18x21 - The Keeper of Traken - part 1

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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18x21 - The Keeper of Traken - part 1

Post by bunniefuu »



Part One

First Air Date: 31 January 1981
Running time: 24:05

ADRIC: So this in N-space.

DOCTOR: Yes, the old home universe. It's many times larger than anything you're used to.

ADRIC: All those stars.


ADRIC: Do you know them all?

DOCTOR: Well, just the interesting ones.

ADRIC: How can you tell which is which?

DOCTOR: Well, law of probability, that sort of thing, you know. Anyway, we're supposed to be on our way back to Gallifrey.

ADRIC: I don't see what the law of probability's got to do with it.

DOCTOR: No. What? Adric, I give you a privileged insight into the mystery of time, yes?


DOCTOR: Open your mind to adventures beyond imagining, yes?


DOCTOR: And you criticise my logic.

ADRIC: No. No, I'm just saying that a lot of the time you don't really make sense.

DOCTOR: Ah. Ah. Oh, you've noticed that, have you? Well, I mean, anyone can talk sense. As long as that's understood, you and I are going to get on splendidly.

ADRIC: Then where are we?

DOCTOR: Metulla Orionsis, I'd say. Does that make sense?

ADRIC: That's what it says here.

DOCTOR: Yes, that's an interesting planetary system.

ADRIC: Traken, isn't it?

DOCTOR: Eh? You're beginning to get the hang of this console. Yes, Traken. (reads) Traken Union, famous for its universal harmony. A whole empire held together by


DOCTOR: Well, by people just being terribly nice to each other.

ADRIC: Well, that makes a change.

DOCTOR: Yes. I don't think I've actually been there. Just know it by repute, so I'll tell you all about it sometime.

ADRIC: Well, you won't have to. We're going there anyway.

DOCTOR: Going to Traken? Who said so?

ADRIC: You set the controls for it.

DOCTOR: You set them.

ADRIC: No! No, you must have.

DOCTOR: But I didn't. Did I? I wonder what the law of probability would say about that?

DOCTOR: Now, what seems to be the problem?

ADRIC: We've gone into orbit round one of the planets.

DOCTOR: I thought so.

ADRIC: Thought what?

DOCTOR: I thought you might appreciate it if I gave you the impression I knew what was happening. We could panic, of course, but where would that get us?

ADRIC: What's happening?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

ADRIC: Well, you should know.

DOCTOR: Adric.

ADRIC: Well, you are a Time Lord, aren't you?

DOCTOR: Adric. If I knew everything that was going to happen, where would the fun be?

DOCTOR: Hello.

KEEPER: How do you do.

DOCTOR: It's all right, Adric. The Keeper of Traken.

KEEPER: Well guessed, Doctor. The reports I hear of your intelligence are true, I see.

DOCTOR: Oh, well, it wasn't difficult to guess who'd taken possession of the TARDIS. I mean, there can't be many people in the universe with the capacity of just dropping in like this.

ADRIC: Well, you could have told me.

DOCTOR: Shush. Time reveals everything, Adric. What can we do for you, Keeper?

KEEPER: Listen closely, Doctor. As you see, the passing ages have taken toll of me.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I know that feeling.

KEEPER: But unlike you, my time of Dissolution is near and the power entrusted to me is ebbing away.

DOCTOR: Oh, come on. It's still fairly impressive. I mean, I couldn't flit around the universe in an old chair like this.

KEEPER: I have all the minds of the Union to draw on. I am only the organising principle. It is on that count I ask you to come to Traken.

DOCTOR: Right!

KEEPER: Think carefully before you agree. There is great danger in this for you and your young friend.

DOCTOR: How so, Keeper?

KEEPER: I fear that our beloved world of Traken faces disaster.

ADRIC: Universal harmony, you said.

DOCTOR: Shush.

KEEPER: The Doctor does not exaggerate. Since the time of the Keepers, our Union has been the most harmonious the universe has ever seen. Does the boy not know of this?

DOCTOR: Oh, he's not local.

DOCTOR: E-space, wasn't it? Where's he gone?

KEEPER: How vain one can be. I thought the whole universe knew the history of our little empire.

DOCTOR: Yes. They say the atmosphere there was so full of goodness that evil just shrivelled up and died. Maybe that's why I never went there.

KEEPER: Rumour does not exaggerate, Doctor.

ADRIC: The screen.

KEEPER: Oh, forgive me. May I borrow it for a moment?

