11x08 - Mummy's Revenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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11x08 - Mummy's Revenge

Post by bunniefuu »

Last on Dallas:

I've been wanting to see you
ever since I crashed into you...

but it's taken me this long
to work up the courage.

She turned the deal down?

She'd rather make
this acquisition alone.

Rain even falls on
you from time to time.

She sent your brother
Bobby a power of attorney.

I guess I'll have to help him
with some investment of ours.

Decision to be married is a big
one. If we get married, I want it to last.

I'm just gonna
humor him a little bit.

You're gonna sink a fortune into
a dry hole is what you're gonna do.

If there's a doctor
in the house, get up

here quick. Clayton's
having a heart attack.

J.R., I think we
should've stayed.

The last thing Mama needs is
us hanging around with long faces.

The doctor said he
was resting comfortably.

- I don't know.
- Well, I do.

Best thing we could've
done was come home.

Hey. What's going on?

- You haven't heard?
- No. Heard what?

Clayton, he had a heart attack,
and we took him to the hospital.

What? Is he all right?

The doctors say he's
in stable condition.

- Where's Mama?
- Still at the hospital.

- J.R., somebody should be with her.
- Ray and Jenna are there.

Well, is she all right?

Everything considered,
she's okay, Bobby.

- Oh, God, I don't believe it.
- I know.

It was during the middle of the
ball. He was giving his speech.

- Which hospital?
- Dallas Memorial.

How serious a heart attack?

Well, technically, it wasn't a
heart attack. It was severe angina.

Which was lucky for Clayton. It
could've been a massive coronary.

If that had been the case,
he might not be with us now.

- Dr. Lloyd Greg, L&D.
- What do we do now?

Dr. Greg, L&D.

There's nothing you can do.

I would like to explain
the procedure to you...

because we want to
operate tomorrow morning.

I see.

Have you heard
of a heart catheter?

It's that, uh, little plastic
tube with a camera in it...

that you insert into the artery?

Yes. Essentially, we run it
through the main artery system...

looking for blockage
and various other things.

In fact, that's how we discovered
Clayton's blockage in the first place.

Well, earlier. You
called it something else.

An angioplasty. It's really the same
thing with a special fitting on the end.

What it is, essentially, is a balloon
that we can expand in the artery.

When we get to some blockage,
we simply inflate the balloon.

And if the blockage
isn't too extensive...

we can clear the artery
without open-heart surgery.

- And if it is extensive?
- Well, then we have to go in.

But let's not cross that
bridge until we get to it.

We're hoping that the angioplasty
will be all that's necessary.

What time tomorrow?

We want to operate
first thing in the morning.

That is, it his
condition is still stable.

Do you need my permission?

No. Clayton's already signed the release.
Why don't you go home and try and rest?

Really. He's sleeping.

There isn't anything more
you can do here tonight.

Could I just see him?

- Of course. Dr.- John Lia, ICU-

I wonder why Bobby
didn't go tonight.

I just think he'd have felt a
little uncomfortable without Pam.

I don't see why. You
didn't. She's your sister.

Yeah, she's my
sister, but not my wife.

You know, he took her to the ball
last year right after he got remarried.

I suppose it would've
been painful for him.

Oh, yeah. Dam right.

All those people asking
about Pam. I don't blame him.

Hi. Can I get you another drink?

- Please.
- Okay.

- No, none for me.
- All right.

- I don't wanna drink alone.
- No.

Okay. I'll be right back.

I've got a meeting at the
tax office in the morning.

What for?

Has to do with Dandy.

What are you gonna do,
claim him as a deduction?

Gee. Boy, you're not
funny, you know that?

- Then what?
- Well, I didn't mention it before...

but it's that land we're
gonna drill on. Dandy's land.

He doesn't own it.

I sent a team out there to drill, and I
found out he owed 10 years back tax.

- And you're gonna pay it?
- That's right.

Why don't you just tell him
about the tax and say, “Forget it“?

Because I don't want to. I don't
wanna pull the rug out from under him.

And what is that gonna
do in the long run?

There's no oil there. You're just
setting him up for a big disappointment.

Maybe. Maybe not. I don't
care. I'm taking a chance on it.

