09x17 - The Deadly Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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09x17 - The Deadly Game

Post by bunniefuu »

I had it all figured out.

There's something
about Angelica Nero.

Something about this whole
deal that's not quite right.

You can't keep buying
everything Clayton's selling.

- You're gonna go broke for sure that way.
- Right now, he needs my help.

Maybe you can talk Pam out of
wanting to go back to Colombia with me.

- You're not serious, are you?
- Yes, I am.

Come clean, or I'm gonna
blow this deal out of the water.

I have no other choice
than to tell you the real truth.

I have no right to stop
you. You're a grown-up.

But you're not happy about it.

Don't ask me to
be happy about it.

Code blue, ER. Code blue, ER.

So I think that
pretty well sums it up.

How long until we know if
Jamie's gonna be all right?

Well, so far, all I can tell you is
she seems to be responding...

to the antigens in Jack's blood.

That's just great, doc. That's
what we've all been waiting to hear.

Well, for the moment, yes.

But I must caution all of
you not to be overly optimistic.

As you know, she suffered
serious internal injuries.

- She's out of the woods, though?
- We're doing everything we can.

Now, I suggest you all go
home and get some sleep.

There's nothing more
you can do here tonight.

You must excuse me. I
must make my rounds.

- Okay.
- Are you going?

- You think we ought to wait for Jack?
- I'll take Jack home.

Come, Sue Ellen, you
come along with us.

No, thanks, I have my
car. I'll see you at Southfork.

WOMAN: Nurse Dizer, 4323.

Uh, say, doc...

Oh, good. thank you.

- Uh, say, doctor.
- Yes?

Tell me, what would've
been the chances...

of Jamie and Jack's blood matching
up if they hadn't been brother and sister?

Almost no chance.
Why do you ask?

Oh, well, I just
find it fascinating.

What type of blood would
their parents have had to have?

Yeah. I'm sorry.

Um, well, in order to
come out with AB negative...

the only possibilities would
be a combination of A and B...

or AB types.

Oh, I see. Then, theoretically, they
could've had different parents, right?

Well, in theory, perhaps, but
the odds are very much against it.

But it's a possibility, though?

Well, if you consider a
million-to-one shot a possibility.

You see, besides
their blood type...

for their antigens to match
up as closely as theirs did...

they would've had to
have had the same parents.

Mr. Ewing, I'm sorry. I don't have
time to discuss this with you right now.

If you're interested, I can
lend you a book on the subject.

Oh, yeah, I'd really
appreciate that. Thank you.

Thank you.

Well, I'll be damned.

Oh, Matt. It's beautiful.

But I can't accept
a gift like this.

Well, it's not a gift.

It belongs to you.

I don't understand.

That's the first piece of jewelry
made from one of our emeralds.

Oh, I can't believe it.

This makes it so real.

That's because up until now, that
emerald mine was nothing more...

than a hole in the ground, or a stack
of legal papers and purchase orders.

No, it's more than that.

Up until now, it
was just a dream.

Your dream.

Bobby's dream.

You know, I was just
thinking, remembering, really...

how much Bobby always said that
he wanted to go down there with me...

and take a look for himself.

And you know, I can't tell you how
many times I've been down there...

that I thought about Bobby.

How he would've
reacted to something...

or how he would've gotten
a kick out of something.

And I couldn't wait to get
back here and tell him myself.

I know just how you feel. It
happens to me all the time.

I'll be at a party or a movie,
and suddenly, I just know...

what Bobby would've said or
done if he'd been there with me.

Well, I guess that way, we both get to
keep a little part of him with us always.

I know I'm gonna keep that part
close to me when I go back down there.

When are you leaving?

Oh, pretty soon, I guess.

Like I said, I can't help wishing
he was coming back with me.

Twenty-five thousand dollars?

J.R., I don't understand.

That's the same amount of money I offered
as a reward to find Jamie a blood donor.

Nobody came forward to claim it, so I just
thought I'd donate it to Graison Research.

Well, it's very generous of you.


Well, actually, I also came down here
because I feel I owe you an apology.


