05x22 - Vengeance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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05x22 - Vengeance

Post by bunniefuu »

The thought of that
man with my Sue Ellen.

I see.

Well, I tell you,

it just flat drives me crazy.

Are you asking me
to stop seeing Cliff?

This thing almost destroyed
the 3 of you once before.

Do you think you're strong
enough to handle it again?

No! Wait a minute!

I'm supposed to
give up Sue Ellen

because I'm afraid
of a fight with J.R.?

This is not a fight I want.

It's not a fight I wanted,
but I'm gonna fight,

and I'm gonna win.

There's another man in her life.

Who might this man be?

Clayton Farlow.

Well, you won't have to
worry about that photographer

of yours anymore.

I think he got the message.

Thanks, Pam.

Roger was really
starting to get a little scary,

and I didn't know what to do.

I hope it won't
hurt your career.

I guess it's up to that
agency man... Blair Sullivan.

If he says I have to
keep working with Roger,

then it's good-bye modeling.

Good morning.


Good morning.

Good morning.

Eating like you
got a train to catch.

I do. J.R. left for the
station about a half-hour ago.


Bye. Can you have
lunch with me today?

I'd love to. Bye, Mama.

Bye. Pam, are you going to be
here when Rebecca comes over?

Oh, no. I've got a
staff meeting at 10:00.

Well, would you leave
Christopher with me?

I know she'd love to see him.

Well, that would be
lovely. Thank you.

That child's a
pleasure to take care of.

Hello. Bobby Ewing here.

Listen carefully, Mr. Ewing.

I don't have much time.
I want to meet again.

Same bar as before.

What the hell are you
doing calling me at home?

Well, just think
how lucky you are

you're the one that
answered the phone.

Look, you remember
what I said about my wife?

Well, the same thing
goes for me, too.

You stay away from me or else.

8:00 tonight.

Why should I?

Because if you won't talk to me,

I'll find someone else who will.

Now, these are the seismographic
studies for the Wellington land.

They project an oil reserve
of tremendous potential.

Yeah. You know the old
saying. Figures don't lie.

And... here are the
core sample reports.

They'd lead anyone to believe

that they're sitting
on another Spindletop.

Oh, Murphy, you've
done an excellent job.

Really excellent.

Glad you got what you wanted.

Now, there's no chance...

Not the remotest chance
there's any oil under this property.

Not a drop. Judging
by the real report,

it's the driest
section in the county.

And when people
read your report?

They'll be half-way to the bank
trying to raise money to get at it.

All right, Murphy.

Here's the deed to your house.

Paid in full.

I don't expect we'll be seeing
you around here for a while.

You won't.


Yes, sir?

Ring Marilee Stone
for me, will ya?

Yes, sir.


Hello, J.R.

Marilee? Ready to roll.

If I pull this off,
J.R., you owe me.

Honey, if you pull
this off, I'm all yours.

All mine? No.

You keep your
mind and soul, J.R.

I just want your body.

Have the documents sent over.

Christopher is
absolutely marvelous.

You must love having him around.

Well, he's brought a
lot of joy to this house,

but you didn't just come
over to see the baby, did you?

I'm afraid not.

Cliff and J.R. seem
to be at odds again.

Why, then something must have
happened, something I'm not aware of.

No tea for me, please.

Cliff had a job offer in Tulsa with
Wally Hampton of Oilco Industries.

The offer turned out
to be a trap set by J.R.

to humiliate and
discredit my son.

Well, are you sure it was J.R.?

We're sure he was
behind the offer of the job.

But why would he do that?

Sue Ellen.

Cliff is seeing her.

Well... no wonder
there's trouble.

Ellie, what can we do?

I don't know.

If Sue Ellen's the battleground,

then things will get worse.

J.R. went to great lengths to
get her away from the Farlows.

I thought that battle
was over John Ross.

It was, and Cliff is
facing the same fight.

So would any man
who courts Sue Ellen.

She's John Ross' mother
and J.R. doesn't want

any man between
himself and his son.

