08x04 - Jamie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x04 - Jamie

Post by bunniefuu »

Nurse, I'm thirsty.

Your sister is the fast mover
in your family.

Poor old Mark Graison.

Not a month dead
and you're out there whooping it up.

If I can't have him, nobody can.

My life was over. Why shouldn't his he?

She was in love with him, Cliff.

It I hadn't stopped her in the hospital
the other day, she might have k*lled him.

You tried to hang me
by planting that g*n in my apartment.

- You're right I did.
- Miss Wentwonh.

Nurse, I'm thirsty.

Shh, you'll be sound asleep in a minute.

- What are you doing?
- You need a shot.

- Just had a shot.
- You need another one.

Wait a minute. What's going on?

- What's going--?
- Bobby, be quiet.

Katherine? Wait a minute.

- Let me go.
- Somebody.

Let me go.

BOBBY: Somebody, help! Help!
KATHERINE: Let me go.


BOBBY: Help, somebody!
KATHERINE: Let me go.

Let me go. No.

J.R.: Get her out of here.
KATHERINE: Let me go.

Let me go.

Put it back, please.

- Mr. Ewing.
- Huh?

Listen to me.

- Can you hear me?
- Yeah.

Think carefully, Mr. Ewing.
Did you feel a needle?

- No.
NURSE 2: Are you sure?

I'm just sleepy.

Get the doctor, I'm sure he'll
wanna give him a full examination.


Hang in there, Bob.

Take your hands off of me.

Let me go.

KATHERINE: Leave me alone.
- Katherine.

What the hell
were you doing in Bobby's room?

And what was in that needle?

Come on. What was going on in there?

Call the Dallas Police.
Tell them to get up here right away.

- They've already been called, Mr. Ewing.
- Good.

I think she just tried to k*ll my brother.

And I also think she's the one
that took those sh*ts at me.

You? Don't make me laugh.

- I never tried to sh**t you.
- The hell you didn't.

I've got b*llet holes
in my chair to prove it.

They weren't meant for you.
It was Bobby I wanted dead.

You shot him in my office.
I was sure you got him by mistake.

Mistake? There was no mistake.

I love him. Don't you understand that?

I love him.

He doesn't want me.

Oh, no, he wants Jenna Wade.

And before that, he wanted Pam.

Sweet, darling Pam,
who everybody just adores.

Well, they're not gonna have him,
neither one of them.

Don't you see?

They poisoned his mind against me
to keep me away.

But they're not gonna have him.

I'll see to it,
because if I can't have him, nobody can.

You're not gonna see to anything,
not after the law gets finished.

But how did you get into my office?

And how did you know that
Bobby was alone that night?

I didn't care if he was alone or not.
I just wanted to get to him.

My life was over. Why shouldn't his he?

I went over to the Ewing Building,
and I saw you come out.


WATCHMAN: Evening, Mr. Ewing.
You the last one out?

Bobby's still up there.
He won't be too long.

I'll walk you out.
Only exercise that I get on this shift.


Most of the lights were out.

Everyone else was gone. just like he said.

I started for Bobby's office...

...but then [heard a noise in yours.


I went in.

Bobby was sitting down in your chair.
His back was to the door.

And ! shut him.


I caught a plane to Houston that night.

And I didn't know until the next day
that he was still alive.

Hold this woman till the police get here.
I'm gonna see my brother.


Is there any more Moo Shu Pork left?

- No.
- No.

It's good, wasn't it?



- The food.
- Not particularly.

And I hate eating out of canons.

Oh, hey, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

Because we could have used dishes.

I like Chinese food.

I never would have guessed.

You know.
I may not be too fond of Chinese food...

...but I'm sort of fond of you.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hm.

There's something
really attractive about you...

...in a weird son of way.


Who in the hell is that?


- What are you doing here?
- I was driving home and I heard the news.

What news?

Katherine was arrested
for the attempted m*rder of Bobby.

- What?
- They caught her at the hospital tonight.

She tried to inject him with poison.

But why?

She was in love with him, Cliff.

It was him she was trying to k*ll all along,
not J.R.

And she almost succeeded.

It I hadn't stopped her in the hospital
the other day, she might have k*lled him.

Oh, wait a minute. That's why they
found the g*n here, because she planted it.

She did that the day she came to see me.