You're gonna throw
good money after bad.

I know Dandy's type. All
he's looking for is a free ride.

That's exactly what everybody used to
say about Digger. They said he was a bum...

- and he'd never amount to anything.
- He is not your father.

April, you told me that before.
I know he's not my father.

But nobody gave Digger a chance.
I'm giving this old guy a chance.

And I'm going. You coming?

Hello, Harry? It's J.R. here.
I don't have a lot of time.

- I want you to do some work for me.
- McSWEEN: Yes, sir.

Oh, by the way, I was real
sorry to hear about Mr. Fallow.

Yeah. Yeah, I know, it's terrible. I
want you to do some digging for me.

Yes, sir.

I want you to find out everything
you can about Mrs. Kimberly Cryder.

She's the wife of the chairman
of the board at Westar.

All right.

Can you give me some idea
of where you want me to start?

Yes. With the closet. I want you to find
out how many skeletons she's got in it.

Right. You know, a heart
attack's a serious thing.

I sure hope Mr. Fallow
makes it out all right.

Yeah, well, if he does, he
does. If he doesn't, he dies.

Never should've married
my mama in the first place.

Mama. You're back.

- He||o, J.R.
- How's Clayton?

He's stable.

Well, you wanna talk?

It's very late, J.R. You
don't have to stay up with me.

Well, I waited for you.
I'd really like to know.

What did the doctor say?

It's all so...

So very confusing to me.

They wanna do an
angle-something or other...

where they can take
care of the blockage...

with a...

With a balloon or something.

Mama, just calm down.

It all happened so fast.

They're gonna
operate in the morning.

Well, the doctors
know what they're doing.

Yes, I suppose so.

It's just that I keep thinking
that something's gonna go wrong.

You can't think like that, or you'll
be a nervous wreck tomorrow.

Look, Mama...

you know how much I want
Clayton to pull through this.

I wasn't very easy on
him at first. You know that.

I think it was because of Daddy. I just
couldn't see anybody taking his place.

I know, JR.

But I just wanna tell
you that I was wrong.

I respect Clayton very much.

And I'm happy you married him.

Thank you, JR.

I love you, Mama.


Ray, Mom told me
about Clayton last night.

I'm sorry.

Well, there's nothing to be sorry
about. Clayton's gonna pull through this.

I thought it was serious.

Well, it is serious.

Just that, after this, he's
gonna be better than new.

I hope so.

Don't you worry about a
thing. He's gonna be just fine.

- Are you going to the hospital?
- Yeah, in about 10 minutes.

- Isn't Mom going with you?
- Sure is.

She's just upstairs
getting ready.

Say, uh...

your mother didn't say anything
else to you about last night, did she?

No. Did something else happen?



I did ask her to marry me.

Ray, that's wonderful. I just
knew you guys would get married.

- All right, you just hold on, now. Ha, ha.
- Why? I'm happy for you.

She didn't say yes.

You mean she said no?

Well, she didn't say no either.

She's just not ready yet.

Well, when will she be
ready? What is wrong with her?

There is nothing wrong with her.

Your mother has been
through an awful lot.

- She just needs some time.
- Time? What does she need time for?

Charlie, I realize
that you're upset.

Look, you and I just need to
give your mother some space.

You can't corral somebody
into getting married.

You're not corralling her. You
love her. You're perfect for her.

- Now, Charlie.
- “Now“ nothing.

Can't you see what's happening?
She doesn't care about you.

All she cares about is herself.

- You know that is not true.
- Oh, really, Ray?

Then why didn't she say yes?

I already told you that.

And you believe that
stuff about needing time?

I'll tell you what's wrong. She's
still in love with stupid Bobby.

- And you really wanna pay the back taxes?
- That's right.

Well, I'll tell you frankly, Mr. Barnes,
this land will never be worth as much...

- as the taxes that are owed on it.
- That's your opinion.

- Mr. Barnes, have you seen this land?
- Yeah.

- You know you can't grow anything on it.
- Yeah.

- Nearest town's miles away.
- Look, I don't need your description.

- And I don't need your advice.
- I'm just letting you know...

- what you're getting for your money.
- I appreciate that. Now, how much?

