08x08 - Oil Baron's Ball III

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x08 - Oil Baron's Ball III

Post by bunniefuu »


Last night was a little uncomfortable.

Can't we at least talk about it?

There's nothing to talk about.

Mark's dead. Leave it alone.

I don't want advice from you
or anybody else.

Is it possible that you're not over Pam?

Mama, I'm marrying Jenna.

In the state she's in right now, I don't know
how she'd react if he married Jenna Wade.

MANDY: He doesn't know
you still care about him.

They haven't announced their wedding yet.
There could be a reason.







Excuse me, Bobby.
there's a Mr. Jackson on the phone...

...from the
Century Salvage Company in Houston.

He wants to speak to a Mr. Ewing.

Did you tell him
there were two of us here?

Yes. He said he wants to talk to the one
who's married to Pam Ewing.

I didn't wanna give any personal information
so I didn't tell him you're divorced.

I thought you'd want to take the call.

- Yes I do. Thank you.
- Sure.

Hello, this is Bobby Ewing.

Mr. Ewing, my name is Steve Jackson.

Your wife was here in Houston
a couple of days ago...

...and I gave her the costs
on dredging up that plane.

Plane? What plane?

The Graison plane.
You, uh, do know about it, don't you?

Go on.

I told her that kind of search
would cost an arm and a leg...

...and that there's no guarantee
we'd come up with anything.

Excuse me, Mr. Jackson,
why are you calling me about this?

JACKSON: Look, no offense to your wife,
Mr. Ewing...

...but frankly, women sometimes do
the craziest things...

...without telling their husbands.

I wanna make sure, that, uh.
there'd be no problem...

...when it comes to collecting my bill.

If Mrs. Ewing asked you to do something,
you go ahead and do it.

- Don't worry, your bill will be paid.
- Thank you. Goodbye, sir.


Right this way, Mr. Stratton.

DAVE: Thank you.
CLIFF: Dave.

Well, Dave, I hope you're not here
to talk to me about that merger.

It's something else entirely.

Excuse me, Cliff, but if you don't need me
anymore, I'd like to take an early lunch.

You go ahead, I'm leaving
as soon as I finish talking to Dave.

Thank you.


Okay, Dave, what's on your mind?

The Oil Baron's Ball.
You're planning on going, aren't you?


You bet I am. They might just make me
Oil Man of the Year again.

Well, with what you did in the Gulf,
I wouldn't be surprised.


Jeremy was wondering if, uh, you and Pam
would like to be his guests...

...at the Westar table.

Dave, I do not think that
that is such a terrific idea.

Why not?
We'd have a great time together.

Not if he's gonna sit there all evening...

...trying to change my mind
about the merger.

- He wouldn't do that.
- Why is he asking us to sit with him, huh?

He's never asked us
to sit at his table before.



He just wants to be friends with you again
and neither one of us can understand...

...why you turned down the Westar offer
the way you did...

...but whatever the reason, he just wants
you to know that he's not angry.

And he hopes that you aren't either.

- I don't know.
- Well, could it hurt your reputation?

Come on, now.

You know as well as I do
that even the biggest independents...

...would crawl all over each other
just to be seen at his table.

Besides, even if our companies don't merge
doesn't mean we can't make deals, right?

- That's a point.
- You bet it is.

I want your promise
you'll think about this.

Ha, ha, ha. You know, you're a snake-oil
salesman, Stratton, you know that?

Okay, I'll talk to Pam
and then I'll let you know.

Wonderful. Oh, by the way.
I don't know if Pam has a date or not...

...but if not, I would like to escort her
to the ball myself.

Okay, I'll let you know.

Good afternoon.

I'm showing a cocktail dress, silk taffeta,
and the blair jacket is touched with metallic.

Yes, it's from the couture saloon
of the store.

It's a two-piece suit with its own overcape
and it's wool gabardine.

Here you are, Mr. Ewing.
Something from the bar?

I'll take a bourbon and branch.
You all right, Sly?

