05x26 - Goodbye, Cliff Barnes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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05x26 - Goodbye, Cliff Barnes

Post by bunniefuu »

Sue Ellen. I need you.

I know I can build a new life...

if you'll just believe in me
and love me.

Cliff. I think you should know that...

J.R. has asked me to marry him.

When I found out that Cliff was using
Wentworth funds. I fired him.

I think it's time you did the same
with J.R.

He used Ewing funds to destroy my son.

My own brother tried to blackmail me.

I'll vote to throw him out of Ewing Oil.

But not until I take him apart.

I'm gonna remove you from Ewing Oil.

You won't be able to do that.

Bobby, your call to Ins Angeles is ready.

Thank you.

Hello. This is Bobby Ewing.
Who am I speaking to?

I'm Ms. Williams. The records clerk.

Ms. Williams...

I have a bill here from
the Los Angeles Memorial Hospital...

for a Ms. Kristin Shepard.

I'd like to know what some
of these charges are for.

What's the date?

It's a year ago. December. On the 10th.

I'm sorry.
That won't be in our computer anymore.

I'd have to get those records
out of storage.

Well. How long would that take?

I could have it tomorrow.

Why don't you get those ready
and I'll call you back.

Mr. Ewing. I can't give out
that information on the phone.

Maybe it'd be better
if we discussed this in person.

I'll be in Los Angeles tomorrow. I'd
appreciate it if you had those files ready.

- Okay.
- Thank you very much.

- Phyllis.
- Yes, Bobby.

Would you book me a flight
for tomorrow to Los Angeles.

Yes, sir.

Miss Ellie. Are you all right?

Yes. I think so.

That outburst last night
was long overdue.

I didn't realize how much anger
I was suppressing...

along with other feelings.

If you'd like to talk about it...

No. Sue Ellen. I can't. Not yet.

All I know is that I...

I see things more clearly now.

Well. I just wanted you to know
that if you need any help. I'm here.

Thank you. Sue Ellen.

I still keep wanting to put all the pieces
in my life back where they were.

I even keep hoping
that you and J.R. would...

Miss Ellie...

J.R. and I have been considering
a reconciliation.

He's been so different lately.

So considerate, thoughtful, loving.

Sue Ellen. Why don't you stay for dinner.
I'd like that.

And so will J.R.

I'd be happy to.

Thank you.

Say. Marilee...

- You're leaving?
- Yeah.

I gotta get back to the office.

Say. You wouldn't have a tie
around here. Would you?

Did I do that?

Yeah. Afraid you did.

Some of Seth's clothes
are still in the closet.

Will I see you tomorrow?

How about Friday. Then?

Listen. I'm...

I'm gonna have to buy a tie
on my way back to the office.

Well. What do you say?

Oh. Honey. I can't make it on Friday. no.

What's going on, J.R.?

Nothing. I just can't make it on Friday.
That's all.

How about Saturday. Sunday
or Monday?

Marilee. We've had a good time.

Let's just not overdo it. That's all.

I never heard you talk about overdoing it
when I got you back into the cartel.

Or when I set Cliff Barnes up for you.

I'm not asking you to marry me.

All I want is a little affection.

And you've gotten it.
But I've gotta turn over a new leaf.

From now on. My life is going
to be strictly monogamous.

What are you handing me. J.R.?

You found some 20-year-old
to play around with?

Would you calm down.
I'm going to remarry Sue Ellen...

and I'm gonna get my little boy back
on Southfork permanently.

So that's what this was all about.

You used me to get Cliff Barnes
out of Sue Ellen's life.

Look. I've gotta get back to the office.

I appreciate everything.
We had a lot of fun.

You used me.

You won't be lonely.
Now. I'm not the only man in Dallas.

With your considerable resources
you'll find a handsome. Young stud.

Maybe several of them.


Ewing residence.

Mrs. Chambers, this is Clayton Farlow.

Could I speak to Sue Ellen?

Oh. I'm sorry. Mr. Farlow.
But she isn't in.

I don't expect her back
before late this evening.

Tell her I'll be in Dallas tomorrow
and I'll call her.

L certainly will.

All right. Thank you. Bye.



Well. Hello.

- Did you talk to Miss Ellie?
- Well. No. Not yet. Why?

Well. She's much more calm.

I'm not sure. But I think after last night.
She's come to terms with Jock's death.

Well. I hope so.

