05x05 - Frog on the Tracks

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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05x05 - Frog on the Tracks

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SEAL Team...

Memory aid supplements?
You're taking these?

Supposed to make you sharp.

Telling the team
about my PTS last month--

didn't realize how good
it would make me feel.

Spoke your truth.
Chemo? How bad is it?

I don't need anything
from you, Clay.

Especially sympathy.
It turns my stomach.

Three tourist destinations
in West Africa were hit

by simultaneous
su1c1de b*mb att*cks.

The group claiming
responsibility is

the Sahaba of Greater Sahel.

There are murmurs among command
about Ray's last deployment.

"Dangerously erratic behavior"
was the phrase I heard.

Command knows.

Someone talked.

Carl Dryden,
Agency Chief of Station.

We've confirmed the location
of Saidou Boukare's

safe house
in the market district of Kaya.

All stations, be advised,

I pass Albatross.
Stand down.

This is crap, man.
Take it easy, all right?

There's got to be a reason
why they canked the op.

At 0700 hours, all three HVTs
will be meeting

at an SGS airfield
15 klicks South of Kaya

to get on a small plane
out of the country.

Got a match?
All we're missing is Boukare.

Saidou Boukare
is not on target.
He's at a safe house.

Chatter on SGS channels suggests
this commuter train

is the group's next target.
That is the same train

that we believe
Boukare is boarding.

Ray, that's Mandy.
In SGS custody.

We got to do something.
Right now we got a train
to catch.

Final checks.
Three mikes out.

Three minutes!

Third time we've had Boukare
in our crosshairs.

Third time's a charm.

Train interdiction is
as ninja as it gets.

Hey! Nothing we can do for
Mandy until we secure the train!

Front-sight focus, Jace.

Lieutenant Davis, we have no
additional intel at this time.

Copy. If the analysts uncover
anything pertaining

to the train attack, you bring
it to me front and center.

This is a fluid operation.

My team won't make it
to the train.

Bravo's on their own.

As if this op
wasn't challenging enough.

Listen up!
This is a time-sensitive target.

Saidou Boukare and an
unknown number of SGS fighters

are gonna be
on that commuter train

to downtown Ouagadougou.

Lieutenant Davis?
Intel is still coming in

from the previous op,
but we believe

there is a su1c1de bomber
on board,

who intends to detonate

when the train travels
below the U.S. consulate.

Thousands of lives are at stake.

Bravo Team must board, clear,
and disable the SGS bomber

before the train passes
under its target.

You are good. Okay, let's go!

Why don't we stop the train
out here

a couple miles
from the consulate?

Bomber feels something's off,

he'll clack off
and k*ll hundreds.

Next stop, Boomtown.

Havoc, this is 1. How far
till the train is on the X?

Copy, 1. ETA 20 mikes.

Well, we beat the clock before,
but never like this.

Bravo, stand by.
We're 30 seconds out.

All clear.

Havoc, this is 1. I pass Salk.

All right,
strip down to your civvies.

We're rolling slick.

Pistols only.

We're looking for Boukare,

any SGS fighters,
any S-vests on board.

Leapfrog fashion,
slow and smooth.

I know
this train's a powder keg,

but we got to take Boukare
alive. You got it?

What's in his head
could be useful.

Roger that, boss.

Clock's ticking.

Copy. Bravo's prepping to enter
the first commuter carriage.

What is this?

Potentially a break.

This confirmed, real-time feed?

Yes, piping back to the servers
we've confiscated

and on the dark web.

One of the SGS fighters is
livestreaming from the train.

Oh, become a trend t*rror1st,
broadcasting their martyrdom?

Everybody wants
their 15 minutes of fame.

Fortunately, they don't know
we're tapped into their feed.

Wow. They're showing us
their playbook. This is huge.

There! There's our HVT.


Okay, well, these three guys
flanking Boukare--

they've got to be with him.

Live-streamer makes
five SGS total.

Blue beanie guy makes six.

Heavy jacket this part
of the world?

My money's on him
wearing an S-vest.

