04x18 - Mark of Cain

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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04x18 - Mark of Cain

Post by bunniefuu »

Takapa's important to me. Bobby.

More than your marriage?

That's up to your mama.

Ray's feelings for Jock haven't changed
just because he's a Ewing.

Maybe a lot of other things
haven't changed...

like Jock continuing to keep
little secrets from me.

- There's a conflict of interest here.
- The way I see it, senator...

it would be best for everyone...

if you were to ask the lieutenant
governor to remove you from this panel.

- You're asking me to divorce Sue Ellen?
- You should do what you want to do.

The balI's in your court. J.R.

We've been here
since 5 this morning.

Don't you think it's about time
we try to wind it up?

Don't see how we can.

Here we go. Boys.

Where's Jock?

He took a walk. Trying to clear some
of the cobwebs out his head. I guess.

Late for that. Isn't it?

Well. I guess we might as well face it.

D.O.A. girls moved faster than we did.

Outsmarted us.
Stopped us dead in our tracks.

Mr. Smithfield.

Is there any other legal action
we can take?

I'm afraid not. Ray.
It's out of the court's hands.

It's all up to the way
the committee votes.

Ray. I warned you and Jock
a half a dozen times...

that Miss Ellie and Donna Culver...

Donna Krebbs were gonna be trouble.

All either one of you ever said to me
was. “Oh. They're just having a tea party.“

Some tea party.

I guess they had a little more savvy
than we gave them credit for.


It's not savvy they've got.

What they've got is husbands
that can't control their women.

Now. You just hold on. We're not gonna
get anywhere with you spouting off.

You're right.

But I see us losing millions
on this. Ray.

Wait a minute. Now. The ballgame's
not over yet, not by a long shot.

If the legislature goes along with you.
Decides you can build...

you may be able to turn around
and sue the D.O.A...

for all the money
this delay has cost you.

There's a lot of “ifs“ and “maybes“
in there. Harve.

Why don't we just quit moaning
about this thing...

and see if we can get help in Austin.

That just may be the best suggestion
I've heard all morning.

Maybe we just ought to start calling in
some of our markers down there.

- Morning.
- Morning.

We didn't get much of a chance
to finish our conversation last night.

I know. With the expl*si*n
between Jock and Ellie...

Mama and Daddy aren't the only ones here
with a marriage in trouble.

Unless you've changed your mind
about our problems.

Bobby. I thought about us all night.

I'd like to leave our problems behind us.

I'd like that too.

I love you.

I love you too.

Well. I've gotta go to work.

- What about you?
- I have a lot of stuff to do before I can go.

Okay -

- Bye.
- Bye-bye.

Morning. Mama.

Good morning. Bobby.

I guess Donna's not here yet.

No. Not yet.

You want a cup of coffee?

Mama. I'm sorry about last night.

So am I.

Daddy didn't come home all night?

No. He didn't.

Look. There's gotta be a way
that you two can settle your differences.

We'll settle them in court
or in the state legislature.

Mama. Why do you insist on fighting him?

I've always been the one to compromise.
But not anymore.

But it's not too late.

Yes. It is. I'm committed.
I've given my word.

And I believe in what I'm doing.

I'm the last person in the world
to ask you to put aside your ideals...

but this is your marriage.

Well. I suggest that you discuss
the subject of marriage with your father.

He's kept things from me
more than once.

After all these years. He still won't
let me into areas of his life.

That's not what I call marriage.

What's going on here?

I can't believe that you and Daddy
are fighting over swampland.

It's not just swampland.

It's an unspoiled area of the state.

There's not much of that left anymore.

And if it were up to your father.
There wouldn't be any left at all.

I'm just asking you to consider
the consequences. That's all.

I'm in this fight to the end.

Are you ready. Miss Ellie?
Morning. Bobby.


Hello, this is Leslie Stewart.

I'm not available at the moment...

but if you would please leave your name
and number at the sound of the tone...

I'll return your call.

This is J.R. Ewing here.

I'd like to see you
first thing this morning in my office.

Having trouble with the help. Darling?


Sue Ellen?

Clint. Is that you?

Yes, it's me...

reminding you our
lovely afternoon yesterday.

Lunch again today?


Well. I'm hungry already.


you look like you could use
a cup of coffee.

Yeah. I've been in a meeting
all morning. Bobby.

Why didn't you come home
last night, Daddy?

After those fireworks with your mama...

no way I was gonna stick around.

Daddy. Takapa is causing
a w*r around here.