Yes, thank you.

That meeting lasted longer
than I thought it was going to.

Oh, that's all right.
I appreciate your taking the time for me.

Oh, uh, as I was leaving the office,
Marilee Stone called back.

It seems she's pretty angry
at Cliff Barnes too.

- Well, good, is she gonna see me?
- Yes.

She said that she's tied up
today and tomorrow...

...but after that,
she'll be happy to get together.

Well, that's just fine.

I didn't think that reconciliation
was gonna last very long. Oh, thank you.

You're welcome. I'll be back
to take your order in a few minutes.

All right.

Well, Sly, what's on your mind?

J.R., remember a few weeks ago
I told you I was concerned about Cliff?

Yeah, I thought you were over all that.


I wish I was.

I'm scared stiff. I can't sleep at night.

I'm nervous all the time.

He hasn't caught on to anything, has he?

Uh, not that I know of.

It's just, uh--
I just can't handle all the deception.


All right, if it bothers you so much,
let's drop it for a while.

I haven't asked you
to get any information...

...out of Cliff Barnes for some time.

Well, I know that but it's not just you.
It's him too.

As long as I'm working for Ewing Oil
he wants me to keep informing on you.

Well, all right,
I can see you got a problem.


J.R., I really need a break.
I've got to take some time off.

- How long?
- A few months, at least.

I spoke to Kendal about it...

...and if it's okay with you,
she could take over my job.

It shouldn't be too hard
to find a new receptionist.

So Ewing Oil loses somebody else
because of Cliff Barnes, huh?

I'm not deserting you to work for him.
Don't think that.

Oh, I know.
You're too smart for that, honey.

All right.

All right, you take a couple of months 0”
with pay.

- Oh, you don't have to do that.
- I know it. I know it.

Well, let's just say it's a bonus
for hazardous duty.

You get your boyfriend and find a nice place
and have some fun here.

Uh, we're not together anymore.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.

One thing I've learned in the past year
is the value of a good relationship.

I almost lost my wife for good.
I'm not gonna let that happen again.

- Good afternoon, I'd like to show...
SLY: She's a lovely woman.

Mm, she sure is.

Well, here's to you, Sly.

Get some rest
and come back ready for work.

Thank you.

A steal at $795. Enjoy your lunch.

Ah, well, what are we gonna have?



I knew I'd find you here today.

- Hello, Donna.
- Are you all alone?

Yes, everybody's off somewhere.

- Even Clayton?
- Mm-hm.

He went into town
to look for office space.

He's thinking of moving his headquarters
up from Houston.

Well, that's terrific.

That should make things
a lot easier for him.

Uh, in one way maybe.

What do you mean?

Well, I'm beginning to wonder
if I didn't underestimate the problems...

...that Clayton might have have
married to me.

Did something happen, Miss Ellie?

Uh, he didn't come to bed last night.
I found him asleep on the porch, outside.

Uh, he apologized at breakfast and said
that he was tired from the trip...

...but I-- I don't think it was that.

I think he felt...

He felt uncomfortable
in what used to be Jock's bedroom.

Well, I can understand how difficult
that would be for him.

Oh, I'm sure it is.

But I-- I don't know what to do about it.

You know, Miss Ellie...

...when Ray and I were first married,
he had a lot of problems too.

Sam Culver was a prominent, uh.
wealthy, powerful man...

...and here was Ray thinking
that he really wasn't worth a whole lot.

But I don't see
how that has anything to do with Clayton.

He is as successful in his way
as Jock was.

No, I'm not talking about money.

I'm talking about shadows.

And Sam's shadow
wasn't any easier for Ray to shake off...

...than Jock's is gonna be for Clayton.

But he did it.

Donna, I appreciate your trying
to make me feel better...

...but I don't think
we're facing the same problem.

You see, Ray never had to live
in Sam's house.

He never had to find his way
into Sam's family...

...as I've asked Clayton to do.

Oh, there were memories I'm sure...

