02x05 - And Baby Makes Two

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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02x05 - And Baby Makes Two

Post by bunniefuu »

- Morning.
- Morning.

We alone?

I'm alone. Are you?

I thought I heard a woman's voice
during the night.

- You eavesdropping?
- Just, you know, kind of hard to miss.

Didn't sound like Hulda.

- Want a bagel?
- Fresh?

Baked this morning by elfin hands.

Works all day, entertains all night...

...and he gets up at sunrise
and goes to the bakery.

What's your secret?

I'm a virtuous man.

- Good morning, Jer.
- And a delightful morning to you.

- Fresh buttered popcorn?
- I'm watching my triglycerides.

- Turfed the slip-and-fall to Ortho.
- Well done. Popcorn?

Hello, all. Isn't it a wonderful day?

Good morning. ER.

- Are the nitrous tanks leaking again?
- Better. It's Weaver's day off.

And if that's not cause for celebration,
I don't know what is.


- May I have this dance?
- Of course.

You guys are bad.

Turn it up.

- Hey. Just getting on?
- Yeah. You?

No. No, I spent all night in the O.R.

Woman with a bowel obstruction
crashed. Big mess.

And I floated
my first Swan-Ganz catheter.

You've done a lot of procedures lately.

Yeah. Cutdowns, chest tubes...

...opened a choley, closed an appy.

Benton's bum finger's the best thing
that happened to me.

I even got to staple a stomach.

Benton had to stand there and watch.
The look on his face was classic.

- Just....
- Carter.

I have a new procedure for you.

Foreign body extraction.

- What kind of foreign body?
- Flashlight.

Claims he fell on it
while changing a fuse.


Adoption proceedings can't begin
until days after abandonment.

So assuming we proceed...

...the Hallorans would petition
for custody in early January.

However, they would like
to take Susie sooner than later.

- How much sooner?
- End of the week.

They feel the change would be less
traumatic now than in a month or two.


I mentioned your wish to continue
to be part of Susie's life...

...as her aunt, and they are willing
to think about it.



I'll come out.

They're nice people, but there's no
reason to feel you have to comply...

...with their timetable and conditions.

You need to feel comfortable
with the arrangement.

I know.

And you should take
all the time you need.

I don't think time will make it any easier.


- Oh, what are their first names?
- Kevin and Lisa.

Lisa, Kevin.

I'm so excited.

I'd like you to meet Susan Lewis.


Nice to meet you, Susan.

This is Susie. So beautiful.

Thank you.

- Do you want to hold her?
- Oh, yes.


You are so precious.

So precious.

Not my shift, not my shift.

Why are these old charts still here?

- Dr. Weaver usually weeds them out.
- You can tell when she's not here.

- Yeah.
- Where's Susan?

She took a personal day.

Let there be no doubt.
Flu season has arrived...

...I have half the board.

- One more. Chia-Chia Loew.
- Oh, yeah, let me see that.

- Little boy with AIDS?
- Yep, he spiked a fever.

He can't sit up. I put him in .

- Kid in 's done.
- You get the french fry out of his nose?

I listened to his mother for minutes.
I'll be glad when I go back to Surgery.

Look at the bright side. You've a chance
to perfect your bedside manner.

- Here's another.
- Great.

All yesterday he is in bed throwing up.

He stopped talking.

The first thing we need to do is bring
his fever down and stop the vomiting.

In order to know the right medicine
to give him...

...we're gonna have to do
a lumbar puncture.

It's where we take fluid
from around his spine...

...and test it to see what's wrong.
That's what we're gonna do, okay?

Yes. You make him well?

Well, we can't cure the AIDS,
you know that...

...but we'll do what we can
to make him feel better.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.


It's a piercing sort of pain,
like a spike through the temple.

- How long have you had migraines?
- All my life.

- Do you get them?
- No.

- You?
- No.

Count your blessings.

I'll ask the doctor
about giving you some Imitrex.

Oh, I had that once. Gave me chest pain.

