08x18 - Legacy of Hate

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x18 - Legacy of Hate

Post by bunniefuu »

This thing with Mark disgusts me
more than anything you've ever done.

- Pam, there's a misunderstanding.
- Shut up!

Just sit there and listen!

Cliff's right, Jamie. You should stick
with him, but I'm getting out.

If you think that your gloomy tales
about the trouble at Ewing Oil...

...is gonna tum me on, you're a fool.

I'm joining Cliff and Jamie Ewing
in the fight for control of Ewing Oil.


Bobby, are you out of your mind?


PHYLLIS: We'll have that information
for you first thing in the morning.

Bye, Mr. Johnson.

- Pam.
- Is J.R. in his office?

- Uh, yes he is, but--
- No, Kendall.


You filthy snake.

- I take it this is not a social visit.
- Why? Just tell me why.

I was out of your life,
out of your family's life...

me” your precious Southfork.

Why pull such a ghoulish trick on me?
Do you really need to hurt me that much?

What are you talking about?
You're babbling like a lunatic.

You know what I'm talking about.
The trip to San Serrano, the trip to Jamaica.

The trip you manipulated me into taking
so I'd look for Mark Graison.

- What?
- You know how much he means to me.

What sick pleasure did you get...

...out of sending me island-hopping
around the Caribbean with Gerald Kane?

- Who? Who are you talking about?
- You know who, damn it!

The pilot that you hired
to lead me on that wild goose chase!

Now, slow down. Some nut's been telling
you stories about me and you believed him.

He's not a nut and I believe him.

I never liked you a hell of lot,
you know that, Pam.

- I never thought you were stupid until now.
- Stupid?


Maybe because in the past
when I've threatened you...

...I haven't followed through.

Em (his “me R's difievem, JR...

...because this thing with Mark disgusts me
more than anything you've ever done.

- Pam, there's been a misunderstanding.
- Shut up! Just sit there and listen!

Cliff and your cousin Jamie
wanna split up Ewing Oil.

And they asked me to join their fight,
but I said I wouldn't because of Bobby.

Well, that won't stop me anymore.
You have no heart.

You have no feelings.
You can't be hurt like other people.

But you have one soft spot,
one weakness and that's Ewing Oil.

The only thing you've ever really loved.

Well, I'm gonna join Cliff,
and I'm gonna back him up all the way.

And Cliff and Jamie and I are gonna take
your company away from you.

And then I'm gonna watch you hurt.


This was a great idea.

Well, I'm known far and wide
for my great ideas.


Ooh, good boy.

- Great, boy.
- Come on, get back now.

I needed to get out.

You know.
for a while out there riding, I...

I felt free.

Jenna, you're going to be free.

Everybody is doing everything they can
to make sure you get off.

You're not going to jail.

I just wanna get all this behind me...

...so we can get on with our lives
and finally get married.


This has been an awful time for us.

You know, when you didn't show up
to the ranch for the wedding...

...I was worried and I thought
you were sick or hurt.

- And then--
- I know. You thought history repeated itself.

- I betrayed you again.
- Yes, I did.

It's what Naldo was counting on.

You know there's someone else
who thinks...

...that our getting married
may not be a good idea.

- Who's that?
- Sue Ellen.

We had the most bizarre conversation.

She was warning me about the dangers
of marrying a Ewing.

- How you were power-hungry and ruthless.
- Well, did she change your mind for you?

I'm not Sue Ellen. I'm a Wade.

And my father had as much power
in his way as Jock Ewing did.

I'm used to your kind of life,
Bobby Ewing.

I wanna share a life with you.

Don't let anything prevent that, huh?

I won't.

I won't.

- Messages, Jackie?
- A few. Nothing urgent.

- Mandy's in your office waiting for you.
- Mandy. All right.

Hi. Where were you yesterday, huh?

I talked to your answering machine
all daylong.

You never did call me back.

- I needed some time to think.
- Alone?

You got a problem, we can always
sit down and talk things out together.

There is a problem, Cliff.

It's these meetings
I've been having with J.R.


Because I've always thought
of myself as being honest.

I don't like spying and I don't like
pretending when I'm with J.R.

You don't understand
how important these are...

...now that the tight for control
of Ewing Oil is heating up.

You don't understand
what's happening to me.

Hi. Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought Cliff was alone.

- Come in.
- You sure?


I just came to tell you
that I'm joining your fight for Ewing Oil.

