07x29 - Hush, Hush, Sweet Jessie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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07x29 - Hush, Hush, Sweet Jessie

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, who's gonna
tell him, you or me?

- About our getting married? You are.
- Oh, you can't do it yourself, huh?

Bobby, it's your family.

Well, I can see who's gonna be
doing the work in this marriage.

Yes, it is.

Well, thank you, Jackie. I'll try
and reach her at home later. Bye.

Is anybody home?

- Bobby.
- Oh, hi.

- Bob.
- Listen, everybody in here...

Wait, where's Sue Ellen?

She's upstairs, but...

Lucy, would you get her?
We have an announcement.

- We want the whole family to hear it.
- That's all right, Lucy. Sit down.

Bob, Sue Ellen's
upstairs lying down.

This whole thing has
upset her quite a bit.

Upset? About what?

Oh, I guess you
didn't hear the news.

What news?

Come in, Bobby and Jenna.

What's going on? What news?


Mark Graison was
k*lled this afternoon.


He was flying a Graisco plane,
crashed in the Gulf of Mexico.

- Oh, dear Lord.
- What about Pam? She wasn't...

No. No, she wasn't
with him. He was alone.

- Has anyone spoken to her?
- I tried her office. She wasn't in.

She left with Cliff as soon
as they heard about it.

Did she say where they went?

No. She just said that
Pam was pretty shaken up.

What was that announcement
you wanted to make?

- We...
- It can wait.

Yes. Okay, well, I'll
call you in the morning,

and I'll let you know
what you'll be doing.

Thank you, Louise. Good night.

- She's sleeping.
- Good.

I gave her a pretty strong sedative.
It ought to hold her through the night.

If she needs more tomorrow,
get this filled at the pharmacy.

- Thank you.
- I'm afraid I've got to run.

We really appreciate you
coming over so quickly.

Well, if you need me
tomorrow, I'll be at the hospital.

I can't believe that. I just can't
believe that he's dead, you know?

Afton, I just can't
believe that he's dead.

He was so happy
to be getting married.

The three of us could have
accomplished so much together.

Cliff, is that what
you're concerned about?

Oh, come on, come on. You know
how I felt about Mark. I love Pam.

It's just that plane crash put an
end to some beautiful dreams.

Yes... some of their dreams too.

Can I get you something
to drink? Some coffee?

Oh, no, thank you.

What a night, huh?

I was so happy when we left.

It's amazing how
fast things change.

Sometimes they do.

Bobby, will things change now?
I mean, between you and me?

No, why should they?

This is gonna be a
difficult time for Pam.

- Well, I suppose it will.
- And you'll have to see her.

She was my wife, she's
Christopher's mother.

I know. And you should see her.

Bobby, I don't want
you to forget one thing.

She made her decision
a couple of weeks ago.

- She was gonna many Mark.
- I know that.

Now I've gotta go.

But don't worry.

What happens in Pam's
life doesn't affect us.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Jessica, it's J.R. here. I
have a little breakfast for you.

Oh, isn't that sweet. Come
in, I'll be with you in a minute.

I'm glad you stopped in.

I wanted to ask you something.

Oh, what about?

Well, I was curious
about last night.

You seemed so upset
about that man's death.

Oh, upset is not
exactly the word.

Well, he was engaged to
your ex-sister-in-law, wasn't he?

I thought you didn't like her.

The only thing I did like about her was
the fact that she was gonna marry him.

I see.

Now she's free again?


And my little brother is just dumb
enough to go running back to her.

And of all the colossal luck...

I thought the only thing I had to
worry about was mama's wedding.

Your mama's wedding, yes.

You haven't come up
with anything yet to stop it?

- Well, I'm working on it.
- I know that.

You have detectives down in San
Angelo looking for ways to smear Clayton.

I wanna warn you, J.R...

that's a method
that isn't gonna work.

Well, you work with your
methods and I'll work with mine.

But time is getting short.

One of us is gonna have
to come up with something...

or we're gonna find ourselves
throwing rice at the newlyweds...

and waving them goodbye
on their honeymoon.

Don't hand me that, Sly. This is
the fourth time I've called today.

