08x13 - Deja Vu

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x13 - Deja Vu

Post by bunniefuu »

I want my daughter.

The only way you're going to see
each other again is if you do what I say.

We've got to find that girl.

It Bobby didn't many Jenna, that Barnes
woman's gonna be right back in this house.

I took him to a little island down there
called San Serrano.

Mr. Kane, the man you describe sounds as
though he could be the man I'm looking for.

I'm not going anywhere with you.
And neither is my daughter.

Our daughter is already on the way.

I'm gonna do everything
I can to keep them apart.

Maybe this is the one time a Ewing
and a Barnes ought to work together.


Mr. Fallow, what's going on?

Hey, Ray. What's going on?

- Where did J.R. and Bobby run off to?
- Beats me.

- They probably forgot the ring or something.
- As long as it's not something serious.

Well, I think we ought to
get started pretty soon now.

I don't understand it.
What was that phone call about?

Bobby didn't say.

Well, was there an accident?
Did, did it come from a hospital?

I really don't know, Miss Ellie.
J.R. and Bobby just ran out.

Any news?

Not yet.

Ray and Clayton are outside
trying to keep everybody calm.

I guess there's no point
trying Jenna's again.

Lord, I hope nothing's happened to her.


- Hello?
- Darling, it's me.

- I'm at Jenna's condo.
SUE ELLEN [ON PHONE]: What happened?

- Is she all right?
- She's gone.

What do you mean she's gone?
Where is she?

I don't know.
We're gonna try and find out.

Oh, good lord, J.R., there are a couple
of hundred people here.

What are we supposed to tell them?

- You better tell them to go home.
- What?

J.R. [ON PHONE]: Well, there's nothing else you can do.

I'll get back to you
as soon as we know more.

What did he say?

He said to send the guests home.
The wedding is off.

Hey, Bobby, listen, don't worry about
a thing. We'll find her, I guarantee you.

Her car's still here.
That means she left with him.

- Who?
- Who do you think?

Her note said
she fell in love with somebody else.

- I don't know who she was talking about.
- Renaldo Marchetta.

Is that little weasel still in town?

He's been here a couple of weeks.

I know where he's staying
and I'm gonna go talk to him.

All right, all right. Let's go.




- Have you heard anything?
- Yes, J.R. just phoned.

He said the wedding was off.

- Off?
- For what reason?

Well, he didn't give any details.
He, he said he would phone back later.

- Well, is Jenna hurt or anything?
- Not that I know of.

Well, this is awful.

Would you like me
to tell the guests, Miss Ellie?

It might make it a little easier on you.

Oh, thank you, Ray.

What's the story, Ray?

I'm gonna let everybody know right now.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Ladies and gentlemen,
can I have your attention, please?

CLAYTON: Ladies and gentlemen,
could we have your attention, please?

I, uh, I don't know any way
to say what I have to say...

...except to just come out with it.

We don't have all the facts yet, but there
seems to be some kind of problem.

And I'm afraid the wedding's
going to have to be postponed.


WOMAN: What happened?

- Well, what time's it gonna get started?
- Well, it won't get started today.

Are you saying the wedding is off?

- I'm afraid it is.
WOMAN: Well, what happened?

- Is Jenna all right?
- I've told you all everything we know.

I'm real sorry you all had
to come out here for nothing.

It's as much 01a surprise to us
as it is to all of you.

Doesn't look like the old house,
but I guess she's happy here.


Land sakes alive,
you came down after all.

CLIFF: Yeah, I told you
I was coming when I called.

You can't blame me
if I didn't believe you.

It's been so long.

I know, it's my fault.
It's good to see you.

It's good to see you too.

- And this must be Mandy.
- Yes.

- Ah, so happy to meet you.
- And I'm glad to meet you too.

Cliff's told me all about
how you practically raised him and Pam.

Well, I did my best.

As far as I'm concerned,
your best was pretty good.

Well, I do keep in touch with Pam
and she tells me...

...what an important man he's become.

That's right.

Your nephew is one
of the most powerful men...

...in the independent oil industry.

That's wonderful.

