01x09 - Rolling Dark

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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01x09 - Rolling Dark

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on SEAL Team...

Nobody wants to see you back with Alana more than I do. Get your ass back home instead of lounging around my living room all day.

ALANA: This is the only life we have, me and the kids.

We're not gonna waste it living with a ghost.

DAVIS: Hey, you got a problem with your accommodations?

Do you know how many times I've made a hammock on a C-130?

If you are working on an operation and you are not a Tier One operator, you're a strap, so buckle up back here with the rest of us support personnel and don't make me kick your ass up and down this aircraft.

8:00 a.m. tomorrow. Your team?

Yes, my team. And bring beer.

I realize this isn't what you signed on for.

This is exactly what I signed on for.

DAVIS: You know when Sonny was at Team 4, he had that friend that got blown up next to him on target; the guy ended up getting medically retired?

Yeah, Danny something. Yeah, Danny Cooper.

Hey, listen to me.

What happened to Danny, that shouldn't have happened.

But it did happen, and there's nothing you could've done about it.

But what we can do is our job.


Sorry about the lightning.

Suppose someone thought an escape from behind the Iron Curtain wasn't dramatic enough.

No Iron Curtain anymore.

Wish somebody had told me that before I decided to join the CIA.

English, Katya.

We are American now... We speak English.


Oh, my God!

S01E09 Rolling Dark



Man, this kid knows what he wants.

Yep. (SIGHS)

Don't worry about me... I'm-I'm averting my eyes.

(CHUCKLES): Oh, please. You've been through this. Twice.

(SIGHS): Yeah.

Sorry we woke you.

Figured I'd let Ray sleep.

He hasn't been doing much of that lately.

Between this situation and how much you guys have been working...

Right. No, no. No, you didn't, you didn't wake me.

Trust me, I'm an early riser.

(CLEARS THROAT) Besides, you're letting me live rent-free here on the couch.

Well, you can't tell a Kurdish girl to stop playing hostess.

If my dad were here, he'd be furious I'm not offering to cook for you right now.

(IMITATES FATHER'S ACCENT): Of course the man is hungry, Heja, but he's only too polite to ask. Ah, I am not.

Okay? And I loved your dad, I swear... he was the best.

He liked you, too.


His son-in-law on the other hand, the Black Irish-Italian Jew who never misses church.


Ray tell you we're breaking in a new kid today?

Yeah. Name's, uh, Clay something? Spenser. Clay Spenser.

There, there you go.

He say anything else about him?

Just that he's the son of a frogman, and you don't like him 'cause he reminds you of Nate.


I do not not like him, all right?

I just like giving him a hard time. Right?

Doesn't remind me of Nate.

Except when he does.



Happy first day of school.

You want me to make breakfast?

No, I'm fine.

It's the most important meal of the day, babe.

(CHUCKLES) Get back to sleep, baby. I'll call you later, okay?

Clay, it's okay.

You know, it's okay to be nervous, you know that?

(CHUCKLES SOFTLY) Is that a fact?

Yeah. You've only been chasing this your entire life.

You know... (CLEARS THROAT) when I was, uh, when I was on my last deployment at my old command, I was, uh, an assistant team leader, so I had six guys who were all below me looking up to me to keep us alive.

That's the kind of situation that'll make you nervous.

Today, you know, the only thing I got to worry about is just... keep my mouth shut, setting up my equipment cage, and... probably getting my balls broke for bringing the wrong kind of beer.

See you went with the Japanese stuff.


Well, they said no microbrews, so, you know, of course, and, I thought about bringing something really... real microbrew... Hoppy, nasty.

But then I realized if I did, they'd probably sh**t me.


You know, it doesn't strike you as kind of juvenile the new guy has to bring beer for everyone else? It's like... it's like a fraternity initiation or something.

(LAUGHS) I guess it kind of is like a fraternity initiation.

Right, okay.

(SIGHS): Um... just... be safe.

You know me.



Okay, so what about weapons?

Uh, yeah, I figure I'm gonna need a few, huh?

Any in particular?

I'm sorry, I'm not really sure.

Okay, this is how this works.