I had no idea she was so disturbed.

Boy, she is disturbed.

You know, look.
not only did she sh**t your ex-husband...

...but she tried to put the blame on me.

It's hard to believe. Our sister.

We'll be better off without her.

You seem pretty upset.
You wanna stay here tonight?

I can't, Cliff. Christopher's at home.

Sure you'll be okay?


Well, you take care.
I'll call you in the morning.

Thanks, Cliff.

CLIFF: It'll get straightened out.

- Who was it?
- It was my sister.

Oh, from the look on your face,
she brought some good news.

Maybe better
than striking it rich in the gulf.

They found out
who really shot Bobby Ewing.

I swear,
I've never seen a woman so deranged.

She was possessed.

I sure hope no woman
ever goes that crazy over me.

Don't think there's chance
of that happening.

You know.
I think this family attracts weirdoes.

That Edgar Randolph and Jessica Fallow.

What was the name of that crackpot
that kidnapped Lucy?

- The photographer?
- Yeah.

That's it. Speaking of Lucy,
where's she been keeping herself?


- Here you are, sir.
- What's this?

- It's your orange juice.
- I ordered coffee.

- I'm sorry.
- I get the juice.

- Oh...
- Where's my toast?


Toast? Um, you didn't order toast.

- AI, an order of toast.
- Coming up.

- I'll take my check now too, honey.
- Ah...

Okay, in a second.


You'd better serve those eggs
before they get cold.


- Here you go.
- These are fried. I ordered scrambled.

- You did?
- Leave them. I'll eat them.

- Oh, let me get that.
- That's all right.

- Just give me my check, okay?
- I'm terribly sorry.

Uh... Check, okay.


Don't worry, Lucy.
You'll get the hang of it.

I don't see how you can say that.
I haven't done right all day.

Yes, you have. Heh...


Dr. Zapasta, report to Conference Room A.

Dr. Zaposta, report to Conference Room A.

- Hi.
- Uh, hi.

You don't look any worse for the wear.

Well, neither do you.

Sounds like you're feeling a little better.

Well, the headaches are gone.

- Completely?
- They seem to be.

Well, that's a step in the right direction.

That color's nice on you.

Oh, thank you. You know,
I wasn't gonna wear these pants, but I--

- Color?
- I've always liked you in that color.

How did you know
I was wearing this color?

- I peeked.
- Ha-ha...

You can see. You can see.

Yeah, it started yesterday,
just shadows and then flashes of light.

I didn't wanna say anything
because I didn't wanna get your hopes up.


Is it clear?
You can see as well as you ever did?

I can see your beautiful face
and that's all I care about.

I'm so happy. I'm so happy.

When can we go home?

As soon as the doctor
gives me the word.

I'll get the bail money
and stop at the bank.

- And then we'll get some lunch.
- Okay.

Well, look who's here.

If you came to see me arraigned,
you're too late.

The show is over.

You mean they let you out?

Nobody should know better than you
that attempted m*rder is a bailable offense.

I tell you, there's something sadly wrong
with our judicial system...

...when they let a woman like her out.

- I'm not finished, brother.
- Miss Wentwonh.

You tried to hang me
by planting that g*n in my apartment.

- You're damn right I did.
- Miss Wentwonh.

You almost k*lled Bobby
and tried to put the blame on me?

- Exactly.
- Miss Wentwonh, be quiet.

Look, I wanted to get two thorns
out my side at once.

- That's enough, we've got a trial coming.
- Get out of my way.

You know.
I don't know how she could do that.

She's the only family
that Pam and I have.

She tried to destroy us both.


Let's get the money.


Pam. Uh...

You're going home?

Yeah, my eyesight came back.

Oh, Bobby, that's wonderful.

Well, thank you.

I'm sorry just to show up like this.

But I feel awful about what Katherine did
and I wanted you both to know that.

It wasn't your fault.

No, but she is my sister.
I can't believe it, she's already out on bail.

Well, you don't think
she would try it again, do you?

I don't think so.
Anyway, we'll be careful.

Well, I think we should be going, Bobby.

Thanks for coming.

I, uh...

I just want to say that I hope you both
have all the happiness you deserve.

Thank you, Pam.

- Can you make it?
- Yeah.

BOBBY: Okay.
JENNA: Okay.