Now. Why don't you just pull out?

What do you mean? Me pull out?

Tell my buddies to go home?

No way. Bobby.

Pat Powers and Punk Anderson
can always find investors.

Sure they can.

But Takapa's important to me. Bobby.

More than your marriage?

That's up to your mama.

She's the one that caused all the trouble.

Daddy. Mama is just doing
what she believes in.

So am I.

I've given my word to my friends. Bobby.
And that's the way it stands, you hear?

You look a little tired. Miss Ellie.

Did you get much sleep last night?

Not much.

Jock didn't come home. Did he?


I thought that's where
Ray went this morning.


Did you know before last night
about Jock being a developer at Takapa?

Yes. I did.

Well. Then why didn't you tell me?

You and I have been working together
to stop this development.

I didn't think it was my place.

Of course it was your place.

Yours more than anyone else's.
You got me into the Takapa fight.

Miss Ellie. I did not know
about Jock's involvement in the beginning.

And then when I found out.
I didn't wanna come between you.

I had hoped that Jock
would tell you himself.

Well. He told me all right.

I suppose Ray also knew?

Yes. And he felt the same way I did.

Well. I'm not surprised
that Ray's protecting Jock.

Especially now that he's a Ewing.

Ray's feelings for Jock haven't changed
just because he's a Ewing.


Maybe a lot of other things
haven't changed...

like Jock continuing to keep
little secrets from me.

- Phyllis.
- Good morning.

- Morning. J.R.
- Get Leslie Stewart on the phone for me.

She's waiting for you in your office.

- Leslie.
- Morning. J.R.

I tried to call you earlier.

I've been out.

All night?


- Where were you?
- Oh. Wandering around.

Wrestling with my conscience.

Are you still worried
about that meeting with the cartel?

I've brought you my letter of resignation.

- Oh?
- You were right.

I overstepped my bounds.

I think the best thing
for everyone concerned...

is if I resign the Ewing account.

I think this is a little drastic.
Don't you?

Please. Let's make this
as painless as possible.

I've placed the final ads
for the Ewing Oil account.

Now hold on.

Don't make it any more
difficult than it is.

I've always delivered everything
I've ever promised.

This is the first time in my life
I've ever failed.

I'm just sorry it had to be you.

All the fashion houses
are really pushing the silks.

Should I start ordering?

Yeah. And I tell you what.
Get me Liz's notes from the last show.

Hello. Pamela.

You remember me?

Mrs. Herbert Wentworth.

Yes. Of course I do.

Pam. I think we can finish this
a little later.

All right. Thank you. Jackie.


I phoned your house. Pamela.
But you'd already left.

I can't believe you're here.

I can't either.

Hello? Pam Ewing. I'll call you back.

Hello. Pamela Ewing.

No. I'll talk to you later this afternoon.

Mama. We can't talk here.

Can I take you to lunch?


Yeah. It's open.

I see you're getting settled in.

It's more trouble than I thought. Why can't
I use my office at the Ewing building?

It's hardly a place
to meet your constituents.

I guess I can agree on that.

So how do you like being senator?

I don't know. I'll let you know
when I get to Austin. All right?

Well. As your newly hired legal counsel.
I'm anxious to get started.

Have you had a chance to look over
any of your committee assignments yet?

No. I've been unpacking boxes.

Well. In addition to this magnificent office.
You've also inherited a couple of seats...

on committees from Dave Culver.

One of those is industrial relations.

That's right up the Ewing alley. Isn't it?

And then Dave's spot on the
select committee of legislative inquiry.

Inquiry? Inquiry into what?

Things that other committees
don't wanna touch.

This one could be a hot potato for you
because Miss Ellie's involved.

- What?
- Lt's the bill the D.O.A's been pushing...

to try to declare
certain areas wildlife preserves.

And one of those areas is Takapa Lake.

I'm so sorry.

Herbert and I were in New York
visiting our daughter.

He hadn't been well. I knew that.


when he passed away.
I really wasn't prepared.

I understand.

How long did you stay in New York?

A couple of months.

I guess I was in shock for a while.

I didn't know what I'd do without him.

Have you been back to Houston?

Yes. I sold the house.

It was too big a place for one person.

And too empty.

Well. Where are you gonna live?

Well. I considered New York
because of Katherine.

Mama. What about Dallas?


That's why I'm here.

I want to mend fences.

I'd like to have my family back again.

Well. That's wonderful.

Maybe Katherine can move out here
after she finishes school.


What about Cliff?