I never should've made fun
of you for coming to work here.

I didn't realize how
important this work was.

I know you'll do a
good job for them.

Well, I hope so.

And this will help a lot.


You got a big place here. I
didn't realize it was so enormous.

- Would you like to take a walk around?
- Yeah.

I'll give you the, uh,
25,000-dollar tour.

Oh, all right.

With, uh, all of
this access here.

Now, watch your step here.

We'll go around the
corner and down this way.

See, you can see
them all lined up there.

You know anything about
computers, Mr. Ewing?

Well, we got one at the office,
but nothing as fancy as this.

A beauty. The Apex 2000.

Stores up to five billion
bytes of information...

with a random access
of 20 megabytes.


Oh, excuse me, I
have a meeting to go to.

Frankly, this is
where I get off.

You mind if I stick around?
I'd like to see how this works.

- I don't mind if Fred doesn't.
- It would be my pleasure.

All right. Have fun.

Now, you were talking
about megabytes?

Right. Uh, we're developing
a computer-linked network...

which will give access to
blood records worldwide.

Where does this information
come from originally?

Blood banks, uh,
military records...

uh, people in high-risk groups,
people with high visibility.

There are quite a few sources
we're using now, all cross-indexed.

- Is that right?
- You wanna give it a try?

- Sure, sure.
- All right, let's see if you're in here.


I'm going to type
in Ewing, J.R...

- Make that Ewing Jr., John Ross.
- All right.

Uh, place of birth? Dallas?

- Braddock.
- Okay.

There you are. O positive.

The most common type known to man.
It's so common, we call it O for ordinary.

- Is that right?
- You wanna give it a try?

Yeah, sure.

Now, let's see.
Let's, uh, put in...

- How about Tony Dorsett?
- All right.

"Aliquippa?" How in the world did you
know that's where Dorsett was born?

Well, I can see you're
not a Dallas Cowboy fan.

It's common knowledge.

Well, that's pretty good.

Now, this is kind of fun.
Can I do another one?

Sure, stay as long as you like.

Ah, if you'd excuse me, though, we're
having trouble with another computer.


Marinos, Dimitri.

O for ordinary.

Angelica, I don't know what you're up
to, but you better come clean with me...

or I'm gonna blow this whole
deal right out of the water.

All right. You know that
Jack is not Dimitri's son.

I had hoped that you wouldn't
find this out, but since you did...

I have no choice
than to tell the truth.

Which you want me
to believe, of course.

Which you must believe.

And which you will
after you've heard it.

I have told you that
Dimitri is very ill. He's dying.

What I did not tell you is that
there were rumors to that effect...

circulating in the European
oil community for months.

Yeah, go on.

Those rumors are making
people very nervous.

There are some people who
believe that without Dimitri...

there is no Marinos Shipping.

The company is on
the verge of a collapse

if I cannot find a way
to stop those rumors.

And I take it Ewing
Oil is part of that plan.

And also my cousin Jack.

Well, you've seen pictures of
Dimitri. You've seen pictures of Jack.

There's enough of a resemblance
between the two to be father and son.

You want Jack to impersonate
Dimitri? That's it, isn't it?


Do you really expect
to get away with this?

It has all been very
carefully planned.

At the meeting in Martinique
at the end of next month...

we will show Jack to the
world as Dimitri Marinos.

His appearance will be
very carefully orchestrated.

He will spend the entire conference on
our yacht, surrounded by our people...

and away from any direct
contact with the press.

That does not mean that a paparazzi with
long lens won't be able to get pictures.

Pictures that will end up in
publications all over the world.

Pictures that will confirm
that Dimitri is alive and well.

So you won't have Jack
meeting anybody face to face?

How long you think you're
gonna get away with this?

Just long enough for us to get
our business matters in order...

to prepare for Dimitri's death.

Why didn't you
go straight to Jack?

What if Jack said no? I
couldn't take that chance.

Besides, J.R., you
can handle him.

And what about our deal?

It was a way in the
beginning to reach you both.

But it was always intended to
be solid and lucrative, and it is.