I don't know what changed your mind,
but that's great.

I just came from J.R.'s office
and I told him the same thing.

You had a confrontation
with Mr. Terrific himself?

Ha, ha, what did you say?

I told him just how I feel about him
and that I'm joining you.

Oh, he has had this coming to him
for so long.

Listen, Cliff, no more idle threats.
I wanna fight this to the finish.

We are gonna throw the Ewing
out of Ewing Oil.

I think we may rename the company
after daddy.

If you wanna work out, I'll leave.

No, no.

I'm in no mood for exercise right now.

I looked for you upstairs.
Mama said I'd find you down here.

Well, you found me.
I don't know why you bothered.

Well, I thought you might enjoy
having cocktails and dinner with the family.

I'm not hungry.

If I'm hungry later,
I'll bring a tray up to my room.

Mama's gonna be disappointed.

I'm sure Miss Ellie
will be able to deal with it.

- Well, I can't.
- Is that so?

Sue Ellen, I need you.
I don't think you understand that.

Listen to me a minute, will you?

I may not have been
the perfect husband...

...but there are times you haven't been
the perfect wife either.

But whenever
we've really needed each other...

...we're always available
for comfort and help.

Now, don't deny it, darling.
We love each other.

Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a crisis
for us to show each other how much.

J.R., this is one crisis
that could have easily been avoided.

Look, I made a mistake with Jamie,
but don't--

Don't continue to condemn me for that,
darling. I need you too much right now.

Something else has happened?


Pamela paid me a visit this morning
in the office.

You know what vicious
vindictive woman she can be.

Anyhow, she's throwing in
with Cliff Barnes.

She's gonna use all her resources
at Wentworth Industries against me, darling.

If you think that your gloomy tales
about the trouble at Ewing Oil...

...is gonna tum me on, you're a fool.

You stay away from me.

I don't care what happens to you, J.R.
Do you hear me? I just don't care.

Of course, you realize, Mr. Barnes...

...these reports are just preliminary but I'd
say they give us good reason to go ahead.

The handwriting experts agree
that the signatures are genuine?

That means that document splitting up
Ewing Oil is real, doesn't it, Mr. Furguson?

I think it's safe to assume that.

The fight as I see it
is whether the court will rule...

...that the agreement
is valid after all these years.

So far, so good.

I'd say we've made a major first step.

- It's getting late, I must go.
- Oh, me too.

May I offer you a ride, Miss Ewing?

Why, sure, thank you.

I know my way out.

Good night, Cliff.

Good night, Jamie. Thanks, Furguson.

I'm getting real excited about this.

What are you doing in the kitchen, huh?
Hey, did you hear that?

- Every word.
- Oh, I think we're on our way.

I can see myself
redecorating J.R.'s office.

Take down that picture of Jock
and put up a nice big portrait of Digger.

- What about Jason Ewing?
- Yeah, sure, why not?

You wouldn't wanna insult
your little partner's father.

What's eating you?

Don't you think
we make a neat little threesome?

You, Jamie and me.

Next thing you know,
she'll be moving in, sleeping over.

You can discuss the battle from first thing
in the morning till the last thing at night.

Hey, it's late.

I think you need some sleep.

You'll feel a lot better in the morning.

Don't patronize me, Cliff.

Our lives have changed.
We've never alone.

You're just totally preoccupied
with that document.

That's not true.
We're together a lot, you and me.

You know, because of you,
I've spent a lot of time with J.R.

And for the life of me,
I can't see the difference between you.

Except J.R. has a little more polish,
and he spends a hell of a lot more money.

I don't wanna talk about J.R.

Good, because I'm out of your battle
with him, and maybe your life.

Now, wait a minute.
Now, come on, I don't want you to go.

You know I think you might be
a little bit jealous of Jamie.

Don't be, because that's ridiculous.
That's just business.

I care about you.
I think you're being a little hasty.

I don't think I'm being hasty.



I don't know.

Maybe I'll sleep on the sofa.


Hello, J.R.


What on earth are you doing up
in the middle of the night?

Well, I accidentally overheard...

...the fight you had with Sue Ellen
in the exercise room.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You shouldn't be troubled
by our little marital differences.

That was not a little marital difference.


And it's my fault.

I know how close Sue Ellen feels
towards Jamie.

I hurt her by coming between them.

And you can't sit down
and just talk the problem through?

Well, I tried.
I guess you saw what happened.