- Bobby, you're back.
- Yeah, Kendall.

Come on in,
I wanna give you something.

- Hello.
- Hi, Bobby. Nice to have you back.

Thank you. Good to be back.

Another week at Southfork
could be more than I can take.

We were really worried about you.

I was a little worried about myself.
Here, these are for you.

- Thank you, they're beautiful.
- And these, my dear, are for you.

- They're lovely.
- And where's Phyllis?

Oh, she had an appointment.
She'll be back after lunch.

All right. When she gets back,
would you make sure she gets those?

- Sure.
- All right.

Now, don't just stand there.
Put them in water and get back to work.

- Okay.
- Oh, Bobby, Donna's in your office.

- She's cleaning out her things.
- All right. Thank you.



- May I come in?
- Uh, okay.

But I sure enjoyed sitting
behind your desk.

Listen, anytime you want this job,
all you have to do is ask for it.

It'll be a cold day in Bermuda
before you give up Ewing Oil.

Would you like to sit back here?

No, no, you go right ahead
with what you're doing. I'll, uh...

I'll sit out here.

Donna, I know I didn't get a chance
to tell you last week...

...how much I appreciate
you sitting in for me.

That's okay.

I think you would have done
the same for me 01 Ray.

Yes, but my job would have been
a whole lot easier.

I wouldn't have had J.R.
to contend with.


That is the truth, but I survived.

- As a matter of fact, I enjoyed it.
- Good.

If I tell you a secret,
would you promise not to tell Ray?

Well, that depends on the secret. Why?

Well, the truth is, uh.
I enjoyed it so much...

...that I invested $10 million of my own
money in a little oil company that I found.

Donna, that's wonderful.
That's terrific.

- Why aren't you gonna tell him?
- I am, I am gonna tell him.

It's just that it all happened so fast, I didn't
have a chance to discuss it with him.

And now I'm looking for a way
to son of ease into it.

When you decide on easing into it...

...Jenna and I will take you and Ray out
for a little celebration dinner.

That's neat, thank you.

You know, I really did enjoy
butting heads with J.R.


No, I had no idea.

No, didn't know anything about it.

Well, thanks a lot for calling me.
I really appreciate it.

Okay. Thank you, goodbye.

Pam, it's incredible.

Do you realize how swamped I am
since I struck oil?

Everybody wants to do business with me.

People that would've done business
with J.R. two weeks ago.

I'm telling you, the word is out. Oh!

I am the new king in Dallas.

Well, that's wonderful.

What's wrong?


That was the chairman of the board
of Wentworth Industries.

He said Katherine's selling a lot
of Wentworth stock.

Really, what's a lot?

Well, half a million shares up till now.

That's $12 million at today's price.

Yeah, boy, that's a lot more
than she needs to pay her legal expenses.

She's trying to get back
at you another way...

...because if somebody sells that much
stock, it lowers the price on Wall Street.

I thought of that too.

I heard she bought
Mama's house down in Houston.

- I'm gonna fly down and talk to her.
- Oh!

Uh-uh. No, no, listen.
that woman is not right, you know that?

It'd be best it you get somebody
to take care of that.

She's still my sister.
If I go down there, she'll talk to me.

Okay, I'll go with you.

You're not part of Wentworth Industries.

- It doesn't affect you.
- I care what happens to you.

Listen, after what she did to Bobby,
I don't trust that woman, not one bit.

J.R.: Hello, Phyllis.

I thought you weren't coming
till after lunch.

Well, I finished early and
I'm gonna have a sandwich in the office.

The phone company's coming
to install the new system.

Oh, fine.

Who ordered a new phone system?

I did.

- What's wrong with the one we've got?
- It had bugs in it.

Bugs you put in it, J.R. You won't
find it so easy with the new one.

Found that phone tap, did you?

That's right, the night I was shot.

That's what you were doing in my office,
trying to find if I had a bug on my phone?

That's right. Why did you do it?

Well, Bobby.
It was during that whole Cliff Barnes thing.

I found out that he was stealing deals right
underneath us, I hugged everybody's phone.

- Is that supposed to make me feel better?
- Bob...

How could you think
I was giving deals to Cliff Barnes?

- I didn't.
- You had my phone bugged.

You gotta understand
what was going on, Bobby.

I didn't know who I could trust.