You tell me what to get for you, I get it.

Just like that?

Why not? (CHUCKLES)

Wait, so, are-are you saying that I can just, like, put together a little Christmas list, anything I want, and you're gonna get it for me?

You might even say that's part of my job.

Wow. You know how much crap I would've got at Team 3 if I would even ask for an extra flashlight?

Well, let's both thank our lucky stars that we're not at Team 3.

Team room, 15.

Hey, just so I can... just so I can get my head right, is this... is this gonna be some kind of rookie hazing thing, or did we catch a spin?

Can't we do both?

15 minutes.

Oh, yeah.

Welcome to DEVGRU.



Oh-ho! Look who's nice and early, huh?

Oh. And he brings the wrong beer... The import stuff.

You're off to a good start.

On time is five minutes late, right?

You calling us late? (CHUCKLES)

No, I-I was just... JASON: Okay, okay, okay, the first time that the new guy tries to show up his new teammates, I say that's a case of beer, right?

Case of beer. Case of beer.

Oh, God.

Where you going? Get back. Back of the bus.

Back of the bus. Come on, man.

Come on. Back of the bus, kid.

It begins.

All right. Who's Mr. Personality?

MANDY: Dr. Dmitri Alexeivich Zimov.

Until yesterday, he was one of the men in charge of Russia's cyberwarfare program, and the Agency's best clandestine source on Russian efforts to hack into our critical infrastructure.

What happened yesterday?

He attempted to defect to the United States.

You don't say.

We flew him and his wife in a four-seater out of Southern Siberia.

They were supposed to follow the Chinese border all the way down into Afghanistan, got into a lightning storm above the Pamir Mountains, dropped off radar.

Satellite pass this morning found what we believe is the debris field, here.

That's China.


First time new guy says something in a briefing... Case of beer!

OTHERS: Another case of beer.

Good stuff.

Not that stuff. Yeah.

MANDY: Mr. Spenser, it's nice to have you back with us... and yes, the crash site is on the Chinese face of the Wakhan Corridor.

ERIC: Good news is: it puts our people just ten kilometers east of the Afghan border.

BAD NEWS: it also puts them at an elevation of approximately 12,000 feet inside a country with a nuclear arsenal and the largest standing army in the history of the planet.

We're going in to get the survivors out.

W-Wait, we're positive there are survivors?

Satellite photos show movement at the crash site.

Okay, wait a second, hold on.

I mean, even if they walked away from a crash site like that, on that rough terrain, how are they gonna stay alive?

What, they have training?

Our officer and the pilot both went through survival school.

What about the doc? Doc and his wife are hikers.

They kept a vacation home at the Altai Mountains.

God, they must want this guy an awful lot for us to travel all the way to China.

You can say that again. Right?

Russians, they know he's gone?

Before he left, Dr. Zimov wrote a letter to his old supervisor telling him that he'd been a CIA asset going on five years.

SONNY: One way to prevent yourself getting cold feet defecting is to fix it so you will be ex*cuted if you return.

Bosses want what's inside his head. Yep.

Plus, they want to keep the Russians from getting him back.

So we, uh, get some ATVs in here?

Oh, no, no, no. There's no time for ground infil.

We're gonna have to HAHO in. We got to get to the crash site, pick up the survivors' trail, run 'em down.

Get everybody across the border into Afghanistan before they know that we are even there.

RAY: Well, you think, uh, we'll be able to do all that before the Chinese find the wreck? Well, our chances are a lot better the sooner we get on the ground.

ERIC: Yeah, shouldn't be long till wheels up.

Just heard that our Pentagon liaison has made it through gate security.


We're bringing a liaison? What?

Putting U.S. boots on the ground in China could go wrong in a whole lot of ways that'd likely lead to World w*r III.

Reckon that the Pentagon would like to avoid that kind of outcome.

So naive. Okay, let me get this straight.

So, liaison's gonna stay with TOC, comms on, just so we don't, what, inadvertently start World w*r III with the Chinese?

Over comms that'll be in and out anyway because of the mountains.

Hey, did you pack us the new sat antenna? (PHONE RINGS)

Are you trying to hurt my feelings?