How would he feel about my
suddenly materializing here in Dallas?

You've told him about me. Haven't you?

That I'm alive?

No. I haven't.

I didn't see the point.

I didn't know if you'd ever
be a part of our lives again.

I think it's time for him to know.

Would you like to order now?

Yes. I think so.

They have the most wonderful
caesar salad here.

Fine. I'd like that.

I would too. Thank you.

You know what I want?

I want you to meet Bobby.
How about dinner?

After all that happened to me
here in Dallas...

I'm not up to facing the Ewings
or anyone just yet.

Not even Bobby.

But I am up to your
showing me the city...

and places to live.

Well. I tell you what.

I will take the whole day off
from The Store tomorrow.

We'll get started right away.
And we'll find you a place.

I'm so happy you're here.

Well. Senator.
It's a long way from Ewing Oil.

Ewing Oil was a cinch
compared to what I have to face.

Bobby. I am sorry.

When I asked you to run for the senate.
I never expected you to land...

in the middle of a fight
between Jock and Ellie.

I would have taken any committee position
they offered me...

except the one
that I have to decide on Takapa.

Have you thought how
you're gonna vote?

Well. There's not much of a choice.
Is there?

If I vote to make Takapa a wildlife
preserve. Daddy's gonna have my hide.

Does that mean that
you're gonna vote for the developers?

Sure. And you and Mama
can have what's left.

I have a solution.

- Withdraw from the committee?
- No.

Vote your conscience.

Afternoon. Daddy.

Afternoon. J.R.

Could use one of those myself.

You get things squared away with Mama?

No. I didn't.

You had that talk with
any of the boys in the cartel?

No. Sir. No. Sir. I...

I had other things on my mind today.

Other things. Huh?

We find ourselves back in the cartel
and you k*ll it with one shot.

Daddy. I couldn't rush
into something like that.

They wanted me to sign
right then and there.

Strip mines
sounded like a good deal to me.

Yeah. Maybe so.

But those things take
a certain amount of contemplation.

Did you cover
for that Stewart woman?

Leslie? Now why should I do
a thing like that?

She torpedoed the whole deal
with the cartel. And you let her.

Well. All that's over now.

As of this morning I told Miss Stewart
that her services were no longer required.

Well. That's good. J.R.

Don't worry. I'll get us back in the
cartel. Those boys will cool off.

Well. You see to it that they do. J.R.

You got my solemn word.

Am I too early?

I like the way you answer my questions.

You know. We have to talk.

Oh. Clint. Please.

You're so serious.


I remember when it used to be
peanut butter and jelly.

Maybe if I'd been able to afford caviar
or a room like this in those days...

you would never have
gotten away from me.

Remember that important afternoon.

Oh. Yes.

I cut basketball practice.

And I cut cheer-leading.

You know. That motel
had the brightest neon light I ever saw.

And we were so sure
that everyone was watching us.

I wanted you so much.

Then I came up $4.00 short on the room.

I don't wanna talk about that anymore.

We might have ended up
married to each other.


this is a lovely. Lovely moment.
So let's enjoy it.

So many of the beautiful moments
of my life have just...

gone up in smoke.

Not this time.

All the good men in my life
have left me...

one way or another.

I won't leave you. Sue Ellen.

Do you feel the same?

So much else has changed.

All that's changed for me
is that now I can afford the room.

Bob. Come on in. Door's open.

- Nice to see you.
- How you doing?

Good. Want a beer?

- Yeah. Why not? I'll take one.
- Great.

What's happening. Bob?

Not much. I just thought I'd stop by and
see how the old married folks are doing.

By the way. Where's Donna?

She get smart and leave you already?

Sure did.

A late night with those D.O.A. ladies.

No doubt it's about Takapa.


We gotta do something about that. Ray.


What am I gonna do?

I want you to talk Daddy out of it.

He listens to you
more than anybody else these days.

Convince him to pull out
of that Takapa deal.

That's crazy. Bob.

I haven't seen Jock this fired up
about anything in a hell of a long time.

Well. He's not the only one.
Miss Ellie's in it too.

You can see what it's doing to them.

It's not Jock's fault.
He was involved with this thing...

long before Miss Ellie
and the rest of those do-gooders...

came sniffing after him.

Wait just a minute.

One of these so-called do-gooders
just happens to be your own wife.

We leave that right at the door.

You're drawing a hard line on me.
I don't like it.

I don't want any trouble
between Jock and Ellie. Either.

You're so worried.
Why don't you talk him out of it?