- Okay. In that case, Toradol?
- Can't.

It gives me hives.

But they gave me something here
that worked wonders.

It began with a D.

- What was it?
- Demerol?

That's it.


We'll be right back.

- She's sweet.
- She's a junkie.

- What?
- It's a snow job.

She's faking migraines to get a quick fix.

How can you tell?

You learn to smell them.
Have you ever seen the turkey file?

Hey, Dr. Benton. Still works.

Just kidding. Different flashlight.

I thought that splint was supposed
to stay on till tomorrow.

- You got that circled on your calendar?
- I handled a lot of dislocations in Ortho.

- Not interested.
- You're risking permanent joint laxity.

- Osteoarthritis.
- Goodbye.

- Tendinitis.
- Dr. B, got a lady here, beat up bad.

- Can you hear me, hon?
- What happened?

Anonymous call.
Found her on the floor at home.

Multiple contusions,
bruises to the face and chest.

- Conscious but unresponsive.
- Okay, lift her on my count.

Nice and easy. Here we go.
One, two, three.

- Do we have a name?
- ID says Vickie Mazovick.

Vickie, squeeze my hand.

- No blood in the canal.
- Negative Babinski.

- What's wrong with her?
- May be psychotic.

Vickie, talk to me.
Tell me, who did this to you?

All right, can you feel this?

- Responds to pain.
- Leave me alone!

- Damn!
- Should have kept your splint on.

- Extensive bruising to the ribs.
- Get X-ray. Carter, how's her chest?

- Good bilateral breath sounds.
- She's crying.

It's a good sign, I guess.

It's okay, sweetie. It's okay.


- What was her last name again?
- Krupke.

Krupke. Krupke.

"Krupke, Lottie.
Also known as Kamen, Laura.

Also known as Kimball, Myrna."

"Addicted to narcotics, alcoholic,
bipolar." God, this is sad.

What's sad is when they con you
out of five or six doses...

...before you catch on.
Then you really feel like a chump.

Nurse Hathaway?


E. Ray Bozman. I'm your nurse trainee.

Oh, yes, right. Come on in.

Grab a lab coat.
I'll be with you in a sec.

Mark, I gotta do an LP on a -year-old.
I could use a hand.

- Harper, you ever see an LP?
- No, but I'd like to.

I don't really wanna babysit
a med student right now.

Well, it's either Harper or the guy
wearing Morgenstern's lab coat.

Harper, let's do it.

Yeah. They seemed like nice people,
didn't they?

Yeah? Smart, funny.

Not so perfect they're obnoxious.

And they have a little boy.

Yeah. You could have a big brother.

Someone to look out for you...

...teach you stuff.


...this is so hard.

I just don't think I'd be
a good enough mother.

We have ways of screwing kids up
in my family.

I just want you to be happy.

I love you.

You know that?

I do.

Oh, God.

- Orbit's okay. No fracture.
- She's got a cracked rib.

Two cracked ribs, two healed fractures,
old shoulder fracture, humerus.

Hey, you put your splint on. Wise choice.

- She said anything yet?
- No.

Actually, she told me she wanted
to go home.

Not a good idea.

She's been here three times before.
First time, she said it was her husband...

-...but wouldn't press charges.
- And the other times?

- Said she fell down the stairs.
- All right, call the social worker.

Give her some Vicodin for the pain
and tell her to see her doctor.

- You're not going to talk to her?
- Not my job.

All right, kiddo. Let's get started.

- Okay, here we go, let's get going.
- Hi, Chia-Chia.

Hold onto the back of his thighs.

With your other hand, you hold
onto the back of his neck. Lean over.

Hold on tight.

No, no.

Buddy, your mom tells me you like
to play with the neighbor's dog.

It's okay.

- No. No. No.
- You have to hold him tight.

That's just to numb it.
The next one won't be so bad.

Now, when I was a kid...

-...I had a dog named Louie.
- No. No.

- No, Mama.
- Louie the dog.

