08x05 - Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x05 - Family

Post by bunniefuu »

- You're gonna stay right here with us.
- Well, I was gonna get a room in town.

Nonsense. You're a Ewing.
This is where you belong.

Distant relatives, I just love them.

I slept in this bed. At Southtork.
I liked the way it felt.

Pam's not your problem anymore, Bob.
You've got to get her off your mind.

I wish I could.

That little girl wants something.
I'm gonna find out what it is.

We have no reason to believe
she's not Jamie Ewing.

That's my opinion.

You may have fooled everybody else
in this family, honey, but not me.

BOBBY: Darling, can you keep an eye
on Christopher for me?

You say you're Jamie Ewing.

That's right.

Well, I didn't know Jason had any kids.

Well, he did. Me and my brother.

Oh, your brother, huh?

Well, when can we expect him
to show up?

I wish I knew.
I haven't seen him in almost five years.

Well, what are you doing here now
after all this time?

After Daddy died, there didn't seem
much point in staying up in Alaska.

So I came here
to be with the only family I've got.

Well, now, he's been dead a month.
What took you so long?


Well, after I paid for Daddy's funeral,
there wasn't much money left.

I took a bus part of the way,
I hitchhiked the rest.

I ran out of money in Laramie, so I stayed
and washed dishes till I saved up more.

You mean Jason didn't have any money?

Just what he earned in the oil fields.

He wasn't much good
at saving that, either. Huh.

Daddy had it pretty rough
the last couple of years.

See, no one wanted to hire somebody
as old as he to work his fields.

Well, if things were so bad for him,
why didn't he come to us for some help?

Daddy might not have had much else,
but he sure had a whole lot of pride.

Never would ask anybody for help.

Especially the Ewings.

Hadn't been for the money I saved, Daddy
would never even have had a decent funeral.

Well, that's a very touching story.

But do you have a way of proving
you are who you say you are?


Well, darling.
I haven't laid eyes on Uncle Jason in...

Well, since I was a kid.
I didn't know he had any children.

It'd be the easiest thing
for somebody who knew he was dead...

...to come waltzing in here
and want us to take them in.

Look, Jamie, my brother
may not be very subtle at times...

...but he does have a point.

BOBBY: How can we be sure
you are who you say you are?

That's okay.

I guess when you have a lot of money...

...you always think
somebody wants something from you.

Here, uh...

Here's my Alaska driver's license.
Has my name on it.

It's Jamie Ewing.

And that there, that's a picture of Daddy
and Uncle Jock before they split up.

That's Daddy, all right.

Well, I guess that's Uncle Jason.

At least, that's what I remember
he looked like.

Where's Miss Ellie? Why don't you ask her?
She'd know for sure.

She's not here.

And I'm afraid that we
have totally forgotten our manners.

I'm Sue Ellen Ewing
and this is my husband, J.R. Ewing.

And his brother Bobby.

His fiancée, Jenna.

And this is their brother Ray
and his wife, Donna.

- Hi.
- Hi.


Well, I guess it is kind of hard
for y'all to believe me.

But I would like to say
that it's nice to finally meet y'all.

Well, it's nice to meet you too.

I think we have stood have long enough
asking you a bunch of dumb questions...

...instead of offering you
something to drink or eat.

You do look a little tired.
Would you like something?

If you were fixing lunch,
I would be obliged.

I mean.
I have been on the road for a while.

Of course.

I'll take you to the guest room...

...and take a shower
and we'll all have lunch together.

- I don't wanna put you out.
- I insist. Get your bags.

Okay, you unpack.
You're gonna stay right here with us.

Well, I was gonna get a room in town.

Nonsense. You're a Ewing.
This is where you belong.

Come on.

Boy, if that's not a bolt out of the blue.

Sure gave her a nice, warm welcome.

Distant relatives, I just love them.

We just get rid of
Clayton Fallow's crazy sister...

...and now we're opening our home
to some kind of drifter.

She's family, J.R.


Well, it's gonna take more than
what I've seen so far to prove that to me.

Come on, Lucy, pick it up.

Lucy, pick up.

BETTY: Move it, kid.
you're jamming everything up.

I'm trying, I'm trying.

Yeah, I can see.
Hey, try not to drop everything.

- Where's my coffee?
- Coming right up, sir.

- I want a beer.
- Yes, I know.