J.R., will you go along with us?

Yes, yes, I will.

On one condition:

Instead of the 50-50 split
between Ewing and Marinos...

I want an additional 20
percent from your share...

to go directly into my
Swiss bank account.

And not to Ewing Oil, where
I have to share the profits.

But J.R., that leaves
me only with 30 percent.

Yeah, that's right.

Well, 30 percent
of something is a lot

better than 50 percent
of nothing, isn't it?

I don't suppose that leaves
me much choice, does it?

No, I don't suppose it does.


I'll have the revised pages
sent over just as soon as I can.

And, Angelica, you better
be telling the truth this time.

Because I don't
forgive all that easily.

And I never, ever forget.

He took it better than
I thought he would.

Yeah. I wonder how well he would
take it if he knew the rest of the story.

Grace, I think it's time we
hedged our bets against J.R. Ewing.

Why don't you give Jack a call?

Do you need me
for dictation, Pam?

Mm-hm, in just a minute.


This morning, I was reading over
the expense reports of the PR guys...

and I must be missing backup.

- Would you check and see if you have it?
- Oh, sure thing.

Pam, that pin is exquisite.

It is, isn't it? It's an
emerald from Matt's...

Heh, from our emerald mine.

He had it made
into a pin for me.

Oh, it's wonderful.

Imagine, I own part of an
emerald mine with emeralds in it.

- I'd love to go down and see it.
- It's in the middle of the jungle.

I know, but I'd
still love to see it.

Crazy, huh?


You're not really serious?

I guess not, I, heh...

I just can't seem to
stop thinking about it.

I've got some good
news for you, Clayton.

I received an offer on the
companies you wanted to sell off.

Well, that's quick.
Is it a good offer?

Tell you the truth,
it's almost too good.

Never expected to
get that kind of price.

Who's the buyer?
HARDING I don't know yet.

The offer was made
through a broker.

Whoever it is is even
more secretive than you are.

But the banks assured me
their line of credit is solid.

Well, that's wonderful.

Look, if it seems all right to you,
let's go ahead and close the deal.

I'll get on it right away.

Hope this gives you all the cash
you need to keep the refinery going.

You and me both. Thanks,
Harding, for all the hard work.

My pleasure. Talk to you soon.

Right. Bye.

Okay, show us another one.

Okay. Um.

How are you?

Very good. Neat.

Okay, now, how do
you say, "Fine, thanks"?

Uh, fine. Thank you.

You really enjoy
working at the school?

I really am, yeah. It's like
going to school all over again.

You know, speaking of schools,
you know which one I'd like to go to?

Yes, you have told me
at least a dozen times...

and I've told you at
least a dozen times.

I don't think it's a good idea.

Why not? All my friends are
going to Whitley Academy.

Why can't I go?

Because you're too young, and
I don't want you off on your own.

I'd be home on weekends.

I said no, and that's it.

You're treating me like a
child, and I'm not anymore.

You know, I remember
what it was like being her age.

We always think that our
mothers are being overly protective.

Well, anything could happen to
her living off at school someplace.

I want her with me, Donna.

I don't wanna lose her too.

Well, it's not exactly
like you'd be losing her.

Going off to school might
be a good experience for her.

You know, I can't seem
to explain myself to her...

and I don't wanna
explain myself to you.

Now just stay out of it.

What brought on this sudden
urge to take me to dinner?

Is it business or pleasure?

Well, a little bit of both.

But first, let's get our
business over with.

That's always been your style.

Heh, am I that predictable?

Well, anyway, I know
that you've wanted...

to get in on the Marinos
drilling deal with us.

Who wouldn't? It's
a great opportunity.

Yes, it is.

I've given it a lot of thought.

And I wanna give you the chance
of buying one third of my share...

on two conditions,
if you're interested.

Well, of course I'm interested,
depending on the conditions.

Well, first, our little agreement
must remain absolutely secret.

We've had our secrets before.

Hm, yes, we have.

I don't want the other
members getting wind of this.

They'll be beating my
door down to get in on it.