And now Jamie's hurt my marriage
and could cost me control of Ewing Oil.

J.R., maybe you've overreacted
to that document.

It's very old.

Jock, and now, you and Bobby
have really been Ewing Oil all these years.

Don't you think that will mean a lot
in any tight for the company?

Oh, I'm sure it will.

But when a dispute like this goes to court,
anything can happen.

Mama, Ewing Oil was a legacy
left to Bobby and me by my daddy.

That's all we have left of him.


Clayton is here at Southfork now.

And I assure you, that's fine with me,
I have no quarrel with him any longer.

But you've got to understand me.

If I lose Ewing Oil, I lose Daddy.

That paper is dated August 11th, 1930.

If you read the story,
the well was brought in on the 10th.

That confirms the date
in Sam Culver's law ledgers.

I don't like the way
this is shaping up, Harv.

It sure is confirmation of the strike.

And the fact that Jock,
Jason and Digger were involved.

Is this all you could come up with, Pete?

No, I think I found something
even more important.

- I dug up the old records at the county seat.
- Yeah?

- This is what I found.
- Well...

Let's see. It's dated August 11th, 1930.

And it says that Jock Ewing
recorded the discovery of oil...

...and it's in the name
of Ewing Oil Company...

...and it lists daddy as sole owner.

Sole owner.


Harv, look at that.
Am I reading this thing right?

Yes, you are.

As of the 11th of August of that year,
Jock Ewing appears to be the only one...

...with a claim to the strike
and Ewing Oil.

Well, that's it. It's a closed case.

So much for Jamie Ewing
and Cliff Barnes.

Say, you did a hell of a job, Pete.
Ha, ha, ha.

Not so fast, J.R.
Don't start opening champagne yet.

According to the other notations
in Sam's ledgers...

...and presumably
in Jamie' 5 document...

...on the 17th of August,
the company was divided into thirds...

...even though it still retained
the name of Ewing Oil.

Well, now that's six days...

...after Daddy registered it as sole owner
and seven days after they struck oil.

Why did they divide the company up
after he registered as sole owner?

I mean, what could have changed things?

That is something
we're gonna have find out.

Well, that's gonna be impossible.
These events took place 50 years ago.

I know, but whether we win or lose
depends upon what happened...

...during that missing week.

And we have to find out
before Cliff Barnes does.

Yeah, we sure do.

Mrs. McFadden, I wanna thank you
for coming to Dallas on such short notice.

I'm Bobby Ewing. This is Jenna Wade.

Miss Wade...

I'm really sorry about what my sister did
to hurt you. I had no idea.

Yeah, well, please sit down.
Make yourself comfortable.

Thank you.

- We hope, Mrs. McFadden--
- It's Ann, please.

- Ann, you could help us.
- I'll try.

Did you know that your sister
kidnapped my daughter?

Jenna, I know you're upset,
but I'll ask the questions.

Come on, honey. Sit down.

Ma'am, tell us what you knew about
your sister Veronica and Renaldo Marchetta.

She was very involved
with him several years ago.

Veronica had just received
a very nice settlement...

...from her divorce of her last husband,
Bob Robinson.

And soon after that,
Naldo moved into her home.

- Is that the name she used, Robinson?
- Yes.

How long did this involvement
with Marchetta last?

About two years,
until Veronica ran out of money.

- He was taking money from her, then?
- Oh, yes.

He even turned her onto cocaine.

She had a very expensive habit.

After Naldo left her, she wanted
to borrow money from my husband and me.

We turned her down.
I don't know how she lived.

- You were out of touch for some time?
- Yes.

When did you hear from her again?

Just the day before she met Mr. Ewing
on the beach in California.

She called, she said she was babysitting
and there was an emergency.

She needed help with the girl.

I drove to where they were staying,
picked them up and drove to the beach.

Veronica got out
and talked to Mr. Ewing.

And then the child got out
and ran to him.

And Veronica rushed back to the car
and we just drove off.

Where did you pick her up
with Charlotte?

Some motel in West Los Angeles.

Where did you drop her off?

At L.A. International Airport.

Which terminal?

No terminal.
I just dropped her at the theme building.

Did she say where she was going?

Oh, she mentioned the Far East.

Maybe Singapore, maybe Japan.
It was hard to tell with Veronica.

After Naldo left her, she really...

She just wasn't the same.

You know, she really loved him
and he gave her nothing but a bad time.