Fifteen thousand three hundred and
forty-two dollars and ninety-six cents.

- You take a personal check?
- Oh, that'll be fine.

Nice doing business with you.

You'll get your
deed in the mail.

Ellie, will you stop worrying?
Everything's gonna be fine.

Who's worrying? I was just wondering
who I'm gonna have dinner with tonight.

Ha, ha. That's wonderful. I tum my
back, and you're on the town, huh?

I've gotta do it when I can.
You'll be home in a couple of days.

- Better than ever, so you better look out.
- Ha, ha.

It'd be just like you to
overdo it the first night back.

Well, you're the one who said,
“We're always young inside.“

Well, we'll talk about
that when you get home.

- Hmm. Promises, promises.
- Trust me.

This is as far as you
can go, Mrs. Fallow.

Well, let's get this thing over
with. I got a marriage to protect.

I love you.

Hey, J.R.

Hey, Casey. Sit down.
We got a lot to talk about.

I'll have a beer.

You look a little peaked.

- What's the matter?
- Marilee called again.

She wants to
meet this afternoon.

Well, I guess she's heard
about the annual report.

She wants to dump
her half of the company.

- So why the long face?
- Well...

J.R., she's an animal. She
can't keep her hands off me.

That's what makes
you perfect for the job.

Well... But there
must be another way.

Couldn't I tell her I'm sick or something?
Try and deal with her over the phone?

Now listen, son. We're
talking business here.

You got to do whatever it takes.

If Marilee needs
a little coaxing...

that's what you're gonna
do. You understand?

Yes, sir. Whatever it takes.

- But she doesn't need a lot of coaxing.
- Good.

Now, let's get to the bidding.

Uh, you should be able to pick up
her half for 70, 80 cents on the dollar.

- But no more than 80, you hear?
- Well, I'll do my best.

And 1 percent of this deal goes
straight in your pocket, in cash.

So you just remember that when
she's whispering into your ear.

Well, it'll help,
that's for sure.

Let me know how things
tum out as soon as you can.

It may take till morning,
but I'll let you know.

That's all right.
After this is all over...

you can take a nice long
vacation, regain your strength.

- Yeah, I'll need one.
- Ha, ha.

- What's this?
- Oh, uh, I ordered you some oysters.

I thought you'd need that too.

- What's new, Jackie?
- Cliff, that man is here again.

- What man?
- Oh, that Mr. Dandridge.

He's in your office.

- Okay, what are you doing here?
- Why didn't you tell me?

- Tell you what?
- Don't be dumb, kid.

I already looked over
the sniffer test on my land.

Why did you lie to me?

You said there was oil there, and
I didn't wanna hurt your feelings.

Hun my feelings? What do I
look like, a high-school girl?

No, except I know
what it means to you.

You're right. But what
does it mean to you?

Why did you wanna go on with the
drilling after a stupid test like that?

Because I've got faith in you.
- That's it?

You said you knew that
there was oil down there.

There is. More than
you can shake a stick at.

But I just didn't figure
you for a real oilman.

Well, that's just great.
That's what I get, huh? Insults.

I'm sorry, kid. I just didn't
think you had the guts.

- It looks like I was wrong.
- Well, thanks.

- I guess.
- We||, don't thank me yet.

There's plenty of time for that
when we hit the mother lode.

Well, it won't be long now, because
I've got a drilling team ready to go.


you've earned something...

that nobody has had for years.

- What is that?
- My respect.

You're a wildcatter.
I'm real proud of you.

- It's gonna be just like the old days.
- It's gonna be an experience.

It'll be the best
move you ever made.

There's millions in
that hole. I can feel it.

We'll see what happens.

Dr. McCann, CBT.

- What's taking so long?
- Dr. McCann, CBT.

- Do you think it's going all right?
- It's only been a couple hours, Mama.

God, I just can't stand
sitting here and doing nothing.

I know it's difficult, but
it won't be long now.

Mrs. Fallow?

- The operation was a complete success.
- Oh, thank you, doctor. Thank you.

He'll be just fine.

- When can I see him?
- He'll be in recovery for about an hour.

I'll have one of the nurses
tell you when he's awake.

Thanks so much, doc.
When can he go home?