Well, we wouldn't want everybody
beating your door down, now, would we?

What else?

I want 15 percent of your
royalties signed back to Ewing Oil.

Nice touch.

What do you say?

Why are you being
so generous to me?

Well, old times' sake.

I've always had a soft spot in
my heart for you, you know that.

And I suppose you
expect me to believe that.

I hope you do. It's true.

You know what, J.R.?

I feel like
believing it tonight.

You've got yourself a partner.

That's pretty. New?
PAMELA: Mm-hm.

Matt had it made from
one of our own emeralds.

So now he's giving
jewelry to my best girl.

No, it's just a token, something
to say he appreciates...

my giving him the money
so he can continue mining.

Well, it is more impressive
than a thank you note.

How's everything
coming along with that?

Mm, it's moving more
quickly than I thought it would.

Matt came by this morning and he
showed me the preliminary plans.

- How'd they look?
- Impressive.

Amazing, really.

He's going to the middle of nowhere
to clear a space in the jungle...

to bring out the most
beautiful jewels in the world.

- You make it sound like magic.
- Ha, ha, it almost is.

I haven't seen you this excited
about anything for a long time.

I haven't been.

Not since you
came back, that is.

- Morning.
- Hi.

Clayton left here
about 15 minutes ago.

He said he couldn't wait to get out to
the cutting ring to see what was going on.

- He said for you to meet him there.
- He sure seems to be in a better mood.

Yes, doesn't he?

I wonder why I keep feeling that
you had something to do with it.

Ray, I had to help him, so I put in a bid
to buy the two companies that he's selling.

Of course, he doesn't know that
it's me. I did it through a broker.

What if he accepts your offer?
- Oh, he'll accept it.

I made it so generous,
he... He can't refuse.

What are you gonna do
with those companies?

Well, I don't think
it really matters.

I suppose I might have to sell
them at a loss, but first things first.

And the first thing
is to help Clayton.

Miss Ellie, you tell me if
you think I'm out of line.

But it just seems to me that
you have not thought this thing...

all the way through.

I hope you're
doing the right thing.

Oh, Ray, how could helping my
husband not be the right thing?

One third of the
Marinos project?

I don't believe it.

Well, now, that's mighty
generous of you, but, uh, why me?

Andy, we've always had our differences,
but of all the members of the cartel...

you're the one whose thinking
was always closest to mine.

I feel a kinship towards you that I
just don't feel towards the others.

Well, thank you, J.R.

Now, there are two
conditions attached to this deal.

I want this to remain
our little secret.

I don't want the members of the cartel
or anybody else knowing, you understand.

And the second?

Second, I want you to kick back 15
percent of your royalties to Ewing Oil.

- That's it?
- That's it.

Now, let me understand this.

You're willing to let me buy into
one third of that deal with Marinos?

- That's right.
- What's the catch?

- Ha, there's no catch.
- Oh, now, don't play me for a fool, J.R.

We haven't exactly been
bosom buddies over the years.

The deal's gone sour, right?

Well, if that's the case, why
would I keep two thirds for myself?

Why are you doing this?

Well, I figure, with Bobby gone,
it's time I mended some fences.

You were always
his favorite, Jordan.

In fact, after Daddy died,
he looked upon you as...

Well, something
like a father figure.

I never knew that.

It's true.

Do we have a deal?

- Sure do.
- Ha, ha, good.

I don't need to tell you that if
the rest of the cartel hears...

Now, don't worry. Don't worry,
they're not gonna hear about it from me.

Good, let's hope this is the
beginning of a lot of business together.

Looking forward
to that, partner.

Sly, come in here a
minute, would you?

Yes, sir?

You know that letter of agreement you
drew up between Marilee Stone and me?


Well, I'd like you to draw
up a couple more just like it.

One between Andy Bradley and me,
and one between Jordan Lee and me.

Doesn't that mean you've sold
out your entire share of the project?

Yes, that's right.

Forgive me for asking, but after
the all trouble you went through...

to land that deal, why
are you selling out now?

Well, my instinct tells me that there's
something about Angelica Nero...

something about this whole
deal, that's not quite right.