J.R.'s never out of
the office that much.

Miss Wentworth, if I
say he's out, he's out.

He's ducking my
calls is what he's doing.

Now you tell him I wanna see
him and I wanna see him soon.

I'll relay the message.

Could you please be a little
more quiet? Pam's trying to sleep.

Don't worry about
it. I'm leaving.

Wait, wait, wait,
just a minute now.

- Uh, I wanna talk to you.
- About what?

I wanna talk to you
about my offshore drilling.

I am so close to
oil I can taste it...

and I just haven't hit yet.

Oil, oil everywhere
and not a drop for Cliff.

I gotta be desperate.

Because you are the last person
in the world that I would come to...

but I need loan.

- A loan? From me?
- Yeah.

Because if I don't get more money,
I'm gonna have to shut down my rigs...

and I'll lose
everything I put in it.

Oh, isn't that adorable? Cliff
Barnes asking me for a loan.

I'll pay you top
interest, Katherine.

I don't have anybody
else to tum to.

Well, obviously.

Will you lean me the money?


I tell you what
I will do though.

I'll buy your share of
Wentworth Tool and Die.

Oh, no, no, no. That's crazy...

because Mama left that
company to all three of us...

and I don't have anything else.

Well, the last report I read said
it was worth about $75 million.

Now, you own one-third of that.

Twenty-live million dollars.

Oh, Lord, I could use that.


I'll take it.

Good. I'll give you $18 million
for your share of the company.

Wait, wait, wait. You just got
through saying it was worth $25 million.

Cliff, I don't wanna haggle.
Do you want the money or not?

Oh, boy.

You really enjoy twisting
the knife, don't you?

I do get a certain satisfaction out
of it, seeing how it's going into you.

Now, make up your mind. I
have other things to do today.

No, wait, wait, wait.

- I don't have any choice.
- All right.

You prepare the sale papers
and call me when they're ready.

I'll bring a cashier's
check right over.

J-R-, Harry McSween is here.

He'd like to see you
if you have a minute.

All right, send him in.

- Hello, Harry.
- Morning, J.R.

- Sony to bust in on you like this.
- It's all right.

- It must be important, huh?
- Well, I believe it is.

I got a call from my man
in San Angelo this morning.

He made contact with a fella who's
got some information on the tire.

- You got an eyewitness?
- Nope.

He was an insurance
investigator at the time.

He showed up the following day.

And according to my source, he never
was convinced that the fire was accidental.

Oh, why is that?

I'm not sure of the details. I
didn't talk to the man myself.

Now, wait a minute, Harry...

it he thought that house was torched,
he would have done a full investigation.

Insurance companies don't pay
on claims where arson is involved.

Well, that's just it.

Fallow never filed a claim
for the insurance on the house.

Well, that sounds a bit
strange to me. Doesn't it to you?

It sure does.

Did to the insurance guy too.

Especially when he saw how fast
Fallow had the ruins knocked down.

- What about the police report?
- There wasn't any.

Of course, that's no surprise.

We both know how Fallow's got the
San Remo sheriffs eating out of his hand.

Yeah, yeah, probably so.

Say, Harry, I know how
busy you are up here...

but it'd be real helpful if you
could talk to this fellow in person.

Well, it's not easy for me to get
away from the department these days.

Yeah, I know that.

Maybe you could persuade
him to come up here, huh?

I'd pay for it, of course.

All right. I'll see if I
can't set something up.

Good. And Harry, see if you can get
him to put something down on paper.

I could make real good
use of a written statement.

Do my best.

Now that will be the
lawyer. Wanna get Pam?

- Hello.
- Mr. Barnes, I'm Fred Robbins.

Ah. Come in.

Pam will be down
in just a minute.

Pam, this is Mr. Robbins, Mark's attorney.
I mentioned to you that he'd called.


This is my girlfriend,
Afton Cooper.

I explained to Mr. Barnes that I handle
Mark's personal business from time to time.

He told me.

Well, Mark came to
my office yesterday.

He left this sealed envelope with
me and asked that I give it to you.

He didn't tell me
what was inside.