DOCTOR: Oh please, Keeper, please.

KEEPER: Yes, we have indeed been visited by evil many times. Our compassion for these poor distorted creatures seems to attract them like moths to a flame. Sometimes they are redeemed.

KEEPER: The Fosters are the guardians of the spiritual welfare of our capital.

KEEPER: They name such creatures Melkur.

DOCTOR: Melkur?

KEEPER: Melkur. Literally a fly caught by honey. The Fosters know there's nothing to fear from these visitations.

DOCTOR: So what becomes of this Melkur?

KEEPER: It's baleful influence will not extend beyond the grove, and even here it will only produce a few weeds. Like others before it, the creature will calcify and pass harmlessly into the soil. But the demise of any living thing is painful to us.

KASSIA (on screen): And how are you today, you poor Melkur? The Fosters have appointed me to look after you. There isn't much I can do. It must be awful being rooted to the spot like a tree. If you weren't quite so evil, you might be able to move a bit, just around the grove. Being so evil, you can't even speak. Never mind. I'll come and visit you again soon. Oh. By the way, my name's Kassia.

DOCTOR: Well, that particular evil seems to be well under control.

KEEPER: Seemed, Doctor. That was many years ago. Young Kassia is now grown up. Such was her purity of spirit that she became a consul, and the day of her marriage to Tremas has become, somehow, the turning point for Traken.

TREMAS: Enough, Trakens. Enough! Applause is heady, and I've already drunk more wine than a man of my responsibilities should. To be a consul and a father I thought were duties enough, but now once again to be a husband, and to Kassia.

KASSIA: My husband is right. The wine has flowed freely tonight. Perhaps I should take him home.

SERON: Already you've begun to pamper him, Kassia, like that Melkur of yours in the grove.

KATURA: People have begun to think she was married to the statue, all these years she's been tending him.

LUVIC: I hope she looks after Tremas better than she looks after the Melkur. He's covered in moss.

KASSIA: I'm sure it does not become us to mock Melkur.

KEEPER: I rather think it is you they are mocking, Kassia.

TREMAS: Keeper, you were able to join us.

KEEPER: No affairs of state could keep me from such an occasion as this. Come, the pair of you. Receive my blessing.

KASSIA: We are honoured, Keeper.

KEEPER: Kassia was right, Tremas. She promised to tend the Melkur while its power still lived. Who would have thought its demise could be so protracted. She has been loyal, and we now release her.

TREMAS: Come, Kassia. Thank the Keeper.

KASSIA: But who will tend him?

KEEPER: The Fosters, perhaps. Since you drove them from the grove, it has become neglected. Fruit trees need some little tending too, you know. No, Nyssa shall watch over your Melkur. And she must share in the blessing, too.

KEEPER: I, nearing the time of my passing, bless the marriage of these two, Tremas and Kassia, truest of my five true consuls, together with Nyssa, now daughter to you both.

KEEPER: Now it begins. My certain knowledge of the coming Dissolution. No Keeper lasts forever, and the period of transition is always difficult. But I sensed more than that, even as I came to name Tremas as my successor.

DOCTOR: Sense what, Keeper?

KEEPER: All-pervading evil, and somehow nurtured in those three good people standing before me to receive the blessing of the Keeper. Doctor, my time is close. I need your help.

DOCTOR: Anything I can do, Keeper.

ADRIC: That goes for me, too.

DOCTOR: Shush. Well, we'll see. We'll see.

KEEPER: I am fearful even to involve the Doctor. He will face unimaginable hazard, confront power that would obliterate even a Time Lord. Even you, Doctor. Goodbye, my friend. Farewell.

ADRIC: Well, that's a funny way of going about things.

DOCTOR: Yes, isn't it. What do you make of it?

ADRIC: I don't know. But I do hope we know what we're doing.

DOCTOR: So do I. We?


TREMAS: If all the stars were silver, and the sky a giant purse in my fist, I couldn't be happier than I am tonight.

NEMAN: Poetry apart, Consul Tremas, I'd rather be rich than Keeper Nominate any night of the year.

TREMAS: I wasn't thinking of state duties, Proctor.

NEMAN: Ha, Kassia, of course. But she should be with you, surely?

TREMAS: She's gone to the grove to take leave of her precious Melkur.

NYSSA: Aren't you jealous, father?

NEMAN: His happiness is like the stars, he says. Plenty to share with everyone, even with Melkur.

