07x26 - Blow Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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07x26 - Blow Up

Post by bunniefuu »

Donald, yes. Jerry's
going to be my best man.

I want you to be
one of the ushers.

Ha-ha-ha, that's great. Well, I'll
call you soon and let you know when.

I do too, Amie. Thanks a lot.

All right, goodbye.

That was Amie. He's going
to be one of our ushers.

Well, it's awful quiet here.

Well, we were just
talking about next Sunday.


What about Sunday?

I was saying that I think next
Sunday's a good day for getting married.


- you're joking of course.
- No, I'm not joking.

What is wrong with next Sunday?

It wouldn't give us very much
time. I mean, uh, who could come...

besides a handful of
people from around here?

We can reach our friends.

Oh, maybe a few from
Houston, Dallas area...

but I have friends
around the world, honey.

Oh. Mark, we can't wait until you
get in touch with everybody you know.

Pam, I am marrying the most
extraordinary lady in the world...

and I want all my friends that
I care about to see me do it.

Excuse me, Mr. Graison,
there's a phone call for you.

- Oh, thank you.
- Mm-hm.

You know, I left that number
expecting one call, not five. Excuse me.

I'm sorry, I tried.

Pam, I know I promised not to tell Mark
how sick he was until after the wedding...

but I expected you to
get married right away.

Please bear with us, Jerry.

It could take him weeks
to round up all his friends.

It means everything to him.
Don't you see how happy he is?

The man has a right
to know he's dying.

I know, and he will.

I promise you, I'll make sure we
get married as soon as possible.

Please don't tell him
until after the wedding.


Cliff, don't tell me you need
another $20 million already.

Uh, yeah, about 20
million. That ought to do it.

You see, uh. I just
need more rigs out there.

That's an awful big tract, and,
uh, one rig is not gonna do it.

Thank you. Well, we lent
you most of the purchase price.

Your funds were supposed to be
enough to cover the start-up cost.

Well, see, I
thought it would be.

Well, Cliff, you've only
been drilling a few weeks.

I know, but the start-up
costs, they were astronomical.

You know, I had all that
equipment moved down there...

- I had crews I had to guarantee.
- Cliff.

Yeah, I need just a bit
more than I anticipated.

Cliff, you should have realized what
those start-up costs were gonna be.

Yeah, well, I probably should have, but
I tell you, there's a sea of oil out there.

It's just a question
of time before I hit it.

Well, I believe that, or else I
wouldn't be putting up all this money.

Ha, that's what I want
to hear. I need you

to go there, put a
muscle behind that loan.

I need that money just
about as soon as I get it.


I'll try my best.

But I'm not the bank's
only director. I have

to fly to Houston,
check with the others.

I know that. Why would I
drag you out on a Sunday?

I was hoping you can get
your plane there today...

and be standing there when
the doors open tomorrow morning.

You really are in
a rush, aren't you?

Ha, that's an understatement.

Well, I'll tell you what.

You sit tight, and I'll call you
as soon as I get an answer.

Yeah, okay. Okay.

You don't think there's going
to be any problem, do you?

Well, no, I think
I can swing it.

That's great. That's
what I wanna hear.

You're really planning on
holding a wedding at Southfork?

Yes, we've had
several weddings here.

If anyone deserves to get
married at Southfork, it's Miss Ellie.

Well, there's enough room
here. Gotta be a big celebration.

Well, if it is, it's going to be a
celebration without the bride.

Huh? What do you
mean by that, Clayton?

Ellie and me want the family
here, and just a few close friends.

Ha-ha, Miss Ellie told
us that a dozen times.

They can have any kind
of wedding they want.

After all, it's their
day. Isn't it? Ha-ha.

- Where's Bobby? I thought he'd be here.
- He went to get Jenna.


Mommy, look at
me, I'm going to dive.

Just a minute. Wait
just a minute, honey.

Uh, Clayton, I haven't heard you
mention anything about a best man.

- Have you decided who you wanted?
- Well, as a matter of fact, uh...

If you haven't already, I like to
offer myself as the next best thing.