Do you think she could have k*lled him?

-01 had him k*lled?
- No.

He broke her heart, but Veronica
couldn't do something like that.

Veronica wasn't a k*ller.
She was a victim.

Just like Miss Wade.

She took part in a kidnapping.

I don't think she thought
it was a kidnapping.

She told me that the little girl
was Naldo's daughter.

I think she just wanted to help him
in the hope that he'd come back to her.

She was very foolish.

Well, now, would you mind
coming down with me to my office?

I'd like to get this all on the record.

Oh, I'll do anything I can to help.

I'll even come back to Texas for the trial
if it will do Miss Wade any good.

Mrs. McFadden, I do appreciate you coming
all the way to Dallas to help me.

Please stay for lunch.

No, thank you. I ate on the plane.
I would like some coffee, though.

All right. Be back in a minute.

Thank you.

Naldo was a terrible man. He was always
running with some kind of criminal element.

I'm not surprised somebody k*lled him.

I hope it wasn't Miss Wade, though.
She seems awfully nice.

Jamie, I appreciate your meeting me.

I guess you know I wanna talk
about the fight for Ewing Oil.

Sure, I knew that.

Jamie, look, I know how you feel about J.R.
You've got a lot of company.

But a personal vendetta is not
a good reason to do what you're doing.

The time a suit like this takes
and the legal costs are staggering.

If you lose, you could be in debt
for the rest of your life.

Cliff Barnes told me that he's gonna pay
for most of the legal costs.

Jamie, you said you would not fight
this battle.

I know.

But I finally talked to Cliff and a lot
of what he said sounded right to me.

I mean, if that company belonged
to my daddy and Digger too...

...and Jock took it away from them,
then isn't it only right...

...that Cliff and I fight to get back
what's rightfully ours?

You may have a point.

I can understand the logic
in your reasoning...

...but you and Cliff talk of Ewing Oil as if
it's a company that exists only on paper.

And that's not so.

People are involved,
people that care about you.

Sue Ellen, Ellie, they're your family.

I never wanted to hurt Sue Ellen
or Miss Ellie.

They've been very good to me.

But it's just that my daddy's honor
is at stake.

This is not a good way
to help your daddy's honor.

I don't know of any other way.

A vicious fight between J.R. and Bobby and
the Ewing family is only gonna cause grief.

- Well, do you have another solution?
- Yes.

You said your father was an oilman.

Why don't you honor him
by building an oil company...

...and maybe naming it after him?

- Clayton, there's no way I could do that.
- Yes, there is, and I can help you out.

Now, some time ago,
I acquired a small oil-producing company.

The price was right,
I thought I could diversify it.

But I found out
I just can't keep tabs on it anymore.

- You want me to go to work for you?
- No.

I'll train you and then when you're ready,
I'll tum it over to you.

It'll be your own oil company.

- You're doing this for Miss Ellie, aren't you?
- Yes.

- So I'll give up the fight for Ewing Oil?
- That's right.

I can't do it, Clayton.
That would be like accepting a bribe.

Only from you,
it sure doesn't seem like that.

Well, it isn't.
The Ewing family is my family now.

And you are a Ewing too.

You're a wonderful man, Clayton.
but I can't do it.

I'm sorry.

Well, sure, I remember that gusher.

I was wildcatting down
in Nacogdoches County at the time.

Right close to where the boys were.

- You ever go up to see Daddy?
- You betcha.

Word of that strike spread like wildfire.

I jumped in the truck and drove up there
to see what the hollering was about.

Well, what'd you find?


I found that the boys
were feeling no pain.

By the time I got there, all three of them
had drunk halt the bootleg in the county.

They say anything about a partnership?

Yeah, I remember them talking about it.
I don't know whether it's for real or not.

I mean, I don't know whether it's legal
or just something they talked about.

- Was Sam Culver there?
- No.

He'd already gone
by the time I got there.

You have to understand, when I got there,
nobody was saying anything very coherent.

I remember Digger and Jason
were trying to punch each other out.

As a matter of fact, it would have been
a good fight if they hadn't been so drunk.

Punk, it's important to know what happened
during the week after they brought the well.

I don't know, J.R., I didn't stay.
I had to get back, set the well I was drilling.

Show him (he panel, JR.

We're hoping that this will jog
your memory a little bit.

Hey, how about that?
The old Nacagdaches News.

Boy, I tell you, this takes me back.