Well, maybe we
should go sit down.

Uh, no, I can't stay.

I just wanted to deliver that.

Thank you.

Mrs. Ewing...

I just wanna say that I'm awfully
sorry about what happened.

I only knew Mark
professionally, but I liked him...

very much.

What is it?

It's a letter to me.

Would you, please?


“My darling Pamela...

so many thoughts are running
through my mind right now.

It won't be easy to put them
on paper, but I'm going to try.

I saw Jenny Handell
Uh, Kenderson.

We had a long talk...

and I got him to tell me what you've
evidently known for some time...

that I had an incurable disease
and a very short time left to live.“

- Is that true?
- I had no idea.

Cliff, please just go on.

“From what Jerry tells me, the next
few months would be pretty unpleasant...

and I'd end up being a burden
to the people I love most.

Pam, I don't want you
to see me as an invalid.

I want you to remember me the way I
was this past wonderful year with you.

What I'm saying is,
it's important for me to

go out while I can
still call myself a man.

And for that reason, I've
decided to end my own life.

Pam, I realize now, why after so long,
you suddenly wanted such a quick wedding.

You wanted to make sure I
wouldn't be alone at the end.

Knowing that means
more than I can tell you.

You are a wonderful and
beautiful woman, Pam.

This past year has
been the best in my life...

and I am deeply grateful for
the happiness you gave me.

I only regret that I had
so little time to return it.

But you'll find happiness again.

Maybe it'll be with Bobby.

I think you two still
care for each other.

Ending this letter is hard...

because I know it's the last
time I'll ever speak to you.

Pam, I love you more
than anything in the world.

Remember me well... Mark.“

Pam, it's no trouble, really.

I'd be more than
happy to stay with you.

No, thanks, Afton. I
appreciate it, but I'm all right.

You really ought
to go see about Cliff.

He needs you too right now.

No, Cliff doesn't need me. The
only thing he needs is money.

- Hello, Louise. Is Pam here?
- Yeah, she's in the living room.

Thank you.

- Hello, Afton.
- Hi, Bobby.



I'm sorry.

I just came by to see if
you needed something.

- If I could get you anything.
- No, I'm okay.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

Pam, I'm gonna leave now.

If you need anything,
just call, okay?

I promise.

And thank you for
everything, Afton.

- Don't mention it. Bye, Bobby.
- Goodbye.

I thought maybe I could take
Christopher for a day or so.

Take Christopher?

Unless you'd rather
keep him with you.


No, I think it's a good idea
that you take him, Bobby.

I'd like to be by
myself, at least tonight.


- He's upstairs.
- Pam.

I, uh...

I want you to know that I
am truly sorry about Mark.

He was a good man.

Yes, he was.

I'll get Christopher.

Ewing residence.


Well, just a moment,
please. Mr. Fallow.

- For me?
- It's your son. He's calling from Idaho.


Dusty, where are you?


Oh, yeah, yeah. The
mountain inn over there.

Well, I'm glad that you finally got
the message about the wedding.

He's coming, isn't he?

Sure, I understand how it is.

- If you can we'd be glad to have you.
- 01 course he can. Let me talk to him.

- Will you wait a minute?
- Give me that phone, Clayton.

Dusty, hold on a minute.

Hello, Steven.


Oh, it's good to
hear your voice too.

You're coming, aren't you?

Well, you have to do more
than try. I want to see you.

Oh, besides...

Clayton would be very
upset if you didn't come.

Oh, that's what
I wanted to hear.

Linda's coming too, of course.

Oh, yes, I'd love
to say hello to her.

I knew he'd come...
if I asked him.

- Yeah?
- Cliff, she's here.

Show her in.

You're late, I
thought you forgot.

I do have other interests in life
besides bailing out Cliff Barnes.

- Jackie, get Leo Wakefield up here.
- I'll see if he's still in the office.

You got the check?

Of course I've got the
check. Let me see the papers.

- There we both sign.
- Do you mind if I look at them first?

No, go ahead, look. It's
a one-page agreement.

All right, fine. You can sign.

You sign below, accepting.

Give me the check.

Eighteen million dollars.