You sure you can get away
from Washington for 24 hours?

Really appreciate it.

Ok. I'll pick you up at
the airport tomorrow.

Thanks, Dave.

February 3, 1930.

Again we've upped
the offer to Jonas,

but the old coot
still won't budge.

Jock thinks the land
is worth a fortune in oil.

Hello there, busy lady.

What do you say we
go down to Braddock

and have some lunch, huh?

What's wrong?

Can I ask you a sort
of an odd question?

Well, sure. What is it?

You came to Southfork
15, 20 years ago.

What was Jock like then?

Jock was a great man.

Nothing else?

He was decent, kind.

Sure did right by me.

Practically perfect.

No, not perfect.

He was the best man I ever knew.

Never be another one like him.

Your table's ready, J.R.

Oh, thank you.

I'll take your drink.

Well, Afton, what
brings you here?

Your ex-wife's love life.

Sit down.

Oh, no, thank you.

Well, I don't suppose
you're here to tell me

you got Cliff Barnes
away from Sue Ellen.

No, I can't say I managed that.

What do you want, Afton?

A favor.

Look, I know you're
gunning for Cliff.

I also know you can destroy him.

Well, you have a grasp of
the situation I wish Barnes had.

I don't want you to do it.

Why not?

Because Sue Ellen is
going to dump him real soon

and then he'll come back to me.

I want him back
in one piece, J.R.,

with all his assets intact.

Why would Sue Ellen
want to dump him?

I don't think even
she realizes it yet,

but there's another
man in her life.

A man who's more
important than Cliff,

a man who's really
in love with her.

Who might this man be?

I can't believe you
haven't figured it out, either.

I'm talking about
Clayton Farlow.

Miss Ellie. Please come in.

I hope I'm not interrupting
John Ross' lunch.

Oh, no, not at all.

He just finished.
He's upstairs playing.

Shall I get him for you?

I'm sure he'd love
to see his grandma.

Well, actually, Sue Ellen,

I didn't come to
see John Ross. I...

I came to speak to you.

Oh. Well, may I fix
you some coffee?

No, no. No, thank you.

Won't you sit down?

I, uh... I want to
talk about you...

and J.R... and Cliff Barnes.

Miss Ellie, this
is quite unlike you

to question me
about my personal life.

Normally, I wouldn't,

but there's a lot
more at stake here

than just your
personal interests.

2 whole families are involved.

I really don't understand.

Well, I'm sure that you know

what you're seeing Cliff
Barnes is doing to J.R.

That's J.R.'s problem, not mine.

We're divorced now.

Yes, I know that,
but J.R. and Cliff

are already at
each other's throats,

and it's beginning to have
its effect on too many people.

Are you asking me
to stop seeing Cliff?


No, I don't have
any right to do that...

if you're serious about him.

Are you, Sue Ellen,

or are you using him
to get back at J.R.?

Miss Ellie, I really don't
think it's any of your business.

This thing almost destroyed
the 3 of you once before.

Do you think you're strong
enough to handle it again?

I don't know, Miss Ellie.

I really don't know.

Well, I thought that you and Roger
worked fine in the last session.

Well, let's just say
there's still a problem.

Ok. You want to talk about it?

No. I mean, I don't
want to be specific.

Well, then, what
can I do for you?

Well... I was just
wondering if there's

another photographer I
could use besides Roger.

You mean you'd like to
work with somebody else.

Well, sure. Anyone.

Well, I mean, anyone
else that's good, that is.

Being a model is something
that you want, isn't it, Lucy?

I mean, you have
come to that decision.

It's want I want, Blair,
but I want it on my terms.

No Roger.

No Roger.

Well, you know something?

You don't need him.

You're going to go a long way
in this business, Lucy Cooper.

We'll just have to find you
another photographer, that's all.

And I'll break the
news to Roger.


There's no way I'm
paying you a dime.

If you want me to keep
my mouth shut, pay me.

How would you like me
to bring the police into this?