We'll be keeping him here
for a while for observation.

Just a precaution.
Nothing to worry about.

- Thank you, doctor.
- You're welcome, Mrs. Fallow.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

- Well, that's great.
- Miss Ellie, I'm so happy for you.

Thank you for being here.

We wouldn't have had it
any other way, Miss Ellie.

Well, I'm going to the
cafeteria to get something to eat.

Can I get you anything?

Uh, I think, uh, I'll
have a cup of coffee.


I'm fine.

I'm so happy, Miss Ellie.

I know how hard it's been on you, Bobby.
Being in the hospital so much lately.

- Can I get you anything?
- No. No, I'm fine.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Thank you.

- Hello, Sue Ellen.
- Oh, hi, April.

- You look wonderful.
- Oh, thank you.

Thank you for meeting me.

Can I bring you
something from the bar?

A Campari and soda, thank you.

Ahem. So I have a feeling that
this isn't just a social get-together.

Well, I'd like to talk to you about that
meeting Nicholas Pearce set up between us.

Sue Ellen, I understand
your not wanting a partner.

I'd like to explain why.

- You don't owe me any explanation.
- But I do.

You see, I was rather
blunt the other day...

and, uh, I didn't want
you to get the wrong idea.


Thank you.

There is a reason that
I acted the way I did.

You see, my decision to
make my little business, uh...

an empire...

was because a lot of people insisted
that I couldn't do it without them.

Like Mandy Winger?

Yes, like Mandy, among others.
But that isn't important new. Uh...

What is important is
that I do do it on my own.

Well, I can understand that.

Then you can understand
that it's nothing personal.

If I were to take a partner,
you'd be the first one I'd call.

Well, I appreciate
that. Thank you.

So now that the
business talk is over...


There is one thing
that I was wondering.

What's that?

Nicholas Pearce. How
did he happen to call you?

I have no idea. You
know him better than I do.

Well, I thought I did...

but, uh, after he set up
that meeting between us...

who knows what he's up to?

I don't know either.

Then you haven't
talked to him since?

Oh, I've talked to him.

I just wasn't interested
in what he had to say.

At first, I thought he was only
interested in investing some money for me.

What do you mean, at first?

Well, you must know,
he's quite the charmer.

He talked
investments, all right...

but I think he was just
as interested in pillow talk.

But you aren't?

He's not my type.

I bet you have to beat
him off with a stick.

Oh, well, it's not that bad.

Well, maybe he doesn't
go after married women.

Whatever. Our relationship
is purely business.

- Have you decided?
- I haven't even looked.

- Sony.
- I'll be back in a minute.

Mrs. Stone?

- Casey. It's been too long.
- Marilee.

Will you be having
anything to drink?

- Uh, an iced tea would be nice.
- Very well, sir.

Well, what's so important?

I have an idea for you. One that
I think you'll be very interested in.

And what might that be?

You know that little company
you and I are buying out?

Has something gone wrong?

Oh, no, of course not.
It's a wonderful investment.

I was just wondering...

how would you like
to be the sole owner?

Well, I'd like it just fine,
but we're in it together.

Well, then this is your
lucky day. I'm selling.

Well, that's very interesting. If it's
such a good deal, why are you selling?

- Well, it's not that I don't like it.
- Well, then why?

I'm doing it for Jordan Lee.

- Jordan wants you to sell?
- No, Jordan wants me to buy.

He's got a major project under way,
and he wants me to go in with him.

And now, with our deal,
well, I just don't have the cash.

Now, let me get this straight. You're
doing this out of loyalty to Jordan?

I couldn't have
put it better myself.

Well, that's quite loyal,
considering how good our deal looks.

I know. And I wish there was
some other way, believe me.

Well, there's, uh, one
thing we failed to mention.

Just how much do
you want for your half?

- Well, what I paid for it might be nice.
- Well, I'm sure that it would be.

But, realistically. How
much do you want?

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

I was afraid you'd haggle.

Well, business is business.

And pleasure is pleasure.

And I think I'd
prefer a little pleasure

first. We've been talking
business long enough.

At your service.

I wasn't talking about
tennis. Come on.


Everything's fine.