Why don't we take her out to dinner
tomorrow night. I bet she'd like that.

Well. Honey. I'd like to. But I can't.

- I'm gonna be out of town.
- Where?

Well. I have to go
to Los Angeles tomorrow.

Bobby. Is something the matter?
Is it Gary?

No. Honey. Actually.
It doesn't have anything to do with Gary.

It has to do with Christopher.

What about Christopher?

Come in.

Grandma wants to know
if you guys are coming down for dinner.

You tell Mama we'll be down later.

- When will you be down?
- Later. Lucy.

All right.

- Here you go. Mama.
- Thank you.

- And Donna.
- Thank you. J.R.

Well. Isn't this nice?

Bobby and Pam
said not to wait on them.

- Why not?
- I don't know.

Mama. If you don't mind. Sue Ellen and I
would like to finish our drinks outside.

No. No. Go ahead.
I'll hold dinner for Bobby and Pam.

Thank you.

That's a surprise.

I guess that must please you.
Doesn't it. Miss Ellie?

Yes. It does.

And so Jeff Farraday said that he had
a document that would guarantee...

that he'd never be able to
blackmail me using Christopher again.

That document is this hospital bill
for Kristin.

That's why I'm going to Los Angeles.
To find out what all this means.

And you haven't said a word.

You lied to me, Bobby.

You lied a lot.

Yes. I did.

I did. And I admit it. And I'm sorry.

I hope you can forgive me. But. Honey.
I did it because I was worried about you.

I'm going to California with you.

And you better tell Miss Ellie
that I won't be down to dinner.

All right.

Kristin's child... J.R.'s child.

You were bringing Christopher to J.R..
Not me?

Yes. I was.

But now you're the only mother
he knows.

He's good for you.

Honey. He's good for both of us.

Well. You bet he is.
Christopher belongs to us.

I'd fight J.R. to my last breath
before I'd give him up.

Bobby. We're Christopher's real parents.

You're Christopher's real daddy. Not J.R.

I thought J.R. cared about Christopher.
He doesn't.

That child is just another thing
for him to manipulate.

He was going to use a child
that he fathered to blackmail you.

He was gonna use him
to get your voting shares from Ewing Oil.

He doesn't give a damn about anybody
or anything but power.

You've been through so much for me.

I love you.

I'd forgotten how beautiful
the evening skies are. Here at the ranch.

You really missed Southfork. Didn't you?

It was my home.

Sue Ellen.

It can be again.

I was thinking about that.

I've missed you.

I love you.

- I hope this isn't a wild-goose chase.
- Me too.

I still don't know what connection
that bill has with Christopher.

Well. Honey. I just wanna get
as much information as I can...

before we have to confront J.R.

I was ready to do that last night.

I know it.
I think we ought to save Mama...

a heartache as long as possible.
Don't you?

I was hoping you'd come to bed
last night.

Just wanted to hold you.
Let you know I care.

You really ought to go home, Afton...

because there isn't anything here
for you.

Well. I think there is.

Well. I hate to tell you this.
But the last thing I want is food.


At least drink some coffee.

- I'll get it.
- No.


I'm not gonna hide anymore.

I'm Marilee Stone.
This is Cliff Barnes' apartment. Isn't it?

Yes. I'm Afton Cooper. Come on in.

Hi. Marilee.

If you came to make me
one of your wonderful deals. I can't play.

Fresh out of money.

Fresh out of money.

I came to apologize.

Yep. And J.R. loves widows
and orphans.

Cliff. I'm sorry.

I have to explain to you what happened.

Explanations won't pay the rent.

They won't help my mother's
hurt feelings or mine.

I know.

I was a very foolish woman.

I thought I had something going
with J.R.

Maybe marriage.
And I wanted to please him.

I was the front
for the Wellington land deal.

But it was all J.R.'s money.

He even had
the geologist reports doctored.

He used me to set you up
to get Sue Ellen back.

And then he dropped me.

I don't give a damn about your love life.

I can understand the bitterness.
But I wanna make amends.

- Cliff. I can help you.
- You can't help me.

I've lost everything I care about.

What was it you wanted to know
about Ms. Shepard's bill. Mr. Ewing?

Well. I'd like to know what it's for.

Well. Here. It's all itemized.

Two nights in a semi-private room.
Operating Room charge.

Other miscellaneous expenses.

I don't understand. This bill
has been paid. Was there an error?