You think what
you did was legal?

I might have to
pay a little fine,

but you sold the baby,

and I don't know
about other states,

but here in Texas,
you go to jail.

You think I care about jail?

I got worse problems,

I don't have a lot left to lose,

so you better decide how
important that child is to you

because if I don't get
paid, I blow the whistle.

Well, let's go.

Come on. Come on, sweetie.

Look what we got.

Oh, yeah. Come on.

Ohh. Ohh.

You gonna put those feet down?

You gonna put those feet down?

Hi, honey.


I didn't expect
you to be so late.

Well, the meeting took a
little longer than I thought.

You hungry? I'll
warm you some dinner.

I'm exhausted. I just
want to get to bed.

Well, you're gonna have to
wait to hear my good news first.

What's what?

The department of human
resources called today.


And they're sending out
a Mrs. Gilman tomorrow.

She's going to check

and see that we're providing
Christopher with a good home.

Well, that shouldn't
be any problem.

Well, I know. That's
why I'm so excited.

Bobby, once she
files the report,

there's nothing to prevent us
from legally adopting Christopher.

Oh, that's right. Yes.


Mr. Barnes, Marilee
Stone is here.

Send her in.

Yes, sir.

Marilee, what can I do for you?

He has done it to
me for the last time.

I need your help, Cliff.

I want to get back at him.

Now, who are we talking about?

You know who.

J.R. Ewing... this town's
resident snake in the grass.

Well, I thought you two
were getting along just fine.

Sure we were. He was full
of sweetness and promises.

Promises he didn't keep.

Well, now, look, don't tell me

that you took the word of
J.R. Ewing at face value.

He promised to marry me.

To marry me.

And you know why?

You know what that
cobra really wanted?

All he wanted was for me to
help him get back in with the cartel.

Never had any love for me.

He's too obsessed
with that ex-wife of his.


You know J.R. He
just can't stand to lose.

Well, that's nothing new.

This time somebody's
getting close to his ex-wife,

and it's really
driving him crazy.

Well, what can I do?

I want to hurt him,
Cliff, where it matters.

I want to hurt his pride
and his pocketbook.

Just how do you
think you can do that?

J.R. and I are
involved in a land deal.

A big one.

We're talking
lots of oil, Cliff.

I mean, a hot piece of property.

Westar just bought
the adjoining piece.

Westar, huh? Well, there
must be something to it.

How much land
and what's the cost?

It's a full section
at $10,000 an acre.

That's 6 1/2 million. We
come in at 3 1/4 a piece,

steal it right out of
J.R.'s greedy little paws.

You can cover that, can't you?

Yeah. Yeah, oh, that's...

That's no problem. It's just...

how much oil is here?

I've got the
geologist's reports.

You won't believe your eyes.

Ok. Just leave this
with me, Marilee,

and I'll get back to you
just as soon as I can.

You got to move fast.
I mean right away.

I hate being used, Cliff.

I want J.R. Ewing
to remember that.

Miss Ellie. I'd like you to meet

my mother-in-law
Miss Ellie Ewing.

This is Mrs. Gilman.


Hello, Mrs. Gilman.

You're the adoption
investigator, aren't you?

That's right.

Please, sit down.

Thank you.

We've been expecting your visit.

I hope everything's all right.

Oh, yes. It's lovely.

I always look forward to
meeting the prospective parents,

and the baby is just wonderful.

He's a lucky youngster.

Well, I'm sure that Christopher
would agree with that.

We think we're the lucky ones.

How long do you think it'll be

before the adoption's final?

Usually 6 months.

In your case, perhaps we
can shorten the time a little.

You and the baby are obviously
very right for each other.

J.R., I've located
Clayton Farlow for you.

He's staying at the Fairview
in Dallas for a couple of days.

Well, that's convenient.

Get him on the phone for me
as soon as you can, will you, Sly?

Sure, J.R.

My God, on top
of everything else,

Jonas made my father a
sole heir. He got everything.