KASSIA: You listen so patiently, and who else could I speak to of my unhappiness? To be Keeper Nominate, they regard it as a great honour, but when the Keeper's Dissolution comes it will take Tremas from me forever. And I know his time will be soon. I know it will be soon.


KASSIA: You spoke to me!

ADRIC: Whatever's that?

DOCTOR: Knowledge. Accumulated wisdom of centuries.

ADRIC: A gazetteer?

DOCTOR: Well, they're just a couple of my old time logs. You know, I really may have been to Traken. It's so difficult to keep track of.

ADRIC: I suppose it helps keeping a time log.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Mind you, I don't bother now. Much too busy. Actually, this might not be the right volume. Here, take that and make yourself useful.

ADRIC: What am I looking for?

DOCTOR: Well, you know, Traken, Keepers, all-pervading evil.

ADRIC: Universal harmony?

DOCTOR: Yeah, anything along those lines.

SERON: Kassia has called a meeting?

LUVIC: Another of her strange ideas, perhaps?

SERON: Kassia is a gifted sensitive. Her spiritual qualities are beyond question. But Tremas has yet to persuade her that we live in the real world, not some chaos of superstition.

LUVIC: So this man's death was natural, you think?

SERON: He was full of years. Old men die.

NEMAN: I've never seen one die like that. Pain on his face, and fear perhaps? Is that natural?

SERON: Unexpected, certainly, but I am never one to jump to conclusions, particularly in the presence of others. There is rumour enough abroad.

NEMAN: With all this restlessness within the Union, Consuls, I don't know if perhaps the Fosters should be armed.

LUVIC: Armed? That's an unusual suggestion.

NEMAN: These are unusual times, Consul.

SERON: Well, Tremas? Has science brought us any nearer discovering how the Foster died?

TREMAS: It's so fantastic I hardly know whether to believe it myself.

SERON: Fantastic?

TREMAS: I've scanned the courtyard several times. Something quite strange has registered. See for yourself.

SERON: It seems our worst fears are confirmed.

LUVIC: They are?

SERON: Tremas has clearly fallen under Kassia's spell in more ways than one. Tell the meeting I shall be delayed a moment. Tremas clearly needs humouring.

SERON: What do these readings mean?

TREMAS: It's impossible to say. It's beyond the scope of the instrument to analyse or measure.

SERON: You're sure it's not an error?

TREMAS: An error. Yes, it must be.

SERON: But if the readings are true?

TREMAS: If these readings are true, then obviously some, some force is taking possession of Traken.

DOCTOR: Ha, ha. Interesting stuff, isn't it?

ADRIC: If I could understand it.


ADRIC: Well, look. I read about something that's just happened.


ADRIC: The next page says it didn't happen at all.


ADRIC: Over the page says it did happen, but many years ago.

DOCTOR: Ah, yes. Well, I suppose it is a bit above your head. Mind you, they did say I had a very sophisticated prose style.

ADRIC: As for your handwriting.

DOCTOR: Handwriting? What about my handwriting?

ADRIC: It's marvellous.

DOCTOR: We've arrived. Right, now let's see what this place really looks like.

DOCTOR: Well, it's a good place if you fancy a spot of gardening.

KATURA: m*rder? Here, in the precincts of the court?

TREMAS: We don't know that it was m*rder, Consul Katura.

KATURA: You have determined the cause of death?

LUVIC: I thought it was natural.

SERON: There's no need to be alarmist, Tremas.

TREMAS: He died through contact with some high energy source. How and why it happened, I cannot say.

KASSIA: (quietly) A sign. Power of Melkur. (aloud) Consuls, I sense some great danger coming to us all. The Fosters must be armed.

SERON: With respect, Kassia, we cannot allow superstition to stampede reason.

KASSIA: I have reason.

KATURA: Then you have only to let the Consuls know what it is.

TREMAS: Well, Kassia?

SERON: We are the Keeper's appointed consuls. Let his benevolent wisdom be our guide, not irrational fears and intuitions. Are we agreed to summon the Keeper?

LUVIC: First we must decide about the Fosters. I feel that perhaps Kassia's right on that point. They should be armed.

SERON: Send for Proctor Neman.

ADRIC: It looks almost alive.

DOCTOR: Hmm? Looks pretty well calcified to me.

ADRIC: I've got the nasty feeling it's looking at us.

DOCTOR: Fiddlesticks.