Because you seem to have his ear
more than the rest of us. Lately.


You mean since he found out
I was his son.


Yeah. Maybe so.

That's what's bothering you.

What bothers me. Ray...

is that for somebody who wants to be
called Krebbs. You sure talk like a Ewing.

Well. Now. Bobby. You're just gonna
have to learn to live with that.

Raisa. Mama.

- J.R.
- Morning.

- Oh. Morning.
- Morning.

Morning. Mama. Ls Daddy still asleep?

I don't know.
I've been out here for hours.

Bobby. All your senatorial duties lined up?

Yeah. Almost.

I have my first committee meeting
in Austin. But I'll be home for dinner.

Sue Ellen.
You going shopping again today?

I might. After Dr. Elby.

I swear I've never seen anybody shop
as much as you do.

Morning. Everybody.

- Morning. Daddy.
- Morning.

I guess I better get to work.

Don't you worry. Daddy. I'm gonna
take care of those old cartel boys.

See that you do. J.R.

- Yeah?
- Jock? This is Jordan Lee.

Hey. There. Jordan boy.
How you doing?

How in the hell do you think I'm doing?

I know you're upset.
A damn shame about that strip mining deal.

Shame? That all you got to say?

What are you getting at?

Haven't you read the papers?

No. I'm just about to.
What am I gonna find out?

Don't you know about your own
policy statements?

Policy statements?
I'll get back to you soon. Jordan.

Let me see that. Bobby.


Yes. He is. Who's calling. Please?

The Wall Street Journal?

What in the hell has J.R. done now?

Excuse me.

- Oh. Good morning.
- Morning.

Mr. Ewing. This way. Please.

Mr. Ewing. Did you draft this copy
yourself? I mean. Is this ad really yours?

- Which ad is...?
- What are your other views on the ecology?

- My paper finds your position astounding.
- Ecology?

- Yes.
- Will Ewing Oil support other such causes?

Let me collect my thoughts for a moment.
Louella. I'd like to speak to you.

Phyllis. Be sure everyone gets fresh coffee.
Y'all make yourself comfortable. Okay?


You couldn't have met me at the elevator
to tell me what was going on?

J.R.. I'm sorry.

Are you gonna tell me what's going on?

You don't know?
Leslie Stewart's final ad.

“Policy Statement from Ewing Oil.“

“Ewing fights those who r*pe the land.
Ruin the air. And run roughshod- ♪

- The three R's.
- I can read.

“We put preservation before profit.“

“Strip mining r*pes the land. Ewing intends
to preserve natural resources.“

oh, my...

What else?

Here are the telephone messages
and here are the telegrams.

Ecology groups.

The Mountain Club? Oh. Boy.

- Yes?
- The governor's calling for J.R.

Tell him I'll return his call shortly.


Let's not keep the press waiting.

Yes. J.R.

Well. All right. Ladies and gentlemen.
How can I help you?

Mr. Ewing...

is it true Ewing Oil plans to start
a crusade to preserve the environment?


You read our policy statement?

Ewing Oil stands for more
than just profit.

- Louella. Get a hold of my daddy.
- Yes. Sir.

- Phyllis. Get Leslie Stewart on the phone.
- Yes. J.R.

Step this way. I'll tell you more
than you wanna know.

When Clint and I are making love.
It's as if...


Nobody matters in the whole world.

Is that the way you want it, Sue Ellen?

No one but the two of you?

Dusty is lost to me forever.

You've helped me adjust to that.

But I'm not ready to be alone.
I feel so isolated from everybody.

I just want to beloved by somebody...

and love them back in return.

What about your child?

I love him. But I want more.



Have you thought about why
you're with Clint at this time?

- I've already told you that...
- He is married.

- So?
- So...

your relationship may not go
any further than it is.

He may stay married.

I know that.

Do you have to punish yourself by being
with somebody who may never be yours?

Dr. Elby...

Clint Ogden was the first man
that I was ever in love with.

When I was in love with him.
I was a very happy young lady.

I was a popular girl...

I was campus queen...

and I was Miss Texas.

It was a wonderful part of my life.

And now that he's back in my life again...

I feel like all those terrible things
that happened to me...

never happened.

Sue Ellen...

you have to live now.

You must stop trying to relive the past.

The past was the best part of my life.

Well. Mama. What do you think?

Well. It's not the house in Houston.
But it's lovely. Pam.

And it's very special...

because it's in Dallas
where my son and daughter live.

I'm so glad you're going to be here.