And Jonas'
property was the field

that started the entire
Culver/Ewing fortunes.

Now, can you imagine what people

would think if they
were to read that?

I sure can.

The early years would sell twice

as many copies as
the political years.

Nothing like a little scandal.

Look, anyway, you know why I
wanted you to come down here.

I cared a lot for your father,

and I don't want to do anything
that would hurt his image.

But he did so
much good later on.

I don't think this
would hurt him.

As for me, I don't trade anymore

on the fact that I'm
Sam Culver's son.

I made my own
reputation as a politician.

You're still gonna have to deal
with it when it hits the papers.

It happened 50 years ago,

and there were
mitigating, or at least,

understandable reasons
for what happened.

Donna, as far as I'm concerned,

you can use any of
this material in the book.

I wish it was that simple.

You mean the Ewings?

I take it you haven't
talked to Miss Ellie.


I just don't know
how to tell her

what I know about Jock's
involvement with Sam.

You'll handle it well, I'm sure.

You know, maybe there's
another way to deal with this.

The only other
way to deal with it

is to leave it out of the book.

Are you ready to do that?

I don't know.

Well, while you're thinking,

let's go find Ray and have
that dinner you promised.

Well, what do you think?

These reports are excellent.

As promising a
field as I've seen.

You're the expert, Mr. Fragner.

What would you
do if you were me?

Oh, I'd go ahead
without hesitation.

Thank you for your opinion.

My pleasure, Mr. Barnes.

I don't know how you
got the option on that field,

but it's a hell of a find.

Marie, send in Mr. Forest.

Mr. Barnes.

Come in, Mr. Forest,
please. Have a seat.

And, sir, what can I do for you?

You can do plenty for me.

You can draw a Wentworth
check for $4 million

and make it payable to
Wellington land escrow account.

Mr. Barnes, that is not the way
Wentworth tool & Dye operates.

Mr. Forest, I know you're
the company controller,

but surely, you don't presume to
tell me how to run this company.

No, no, of course not,

but I will have to
get authorization

from corporate
headquarters in Houston.

No, no. No, no, no, no.

I know that you got
a letter from Houston

that gives me total authority,

and this is something
that I want you to do now.

But we don't have that much
money in the new acquisitions fund.

Then take it from R&D.

But if we take it from research
and development, Mr. Barnes,

it's going to stop some of our
most important projects cold.

I want the check by
the end of the day.

Do you understand?

I understand, Mr. Barnes.

Thank you, Mr. Forest.

Marilee, Cliff.

Let's meet at the bank tomorrow.
- 30.

Well, Clayton.


I appreciate you coming.

Sit down. Buy you a drink?

Scotch and water, please.

Hit me again. Same thing, honey.


What is it you wanted
to see me about, J.R.?

Sue Ellen.

I understand she depends
on you for guidance,

among other things.

She needs somebody.

I don't suppose you're responsible
for her turning against me, are you?

No, I wasn't, but
I certainly tried.

Well, then I suppose
you'll be a lot happier

to hear that she's
with Cliff Barnes now.

Oh. How about a
little toast to Sue Ellen?

I don't think we're here
to toast your ex-wife, J.R.

No. No, we're not.

I had a little visit
from Afton Cooper.

It's amazing how perceptive

a young woman like that
can be, don't you think?

Is there a point here, J.R.?

Well, yes.

The point being that
sometimes women can see

things that men
tend to overlook...

Like, for instance,

why you were so fiercely
protective of Sue Ellen

when she was on Southern Cross.

For the sake of my son.

For the sake of yourself.

You weren't acting
for Dusty Farlow.

You were acting
for Clayton Farlow.

That's ridiculous.

You're a fraud.

You call yourself a gentleman?

Her friend, her protector?

And all the time you
wanted her for your lover.

You are a contemptible man, J.R.

Admit it. You didn't
want her for your son.

You wanted her for yourself.

And do I understand correctly?

You each wish to put up
half the purchase price?

Mr. Lobe, you may
draw my 3 1/4 million

from the Stonehurst
account I keep here.