You're doing great.

Okay, there we go.

Doing great.

- He stopped moving.
- Yeah.

He surrendered.

Just a little more.

Not much longer.

Jerry. If anybody calls for me,
I'll be up in the O.R. With Dr. Hicks.


Is it lighter in here? They repaint?

The Weaver has lifted. Cake?

Sure. Subtle.

- What's going on?
- Birthday party.

Oh, yeah? Whose birthday?

- Bob's.
- Bob's not working today.

Well, it's still her birthday.

In that case, how about a piece?

Sorry, it's all gone.

- Hey there.
- Man, was that no fun.

- What?
- LP on a little kid.

Always rough. I'm on my way
to resect a bowel.

Wanna get some lunch after that?

- Sorry, I gotta ride herd on this kid.
- How about dinner?

- Possibly.
- Possibly.

- Probably.
- Possibly.

Carter. You and Harper?

Something extracurricular
happening there?

- Dr. Greene.
- Loretta. How have you been?

Lousy. Threw my back out.

- How?
- At work.

Jerry, can you start a chart? Lydia?

- Coming.
- Come on.

So this is, like, a midlife
career shift for you?

Yeah, I tend to shift a lot.

I've been a UPS delivery-man,
a short-order cook, a rodeo clown.

And then in the mid-' s, I got into
the Human Potential Movement.

- Doing what?
- Lectures, inspirational speeches.

I'm a nurturer. I like helping people.

So nursing seemed like the next
logical step in my life progression.

Okay, Mr. Keller.
You take a seat right here.

There you go. Great.

I want you to shave his head,
clean, irrigate the wound.

I'll start a chart and get a doctor
to stitch him.

- Okey-dokey.
- Dr. Ross...

...I picked up Chia-Chia's lab results.

Did a cell count, differential, protein,
glucose, Gram's stain and culture...

...but they ran out of fluid
for the India ink stain.

I don't believe it.

- Is that the test for meningitis?
- Yes, yes.

Okay, tell me if this hurts.
Keep your leg straight.

It's okay.

I don't see any sign of a slipped disc.
Just a muscle strain.

- You need to stay off your feet.
- No problem.

I mean bed rest, Loretta,
emphasis on "rest."


It still hurts like hell, though.

- Can we give her something?
- I'll write a prescription for Feldene.

That ought to do the trick.

Dr. Greene, Dr. Lewis is here to see you.

Loretta, take care.

Figures this would happen today.

- I was supposed to have a job interview.
- Really?

Yeah. Answering phones for a place
that makes clothes and stuff.

- The social worker put me up to it.
- Sounds like a good job.

I never get these things, though.

They take one look at me,
they know the score.

I wonder how. We have a closet
full of clothes here.

- You could see if there's anything.
- Why do you got clothes?

- Whoever needs them.
- Where do you get them?

- Dead people.
- You gotta be kidding.

There's some nice stuff.
We get some pretty rich dead people.

Okay. We need to do another
lumbar puncture on Chia-Chia.

- Another?
- I'm sorry. If there were any other way...

...I would do it.

This is gonna be a small amount,
not as much as before.


I'm sorry.

I met with a lawyer today
about putting Susie up for adoption.

Really? Is it definite?

Before I make my final decision, I need
to know what my options are at work.

If I keep her, there's no way I could
continue to do my residency full-time.

Could I do it part-time?

- I'll look into it. Heard from Chloe?
- No.

It's been nuts here.
Do you want to get some coffee?

No, Mark, I don't. I need to know
if a part-time schedule is doable.

- I've only heard of that in Pediatrics.
- So it's not.

I'll talk to Morgenstern,
see if we can work something out.

I appreciate it.

You beep me out of surgery
to sew up a drunk?

- Benton said you like doing procedures.
- Very funny.

- Oh, my God.
- Almost done.

E. Ray, why did you shave his
entire head for a -centimeter lac?

We've been talking about...

...how to effect positive change
in one's life...