And my daddy used to say:

"Don't sit on the fence if
you can't play both sides of it."

So that's exactly
what I'm doing.

If the deal goes bad, there's
no sense in us taking a big loss...

when the cartel
will do it for us.

And if it's a windfall, we got some
hefty percentages coming our way.

In other words, you'll get all the
benefits without any of the risk.

That's right.

That's very smart.

What about Pam? How are you
gonna do this without her approval?

You just let me
take care of Pam.

Sounds like you've
got it all figured out.


If I had it all figured out, I'd know
what Angelica was really up to.

Your pointing at things and trying
to explain them isn't going to work.

It's just not the same
as my being there.

Well, of course not, but, uh,
if you think I'm gonna let you...

come down to Colombia with
me, you're out of your mind.

Give me three good reasons why
I shouldn't go for a week or two...

and see everything for myself.

Well, first of all, it's
a nightmare of a trip.

We fly into Bogota, charter
a single-engine plane...

to get us down to Los Gatos.

From there, we take a jeep to the
La Caqueta River, through the jungle.

Reason number two?

Reason number two. Once
we get there, we're still no place.

There's no hotel, there's no hot
water, there's no indoor plumbing.

Go on.

Reason number three:

Mosquitoes, snakes, and animals
you never even heard the name of...

are gonna wanna
share your tent with you.

Oh, I'm sorry,
am I interrupting?

I'm glad you did.


I never thought I'd ask
your help in anything, J.R.

But maybe you can talk Pam out of
wanting to go back to Colombia with me.


What on Earth are
you thinking about?

The jungle's no
place for a lady.

You two are not gonna scare me
out of this with that macho routine.

You're not serious, are you?

- Yes, I am.
- What's Mark think about this?

He doesn't know. I
just made up my mind.

But when he gets back
from Houston tomorrow...

I'm going to explain everything to
him, and I'm sure that he will understand.


J.R., Mr. Finiman
is here to see you.

Send him in.

Hey, d*ck, good to see you.

Good to see you.

- Can I get you anything?
- Not for me, thanks.

- Well, what's up?
- Well, I got some good news for you.

That's a welcome relief.

Checked through our inventory...

found some seahorse
bits I can let you have.

- How many?
- Not as many as you wanted.

But enough to get you started.

Well, that will tide us over
until Barnes has to let his go.

When you starting up?

We're almost ready to
start drilling right now.

Hey, I tell you, I really
appreciate this. I owe you one.

I wanted to make it up to you, you
know, about Barnes catching on to us.

Don't give that a
second thought.

You know the old saying. What
goes around, comes around.

What is it?

Open it and see.

I don't believe it. It's sable?

- Russian sable.
- Oh.

It feels...

It feels like heaven.

Put it on, honey.

Oh, J.R.

Oh, it's just beautiful.
I can't believe it.

I've never had
anything like it, I love it.

Well, good.

Why don't you put on that diamond bracelet
I got you so we can get the full effect?

It's in the vault at the bank.

Oh, well, I got you that thing to
wear, honey, not to put in a vault.

If you lose it, I'll
get you another one.

Well, what's this for?
It's not my birthday.

Well, I came into
a little extra cash.

For the life of me, I didn't know what
to do with it, and then I saw that coat.

A little cash?

Where'd it come from?

Pamela Barnes Ewing.

- You're kidding.
- No, I'm not.

Come on down here, let me feel that
thing with you wiggling around inside it.

Why did Pam give you money?

Oh, Bobby invested in some sort of
emerald mine in Colombia some time ago.

And since I didn't
want a part of it...

she bought me out of the
initial Ewing investment.

Why didn't you
want any part of it?

Because it's a loser, just like
the fellow who found that mine.

Some guy named Matt Cantrell.

Pam must think the
mine is worth something.

Well, who knows what goes on in
that feeble excuse of a mind of hers?

You see, I tell
you what let's do.

Let's go out someplace real fancy for
dinner tonight and show this coat off.


Have you had a better offer?

Oh, it feels so
good, I love this coat.