Mr. Barnes?

Here's a cashier's
check for 4 million

and my personal
check for 500,000.

I don't understand.

Well, if it's all right
with Mrs. Stone,

I would like to assume a larger
portion of the risk of this venture.

Are you sure, Cliff?

50/50 is fine with me.

No, no. Really, it's
my pleasure, Marilee.

My 4 1/2 and your 2.

How would you like
the papers made out?

Wentworth/Stonehurst Oil?

No. Make that Barnes/Stonehurst.

I'll have the papers
drawn up immediately.

Thank you, Mr. Lobe.

Shall we have a
celebration lunch?

There's certainly a
reason to celebrate.

Please, Mr. Ewing.

Get your hands off me.

We got to talk.
It's very important.

What happened to the
old hard sell, Farraday?

It'll be worth it. I promise.

Where and when?

6:00. The usual spot.

Hey, this could be
good for both of us.

Ok, Vanessa. Let's see if
we can get one right here.

All right? Looking up in there.

Good. Good. Take it out here.

And let's go!


That's right. Now,
that real angular look.

Oh, yeah. That's good.

Now, give me that turn to the
side and come back at me. Good.

Big smile! Big smile. That's it.

Right at me, right at me.

Love it, love it. Great. Super.

Super. Looking good.

Let's change outfits

and see if we can
do it again. All right?

Blair, how long have
you been standing there?

Oh, not long. That's
a good-looking girl.

Yeah, yeah. She's fine.

So, what's happening, Blair?

More work? I'm up
to my ears already.

No, no, no, no. No more work.

We have to have
a talk about Lucy.

Oh, fine. That's
my favorite subject.

I don't quite know
how to say this, Roger,

except straight out, so...

Lucy and I had a meeting,

and she doesn't want to
work with you anymore.

I don't believe that.

She said she'd
give up her career

if I didn't find her
another photographer.

You're lying.

You've got a deal and
you're trying to cut me out of it.

That's not true,
Roger, and you know it.

I discovered her.

I made her!

Without my pictures,
she has no career.

No one else can photograph her.

What do you mean, another
photographer for Lucy Cooper?

Me, Blair! Just me!

Now, hold it. Just calm down.

Take it easy for a minute.

Now, I warned you
not to get involved

and possessive with your models.

Well, you don't understand.

Lucy and I... are a team.

Well, not anymore,

so you'll just have
to forget about it.

I can't.

Sure, you can.

Look, I just got a
call from Detroit.

They want to do this
big sunbelt-type layout.

You'd be perfect for it.

Ok. Blair, I get the message.

That's good. Ok.

I'll see you around.

I think I'll have
the crab salad.

And I'll take the
roast beef platter.

Thank you.

Well, Mama, I'm glad you called.

It's nice to spend a
little time alone with you.

Well, I'm enjoying it, too, J.R.

I have a funny feeling

this is not exactly a
social lunch, however.

Well, I do have something
I want to talk to you about.


J.R., what happened
between you and Sue Ellen?

Everything was going so well.

I even thought there
might be a reconciliation.

Yeah. Well, so did I.

I'll admit that I was a little bit
suspicious in the beginning.

I was afraid that all
you were interested in

was John Ross' voting shares.

It's not hard to see how
you got the wrong impression.

But I've come to understand

that you really
do love your son.

Yes, I do.

And what's more,
I love Sue Ellen.

I just didn't realize it
until after the divorce.

Yes, I think I
believe that, J.R.

I went to see Sue Ellen

and I was hoping that she
could explain her feelings to me,

but I can't say that I see
things any more clearly.

What's happened to you two?

I assume that you've told
her what you just told me.

Oh, yes, I did.

Everything was just going
great and the wind shifted.

I still don't know why.

I think someone told her
something that turned her against me.

Do you think it
was Cliff Barnes?

Is that why you've been
taking it out on him?

No, Mama.

Well, maybe that
trap you set for him

with Wally Hampton was
a bit of an overreaction.