- Here you are, sir.
- Oh, jeez, it's about time.


- I had the burger.
- Here you go. Oh, sorry.

- I had the chili, no onions.
- Oh, right.

- I don't think I ordered chili.
- Yes, you did.

No, no.
I always get the club sandwich.

- Look, I know you both ordered chili.
- Where's my order of flies?

- And my beer.
- You ain't much of a waitress, are you?

I'm doing the best I can.

Must be other things
you're better at than this.

- Ha-ha.
- Yeah. You like to dance, honey?

- Hey, kid, how about my coffee?
- Look, I gotta work.

Now, come on, just one little dance
on that jukebox there.

LUCY: Will you let go?
- What's wrong with one dance?

- The music's better than the food.
LUCY: Let go.

I left your tip on the counter.
Why don't you go get it?

I can't.

Hey, guys.
the lady's gotta get back to work.

But why?
So she can screw up more orders?


Whatever. It's what she does for a living.
You boys ought to respect that.

Come on, Lucy, pick it up.

She's get work to do, Jack.

Yeah, so do we.


Why don't we just eat up
and get out of here, guys?


Um, hey.

Thank you.
I really didn't know how to handle them.

You gonna be working here,
you better start learning.

Lucy, pick it up.

MANDY: Come on. I wanna get out
in the sun while there's still time.

You realize how hot it's gonna be there?

That's what the pool's for.

Another thing.
It's gonna be awful crowded.

Now, who can that be?

Why don't you open the door
and find out?

Ha, ha. Okay, I will.

- Dave?

- What the hell are you doing here?
- Well, if you invite me in, I'll tell you.

- Come in.
- How you doing?

All right.

Uh, look, am I interrupting something?

No, no, not at all. This is Mandy Winger.

Mandy, this is a good friend of mine,
Dave Stratton.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Seriously, what are you doing here?

The last time I heard about you,
you were in the Far East.

Yeah, I was. But I got called back.

First thing I wanted to do
when I got back...

...was talk to that new king
of the independent oilmen.

- Ha, ha. You heard?
- Hasn't everybody?

Hey, this is nice, Cliff.

I thought you'd have some palace
in Highland Park by now.

Ha, ha, ha. No. This is good enough.

How is old Jeremy Wendell?

You know.
Westar put a bid in on my "act too.

One of the sweetest things
about the strike...

...was that I had to outbid
Westar and Ewing to get it.

I know all about it.

Are you gonna be talking for long?
Because I'd like to get out in the sun.

Uh, will you make us
some coffee first, hmm?

You do know
how to make coffee, don't you?

Of course.

- Nice lady.
- Mm-hm.

Let's sit down.

Actually, Jeremy's the reason I'm here.


Yeah, he was real impressed with you, Cliff.
The way you outbid him.


Hanging in there when everybody
else thought you couldn't make it.

And than coming up
with the biggest strike in the Gulf.

He said it took a lot of brains and guts.

He's right about that.

Thing is, he wants to meet with you.

- Why?
- He doesn't tell me everything, Cliff...

...but he did say he had
a very interesting proposition for you.

- Something really big.
- Like what?

Let's let him tell you.

You think that we could have
a meeting tomorrow, the three of us?

- Yeah, sure, why not?
- Great.

- Make it the five of us.
- Five?

Yes. Pam's pan of my company now.

I'd like to call her.
Maybe we can meet at her house.

She'll do lunch or something.
I'll bring Mandy.

Ah, I don't know. I think Jeremy would
prefer to have the meeting in his office.

I'm sure he would. But if he wants
to meet me, that's where it has to be.

Okay, your coffee's ready
and I'm off to the pool.

Oh, no, wait a minute.
We're all done here.

Come on, Dave, let's go out to the pool.
I'll give you Pam's address.

Sure, why not?


CLIFF: Old Jeremy has an offer for me.
DAVE: Oh, does he.

My, I can't believe how big this place is.

You know, I've never been in a house
as nice as this before.

SUE ELLEN: Well, where did you live
when you were in Alaska?

In a trailer. That's what we did
most of the places we were at.

- You must have traveled a lot.
- Yeah.

As long as I can remember.

Canada, Mexico, South America,
all over the place.

Wherever there was oil,
that's where we were.

- What'd you do about your schooling?
- I picked it up on the fly, mostly.