Just as long as it doesn't go
to his head, that's all.

Ah, speaking of nephews,
I got pictures of my nephew, Christopher.

Oh, I was hoping you'd bring some.

Why--? Listen, why don't we go out back
and look at them?

We'll have a little lemonade
for ourselves...

...and then you could tell me
what's on your mind.

What do you mean?

MAGGIE: If I know my brother's son,
he didn't drive three hours to Marshall...

...on a Saturday just to show me
baby pictures.

I told you, she's sharp.

- What room is Renaldo Marchetta in?
DESKMAN: Pardon?

Rename Matchena. What mom is he in?

He was in 456,
but Mr. Marchetta checked out.

- Yeah? When?
- Sometime yesterday afternoon.

- Was anybody with him?
- No, he was alone.

I don't think I should be
giving out information about our guests.

- Look, my name is Bobby Ewing and--
- Mr. Ewing, sorry, I didn't recognize you.

It'd be worth a lot to us
to know where Marchetta was headed.

Ah, yes, sir. Um...

Let's see.

I'm sorry, Mr. Ewing. He didn't leave
a forwarding address or anything.


Um, Felix.
could you come over here, please?

When you took
Mr. Marchetta's bags out yesterday...

...did he mention where he's going?

- Not to me.
BOBBY: Are you sure?

Maybe he gave the address
to the cab driver.

He didn't take a cab.
He had a car, a rental.

I know because I parked it for him
a couple of times.

All right.
What rental company was he using?

Sony, sir, I never noticed.

If you remember or you see him,
you call me right away.

- J.R. Ewing, Ewing Oil.
- You bet you.

Come on, Bob.

If we're gonna find them,
we'd better start hustling.

- I'm gonna get our secretaries to help us.
- It's Saturday.

They're on the payroll.
We're gonna need all the help we can get.

If we don't get a move on,
that foreigner's just liable to skip town.



I don't know why you couldn't have called
from your room.

Because there is no phone in the room.
That is why I chose this motel.

Yes. Yes, put her on.

Jenna, don't be long.
and be very careful what you say, huh?

- Charlie? Is that you?

Charlie, are you all right?

JENNA [ON PHONE]: Where are you?
- I'm okay.

But I don't know where I am.
In a house somewhere with Veronica.

- Who's Veronica?
- The lady Daddy left me with.

Mama, I don't understand
what's going on.

Veronica told me
that you didn't many Bobby.

That's right, I didn't.

But why? I thought you loved him.

I do, honey, but--
Well, there are reasons.

What reasons? What's going on?

A lot of things. Charlie.

I can't talk about them right now.

I'll explain everything
to you when I see you.

When's that gonna be?

Hello, sweetheart.

Yes, your mother and I are together,
and everything is fine.

NALDO [ON PHONE]: Just stay with Veronica and...

...and do exactly
what she tells you, all right?

Tell her. Tell her.

That's right, honey.

Do as Veronica says. I'll see you soon.

I miss you, Mama.

I miss you too.
I'll try to call you again.

I have to hang up now, honey.

- Goodbye-
- Good bye, baby.

No more calls. Come.

What is going on, Naldo?
What do you want?

Well, you know what I want.
I want you and I want my daughter.

Only way you are going to see each other
again, is if you do exactly what I say.

How can you want a woman
who hates you?

Oh, that will change.

Yes, when all of this is over...

...I am sure that your feelings
will be completely different.

- Nald0, I wanna see my daughter.
- Oh, you will, you will.

We have a few more things
to take care of, and then...

...and then we will all be together again.

Jason Ewing.

I can't tell you how long
it's been since I heard that name.

What on earth made you think of it?

Well, he died not too long ago
and his daughter came to Dallas.

She's got some document
that Digger had something to do with.

- What kind of document?
CLIFF: I don't know what it was.

Eh, apparently.
It was, uh, a handwritten contract...

...between Jock Ewing,
Jason and Digger.

Well, they sure did a lot
of work together at one time.

Yeah. Well, I sure would like to get
my hands on a copy of that.

You know, I figure if Jason Ewing had
a copy, why, maybe Digger had one too.