You heard about that, did you?

J.R., you know how I
feel about this rivalry,

and Rebecca feels the same way.

We're not happy to see
this feud start up again.

Well, I'm sorry I
tricked Barnes,

and I apologize to you,

but the thought of that
man with my Sue Ellen...

I see.

Do you?

Well, I tell you, it just
flat drives me crazy.

Oh. Hello.


Get Dave off on his plane ok?

Yep. Right on time.

He didn't seem to see anything to
worry about in your book, did he?

No, not from his standpoint.

Come on, over here and sit down.

I want to talk to you.

I still have a problem.

What Dave and I were
talking about, it, uh...

it concerns Jock
to a lesser degree.

You mean, you want to write
something bad about Jock?

I found something
out and I should use it.

I just don't know how
Miss Ellie's gonna take it.

Well, talk to her about it.

Maybe she already knows.

Knowing about it's one thing,

having it published is another.

Look, honey, you got a
problem, you get it out in the open.

It's the only way
to solve anything.

I learned my lesson.

I know it.

It's just not gonna be easy.

It was some meal.

Thank you.

May I get you dessert?


I want to talk to you.


Oh, Cliff.

No, no, no, wait.

I let you get away from me once,

and I was a fool.

It's not gonna happen again.

Sue Ellen, I want to marry you.


I'm on the verge of one of
the biggest deals of my life,

and I'll be able to support
you very well indeed.

That doesn't matter to me.

But it does to me.

I'll be able to give
you everything

that J.R. did and more.

Plus, I'll make you happy
in a way he never did.

Cliff, I'll need some time.

Take all the time you need.

Sue Ellen, I love you.

I want you.

Remember that.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Clayton, this is Sue Ellen.

Did I catch you at a bad time?

Yes, I'm afraid you have.

Well, Clayton, I
have to talk to you.

Well, I'm in a meeting with
some very important suppliers.


Look, we'll talk
some other time, ok?


How much?


And what is that?

My first installment?

My down payment?

I don't give in to blackmail.

It's a one-time payment.

I don't believe you, Farraday.

I'll give you proof...

for 50,000 and a one-way
ticket to Rio de Janeiro.

Rio? Why Rio?

Look, Mr. Ewing, I'm in trouble.

I got to get out of
the country. Fast.

Come on.

I'll give you documents.

They'll ensure that I'll
never be back to bother you.

What kind of documents?

I can't tell you now.

I'll let you read
them on the spot.

If you're not
satisfied, the deal's off.

You sound awful
sure of yourself.

50 grand and a
one-way ticket to Rio

will be the smartest
money you ever spent.

I don't know. I got
to think about it.

We can even meet at my place.

I'll give you proof.
You won't regret it.

All right. You'll call
me in a couple of days.

Don't blow it, Mr. Ewing.
This is your last chance.

I promise you.

Aw. What's the matter there?

Hey, hey.

Oh, come on now.




I've gotten into a heck of a
lot of trouble cause of you,

but you're worth it.

I'm not gonna take a
chance on losing you now.

You know, I think Christopher's
gonna start talking soon.

Oh, Pam, he's a
little young for that.

Well, he's gonna be
smart like his daddy.

I'll get it.




Look, I've been
doing a lot of thinking

since we talked at your
photo session, and, uh...

We care about each
other too much to be angry.

I really do want to see you.

Let's have lunch today.

I'd love to!

What about that terrific
restaurant by the hospital?

No, I took the day off.

Why don't you meet me
here at the condo at 12:30?

I'll be there. Bye.


That was Mitch.

I'm gonna see him today,

and if I have my way,

I won't be home tonight
or for several nights.

Well, I'm glad you finally
decided to work things out.

You know, it's funny,

but I really believe the whole
thing is gonna come together.

Pam, help me pick out
something terrific to wear.

Why, I sure will.

Come on.

Great. I'm supposed
to meet him at 12:30.

Well, ok.


J.R.? Marilee Stone
is here to see you.