When I figured out that he had a spy in
the company, I just went crazy, that's all.

Yeah, I'd say you did.

When it was all over,
I frankly just forget they were there.

- Sure, you did.
- No, I did, Bob.

Oh, God.
Bob, I want you to know something.

I never used that bug.
I never listened to your conversations.

- J.R.
- No, you gotta believe me.

It doesn't make any difference
whether I believe you or not.

- It does to me.
- Would you just let it drop?

Bob, I'd never hurt you, you're my brother.
You know how I feel about you.

I'm starved. Where do you wanna eat?

Well, any place but the Oil Baron's Club.

Don't want a chance
on running into Cliff Barnes.

Well, I can understand that.

RAY: Hey.

Why don't you wash up?
I thought we'd eat out here.

- I already washed up at the stables.
- Oh, well. Uh...

Have a seat.



Well, how long are you
gonna keep me in suspense?

About what?

I know you enough to know
when you got something on your mind...

...and you're having trouble
getting it out.

Well, it was never easy keeping a secret
from you, was it, cowboy?

Got a secret you wanna keep,
you just keep it.


I bought something and, uh...

Well, I was just trying
to figure out a way to tell you.

You just sit down and tell me, then.

I bought an oil company.

An oil company?

An oil company.


I really enjoyed working at Ewing Oil.
I really did.


J.R., he made my life miserable,
but still, I enjoyed it.

Come on.

You don't hate the idea, do you?

No, I don't hate the idea,
if that's what you wanna do.

Look, I know I should
have talked to you about it, okay?

I know that, and I'm sorry.

It's just that all of a sudden,
the opportunity was there and I grabbed it.

Sure you know what you're doing?

Well, I do have a problem, uh, you know.
with the Energy Commission.

I feel real guilty having to resign.

Well, I wouldn't worry
about the Energy Commission.

You've served the public pretty well.
You're entitled to serve yourself for a while.

Well, it's nice to know
that you're not, um, against it.

No reason I should be.

As long as you don't get any ideas about
going into competition with the Ewings.

I'm not competing with the Ewings.
It's just a tiny little company.

JR. doesn't have a thing to WOHY about.

Oh, it's a beautiful house, isn't it?

I remember the first time I ever saw it.

That detective I hired to find Mama
brought me here.

It's the first time I'd seen her
since you and I were kids.

It was the first time I heard
about Katherine.

I've heard a hell of a lot about her
since then.

Come on, let's get this meeting over with.
I wanna get home.



May I help you?

Is Miss Wentwonh home, please?

I'm afraid she's not available
at the moment.

Is she sick or something?

No, she's not at home.

What time is she normally home?
I'm Pamela Ewing, I'm her sister.

Oh, yes, I thought I recognized you.
I've seen your picture in the newspaper.

Well, normally, Miss Wentwonh's
home by now, but she left last night.

- She didn't say when she'd be returning.
- That's strange.

Everything about the woman's strange.
Come on, let's go.

Maybe she went to Dallas or something.
We'll call her when she gets back.

- I'd like to look around.
- Huh?


Okay, uh, you don't mind
if we look around, do you?

Well, I'm not sure.

Well, really, we won't belong.

Uh, you see, this used to be my mother's
house and I've never really seen it.

Well, I'm not supposed
to let anybody in here.

We won't break anything.

Um, which bedroom
is Miss Wentwonh using?

The first one at the top of the stairs.

- It won't do you any good to go up there.
- Why is that?

Miss Wentworth took most of her things
with her when she left last night.

- You mean, her clothes and everything?
- Yes, ma'am. Almost everything.

- May I use your telephone?
- Yes, sir. Right there.

Cliff, why? What are you doing?

I'm gonna call the police.

Just have a feeling
our charming little sister just skipped bail.

SUE ELLEN: I don't understand
how she got to London.

Wouldn't she have been stopped
at the airport?

She may not have flown
out of the airport.

If she was smart,
she chartered a small airplane...

...went across to Mexico,
then on to London.

I lay odds she's not even in England

- Where do you think she is?
- She could be anywhere.

Could be in the Middle East,
Far East, who knows.

She maybe bought a passport
with somebody else's name on it...

...and took off.

She's gonna be harder
to find than smoke in a dust storm.



Hi, everybody.