...but he wasn't confronted with them
day in and day out.

That's true.

Back then,
Ray didn't even know he was a Ewing.


But what I'm trying to say
is that I did everything that I could...

...but still Ray needed the time to adjust,
so will Clayton.

I understand that.

But I think
it's going to take more than time.

What are you doing this afternoon?


Not a thing that I can't change.

Would you go into town with me?

I'd like your advice about something.


Anyway, it was all of it,
the flowers, the car, the pole ponies.

Hi, Daddy.

- Hi, buddy.
- Play with me, Daddy!

I'll play with you soon as I finish
talking to Mommy, okay?

All right.

Okay, bye-bye.


Maybe they just were coincidences...

...but when the lawyers told me
the terms in the will changed...

...that everything in the estate
was to be kept as Mark left it.

Now, don't you find that strange?

All right, it's strange. But so what?

So, what if Mark is still alive?

Pam, you can't be serious.

The plane was never found.
Neither was Mark's body.

Wait a minute. Is that what this whole
salvage operation's about?

- Yes.
- Pam, you're starting to worry me.

I can't believe you're reacting like this.

Like what?
What's so unusual about my reaction?

I'm not sure that Mark is dead.
Now, how can I ignore that?

Look, I think I know how you feel.

It's something like the way Mama felt
when Daddy died.

But you remember, you were there.

She loved him so much that she just
couldn't accept the fact that he was gone.

You know that's ridiculous.
It's nothing like that at all.

Then tell me why you're putting yourself
through this kind of hell.

Because one way or the other,
I've got to know for sure.

How's it going?

Boy, you weren't kidding when you said
the Ewing family was in the news a lot.

Heh. I'm really amazed
you never heard of them.

Well, heh, I don't exactly travel
in the same circles.


Unfortunately, neither do I.

- If you need me, I'll be at the desk.
- Okay, thanks.

“Lucy Ewing marries Mitchell Cooper.“

Lucy Ewing Cooper.


Why the hell is she working
as a waitress?

I'm getting the impression
that I'm talking to myself.

- What?
- What on earth are you thinking about?

Oh, I'm sorry, honey.
It's just been along hard day and that's all.

ELLIE: Hi, I'm sorry we're late.
Traffic on the freeway.

That expressway, bumper to bumper.

BOBBY: So, what's new?
Mama, you look wonderful.

ELLIE: Thank you, Bobby.

Can I get you something from the bar?

- I'd like some white wine.
- I'll have Scotch and water.

- Eh, we're both fine.
- Thank you.

We", have you been catching up
on all the news?

Yes, and seeing people.

Which reminds me, Bobby.
do you know who I haven't seen?


I apologize, Mama.
I'll bring him out to the ranch this weekend.



There is one other thing
that we've been saving to tell you.

I think you'll like it.

I hope you will.

Bobby and I have decided
to set our wedding date.

Well, congratulations. When?

Oh, thank you, Clayton.
About a month from now.

Oh, Jenna, how wonderful.

But wait, wait.

What we thought was that, um, instead
of creating a lot of work for everyone...

...was that we would just go off
by ourselves...

...and find a justice of the peace.

Oh, don't consider it...

...unless of course
you don't really want a big wedding.

- No, I would love one, but I just--
- Then you've got it.


Miss Ellie, you just went through
a wedding of your own, and along trip.

I don't want to put you
through the trouble.

Jenna, if you and Bobby are getting married,
it's going to be at Southfork...

...with friends and relatives
and all the trimmings.

Just as you deserve.


Heel so silly. I'll be right back.

- Thank you.
WAITER: You're welcome.

Well, congratulations.

You know, years ago,
when you two first set a date...

...you were going to announce it
at the Oil Baron's Ball.

Wouldn't it be nice if you did it this year?

Well, Mama, I'm not sure
that that would be the right time.

For heaven's sake, why not?

Because of Pam. She'll probably be there.


We“, yeah, she's--
She's had 3 kn 01 traumas...