Well, that's very
kind of you, J.R.

I'd be honored to
stand by your side.

Well, I really appreciate the thought,
but I already picked out my best man.

- Have you, Clayton?
- Yes, I have.

As a matter of fact,
uh, here he comes.

Huh. Well,
ha-ha-ha, it's old Ray.

Sony we're late.

I had to stop at The Store
and pick up some film.

Donna's going to take
everybody's picture today.

That is right.

Now, Jessica said she did not
have a picture of you and Miss Ellie...

so I figured after today we're
gonna have pictures of everybody.

I think that's a wonderful idea.

Yes, I think it is too. Honey,
would you hold this for me?

Excuse me, J.R.

As long as I got the two of you
there, why don't I take a picture?

Oh, no. No, my hair.

Oh, your hair is
fine. Go on, Donna.

She won't break the camera.
Anybody breaks it, it's going to be me.

That was gorgeous. Would
you hold that, Jessie? Thank you.

Okay, now, one more. Come
on, come on, smile, Miss Ellie.

Very nice. Thank you.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Are you ready?

Almost. Uh, Charlie
will be ready in a minute.

- Coffee?
- No, thank you.

- Look, uh...
- Bobby...

You first.

I know your whole family's
gonna be there today...

- and I want things to go well.
- So do I.

There's been a lot of
tension between us lately.

- A lot of it my fault...
- Yes.

Some of it has been yours too.

Jenna, we've been
through all this before.

No, no, just hear me out.

I'd like to start fresh.

I wanna forget about Pam, and I
want you to try to forget about Naldo.

I'd like to go back to the way we
were after we met at Billy Bob's.

Give ourselves another chance.

I'm all for that.
I'm tired of fighting.

- Fresh start? Ha-ha.
- Fresh start.

Come on, you guys
can do better than that.

I know we can, but we don't need
any coaching from you. Come on.

We're going to be late as it is.

- I'm sure glad you guys are back together.
- Oh, yeah?

Max, I got the money.

I'll have it in my hands
tomorrow so get a hold of Westar.

See if you can sublease that
spare exploration rig they've got.

Well, today is Sunday, and finding
people in the office is gonna be a problem.

I don't want to hear
about problems.

Call them at home, get them out
of bed, but we got to hit some oil.

I'll do my best.

While you're at it, shop around and see
if you can find two or three more rigs...

because I don't know that
one's going to do the job.

All right.

Time is the most important thing now.
So long as I borrowed that extra money...

we might as well shove as much
equipment out there as we can.

- I'm all for it.
- Okay.

Working seven days a week now?

Ha-ha-ha, when dealing in multimillions,
be prepared to put the hours in.

It's okay. Everything's
coming up great.

If you can take your mind of
high finance for just a minute...

Pam and I came over to show you
something very special. Show him, honey.

- Isn't that nice?
- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Pam, that is beautiful.

It really is. Mark
is so good to me.

I'm going to spend the rest
of my life being good to you.

Excuse me.

The ring makes it official.
She has to marry me now.

Is something wrong?

Yeah, it's a damn bug I picked up
on a trip. I can't seem to shake it.

Boy, I tell you, that
really is a stunning ring.

As soon as my appeals come in,
I'm going to buy Afton one just like it.

Well, I'd settle for a
smaller one right now.

That must've cost
a fortune. Hmm?

You're right. When the wells come in,
money won't mean anything to me either.

- Pam, are you okay?
- Mm-hm.

- As a matter of fact...
- Yeah, I just got something in my eye.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Mm-hm.

It's out now.

Sue Ellen, this boy of yours is a
clown, you realize that, don't you?

Look at this.

I think he takes
it after his uncle.

What do you mean?

- Oh, you saw that one, did you?
- Mm-hm.

- Honey, look at this.
- Oh, God, look at this, sweetie.

Oh, hello, Jessica.

Oh, I came up to get a
wrap. It's starting to get chilly.

Yeah, trying to get away from
all those people downstairs?

- Oh, why would I want to do that?
- Oh, I don't know, just a feeling.