Well, hello, stranger.
Where have you been?

I've been around.

Hurry on down. Dinner's almost ready.

Um, you go ahead and eat without me.
I'm really not very hungry.


The mystery lady strikes again.

BOBBY: Anybody have any idea
what she's been up to lately?

No, but she'll tell us
when she wants us to know.


- Didn't keep you waiting, I hope.

Well, if it isn't Dallas' newest oil tycoon.

News travels fast.

Ha-ha. I ran into
Jack McLenahan this afternoon.

He told me that you bought yourself
a little oil company.

- Is that right?
- It's true.


- Thank you.

Oh, very nice. Isn't that kind
of a conflict of interests, honey?

What do you mean?

Donna sits as a member
of the Texas Energy Commission.

And as such, she should be neutral.

How do you reconcile that
with the fact...

...that you're pumping oil and
making money just like the rest of us?

Well, I'm probably
going to resign my position...

...but, uh, that's really my problem, J.R..
not yours.

Yeah, right.
And I'm sure you're doing the right thing.

Hell, you'd never do
anything unethical, would you?

Excuse me.

BOBBY: Yes, Teresa.
- Dinner's ready.

Good timing, Teresa.

SUE ELLEN: Shall we?
- Yeah.


Come in.

You doing anything special tonight?

No, I'm just gonna go home.

I thought I might wash my hair. Why?

I've got this guy in my office.
He's a young entrepreneur type.

He's talking good deals.
I'm gonna have dinner with him.

I think it's a good idea if you come too.

I don't wanna get home late.

No, you won't, you won't.
No, I promise you.

- Okay.
- Come on. I want you to meet him.

Joe Don.
I'd like you to meet my sister, Pam.

Pam, this is Joe Don Ford.

Well, Pam, it's a pleasure meeting you.

JOE DON: Cliff have told me all about you.
- Thank you.

Listen, I tell you,
so I won't be odd man out...

...I think I'll try to get a hold of Mandy.

Who's Mandy?

A girl I met. You're gonna like her.



- Honey, you got a customer.
- I'm coming.

May I help you, sir?

Yeah. I'll have a...

Lucy, what on earth are you doing here?

What's it look like I'm doing?

I'm working.

I've got about 15 minutes
before I have to get back.

- All right, let's hear it.
- Hear what?

What Lucy Ewing is doing working
in a place like this.

Shh. First of all,
they don't know I'm a Ewing here, okay?

Okay, come here.
Just what do they think you are, then?

A Cooper.

- That was my married name.
- All right.

Then what is Lucy Cooper doing
working in a place like this, huh?

Ray, do you realize I haven't done one thing
in my entire life I can really be proud of?

Now, what kind of talk is that?

It's true. I was terrible at school.

My marriage was a failure.

Modeling was a joke, heh.
and as for men...

...well, that's been
one catastrophe after the other.

Lucy, honey, you're just being too hard
on yourself.

You're a beautiful girl.

You got everything
in the world going for you.

Sure, I know.
I was talking with Muriel about it.

I've got status, money, heh.
and that wonderful Ewing name.

None of it's ever meant happiness
for me.

Okay, I understand. You wanna work.

Yeah, I wanna feel
like I'm pan of this world...

...not just some aging rich kid.

Well, tine, get a job, then.
but it doesn't have to be in a place like this.

There's nothing wrong with this place.

It's clean.

The people are nice,
they serve good, wholesome food.

You sure they hired you
to be a waitress here?

Sounds to me
like you'd do better in publicity.

Ray, I've been waiting tables for a while
now and I'm really enjoying myself.

I feel useful, and, uh-- Well, not only that,
I'm myself, you know what I mean?

People here,
they don't know anything about me.

They just know me as Lucy.
They either like me or they don't.

But either one's okay,
because they're judging me.

Not my money, not my name, just me.

And that's the first time in my life
that's ever happened.

It's been years since I've been to this place,
but if my memory serves me right...

...your mama worked here.

Yes, she did.

Well, your mama had a lot
of strong qualities.

You could do a lot worse
than to take after her.

I'd appreciate if you don't say anything
to the family about this, all right?

Especially J.R. You never know
what kind of scene he'll cause.

All right, on one condition.

What's that?

You promise you call me the minute
you need anything at all.

- Thanks, Ray. I promise.
- Okay.