...and I wouldn't
wanna hither with this...

...not in front of her friends,
all the people she knows.

Well, that's
very considerate of you, Bobby.

But is that the only reason?

Why? What do you mean?

Is it possible that you're not over Pam?

Mama, I'm marrying Jenna.

Yes, of course you are.

J.R.: I was just telling Sue Ellen
that you've been here some time now.

- Have you been enjoying yourself?
- Yes, I have been.

Ha, ha. Good, good. As it should be.

And I also understand you started taking
tennis lessons today, is that right?

- She did and she did very well.
- Oh, that's nice.

Well, I guess this is a different kind of life
than the one you led up in Alaska.

Very different.

Ah, well, now that you've seen
how the other half lives...

...uh, what's your next move gonna be?

I actually don't have any plans.

And she doesn't need any either.

Well, darling.
I was just asking a question.

Jamie doesn't strike me as the kind of girl
likes to sit around the house painting nails.

I am usually busier
than I have been lately.

Well, I met a friend the other day
that might be able to get you going again.

And she's in no hurry
to get going again either.

Darling, at least let me tell her
what the man said. She might be interested.

Well, anyhow, this friend of mine
runs a small wildcat operation...

...over in East Texas and when I told him
how much you know about oil business...

...he said he might be able
to get you a job.

- Doing what?
- Working for him as an assistant.

J.R., stop it.
I know what you're trying to do.

I'm not trying to do anything.
Just help out a couple of friends, that's all.

I'm gonna tell you one more time.

Jamie is happy here
and we are happy that she is here.

And she's gonna stay.
Now, is that understood?



I can't believe
that salvage man called Bobby.

I mean, even if we were still married,
how dare he go behind my back like that?

Unfortunately, male chauvinism
is still alive and well in Texas.

I'll tell you what concerns me, Pam...

...and that's you're still involved
in this ridiculous pursuit.

It's not ridiculous
and I resent your saying that.

Crazy, that's what it is.

You're gonna spend a fortune
in time and money and for what?

- Well, that's my business.
CLIFF: But what's the point?

Mark's dead. Leave it alone.

That's what Bobby thinks
I should do too.

By golly.
we actually agree on something.

- Answer me this.
- More questions?

Cliff, maybe you shouldn't.

No, answer me this.

Suppose you're lucky enough
to locate that plane...

...and bring it up.
what do you think you'll find?

- Cliff, don't push her anymore.
- No, I wanna know.

What do you think is gonna be down there
except a lot of rusty metal?

The fish will have gotten
everything else down there, believe me.

Cliff, don't be horrible.

Excuse me for being so blunt,
but that is the truth.

There might be a nice! way of putting it.

CLIFF: There's no nice! way to say it,
Mandy. That's the reality of it.

Mark is not coming back,
that's all there is to it.

The sooner she realizes that,
the better 0” She's gonna be.

You know, Cliff, you may be my brother,
but you can really be hateful.

- I just wanna know--
PAMELA: I don't have to tell you anything.

- Pam--
- Listen, I'm gonna do what I have to do...

...and I don't want advice from you
or anybody else!

Eh, wait" Wait a minute.
Pam, come on, where are you going?

To call a taxi.
I can get myself home, thank you.


Cliff, why do you push her like that?

Because I'm very worried about her.

And I...
I just wanted to jolt her out of it.

Ellie, would you please tell me
where we are going?

I told you we are going to a party.

Some wonderful people have come in
from out of town.

Oh,1240, here it is.

What's going on here?

I told you, it's a party.

- Well, where are your wonderful people?
- Right here.

Ellie, what's this all about?

Well, I thought we could use a night away
from Southfork.

We just got back to Southfork.

Yes, but the house
seems so crowded and...

Well, I really wanted to spend
another night alone with you.

Ellie, there's nothing I would like better.

But why are we really here, hmm?


Well, Clayton, I...

I understand how uncomfortable you felt
last night.

I mean, we have a problem
and, I don't know how to solve it.