Boy, we were eager beavers in those days,
me and Jock, Jason, Digger.

Boys, I tell you, I don't believe I'm gonna be
able to help you with information on this.

I've told you everything I know.

I'll tell you who you ought
to be talking to.

You ought to be talking
to those two boys there.

They'd fill you in on all the details
you need to know.

Who are they?

Uh, couple of roughnecks.
They worked every field in East Texas.

Remember their names
or where we can get a hold of them?

No, I sure don't.
I just don't recollect right now.

If you give me time,
I'll go back to the office...

...look through my records,
see what I come with.

- How about that?
- Well, we appreciate it, Punk.

You're going through a bad time,
aren't you, Sue Ellen?

Oh, it's nothing, really.

Hey, come on.
I can see how troubled you are.

Jenna, you have enough
on your mind right now.

It's J.R., isn't it?


I thought so.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have warned me
the other day about marrying a Ewing.

Mm. Maybe I came on too strong.

Isn't there anything you can do?

- About J.R.?
- Mm.

Well, I think
I've done just about everything.

I spent a year in therapy.

That was after I spent most of my days
and nights in a drunken stupor.

Last year...

...we had separate bedrooms.

And I'm trying that again now.

I've already divorced him once,
I've had affairs.


I don't think I'm gonna leave
him again though, Jenna.

I need to live here at Southfork
and I need to raise John Ross here.



But there's something missing.

There's this great hollow in my life...

...and I don't think that another man
or another empty affair is gonna till it.

But somehow I'll manage.

I always have.

Ho, ho, ho, what a slide. Hi, buddy.

- Hi, Daddy.
- Hi, how are you?

Are you fine?

I stopped by the house.
Louise said you were here.

You forget I was to pick up Christopher?

No, I just had to get out of the house.
I hope you understand.

No, I don't. Why?

J.R. tell you about our meeting
the other morning?

What happened?

Christopher, why don't you
play for a minute?

Maybe you'd better tell me.

Some things happened...

...that are probably gonna make it difficult
for us in the future.

What things?

I'm going to hurt J.R.
as much as he's hurt me.

And that's going to affect you, Bobby.

He's made me live
some of the worst moments of my life...

...and I have to do something about that.

Pam, the last time I saw you,
everything seemed fine.

What changed?

I'm joining Cliff and Jamie Ewing
in the fight for control of Ewing Oil.


It's the only way I can get to J.R.
is through that company.

Get to him for what?

He paid a pilot named Gerald Kane...

...to tell me that he flew Mark down
to a clinic in the Caribbean.

And I believed him.

And I went down there with Kane,
and I went through clinic after clinic.

Do you know what JR. put me though?

Pam, I'm sorry.



I know it's going to cause trouble
between the two of us...

...but I want him to feel
the kind of pain I'm feeling.

I think you better keep Christopher
with you today.

I don't want him to be around
when I find J.R.


Hey, Bob, where's little Christopher?

I don't know what you get out of hurting
people but it's time you start paying for it.



Bobby, are you out of your mind?


Bobby, what the hell are you doing?


Hey, knock it off.

Bobby, J.R., cut it out.

Look, they're gonna k*ll each other.

- Ray, you better do something.
- Come on, Ray.

- All right.
J. FL: Will you stop?

Break it up. Come on, lay off him.



Come on, Bob.


Come on, Bob. Come on.

What's the matter with you, Bob?

- What was that all about?
- Ask J.R.

He came storming in here like a wild man,
punched me out, pushed me in the pool.

That temper is gonna k*ll somebody.
You're crazy.

Tell them what you did to Pam
before I jump and tear your head off!

- I didn't do anything to Pam.
- J.R., what happened?

Mama, yesterday, Pam came into my office
spouting all kinds of accusations.

Bobby tried to k*ll me today.

He hired a guy...

...to convince Pam that Mark Graison
was alive in some clinic in the Caribbean.

That sounds exactly
like something you'd do.

Stay out of this, Donna.

I'd never send Pam
on a phony trip looking for Mark Graison.

Hell, I'd never play
with a grieving woman's feelings.

- What kind of man do you think I am?
- Pam told me you hired a guy named Kane.

I never did such a thing, Bobby.

Since I heard it, I've been trying
to figure what happened. I know.

I can't wait to hear that excuse.

You shut up, Ray. I know who did it.

- Cliff Barnes.
- For heaven's sakes, that's ridiculous.