...and how changing the physical
can be a symbolic first step...

...in transforming the inner self.

Are you Benton?
McGillis, Social Services.

I'm confused about your chart notes
on Vickie Mazovick...

...the woman who got beat up.

You didn't note if she had
hand and arm injuries.

- She didn't.
- Could you note that, please?

It could be significant.

If it was significant,
I would have written it down.

It suggests she didn't defend herself,
which suggests she's given up...

...which means, statistically,
she's reached a stage...

...where she's in danger
of being k*lled.

You didn't note what she said
when you asked what happened.

- I didn't ask what happened.
- Did you suspect abuse?

- Of course I did. I saw the chart.
- Then you're supposed to ask.

- So, what did she tell you?
- Nothing.

So, what makes you think
she's gonna tell me anything?

It's worth a try, don't you think?

Oh, this would look good on you.

Maybe not.

It doesn't really quite fit.

What do you mean? It looks great!

- Do you think so?
- Oh, yeah.

It needs something.

You see some stuff working here, I bet.

- Like you don't?
- My clients don't die on me.

Except for that one guy.

That's it.

You think so?

- You're doing another LP?
- Lab forgot an India ink.

I'll tap out a couple cc's
and do the test myself.

- How's he holding up?
- Not well.

This is gonna be quick.
It's only gonna take a few minutes.

Hi, Chia-Chia. How's it going?

Get him over on his side.

Mrs. Mazovick?

I'm Dr. Benton. I need to ask you
a few questions about how you got hurt.

I fell.

- There are people that can help you.
- I don't want any help.


I'm still gonna have to report it
to the police.

Won't do any good.

Three drops in there.

And a drop of ink.


...you slide it under the microscope.

- You okay?
- Yeah. Fine.

You did really well in there.

Better the second time than the first.

- Does it get easier?
- No.

Wait. Catch that light.

I thought Pediatrics
was the happy specialty.

Most of the time.

Okay. Here you go. What do you see?

Yeast cells,
some large capsules around them.


- He has cryptococcal meningitis?
- Yeah.

He's getting near the end.

I need somebody to call the police
for a suspected domestic abuse case.

You got it.

Carter, where are you going?

Morgenstern's doing a hemicolectomy.
He asked me to make the incision.

Not today. A guy in cut his finger.

- Please! Please, I need help!
- Get a gurney!

- You'll need help.
- Got it.

- What if you need a cutdown?
- Got it.

- Where are you hurt?
- It's not me.

It's my husband. He's in the car.

- What happened?
- He was on his motorcycle...

...outside our apartment
and a truck hit him and took off.

All right, let's get him out.

- Come on.
- Oh, man, that's a lot of blood.

- Is he dead?
- No, he's still breathing.

I tried to get him here as fast as I could.
I ran red lights.

- You did the right thing.
- He's gonna need at least six units.

- Wait a minute. Where's his arm?
- It's in the back seat!

Oh, my God.

- It is the same thing he had before?
- Yes. He's....

He's had a relapse. He's very sick.

The best way to treat him now...

...is to give him a high concentration
of medication intrathecally.

Which means...?

It means that we're gonna do
the same procedure as the spinal tap...

...but in reverse.


It's the only way to get
a high enough dose of the medication.

One more time.

No. It has to be a full course.

That means two times a day...

...for days.

We'll admit him into the hospital.
We'll put a catheter in his back.

That way he won't have to have
the puncture each time.

It will stop the vomiting and the fever?

If he responds to the medication, yes.

Once his body has fought off
the meningitis...

...it'll be able to work harder
against the AIDS.

If you think this is the best thing
for Chia-Chia.

I do. Yes.

I work at Daley Plaza and my wife
works at the Merchandise Mart...

...so we got together for a picnic lunch
by the fountain at lunch hour.

- Sounds nice.
- It was...

...until I decided to cut the French bread
with my Swiss Army knife.

I knew I should have gotten soft crust.

- How long have you had that mole?
- Oh, a while.