Daddy taught me
how to read and write, but, well...

You could say
I know most of what I know...

...by seeing it rather than read about it.

And your mother?

I don't remember her much.
She died when I was 5.

So it was your daddy Jason,
your brother Jack...

- Mm-hm.
- And you.


At least, until Jack left.

I guess he had it.

You know.
I couldn't leave my daddy alone.

Doesn't sound like much of a life
for a young girl growing up.

Oh, it was fun enough.

Of course, it was a lot of hard work.

The worst part about it was that,
well, my daddy, he was a hard drinker...

...and didn't like to stay
in one place too long.


But we talked an awful lot
about coming to the ranch here...

...and visiting with the family and all.

We just kept traveling.
That's all I've ever done.

But you're with your family now.

And we'd really like you
to be a pan of it.

So why don't you make this your home
until you decide what you really wanna do?


I don't know.

I don't think old J.R.
would be too keen about that.


I wouldn't worry too much about old J.R.

Miss Ellie owns Southfork.

And I know
she wouldn't want you to go.

That's right.

So it's settled.


It would be pretty nice
to have a real family.

How are all you cowboys and cowgirls
getting along out here today?


CHARLIE: Will you take me out
on the range, Uncle Ray?

Charlie, I said no.

BOBBY: I think it's time for Christopher
to take his nap now.

Yeah, it's about time to get back.

I wanna check to see how
our new house guest is doing.

No, I wanna ride some more.

CHARLIE: Me too. Stay with me, Mama.
JOHN ROSS: Please.

Why don't y'all go ahead in?
I'll look after the little ones.

- Oh, thank you, Ray.
- Yeah, that's a good idea.

- You go slow, John Ross.
JOHN ROSS: I will.

Come on.

I'll go ahead and stay with them.

Bye, now.

RAY: Okay.

- You all right, Bob?
- I'm fine, why?

You seem down today.
Doesn't have anything to do with that girl...

...coming by saying
she's Jason's daughter, does it?

She doesn't bother me
as much as she does you.

Ah, what is it?


I went to pick up Christopher
at Pam's this morning.

There was some jerk over there.
I guess she's dating him.


Well, Mark Graison's dead. You can't expect
Pam to mourn him forever.

She knows
you're gonna get married to Jenna.

What do you expect her to do?

Oh, I know.
But it still irritates the hell out of me.

If you're gonna many Jenna,
you have to forget about Pam and her date.

- You're gonna marry he! soon, aren't you?
- I suppose so.

It would have been a lot easier for me
if Pam would have married Mark.


Pam's not your problem anymore, Bob.
You gotta get her off your mind.

I wish I could.

But she's still there.

SUE ELLEN: I think it's time
that we welcomed Jamie officially.

I'd like to propose a toast
to the newest member of the Ewing family.

- Welcome.
JENNA: Welcome.

Thank you.

I thought that was going to be me.

When are you and Bobby getting married?

Uh... One of these days.

Well, Jamie, now that you're a member
of the family...

...we have certain traditions
we like to adhere to.


One of them is dressing for dinner.

Well, I'd sure like to,
but this is as good as it gets.

Oh, I take it you don't own a dress.

Just the one I go to church in.

And it's not near fancy enough for this.

I think we can fix that.
I happen to own a boutique.


Well, son of.

That's right.
So we'll go shopping tomorrow.

I can't. I don't have enough money.
At least not for clothes.

We'd appreciate the chance
to buy them for you.

I'm sorry, but you've done enough for me
just by letting me stay here for a while.

Jamie, it would really give me pleasure.

And me.

Jamie, I think I know how you feel,
but you should pick up a few things.

You might need them.

Lookit. I really appreciate the offer,
but I've been fixing to get a job.

Pay my own way.

- What would you do?
JAMIE: I'm not sure.

But this is Texas, and one thing
I do know about is the oil business.

Is that a fact?


I suppose that's from hanging around
with Jason.

- From working with him.
- Oh, yeah? Where?

All over. Mostly Alaska, though, lately.

Hmm. Where in Alaska?

Kenai Peninsula, Point Barrow,
the Umiat anticline, Prudhoe Bay.

Umiat, huh?

Well, I guess you met the man
who ran that operation up there.

Slim Whitaker?

No, I never met him.
Heard an awful lot about him, though.