Yes, sir.

We're on our way.

Liaison's gonna meet us at the airfield.

We're good to go.

SONNY: All right, new guy owes us a case of beer first time on an aircraft with us. Bam!

Abu Samir op doesn't count? I mean, I boarded a plane on that one, too, yeah? Oh-ho!

JASON: Oh, got you, Sonny. Oh. (LAUGHTER, WHOOPING)

We were on a C-130 on the Abu Samir op, disguised as a humanitarian mission.


So... new guy owes a case of beer every time he boards a new plane with us.

Boom! Boom!

I've been on a C-17 before.

Not as a member of this team.

JASON: First time he questions a 3-IC, case of beer.

CLAY: This is, uh, this is getting a little expensive here.

How many cases do we have? That's a dozen, I'd say.

Oh! New guy owes another case of beer first time he loses count.

Wow! That's a baker's dozen.

You know what? We don't make the rules, buddy.

Just welcome to the show, little boy.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on.



VOICE MAIL: Hey. It's Danny. Try me on text.


Hey, Danny. It's, uh, Sonny Quinn again.

Um... I-I don't know if you got my last message.

I know how we all can get busy and... not call back.


I'm just checking on you, man. Just, uh... seeing how civilian life is for you, (CHUCKLES): you know, 'cause...

I guess we're all gonna end up there anyway, ain't that right?


Just call me when you can, man.

Thinking about you.




ERIC: Master Chief Hayes.

This is Pentagon liaison, Paul Marberry.

Marberry, okay.


What's up? You don't have a problem me making a hammock this time?

Well, you're not a strap anymore.

I wasn't a strap on the Samir op, either.

I'm not having this conversation with you again.

And you know you're gonna owe another case of beer the first time you make yourself a hammock. (CLICKS TONGUE)

Maybe they'll forget.

Yeah, I won't hold my breath.

Hey, Spense.

It's another case of beer first time in a hammock.

Just saying.

You ever, uh, heard from Danny?

Danny Cooper? Yeah.

You were working Team 2, he was Team 4.

It seemed like you guys were pretty tight back then.

Yeah, no, we were for a while. Yeah?

Till he went and tried to kiss me. Ooh.

Sly dog. He never told me that.

Probably was a little embarrassed getting turned down.

Or on the other hand, maybe he just thought it was none of your business. (SONNY LAUGHS)

SONNY: You ever hear from him after he got hurt?

No. I mean, not really.

You know, I went and, I visited him a couple times in the hospital after they brought him back from Germany.


That's where he was when I finished Green Team, and... kept meaning to go and see him, but...

I mean, you know how our schedule is.

Yeah, no.

You don't have to tell me. (CLEARS THROAT)


SONNY: First time you jump with us, that's a case of beer.

JASON: Case of beer!



Let's see.

All right.

So we landed here, now we're here.

Means the wreck's a klick and a half east.

Just over that ridge. Well, terrain like this, we're lucky we get in a klick per hour.

We got to get going.

Sonny, rear security. Roger that.

Ray, take point. Clay boy, form on me. Let's go.

CLAY: Visual on crash site, standby.

Hey, we've got a problem.

We got another team on the ground.


You sure, boss?

JASON: Son of a bitch.

They beat us here.


Alpha Group? You're certain?

JASON (OVER COMMS): Yeah, I'm certain.

They look like us and they move like us.

As far as I know, there's only one Tier One Russian unit, that's Alpha.

Yeah, me, too.

Uh, Lieutenant Commander.

You will remind your team that discretion is of the absolute utmost...

Yes, sir? Apologies not necessary, sir.

Bravo 1, we're gonna need to give them a wide berth.


Alpha Group?

It's Russian Special Forces.

I thought that was Spetsnaz. DAVIS: It is.

Look, Spetsnaz covers a lot of different units.

Alpha is the best of the best.

It has been since the KGB hit squad days.

Yes, sir, we think it's a unit called Alpha Group.

Alpha, that's right, sir.

It's their equivalent of our Tier One commandos.

Yes, sir. They know not to engage.