Ha, provided he didn't lose it.

My brother was the most careless man
I ever knew with legal stuff.

Cliff tells me you used to keep a lot
of his daddy's things in your attic.

Oh, that was in the old house. I did have
a couple of cartons' worth at one time.

Oh, my.
don't tell me you threw those out.

Oh, no. I turned over what was left
to a lawyer in Dallas.

Man named of Wicker.

Why did you do that?

Honey, it was after Digger died...

...and I didn't know
how important these papers were...

...so I just sent them
to him for safekeeping.

Aunt Maggie, you wouldn't mind
if I contacted him, would you?

I really would like to look
at those papers.

Of course I wouldn't mind.
I'll give you the address.

- Thank you.
MAGGIE: Oh, Jason, Jock and Digger.

Those three were the best of friends
at one time.

It was striking all that oil
that broke them apart.

Just something about the hunger for money
that brings out the worst in folks.

Isn't that the truth?

No, I've got more people working on this
so you don't feel alone.

J.R., Captain Fogany's on line one.

Ah, hello, Fogany. J.R. here.

Uh-huh. Oh, damn.

Well, thanks for trying anyhow.
I appreciate it.

That was my contact on the police force.
The department can't move yet.

I'd have been surprised it they could.
There's no proof a crime's been committed.

Forget about that.
You say you have your men at the airport.

Yes, I've got men out there.

We're passing out pictures
of Miss Wade and her daughter.

I don't think
it's gonna get the job done though.

What are you waiting for?
Put some more men on it.

Mr. Ewing, my agency's big,
but we're not that big.

You're talking about thousands.

Do you have any idea how many flights
leave that airport? That's just DFW.

There's also Love Field, private airstrips.

Not to mention all the highways.

I didn't hire you to make excuses.

We're not making excuses, but it'd take
an army of detectives to cover all the exits.

All right, we're wasting time.
Just get on it.

As long as you're aware
of what we're up against.

I'm not interested
in what you're up against.

- I'm interested in finding three people.

This is dumb. Let's just forget it.

Forget it.



don't pay any attention to him.

You spread your men around.
Let's find these people, okay?

- We'll do our best.
- Good, good.

Hello, this is Ewing Oil.

Could you please check your records
for the past couple of weeks?

Under the name Marchetta? Thank you.

Bobby, what's the matter with you?

Don't give up. We're gonna find Jenna.

What's the point? If she wanted me,
she wouldn't have done this.

For all we know,
she could've been kidnapped.

Come on, J.R., she wasn't kidnapped.

She ran out on me
just like she did 14 years ago.

MANDY: I am.
CLIFF: Golly.


I don't know how we're gonna finish
these preserves your aunt gave us.

If they're as good as they were,
they'll be gone in no time.

Am I dying to talk to that lawyer.

I wanna take a look
at those papers he's got.

You can't talk to him now.
It's Saturday night.

I know I can't talk to him now.
I'll call him on Monday.


I got it. I got it.


No, Jordan. I didn't hear what happened.

I've been gone all day.

What did you say?

Right. Thanks for calling.

What happened?

Jenna didn't show up.
The wedding didn't take place.

Are you serious?


I wonder if Pam knows.

Ah, she'll know soon enough. Damn.

- I'm gonna call her.
- You're not gonna call her.

Nothing to be happy about.

- Maybe not for you.
- Not for Pam either.

You don't understand
the whole history of the thing.

The Ewings hate Pam.
J.R. almost destroyed her.

Oh, come on, Cliff.
Aren't you exaggerating a little bit?

I am not exaggerating.

From the very moment
Pam and Bobby got married...

...J.R. did everything he could
to try to split them up.

And it there was an inkling that
they were gonna get back together...

...he'd attack her
with everything he's got.

- And what about you?
- What about me?

You make it sound like it's all one-sided.

You don'! wan! them mamed
any more “an JR. does.

Okay, you're right. That's true.

And in some respects, my reasons
are exactly the same as J.R.'s...

...and that's because the Barnes
and the Ewings just don't mix.

I'll tell you something.

More important than that,
I happen to love my sister very much...