Yeah. Old Slim, he was the first one
to use the drag hit up there.

Not at the Umiat.
Drag bit's for soft formations.

What would he have used?

Probably a diamond drill core bit.

Maybe a rotary.

I heard he had some pretty hard
formations up there.

Bobby did a lot of drilling up in Canada,
real hard frozen.

Oh, really? Did you use the Stratapax?

It worked real good at Point Barrow.

No, didn't have any luck at all with them.

JAMIE: Oh. So, what'd you use?
- Don't you know?

No, I wasn't there.

Of course, there was an awful lot of talk
about them...

...using a Tundra something or other.

- That's right, the Tundra Torque. That's it.
- Yeah.

I knew it was something like that.

Uh, just one more thing.

In Prudhoe, how deep did they have to drill
their test well?

I don't know.

Why are you asking me
all these questions?

Because anybody in the oil business
ought to know the answers to them.

Oh, really?

Well, how many producing wells
are at the Kenai right now?


A hundred and three.


Well, if your little game is over, J.R..
I'd like to finish dinner.

Yeah, so would I.
That's if you're through, J.R.

I'm through. For now.

To the winner.

To the winner.

- Off to an early start, aren't you?
- I have got to get this written.

Writing another book, are you?

I sure hope it doesn't have
anything to do with the Ewing family.

No, this is not a book.

This is my letter of resignation
to the Texas Energy Commission.

Sure that's what you wanna do?

Well, yes and no.
I like the Texas Energy Commission.

You know.
I think it does a really good job.

But I wanna do something for myself,
you know.

And first off, I wanna make sure
there's no conflict of interest.

So it's the oil business
full-time now, huh?

Oh, I wouldn't exactly call it
a full-time field.

But there's hope for the future.

Are you planning to get yourself
an office in town?

Or you think maybe you can
run it from the house?

Oh, no, no.
I figure that I can run it from here.

Well, I see.

I thought I might talk to Bob and have him
save some space down in Ewing...

...so that when you get bigger, then J.R.,
you and Bob could ride into work together.

Ho, ho, ho.

- You just think you're being funny.
- No, I'm not.

I just remember what happened to me
when I went into the land business.

Competing with the Ewings
near ruined me.

I'm not competing with the Ewings.

I don't have anything to prove to them
or anybody else.

This is a little company,
and I intend to keep it that way.

I sure hope so.


- Hey, did you know Jason Ewing?
- No, why?

Well, yesterday, for the first time,
I heard his name.

I was just wondering.

Well, Jock never liked
to talk about him much.

He never filled me in on the details.

I guess they had an awful light when they
were younger and Jason pulled up and left.

JR. was iusl a kid.

I guess Miss Ellie might know
what really happened.

Think she'll be surprised to find
Jason's daughter here when she gets back?


If that's who she is.

You sound just like J.R.

Now, what makes you think
she's pretending?

Maybe she's not,
but if she is, we're gonna find out.

Hey, we're going swimming, okay?

Yeah. Let's see if they're ready.

- Are you ready in there?
- I'm ready. Is anybody down there yet?

Everybody's down there.
How's your mom doing?

- She's almost ready. Bye.
- Hey, wait a minute.

- I want you to take Christopher down.
- Okay.

- Okay.
CHARLIE: Come on.

- You go on.
CHARLIE: Let's go.

Hey, if you don't hurry up,
all the good spots are gonna be taken.

I think they'll save some room.

Do you know that last night
was quite an historic occasion for me?

Did something happen
when I wasn't around?


I slept in this bed.

In this room.

At Southfork.

The very first time
I have ever spent the night here.

You should have called me.
We could have, uh, celebrated.


I like the way it felt.

I like waking up here.

I like looking out and seeing the ranch...

...and Charlie down there
playing with John Ross and Christopher.

And I like you being here.

A lot.

I'm glad.

CHARLIE: Bobby, Mom, come on.
We're gonna play Marco Polo.

You know what?

I never cared too much for Marco Polo.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

That's because
you've never played with me.

We used to play it all the time.

Of course, we were younger.

Well, that was just excellent. Thank you.

- Best little caterer in Dallas.
PAMELA: I'm glad you liked it.

Well, I think we've postponed
the reason for all this long enough.

If you don't mind,
I would like to talk some business.

Why don't we do that?

Why don't you tell me about
that wonderful offer that Dave mentioned?