And that's why you brought me
to this hotel?

Well, it's a start.

Ellie, all I did was sleep outside one night.
I can't believe you're so upset about that.

- Well, that's not--
- Don't make such a big thing over it.

I'm not.

But it could become a big thing
if we don't deal with it.

All right.

All right, I admit last night
was a little uncomfortable.

But that's nothing to be concerned over.
I'll work it out.

Well, can't we at least talk about it?

There's nothing to talk about.

Listen, woman.
you brought me to this hotel...

...and you stocked it with champagne.

Now, let's pop this cork
and get the party going.


Oh, I love you, Clayton.

And I want our marriage to work.

I love you too.

You worry too much.

Everything's gonna work out just fine.


Want a drink?

Maybe I'll have a soft drink.

It's funny. I'd have sworn
Pam was still in love with Bobby.

After tonight though, I'm not so sure.


Because of Mark.

She's obsessed with him.

Yeah, she's obsessed, all right,
and not just with Mark.

I think she's in trouble.

- You mean emotionally?
- Yeah, emotionally.

And this whole salvage thing,
that kind of proves it.

It's probably just difficult for her
to accept the fact that Mark's dead.

But she will.

We'll see her through it.

I didn't realize
how much she needed Mark.

How much she needed somebody
to love her.


I'm really worried about her.

I know you are, but maybe
you're just blowing it out of proportion.

Pam looks like
a pretty strong woman to me.

You don't know her very well.

A couple of years ago,
she had an emotional breakdown.

- Pam?
- Yeah, Pam.

This whole thing with Mark
is really stretching her thin.

And then there's Bobby.

Oh, boy, as much as I hate the idea,
I think she's still in love with that guy.

And the state she's in right now...

Lord, I don't know how she'd react
if he married Jenna Wade.


RAOUL: Can I help you?
- Yeah, a delivery for the Southfork Ranch.

- Who signed for it?
- Uh, Miss Ellie Fallow.

ELLIE: That's for me, Raoul.
RAOUL: Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.

Thank you.

- Uh, for us.
- Hm?

It's a set of new bedroom furniture.

Donna helped me choose it yesterday
and I got them to deliver it today.

Bedroom furniture?

I thought it was time for a change.



Follow me and I'll show you
where to put everything.

Hey, Mama, what's going on?

New set of bedroom furniture
for Clayton and me.

Oh, really? Well, how about that?

I gotta hand it to you. Not here a week
and you're changing things around already.

For your information,
it was your mother's decision.

And since it's our bedroom and not yours,
it's really none of your business, is it?

Mm-hm. I suppose not.

J.R.: Uh, could you have that blue thing
moved out of the way...

...so I could get my car out of here?

Be my guest.

Hey, AI, weren't you talking
about expanding this year?

I was, yeah.
but then I got word from my landlord...

...that he was thinking
about raising my rent.

If that happens,
and business doesn't pick up any...

...I might not even be able to afford
the place the way it is.

I'd sure hate to see you close down.

Ha. You and me both.

Excuse me.

Wait till you see
what I'm gonna wear tonight.


Wake up.
I know it's early, you can do it.

We got a date tonight, right?

Oh, damn.

I completely forgot.
I can't make it tonight, Betty.

Oh, you're joking.

No. Things are going really slow down
at the construction site...

...and I'm gonna have to work
until midnight.

Well, if that doesn't beat all.

I was really looking forward
to that party tonight.

- I bought a new dress and everything.
- I'm really sorry, Betty, but what can I do?

Nothing, I guess.

Hey, just forget it.

Hi. How you doing?

Hey, don't tell me
you're waiting for the bus.

No, but I figured
you'd be pulling up soon.

Listen, I was thinking.
If you don't have anything on for tonight...

...maybe you and I could go
to the Dallas Palace 01 something.

That'd be terrific, but I can't tonight.
I'm sorry, I already have other plans.

That's too bad.

But I'd like to go some other time.
Would you ask me again?