...and I'm afraid
of what might happen to her...

...if she ever did get back with Bobby.

Didn't J.R. say anything
when he called from the office?

Only that he'd explain everything to us
when he got home.

Must be a hell 01a shock for Bobby.

Here they are.

ELLIE: No word yet?
- Nothing.

RAY: What happened, J.R.?
- Naldo Marchetta is what happened.

Name Mar ch aha?

Yeah, he called before the ceremony.

Told Bobby
that Jenna wasn't gonna show up.

That's why we raced out of here
the way we did.

Who's this Marchetta?

He's that Italian
that Jenna ran off with...

...first time she and Bobby
were gonna get married.

I don't know, he just seemed
to come here to get her back.

He just" He just took off.

That's incredible.

What's worse is Bobby wants to give up.

I've had my secretaries
on the phone all afternoon...

...calling everybody we could think of.

I've got the biggest detective agency
in Dallas out looking for them.

Then Bobby says
he wants to forget about the whole thing.

Well, I can understand his feelings.
He must be terribly hurt.

I can understand his feelings too, Mama.
but we've got to find that girl.

It Bobby doesn't many Jenna, that Barnes
woman is gonna be right back in this house.

Oh, so that's why you're so upset.

All this time, I thought
you might be concerned for your brother.

I'm concerned about my brother.

But I won't have Pam
back in this family again.

I don't know
what you're worried about Pam for.

Bobby's in love with Jenna.
He was gonna marry her.

Yeah? Well, he thinks she dumped him
and he's gonna be real vulnerable.

Haven't you seen the newspaper?
Pam is looking for Mark Graison.

Why in the world would
she wanna get back in this family?

No, I haven't seen this,
but I'll tell you one thing.

I don't care how many ghosts
that woman is chasing.

She'd give her eyeteeth
to be married to Bobby again.

JENNA: Naldo, I really don't understand.
What's this all about?

I told you.

I mean, what do you intend to do with me?
Today, tomorrow?

What's your plan?

As I said, there are a few small things
to take care of...

...and then you, Charlotte
and I will be together.

Please be patient.

Jenna, I am sorry
for putting you through this.

And I know it must be difficult for you
to believe that, but it is true.

It is also true that I care for you.

If you really cared for me,
you won't be doing what you're doing.

I wish there were a better way.
Unfortunately, there is not.



Jenna, I care very much for you.

And-- And I believe that,
that you once cared for me.

You stay away from me.

- You are so beautiful.
- Don't touch me!


When we were married, I touched you.

- We were intimate once, why not again?
- Naldo.

I'll do what I have to to get my daughter
back, but don't you come near me.

Jenna, how can it be so unpleasant?

I'm warning you.

All right, all right.

- All right, I won't. I won't push you.
- Don't.

Because if you lay one finger on me,
I swear I'll k*ll you.


Good morning, Ewing Oil.
Yes, just a moment.

If he does, I'd appreciate
your getting back to me.

Kendall, the manager
of Park Auto Rentals is on line three.


- Is J.R. still in his office?
- Yes, I think so.


- Thank you very much.
- Good morning, Ewing Oil.

- I'll get back to you.
- Yes, would you hold on?

That's right, three people.
The woman and the girl are American.

The man has an Italian accent.

Yeah, well, listen.
I'd appreciate anything you could do.


- Yeah, come in.
- Can I see you a minute?

Get back to me
as soon as you can, will you? Yeah.

- What do you get?
- A call came into my office.

We located the agency where Marchetta
rented the car. It's over on Pearl Street.

- The car?
- No, the agency.

he hasn't returned the car yet.

- They could still be in Dallas.
- That's possible.

It's also possible he drove
the car out of town...

...or even abandoned it somewhere.

- You just have to keep looking.
- That's all we can do.

I'm sorry, but it's like I told you,
we're looking for needles in a haystack.


- Pardon me.
- I'm out of here anyway.

- I'll be back in a couple of hours.
- All right.


J.H., there's a call for you on line four.

He wouldn't give his name,
but he said it was about Jenna Wade.

J.R. Ewing here.