Westar wants to acquire

Lock, stock and Gold Canyon 340.

- You what?
WENDELL: We want your company, Cliff.

In return for Barnes-Wentwonh...

...we are prepared to offer you
a substantial amount of Westar stock...

...and you would join
our board of directors.

Why would you wanna buy my company?

Not buy you out. Merge with you.


Isn't that a lot like a mouse
merging with an elephant?

Afterwards, there's not much left
of the mouse.

True, you wouldn't be captain
of your own ship anymore...

...but one of the few directors of one
of the largest oil companies in the world.

You'd have an enormous amount
of power, Cliff.


Even your friend J.R. Ewing
wouldn't be able to touch you...

...if you were part of Westar.

Why even bring him up?

I do know about the Barnes
and the Ewings.

I'm offering you
a position of invincibility, Cliff.

I appreciate your offer, Jeremy.

It's certainly something to consider.

You know, Bob...

...the more I'm around Jenna,
the more I like that girl.

- You're a lucky man.
- Thank you.

Sue Ellen's a wonderful woman.
You're lucky.

- Good to see you back together again.
- Thank you.

She's waiting up for me right now.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Hi. I was just gonna get a glass of milk.
- Well, help yourself.

I'm sure the family's made you feel
right at home, haven't they?

Yeah, everybody has, except you.
Why is that?

Because I don't believe for one second
that you're Jason's daughter.

I don't know how you learned so much
about the oil business.

- But I don't really care either.
- Excuse me.

- Just one more little question.
- What?

How much would it take for you
to drop this act and get out of here?

- What?
- You heard me. How much?

Lookit, I don't want anything from you
or any other Ewing.

My daddy wouldn't touch
your stupid money, neither will I.

Well, that's very noble.
How about 50,000?

Oh, come on, JR. Leave he! amne.

Don't tell me
she's taken you in too, Bobby.

Just leave her alone.

Well, you may have fooled
everybody else in this family, honey...

...but not me.

Hey, come on, now.
Don't let him get you down.


I don't know why he acts like that.

I don't want anything from him.

That's just his way.

He doesn't trust people.

How about you, Bobby?

Do you want me to go?

Or do you believe me?

I'd like to believe you.


The Ewing boys are all alike, aren't they?

- It's what Daddy used to say about Jock.
- And what's that?

That power and money mean more to you
than friends or relatives or anything else.

It's one hell of a family.


- I thought you were gonna take a swim.
- Oh, I was, but I was working out.

Is there anything you don't have here?
I mean, your own exercise room?


Well, we're so far from town, by the time
you got to a gym, you'd lose your desire.

I wouldn't know.

SUE ELLEN: Good morning.
- Morning.

Well, I guess I better go upstairs
and get ready.

- We don't leave for a couple of hours yet.
- That's okay.

Well, don't rush off.

J.R., you scared that child to death.

You two going some place together?

- We're going shopping, you know that.
- Oh, yeah, sure.

Gonna go buy the poor little orphan
some clothes, huh?

I really wish you wouldn't talk like that.

After all, she is Jason's daughter.

You seem to have taken
quite an interest in her.

IIike her.

She certainly hasn't had an easy life.
Why shouldn't I help her?

Well, it seems a little more than that.
You're treating her like your kid sister.

Maybe there is a little of that.
But I enjoy being around her.

Pam's gone and Miss Ellie's away
on her honeymoon and...

Well, I never really did have
much in common with Donna.

I guess I need somebody.

Well, you could spend a little more time
with John Ross.

That's not what I mean.

I know that. I know what you mean.

It wouldn't hurt if you were nice to her.
She might let her hair down around you.

What are you saying?

Well, you might be able to find out
if she really is Jason's daughter.

J.R., I'm not gonna spy for you.

Well, darling, not for me, for all of us.

That little girl wants something.

I'm gonna find out what it is.


- The intellectual.
- Yes.

- Oh, hi, Pam.
- Hi.

- How are you?
- Good.

- Sit down.
- Thank you.

Thank you for joining us.

Well, I was curious
as to why you wanted to see me alone.

I think you might be more objective
than your brother.

Uh, I have known Cliff for along time.

He has been known to let his emotions
rule his better judgment.


Well, that's true.

- Can I order you a drink?
PAMELA: No, thanks.