Yeah, sure.


- I'll see you.
- See you.

Mr. Ewing, you're a little early.

Yes, yes, I am.

I'm looking for one of your models.

- Uh, I think I know her.
- What's her name?

You know.
I can't remember her name.

But she's very tall, has dark hair
and she worked here yesterday.

Well, then, she might not be here today.

The problem is, those models work
in a lot of restaurants in the area.

- Without her name--
- Yeah.

I'm sure I'm not late.

- Oh, no, no, I'm early. Good to see you.
- I'll show you to your table.

J.R.: Thank you.
JORDAN: Thanks.

- Your waitress will be right over.
- Okay.

Well, Jordan.
It's been along time, hasn't it?

Yes, it has. A lot of things have changed.

And not for the better
it you're talking about Cliff Barnes.

Friendly as you two are,
I'm not sure you're the best judge of that.

In any case, I am curious
why you wanted to get together.

I've been talking
to some other members of the cartel...

...about mending fences with Ewing Oil.

I think it's time
to let bygones be bygones.

And I-- I just wanted to know
how you felt about that.

I don't know any reason
we should be enemies.

Of course, I'm not gonna tum my back
on Cliff Barnes.

Well, I wouldn't if I were you.

- He just might stick a knife in it.
- That's not what I meant.

- I know, but that's what would happen.
- I don't have any reason to believe that.

Jordan, I'm really surprised at you.

You know Barnes as well as I do.
You can't trust him.

Now, you're a key member of the cartel.
You belong with us.

Like I said, I don't have any objections
to doing business with you.

But if you're going after Cliff Barnes,
you're gonna do it without me.

Now, like it or not, J.R..
Cliff's becoming a major force in Dallas.

You're gonna have to accept that.

Well, where's that waitress anyhow?
Honey, can we have a drink please?

- Hello.
- Hey, Clayton.

One of these days,
I'm gonna remember to buy a clip-on.

Tum around here, let's see.
Hold that for me.


- You the first one down, Clayton?
- Yes, but the others are almost ready.


Thank you.


How are we doing in there?

Fine, I think.

You look wonderful.

JENNA: Thank you.
SUE ELLEN: You both do.

Oh, well, thank you and so do you.

J.R.: Well, I'll say one thing. Mama sure
has collected herself a handsome family.

And speaking of family,
our newest member.



Doesn't she look beautiful, J.R.?

Oh, yeah, very pretty. Very pretty.

Well, the only one missing new is Mama.

I'm coming.

BOBBY: Oh, Mama, you look wonderful.

J.R.: You sure do.
You all look so beautiful.

Well, I guess we're ready.

- Here they come.

I went with Miss Ellie the other day
to pick out that new bedroom furniture.

- Yes, I know.
- Did you like it? What'd you think of it?

I think you have wonderful taste.

Ha, ha.

Better hurry up. We're all gonna be late.

J.R.: Late enough to miss seeing Cliff
get that award again, I hope.

RAY: Quit worrying, J.R., Cliff Barnes
is not gonna win the award again.

- You look so nice, Miss Ellie.
- Thank you, Ray.

- Let me take a look at my bride.
- Oh, do you like me?

Enough to spend the rest of my life
with you.


- You've got the invitations, haven't you?
- Ah, left them by the bar.

- Why don't you go on and I'll pick them up?
- All right.




ELLIE: Good evening.
JAMIE: This is amazing.

I've never seen anything like it in my life.

Well, they do tend to go all out
for the Oil Baron's Ball.

- I'll say.
- Why, there's Pam.

- Pam!

- Miss Ellie, Clayton.

PAMELA: You're back
from Greece. How was your trip?

Oh, it couldn't have been better.

Oh, I'm so glad.
I didn't get to see you before the wedding.

- Thank you.

Thank you, Pam.

- Are you all right?
- Well, I'm fine.

Good. Maybe we can talk later.

- Oh, I'd love that.
- I would too.


BOBBY: Hello, Pam.
- Bobby, Jenna.