Good eyes, Lieutenant.

Pull the images of those SGS
fighters, get 'em over to Bravo.

Yes, ma'am.

All right, guys,
17 minutes on my mark.

Ray, Clay, Sonny,
want you to enter first.

All right? Stay spread out.
Bravo 1, passing sitrep.

There's a live feed from
the forward most passenger car.

We PID'd the HVT and an S-Vest.

Count at least six SGS.
Images inbound.

Bravo 1 copies all.

That's a hell of a lot of
firepower for that front car.

All right, look, I'm gonna
call an audible. Sonny,

MP7, kit up.

But I want you to enter the lead
car heavy when the time comes.

Crew that size, we're gonna need

as much stopping power
as we can get.

All right, Jace,
my kit is not exactly low-viz.

How am I supposed to get
to the front car

without being noticed?

You're gonna climb external
to the first car.

All right, all right.
You understand? Hey! Hey!

Don't make entry till I call it.

It seems typecasting to have
a Texan jumping car-to-car

on a moving train there.

Sure you don't want an extra g*n
up there with Sonny?

No, I want all eyes
clearing the passenger cars.

There's no saying who's gonna be

watching or recording
that live video stream,

so we need to cover our faces
when we as*ault that lead car.

Tell you what. We'll bandana
down when time comes.

Got it?
If anybody needs me,

I'll be on the roof.
Copy that.


Let's go, boys. Yeehaw!


Got less than 15 minutes,
hundreds of lives,

including our own, on the line.

I know Boukare's
our best lead to Mandy,

but our heads have got
to be here.

I'm solid, man. Let's move.

Bravo 1, this is 3.

Progress up top is going a
little slower than anticipated.

Just get there.


Rear two cars are clear.

Maybe they packed
all their firepower up front.


Bravo, be advised,
you're about to arrive

at the last station
before the consulate.

Havoc, this is 1.
Cars one and two are clear.

Bravo, all eyes

rake the window, starboard side.

Havoc, this is 1.
We got an additional

target on three.
It's a good copy, 1.

Rolling bag makes one in here,

plus six in the next carriage.

Can't all go heavy
on the lead car now.

Bravo 5, you've got a clean
line of sight.

Hang back and cancel him
when we as*ault.

5 copies all. Out.

We're pulling into the station.

Take Trent and sweep the cars,
make sure

no more Tangos have boarded.

Should we, uh,
go into the next car,

confirm there's only six enemy?

There's no need. Davis has eyes.

Once Clay and Trent
get back to us,

if there's no more Tangos,
we'll make our move.

Only nine minutes
until the consulate.

Can't move
until Sonny's in position.

Bravo 3, what's your status?

Bravo 3 is pinned down
until we leave this station.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

1, this is 6.
All clear back here.

That's a good copy.
Consolidate in car three.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc. The HVT
is on the move with two Tangos.

We no longer have eyes on him.

I say again, we have
lost visuals on the HVT.

He may have exited the train.

We lose Boukare,
we lose our link to Mandy.

Well, Bravo,
Mr. Boukare is ghosting.

What's the call, Jace?

Havoc, this is 1. I need
a head count in that lead car.


Oh. Oh. Excusez-moi.
I'm so sorry. Sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Bravo 1,

three SGS are still on board,
including the blue beanie.

Bravo 1, this is SABER actual.

My team will handle the HVT.

You and Bravo Charlie Mike.

Negative, Havoc. It's my
tactical call. Bravo 1 out.

Can't delay much longer
without drawing suspicion.

Bravo 4, 6, you're on the HVT.
Coordinate with Havoc,

hook up with G.B.
Good copy, 1.

Bravo 6, do not lose that HVT.

Running low on time.

Bravo 3, give me your status.


Sure cutting Clay and Trent
loose was wise,

given our priorities?

Look, Brock's got us covered
out here.

Three of us against three
of them in that lead car?

Easy day. Move.

Okay. No, there. Stop. Pause it.

What do you got?

These roller bags?

Boukare's men left them behind.