Spetsnaz covers lots of things, sir.

Alpha's their best of the best.

It's been that way since the KGB hit squad days.

JASON: As soon as they're gone, we'll move in.

CLAY (OVER COMMS): If Alpha's as good as they say, you don't think they might get out of sight, hole up somewhere and watch their backs?

RAY (OVER COMMS): They're not expecting a tail.

Their main concern is the Chinese, just like ours.

Russians aren't supposed to be here, either.

That just sounds like we're assuming an awful lot.

SONNY (OVER COMMS): Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

The young buck owes us another case of beer for questioning the tactical judgment of his tactical betters.

ERIC (OVER COMMS): Bravo 1, this is TOC.

Sitrep, any casualties?

TOC, this is Bravo 1.

Got two, the pilot and the handler.

There's no sign of the wife or the asset.

SONNY: Got blood back here.

There's blood in the back.

SONNY: Blood trailing from the plane.

Hold on, TOC.

It's heading northwest.

You figure Doc and his wife got a little banged up when they hit.

Might explain the blood in the back. Yeah.

SONNY: The Russians, they came in from the north.

Picked up on the trail of Doc and his wife.

And they headed northwest.

CLAY: Plane survival kit's gone.

Figure the doc took it.

Looks like the Russians took the electronics, whatever documents they could find.

Left the luggage.

We going after them?

Just saying, every second we stand here, their head start's getting bigger.

Figure what... they got 20 minutes on us?


Well, so, Doc and his wife have 20 hours on them.

We can catch up to them before they catch up to our people.

Okay. Then what? I'm sorry?

JASON: Then what? What do we do after we catch them?

Are we gonna ask the Russians really kindly if we can get the doc back?

We can't engage, Spenser.

What we have to do is we gotta get in front of them.

How do we do that?

They don't have a dog.



Alpha wants to find the doc and his wife, they got no choice but to get close enough to step on 'em.

Means they gotta follow their windy-ass trail.

All we gotta do is get Cerberus downwind.

Means we go straight up, wait for the dog to catch a scent.

Even with the dog, we can't cover the whole mountain.

We don't have to. We know where they're going.

RAY: He's got a compass from the survival kit.

JASON: The guy's not gonna know where he is.

He's gonna head west, towards Afghanistan.

And the only way through is the Wakhjir Pass.

(CLAPS HANDS) Okay, look, hey, we got to get a move on.

We gotta get up on that ridge. Tell you what, Brock, get Cerberus a scent, will you?

I'll toss a thermite grenade, melt it all down.

No, no, no, no, we can't do that.

We're not gonna leave any kind of evidence here.

It's best that the Chinese find the wreckage the way it is.

BROCK: Yeah, go find it.

Go find it. JASON: Okay, let's go.

BROCK (QUIETLY): Go get 'em, go get 'em.


BROCK (OVER COMMS): He's got it.

Dmitri, Katya.


DMITRI: I have a g*n.

JASON: Okay.

And you can hold onto that if you feel more comfortable.

Listen, we're Americans.

We're... we're here to bring you out.

DMITRI: How do I know you're not lying?

About which part?

If you are Russian, you might say you are American so you can get close to take me alive.

SONNY: Listen up, Drago.

I got a thermite grenade that burns at 4,000 degrees and will melt your body like a candlestick.

So you keep acting like a jerk, and I'm fixin' to throw one your way.

JASON: Listen, Dr. Zimov, we don't have a lot of time.

There are Russian special forces on the ground.

Last time we saw them, they were leaving the plane, tracking you.

CLAY: From what we saw at the crash site, it looks like one of you might be injured.

We got a medic out here and some first-aid supplies, so the sooner you let us in there, the sooner we can get to work on you, or get you to a surgical hospital in Kandahar if your condition requires.

Come on out.

Which one of you is medic?

I'm a medic, right here.

You're medic? Yeah.

Help my wife, please. All right.

What do you say we just take that out of your hand right now, okay?

All right.

Help my wife, please.

Help my wife, please.


JASON: All right. Okay.


You speak any English? (GROANING)

You speak any English?

You allergic to any medications?