No. You don't understand. See. I wanna
know why she was in the hospital.

What was wrong with her?

Oh. That's confidential. Ms. Shepard
would have to request the file herself.

Well. Ms. Shepard is dead.
And I'm her brother-in-law.

- May I see it, please?
- Mr. Ewing. I'm...

It'll be all right.

Now. This. What is this? “Partial AB.“
What does that mean?

That's the doctor's term
for a miscarriage.

A miscarriage?

Well. That's impossible.
She had Christopher.

No. It's not. Honey. Look.

It says here that she was hemorrhaging.
And she needed blood.

That was shortly after she left Dallas.

If she had a miscarriage on this date...

then that means she lost J.R.'s baby.

She must have gotten pregnant again.


That means
J.R. isn't Christopher's father.

Mr. Ewing. I think you better give me
the file back now.

Is this the name of the doctor here.
Dr. Singer?


Ms. Shepard gave birth to a child
last August.

Would the same physician
have attended her then?

You have the file. Sir.

Was he?

Yes. He was. But. Honey. Look.

It says here
that Christopher was premature.

He had to spend some time
in an incubator.

Mr. Ewing. I really must insist.

All right. I'm sorry. Here.

And for your trouble.

I can't take...

No. Please. Please. Thank you.
Come on. Honey.

Are you all right, honey?

Yeah. Just...

It's gonna take some time
to absorb it all.

Honey. I guess it is
a little overwhelming.

Kristin miscarried J.R.'s baby.
Got pregnant by another man...

gave birth to Christopher.

Well. At least we're free of J.R.

Yeah. And that's also why Farraday said
he'd never be able to blackmail me again.

Who do you think the father is?

Oh. Honey. I don't know.

Her address was on that file in there.

Why don't we go see
what we can find out.

- You remember it?
- Of course I do. Come on.

I'm glad you asked me to come over
and spend some time with you.

But I've been here a half an hour
and all you've said is:

“Hi. Muriel. Let's go outside
and get some sun.“

I wanted company. But I guess
I'm just not in the mood for talking.

I guess that business with Roger
was pretty rough.

Yes. It was.

And on top of that.
I have to see a lawyer next week...

to file for divorce from Mitch.

Everything at once.

You seem to be handling it okay.

- That's what my family thinks.
- But you're not?


It's no good
if you keep it bottled up inside.

I know.


Roger r*ped me.

Lucy... Oh. no.

You should have told your family
or the doctor or the police.

I couldn't.

You can't cover it up.

You can't just pretend
it never happened.

I don't wanna talk about it anymore.

What if you're pregnant?

I said. I don't wanna talk about it.

Did you say you knew my daddy?

- What's his name?
- Digger.

Digger Barnes.

He was the greatest wildcatter
in the whole state of Texas.

And probably the world.

- Never heard of him.
- Well. He's dead.

See. I thought some of that talent would
pass down through the blood. But...

And I was sure I had it, but I didn't.

And I was about that far
from being a millionaire...

and marrying
the prettiest girl in Dallas.

How about a refill?

And the Ewings did it. They broke me.

They broke me.
Just like they did my dad.


Oh. Afton. What are you doing here?

Why. I came to take you home.

Oh. But. Lady.
He was just buying me a drink.

- Well. He's not staying.
- No. I'm gonna stay...

because I'm gonna buy him
and you a drink.

No. Baby. We have to go.

I'm not gonna let you drink yourself
to death the way your daddy did.

Well. Baby. That's what happens
when you try to fight the Ewings.

Come on. Let's go.

This is my baby.

- Clayton.
- Sue Ellen. You look beautiful.

So do you.

- Go ahead. Sit down.
- Thank you.

- Would you like a cocktail?
- Club soda. Please.

- Another. Sir?
- Not just yet.

I was afraid you wouldn't see me
after last time.

Oh. I always wanna see you.

I'm so delighted that you're back.

You look absolutely wonderful.

Tell me all about the trip.

First things first.

I left a lot of things up in the air.
I'd like to talk about that.

I didn't wanna press you.

I was lonely after Amy died...

and I really wasn't aware of it.

Steven was always around, at first.

And then he left, and I found a way
to make my work fill my days.

So this trip gave me a chance to think
and look at my life.

What did you find out about?

Nothing really very new.

It's just that
I think it's in perspective now.

Tell me about it.