KASSIA: I speak for the many peoples of the Traken Union. They ask why crops fail, why droughts and floods disturb our planets. And now, violent death in the very precinct of the court itself. What do we tell them?

SERON: Normal events, Consul, when the span of our Keeper nears its end.

KASSIA: Nothing is normal at such a time. This Keeper, whose protection we have enjoyed for a thousand years, is dying. The power is growing weaker day by day.

TREMAS: Trakens have survived times like this in the past. We shall do so now, through science and understanding.

KASSIA: Brave words, husband, but no great comfort to a people being stripped of their traditional protections.

SERON: The Keeper knows our situation. He'll speak when the time is right.

DOCTOR: Put your hands up in the air like that.

DOCTOR: I wonder what we've done this time? Are you the welcoming committee?

KATURA: We can't afford to stand on ceremony, Consul Seron. I propose we put it to the vote.

LUVIC: The sooner, the better.

TREMAS: Very well, but you know the law. The vote must be unanimous. Consuls, it is proposed that we summon the Keeper. Those in favour raise your hands.

TREMAS: Consul Seron.

SERON: If the majority are agreed, then I'll concur, of course.

SERON: Open the door.

NEMAN: Consuls, the cause of the evil. We have found them.

TREMAS: So, who are you?

DOCTOR: I wondered when you were going to ask. You know, I hate to say this sort of thing, but Traken hospitality isn't what it used to be.

ADRIC: He's called the Doctor, and I'm Adric.

DOCTOR: It's probably the usual misunderstanding. We keep running into this sort of thing. Actually, we were invited here this time.

ADRIC: This is true.

TREMAS: Invited?

DOCTOR: Yes, to pitch in, help out, that sort of thing.

TREMAS: Who asked you here?

DOCTOR: Well, excuse my name dropping, but the Keeper, actually.

TREMAS: You've had contact with the Keeper?

DOCTOR: In a manner of speaking, yes.

LUVIC: I don't follow this at all.

TREMAS: The Keeper said one would come amongst us to help Trakens. Could you be this one, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Well, unless he's in the habit of soliciting help, yes.

KASSIA: Sacred law decrees that the Keeper has contact only through his consuls.

SERON: You say, Doctor, that you arrived here in some kind of craft?


SERON: And landed in the grove?

DOCTOR: Yes. We thought we'd walk the rest of the way. You know, fresh air, stretch the legs.

SERON: Then your craft should still be there.


TREMAS: Proctor Neman, send some of your brothers to confirm this.

NEMAN: Certainly, Consul.

TREMAS: But if they are indeed known to the Keeper, can we risk such a grave injustice, Kassia?

KATURA: They can't be known to the Keeper or we would have been informed.

LUVIC: I don't understand what's going on.

NEMAN: Consul Tremas.

FOSTER: There's nothing there.

NEMAN: The Fosters have searched the grove for the stranger's craft.

TREMAS: And you have found it.

NEMAN: There is no craft. The grove is empty.

KASSIA: Does anyone doubt now?

KATURA: It seems they have indeed been lying to us.

DOCTOR: Look, why don't we summon up the Keeper or something?

TREMAS: We are about to do so.

KASSIA: Yes, we will summon the Keeper.

TREMAS: Keeper of Traken, by unanimous consent, your consul summons you.

TREMAS: Keeper, we have strangers among us who claim they are known to you.

KASSIA: And dare to say they were summoned here to Traken at your request.

KEEPER: Bring the strangers forward.

DOCTOR: Sorry to trouble you, Keeper, but we do seem to have a problem here.

DOCTOR: Please tell them who we are, will you?

KEEPER: Evil! The sanctum is invaded!

DOCTOR: Keeper, tell us.

KEEPER: Consuls, we are invaded. Evil! Infinite evil!

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Matthew Waterhouse

Sarah Sutton

The Master
Geoffrey Beevers

Anthony Ainley

Sheila Ruskin

The Keeper
Denis Carey

John Woodnutt

Margot Van der Burgh

Robin Soans

Roland Oliver

Liam Prendergast
Philip Bloomfield

Johnny Byrne

Assistant Floor Manager
Lynn Richards

Amy Roberts

Tony Burrough

Executive Producer
Barry Letts

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Norma Hill

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Alan Wareing

Production Unit Manager
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Christopher H. Bidmead

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Don Babbage

Studio Sound
John Holmes

Studio Sound
Alan Fogg

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Logan

John Nathan-Turner

John Black
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