Okay. You finally got what you
want. I'm out of your father's company.

That's right, and it's just the first in
a long line of scores I'm gonna settle.


Mr. Wakefield is here.

There you go, Leo.
Our problems are over.

You hit oil?

No, not yet, but I got enough money
to keep drilling. That's $18 million.

You're problems
aren't over for long.

Why? That will keep us
drilling for a few weeks.

We gotta hit oil by then.

You're forgetting one thing.

Not only are the interest
payments on your loans coming up...

but the first principle
payment is due.

- So soon?
- Yes, sir.

Comes to a little
over $10 million.

You took a one-year loan with repayments
structured in monthly increments.

What's left of this will give you another
week's drilling, maybe a little more.

After that, it's back to
square one, Mr. Barnes.

Right this way, Mr. Ewing.
Your table's ready.

Thank you.

Anything from the
bar to start with?

I'll have a bourbon and
branch, club soda for my wife...

and what do you want, beer?

- Soda would be fine, thanks.
- Thank you.

- Aren't you glad you came out tonight?
- Yes, sir, I really appreciate it.

I always say that no matter
how many problems a man has...

he ought to get away
from them sometime.

- That's very good advice, Peter.
- 01 course it is.

I just wish I could figure out
who left that coke in my car.

I talked to everybody who drove it,
they all swear the stuff wasn't theirs.

Do you think they'd
admit it if it were?

No, I guess not.

All right, that's enough talk on this
subject. We're taking the night off.

J.R., this is very hard for Peter.
The whole thing is so unfair.

Well, life is like that
sometimes, darling.

I keep having
nightmares about that jail.

We're not gonna let
you go back there.

Sue Ellen's right. We're gonna fight
this thing, and we're gonna beat it.

I just wish I had as much
confidence as you do.

Well, I don't know how yet, but
trust me, there's always a way.

Besides, we can't let John Ross' best
buddy become a convict, can we, darling?

Of course not.

Well, I don't know about the rest of
you, but I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted.

- All right, good night, Ellie.
- Good night, Clayton.

I'm gonna do exactly
the same thing.

Good night, Ray and
Donna. Thank you for dinner.

- Good night, Miss Ellie.
- Good night.

- Clayton, how about a nightcap?
- Sure, why not?

- Yeah.

Clayton, I couldn't help but
notice the tension in the air tonight.

And it started with that
phone call from Dusty.

You'd have to be deaf, dumb
and blind to miss it, Clayton.

Look, things have just
been building between

the two of you ever
since she got here.

Something is wrong, and it
looks like it has to do with Dusty.

Now you can tell me to
shut up if you want to...

but I'm your friend, and
I'm worried about you.

Clayton, why is Jessica
so much more concerned...

about Dusty coming to
your wedding than you are?

Because Jessica's not
his aunt. She's his mother.

Jessica is Dusty's mother.

- But you're his
fan - Just his uncle.

His father was a...

Well, actually, I never
knew who his father was...

and I'm not sure
that Jessie did either.

I guess this story
might as well come out.

It has been bottled
up in me for too long.

Jessica was a pretty wild
kid when she was young.

It was always hard for her to
keep her emotions in check.

We were close at the time,
and I could kind of look after her...

and protect her from...

Well, from herself, actually.

And then, after Amy and I got married,
I really didn't have the time for Jessica.

And I guess she felt that...

because she really
started to let loose.

And one day, she
came home pregnant.

Thirty, 40 years ago, I guess
that caused quite a scandal.

It would have.

But we agreed upon a plan.

Amy and I...

took her on a trip overseas so
she could have the baby in peace.

I thought Dusty was
born in San Angelo.

That's what we
wanted people to think.

But he was born in London.

I see.

After the birth...

Jessica went into an emotional
depression that was so bad...

we had to put
her in a rest home.

An institution?

Not exactly, just a place to
see that she got proper care.

Amy and I kept Dusty. That's
what we had agreed upon.

We never adopted him legally,
but we got a birth certificate...

that named us as parents...

and we took him back to Texas.

After Jessie got out
of the rest home...

she was all right?