I had another feeling too...

that you might wanna do
something to stop Mama's wedding.

Really? I had the
same feeling about you.

Do you have anything
specific in mind?

- About stopping the wedding?
- Mm-hm.

Well, who knows if they'll both
still be here for the wedding.

Sorry, I don't follow.

Well, you know the old expression,
“Here today, gone tomorrow.“

Yes, I know the old expression,
but what kind of a thing is that to say?

Well, it's, uh, entirely possible that,
um, one of them might change his...

- or her mind.
- Oh. Ha-ha, sure.

There's a classic right here.
How about that one, huh?

- Yeah.
- You know who hasn't had a picture taken?

- Who?
- Donna.

She's been behind
the camera all day.

That's right. I
wanna take a picture.

Come on, Ray,
get her over there.

- That's right. Come on.
- No. I don't...

- You take everybody's picture.
- I don't...

- Stop complaining. What's that?
- I don't wanna... Look at this.

- Where?
- Right there.

What side do you like?
Do you like this side?

- Oh, back here. Look closer.
- There you are. There you go.

- And smile.
- Down.

Okay, okay.

This is pretty simple.
I'll take another one.

Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

We've been here all afternoon and we
haven't toasted the future bride and groom.

Well, let's do it. No
time like the present.

I think this is mine.

To the bride and the groom, huh?

Jessica, don't
you wanna join us?

Of course I'm gonna join you.

How could I not toast
such a lovely couple?

- Good morning, Kendal.
- Good morning, Bobby.

Hi. Mr. Wallace and
Mr. Detinger are in your office.

- Good, they're back. Hold all my calls.
- Yes, sir.

Good morning, gentlemen.

- Mr. Ewing.
- No, no, don't get up.

Well, I, uh, assume
these are your reports.

Yes, sir.

Instead of me wading through them,
why don't you just tell me what's in them.

Well, sir, when you told
us you wanted to try...

secondary recovery
methods on the older fields...

I took the East Texas
area, like you said.

Used the alcohol slug process, introduced
isopropyl alcohol into the reservoir.

And I used the water
injection method in Midland.

With what results?

Very little. I don't think it's
worth the additional costs.

The fact is, sir. Those
fields are just used up.

All right.

I'll apply to the Texas Energy Commission
to drop output and call them strippers.

We'll get the depreciation
and tax benefit that way.

Yes, sir, I think
that's the right move.

All right, thank you.

Uh... what about new fields?

We're gonna keep
looking until we find some.

I appreciate your efforts.

- Good morning.
- Good morning, Jessica.

Did you get a good sleep?

I never have trouble sleeping.

I hope the coffee is all right.

I'm sure it's fine.

You must be tired after the
barbecue last night. I know I was.

You need some help?

Well, I love your company, and if I
get you to stay here with me, yes.

Why don't you cut up some
more of those vegetables?

I just tossed and
turned all last night.

You know, it's funny, I never had
trouble sleeping when I was married.

But, uh, there's something
about having a man around.



I want you to know that I
love your brother very much...

and I intend to make
him the best wife I can.

Mm, something sure smells good.

- Morning, Donna.
- Good morning, Miss Ellie.

You want them
quartered or sliced thin?

Oh, quartered will be fine.

- Hello, Ms. Wentworth.
- Hello.

Mr. Ewing is waiting
for you at his table.

- Hello, Katherine.
- Will there be something to drink?

Oh, I'd like a glass
of white wine, please.

Thank you.

- There you go.
- Thank you.

Well, you're looking
absolutely beautiful.

Don't bother, J.R.

You think I'd come within 10 feet
of you it you didn't have that tape?

Uh, speaking of tapes, there is
a little something I want from you.

Oh, no, not again.

No, no, no, not that. No,
this is, uh, straight business.

I'll give you a few to
look over the menu.

Thank you. Just,
uh, leave them there.

- Business?
- Yes, all business.

Wentworth Industries has some
land I'm very much interested in.

You want me to help
you buy Wentworth land?

Well, you are a
major stockholder.