It actually looks a little bigger
than last time.

I you want, I can excise it
and run a test, just to be safe.

- What does that involve?
- An anesthetic, surgically remove it.

- All right.
- Yeah? Great.

I'll just run it past the Attending
and I will be right back.


- Three units O-neg. Put it on the infuser.
- He's still bleeding.

- Inflate the BP cuff to .
- What's going on, Peter?

Hit-and-run amputation.
He's hypovolemic.

- Where's the arm?
- Wrapped and on ice.

Get a vascular surgeon down here.
Call the Reimplantation Team.

- Get a pulse.
- He's bradying down.

- Tube him.
- Not with this finger.

- Two more units here.
- ET tray.

- Atropine. One milligram, IV push.
- Number .

- I got a pulse.
- BP's palp.

That's something.
Hang another two units O-neg.

We'll move him as soon as he's tubed.

All right, let's move him.

Cookie. Door.

- Who is it?
- It's me, Mom.

- Do you have the baby?
- Yeah.

Just a second.

- Smile!
- Mom.

You bought a video camera.

If you're gonna be a grandma,
you may as well do it right.

They cost a fortune.
No wonder there's a trade deficit.

- Mom, would you do that later?
- Don't be such a grouch.

- Hi.
- Turn around. Smile for Grandma.

- I need to sit down.
- Sit. Give me the little termite.

- Come on.
- Okay.

- Yeah, there you go.
- Right over here. Look. Up, up, up.

- I need to talk to you guys.
- Look.

- Mom?
- Hi. Oh, she's so cute.

Look at that.

- Dad.
- I'm listening.

I met with a lawyer today about...

...giving Susie up for adoption.

But she's not even your baby.

Mom, Chloe is never coming back.

Would you turn that thing off?

I don't know how you could
even consider that.

- You don't wanna give her away, do you?
- Of course I don't.

- It kills me to even think about it.
- Then don't.

How am I supposed to raise her alone
and finish my residency?

People do these things all the time,
don't they?

Dad, I work -hour shifts
five days a week.

I won't put her in daycare for that long.

There must be something you can do.

Could you guys keep her
three days a week?

Maybe we could do it.
Three days a week?

Sure! We know what that means. I'll be
doing all the work, running her around.

- I'm here.
- You haven't left this house in years.

- You hardly leave that chair.
- I'm retired.

- You make me sound like a nut.
- It's not normal.

At least I don't drink all day.
Two vodka gimlets for breakfast.

- Whose report is this?
- Finger lac in .

- I saw a growth on his arm and tested it.
- Melanoma.

Bingo. And I found
an axillary lymph node on exam.

- It needs to be excised.
- I spoke to Pereira in Surgical Oncology.

He agreed to let me do the biopsy.

Peter, cop's in with Mrs. Mazovick,
in case you wanna talk to him.


- I just picked up an interesting case.
- Yeah?

Yeah. I excised a mole on a -year-old
male. It's melanoma.

I get to biopsy the lymph node.

A -year-old has cancer
and you get to do the biopsy.

Well, congratulations.

I hope you have an easier time
convincing her to make a statement.

- And who are you?
- I'm Dr. Benton.

I was in charge of her case, Officer....


Come on, babe, let's go.

What goes through your head
when you're beating her?

What a big man you are?

Michael, please.


Your husband just went up to the O.R.

They're trying to reattach his arm.

- They can do that?
- Well, they can try.

With complete amputation,
the success rate's small.

We only have insurance left
for three days.

I wouldn't worry about that.
They'll cover it.

Jason lost his job three months ago,
benefits too.

I'm a waitress. No benefits.

- Is there somebody I can call for you?
- No. No, thanks.

I keep having this weird thought that
Jason's dead and you're not telling me.

- He isn't, is he?
- No.

He's in the O.R.
You're just feeling the stress.


Would you like to come
and lie down in the lounge?

No. No, thank you.

How are you doing, Mr. Forchet?

I'm starting to worry a little bit, actually.