- Thank you, Angela.
- You're welcome.

That looks good.

- Hi.

I wouldn't mind some of that.

Angela, bring us another cup, please?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, this is becoming your new routine.

Stopping by every morning
before you go to work?

Hey, I don't stop by every morning.

I just stopped by to see how you
and Joe Don got along last night.

We got along okay.

You dazzled him.
He called me this morning.

He didn't want to talk about anything
except you.

Well, that's very nice.

He wants to ask you out again.

So I think the four of us,
you, he, me and Mandy...

...we'll get together
and go to this new nightclub.

- Wait a minute, Cliff.
- I'll call him, make reservations tonight.

- Well, I just met the guy.
- I know you did.

You had fun last night,
beats hanging around here all the time.

Um, I'm gonna be honest with you.

That's not the only reason
I'm not anxious to go.

- Yeah, why?
- Mandy.

- You don't like Mandy?
- No, it's not that.

It's really hard for me
seeing you with another woman.

Do you realize that Afton
was a part of your life?

She was a pan of our lives
for almost four years.

And suddenly, she's gone, just vanished.

I don't wanna talk about Afton.

You've hardly mentioned her since she left.

Well, she walked out on me.

Huh. She stood by you when
nobody else would, that's what she did.

She took your abuse, your cynicism.

She loved you.

I know, yeah.

Haven't given her a second thought.

Not true.

Not true. I've thought about her a lot.

Then why don't you find her
and tell her?

Because it'd just be the same thing
all over again, and that's not fair.

I loved Afton.

She just wanted more
than I could give her.

All she wanted was for you to love her,
to have some concern for her.

Yeah, but that takes time
and that takes thought.

Is that asking too much?

All my life, I have had one drive...

...and that's to be the winner
that Digger wanted me to be.

Cliff, there's more to life than that.

That has been the most important thing
in my life.

Now, I'm not saying that that's right,
but that's me.

Don't you realize the price you pay?
Losing somebody like Afton.

I know that, I know.

Believe me, I know that,
and I didn't wanna lose Afton.

is the most important thing in my life.

And it always will be.

What can I do?



Yeah, not bad, huh?
I'm no Fred Astaire, but I'm still on my feet.

And on mine too.

Oh, come on.
I may be rusty, I'm not that bad.

- J.R., you were just fine.
- Good. Thank you.

- Another drink, sir?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Ahem.

I'll meet you at the table.
I'm gonna freshen up.


Well, Sam Buck Jennings, I have not seen
you since I worked in the DA's office.

That's right, that's right.
Hilda, I want you to meet Cliff Barnes.

If you can believe the newspapers...

I don't believe it.

- Cliff?
- Mm-hm. Who else?

- Do you wanna leave?
CLIFF: Thank you.

Yeah, that man can ruin an evening
quicker than anybody.

- Let's get out before he sees us.
- Okay.

Well, what do you know?

- J.R.
- Excuse me, Sam Buck.

I've just spotted one of the most celebrated
has-beens in the oil industry, J.R. Ewing.

Well, for a man of your limited abilities,
you sure are crowing a lot.


I have a lot to crow about.

That fortune I handed you,
is that what you're talking about?

Well, it I were you, I'd be kind of ashamed
at the length of time it took.

A kid with a siphon could've sucked oil
out of that tract faster than you did.

At least I did it, you didn't.


You know, your sister's the real
fast mover in your family.

I gotta hand it to you.
Not wasting any time, Pam.

Poor old Mark Graison, not a month dead,
you're out on the town whooping it up.

This is a business meeting. JR.

Yeah, yeah, I noticed
by the way you're dressed.

I'm sure Bobby would see it exactly
the same way.

- Listen here, partner. That's enough.
- Joe Don.

Come on, Sue Ellen, let's go home.

I thought this place
attracted a better crowd.

Ha-ha. Don't pay any attention to him, Pam.
He's just trying to get back at me.


Oh, I loved it.


Is Charlie gonna be brought home,
or do we have to go pick her up?

Oh, neither.
Melissa's mother called earlier.

And Charlie's
gonna sleep over there tonight.

Well, that's very interesting.

I am a free woman this evening.

You know, I...

I don't think if I were you,
I'd have as much patience as you do.

Now, what's that supposed to mean?