Doc, is she allergic to morphine?

No, I don't think so. Morphine.


(GROANS) Okay.

All right, just rest. You're gonna be all right.

Should never have brought her here.

Should never have gotten involved with you people.

Yeah, well, you know what, you did.

Give us some space, so we can work... Do you understand?

All right? The sooner we get her stabilized, the sooner we can move you.

Okay. Staple g*n.


MANDY: Bravo 1, be advised, eyes are on the border.

Shows Chinese infantry moving in to block off the Wakhjir Pass.

Estimated to be at least battalion strength. 700 men.

(WHISPERING): You got to be kidding me. 700... geez. 700?

Give or take.

Are you telling me they found the plane?

No, not yet.

So far, all they know is the general location where it went down.

They're bringing in the infantry to block off the area while they search.

ERIC: Bottom line, with the pass blocked, you're gonna have to find an alternate exfil route.

Copy that. We'll take the goat trails out.

Copy, Bravo 1. How soon till you're ready to travel?

Ten minutes. Be advised, you got about an hour left till sunrise.

Copy that. We're on the move.

It's gonna be a pain in the ass carrying that litter up and over.

Thread the needle through some goat trail, what, two meters wide?

Don't have a choice, Ray.

Where's the doc?

What do you mean, where's the doc?

Anybody got eyes on the doc?

Anybody got eyes on the doc?

TRENT: Negative. We thought he was with you. Over.

All right, look, I told the doc that Alpha was on his trail, so what he's probably gonna do is backtrack, turn himself in.

They take him home to get interrogated and ex*cuted, she gets to live happily ever after. SONNY: I'll go get him.

What do you mean you'll go? Alone?

Uh, got my girlfriend, here.

JASON: Uh-uh. I've seen you climb hills, and that's a disaster. You're not going anywhere.

I'll take the kid, I'll take Spenser. Don't mess this up.

Wait, hold on. Listen, get her on the litter and have her ready to go when we come back.

Jace. What? We got to get these people across the border before sunrise, okay?

We need the fast movers. Me and him, we're the fast movers.

Okay, first of all, kiss my ass.

Yeah. Second of all, sunrise is in what, 30 minutes?

Carl Lewis couldn't get us across that border by then.

We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Let's go.

Are you up for a little exercise?

Missed my spin class this morning.

All right, let's do this.


Come on, let's go.

Get your scope up. What do you see?

CLAY: No sign of the doc.

Good news: no sign of Alpha, either.

I don't know if that is good news.

We don't see 'em, we don't know where they are, right?


DMITRI: What did she ever do but respect my work?

JASON: Doc. Doc?

DMITRI: Nothing. Nothing.

Come on, Doc, let's go. All she did was respect my work, that's all.

She doesn't deserve this. JASON: No one does. Okay, look.

We're running out of time here.

We got to get you out of here. Let's go, Doc.

Come on. Bravo 1, this is Bravo 2.

Watch him.

All right? Bravo 2, this is Bravo 1.

We got the doc.

RAY: Glad to hear it.

Okay, sun's up. We're not gonna make the border.

Yeah, it's a good thing I'm sitting down.

JASON: It's too risky to move in daylight, so we're gonna hunker down.


And the Chinese agree.

Yeah, they do.

Figure we'll rendezvous back here after sundown, form up, head for the border all together?

Sounds like a plan. 1, out.

Copy that.

What about Alpha? What about Alpha?

What do you think they're gonna do?

They're gonna hunker down just like us.

They don't want to get caught.

Right? That is if they're in country.

You think they lit out?

I don't know, what do you think?


Okay, tell you what. Why don't you go set up watch position.

I got the doc.

Let's go.

Come on, get up. We got to go.


What do you mean they're staying put?

Until when?

Until the sun goes back down. (SCOFFS)

Because? ERIC: 'Cause the Chinese infantry doesn't have night vision.

Soon as those surveillance birds spot that plane, most of the 700 troops that the Chinese are moving up to Wakhjir Pass are gonna start climbing up towards it.

That's if they're not moving there already!

Now what happens if they come across our team before the sun goes down?