Is something wrong?

Dr. Carter, they said you might need
some help with a lymph node biopsy.

A biopsy?

- Do I have cancer?
- Mr. Forchet...

...your mole was identified
as a malignant melanoma.

- Oh, my God.
- The good news is that we caught it...

...which means we can treat it

What's the worst-case scenario?

There's no way to gauge that...

...until we stage the cancer
and see if it's spread.

Which is why we're
gonna do the biopsy.

I can't believe this. I mean,
I came in for a cut on my finger and....

I need to call my wife. I....

How am I gonna tell her?
What am I gonna say?

It's okay.

- I can't believe this is happening.
- I know. I know.

Just let it out and work through it.

You think the injuries
resulted from battery?

- Yep. No question.
- You wanna testify if we need you?

- I guess. You think that's gonna happen?
- It's up to her.

If she won't make a statement,
no witnesses, I can't help her.

The fact he's a cop,
does that make a difference?

No. Not to me.

Have you seen these?

The first time she came in.
Missing two teeth, broken jaw.

Second time, bruises on her back
and buttocks.

Third time, broken arm.

And these? These are from today.

She used to work dispatch at the th.

- You know her?
- Used to.

Doug, I signed for the amphotericin B
you ordered for Chia-Chia.

- Got it. Thanks.
- What's the plan?

The plan is to buy that kid
and his mother some time together.

- He didn't respond last time.
- This time I'll give it intrathecally.

That's a pretty rough procedure,
especially on a -year-old.

- What are you saying?
- I was wondering...

...if the treatment's extreme
for the best prognosis.

Not in my opinion.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Tell me if you're getting dizzy.


Yeah. Hey.

Can you see?

Can you see?

Do you remember the nice lady
from this morning?

Wanna go on the slide?
Let's go on the slide. Come on.

What do you think?

- You designed that yourself?
- Yeah.

You can swim in it or you can
wrap a scarf around your waist...

...and wear it out on the town.

Who does she mean by "you"?

I'm meeting with investors next week
about designing a whole line.

I'm gonna call it "Randi-Wear."


Well, if you want to invest,
now is the time.

On that note,
I bid you all a fond good eve.

- It's been a wonderful Weaver-less day.
- Nighty-night.

Is he single?


Carrie, your husband's out of surgery.

They were able to reattach his arm.

You said the chances
of that happening were small.

We're not out of the woods.

We still have to wait and see
if the tissue can survive the trauma.

Do you have any Valium or something?

I'd have to write a prescription.

- But I can start a chart for you.
- No, that's okay.

- I'll try a cigarette first.
- You can't...

...smoke in here.

Oh, yeah.


This is good news.

Yeah. It's great.

- Excuse me, Mrs. Loew?
- Yes.

I'm Dr. Greene.
I'm the attending physician here in ER.

I'd like to talk to you about Chia-Chia.

- Something is wrong with Chia-Chia?
- No.

I was talking with Dr. Ross
about the treatment you agreed to.

I wanted to make sure you understood
everything that was involved.


The side effects of the medicine
can be very painful.

Worse sometimes than the symptoms
of the meningitis.

- Worse?
- Yes.

I wanna be sure that you know that
if you don't want to go through that...

...we can give you medicine
to make him comfortable...

...and you can take him home.

But he will be sick.

Mrs. Loew...

...the fact that the medicine
failed once before...

...means that there's a strong possibility
that it may fail again.

Even if we could cure
the meningitis...

...your son's AIDS is very advanced.

With or without treatment...

...realistically, we're really
only looking at a matter of days.

I'm sorry.

You need to decide...

...how you and your son
want to spend those days.

But Dr. Ross....

But he....

He said....

- You went over his aftercare?
- I did.

He needs his boil drained.
We got a first trauma pulling in.

Carter, you take him.

- Did you take the syringe in Room ?
- No. Why?

I just lost milligrams of morphine.

- What do we have?
- This cop is beat up pretty bad.