You see, Wentworth is sitting on top
of some very valuable untapped fields.

They're not exploring
them because, basically...

uh, Wentworth is not into 0“
production. Ewing, however, is...

and right now, I'm going to start
replacing some old, worn-out fields.

Why would I wanna
help you do anything?

For the good of Ewing Oil, of
which your true love is my partner.

Katherine, this is just a
straightforward business deal.

Good for Wentworth,
good for Ewing.

And besides, Pam and Mark
are gonna be married very soon.

That tape will be yours, and
I'll be out of your life for good.

Unless, of course, you
manage to catch Bobby.

Shall we order?

- Yes?
- Vaughn Leland is here to see you.

Okay, fine. Send him right in.

It's good to see you. You've
been to Houston already?

Oh, I flew to
Houston last night.

I was at the bank early
this morning for you.

All right. I knew I could count
on you. So now, how did we do?

- You got the loan.
- Fantastic.

Unfortunately, I was unable to
get you all the money you wanted.

Why not? Huh? How
much did you get?

Well, you see. The
directors were a little nervous.

They, uh, wanted to go a bit slower.
They're offering you 10 million new.

Ten million?

Minus 1.4 million in payment
of interest on the first loan.

Then, of course, you have to prepay
some of the interest on the new one...

but, uh, it still leaves
you over eight million.

No. You have any idea
how fast that money goes?

Come on, now, Cliff. You're
already paying a fortune in interest.

Why pay more than you have to? Work
with this money now, and who knows?

You might get lucky, strike oil,
then you wouldn't have to borrow.

I've already arranged for
other rigs to be sent out there.

Well, I did the best I could.

You see, uh, the directors are a bit put
off about your needing more money so soon.

They were very
concerned about it.

What are they talking about? I've
got more collateral than they need.

Well, I know that and so do they, but.
Uh, bankers are a cautious breed of people.

Oh, and speaking of collateral, uh.
Here's that list of assets you have.

They've checked off the properties they
want to held against this particular loan.

Wait a minute.
Now, wait a minute.

These properties are worth
more than any $10 million.

Well, you're right about that too.
Ha-ha. We have to protect ourselves.

Protect themselves"
They're protected.

They're protecting
themselves six ways to Sunday.

Why didn't they just
ask for everything I own?

Come on, now, Cliff.
Don't exaggerate.

Now, you still got a lot
of good properties left.

Listen, we may be prudent,
but we wanna help you.

Yeah. Well, you sure as
hell can't tell it from this deal.

Well, why don't I leave
you to think it over...

and it, uh, you decide that, uh, you don't
wanna take the loan, just let me know.

Take the loan? I've
got to take the loan.

You joking? I don't
have any choice.

Cliff, I'm on your
side, you know that.

Yeah, okay. Yeah,
well. I'm sorry I blew up...

- but thank you for everything.
- Don't mention it.

What are friends for?

- John Ross, that's enough.
- Please.

I've had enough,
you've had enough.

I'm going home.

Go ahead.

- Goodbye, Teresa. See you tomorrow.
- Goodbye.

Come on, John Ross, let's
get washed up for dinner.

Hey, you're going to
get something to eat?

- No, I'm going to wash my hands.
- Oh, ha-ha. Good, good. Ha-ha-ha.

- Hello, Peter, how you doing?
- Fine, thank you, Mr. Ewing.

See, listen, I just wanna say, uh. Sue
Ellen and I are pleased as we can be...

about the way you and John
Ross have been getting along.

- Oh, thank you. I like him.
- And we like you too, Peter.

Say, I don't know
if you heard...

but, uh, a week from Friday we're giving
a get-together for Clayton Fallow's sister.

We'd like you to join us.

Gee, thank you very
much, but, um... I don't know.

I'd kind of consider it a favor.

I don't think it's a secret that,
uh, Lucy's kind of interested in you.

Yeah, sir, um,
I'm aware of that.

She'll be there all alone.

I'd appreciate it if
you were there for her.

You mean as a date?

As a friend.