Given the roller bag bomber

in car three, these are likely
additional expl*sives.

That's enough expl*sive to tear
down an entire city block.

The blue beanie has the S-vest
to deal with.

Same for the roller bag guy
in car three.

So who is holding the trigger
for these bags?

This is precisely why
it was wrong for Hayes

to put his boys on Boukare.

Bravo 1, hold fast.
There are likely additional

expl*sives on board.
We do not have an ID

on the triggerman.


We are on the X in five minutes.

Havoc, nobody on their feed's
holding a detonator?

Negative, Bravo 1.
Given the show blue beanie made

for the camera,
I'm certain they would've

flashed one if they had it.

Copy that.

Well, that just leaves
one more trigger guy

we got to take out
on top of the others.

Yeah, triggerman
who's a total ghost to us.

We don't have time to search
the whole damn train again.

No way Boukare would leave
the triggerman

that far from the bags.
Yeah, that puts him

in the lead car, but where?


Jace, the car is packed.

I cannot make out
anyone suspicious from here.

We're gonna have to go in
and make him before we as*ault.

I'm gonna go in solo.
No, no, no.

What about the livestream?

No masks?
No masks. Nah,
too many SGS in there.

We go in there with masks,
they'll be spooked.

Bravo, be advised you're about
to enter the tunnel.

Four minutes out from the X.

No time to waste.

Bravo 3, this is 2.
How far out are you?

Bravo 3, this is 2.
Say again your last.

I have you broken
and unreadable.

Ugh. Damn it.

2, this is 3. How copy?

Damn it!

They can't hear me.

Man upstairs seems hellbent
on me dying in a dark tube.

Havoc, this is Bravo 6.
We keep heading west?

Bravo 6, Ground Branch reports
troops in contact

and a man down.

Yeah, copy all.

Good to go.

Havoc, this is Bravo 6.

We're treating G.B.'s wounded.

No longer in pursuit of HVT.

Ground Branch will catch up
to Boukare. We haven't lost him.

Secondary triggerman's
on the right side. I got him.

Copy. And the other three?
You and Sonny'll split 'em.

The three are up front.
I'll help assist.

Sonny's unresponsive.

He keys up,
but all I get back is static.

Without Sonny, that leaves,

what, four of them
for the two of us?

All stations,
less than two minutes out.

Blue beanie's pretty deep, Jace.

Not sure you and me
can get to him in time.

We go in fast and divide 'em,
clean up the mess, got it?

Easy day, my ass.
That's right.

Bravo 3, this is 2.
If you can hear me,

we have four in the lead car,
and we need you on this.

Starboard side, Blue beanie
is our hot button to hit.

Stand by.

Bravo 1, you're on the X
in 60 seconds.

You need to move now.


Bravo 5, stand by,
sh**t ready.

Three, two, one. Execute.


Why aren't we vapor yet?

He's waiting for the consulate.

I don't have a shot.

Bravo, 15 seconds remaining.


Helo lanyard for the win, baby!

1, this is 5.

Car three is all clear.

Remember the new stop, now.


Of all the ops we've run,

I finally got to release
my inner Butch Cassidy.

Didn't Butch blow the train up?

And shouldn't you be Sundance,

Ah, come on. Why the hell would
I want to be Sundance, okay?

Butch is funny, charismatic,

and untraditionally handsome,
like myself.

I get more of a Hoss
from Bonanzavibe from you.

Ah, eat a bag of dicks.
I am Butch.

Yeah, buddy.

Thought we were on that train

bound for glory
for a second there, brother.

About as close of a call
as we've had.

Got the job done, Ray.

Might not have needed
Sonny's buzzer-beater

had we have had Trent and Clay.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means your mind being
on Mandy nearly got us k*lled.

All right, you sent g*ns
we needed off the train

because Boukare's the link
to her, right?

Why is she even
in captivity, huh?

She left the Agency.

Look, man, I feel for her.

That loss of control, freedom--

it's soul-crushing.


At least when we went
after you, Ray, we had intel.