I have to be honest with you.

I was skeptical about your offer,
and I told Cliff so.

Did you think for one moment
I wasn't serious about my offer?

No, but I wondered why you made it.

I did some research on Westar.
You've never done this before.

Well, times change.

The oil business changes.
We have to change with it.

So you decided
that you want Cliff to sit on the board...

...because he's such a brilliant oilman?

Uh, not particularly.

Then why?

Barnes-Wentwonh hit a major strike
in the Gulf.

To the best of our knowledge, there may be
a hundred million barrels of oil down there.

It's far cheaper for us to give Cliff
hall a billion dollars in Westar stock...

...than to explore for it ourselves.

That approach is common now...

...large companies acquiring smaller ones
because they want their oil reserves.

DAVE: It does make a great deal of sense
for you and Cliff.

The way things are going,
there won't be very many independents left.

Well, some small ones, perhaps.

Sooner or later, the Seven Sisters
and Westar will control the oil business.

- Just a fact of life.
WAITRESS: Here you go, three Crab Louis.

I ordered for you. I hope you don't mind.

Well, you do like to take control.

Well, I'm used to doing it.

Look, Pam.
we don't expect an answer today.

Think about it.
Why don't you talk it over with Cliff?

We will.

Oh, by the way, I'm giving a small
tennis party at my house next week.

I'd be very happy
if you and Cliff would come.

- I'll ask him.
- Great.

Love you for a doubles partner.


Well, you don't even know if I play.

Oh, I have a feeling
that you play very well.

And I would be delighted to pick you-all up
and drive you over to Jeremy's.


Perhaps you could give me an answer
about my offer then.

I'm sure we can.

Just one small thought to take with you.

Westar can be a wonderful friend.

But we can also be a terrible enemy.

Well, I'll try to remember that.

JENNA: You have everything?

Mama, can I take a swim
before I get dressed for dinner?

Uh, well, yeah, I guess you can.
Just hurry up, okay?

Okay, I'm gonna go change.


- Oh, hi, Jenna.
- Hi.

- Coming in?
- Ha. No.

I don't wanna get my hair wet
this close to dinner.

- Charlie's coming right down.
- Oh, great.

- Nice suit.
- Thanks.

Did you get it after you left my place?

Yeah, it's gonna take me a year
to pay back you and Sue Ellen.

I don't think we're really worried.

Well, I better head on in for dinner.

I don't want J.R. jumping on me
for screwing up the Ewing tradition.


- By the way, Jamie.
- Yeah.

Did Jason ever tell you about my father?

I don't know. Who's your father?

His name was Wade. Lucas Wade.

I'm not sure.
Where would he have known him from?

From around here.
He knew the Ewing brothers very well.

Oh, wait a minute. Was that the Wade
that lived next ranch over?

- Was that your daddy?
- That's right.

Oh, yeah. He talked about him.
He liked him a lot.

- Really?
- Yeah.

From what I heard from Lucas,
they couldn't stand each other.

- Is that what he told you?
- He sure did.

Strange you heard the opposite.

Well, your daddy
may not have liked mine...

...but old Jason never had anything
but nice things to say about Lucas Wade.

I know they hated each other.

Can I have my check, please?

- Hi.
- Good morning.

You know, you never did
let me thank you the other day.

Sure I did.

Is there some reason
you don't wanna talk to me?

I try not to talk while I'm eating.


Terrific. Manners and everything.

Can I get some more coffee?

Coming right up.

I got it.

And the check.

Here you go.


EDDIE: See you.
- Soon?

LUCY: Have a nice day.
- Thanks.

- What's with him?
- What do you care?

He's kind of cute.
A little grouchy, maybe.

Well, don't let it worry you.

Eddie and me
have been going out together.

And I give him all he can handle,
so don't bother.

Y'all engaged or anything?

- Not quite.
- Is that the same as no?

Stay away from him.

You got nothing he wants.


Betty, pick up.

Lucy, why don't you go over and see
that table, find out what they want?


You remember what I said.


Just a sec.

Be right there.

What are you doing back?

- Mm.

Uh, hi. I thought it was Cliff.

- Isn't he here?
- No, he left a while ago.

We were supposed to meet this morning.

I'm sure he'll be back soon. Come on in.


Come on.

Can I get you a cup of coffee
or anything?