I know exactly how I'd like
our relationship to be.

And I feel very good about it.

Oh. Clayton. I'm so happy
that we can still be friends.

Well. Sure. Be friends. But...

Do you know...

I have missed you so much.

I have so many things
that I've wanted to talk to you about.

What things?

First of all...

I have some news
that might trouble you.

J.R. and I have been seeing
quite a lot of each other lately.

It's very friendly...

and he's been kind.

Frankly. Our relationship
has never been better.

It's really enjoyable.

Are you sure. Sue Ellen?

There might be somebody who could care
for you a lot more than J.R. ever could.

Clayton. I don't think so.

You sure he's sincere?


I hope you don't mind about J.R.

You do whatever you like.

I'm your friend.

Don't people work in Los Angeles?

Only at night.
So they don't lose their tans.

Hey. Are you looking for the manager?

Yes. We are.

Well. He's in San Diego.
But he'll be back tomorrow.

Thank you.

Looks like we spend the night after all.

Just the two of us?

No family tensions?

Sounds good to me.

J.R.. it was a wonderful symphony.

Sue Ellen...

we don't need any lights.

I had a marvelous time. J.R.

It could be like this. Always.

Are you sure?

I love you.

Marry me.

Right now. I feel so safe with you.

Sue Ellen. I need you.

Marry me.


Yes. I will.

Well. Good morning.

I would have made breakfast for you.

No. No. You've done plenty.

I don't wanna feel like
I'm taking advantage of you.

You know I don't mind.

How about if we just spend
a quiet day together.

We could read or sleep or watch TV.

I'm going out today.

Cliff. Please don't.

Afton. You're sounding like a wife.

I have things to do today.

I'm sorry.

You know what?

Why don't I wait for you?

I could fix us dinner.

I've gotta tell you.

You're making me feel uncomfortable
with all you're doing.

So why don't you go home.

All right. Fine. If that's what you want.

I mean. You know. There's no reason
for you to hang around here.

You know. Cliff.
I'm not working tonight.

- I could stop by later.
- Yeah. Yeah. That's a good idea.

- Do that. Yeah.
- About 8:00?

Eight o'clock is fine.

See you.

Yeah. I remember
a tenant named Kristin Shepard.

Long brown hair, good-looking kid.

- Was she pregnant?
- I think so.

Can you tell us anything about her?

Mr. Ewing. I try to stay...

out of my tenants' personal lives
as much as possible...

- as long as they pay their rent.
- Can you tell us who we can talk to?

- The names of her friends?
- Sure.

The girl over there
in the blue one-piece suit.

Name's Sharon.

- Thank you. Mr. Stromso.
- Anytime.

- Sharon?
- Yes?

I'm Pamela Ewing.
This is my husband. Bobby.

Ewing. I've heard that name.

Kristin Shepard was my sister-in-law.

Kristin. Oh.
I read about what happened to her.

A friend of mine sent me clippings
from the Dallas paper.

- I knew that guy would get her in trouble.
- What guy?

That creep she was living with.

- What a con artist.
- Do you remember his name?

Sure. Jeff Farraday.

Did you spent a lot of time with Kristin?

We did when she first moved in here.

Things changed
once she and Farraday got married.

- She married Jeff Farraday?
- Yeah.

I stood up for her.

It was just downtown
at the license bureau.

- Not much of a wedding.
- When was that?

I'm not very good with dates.

Sometime last March.

It was right after
she knew she was pregnant.

- Hi. Sweetheart.
- Say hi to Mommy.

- Hi. Mommy.
- Hi. Sweetheart.

Will you take him upstairs
and change his clothes?

Yes. Mrs. Ewing.
Come along. John Ross.

- I'll pick up and be up in a minute.
- All right.

- Who is it?
- Lt's Cliff. Can you open up?

- What are you doing here?
- Hi. Can I come in?

Cliff. I don't want you here.

Well. Look. No.
I just have to tell you something.

J.R.'s gonna be here any minute
and I don't want a scene.

I have to tell you that I shouldn't
have asked to borrow the money.

I was panicked.
And I didn't know where to turn.

I made a mistake.
I shouldn't have done that.

It doesn't matter.

Well. Yeah. But it does
because we had a good thing going...

and we could have had a great life.
And we still can.

Cliff. It's getting late.
And I have to change.

I just don't want to hear any more.

Sue Ellen. I need you and I love you.