As far as I can tell,
everything's going beautifully.

There is only one problem.

You never told me
what a nice guy Bobby is.

- Today's the day, kid.
- Yeah, I guess so.

You guess so? I know so.
I can't wait to start drilling.

Where do you wanna try first?

That's the general spot, but
hold on, I'll tell you exactly.

- Where you going?
- Hold your horses.

Oh, what's that?

It's a dowsing rod. Haven't
you ever seen a dowsing rod?

Well, sure, I've seen one, but don't
tell me that's what you're gonna use.

That's right.

And the feelings are
getting stronger already.

This is it. This
is where we drill.

Is he serious?

You heard him.
You drill right there.

Whatever you say.
It's your money.

Come on, boys.

Well, welcome back, Clayton.

Thank you. It's good
to be back, I tell you.

Well, why aren't
you two in school?

- We got to stay home.
- So we could see Clayton.

Well, come on,
you two. Ha-ha-ha.

I sure am glad to see
you're all right, Clayton.

Thank you, Ray. I haven't
felt this good in 20 years.

- Thank you, J.R. Hey, I wanna hug you.
- Oh, sure, Clayton. You look great.

- So do you.
- Thanks.

Yeah. Hey, listen, come on up
here, Ellie. I wanna talk to you all...

while I've got you all
together. I just... Well, I...

I wanna thank you.

And tell you that I'm sorry.

Sony? About what?

What I put this family through.

If I hadn't been so damn stubborn,
and listened to my doctor, uh...

I would've saved you a
lot of trouble and grief.

Well, I don't know how
everybody else feels about it...

but I think it was worth a little trouble
to see you feeling so dam good again.

Well, I'm a lucky man, huh?

I have a wonderful wife...

and a nice family.


I appreciate it.

I appreciate all of you.

- Yes, Tita?
- A Marvel Heed...

to see you.

- Uh, I don't know a Marvel Reed.
- She says she's Mr. Pearce's assistant.


Send her in.

- Miss Reed, how nice to meet you.
- Please, call me Marvel.

- Marvel. Please sit down.
- Mm-hm. Thank you.

Mr. Pearce didn't tell me
that he had an assistant.

I was under the impression
that we had a meeting today.

I'm sorry. We really
should've called.

But things were so rushed this
morning. Nick was called out of town.

It was really all I could do to
make it here on time myself.

I just didn't know there was
someone else handling my account.

Well, it's really not like that.

You see, I just explain the
details. Nick handles the account.

I see.

- These are the details?
- Yes.

Now, what we had in mind is...

we would like to do TV
talk shows, interviews...

magazine covers, all the
right stuff, so to speak...

to make Sue Ellen
Ewing a household word.

Now, these are
the possibilities.

We would like for you
just to lock them over...

and see what strikes your fancy.


“We," that means
you and Mr. Pearce?


Nick would like for you to get back to me
just as soon as you've made your choices.

I see. And how long
will he be out of town?

Couple of days.

But these things do take
time to set up, Mrs. Ewing.

He thinks you really need to
move on this, and move quickly.

- Anything else?
- The new stores.

Now, he thinks that you should
attend all the openings personally.

There's a list of the
dates and the locations.

Well, everything
looks very organized.

- But there is just one little thing.
- What's that, Mrs. Ewing?

I wanna talk to him
before I make any decision.

Well, I'll try to get in touch with
him, but as I said, he is out of town.

You do your best, because
we'll just have to wait for him.

- I see.
- Good. Well, I'll be expecting his call.

Marvel, it was
lovely meeting you.

You too, Mrs. Ewing.
I'll relay your message.

Thank you.

- Yeah?
- April Stevens.

Here to see you.

Well, send her in.

Well, what brings you down here?

- I wanted to talk to you.
- Can I get you a cup of coffee?

- Something to drink?
- Oh, no. Thank you.

All right. What's on your mind?


I am bored to death.

I'm sorry to hear that.

What can I do to help?

I thought maybe you
could give me some ideas.

I mean, you've been rich
since the day you were born.

I have been peer my whole life
up until a couple of months ago.

I mean, what do you do with all this
money once you have so much of it?

April, I'm not quite sure
what you're talking about yet.