You know. Pam...

I've had to make
a lot of changes in my life.

But coming back to Dallas
may be the most difficult.

- Well. I'm here. And you won't be alone.
- I know.

There's just one more thing
before I can really get settled here.

Anything you want. You name it.

When do I get to meet Cliff?


let's get you all moved in
and settled first. All right?

Take one thing at a time.

Well. Yes. I did most
of the decorating myself.

As Miss Young Dallas. I know the viewers
are anxious to know how you manage...

to keep husband. Home and school
all under control.

Well. I do my best.

It's not easy. Though.

You see. My husband is a med student.
So there's not a whole lot of money.

But. You know. We do our best.

We do our share of chores.
And he pitches in and everything.

Well. Miss Young Dallas...

Lucy. I know you know your way
around the kitchen.

Now, are you a good cook?

Well. I've got a bunch
of lightning-quick recipes for TV dinners.

Okay. Let's cut it there.
That was great. Ladies.

- Oh. Was that good?
- I wanna set up by the couch now.

That was great. Lucy. Terrific.
Right by the couch.

How's my tie? Ls that all right?
Do I look good?

You look wonderful.

Hi. Honey!

I wanted to surprise you.

It's The Morning Show.

They wanna interview me
since I'm the first Miss Young Dallas.

Lucy. We need you over here.

Okay. Larry. This is my husband. Mitch.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Ewing.

Can we see you
on the couch here with Lil?

- On the couch. Okay. Watch this.
- Excuse me. Sir. You're turning off the light.

- Just get comfortable.
- Ls this okay right here?

- That's fine if it's okay with you.
- I have to talk to you.

- Can we have it quiet. Please?
- One minute.

Great. Now. As soon as you're ready. Lil.
And when you're comfortable...

let's get into that clothes thing.
Okay? Fine? All right. Roll it.

Lucy. I know that you have
an extensive wardrobe.

Would you like to share with us
the name of your dressmaker?

Well. Believe it or not I actually
buy my clothes right off the rack.

Cut it.

Please. Mr. Ewing. Would you be so kind
as to step back there?

Is this far enough?

No. Back further. Back. Please.

Mr. Ewing's backed up
as far as he's going to.

Okay. Now. Let's settle.
And. Lucy. Are you all right?


- Are you okay?
- Oh. Yeah. I'm all right.

This is a select committee
on legislative inquiry...

and we have a quorum today.

You all know Senator Ewing.
Our newest member?

Now. On the agenda at this time...

the sole subject before us
is the question of Takapa Lake.

A temporary injunction
has been granted by the court...

against the
Unified Development Corporation...

which plans a resort in the area.

We have a bill before us. Gentlemen...

which would declare Takapa
a wilderness area.

If the bill passes...

Takapa will not be open
for development.

Mr. Chairman.

The Chair recognizes Senator Dixon.

May we speak informally
for a few minutes. Please?

If you'd like to. Senator.
Please don't record this.

I'd like to address what I have to say
to our new senator. Mr. Bobby Ewing.


Do you think you can address
this problem in a disinterested fashion?


There's a conflict of interest here.

I wish to address this committee
on the record.

There is certainly
a conflict of interest, senator.

That great organization.
The Daughters of the Alamo...

they are behind
the present injunction of the court...

and Mrs. Ellie Ewing is chairing
the Save Takapa Committee.

- Gentlemen...
- On the other hand...

one of the directors of
Unified Development is Mr. Jock Ewing.

That has nothing to do with me.

Mr. Ewing. With all due respect.
This is the way I see it.

Your daddy's people have the perfect right
to try and build a resort at Takapa.

That's their choosing.

But how's it gonna look
if there's a Ewing on this panel?

Mr. Chairman.
I have no interest in Unified.

But you have an interest in Ewing Oil.

Don't get us wrong. Mr. Ewing.

We're not concerned that the newly-elected
senator's in the oil business.

After all. There's a whole lot of people
in Texas in the oil business...

including some of our
most distinguished members.

The problem. Senator.
Is that the Ewing family...

has a present financial interest
in Takapa.

The way I see it, senator...

it would be best for everyone
and for this senate body in particular...

if you were to ask the lieutenant
governor to remove you from this panel.

Where is J.R.?

- I see you've read the ad, Mr. Lee.
- I have.

J.R.'s in his office. Sir.

Get him in here. Louella.

J.R.? Mr. Lee's here.

You read this piece of trash?

Yes. Would you like coffee?

Didn't know you were do-gooders. Did you?
You thought it was an oil company.