And I've lost everything...

but I know I can start over.
I know I can build a new life...

if you'll just believe in me
and love me.

Cliff. I think you should know...

that J.R. has asked me to marry him.

And I accepted.


I don't wanna see you again.

Please go.

Well. Would you have Detective Howard
call me at this number tomorrow. Please?

Thank you.

Well. He's not in.

There's something I don't understand.

What's that. Honey?

If Kristin and Farraday were married.
And Farraday was Christopher's father...

why did Kristin put her maiden name
on Christopher's birth certificate?

Honey. When Kristin lost
that first baby...

she could have lost all the money
from J.R. and Jordan Lee.

So she substituted Christopher
for the baby she miscarried.

That way.
The money keeps coming in indefinitely.

And Farraday continued the blackmail
after she died?

Using me.

And his own baby.

Yeah. I guess so.

Well. We don't need a copy
of the marriage certificate. Do we?

This marriage license is not for us.

I want something that I can hand J.R.
when I tell him the story.

I don't believe it.

J.R.. it is so beautiful.

Sable. You're spoiling me.

I wanted you to be wearing
something special...

when we told Mama the good news.

Our marriage is gonna be so wonderful.
Isn't it?

Just as wonderful as this moment.

Hey. John Ross.

Ain't your mama as pretty as a picture?

I think I'll go upstairs
and change into something appropriate...

to wear with the sable.

I'll be right back.

- Have you seen your mama so happy?
- Yeah.

- Yeah. You know what I'm gonna do?
- Yeah.

I'm gonna take you back to Southfork

- And we'll be one big happy family.
- Yeah.

Of course. I'll have your 10 shares.

And with 60 shares...

well. I'll be able to run Ewing Oil
as I see fit.


- Yeah?
- Hi, it's me.

- I just wanted to make sure you're home.
- Afton. I'm home.

I'll be there at 8 then, if that's okay?

- Here you are. Mama.
- Thank you. J.R.

- And Donna.
- Thank you.

Well. Sue Ellen. You want to tell them
or shall I?

No. J.R.. you tell.

Tell us the news. J.R.

Come on. It looks like Sue Ellen's
about ready to bust.

I've been waiting a long time to stand
here and say what I'm about to say.

I asked Sue Ellen to marry me.
And she accepted.

Oh. That's wonderful.

Welcome home, Sue Ellen.

- Thank you. Miss Ellie.
- You've made me very happy.

- Well. Here's to the bride.
- And to our being a family again.

Cliff? Sorry I'm so late.

There was an accident
on the expressway.


Oh. My God. no.

Operator. Please. I need an ambulance.

Hurry. It's an emergency.

Code yellow. Code yellow, lCU.

- Did you give him glucose and saline?
- With one amp of dopamine.

His pressure was 50 over nothing
when we got there.

- Any external injuries?
- No. None. But he looks real bad, doc.

He stopped breathing.
We had to bag breathe him.

Call inhalation therapy. Get a ventilator.
Get blood gasses. Stat.

Yes. Doctor.

- I'm sorry. You can't go in there.
- I'm with Mr. Barnes.

- The doctor is with him. Have a seat.
- Can't I see him?

Not until the doctor says it's okay.

Make yourself comfortable.
It may be some time.

Code blue. Code blue, ICU. Stat.

Afton. Thank you for calling me.

- Where is he?
- He's in there. We can't go in.

- What happened?
- I found him unconscious.

There was an empty bottle
of tranquilizers next to him...

and he'd been drinking heavily.

Did the paramedics say anything?

Yes. They said a lot of things.
I just didn't understand.

Mrs. Wentworth. He was still
unconscious when they carried him out.

I don't know if I got there in time.

I don't know if I got there in time.

We've got to believe that you did.

I wish they'd let us see him.

I'm sure they'll tell us
as soon as they know anything.

If Cliff dies...

I'm responsible.

I turned my back on him.

I should have been able to forgive him.

He did his best to pay the money back.

- He tried. Afton.
- Don't be so hard on yourself.

You don't know all the facts.

Nothing he did is worth his life.

Look. Cliff didn't try to k*ll himself
just because you fired him.

There's something else.

I don't understand.

Marilee Stone came to visit.

She's in the oil cartel with J.R.
and the others.

She told Cliff that she helped J.R.
to set him up.

The land he bought was worth nothing.

All the geological reports were faked.