Well, uh, sir, I like
Lucy. Um, I really do...

but, uh, not in the way
she seems to like me.

Yes, I understand the problem,
but don't worry, it won't be a date.

And to tell you the truth there's not
going to be a lot of young people there.

Sue Ellen and I
would love to have you.

All right. Yeah,
all right, I'll come.

Well, I think you'll enjoy it.

I have a feeling it's going to
be a night you'll remember.

I'm sure it's going to
be a night I'll remember.

Peter, just what do you
think you're doing here?

Hi, Lucy, how are you?

I asked you a question.

As a matter of fact your
uncle, J.R., invited me.

Well, I thought you
were just his employee.

I didn't realized he's gonna start
inviting you to family functions.

Lucy, I don't know why
you're being so nasty.

No, I guess you don't, do you?

I know you wanted me to come
on that modeling assignment...

Yes I did. But you
couldn't do that.

No, you wanted to stay in
Dallas to be around Southfork...

- and John Ross and Sue Ellen.
- Hey, I work with John Ross, Lucy.

Because it would take
up so much of your time.

- Lucy...
- Oh, forget it.

Hello, Lucy. How are you
doing, honey? You having fun?

I saw you talking
to Peter over there.

- Why did you have to invite him here?
- Well, what kind of question is that?

You know how much help
he's been to John Ross.

Sue Ellen is really fond of him.

They spend a lot of
time with each other.

- Yeah, I've noticed.
- She likes him around.

Well, I don't understand. Any normal
guy would be out having dates. Not him.

Well, I guess he's
interested in other things.

Ha, yeah, like hanging
around a kid that's under 10...

and a woman old
enough to be his mother.

Well, they seem to enjoy
each other's company.

Well, if you ask me,
that's a little weird.

Well, life moves in
mysterious ways, darling.

Ha-ha, you and I will never
figure it out, that's for sure.

Forget about it and I'll
buy you a drink. Come on.

So you're going to
be Clayton's best man.

Yes, ma'am.

I, uh, really don't know why he
asked me, but I'm real proud to do it.

Funny, of all the
people I've met...

if I had to pick out
Clayton's best man myself...

you're exactly
the person I'd pick.

Well, that's real nice
to hear you say that.


- You remind me of him.
- Really?

- Oh, when he was younger, that is.
- Is that right?


I noticed the resemblance
the first time we met.

You're both strong, silent men.

And it feels...

men at the soil.

Well, I guess we're pretty
close, old Clayton and me.

I'm not surprised.

How do you feel about
his marrying Miss Ellie?

- Well, I'm all for it.
- Are you?

Well, sure, why wouldn't I be?

Oh, no reason.

I'm not so sure if everybody else
around here feels the same way, though.

Oh, you mean, uh, J.R. Well...

Maybe J.R. is not so
much for this wedding...

but it's real hard for him to think
about anybody else taking Jock's place.

As far as I'm concerned, Clayton's
going to be a real welcome around here.

There you are. I've been
looking all over for you.

I want you to meet
some old friends of mine.

Excuse me.

She's a nice lady.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

It's good to be back
in your arms again.

Well, looks who's back
on Ewing land again.

- Hi, Punk.
- Hello, Mr. Anderson.

Honey, if it's Punk to
Bobby, it's Punk to you.

Boy, it sure is good
to see you all together.

You saw them at
the Oil Baron's Ball.

Well, I know. but, uh, that
was just kind of a first date.

They're beginning to
look like a couple again.

Uh, Punk was never one of
Daddy's more tactful friends.

Well, I'm an oilman,
I'm not a diplomat.

Mavis, these two were destined to be
together from the time they was kids.

I remember Jock, Lucas Wade and
me talking about it when we'd go hunting.

Ya'll weren't even up
to our belt buckles then.

- I've heard you two were inseparable.
- Insufferable is more like it.

Well, that too. Every
time we turned our back...

they were always getting
into some kind of devilment.

Well, let's hear it. Y'all
gonna get married or what?

Well, Punk, we haven't even
gotten around to that subject yet.