That's just what Barnes
wants everybody to believe.

He figured that if Pam finds out,
she'd blame me.

That's exactly what she did.
Bobby, she's thrown in with Barnes.

She's gonna devote power she's got
at Wentwonh Industries to fight us.

You're a liar.
Cliff would never do that to his own sister.

Well, I tape all my phone calls,
you know that. I got a tape of Barnes.

- Oh, yeah. Where's the tape?
- At the office.

All right. Then, that's just where
we're going. Come on.

Bobby, I'm soaking wet. I can't go now.

- Bobby, what the hell are you doing?
- Donna, Ray, come, I want some witnesses.

I think we'd better get up now.

Why? It's Saturday.

I got two days off.
We can stay like this until Monday morning.

I got a lot of errands to run.

- Oh, big important businessman.
- Come on, Betty.

No, I like it right here.



- What's the matter?
- That's Lucy. She always does that.

- Get out of bed.
- No, Eddie.

I'm really tired of playing this game.

- You get in the bathroom. I'll get rid of her.
- Eddie, I don't wanna do this.

Look, I don't have time to argue, Betty.


Who is it?

It's me. Open up.

Lucy? Hold on.

Oh, what took you so long?
Your apartment's not that big.

Oh, I don't feel good, Lucy.

Well, what's the matter?

Oh, it's my stomach.
It just feels funny.

Baby, you probably need some liquids.
Let me make you some tea.

Oh, no, no, don't do that.

When I'm feeling sick,
I just like to be left alone.

I could be a good nurse.


You know I don't like people
fussing over me.


It's nothing personal.


All right.


- Call me soon, huh?
- You bet, baby.

- I don't like this.
- Shut up. She'll hear you.

It's humiliating.
The whole thing makes me feel dirty.

Look, Betty.
would you just trust me, huh?

You put up with a little humiliation now,
it's gonna be worth it.

Think of how much fun we'll have
together when I have all that money. Huh?


JIMMY [ON RECORDING]: J.H., the loan committee is working on it.

I think you boys are dragging your feet.

Damn, it's the wrong one.

Bob, this is one of your dumber ideas.
I could be catching pneumonia right now.

- Where's the magical tape, J.R.?
- Well, I'm trying to find it, Bob.

We could have settled this ourselves.
We don't need the Krebbs clan.

I'm gonna tell you, you better be grateful
to one member of the Krebbs clan.

If not for Ray, you could be
floating face down in that pool now.

- The tape.
- I'm working on it, Bob.

- You're stalling.
- I am not stalling.

You gave me a couple
of pretty good licks there.

I can't think straight. Besides, I always
erase the ones that aren't important.

The next thing you know, that's what
he's gonna say about Cliff's tape.

- J.R. Ewing here.
- This is Cliff Barnes.

- Who?
- You know who.

What do you want?

You better meet me and talk about
Pam and Bobby now.

I don't know about you, but! wanna make
damn sure they never get back together.

Where do you want me to meet you?

Twelve o'clock, Taylor's Bar and Grill.

All right, I'll be there.

That's it.

- You actually had that meeting?
- I sure did.

You agreed to work with Cliff
against me and Pam?

- No, I didn't.
- You're lying.

Bobby, I'm not lying.

Listen, if I wanted
to keep you and Pam apart...

...I wouldn't have sent her
to the Caribbean.

How long was she gone,
two, three days?

And where would the next trip he?
Europe, Australia, where?

Bobby, would you believe me?

Cliff Barnes stood to gain
more than anybody else.

And what the hell,
it worked for him, didn't it?

I don't know.

- J.R. still could have done it.
- Yeah, but Cliff was in it too.

J.R., I'd like to believe you,
I really would.

But if I ever find out you're lying...

...I'll do more than take you
for a swim in the pool.

Come on, let's go.

I hope you don't mind if I take a taxi.
I'd like to stay away from you for a while.

Hello, Kane. This is J.R. Ewing here.

I'd like to suggest you pack up...

...and get as far away from Texas
as that airplane of yours will take you.

Or else a couple of my friends
may pay a little visit to you.

Nobody, but nobody
double-crosses J.R. Ewing.

Baby, I know you like to eat out, but, boy.
I found this great gourmet takeout place.

No paper cartons.
Uh-uh, plastic, no aftertaste.

Great pasta.


Probably the best Iinguini
I have ever tasted.