With Mandy, we got nothing,
zero, zip.

Jace, she's as strong
as they come, all right?

She'll handle her business.

What about that guy, huh?
What about Dryden?

Is he doing anything about this?

He may not know.

He's chief of station. Hyena
farts out here in the wind,

he knows about it, all right?

Look, I need answers from him.
Now, are you sure

that's the right play?

Those generators--
they're probably heading

to that airfield
that we took earlier.

he does not miss a step.

Okay, he canked us off of
that safe house hit on Boukare

so that he can get his hands
on that airfield.

He is expanding his footprint.

You saying you don't trust him?

I'm saying, six months ago,
we deployed here off a boat.

And now the w*r machine is
putting down roots.

He's executing agendas that...

they're just way above
our pay grade, man.

I'm not letting Mandy rot.
She needs our help.

And he may see her
as a distraction

from the job
he wants us to do here.

Now you go to him with nothing
but that damn photo,

and he shuts you down, what help
are you gonna be to Mandy then?


Hey. Hey.

Nice work stopping the attack.

Sorry I missed all the fun.
What you missed was Boukare.

That's what you missed--

Ground Branch guys
were in trouble.

Now our HVT's in the wind.

But G.B.'s still on his tail,

Saved thousands of lives today.
Take the win.

Take the win.
Okay, that's really easy

for you to just "take the win."

We don't have Boukare,
there is no win to take.

Half a second from getting Bravo
k*lled, and you come after me?

Look, forgetting that probe
in North Korea,

a bad judgment call today,

something's got you
off your game, boss.

You got something to say,
you f*cking say it.

You f*cking say it now.


Your teammates
made the right call,

helping my boys out of the fire.

You know what?
We had this guy Boukare

in our crosshairs three times,
and three times, we missed him.

You should be more concerned

about nearly handing SGS
their biggest victory yet.

Pulling your men off target was
a near catastrophic error.

I made the call. We handled it.

You did,
by the seat of your pants.

You committed
operational malpractice

by not using all the firepower
in your arsenal

to get the job done.
"Operational malpractice."

That's what you're calling it.

'Cause that is funny coming
from the guy who canked our op

when we had him dead to rights.

You've been around long enough

to know that dirtbags
like Boukare grow on trees.

Why are you so tight
in the shorts for him?

Maybe 'cause of the fact

that this dirtbag probably has
this former CIA agent hostage.

That's why.

Where'd you get that?
Pulled it off target
on the airfield.

It's Mandy Ellis.
She's a former colleague.

I see.

So you nearly tanked the train
op over your friendship?

Sir, what are you gonna do
about this?

We need to make her a priority.

Removing SSE off-site

without submitting it
through the proper channels

is a violation of the UCMJ.

Are you even looking for her?

I can have you brought up
on charges.

Charges of absconding
with evidence.

Evidence that my people
could have used

to help answer the questions
you're now asking.

This is "need to know" only.
Way above your clearance level.

Just get us the target package
on Boukare.

Your personal connection
to Ms. Ellis

has clearly impaired your
tactical judgment.

Bravo's off the Boukare hunt.

Hey, what the hell's
up Jason's ass?

Eh, not a blown-up choo choo
thanks to me.

He jumped down my throat for
losing Boukare. Makes no sense.

Ooh, is the honeymoon
of Clayson over?

Hell's that mean?

You two are tighter
than a bucket of possums.

Yet you can't meet your old
buddy Sonny for a beer.

Look, I got new
responsibilities, man.

Same as you.

Not exactly the same.

But I tell you what,
when we get back,

you, me, Stella-- let's go
get some beers and get zapped.

That way, you get to punch
the marriage clock,

and, well, I get the help

of your beautiful bride's
wingman skills.

Sweet. Let's do it.

Yeah, no, that sounds fun.

Hey, uh...

look, if Emmet came to you
needing something...

...you think you could forget
all those years of hurt?

Emmet's always been teats
on a bull for me,

but now I'm supposed
to be there for him?