I wanna tell you, you'd be a tool to let
this little lady get away from you again.

- Punk.
- Well, it's true.

I mean if, she's anything like
her daddy, she's a fine lady.

Thank you.

Well, how about that.

Come on outside,
I'll buy you a drink.

Hey there.

Hey, Peter, how are you doing?

- Well, didn't I promise you a good party?
- Uh, yes, sir, it's very nice.

What's the matter?
Something wrong?

Well, I had a little
argument with Lucy before.

It seems... Ah, it just seems that
she wasn't that happy to see me here.

Well, don't take
that so seriously.

You know, she's just a
female. You know how they are.

They change their
minds every two minutes.

Let's, uh, find somebody else
to talk to your own age. Huh?

- You don't have to go to any trouble.
- I'm not going to any trouble.

I want to make sure
you have a good time.

Sue Ellen, look who I found
moping around by himself.

- Peter.
- Mrs. Ewing.

Lucy said something to him in
one of her tempers, got him all upset.

- Well, it wasn't like that exactly.
- Well, she's got a very sharp tongue.

Say, isn't that Ralph
Hecken over there?

- Looks like him.
- It is, isn't it?

Doggone, I want to
talk to that old boy.

And I was going to ask
you to dance with me, honey.

Uh, would you stand in for me?

- Me, stand in?
- Would you dance with Sue Ellen?

Well, I was going
to sit this one out.

Come on, let's cheer the boy up.

- Well, I mean, you don't mind?
- No, no.

Good, good. I'll see ya'll
in a couple of minutes.

Hey, Ralph.

Peter, I don't think
this is a wonderful idea.

Oh, come on, he's the one that
wanted me to dance with you.

I have a feeling that he's up
to something, and I don't like it.

Sue Ellen, you're
just being paranoid.

As a matter of fact, he's been the
warmest guy in the world to me lately.

I'm actually
beginning to like him.

That is exactly his style.

Peter, don't you know his motto?

“Keep your friends close,
and your enemies closer.“

Sue Ellen, there's lots of people
here. Whose paying attention to us?

Well, they make a
nice couple, don't they?

Look at the way they
dance with each other...

just kind of flowing along.

As much time as those
two spend with each other...

it Peter was a little older, I
just might be jealous of him.

He's a good-looking boy. Sue
Ellen is still a beautiful woman.

I like her to enjoy herself.

Keeps her young, doesn't it?

Careful, honey.

- Don't you forget to call.
- Don't worry, we won't.

- Ha-ha. Good night.
- Good night.

- Good night.
- Mama? Clayton?

- Jenna, you're leaving?
- Yes.

Yeah, she promised Charlie that
she wouldn't be real late tonight, ha.

Bobby's taking me home.
Thank you for having me.

Well, come back soon.

- Don't worry, Mama, she will.
- Good night.

- Clayton, I gotta congratulate you.
- Hmm?

Your sister is one classy lady.

Well, thank you. I'm kind
of proud of her myself.

- Did you have a good time?
- I had a great time.

- You're not leaving?
- Yes, we are.

All good things gotta end.

- Thanks again.
- I'll call you tomorrow.

Bye. Drive carefully.

Ha-ha-ha, listen to her. She's
always telling people what to do.

Excuse me.

Oh, Peter, you taking off?

Yes, sir. I just came
to say good night.


- I hope you had a good time.
- Oh, yes, ma'am. I really enjoyed myself.

- Well, good.
- Yeah, I'll bet you did.

Well, Lucy, you still awake?

Yeah, I've been thinking
about what an idiot I've been.

Lucy, what's wrong now?

I'll tell you what's wrong.

It took me till now to figure out
why you've been avoiding me.


I thought you just weren't
interested in me. Ha.

For a while I thought you
weren't even interested in girls.

Lucy, you don't know
what you're saying.

You're interested
in girls, all right.

Yeah, I found that out tonight.

I even found out which
one you are interested in.

- Lucy.
- No.

You know. I was
always wondering...

why you were so upset the
day Sue Ellen had her accident.