- Hey, Mama.
- Hello, J.R. No, thank you, Teresa.

Now, here we go,
excuse me. Oops.

There. Now, did
everybody get enough?

- Yes. I'm trying.
- Jenna, you've hardly had a thing.

You're gonna turn into skin and
bones if I don't take care of you.

I'm fine, don't worry about me.

Tell me, how is that
dinner of yours coming?

It's hectic.

As many of those
things that I've been to...

I had no idea how much
work went into them.

Now I'm trying to get things
donated for the auction.

Like what?

The usual. Jewels, furs.

Oh, yes, there's
a trip to Paris.

Oh, I think I could handle that.

Ah, John Ross, not
so many cookies.

Oh, Mom.

- Hey, look who's here. Hey, John Ross.
- Jack, Ray, have some lunch.

- Hello, Ray, Jack.
- Hi.

So glad you could
come. How's Jamie?

Well, I came from the
hospital this morning,

and she seems to
be holding her own.

- That's good.
- Have a good ride?

Had a great ride. I think I
needed something physical.

Both of you fill up
your plates now.

- That sounds good to me.
- Why, thank you.

Hey, what do you think about this
horseflesh old Ray's been buying?

I think it's impressive. Not that I
know a lot about horse breeding.

Maybe you'd like to know
that one of the them ponies...

sold over at Triple
R for half a million.

Half a million? Ha, ha. - Yeah.

There you go.

- I'm sorry.
- I know.

Mama, Jack's here.

Aren't you at least
gonna say hello to him?


Jenna, I'm gonna need something
to wear to the Graison dinner.

- Do you have anything at the boutique?
- Yeah, me too.


- Hey, look who's here.
- I missed you.

I missed you too.
How you doing, squirt?

- Okay.
- Okay?

Can you stay all day?

I'm afraid not, honey, I gotta get
back to the hospital to see my sister.

Well, do you want some dessert?

Sure do. Where is it?

Over here.

- I'll get you some.
- Jack, how you doing?

- Hey, J.R., thanks for inviting me.
- Mama wouldn't have it any other way.

You want to talk a
little shop after lunch?

- Excuse me, J.R.
- Yeah.

No hello?


I hope you're not leaving the
party just because I'm here.

I never really had a
chance to thank you

for finding me up at
the lake the other day.

I'm glad I could help.


I can see that you still
don't wanna talk to me.

I just want you to
know something.

Whatever I said,
whatever I did...

I never, ever
wanted to hurt you.

And I never wanted to
make an enemy out of you.

And I just hope that we
can put that all behind us.


I mean, I don't want
it to be uncomfortable

every time I come
out here. Otherwise, I...

I'm not gonna be able to
come out here anymore.

And I don't wanna
put you in that position.

So I was thinking
maybe we might just...

declare some kind of a truce.

Of course.

You really belong
here more than I do.

They're your family.

No, no, that's not what I meant.

But it doesn't really matter.

I'm glad Jamie's feeling better.

I'm gonna have to go in
and lay down for a while.

Please excuse me.

Hey, Jack, saved
a place for you.

So you didn't find out why
J.R. needs Jack so badly?

Cliff, I can't keep asking
him the same question.

He swears the only reason he
offered a reward to find Jack...

was to save Jamie's life.

So, what else is he up to?

I don't know.

He did tell me Pam
gave him a lot of money...

to buy him out of an
emerald mine in Colombia.

An emerald mine?

He says it's worthless,
but Pam's convinced it's not.

So he let her buy him out.

Well, I love my sister, but if J.R. says
it's worthless, I'd tend to believe him.

Cliff, I better go. I don't want
anyone to see me around here.

Oh, yeah, yeah, listen.

If you think of any way to
find out something about Jack...

Why don't you just
ask him yourself?

- Who? J.R.?
- Jack.

Mandy, I think you've
got something there.

Buckle up.

- J.R.
- Yeah?

You have made arrangements
for Jack to join us in Martinique?

Oh, I'll have him there.

That is, if his sister is
out of the hospital by then.