We assumed so.

She responded to the
treatment beautifully.

And actually, by the time she was
released, Amy and I were back in Texas.

After a couple of years...

she married Lord Mumford
and settled down in England.

I never saw her for years...

until Amy got sick.

And then she came over
to help me take care of her.

I really don't know what I would
have done without her back then.

Clayton, that's all in the past.

I mean, what about now?
Why...? Why all this tension?

Her seeing Dusty worries me.

Somehow the
secret might get out.

And there's always J.R.

He's looking for any possible excuse
to get me to walk out on the wedding.

And she and J.R. are
pretty close right now.

If he finds out about this,
he'd probably blackmail me.

Now how the hell is J.R.
gonna blackmail you?

Now Miss Ellie's gonna
understand something like this.

It's not Miss Ellie I'm
worried about, Ray.

It's Dusty.

I never told him that
he was not my real son.

You didn't answer me,
do you want orange juice?

What? No, tomato.

- But we're out of tomato juice.
- Still?

Look, I have had a few problems of
my own these past couple of days too.

Oh, really? Yeah? Well, so
have I. Like keeping my rigs going.

- I thought you got more money.
- I got money from Katherine...

that'll last till the end of the
week, then the drills stop turning.


I realize I don't know a whole
lot about the oil business.

Do you think that maybe you
put your trust in the wrong people?

What are you talking about?

Cliff, you said so yourself.
The other companies have hit.

Westar, FourState...

You think that you have the
wrong crew working for you?

Well, that's ridiculous. I have one of
the best crews in Texas on my payroll.

Sorry, I was just
trying to help.

The only help I need
right now is money...

and you spent the little bit of
that that I could use right now.

- That was my money.
- My mother gave it to you.

Cliff, how can you
talk to me like this?

You're right. You don't know
anything about the business.

Why don't you keep
your advice to yourself?

You wanna help? Get
me some tomato juice.

You egotistic... Go find
your own tomato juice.

- Hello.
- Hello, Jordan, it's Cliff.

Well, it's been a while.

Yeah, I know it has.
I'm sorry about that.

This offshore drilling I'm doing has
just taken every second of my time.

I'll bet it has. And
your money too.


- Jordan, uh, I need a favor.
- No loans.

No, no, no. No loans.
I need some advice.

You're about the only
oilman I know I can trust.

It's just this crew that
I have working down

there just hasn't
produced a thing so far.

So I was wondering if you
could recommend a crew to me.

Well, it's been some time since I drilled
offshore. I'd have to give it some thought.

Well, I'm really
fighting the clock.

Well, I'll get back to
you as fast as I can.

Okay. Thank you, thank you.

Hey, look here, Mama. There's a luncheon
and fashion show at the Quorum today.

It might be nice if
you took Jessica there.

Would you like to go, Jessica?

Oh, I wouldn't mind.

- I could stand to buy some new things.
- Well, good.

If you two wouldn't mind a third
wheel, I'd be happy to drive you over.

Are you free today, Donna?

I'll have to check my social
secretary, but I might be able to make it.

Wonderful. We'd
love to have you.

It's getting late. If you're gonna go,
you ought to start right about now.

J.R. is right.

I guess you're just
gonna abandon me, huh?

You interested in ladies'
fashions, are you, Clayton?

- No, I don't think I am.
- I think you'd find it very boring.

I think so too.

Well, we'll make it ladies' day.

- Hey, Donna, where's Ray?
- He is out on the range.


I'll go over to Braddock
and buy him a hamburger.

Why don't you take him to Vic's?
They got a good hamburger over there.

I hope you don't mind
it I don't go with you.

I got a few things to
do around the house.

No, that's okay.

I've got my bag and my glasses.
I guess I don't need anything else.

We need to stop so
I can change clothes.

All right. Goodbye, J.R.

Bye, Mama.

Well, come on in, Jessica, Miss
Ellie. Make yourself right at home.

There is some coffee right
there if you'd like some. Okay?

All right. That will be
fine. I'll help myself.

- Jessica?
- Oh, no, thanks.

You know, I'm so happy that
Dusty's coming to the wedding.