I trust my men's ability to avoid detection.

Oh, well, that's...

Okay. You know what?

You can help me explain that to Washington.

Here. That's for you.

Blackburn's taking some heat.

DAVIS: Blackburn is a mid-level officer.

Job is to take the heat, and let the door kickers underneath him focus on the life and death.

Figures, the new guy's first op would turn into a daylight escape and evade.

Yeah, so much for easing him in.

JASON: You ought to get some sleep.

CLAY: I can go one day in the field without racking out.

JASON: Our mission was to come in, get out by sunrise.

That didn't happen. You saw that, right?

Sleep while you can.

Who's gonna make sure he doesn't rabbit again while you're standing watch?

Oh, don't worry about that guy. He's out cold.

He's been so pumped up on adrenaline for the past two days, he's not going anywhere till we pry his eyes open.

So I'm hearing that you just moved in with a new girl.

Wow, Master Chief Seaver's got a big mouth.

I mean, you can call him Adam now.

You're not on Green Team anymore.

Mm, well, that's gonna take some getting used to.

He used to run with your old man back in the day, didn't he?


We didn't move in together.

She kept her old place.

She's just staying at my house most nights.

She's staying every night in your place, so technically, you are living together.

If you want to make sure she'll be notified if you get k*lled or jacked up, she's got to be your legal next of kin.

Yeah, my whole life, I pictured how my first day as a DEVGRU operator might go.

Never once did I imagine my team leader would be sitting here playing Dr. Phil.

What I care about are the guys on my team.

And they cannot afford to be distracted.

Margin of error is zero.

And to be honest with you, you know what?

Technically, this is your second day as a DEVGRU operator.

Another case of beer?

No, that would be a bottle of tequila.

Coming my way. Blanco.



Bravo 2, this is Bravo 4.

Go for 2.

Chinese ground control has moved off to the north.

We're clear. Copy that.

Them passes are getting closer together.

Yeah, narrowing their search area.

SONNY: How many Chinese troops are... climbing up, heading towards us?

Few hundred, at least.

How 'bout that doctor, huh?

Had to run off, make himself feel like a hero.

Leave the rest of us here holding his bag.

He just had to stay put, let himself be rescued; we'd be across that damn border by now.

Guy puts his wife in harm's way.

I guess he feels like he ought to be the one to get her out.



You doing okay, ma'am?

My husband is a hero.

He does not need to make himself feel like one.

Okay. Well, why the hell is he running around up here like a dumb-ass?


Did you know what he was working on?

KATYA: He never spoke about it.

For my protection.

How about working for the CIA?

Was that for your protection, too?

Dmitri is a genius.

And if he has to do something, then it was the right thing to do.

Ah. Hey, uh, that's what you call right there blind faith.

Yeah. Remind me when we get back home, I want to put her in touch with my wife.






Got you, boss.

CLAY: Friendlies coming in.

RAY: Keep coming.





KATYA: It's okay.

JASON: TOC, this is Bravo 1.

Be advised, we're heading for the border.

MANDY: Copy, Bravo 1. Good luck.







What do we got?

It's coming straight from the border.

He smelled it when the wind changed.

RAY: Could be an animal.

JASON: Enemy eye or lasers. Move.

Get cover.

SONNY: Our six is clear.

That definitely is not an animal.

That's the Russians.

Why didn't they sh**t?

They don't know who we are.

They're running dark, too. Can't afford a mistake.

JASON: The question now becomes, how do we get past them?

They got night vision. What about thermals?

We got to figure they have everything we have.

So the real question is, how would we get past us?

SONNY: Case of beer for the new guy.

First time he said something smart.

Yeah, that's worth a case of beer.

MARBERRY: Under no circumstances am I sending any more Americans across that border.

Yeah, well, news flash, we already have Americans across that border.

Which I'm on record with the brass as arguing against.

And congratulations for that, but we are where we are. Where we are is I'm not gonna risk World w*r III to save six men.

Where exactly does that leave our guys?

Russians in front of them, Chinese infantry climbing up behind them. Stop.

Our guys are Tier One special operators.

As far as extracting themselves from their current predicament, my suggestion would be that they do something... special.