But, you know, the more time
I spend with Leanne,

the more I...
I see Emmet in myself.

For better and for worse.


Yeah, it makes me feel bonded
to him more than ever.

It's weird.

Ugh. But you...

you will understand one day

when you become a daddy there,

Is, uh, something up with Ash?


Oh. Oh.
I'm sorry, man.

T-That's, that's a tough go.

What're you gonna do?

I don't know.

You know, he's only ever
really seemed interested

in being a dad when he needs
something, you know?

I got plenty on my plate
as it is with Stella.

Mm, if Leanne ever
gave me the cold shoulder,

it would truly break my heart.

Yeah, well, you're a better
parent than Ash ever was.

I'll figure it out.

Do what you will,

but having lost my mother,

Clay, I would-- mm--

I would do anything just
to get one more day with her.

But that's the way it goes:

old Sonny Quinn
and the women he loves;

never really gets to spend the
time that he wants with them.

Thankfully you had enough time
on that train today, huh?

Oh, hell yeah. It feels so good
to be chasing dirtbags again.

You know? Rest of my life
just feels empty.

But this w*r-- whoo,
it fills me up, buttercup.


You feel Dryden out?

He know anything about Mandy?

I showed him the photo.

Hit a brick wall.

That is what I was afraid of--
Mandy distracts from his agenda.

What can I do to help?



I gotta show you this.

Oh, my God. Mandy.

Yeah. Did you know?

Of course not.
Where did you get this?

Pulled it off target
at the airfield.

She's in SGS captivity.

Look, you know who that guy is?

You know where they could be?

But now I know why you were so
hot to stay on Boukare's trail.

Does Dryden know about this?
I don't know.

I tried, I got nowhere with him.

Nothing but stonewalled.

I need you to do some digging

Dryden pulled Bravo
off the Boukare hunt.

Ground Branch has the lead now.

Well, Ground Branch is gonna
be looking for payback

after Boukare's men beat them
down the past two ops.

If they take Boukare out,

the trail to Mandy
will die with him.

Was Davis able to help
with Mandy?

I got nowhere, okay?

Mandy's in danger
and nobody gives a shit.

Look, we get a whiff of Boukare,

we'll be back in the hunt
for her.

No. You know what?
Dryden pulled us off Boukare.

We're done.

I told you, I warned you
he can't be trusted.

Spare me with
the "I told you so," Ray.

It's bad enough I gotta worry
about one of our teammates

shivving me to command
over my issues in Nigeria,

but now we're out of sync, too.

What the hell are you
talking about here?

You're tuning me out
for Clay's input,

you're ignoring my advice
on how to handle Dryden,

and now you're seeking out
Davis to help you

when nobody's had your back
more than I have?

Mandy's ass is in jackpot
and you're

more concerned about
your role with Bravo Team?

My role in Bravo Team
used to be keeping you

from following your
worst damn instincts.

By ignoring me and going
on full tilt,

you've jeopardized the mission
and the chance we had

of saving our friend.

You can shut me out
all you want, brother,

but you need to
read the team in on Mandy.

If memory serves,
Bravo runs best

when all our cards are
on the table.

You're right.

Mandy walked away
from this hell.

How'd she get tangled up
in this?

I would've stayed on
Boukare's tail

had I known that he was
our link to her.

No, you made the only call
there was.

So does this mean Mandy's
back in the Agency?

No idea. Dryden locked up on me.

Wonder what could have
lured her back?

When was the last time you
talked to her, Jace?

She came and saw me before
my trial. You know?

Seemed happy in her new life.
Just doesn't add up.

Maybe she never left the Agency.

Yeah. Remember that one time
we showed up for work

and Mandy wasn't there?

You know how these spooks are.

Maybe it's just a setup
for a new cover.

Yeah, based on what we're
seeing from Dryden,

you don't got to convince me
Agency folks are that slippery.

I was there when Mandy
decided to quit.

It was her choice.

Mandy's a professional liar.

One of the best we've
ever worked with.

She's capable of anything,
including gaslighting you, Jace.

