've been chasing her.
I want you to stop.

I don't deny that I find
your wife attractive.

And I also admit that
I tried my very best to charm her.

But only because I felt she needed me.

If I hadn't. I never would've
raised an eyebrow.

I don't play games
I don't feel I can win.

Listen. You phony. My wife is not
first prize in some game.

Now. I'm warning you.
Stay away from her.

Next time. I'll beat
the hell out of you.

If you're really concerned about your wife.
Let me make a suggestion.

Talk to her.

I made my move only because I knew there
was something wrong with your marriage.

After all...

she'd never even have looked at me
if there hadn't been.

Would she?

Louella. Are you sure
there's no message from Ms. Stewart?

Yes, sir.

- Try her office again, will you?
- Right.

Damn it. Leslie.

J. FL.

- Yeah?
- Miss Stewart's not in her office.

Her secretary says she hasn't
talked to her since this morning...

when she called
to say she wouldn't be in today.

- She leave a number?
- Apparently not.

- Want to talk to her secretary?
- Yeah.

Line three.

Hello. It's J.R. Ewing here.

You got a location on Ms. Stewart?

No. She just said
she wouldn't be in today.

- Did she say why?
- No.

All I know is she seemed
very depressed about something.

- Mr. Ewing, are you there?
- Yes.

Shall I leave a message
to have her call you back?

Yes. Please.

Damn. Leslie.

I went to see Alex Ward today. Pam.

Alex? Why?

Lucy told me that she got her job
because of your influence with him.

Oh. Bobby. It was nothing.
I did it for Lucy.

Pam. You told me that
you weren't gonna see him again.

Why did you go see him behind my back?
Couldn't you have told me?

Well. To be honest.
I didn't think you'd understand.

Do you understand?

What do you mean?

Did you go see him for Lucy...

or because you wanted to see him?

I went to see him for Lucy.

Why you're trying
to make so much out of this...

is exactly the reason
why I didn't mention it.

I was afraid you'd misunderstand.

Pam. Do you understand?

What's that supposed to mean?

I went to see Alex
because you weren't around...

and I wanted to know
what was going on.

And he told me
something very interesting.


He said that you
wouldn't have looked at him...

if there wasn't something
wrong with our marriage. Ls there?

There was.

You changed. You became different.

I didn't feel loved or cared for.
That you even knew when I was around.

I was alone most of the time. Bobby.
Even when you were here.

Well. That may be okay for some wives.
But I needed more.

You said. “There was.“

Do you think we still have problems?

Come on downstairs. They're here.

Well. Now. This ought
to change things a bit for you. Ray.

This right here. You mean?
I don't think so.

You wouldn't want to change Ray.
Would you?

No. I don't think so.
I'm kind of partial to cowboys.

Isn't everybody?

I'd like to propose a toast.

To the bride and groom.

May they be as happy 50 years from now
as they are today.

Thank you very much. Very nice.

I'd like to make an announcement.

I think it'll make Donna very happy.

What's that. Miss Ellie?

This morning. When Donna and Ray were
getting married. The DOA went to court.

We got an injunction.

We've stopped the Takapa development.

You what?

We stopped Takapa.

What are you talking about? I am Takapa.

You're what?

I am Takapa.

Here's to you, Donna.

Welcome to the Ewing family.
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