Excuse me.

DAVIS: Commander, satellite shows the Chinese squad two klicks east of Bravo Team, moving in their direction.

ERIC: Bravo 1, this is TOC. Come in. Over.

TOC, how we looking?

The good news is we got a Special Forces ODA driving up to meet you on the Afghan side of the border.

The bad news, Chinese are two klicks to the east, moving in your direction. Command said that, until you are back across that border, you're on your own.

Listen, if there's a silver lining, it's that the Russians don't want to get caught by the infantry either.

Got no more business operating in China than we do.

So what you're saying is we don't have a choice.

We just got to sit here with the Russians in a standoff and hope that they blink first?

Basically, yeah.

Hold up. There might be another way.

Stand by.

Everybody get their NODS up. Might take a minute or two to get your eyes adjusted, but let me know when they're up.

Ray, they're running dark, we blind them.

Light it up. Light it up.

All right, boys, the Russians are also wearing night vision, so we're gonna throw all of our flashbangs and thermite grenades to whiteout their NVGs and thermal sights as we make a run for the border.

Keep lighting it up, all the way across.

It'll only take their eyes a minute or two to adjust.

Figure we've got that same minute or two to get across the border, so we'll have to move fast.

SONNY: 250 yards of uneven ground carrying a litter in 60 seconds.

Yeah, we got this.

That's right, we got this. Let's bone her up.

Three, two, one, execute.








MAN: Welcome to Afghanistan.

Don't tell me y'all never seen Red Dawn before.

That's some of Swayze's best work.

JASON: I would've gone with Road House. Let's go.




So, you're in a standoff.

Need the other guys to blink first.

Why not make 'em blink?

You know, it pays sometimes, being a control freak.

Professionally, anyways.

(CHUCKLES) How'd he do?

How'd he do? Well, how'd he do?

Spenser? He has got a lot to learn.

You gonna teach him? Am I gonna teach him?

Time's gonna teach him. If he doesn't pay attention, he's gonna get himself k*lled.

Hey. How many cases you up to?

Believe it's 19.

This rate, I'm gonna be broke by Christmas.

Want a little advice?

Yeah, I could use some.

Bring in a couple more cases tomorrow and the next day, then buy 'em a keg. They won't want to do the math.

I bet you they'll just call it even.

(CHUCKLES) Thanks.

Hey, you got to keep a little money in that pocket, treat that college girl in the manner in which she's accustomed.

You know about her, huh?

Another part of my job.

Yeah. SONNY: Hey, Spense.

Yeah. In case you lost count, we're at 19.

CLAY: Yeah.

Okay. Well, I didn't.

Ah. Yeah, no more of that foreign beer, okay?

Yeah, I got it.

'Cause there's three things you never import, young Jedi. (CHUCKLES)

That's cars, beer, and top cheddar.

Top cheddar! Top cheddar, baby.

Yay! Top cheddar! (LAUGHTER)

(WHOOPS) Check.




Mm, I thought ninjas were supposed to be quiet.

I thought I was being quiet.

So your, uh, first day lasted the better part of a week.

Oh, man. This might come as a shock to you, but I don't have a whole lot of say in that.


I know that. I missed you.

Just trying to figure out how worried I ought to be.


So, how'd you do?

Um, honestly, I'm not sure.


What do you think... No, no. No, no. Hmm?

No, honey. No. Hmm?

You got to shower.

Shower, shower.

All right. (CHUCKLES)

JASON: Come on, man. Stop playing. RAY: No, you stop. You stop.

(WHISPERING): Stop. Stop. Shh. Stop playing.

Shh. Stop.


Shh. Stop.

Okay. Stop.

Stop. Stop. Stop. Shh.


I think maybe I fell asleep.

What time is it?

Baby'll be up to nurse soon.

Want me to heat up some leftovers?

Stop it.


Let's put you to bed, all right?

I was trying to wait up for you. You coming back... you coming back out?


Guess not, no.

You good?


But, you know, go get some sleep.

Or not.


See you in the morning, brother. Yeah.

Bright and early. Oh, yeah.






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