I'm afraid if she's
not, he just may not...

She will be out, won't she?

Yeah. Oh, I
definitely expect so.

- You got something else on your mind?
- Yes.

I'm still a bit upset
about the fact...

that I have to give you
20 percent of my share.

Oh, well, why don't you just
think of it as a...? As a bonus?

A little something to keep you honest,
and a little something to keep me happy.


Those two can talk
business 24 hours a day.

- But not you?
- No.

I think one should make time to
do other things, don't you agree?



Jack, would you mind giving
me a ride back to my hotel?

It's been a long day.

It'd be my pleasure.

I really missed you last night.

Well, I'll try not
to go away again.

Unless it's with you, that is.

When were you planning
on us going to Europe?

Oh, I don't know.

Next month, maybe.

Just whenever the
two of us can manage it.

Well, then, we'd have time to
take a little side trip first, hm?

Where do you wanna go?



- That's hardly a little side trip.
- It'd only take about a week.

Just long enough to
see the mine with Matt.

And then we can go
right from there to Europe.

You've been thinking
about this for days.

Where are you going?


I just don't wanna argue
with you when I'm naked.

- Well, what's there to argue about?
- What's there to argue about?

You plan this trip to some godforsaken
jungle to see an emerald mine...

when you don't know
about emeralds or the jungle.

- And this is the first I hear about it.
- Mark, I've pumped a fortune into this.

Don't you think it's only
reasonable that I see it firsthand?

No, I don't.

There is nothing
reasonable about this.

Well, can't we talk about it?

Pam, I don't wanna go.

And even if I did wanna
go, I can't get away right now.

Well, I don't know
how to make you

understand how
important this trip is to me.

I have to tell you the truth.

To me, it just seems like
you're chasing Bobby's dreams.

Well, I'm sorry you feel that
way, because it's not true.

Matt's my partner,
granted, because of Bobby.

But nevertheless,
he's my partner.

This is something
I feel I have to do.

Well, you've gotta do
what you've gotta do, then.

I have no right to stop
you. You're a grown-up.

But you're not happy about it.

Don't ask me to
be happy about it.

Punk Anderson. I'm
expecting Miss Ellie.

Oh, yeah, thanks.

Ellie, you look lovely.

- Hello, Punk.
- Our table will be ready in a few minutes.

How's Clayton?

- Feeling relieved, I think.
- I'm glad to hear it.

I'm just so happy
it's all working out.

Well, not all, Ellie.

Not right now, anyway.

Selling those two
companies didn't do the trick.

There's another Farlow company
going on the market today.

So soon?

And what's more, I'm
afraid he's not gonna get...

anywhere near the asking
price that he wants, or needs.

Punk, I wanna buy it.

That's not the
reason I told you, Ellie.

What I'm trying to
point out to you...

is that your buying up Clayton's
companies is not the answer.

I don't care. I want to buy it.

But you can't keep buying
everything Clayton's selling.

You're gonna go
broke for sure that way.

Well, I'll worry about
that when the time comes.

Right now, he needs my help.

You don't save somebody in
quicksand by jumping in yourself.

And you don't stand by
and watch him sink, either.

Anderson, party of
two, your table is ready.

I can't argue with you when
you put it that way, Ellie.


She must be better. They're
moving her to her own room.

Yeah, of course she's better.

You heard what the doctor said.

Gentlemen, you're
gonna have to go now.

We're ready to transfer her,
but you'll be able to visit her later.

Okay, thank you.

I love you, Jamie.

- She does look better.
- Yeah.

I'm gonna get lunch. I
wouldn't mind company.

I promised J.R. I
would meet him.

I guess he wants to talk over
business, you know how he is.

Surprised me you went
to work for Ewing Oil.

Mm-hm, surprised me too.

I didn't know you were
interested in the oil business.

- Ha, ha, I'm not. Not really.
- Well, then, why'd you do it?

Well, a favor to J.R.

He asked me if I would
help him for about six months.

No offense, but why you?

Well, I do have a piece
of the company, you know.

He figured I had vested interest in getting
this Marinos project off the ground.