When I was poor, my whole day
consisted of just taking care of myself.

Chores, laundry,
working. Things like that.

Now everything is done for me.

Heel like the money
is running my life.

I don't have to do anything.

I finally got everything that I
wanted, and I don't know what to do.

What about your restaurant?
That's gotta keep you busy.

Are you kidding? It runs itself.
All I know is that we make a profit.

Well, then why don't you
start your own company?

- What kind of company?
- I don't know.

What do you like? What
do you know about?

- Well, I've always liked clothes.
- Well, there you go. Why don't you...?

Excuse me. Yeah?

Lisa Alden on Line 4.

Just one second.

- He||o, Lisa.
- Hello, Bobby.

I hope you don't think
this is forward or anything.

But how would you and Christopher like
to go to Penny Whistle Park on Sunday?

On Sunday? I don't think
we have anything planned.

- Why not?
- Great. Should I meet you there?

Of course not.

We'll come by and pick
you up, about 9 a.m.?

- Okay. See you Sunday.
- Okay. Bye.

- I'm sorry. Where were we?
- I've taken up enough of your time today.

Maybe we can talk again.

- Any time you'd like.
- Great. We'll make it dinner.

Thank you, Bobby.

You all right, honey?

Yes, I'm fine.

I'm just thinking about
Nicholas Pearce, that's all.

He seems to be on your
mind quite a bit lately.

J.R., he worries me.

I had a meeting with him today,
and he sent an assistant instead.

You should've told him you didn't
wanna deal with people like that.

Believe me, I will the
next time I talk to him.

I didn't even know he had
an assistant until today.

And the thing is that, lately.
I'm seeing less and less of him...

and I'm spending more
and more of my money.

Well, I'll get on to John Kate first thing
tomorrow morning, straighten this out.

No, J.R. I don't
want you involved.

Well, I feel responsible. I
recommended that company to you.

Thank you, J.R., but no.

It is my problem, and
I'm gonna handle it myself.

You know, it wasn't
too long ago...

I never thought I'd hear
those words coming from you.

I guess I've changed.

Yes, you have.

Into the most...

Most desirable,
wonderful woman in my life.


And tune in tomorrow
night for the conclusion...

Oh, I thought it
would never end.

I'm hushed.

How about you?

Yeah, I'm a little tired.

Hey, Jenna?

I've got something to say that's not
gonna wait until tomorrow morning.

Well, what is it, Ray?

What's wrong?


I'm not real sure
about us anymore.

I told you I needed time.

I can't rush into
marriage again.

Not after what we've
both been through.

Can't you see that?

Yes, I understand that.

If those are the reasons,
I can accept them.

But if there's another reason...

just tell me,
get it over with...

and let me go.

Hello, Miss Ellie.


What a surprise.

- It's good to see you.
- It's good to see you too.

Is everything all right?

Oh, I don't know, Miss Ellie.


What's wrong?

It's Ray.

He's asked me to marry him.

And what did you tell him?

I told him that I needed time...

that, after what we have been
through, we shouldn't rush into anything.

Well, does Ray have
a problem with that?


I do.

What do you mean?

I mean that I haven't been
honest with him or myself.

The real reason is Bobby.

You still love Bobby?

It's not that I still love him.

It's the way I loved him.

I'm not sure I understand.

No. I don't
understand it either.

It's just that when I was
with Bobby, it was like magic.

It was like walking on air.

And with Ray?

I don't think I could ever
feel the same about Ray.

Do you love Ray?

I think so.

But you expect some magic?

I always thought I would feel
that way with the man I married.


it's, uh, not always that way.

How was it with Jock?

Ha, ha. Well, hmm...

there wasn't much magic.

It was all I could do
to get him to marry me.

- Didn't he love you?
- Oh, yes.

And I loved him more than
any man I've ever known.

But not at first.

I married Jock
to save the ranch.

Don't be shocked.

It was different then.

Sometimes we did things
out of necessity, not love.

But you said you loved
him more than any man.

I did.

But that came with time.

I think that walking on air...

and magic is fine.

But real love
comes from trust...

and from spending time
together during the years...

and from all the
ups and downs...

when you find the
strength to stay together.

What about Clayton?