You drove to the
hospital like a madman.

Almost had three
accidents getting us there.

Lucy, I don't know what's the
matter, but something isn't right.

You can say that again.

He's not coming to Southfork
just to work with John Ross.

He's coming here to be with you.

Just how long have you two
been having this little affair? Huh?

- What?
- Lucy, you're drunk.

So what? I might be drunk...

but I'm sure not blind.

At least not anymore.

- J.R.
- I'll handle this.

Just who the hell do you think
you are, accusing my wife of this?

You ought to be
ashamed of yourself.

I ought to be ashamed?

What about her?

That's enough out of you, Lucy.

Peter, I have to
apologize for this outburst.

I can't tell you how sorry I
am that she's involving you.

Mr. Ewing, uh...

You've got a lot of nerve attacking
Peter. He's a fine, honest young man.

He has been of enormous help to this
family and this is the thanks that he gets?

That's right, go
on upstairs. Git!

- Mr. Ewing...
- Peter...

what can I say?
She's been drinking.

Sir, it's not that
Lucy's been drinking.

Oh, yes, it is. She's been
guzzling booze all night.

- Sir.
- Peter.

I don't feel right about this.
There's something that I want to say.


No, don't say anything,
and don't thank me.

You've done a
great deal for my son.

We Ewings don't forget something like that,
honestly. I want you to get some sleep.

- Tomorrow we'll forget about this.
- Mr. Ewing.

Hopefully, this will
be over tomorrow.

We'll look at it
in a different light.

- Mr. Ewing.
- No, no.

I consider you one of us
now. Got big plans for you.


Sue Ellen...

darling, I just I wanted to
tell you how sorry I am...

about what happened
with Lucy tonight.

I was very touched that you came
to my defense the way you did.

Well, what else could I do?

What kind of a woman
does she think you are?

Peter's just a kid.
He's half your age.

The things she said about you
and him absolutely disgusted me.

Darling, can we talk a minute?

All right.

What happened with Lucy
tonight made me realize...

just how far out of control
our lives have gotten.

The fact that she could even
imagine a relationship with a boy...

especially a boy like Peter.

Well, it shows me that we
have got to start changing things.

I don't think we could
change things between us...

even if we wanted to.

Well, it wouldn't be
easy, but it could happen.

Now, I know you've been angry
with me, and with good cause.

But it's time to put all of that
aside. It's time that we start living...

like man and wife.

Oh, good Lord, woman. Don't
you want a man back in your life?

Of course I do, J.R.

Do you think I
like living like this?

Well, then move back in
our room, where you belong.


Why not?

I just can't.

Things can't stay the
way they are between us.

Either they're going to improve, or
things are gonna get badly out of hand.

J.R., please.

What happened tonight could
be the turning point, Sue Ellen.

It could help us change
everything that's wrong in our lives.

One night is not going to
tum things around for us.

Don't you understand that?


Finally, I do.

McSween, J.R. here.

We have to get together. It's
time to take care of Peter Richards.


Katherine Wentworth
is here to see you.

Uh. Send her in. Thank you.

- Uh, Katherine, hello.
- Hello, Bobby.

This is not a social visit.
I'm here on business.

- Well, sit down.
- Well, I will get right to the point.

Now, I know that Ewing Oil has
got to replace a lot of dried-out fields.

And I also know that Wentworth is sitting
on some reserves we'll just never explore.

Really? Does that mean we
can make some kind of deal?

Well, that's why I'm here.

And I think it can be a good
deal for both companies.

But there's something that
I personally want in return.

I'd like to learn about the oil
business, and I'd like you to teach me.

Bobby, I'm looking for
something to do with my life.

I haven't worked since
I left the TV station.

My family, everybody
I run into is in oil.

Now, it only seems natural
for me to go into it too.

And you want me to teach you.

Well, Cliff would never help me,
and Pam's new to the business too.

Katherine, I want you to
be real honest with me.

If we were to strike some kind of deal,
would there be any strings attached?

Strings? Oh, no, of course not.

It's just that I know
you need those fields,

and I need to learn
the oil business.