Yeah, but what can
you do about that?

You know, I do have a
little drilling experience.

No, this is offshore drilling.
It's a whole different ballgame.

He could've brought somebody
in from the outside for that.

He was in a time
bind. Think I can't do it?

No, not at all. I mean, I'd like to
have a guy like you working for me.

I guess maybe J.R.
felt the same way.

Well, I just thought
you had other plans.

I did, but plans change.

There's no way that I
could ever turn him down.

Nope, family's family.

- Just look what he did for Jamie.
- Yeah, I'm grateful for that.

Sometimes I think people
judge J.R. a little too harshly.

Yeah. Right.

The tentative date is the 17th, so
don't forget to mark your calendar.

Do you have a preference?
Tables of eight or 10?

My only preference
is that I not be there.

Jerry, this is our
coming-out party.

This is our first chance to
introduce Graison Research...

to the business community.
You have to be there.

Give me one good reason.

You're the guest speaker.

I hate parties.


Look, why don't you, uh...?
Why don't you get Mark to speak?

I don't want to get Mark to
speak. I want you to speak.

I don't even speak
to half my family.

I'm not going to get up in front of a
bunch of total strangers and beg for money.

Do you want another laboratory?


Then learn to beg.

Jerry, we're asking these people
to pay a lot of money for that dinner.

So it's up to you to make them
understand where the money is going...

and why it's vital
for us to get it.

Sue Ellen, when people pay
a thousand dollars a plate...

they expect more than an idealistic
doctor and a serving of rubber chicken.

That's right. They
expect a tax deduction.

Sorry, didn't mean
to interrupt. Hi, Jerry.

- Hi.
- Come in.

Maybe you can help convince
Jerry to speak at the fundraiser.

Some other time. I've got
so many things on my mind.

Would you mind dropping
by my office when you're free?


Wonder what's eating him.

Now, where were we?

Well, the doctor says she's
improving a little bit every day.

Oh, I'm glad to hear that. I'm
sure she's gonna be just fine.

You know, I'm really
grateful for all your help.

I was happy to do
anything I could.

Say, Jack, I know that you're gonna be
wanting to stick pretty close to home...

for a while, but I'd like you to promise
me that when Jamie gets better...

you're not gonna
skip town again.

No, you got my word,
J.R. I owe you that much.

Good, because I want you to go to
the international petroleum conference...

with me and Angelica.

You just tell me where and when.

Martinique, end of next month.

Martinique, sounds pretty exotic.
Sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

There will be plenty of time for
that, along with the work, of course.

Good enough for me, because
I'm one guy who's long overdue...

for having some fun.

Ha, ha, I'll drink to that.

Stop worrying, Nicholas.

Martinique will be even better
than Caracas could've been.

Just relax. Why don't
you take some time off?

I'll speak to you in a few
days, okay? Goodbye.

I take it Nicholas
is still upset.

Have you ever
known him not to be?

I don't know why he doesn't realize
Martinique is the perfect setup for us.

I mean, everyone who is
important is gonna be there.

And we'll have more
time to work out our plans.

Including the one for
J.R. and Jack Ewing.

Civilization's behind us
once we leave Bogota.

We'll charter a single-engine plane
to get us down here to Los Gatos.

Then we'll just have to
hope that jeep is where I left it.

From there on out, we're gonna be
in the most gorgeous damn jungle...

you ever seen.

Yeah. Yeah, for my money, you've
seen one jungle, you've seen them all.

I hope Pam enjoys the scenery.

I really thought it was gonna take
some doing getting her down there.

Never in my wildest dreams
did I think she'd volunteer.

Well, it certainly
made my job easier.

Don't you worry, you'll
earn your paycheck.

You know, I never expected
you and I to be working together.

Remembering that bum
emerald deal of yours...

was just about one of the
best ideas I've ever had.

How long do you want me to
keep Pam occupied down there?

As long as you can.

I'm gonna enjoy running Ewing Oil
without her breathing down my neck.

As a matter of fact, I wouldn't
care if you never brought her back.

I was just kidding.
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