I sampled it, sampled it because
I wanted everything to be just right.

Come on.

Okay, Cliff.

I know you're trying,
and I do appreciate it.

Sit down.

Everything is just right.


Who can that be?


No, no, no. I'll get it.

Hi, Jamie, come on in.

- Thanks, Cliff.
- Sure, let me take your coat.

Cliff, I'm sorry.
I didn't realize you'd be eating.

No, that's okay. Come on.

Mandy, I'm really sorry about all this.

- CIiH, I had a meeting with Clayton Fallow.
- Farlow. Yeah, what did he want?

He told me how disturbed Sue Ellen
and Miss Ellie are over our light.



So I'm having second thoughts.

What, about going on?
Oh, no, wait a minute.

Come on, sit down, please.

I'm telling you,
see, we've got the Ewings on the defensive.

But I never realized
that I'd be hurting so many people.

I tell you, that meeting with Fallow,
it was probably set up by J.R.

I don't think so.

No, I'm telling you, he's one of them now.
These Ewings, they stay together.

Clayton offered a small company
if I called off the case.

See? Bribery, that's it.
Oh, yeah, that's J.R.

Truly. Uh-huh.

You know.
you and I have got to stick together.

Cliff's right, Jamie.
You should stick with him.

But I'm getting out,
because three's a crowd.

Oh, hey, Mandy. No, wait a minute.
No, this is business.

Yes, it always is.

- Come on.
- Cliff, I've got a great idea.

Why don't you many Jamie?

That way if you win,
you can own two-thirds of Ewing Oil.


It doesn't sound like we're getting 0”
square one with this defense.

I think we have. That's why
I wanted to see you this morning.

All right, what have you got?

Uh, my boys located
the Mexican national couple, Mendoza...

...who occupied the room next to Jenna
and Naldo the night of the sh**ting.

I believe in Mexico City.

- Well, did they see or hear anything?
- They heard nothing.

They were in the room in the time
the coroner says that Naldo was shot.

They were wide awake.

Wait, whoever made that call
to the police said they heard the shot.

Yet the people in the next mom
said they heard nothing.

Could Naldo been shot some place,
taken to the room later?

Not according to the police report.

Scotty, how do you sh**t somebody
and nobody hears it?

Well, you put a pillow over the g*n,
I doubt it in this case.

Could use a sil*ncer.

Naldo was k*lled with a g*n
using a sil*ncer?

Looks that way. There's no indication
of a silence! in the ballistics report.

A b*llet's got to be in near perfect
condition to show any marks 01a sil*ncer.

It's rare when a b*llet's taken
from a body that hasn't some sort of...

...damage from bone or muscle
or something.

That's ridiculous.
Jenna wouldn't use a sil*ncer anyway.

Maybe if it was already on the g*n.

- Was there a silence! on the g*n?
- Nope.

Then she didn't do it.

Whoever made that call to police wanted
her to be found with the body, a setup.

I think you're right, but it's still a theory
and it's not good enough for jury.

Now, my gut feeling
is we have to find Veronica Robinson.

She knows more than what she told you
in California.

She was relieved
when she found Naldo was dead.

Apparently, she left the country.

What is she afraid of?
We have to know.

- You have people trying to find her?
- Day and night.

But it's a big world, Bobby.
She could be any place.

Well, here I go. Let's hope no one
spills their bloody mary on this number.

Store wasn't delighted with the veal piccata
I brought back on that chiffon last week.

- Hello, ladies.
- Hello.

What are you doing here?

- Well, I was looking for you.
- I have to work.

I just want to talk to you for a minute.

Why? You got what you wanted
at your 1900 Club.

- Mandy--
- Cliff got what he wanted, his double agent.

Now I'm gonna do exactly what I want...

...and it's to have nothing to do
with either of you.

You don't think that all I wanted from you
was an afternoon in bed?

No, I think you also wanted me
to spy for you, just like Cliff.

Well, I have a little farewell piece
of information for you...

...then we can just say goodbye
and forget we ever met.

You know, your cousin, Jamie.
Is having second thoughts.

She may not fight you
for Ewing Oil after all.

Well, I appreciate knowing that,
but that's not why I'm here.

I figured we had something going.


You complained about me talking
about business all the time...

...not thinking of you as a woman.

But I think I proved
that I want you as a woman.

And you can't say
that you don't feel something for me.

J.R., that was a mistake.