Come on, Bobby, what do you say?

You're right, Ewing
does need new fields.

Why don't you bring me the reports
you have and we'll take it from there.

Okay, partner, I'm on my way.

Uh, wait a minute,
I didn't say yes.

But you will.

Max, this is crazy. I got more rigs out
there in the Gulf than there are waves.

I haven't sucked
up one can of oil.

You know as well as I do how
unpredictable offshore drilling is.

The oil is there, we
just have to reach it.

Yeah, when? That's what I
gotta know. I gotta know when.

I'm sinking a million
dollars a day in the Gulf.

Look, Mr. Barnes, what goes
down has gotta bring something up.

I'll tell you, it better
bring it up quick,

because if it doesn't
I'm in a lot of trouble.

I've got everything I own
staked on this venture.

We're doing the best
we can, Mr. Barnes.

Well, do better!

I thought everything
was going really well.

Well, things change.

- Where's Mark?
- Why?

Well, I need to talk to him.

- No, I don't want Mark dragged into this.
- Why? Huh?

I don't understand why, especially
since he's gonna be part of the family.

I'm warning you, Cliff...

and I'm really serious.
You stay away from Mark.

How come you look
so unhappy tonight?

Oh, I don't know. I guess
it's just the company I keep.

Well, if they were having problems,
you certainly would never know it.

Well, I guess, they got
their problems all worked out.

I tell you, Southfork is getting to
be a regular emotional roller coaster.

Can't tell who's up or down
anymore between those two...

Sue Ellen and J.R., even
Miss Ellie and Clayton.

There was something
I wanted to ask you.

Well, don't be bashful. If you have
something to ask, go ahead and ask it.

Uh... All right, um.

Have any of you noticed...

how Clayton's sister can't quite
seem to take her eyes off of him?

- Donna.
- Come on, now, Ray, don't.

I'm serious.

She just hasn't seen him in a long time.
She's trying to get to know him again.

Well, I didn't notice
anything unusual.

Okay, um, there's
something else.

The other night, the
conversation she struck up...

don't you feel somehow
that you were being probed?

She was just asking me how I
felt about the wedding, that's all.

I know that, but it's the
way that she was asking.

What do you mean?

How was she asking?

Well, like she wanted to find out
how much Ray was actually for it.

Donna, you're just letting your
imagination run away with you.

Okay, maybe I am.

But I still find it odd that she seems
to be spending so much time with J.R.


Contrary to what your
brother is telling everybody...

I don't believe for one second that
he wants this wedding to take place.

What are you getting at, Donna?
Do you think anything is wrong?

I don't know.

I mean, it's nothing that I, you
know, could put my finger on.

I just have this funny
feeling about that woman.

Well, I just have this
funny feeling about you too.

Why don't we get out
there on the dance floor...

and show these two how
a couple of pros do it. Huh?

You know, he always does this
just so that he can change the subject.

That's right. That's
right. Excuse us.

Okay, but look out,
cowboy, for your toes.

Do you think she's imagining
things about Jessica?

I don't have the slightest idea.

It is possible to get a
little paranoid about J.R...

but he's not responsible for
every problem in this thing.

Jessica, what are you
doing here all by yourself?

I expected you to be out with
Mama and Clayton tonight.

I just can't take any
more of their joy.

Yes, it, uh, tends to be a bit
much now and then, doesn't it?

I swear, those two are worse
than school kids sometimes.

Uh, by the way, uh, I've been
trying to get together with you...

but, somehow. We just
haven't had the chance.

Do you remember that
talk we had last week?

- When all the folks were here?
- Yeah, yeah.

Well, we didn't exactly finish it.
The wedding's getting closer...

- looks more like it's gonna happen.
- Looks can be deceiving.

Does that mean you
figured out a way to stop it?

Oh, when the time
comes I'll know what to do.

Somehow, I always do.

Yeah. It's funny. My friends
say the same thing about me.

I wonder if we're not
thinking along the same lines.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Thinking along the same lines.

I doubt it very much.
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