I've been out of the hospital
for a week now...

...and I haven't said anything about us
getting married.

And neither have you.

Well, I guess you're not ready.

When you are, you'll tell me.

You're right.

- Thank you.
- Mm.

Um, where are you going?
Wait a minute, where are you going?

Get you another drink.

I don't want another drink.

- No?
- No.

- Coffee?
- No.


Orange juice, buttermilk?

No, no.

Then what do you want?

Just you.

It's about time.

What do you know about that?

Pam out there
kicking up her heels already.

[SIGHS] I wonder what Bobby would say
if he knew.

Well, I'm sure he'd be very upset.

You're not gonna tell him, are you?

No, no, honey, of course not.

J.R., what's the matter?

What are you thinking about?

Oh, bunch of things.


Cliff really got to you tonight, didn't he?

Yeah, he's been doing a lot of that lately.

Don't you worry about it.

Cliff's had success before, but he never
seems to be able to hold on to it.

You know, I'm getting the feeling that
that man is not as dumb as he used to be.

Do you suppose he's changing?

J.R., he'll never be you.

I'm beginning to wonder
if I'll ever be me again.

I don't know.

Everything's gone so damn wrong
with the family and the business and...

Things will improve.

No matter what I do,
I just can't seem to win anymore.

J.R., you're just a little depressed right now
because you're going through bad times.

Things are gonna change.
They always do.

And you're gonna be back on top
where you belong.

It'd be worth a lot more
if you're up there with me.

Will you be?

We'll see.


ANGELA: Christopher will be ready
in a couple of minutes.

Pam is out back.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Angela's getting Christopher ready now.

Yeah, she told me.

- How are you feeling?
- Terrific. How about you?

Well, I'm fine, but I'm not the one
who was in the hospital.


You know, the mind is a funny thing.

It's hardly been two weeks
and I can barely remember being blind.

I guess you should be grateful for that.


Did J.R. say anything to you
about last night?

No, why?

Well, there's something
I wanna talk to you about.

- Howdy.
- Joe Don?

Say, I usually make a bigger impression
than that.


- Bobby, this is--
- Joe Don Ford.

Pleased to meet you.

Joe Don, this is my former husband,
Bobby Ewing.

Oh, how are you?


Hey, I really enjoyed myself last night.
And the night before.

Pam, did you say Christopher
was almost ready?

He should be, Bobby.

We could make it three in a row.
What do you say? You tree tonight?

- I can't tonight.
- Oh, well...

- How about tomorrow night, then?
- I don't think so.

Here's Christopher.

Hey, who do we have here?

- Oh, it's okay.
- Joe Don.

- It's all right.
- Hey, put him down.

Hey, what's your name, partner?

It's all right.
A little crying never hurt anybody.

- I said, put him down.
- Huh?

- Joe Don, please.
- Come on.

Oh, he's enjoying this.
Come on, you want a ride with me?

Look, I may not have any control over who
Pam sees, but keep your hands off my boy.

Hey, take it easy, partner.
we were just playing.


Oh, Bobby.

BOBBY: I don't think
much of your choice of dates.

Why don't you get him
out of the pool before he leaves a ring?

MAN: And don't forget
your bags in the back.

I won't.

WOMAN: Hey, thanks a lot for the ride.
MAN: You're welcome.

That was real good. Now, look.

This time, when you go, walk up slowly
and take that bounce.

Then touch your toes, right?
Reach down, touch your toes.

Keep your head down,
keep your hands together.

- Think about...
- I'll try.


- Ho. ho. ho. Yaw.

- How about that?
- Wasn't that great? That was terrific.

- Whoo.
- That was wonderful.

Yeah, I saw her.

You gonna dive like that someday?
No, I wouldn't either.

Huh. I'm thirsty.


Who is that?

That's right, that's the way you do it.

What's that?


Well, looks like a boy to me.

Oh, my God, she's a girl.

Huh. Pretty scruffy one, at that.

RAY: Right, right, just like that.
That's it, real good.

Uh, miss, I'm sorry.
This is private property.

WOMAN: Is this the Ewing ranch?
- Yes.

You must be JR. Ewing.

Yeah, that's right. And who are you?


- Jamie who?
- Jamie Ewing.

Jason's daughter.
My daddy and your daddy were brothers.
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