Missing teeth,
look like his jaw's broke, busted ribs.

- What's his name?
- Mazovick.

- How did it happen?
- He was in pursuit of a suspect...

...and took a bad fall.

Let's get his clothes off.

Get an oral surgeon to wire his teeth.

We got a mandible fracture.
Call X-ray.

Crepitus on the right.
Absent breath sound.

Collapsed lung?
Chest tube tray coming.

- All right, prepping drapo.
- See you around, doc.

- Number blade?
- Yeah.

"Christopher Robin
had wheezles and sneezles.

They bundled him into his bed.

They gave him what goes
with a cold in the nose...

...and some more for the cold
in his head."

- A.A. Milne?
- Now We Are Six.

- Eeyore was my favorite.
- Tigger.

- So it's time to get started?
- Would you slide that tray over here?

- Hey, we're just getting started.
- I want to take him home.

- Now?
- Yes.

We discussed this.

Now, this is a painful procedure...

...but it's the best shot we have
of buying him more time.

I don't want him to have more pain.

I want him home with me.


- You think I make a bad decision?
- I think you're making the right decision.

Thank you.

I'm gonna get the medication
to make sure he's comfortable at home.

Carol, you gotta come see this.

Won't stop coming out.

Won't stop.

Well, I found my missing morphine.

I have to get this clean.

It's Jason's favorite.

There was so much blood.

- I guess we'd better find her a bed.
- Yeah, and some Narcan.

He said it'd be easy.

But the ax wasn't sharp enough.

- What did she say?
- Something about an ax.

We only had three days left
on the policy.

- Oh, my God.
- What?

Her boyfriend's arm.

They chopped it off?

Chop, chop.

Oh, Lordy.

Five bucks says she's in there.

"Carlisle. Denner. Dougherty."

"Diehl, Carrie."

Oh, man.
She's been in here half a dozen times.

"Drug-seeking, narcotics OD."

- I missed it.
- And husband.

Honey, you were burned.

Five bucks.

- Mark, you went behind my back.
- You lost perspective.

You had no right to tell my patient
what you thought she should do.

I've an obligation to make sure patients
have the information to make decisions.

- That's my job.
- Spare me your Attending oath of office.

- We're talking about a -year-old.
- A -year-old with AIDS...

...you wanted to put through
a torturous procedure his last few days.

- You don't know that. Nobody knows.
- Oh, no!

There's always a miracle!
I thought we were practicing medicine.

I'll tell you something. If it was your kid,
you would bet on a miracle!

Lydia! I got it!

- The job?
- Yes!

Loretta, that's great!

You are looking
at a real, live receptionist.

I knew you could do it.
I am so happy for you.

I beat out five other girls.

Of course, I had to do the guy,
but, hey, I got the job!

Are you okay?

- I'm a mess.
- Yeah. Me too.

You were a big help today.
Thank you.

I was gonna thank you.

For what?
Giving you a front-row seat...

...to the limitations of modern medicine?

For what it's worth...

...I think you were right
to keep trying today.

My medical school professors told me...

...County was full of burnouts
that didn't care.

They got the "burnout" part right.

What do you do after a day like today?

I tend to drink,
but I'm not the best role model.

I wouldn't mind a drink.



I stopped by your apartment.
Am I interrupting?

No. Pull up a swing.

I talked to Morgenstern.

He said he'd present your request
to the Residency Committee.

Sounds like he wasn't too thrilled.

You ever seen Morgenstern thrilled?


He agreed to consider it.
That's something.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

I'm keeping her.

That's terrific.

I'm so glad.

- Lf you need tips on parenting--
- You're the last person I'd call.

Thank you.

- Would you hold her?
- Sure.

Come here.

Yes, hello.

What's your Aunt Susie doing?

- Look at her.
- Hello.

- Look at her go.
- Hello.

She's silly, isn't she?

She's silly, isn't she?

Your Aunt Susie's loopy.

Can you believe she's a doctor?

- Can you?
- No.
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