It happened once
and I don't want it to happen again.

I don't believe that.

J.R., please leave.

I'm gonna see you again.

Hello, Sue Ellen. Did Jenna go out?

I think she drove into town
to see Scott Demarest.


Then we can have some time alone.

Miss Ellie, why didn't you tell me
about the fight between J.R. and Bobby?

I heard about it this morning from Donna.

Well, I know that you and J.R.
are having problems.

I didn't want to add to them.


You couldn't add to them.

It's something
he is capable of doing all by himself.

Sue Ellen, listen to me.

You and J.R. have had a stormy marriage
from the word go.

I'd think by now you that you would've
worked out a way of dealing with it.

Are you saying that the marriage
is my total responsibility?

No, of course not.

But I believe that you are better able to heal
the wounds in your marriage than J.R. is.

He's pressured with business problems.

He's saddled with goals
that Jock set for him.

Goals that he feels he must achieve.

But beyond that...

...Ewing Oil and Jock are one and the same
in J.R.'s mind.

I don't buy that for a second, Miss Ellie.

JR. uses (hai excuse eve!
and over again.

I don't think I have to take a back seat
to Ewing Oil in J.R.'s life.

You never did for Jock.

Oh, yes, there were times that I did.

But for the most part...

...I fought with him side by side
for the things that we believed in.

You see, what you must understand
is that these are very rough times for J.R.

Apparently, Cliff and Jamie are serious
about taking control of this company...

...away ham Bobby and JR.

And this is the time for the family to unite
behind the boys.

God knows Bobby has his hands full
taking care of Jenna.

JR. needs the test oi us.

And I don't want this family tom apart.

I'm sorry, Miss Ellie.
This time, I disagree with you.

Ewing Oil is no longer the blessing it was
to this family when Jock was alive.

If Jamie and Cliff have a legitimate claim
to pan of Ewing Oil...

...then they should get
what belongs to them.

It's only right and just.

J.R. needs to be knocked off that high
and mighty pedestal he's put himself on.

Miss Ellie, I'm not going to join J.R.
in the battle for Ewing Oil.

We'd all be better off if he loses.

If you think about it and remember that
the company no longer belongs to Jock...

...I'm sure you'll agree with me.

I can't stay but a few minutes.
Mavis and I got company coming for dinner.

You got time for a short
bourbon and branch, don't you?

Oh, sure, I got time for that.

Bobby around?
I got information for the two of you.

No, no, he had to leave early.
Jenna's case is taking up all his time.

Yeah, I'm sure it is. That's a real tragedy.

I remember the two roughnecks in the
picture you showed me the other night.

Hey, that's great.

Well, I don't know
whether it's gonna be much help.

One of the fellas
is by the name of Davis.

Joe Davis got k*lled in a drilling accident
several years back.

- Oh.
- The other fella's name is Alfred Brindle.

He worked the fields until 10 years ago,
then he retired.

- You got his address?
- No, I don't. I'm sorry.

I even tried to find his old cronies.
I couldn't.

I don't even know
whether Brindle still lives in Texas.

Alfred Brindle.
I'll get my private detectives on him.

I don't need to tell you what kind
of battle I've got with Cliff Barnes.

I'd sure hate to see him
get a hold of Brindle before I did.

- I won't speak a word of it to a soul.
- I'll count on it.

- Good morning, everybody.
- Good morning, J.R.

Say, Bobby, Punk Anderson
dropped in at my office last night.

He recognized
those roughnecks in that picture.

One of them's still alive.

- That's terrific. Can we talk to him?
- Well, we've gotta find him first.

But I don't think
that's gonna be necessary.

I hear our little Jamie Ewing just might
change her mind about taking us to court.

- There's still Cliff Barnes.
- Yeah, but without her, his case is weaker.

Excuse me.
There's a Mr. Martin hereto see you.

Something about
Mr. Barnes and Ewing Oil.

All right, send him in.


- Can I help you?
- Yes, are you J.R. Ewing?

- Yeah.
- Then this is for you.

This is for Ellie Ewing Fallow.

For Bobby Ewing.

I've already served Ray Krebbs and
Gary Ewing is being served in California.

Cliff Barnes and Jamie Ewing
are suing us for their shares of Ewing Oil.

What the hell is this?
Good Lord, a summons.

There's a hearing tomorrow.

They're trying to get an injunction
to freeze all the assets of Ewing Oil.

That could shut us down.
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