Oh. I love Clayton very much.

I may not love him the
way that I loved Jock...

but we haven't had the
time that Jock and I had...

or all the things that
we shared together.

But I'll tell you this:

I feel very lucky...

to have had two such wonderful,
wonderful men in my life.

So you think I should many Ray?

It's not what I think...

it's what you think.

J.R., nice to see you.

Sit down, John.

- Something wrong?
- Yes.

- Nicholas Pearce.
- Nick?

Heh, I'm afraid you've lost me.

Why do you have him
handling my wife's account?

Why not? He's the
best man I've got.

Better than you, is he?

Your wife's not satisfied?

I'm not satisfied.

When I recommended you, I
expected you to handle it yourself.

Now, if you ask me for a favor, you know
I'm not gonna assign a lackey to do it.

_J_R___ -I expect
courtesy from my friends...

or they don't remain
my friends very long.

You're right. What can I say?
I'll start on her account tomorrow.

- Little late for that, isn't it?
- Then what do we do?

We remember who our
friends are from the start.

I told you I was sorry.

There must be something we
can do to rectify the situation.

- Yes. Yes, there is.
- Well, just say what.

I want you to keep
an eye on him.

Make sure he's handling this
personally and not through an assistant.

Whatever you say, J.R., but I assure
you, the account is being handled properly.

I don't want your assurance.
Now, I'm holding you responsible.

If anything goes wrong,
I know who to tum to.

If anyone can guide Sue Ellen
in the right direction, it's Nicholas.

- And I'll stake my reputation on it.
- Good.

That's exactly
what you're doing.

Get up!

- Good evening.
- What is this?

Oh, that came for your
brother a little while ago.

It's from a law firm in Houston.


Just perfect.

Ray, I'm home.



- Oh. Why didn't you answer me?
- What for?

Don't you dare talk to
me like that, young lady.

Why not? I hate
you for what you did.

You better explain yourself, or I'm
gonna get up there and I'm gonna...

I don't care.

You've already
ruined my whole life.

- What are you talking about?
- Ray.

- Do you see Ray anywhere?
- No, I don't.

But that doesn't give you
the right to talk to me like that.

Well, I think it does.

Ray's left.


- What do you mean, left? Left where?
- To Washington. To be with Donna.

I can't believe that.

Why not? He asked you to
marry him, but you said no.

Oh, Charlie.

Honey, it wasn't like that.

Yeah, you told him some
lie about needing time.

- That wasn't a lie.
- Come on, Mom.

You're still in love with
Bobby. That's why you said no.

Well, I hope you're satisfied,
because now Ray's gone.

And he's never coming back.

Watch out, low bridge.

- You have a good time?
- You bet, Dad. I had a blast.

- Great. You liked Lisa, didn't you?
- She's neat.

Yeah. Oh, there's your Uncle
J.R. Low bridge again. Oh.

Sounds like you all
been having a good time.

- We had a blast.
- Oh.

- First, we...
- No, wait a minute.

You can tell J.R. about it in the
morning. Right now, it is time for bed.

- Okay, Daddy. Good night.
- Good night, pal.

- Good night, Uncle J.R.
- Good night, Christopher.

I think I'm gonna tum in too.

You got a minute?

Well, sure. What's on your mind?

Oh, I don't know. It's just nice to
see you enjoying yourself again.

Well, it's, uh...

It's a little difficult,
but it's nice.

Well, you keep this up, and before
long. You'll have forgotten about Pam.

Now, wait a minute, J.R. I'm
not gonna forget about Pam.

I love her as much
right now as I ever have.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

What are you getting at?

This came for you today.

Pam's filing for divorce and
giving you custody of Christopher.

Next on Dallas:

- Hi, Dandy. How's it going?
- Kid, I can smell it. It's oil.

If Mommy doesn't want
us, we don't want her either.

What I see is a woman who has a lot
to learn about business and about me.

J.R. Ewing. I believe that you're
acquainted with my husband, Wilson Cryder.

Donna called. She wanted to talk
to me about getting married again.

I could've sworn you were him. Sony.
Guess we all make mistakes, huh?

- You want my opinion?
- That's why you're here.

Fight this thing. We can win.
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