Oh, coffee would be fine.
Uh, black, thank you.

You know, I'm sorry.
I seem to have forgotten your name.

I made a real impression on you, didn't I?

It's Mandy. Not Amanda, Mandy.

- Mandy, you've known Cliff for how long?
- A while.

Just since he hit it big in the Gulf.

Oh, yes.

A thing like that
does tend to attract people.

Hey, besides being rich,
Cliff is cute and nice.

A little cheap, maybe.
but you can't have everything.

Sit down.
Tell me all about you and Westar.

Hasn't Cliff told you about me?


But maybe he sees you differently
than you see yourself.

I wanna hear what you say.


Well, briefly...

I'm chairman of the board
of the largest oil company in Texas...

...one of the largest in the world.

I've spent most of my working life
with Westar...

...and it's the single most important entity
in my life.

So if you're so big,
why do you want someone like Cliff...

...sitting on your board of directors?

Because of his strike.

He controls an enormous reservoir of oil.

Before that, he tells me
he couldn't even get you on the phone.

Well, that's probably true.

However, I think I may have
underestimated Cliff in the past.

Yeah, I hear he fell on his fanny
a few times.

That's mostly because of one man.

J.R. Ewing.

Cliff had a blind spot.
It can be fatal in our business.

Was it just Cliff,
or did this J.R. go after other people?

- He went after many people.
- Including you?

No. J.R. couldn't touch me.

In fact, he would rather work with me
than against me.

So in some real big deal, it's possible
the two of you might work together?

If it were good for both of you?

Well, I suppose it could happen.

You know, as attractive as you are,
I've run out of time.

- Tell Cliff to call me.
- Right.

It's been fun.

How'd I do?

Oh, you were great.

Even that old ice cube
Wendell opened up.

I can see
you're gonna be a big help to me.

What'd you mean, cheap?



SLY: Bobby, Mr. Smithfield is here.

BOBBY: Uh, send him in, please.
and tell J.R. he's here.

Yes, sir.

- Right this way.
- Thank you.

- Harv.
- Bobby.

Thanks for coming over. Sit down.

I have an appointment.
Would it be all right if I left for lunch?

Yeah, sure, go ahead.
Hey, Harv. Sit down, sit down.

- Thank you.
- What have you got for us?

I told J.R. that you were investigating
Jamie for us.

I haven't had a whole lot of time, boys.
but I have come up with some things.

- It's a little sketchy right now.
- Would you just get on with it, please?

All right.

Jason did have two children.

A boy, Jack, about 30 and a girl, Jamie.
she should be 25 or so.

Jason's wife died
when Jamie was very young.

Nobody has seen the son
for five or six years.

But the girl, Jamie.
stayed with Jason till the very end.

She left Alaska about three weeks ago...

...or at least, no one has seen her
since shortly after the funeral.

Well, you got any pictures?
Any way of identifying her?

No, they didn't have
family pictures taken very often.

I couldn't even get one of Jason.

So on the surface, we have no reason
to believe she's not Jamie Ewing.

- That's my opinion.
- Well, I want more than opinions.

I want you to keep digging
till we know for sure.

One way or another.

You're right on time. Where's your boss?

With Harv Smithfield.

CLIFF: What about?
SLY: I have no idea.

Mr. Barnes, why did you wanna meet?

Oh, yeah. Well, I need to know if J.R.
has been in touch with Jeremy Wendell.

- Wendell?
- Yeah, Westar.

He's made me a merger offer
that's hard to believe.

- From Westar?
- That's right.

Now, J.R. has been known
to try to set me up.

So I need to know if J.R. and Wendell
are in league...

...to try to get me
out of the oil business.

- I haven't been aware of that.
- Well, I need you to find out.

Look, I pay you a lot of money
to find out things like this.

Mr. Barnes, I know that,
and I'll do everything I can.

But I just can't ask J.R.
it he's setting you up.

I know that. Wendell's in a hurry
and he needs an answer.

All right. I'll see what I can find out.

I'll check back with you.


PAMELA: Jackie?
- It's all right, I cancelled your meeting.

Did anyone from Graisco
come up to see me today?

Today? No. It's been very quiet.
Cliff isn't even in.

- Are you absolutely sure?
- Yes, why?

Because Mark's car is parked here.

Mark's car? It can't be. Where?

Right over there.

Oh, my God.

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