Good. Send her in.

J.R., I must tell you,
I'm truly shocked.

Oh? What's wrong?

Not only did Cliff
Barnes go for our deal,

he was greedy enough to insist
on coming in at 4 1/2 million.

Well, that's what I
call hogging the action.

Where'd he get his money?

4 million came from Wentworth.

500,000 from his own funds.

That's even better
than I hoped for.

Not only did he
embezzle from his mother,

but he obviously used
up most of his own money.

And the best is yet to come.

Wait till he starts to drill
and drill and drill and...

J.R., I've got this
powerful urge to celebrate...

right now.

Well, honey, it's a little early

for that kind of
celebration, don't you think?

You wouldn't refuse the woman
who pulled this scam off for you?

Of course not, darlin'.

Well, then, take your pick.

Right here or at my house.

Marilee, you are insatiable.

I can't help it, J.R.

Crooked deals turn
me on like crazy.


Thank you.

I'm really sorry about the way
I acted at the photo session.

I was just jealous of Evelyn,
so I wanted to make you jealous.

It's ok. Really.

Look, maybe this discussion
should wait till after lunch.

I'd rather talk now.

All right.

I've been doing some thinking,

and I've come to a decision.

So have I.

Honey, I've decided that I
want our marriage to work,

and I want to give it the
real chance it never had.


I'm sorry, Lucy, but
that's not what I want.

What do you mean?

I mean I want a divorce.

I think we'd both be
better off if we were free.


Free for what? Evelyn Michelson?

No. Free for myself.

But I want an honest
relationship with Evelyn.

I owe her that.

You owe her? What about me?

We never had a chance.

Look, our marriage
has been dead for ages.

Let's bury it.

I made a reservation at
that old restaurant you like...

The one by the university.

Do we have a few minutes?

Sure, we do. Yeah.

What's wrong?

You look troubled.

Yes. I am.

But what is it?

Cliff, I want to talk to
you about Sue Ellen.

Sue Ellen? Is there
a problem there?

I'm sorry to pry
into your business,

but I have to know.

Are you using her
to get back at J.R.?

No. No, I'm not.

I don't know how you could
think something like that.

I love Sue Ellen, and I've
asked her to marry me.

And I'm waiting for a response,
but I'd like your approval.

May I be honest?

Please, say anything you want.

Your relationship with
Sue Ellen frightens me.

I don't want to see
you and J.R. destroy

each other because of her.

Now, wait a minute.

I'm supposed to
give up Sue Ellen

because I'm afraid
of a fight with J.R.?

This is not a fight I want.

It's not a fight I wanted,

but I'm gonna fight
and I'm gonna win.

Whoo. Hello, darlin'.

You know what, pretty lady?

If women were oil
wells, you'd be a gusher.

Get lost.

All right. All right, I'm going.

I hate blondes. Every one
of them are born plain sour.


I'll tell you where.




J.R., Sergeant McSween is here.

Send him right in.


Harry. Right on time.

I figured I'd better be.

I have some interesting news.

Here's a copy of
baby Christopher's

pre-adoption records
like you asked.

That baby's natural
mother was Kristin Shepard.

And furthermore, your
ex-wife Sue Ellen knows it.

How do you know that?

Well, she signed this affidavit

for your brother Bobby to use
at the adoption proceedings.

Something that said she
had no interest in the child

and that she doesn't
know who the father was.


so that's what Bobby and
Sue Ellen were talking about.

What's that, J.R.?

Nothing. Harry, you've
done me a big favor.

I appreciate it.

I'll be in touch.

Oh, Bobby, what you did to me.

Because of you, I
almost lost John Ross...

But now, I can turn
everything around.

With my 20 shares
and 10 from Ray...

well, Bobby,

if you want to keep little
Christopher for your very own,

you're just gonna have to
fork over your 20 shares.

And with 50 shares,

nothing and nobody can touch me.

And soon, my son, very soon,

with your 10 shares,

I'll have total
control of Ewing oil.
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