- Hello.
- Well, you both look very nice.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

So do you.

- Thank you.
- Well, we'd better get to the table.

Well, hello, Pam.

Well, don't tell me
you two are here alone.

No, we're not.

Oh, good. I'm glad to hear that.

Uh, I was afraid that Cliff alienated
so many people in Dallas...

...that he couldn't rustle himself up
a date.

Ha, ha. You'd be surprised
how many friends I have.

As a matter of fact,
we're with Jeremy Wendell.

- Do you know Jeremy?
- Oh, sure, sure. Ladies.


- Say, hello, Jeremy. Good to see you.
- Ah, you're looking well, J.R.

Well, no better or worse
than the last time we met.

Say, we got to see each other again,

Good seeing you.


How you doing?

You know.
I almost feel sorry for him these days.

But I'd feel a lot sorrier...

...for anybody who'd be dumb enough
to get involved with him.


Well, here we go again.

We got Bobby and Jenna
on one side of the room.

Pam and that jerk Barnes on the other.

We're just liable to have a big brawl
like last year, huh?

Bite your tongue, Ray Krebbs.

Uh, J.R., we're hereto have a nice time.
Don't start with me about Cliff again.

After our little talk,
I had a meeting with Marilee...

...and she's had it with Cliff too.

Do you have any idea
how many oil companies he's raided...

...trying to lure away key personnel?

Don't tell me you've never done
that sort of thing.

Of course I have, but not to my friends.

He's stolen people
from Marilee and Andy and me.

Not that I consider myself
one of his friends.

We're all guilty of that.
Cliff's no worse than any of the rest of us.

- Just pan of doing business.
- You're a stubborn man.

- I'm not.
- You are too.

No, I am not.

I just can't see going against Cliff,
that's all.

- Cliff's never done anything against me.
- Well, time will tell.

Hmm. Look“ have.

DAVE: Ah...
- Thank you very much.

Thank you.

But I think we better get back to our table
before our dates start to wonder about us.

Ha, ha.
I'm gonna go to the powder room.

- Will you tell Cliff I'll meet him at the table?
- Sure will.

J.R.: Well, it's one of these opportunities
you just can't let slip by, that's all.

I'll talk to you
when you're in a better mood.

My mood was just fine
till you came along.

- Oh, Mr. Ewing.
- Huh?

Can I have just one last shot please?

- Oh, sure.
WOMAN: Right here, please.

Oh, that's nice.

- Thank you. Thank you.
- Mr. Ewing, right here. Right here.

- Oh, hi, darling.

I've been looking for you.
Where have you been?

Oh, didn't I tell you I was gonna go talk
to one of the cartel members?

Do you think you can spend
some time with me now?

- I was just on my way to find you.
- Everyone's waiting for us.

Oh, good. Good.

- Ellie.
- Punk.

Hi, we're about ready
to give out the scholarship awards.

- Is that all right with you?
- Anytime.

- Let's do it, then.
- Okay.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen...

...and welcome once again
to the annual Oil Baron's Ball.

Now, if you happy people will oblige me
and go take your seats...

...we're gonna get on
to one of the highlights of the evening.

I think most of you here know
that in the last couple of years...

...two of Dallas' most distinguished
families, the Ewings and the Barnes...

...have generously made
available scholarships...

...so that some of our more worthy students
could go to SMU.

Tonight, I want you to meet
this year's recipients...

...so that we can give out
these scholarships.

I want to start with the Ewing awards...

...in honor of my old
and very dear friend, Jock Ewing.


We have with us this evening
to present these scholarships...

...Jock's widow, Mrs. Ellie Ewing.

Ah, I beg your pardon, I'm sorry.

I-- I meant Ellie Fallow.

You see, Ellie just married
one of my good friends, Clayton Fallow.

As a matter of fact, Clayton was supposed
to be master of ceremonies tonight.

I'm only up here
because Clayton was afraid...

...that he wouldn't get back
from his honeymoon in time to do the job.