- I've always liked him.
- Have you?

Oh, yes.

Now that he doesn't have
Southern Cross anymore...

I really hope he'll make
Southfork his home.

I wonder if that's possible.

I won't belong.

That's all right, Donna.
We'll wait for you.

Well, why wouldn't it be possible?
After all, his father will be living there.

Well, what about you?

Do you think he'll consider
you his mother, Ellie?

Oh, no. No, of course not.
Not his real mother, but I...

I hope he'll feel comfortable
about confiding in me.

Why don't we call
him and tell him that?

- You mean now?
- Yes, I know where he's staying.

Oh, no. I don't think
that would be right.

Well, I wanna talk to him again.

And I'm sure he'd love to hear how
welcome you're gonna make him.

And I've got something
I wanna tell him myself.


do you mind if we
use your phone?

Go right ahead.

How bizarre.

What on earth is that woman
keeping all this stuff for?

Oh, my God.


Lucy, we got an emergency.

Get on the phone and
find Bobby wherever he is.

Tell him to go to the Quorum
Hotel and meet Mama there.

She's at a fashion show with
Donna and Jessica right now.

Tell him to pick them
up and bring them home.

What happened?

I don't have time to go into
that. Just do what I tell you.

Call Captain Fogarty, Dallas
Police Department, Central Division.

Tell him to pick up a couple of
men and go to the Quorum too.

J.R., you're scaring me.

Darling, this is serious. I'm
going to pick up Clayton and Ray.

Just tell me what's going on.

Just do like I tell you.
Get Bobby on the phone.

Your grandma's in real danger.

Well, he doesn't look any too
worse for the wear, does he?

No. Louise, would you take
Christopher and make him some lunch.

- Certainly. Come on, Christopher.
- Bye-bye.

Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

Do you have some time?

Of course I do.

Come on.

- Did you get any sleep last night?
- Not much.

I didn't want to take any more
of those pills. I don't like them.

Well, you never did.

I laid awake most of
the night just thinking.

Thinking about how
sad everything is.

There've been so many tragedies
in the past couple of years.

Mama's dying...

and now Mark's dying.

Our marriage breaking up.

Sometimes I just can't
believe that we're divorced.

I don't know, Bobby. We should have
found some way to have made it work.

I don't disagree with that.

I thought a lot
about our splitting up.

It wasn't just your fault
or the Ewings' fault.

A lot of it was my fault too.

You don't know, but I came
to Thanksgiving Square...

to tell you that I was
ready to try again.


Try what? Getting back together?


Well, that's very strange.

I was sure you didn't want to.

Oh, Bobby, I wanted to.

I always wanted to.

I just didn't know if I could.

Anyway, before I could say anything,
you told me that you were letting me go.

But that's because
of your letter.

What letter?

The letter that you
wrote to your lawyer.

Maybe it was a first draft or something.
Maybe you didn't even send it...

but Katherine found
it and read it to me.

It wasn't the easiest
thing I ever listened to.

Do you remember what was in it?

You said you wanted
out of the marriage.

You didn't wanna divorce me.
You were afraid it would hurt me.

You were hoping
that I'd let you go.

Katherine read you this letter?


And despite how
I felt at the time...

it made me realize you
wanted a different life.

Excuse me. Mr. Ewing, your niece
is on the phone. She says it's urgent.

Thank you.


Thank God I found you. I've
been calling you everywhere.

Calm down, honey.
What's the matter?

I don't know. Grandma's
in some kind of trouble.

You've gotta get over
to the Quorum Hotel.

She's there at a fashion show. You've
gotta bring her back here right away.

- What kind of trouble? J
don't know- J-R-said it's urgent-

- You've gotta get her here
right now- - I'm on my way.

There's some kind of
emergency. I gotta go.

Hey, where can I drop you?

Back at the place so I can finish
most of what I did this morning.

Watch it. Jesus.

What's the matter with you?

Fallow, you're calling
0” that wedding.

I want you and that sister
of yours so far away...

- my mama couldn't find you.
- Who do you think you're ordering?

I got enough in hereto put you and
her away for the rest of your lives.