What do you want?

Where do you want me to meet you?

All right, I'll be there.

- Good morning.
JACKIE: Good morning, Pam.

- How are you?
- A little swamped.

The phone hasn't stopped ringing
since I came in this morning.

About the ad for Mark?

I think every nut in Texas has called.

I've been trying to weed out
the really crazy ones for you...

...but it isn't easy.

I didn't wanna take a chance
on losing the one that could be real.

Oh, I guess I'll just have to see
as many of them as possible.

Here's a list of appointments.
It covers most of the afternoon.

You've also gotten a few calls
about Bobby's wedding.

You heard what happened, didn't you?

Yes. Jenna walked out on him again.

Amazing, isn't it?


Excuse me.



Your making money hasn't improved
your spending habits.

Where did you find this dive?

I didn't wanna pick anywhere
we'd be noticed.

Well, you got the right place.

WAITRESS: Help you?
- Yeah, along neck, please.

- All right, what's this meeting all about?
- Your brother, my sister.

I was really disappointed
when Bobby's wedding didn't take place.

- Not as disappointed as I was.
- Well, I figured that.

You know, I don't think either one of us
wants to mix up our families again.

I'm surprised to hear
you're worried about that.

I saw the ad for Mark Graison
that Pam put in the paper.

Yeah, she's looking for him all right.

She's checking a list
of quack clinics all around the world...

...thinking he might be alive trying, to take
a last-chance cure in one of those places.

Well, what worries me
is with her emotional state right now...

...and the way Bobby must be feeling,
that they're just liable...

...to fall into each other's arms again.

I considered that myself.
You got some sort of plan in mind?

Nope. Nope, not exactly.

I just know I'm gonna do
everything I can to keep them apart...

...and I was hoping
that you'd do the same.

Well, maybe this is one time a Ewing
and a Barnes ought to work together.


Hey, any of them bottles still full?

Yeah, there might be one or two
in there.

Tell me to leave anytime you feel like it.


I just can't understand it, Ray.

After everything that Jenna and I
have been through together.

The last couple of months,
he! telling me how much she loved me...

...how she wanted to be my wife.

She did wanna be your wife.

Well, she had a pretty funny way
of proving it.

I just don't understand why she couldn't
make that final commitment.

Now, either she thinks
I'm still not over Pam or...

Or Marchetta's got some kind
of hold on her that I just don't understand.

I don't know what it is.

I wish I had the answer, but I don't.
I can tell you one thing, though.

Jenna loves you.

Maybe. Maybe so.

But according to that note,
she loves Naldo more.

Come on, you can't believe that.

Well, what am I supposed to believe?

She left me for that guy,
not once, but twice.

You know, the first time you two
were going together, I hardly knew Jenna.

But in the past months, Donna and I
have spent an awful lot of time with her.

And if there's one thing that I know...

...it's that Jenna loves you
with all other heart.

The day you two announced your marriage
was the happiest day of her life.

Then why couldn't she go through
with it?

I don't know.

But I tell you, I wouldn't give up
on her yet if I were you.


Well, I'm open for suggestions.

- What should I do?
- You keep looking for her.

I just can't get over the feeling that there's
something more to this than we're seeing.

You think she was kidnapped too?

I think you have to
consider the possibility.



JACKIE [ON PHONE]: Pam, your last appointment is here.

Show him in.

- This is Gerald Kane. Pamela Ewing.
- Thank you, Jackie.

Well, how much do you want?

Beg your pardon?

Everyone who's come in today has wanted
a small fortune for their information.

Not a bit of it's been worth anything.
How much are you asking?

I didn't come here for the money, lady.

I just saw your ad in the paper and thought
I recognized the guy you were looking for.

I don't need to be insulted.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute, I'm really sorry.

I didn't mean to be rude.

It's been a very difficult day
and I've heard a lot of strange stories.

Well, I don't know anything about that.

But that picture in the paper sure looks like
a guy I gave a ride to a few months ago.

What kind of ride?

I run a little charter outfit
out of Corpus Christi.

I'm only up here for a couple of days.

About three months ago,
this guy showed up.