- Why?
- Because J.R. wanted to destroy Cliff...

because of Sue Ellen.

Code blue, code blue. Stat.

Oh. Afton.

I knew he and Cliff hated each other.

I never thought J.R. was capable of this.

- Did anyone come in with Mr. Barnes?
- Yes. The lady over there.

Thank you.

Excuse me.
Is one of you with Mr. Barnes?

I'm his mother. How is he?

He's still comatose.
We put him on a respirator.

Will he be all right?

Honestly. It's too soon to tell.

Apparently. He swallowed
about 50 tranquilizers and...

Well. That. And all the alcohol
in his system.

You'll be able to see him as soon
as he's moved into Intensive Care.

If he makes it.
The next 24 hours will be critical.

I'm sorry I can't tell you more.

Detective Howard.
Are you sure there's no mistake?

I'm sure. Mr. Ewing. I have
the medical examiner's report right here.

- All right. Thank you very much.
- Anytime.


Farraday's blood type was B.

The same as J.R.'s.

Pam. That is such a coincidence.

That's why I thought J.R. was
the father. But now there's no doubt.

Farraday fathered Christopher.

I still can't believe
that he sold his own baby.

Farraday was a cheap hustler.

But what does that make J.R.?

He thought that Christopher
was his son...

and yet he was perfectly content
to sit back. Pretend to be Uncle J.R...

as long as I voted
my 20 shares of Ewing Oil his way.

Now. What kind of a man does that?

Well. We all know what J.R. is.

Yeah. But I hoped that deep down inside.
When it came to children...

he'd have some human feelings.
A spark of decency.

Bobby. Stop worrying about J.R.

We've got Christopher.
That's all that matters.

I can't stop.

My own brother tried to blackmail me.

If I have my way. When we get back...

I'll vote to throw him out of Ewing Oil.

But not until I take him apart.

Rebecca. What a surprise.

This is not a social call, Ellie.

Rebecca. What's the matter?

Maybe Digger was right.

When I was married to him. I was
too young or too stupid to realize it.

What are you talking about?

Digger never had a chance.

Jock was too shrewd. Too strong
and too fast.

And now it's happening
between J.R. and Cliff.

It's the same fight. All over again.

Rebecca. Will you please calm down
and tell me what's happened.

When I found out that Cliff was using
Wentworth funds. I fired him.

I think it's time you did the same
with J.R.

He used Ewing funds to destroy my son.

Cliff is at Dallas Memorial in a coma.

My God.

J.R. set him up.

He lost everything.

Last night, he tried to k*ll himself.


Oh. Rebecca. I'm so sorry.

If there's anything I can do...

I don't want your help.

I'm here to warn you.

The Barnes-Ewing feud is still going on.

It's always been an uneven fight.

The rich Ewings
against the poor Barneses.

Well. Now it's even.

I swear I'll break the Ewing family...

and I have the money to do it.

- I have to go and see Cliff.
- No.

I have to.

I wanna hear it from you, J.R.

Did Rebecca tell me the truth?

Yes. She did.

And you drove Cliff to attempt su1c1de?

How was I to know
he was gonna do a dumb thing like that?

You don't care. Do you?

I told you before. Mama...

I couldn't stand the idea
of him being with Sue Ellen.

Now. I didn't force him to embezzle
from Wentworth Tool and Die...

and I didn't force him to get
into a deal that he didn't check.

If that man is dying.
It's because of his own greed. Not me.

You're a cold and insensitive man. J.R.

I'm gonna remove you
as president of Ewing Oil...

just as soon as Bobby gets back.

You don't know it yet.
But you won't be able to do that.

I'm gonna go find Sue Ellen.
Talk some sense into her.

What are you doing here?

It's all my fault.

It's just too bad Cliff didn't know
how guilty everyone felt...

before he swallowed those pills.

Afton. You must be exhausted.

Why don't you lie down
in the waiting room.

No. I just wanna stay here with Cliff.

Come on. Come on.

Cliff. Everything that has happened...

happened because of me.

I never realized
how much in love with me you were.

I should have given you the money.

Cliff. Please get better.


Sue Ellen?

Look what I've done to him.

Look what we've both done to him.

Come on home, Sue Ellen.

I didn't know it was gonna go this far.

But he did it to himself.

No. J.R.

We did it to him.

And I feel so guilty.

If Cliff dies...

I don't think I'll ever be able
to marry you.
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