- What are you talking about?
- The m*rder of his first wife.

They set fire to his house,
and his wife burned up in it.

- Are you out of your mind?
- What is this, some kind of a joke?

It's no joke. I found this
diary in Jessica's room.

I suppose you
recognize the handwriting.

Listen to this:

“Being here at Southfork,
seeing Clayton every day...

keeps reminding me
of the Southern Cross.

I'm so angry with him for selling it,
after what we had to do to keep it.

- It took a lot to set fire
to that house.“ - What?

“Wherever Amy is now...

I wonder if she knows how
the money in her fund helped.

Nobody else does,
thanks to Clayton.

It was so clever of him
to bulldoze those ruins.

It didn't keep people
from nosing around,

but it kept them from
discovering anything.“

Good Lord. Jessie set
fire to the Southern Cross?

Jessica? Hell, I
think you both did it.

But that doesn't make
sense. I loved Amy.

Now this is what I
want you to hear:

“The wedding is
getting too close...

it looks like the only way to
stop it is to do away with Ellie.“

Do away with El...?
Give me that thing.

Do you realize the danger
you put my mother in?

I don't think Ellie's
in any real danger.

I don't care what Jessie
wrote. I had nothing to do with it.

- How much did you read, J.R.?
- Right up to there, that's plenty.

Well, listen to this. She must
have made this entry this morning.

“Talking to Dusty yesterday...

made me think of all those
years Amy had him instead of me.

Now I know I did the right thing
by burning down that house...

though I'm sure
that if Clayton knew...

he'd never understand.“

So he didn't know.

Well, of course I
didn't. Oh, no, Jessie.

It doesn't change
what Jessie did.

- Where's Miss Ellie?
- Bobby went to pick her up.

Where's Jessie?

- With Mama and Donna.
- We gotta get back to Southfork.

All right, let's take my car. We'll
send somebody for yours later.

Come on in, Pam.
I was just dressing.

I want to talk to
you about the letter.

- Letter? What letter?
- The letter that you read to Bobby.

The letter from me to my attorney
before we ever filed for a divorce.

The letter that said that I wanted to lead
a different kind of life away from Bobby.

- The letter that I never wrote, Katherine.
- Now, Pam, just a minute.

Did you write it?

You did, didn't you?

- Did you write it?
- Well, yes.

J.R. forced me to.
It was all his fault.

J.R. forced you?

J.R. forced you to write a
letter to break up me and Bobby.

That's right.

You're a liar.

No, I'm not. You know how much
he wanted the two of you divorced.

And so did I.

I can't believe
what I'm hearing.

What difference does
it make to you anyway?

You left Bobby, didn't you?

He was still my husband.

But you walked out on him.

You didn't want him
anymore, and I did.

I tell in love with Bobby
from the first time I saw him.

And I've loved him ever since.

Pam, and I'm gonna have him too.

Listen to me.

You may be my sister, but I
never want to see you again.

I want you out of
my life for good.

- Where's Miss Ellie?
- I haven't the slightest idea.

- Didn't she show up at the Quorum?
- No, I waited there over an hour.

- Well, what about Donna, Jessica?
- No, nobody showed.

J.R., what happened?
Lucy couldn't tell us anything.

Mama's in great danger, honey.

It's Donna.

- are you all right?
- Oh, God.

- She knocked me out.
- Jessica? Where's Mama?

Donna, what happened?

It's gonna be all right,
honey. It's all right.

Just tell us what happened.

What happened to you?


I was changing clothes...

and Miss Ellie and
Jessica were in the kitchen.

And, uh...

when I came out...

Jessica was on the phone.

She was talking to Dusty...

and she said that he
didn't have to bother...

coming to the wedding...

because it had been called off.

Called off?

And I started to say something, and
that's when she hit me with the phone.

I just" I went out like alight.

Then when I came to...

they were both gone.

And my car was gone.

- Ray, she took one of your g*ns.
- She took one of my r*fles?

No, no, the lock was too strong.

She took one of your handguns.

And she's got Mama.

Well, we gotta find them.

Jessica has k*lled once, who
knows what she'll do with Mama.
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