Six-two, three. Good-looking guy.

He had a mustache
just like in the picture there.

What was his name?

I've been trying to remember.
Um, Clayton, Graden, something like that.

He wanted me to take him down
to the Caribbean.

Paid me real good too. Cash money.

Did he tell you
why he wanted to go there?

Yeah, he did, actually, um...

He said he wanted to go down there
and try out some kind of private clinic.

- A private clinic?
- Yeah, that's right.

I told him we got the best hospitals
in the world right here...

...in the good old U.S. of A.

What did he want to go down therefor?

But he said, well, they practice
a different kind of medicine there...

...and he wanted to try it out.

It wasn't my place to argue with him.

Mr. Kane, man you're describing sounds as
though he could be the man I'm looking for.

Well, good.

Where exactly did you take him?

I took him to a little island down there
called San Serrano.

San Serrano.


Well, isn't that wonderful?

Now, I really would like to pay you.

No. No, there's no need for that.

But if you decide to go down there
and check it out for yourself...

...I'd be much obliged
if you'd hire me to do it.

- Well, of course I would.
- Well, thank you.

Here's my number in Dallas
where I'll be staying tonight...

...in case you need to get a hold of me.

All right.

Mr. Kane,
I want to thank you very, very much.

- Well, I haven't done much for you yet.
- Oh, but you have.

You really have.

- Goodbye.
- Bye.

- Thank you again.
- My pleasure.

Don't tell me you found Mark.

I think we're getting very close.

- Jackie, give me that list of the clinics.
- Sure.

There are some clinics listed
in the Caribbean.

- Do you want me to call them?
- No.

No, get in touch
with the investigator, Mr. Phipps.

Find out
if he has any information on them.

This is turning out
to be quite a week for you, isn't it?

First Bobby, now Mark.

Yes, quite a week.

Mr. Wicker, I feel badly
about having you come over here like this.

I'd have been happy
to come to your office.

I don't mind. I don't live too far away.

Besides, the fact of it is
I don't have an office anymore.

- I, I stopped practicing law a few years ago.
- I see.

Actually. I do some work here and there,
but for the most part, I'm retired.

Margaret Monahan
was one of my last clients.

I believe you said she...
She was your aunt?

Yes. Uh, she told me that she turned over
a lot of her brother's papers to you.

I have them all locked up in a vault.

Well, now, her brother was my daddy,
and I'd like to take a look at the papers.

Well, I suppose
you're entitled to do that.

It'll take me a few days
to get them together.

I hate to push you, but I would
like to see them as soon as possible.

I understand.

A busy man such as yourself
can't afford to waste time.

Well, if that's all then, uh, I'll be going.

- I do appreciate you coming by.
- Don't even mention it.

I'm happy to be of service
to a prominent man such as yourself.

Your daddy must have been
one real gentleman to have a son like you.

He was. I thank you for saying that.

- I'll look into those papers right away.
- Appreciate it.

- Goodbye, Mr. Barnes.
- Okay.



Who is it?

- Jamie, it's Sue Ellen. May I come in?
- Oh, sure.


Here, let me help you with that.

You didn't come down for dinner.
I thought you might be a little hungry.

Ah, thanks. That's real nice.
I was exhausted.

I just wanted to take a shower
and stay in my room.

You got home so late tonight.

I know.
The office was a madhouse all day.

Phones ringing off the hook...

...private detectives running
in and out all day.

Oh. Well, I think
everyone is very worried about Jenna.

I know, even J.R.
It's funny, I was impressed.

I, I never thought that he'd be
that concerned about Bobby and Jenna.

He's concerned, all right.

You know, maybe J.R. cares more
about his family...

...than what I'm giving him credit for.

J.R. cares very much about his family,
but there's another side.

I, I guess you know that Bobby
was married to Pamela Barnes.

Of course.

JR. was vew happy
when “my Sp'“ up. and...

I guess he's always afraid
they're gonna get back together again.

I see.

And with Jenna out of the picture,
he feels that that might happen again.

That's right.


Tell me, I'm curious about something.

Is it just because Pam is a Barnes or does
he have something against he! personally?