Well. Jordan. How nice of you to drop in.

J.R.. you wanna explain all this?

Why don't we talk about it in the office?

All right. J.R. You wanna tell me
just what in the hell you are doing?


until we got those Asian fields back.
You and the boys at the cartel...

made yourselves scarce
when I needed you.

It's old news. J.R.

Well. I had to do something.

I needed new sources of capital.

The whole world's ecology-crazy.
You know that.

These ads were just a device
to attract some eastern dollars.

J.R.. that device of yours
may cost me and the boys a bundle.

Just as I was leaving.
Andy Bradley called all steamed up.

Because of that Ewing Oil ad...

there's gonna be an investigation
of the carteI's strip mining deal.

- That probably would've happened anyway.
- We may have to scrap that project entirely.

Jordan. I'm sorry. I truly am.

I bet you are. J.R.
You got a lot to learn.

Ewing Oil dealt the cartel a bad hand.

This is once too often.

Ewing and the cartel are finished.

Jordan. We've been friends a long time.

You don't know the meaning
of the word friendship.

From now on. I'll be a lot better off
dealing with my enemies.

Hey. Take a look at those. Will you?

Will you look at that?

What's her name?

You don't know her?

She's right here on campus.
Her name is Lucy Ewing.

Lucy Ewing.
Now. Where do I know that name?

The story inside says her name's Cooper.

Cooper's the name
of some med student she married.


Are you serious? A med student?

Why not? Sure makes studying anatomy
a whole lot of fun.

You are a man after my own heart.
Not to mention a life saver.

You have your notes
from Porterfield's lecture?

- Yeah. Notes. Of course. I recorded them.
- Oh. Great.

I was late. Can I borrow your cassette?

- Oh. Yeah. Sure.
- I promise I'll return it as soon as I can.

Can you imagine climbing in the sack
with that every night?

Jeez. It sure beats the dorm.


Let it go.

That is my wife they're talking about.

I know.

Want some free advice
from an old lab partner?


Live with it.

You know something?
That sounds a lot easier than it is.

- Thanks for lunch.
- You're welcome.

You didn't say two words during lunch.
We knew this was gonna happen.

No matter what.
Stay on that committee.

I don't care what they say.

What will my parents say if they find out
I'm on the committee for Takapa?

What about the voters. The Party?
Don't you owe them anything?

I don't have to prove it to them
by being on this.

I think that's the point.

You have to prove to the voters that
you're not in the pocket of big business.

When you ran.
You knew the Ewings were everywhere.

- Not the last time you'll run up against it.
- Doesn't make it easier.

- Then you should have not run for senate.
- Well. Thanks for the great advice. Cliff.

Senator Ewing.

We didn't expect you.

Well. Then. Mr. Chairman.
You've been misinformed.

Senator. We've gone all through this.

I gave a great deal of thought
about what you all said earlier...

but I promised the people in my district
that I'd represent them.

I'm not gonna back out of this committee
just because it's unpleasant.

So. Senators. I'm in.

Who is it?


J.R.. just a moment, please.

I'm not dressed. Just a moment.

- Hello.
- Hi. There.

- Looking mighty nice.
- Thank you.

I'm leaving Dallas.

You're what?

I've already sent you
a closing statement...

for services rendered
from the agency and myself.

Here's a copy.

You can't leave me now.

I need you.

I've had a wonderful offer
from a large agency back east.

Actually. They wanted to be
partners with me for a long time.

And there just seems
no reason to say no.

Now. Leslie. Listen to me.

If you want your own PR firm. You don't
have to go into partnership with anybody.

I don't?

No. Of course not.

Old J.R. can provide you with the backing
for the biggest PR firm in Dallas.

You don't have to do that.

I know I don't have to. I want to.

I could hook you up
with the biggest clients in Texas.

Well. That sounds wonderful.

And I'm sure a lot of people would say
that I was a fool if I didn't say yes.

You're no fool.

There's just one problem.

What's that?

I want something more.

I want you.

Leslie. Honey...

YOU got me.

No. Not this way.

It won't work because you're married.

You're talking about Sue Ellen?

That's a minor inconvenience.

Perhaps for you. But for me it's different.

In what way?

I found out a long time ago
married men are trouble.

As long as you're married...

we can work together.

And we can be good friends.

But I will never. Ever
come between you and your wife.

Are you asking me to divorce Sue Ellen?

I think you should do whatever it is
you really want to do.

The balI's in your court. J.R.
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