But they are back and I think
we ought to congratulate both of them...

...by giving them a big hand.

PUNK: Clayton, stand up.
Let the folks see you.

Okay, Ellie, come on up here
and let's get these awards presented.

Sorry about that slip-up, Ellie.

But I've known you a lot longer as a Ewing
than I have as a Fallow.

That's all right, Punk. I understand.

Thank you.

Well, some of you who know me are aware
that I'm not much for making speeches...

...so if nobody minds, I'll just go ahead
and read off the list of the winners.


LUCY: John Ross,
what are you doing up this late?

- It's not that late.
- Oh, yes, it is.

I've been trying
to get him upstairs for an hour.

That's all right, I'll take him.
Come on, John Ross.

- Good night, John Ross.
- Good night.

How come you didn't go
to the Oil Baron's Ball with everybody?

Because I didn't feel like it.

Don't you like getting all dressed up
and everything?

Sure I do, but I'm not part
of that kind of life anymore.

Things that are important to your mommy
and daddy aren't really important to me.

Oh. Well, what is important to you?


I'm not really sure.
That's what I need to find out.


Ah, here we go. Whoops.

- You having a good time?
- Yes.

- Ah!
- And you look like you are too.

Oh, I sure am. And when they give out
the Oil Man of the Year Award...

...I'm gonna feel even better because I think
I'm gonna win it for a second time.

- That'd be nice.
- That'd be phenomenal. Two years in a row.



Well, hello there, Cliff. Ha, ha, ha.

Oh, excuse me.
Hi, Sue Ellen, nice to see you.

Hi, Cliff.

- You're doing better for yourself nowadays.
- Yeah, I'm managing.


You may be fight. JR.

He may not be the same loser
he used to be.


Sure he is. Just better company.


PUNK: Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll kindly
take your seats again, we'd appreciate it.

Where's Pam, huh?
She's gonna miss the award.

- She's in the powder room. I'll get her.
- Sure.

This is the moment
you've been waiting for.

It's time once again
to present the Oil Man of the Year award.

If Barnes wins again, I'm not sticking around
to see it. Excuse me, please.

PUNK: This year, we're doing something
a little different...

...than we've done in the past.

We're not giving the award
for a single achievement...

...but for a body of work.

For a lifetime of service
and dedication to the oil industry.

Sabrina, if you'll hand me
the envelope, please.

PUNK: The Oil Man of the Year
is Jeremy Wendell.


Well, hello, Bill.

Good to see you, buddy.

- How are you doing?
- Good to see you, J.R.

It's Bobby, isn't it?

You haven't taken your eyes off him
all night.

It's so hard to believe
that he's marrying somebody else.

Tell me something.

Does Bobby have any idea
how you feel about him?

Oh, he must.

Have you ever told him?

Not in so many words.

Then how could he know?

And how do you know
he doesn't still love you?

Maybe he's marrying Jenna...

...because he doesn't know
you still care about him.

Pam, you owe it to yourselves to talk.

Well, he is coming
to see Christopher tomorrow.

Think it over.

They haven't announced
their wedding yet.

There could be a reason.

And I think the thing to do is...

Maybe you're right.

Maybe I should talk to him.

WENDELL: And get a good price
and that way, we'll all make out fine.

Thank you again
for giving me this award.

I must say it was totally unexpected.

Congratulations, Jeremy.

Say, Punk, can I have the podium
for a minute please, bud?

- Sure. Sure, J.R.
- Thanks.

Ladies and gentlemen,
may I have your attention, please?

This is the happiest night of my life
and I wanna share this with you.

Uh, along time ago, my brother Bobby
was going to announce his engagement...

...right here at the Oil Baron's Ball.

that announcement never occurred.

But tonight, tonight is a different story.

I am delighted to tell you all
that one month from today...

...my brother Bobby is going to marry
his childhood sweetheart.

The one girl that he has loved all his life.

Miss Jenna Wade.



Stand up!
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