Well, it's a little bit of each, I guess.
Both have very strong personalities.

But mostly it's because she's a Barnes.

And that document I have
has Digger Barnes' name on it.


You're not considering changing your mind
about using the document?

Oh, no, no, of course not.

I just realized that J.R.'s not only afraid
that that document will split up Ewing Oil...

...but he's also scared that one-third of it
might fall into the hands of a Barnes.

Yes, he certainly is.

Yes, this is perfect.
Thank you very much.

- For you.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

Well, things are progressing very nicely.

We have a few more things to do,
and by tonight, we should be on the plane.

- Plane? What plane?
- What plane? The plane to Italy.

- I'm not going to Italy with you.
- Oh, yes.

My parents are expecting us.
My family has accepted me back.

I am their oldest son
and I will be running their business.

- This has nothing to do with me, Naldo.
- Yes, it does.

There's a great deal
of money involved and prestige.

And my family wants to make sure
that I have changed my life.

What better way to prove it to them than
to return with my wife and my daughter?

I am not your wife. We're divorced.

Oh, we are divorced here in America...

...but that has nothing to do
with the laws of Italy.

Naldo, this is insane.

I'm not going anywhere with you
and neither is my daughter.

Our daughter is already on the way.

What are you talking about?

- She doesn't have a passport.
- Oh, yes. She has an Italian passport.

What is this?

Pictures of Charlotte leaving the country.
She will be expecting us in Home.

- This is a private plane.
- Yes.

It took her to another airport
outside of the state...

...where she boarded
an international flight.

If I know the Ewings, they will have had
a man in every airport in Texas.

- This is kidnapping.
- No, no.

I have a right to take my own daughter
to see her grandparents.

All right.

Suppose I do go back with you...

Don't you realize
as soon as I have Charlie again...

...I'm gonna come
right back hereto Bobby?

But first you have to get her back.

And to get her back,
you have to do exactly what I say.

Make any sense to you?


Jenna running out on Bobby like that.


No. Then, I'm not Jenna.

It just goes to show you never know
what's going on in somebody else's mind.

It's just not logical.

Honey, you're beating your head
up against the wall for nothing.


It just gets to me
that there's nothing I can do to help Bob.

I know, but, uh, that's the price you pay
for being so big-hearted.

Really, Bobby's just gonna have
to work this out by himself.

I guess you're right.

- There is something that you can do.
- What?

Well, you can help me
go through these papers of Sam's.

See if I can find a copy of that document
that, uh, Jamie was talking about.

If you find a copy of that document,
that means that what Jamie has is real.

That's right.

But J.R. asked me to look for it,
so I guess he figures he's better off...

...knowing one way or the other,
and that way, he can fight it.

Wouldn't that be something...

...it it turned out that the boys
only controlled one-third of Ewing Oil?

How would you feel about that?

I don't know.
Maybe we'd all be better off.

Do you really mean that?

I mean, you are one of Jock's sons.
You have 10 percent of the company.

I know that.

I just keep thinking about all the problems
that company has caused.

For Bobby and Pam, Sue Ellen.

Look at the heartbreak
it's caused Miss Ellie.

I don't care. I think something like that
would be absolutely awful.

Oh, in a business sense.
It might be great for the family though.

Without Ewing Oil to fight about,
we could have some peace around here.

Hell, we all got more money
than we could ever spend anyhow.

Bobby and J.R. could go off and buy
their own companies it they wanted to.

It might not be so bad
if that document did split up Ewing Oil.

It might not be so bad for Bobby,
but for J.R., it would be devastating.

You're worried about J.R.?

Of course I'm not worried about J.R.

But can you imagine, Ray.
what that man might do...

...if he thought he was losing Ewing Oil?

Pam, hi.

Cliff, it's Pam.

MANDY: What are you doing here so early?
- Well, I came to say goodbye.

I'm going out of town
and I won't be going into the office.

You're leaving the city?
Where are you going?

To a small island in the Caribbean.
San Serrano.

- Are you taking a vacation?
- No.

A man came to the office yesterday.

He was answering one of the ads
in the paper about Mark.