You know, maybe she's not
who we thought she was.

Hey. The team, they have
a possible location on Boukare.

Get a target package together.


What's up?

I snuck on to Dryden's laptop,

looked into Mandy's files.

They're redacted.

What-what does that mean?

Well, it means we have no way
of knowing if she's here

under official cover,
working off the books,

or working on her own
as a civilian.

So we're nowhere.
Well, with her.

But I was able to identify
the man in this photo.

He's a powerful w*rlord,
Aziz Sankara.

His compound was overrun
by SGS two weeks ago.

Okay, so maybe Mandy
was with him then?

I wish I knew. Without being
able to access her file,

I have no way of making
a connection between them.

Anybody here have any intel

on where this guy's being held?
Boukare knows.

And Ground Branch has
a location on him.

They're jocking up now.

You want answers,
you got to be on this op.

Got it. Thank you.


I hear you have
a target package on Boukare.

I ordered you to stand down,

Stay out of my team's way.

Let Bravo back your men up here.

So your bad judgment
can derail the op? Pass.

Just like you passed
on Mandy Ellis?

I mean, if she
is working for you,

why aren't you doing anything
about it?

I told you,
that was "need to know."

A disavowed agent
is not your concern.

As chief of station,
it should be yours.

Former Agent Ellis is
not the mission here.

Okay, look, I get
as master of the universe

you're playing
global chess here,

but do not hang her out to dry.

I can have Bravo
on a flight out today

if you're not happy with how
I'm running things.

All right, look, you know what?
Boukare's cell has been

eating your team's lunch
ever since we got here.

At the airfield,
earlier at the ambush.

You've missed out on him
three times.

It would be
operational malpractice

if you didn't use all
the firepower in your arsenal.

Okay. Tell your men
to jock up. Now.

Bravo, you're heading out to
support Ground Branch

on this k*ll-capture.
The target is Boukare.

Ground Branch was able
to track him to this building

in a district downtown.

How many fighters
he holed up with?

Unknown. But my men are
in position,

and waiting for you--
maximize firepower on target.

You will engage
simultaneously to

limit the time Boukare
has to squirt.

Little birds are
the fastest way to insert.

We land on the roof, work our
way down while G.B. works up.

Helicopters are not an option--
SGS has enough

firepower in this area to defend
against an air as*ault.

Indig vehicles allow us
to pull right up to the front.

Speed and surprise--
that's our ally.

The area you're going to,
up-armored vehicles

are a priority.

You'll take our trucks.

A strap from our team
will be going out with you.

Since when does Bravo
need a babysitter?

Remington knows the district.
He'll drive the lead vehicle.

All right, so, we pull up,
grab Boukare and RTB.

We're back quicker than
a prairie fire with a tailwind.

ROE's the same? sh**t when
shot at or imminent threat?

The district, waiting to be shot
at ain't gonna be a problem.

Just get Boukare.
Dead or alive.

We need to get to Boukare
before Ground Branch does,

ensure this is a capture
and not a k*ll op.

Hey, J.

What's this?

Works like a Stingray.

Just turn it on when you
get around enough of these guys

on target;
I'll be able to pull

data and locations off of
their cell phones.

Maybe find any sort of lead
to Mandy.


if Mandy is with Sankara,
this will come in handy

if Boukare's memory
needs jogging, so...

go find our girl.
Will do.

What does an agent have to do

for something like that?

It's not always something
they've done.

Think about how many times we've
been tasked outside the wire.

Your trial's a good example
of that.

You think she went rogue
or flipped?


You've watched
too many bad movies.

All I'm saying is

we never leave
another frog behind.

So why ain't that
the same with the Agency

unless she's up to
something sketchy?

What's with all the AK fire?

SGS lookouts. Use the bursts
as warning signals.

And people say texting's

Means they know we're here.

All stations, I pass Sputnik.

I say again, I pass Sputnik.

Good copy.

That's probably not good.

The g*nf*re went dead.

Bravo, stand by.

Dismount on my mark.

Oh, shit.
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