He owns a small air charter company,
and a couple of months ago...

...he took a man fitting Mark's description
down to the island.


And you'll never guess
where he was taking him.

To one of the private clinics
on Jerry Kenderson's list.

- Wait a minute. Are you sure?
- Well, I'm as sure as I can be.


It's hard to believe that this theory of yours
might be right, but, uh, who knows?

Pam, it's really wonderful.

I guess you've gotta go.

You mean, you're not going to try
and talk me out of it?

How can I now?

This guy seems to confirm
everything you've always thought.

So I guess you've gotta go check it out.

Well, that's what I thought.
And that's what I'm going to do.


Have a safe trip.

- Uh...
- Well, uh, thanks. Ah...

All right, well.
I guess I'll see you in a couple of days.

- Okay, good luck.
- Okay.

- Bye, Pam.
- Bye.

I thought you were so much
against her looking for Mark.

I am. But right now, with Bobby free,
the best place for Pam is away from Dallas.

So if she wants to go
on a wild goose chase, why...

...I'm not gonna stop her.

No, no.
Just keep the shop open as usual.

Let me know if you hear from her.

Thank you, Jeanine.

I talked to the salesgirl at Jenna's boutique.

She hasn't heard from her either.

Well, Charlie's school has.

- They have?
- Yeah, I just talked to Adams.

Charlie's mother called the school
and said she would not be coming back.

Is he sure that she made the call?

They had no reason to believe otherwise.

PHYLLIS: Ewing Oil.
- I've got a meeting.

See you later this afternoon.

Who's calling, please? Just a minute.

Bobby, there's a call for you
on your private line.

I think you wanna take
this one in your office.

This is Bobby Ewing.

NALDO [ON PHONE]: Hello, Bobby. Nelda Marchetta.

Naldo, where's Jenna?
What have you done with her?

Ah, she is with me and she's fine.

In fact, it you want to see her, meet us
at the come! of Sylvan Oaks and Baxter...

...at 3:00 this afternoon.

I don't know what's going on, but if this
is some kind of game, I'm warning you.

No. no. this is nut a game.

I am calling to give you instructions.

Now, if you decide to come, come alone,
and exactly on time.

Sylvan Oaks and Baxter, 3 p.m.

Jenna will be there. Goodbye.

So she bought the story, huh?

Yes, sir, she did.

I'm flying her down to the Caribbean
to check out the clinic.

Oh, that's just fine. Just fine.

Say, why don't you keep her
down therefor a while?

Hop around to a couple of islands.

I'm sure they're loaded
with phony hospitals.

Mr. Ewing, um, I know
I owe you a lot of favors...

...but, uh, she seems like a real nice girl
and I don't feel too good about this.

Well, you should.
You're doing the right thing, Gerald.

Oh, that little lady's been through
some rough times recently.

You see, she was supposed to many
the man she was looking for...

...and the hope that he still might be alive
is the only thing that's keeping her going.

Believe me, you'll be helping her.

I surely hope so.

It seems like a roundabout way
to help somebody though, don't it?

Yeah. Sometimes the roundabout way
is the best way.

Say, incidentally, I put a little bonus
in here for you for a job well done.

Thank you, sir.

Think nothing of it. And be sure to call me
when she's ready to come back, will you?

And don't worry, Pamela needs this
to keep her mind occupied.

Well, thank you very much, Mr. Smith.
I know it was such a short notice.

MR. SMITH: Oh, don't even mention it.
We're used to short notice.

MRS. SMITH: Folks don't usually come
to a justice of the peace...

...unless they're in a hurry
to get married.


NALDO: Well... Well, goodbye.
- Goodbye.

I know you two will have
a wonderful life together.

MRS. SMITH: Goodbye, Mrs. Marchetta.
NALDO: Thank you.


Remember Charlotte.

If you want to see her again,
be very careful what you say.

Hello, Bobby. What a shame
you're too late for the wedding.

Jenna, is it true?
Did you really marry him?

Yes, we got the license this morning.

I'm not talking to you.
I wanna hear it from her.

Jenna, did you?


I married him.
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