11x21 - Malice in Dallas

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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11x21 - Malice in Dallas

Post by bunniefuu »

Last on Dallas:

Why are you telling me now?

- Because J.R. is blackmailing me over it.
- Blackmail?

Get out.

Just get out and leave me alone!

Oh, my God.

Looks like you've had
an unwanted visitor.

The hearing's on
again next week.

- I thought this thing was over with.
- So did I-.

We were both wrong.

You'd be a whole lot
better off if you agreed

to let me take over
control of Westar...

because if you don't,
there's gonna be a w*r.

Hi, Bob.

I'm sure you're aware that
Lisa Alden is still in town...

that she's going ahead
with the custody suit.

That's impossible. I
sent that girl packing.

Oh, cut the crap.

You really think I'm still
gonna fall for this blackmail?

Hey, Bobby, I met with her. I gave
her a one-way ticket out of Dallas...

and I told her what would
happen if she didn't leave.

You just say whatever
comes to mind.

First, you tell me
you sent her packing...

now you're telling me you're surprised
she's still doing what you paid her to do.

Bobby, I don't wanna go
head-to-head with you again.

So I'm gonna level with you. I
wanna set the record straight.

I did use Lisa.

I did try to put
pressure on you...

to get you to throw in
with me to get Westar.

But I didn't want the girl to go
that far. I made a mistake, I'm sorry.

I'll do everything to get
that girl out of your hair.

Hope that hearing
never takes place.

What I did before
is gonna be nothing!

I want this stopped!
Do you hear me?

01 both of you get the hell out
of this house and off this ranch.

Here you go.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah.

Boy, I gotta find somebody
and just settle down.

I had a crummy date last
night. I should have read a book.

Well, I'm relieved to know that all
that's bothering you is your love life.

Why? What should be?

Westar is down four more points.

Another four
points? Are you sure?

I'll get the paper.

Cliff, Bobby's here.

Hey, Bobby.

- Can I get you some coffee?
- No, thank you.

- Have you heard from Lisa?
- No, she moved.

No, she isn't. She's in town.

- She is?
- That's right.

She's after Christopher.
The hearing is back on.

That girl doesn't give up, does she?
She got some kind of strong family ties.

Family, hell. She's been
working with J.R. all along.

J.R.? Why?

He's trying to put
some pressure on me...

to throw in with him
in his fight with Westar.

I can't believe that.

We", believe it. We gotta
find her and before the hearing.

Well, I'll do anything I can.

I can't believe she's
working with J.R.

Larry Doyle's been m*rder*d?

The file.

The file.

The Lombardi file, it's gone.

God. That's what they
were looking for. Oh...

Nicholas Pearce, please.

April Stevens calling.

Nicholas, I have to see you.

What's the matter, Ellie?

Nothing. I'm fine.

Don't tell me you're fine.

We've known each
other for too many years.

Come on, what's wrong?


Just some problems.

Ellie, we're best friends.

If we can't confide in
each other, then who?

That's what best
friends are for.

I'm worried about Clayton.

Oh, Ellie, not his health again?

No, no. He's fine.

I think he's having an affair.

What makes you think so?

You remember a couple of weeks
ago, you and I were shopping...

and we went into
that restaurant?

Yes, I remember.

I saw Clayton there...

with this young girl.

She couldn't have been more...

than 25.

You never said anything.

Ellie, there could be a hundred innocent
reasons for Clayton to have been with her.


she was kissing him.

A few days ago...

I saw him coming out of
his office building with her.

He flew down...

to the Gulf without
asking me to go with him.

He hasn't invited
me up to his new...

His new office.

He spends his days and
evenings away from home.

I don't know what
to think or do.

Have you talked to him?


I've been...

I've been hoping that he'd...

He'd tell me about her...

tell me who she is...

but he hasn't.

The more he doesn't
say anything...

the more I know...

that he's involved with her.

Well, then I guess you're
just going to have to be patient.

And wait it out.

That's what I did.

Punk had an affair?


with his secretary.

Well, what's all this
talk about friendship?

You never told me.

Ellie, I couldn't.

It was just shortly
after Jock's death.

I'm pretty sure that's
what prompted it.

He felt so vulnerable...

that if it could happen to
Jock, it could happen to him.

You knew about it...

and you never
mentioned it to him?


I was going to,
but then I thought...

if I lock the boat, I
might lose everything.

And what would my
life be without him?

I felt that I needed him
even if had to share him.

But every day I waited
for the other shoe to drop...

and I tried to pretend
that nothing was wrong...

but every morning I would
wake up and wonder...

it this is the day that he's
going to ask me for a divorce.

And then it was over.

I could tell by the
way he touched me...

by the way he talked to me...

and by the time
he spent with me.

How did it end?

Well, I think he finally realized
that she was very young...

and they had
nothing in common...

or he accepted
his own mortality.

Or he finally realized
how much he loved me.

And I think that's the
way it will be with Clayton.

Mavis, I don't
think I can just...

let it run its course.

I don't think I could...

I could put up with that.

Harry, we have got
to find Lisa Alden...

or Faraday, or whatever
she's calling herself nowadays.

We gotta find her fast. That
hearing is coming up real soon.

I've got some vacation
coming. I'll spend full time on it.

I gave that girl a one-way ticket
out of Dallas and I want her to use it.

Here's the file you put together
on her when you found her.

- Maybe it'll help you trace her down.
- Okay, J.R., on my way.

- J.R.?
- Yeah?

- Mrs. Clyde! is here to see you.
- Well, send her in.

- Do you need anything?
- No, thank you.

What a pleasant
surprise, darling.

You had no right to see
my daddy without telling me.

- What?
- You heard me!

I hope I didn't hear
what I thought I heard.

You damn well did.

Then what are you doing here?

Do I look and walk
and talk like Wilson?

If you're confusing me with that wimp, I
don't think we got anything to talk about.

J.R., I don't confuse
you with Wilson.

If you want the kind of man that runs
to you before he makes decisions...

you better look
for somebody else.

It wasn't just any
business deal.

You went to see my daddy
and he's too sick for this.

If I decide to go against your
daddy for control of Westar...

that's between him and me.

Now, he may be sick,
but he knows how to fight.

He doesn't need any protection
from you, I guarantee it.

We“, maybe, JR...

I'm the one that
needs the protection.

If you manage to gain control
over Westar without me...

will you still want me?


Kimberly, how can
you think like that?

I told you before...

what we have between us no
longer has anything to do with Westar.

Win, lose or draw, darling. You
and I are going to be together...

because you are the most exciting
woman I've ever met in my life.


Why don't you take the day
off and come play with me?

I'd love to, but I can't.

Bobby's in a lot of trouble. I
gotta help him anyway I can.

And that comes before anything.

I don't believe that anything
comes before your fight for Westar.

You don't know that
much about me, do you?


I saw a picture of Clayton Fallow's
wife in the paper the other day.

She's a lot older than you.

Has he talked about her?

I know about her.

I'm sure he doesn't
talk about you to her.

David, I thought we were
gonna have a quiet lunch.

I bet that Clayton Fallow...

has offered to
do plenty for you.

That's none of your business.

Laurel, don't be a dummy.

If it makes him happy...

why not?

Laurel, you have to keep
this relationship going.

I mean, he may be old...

but the guy's worth a fortune.

And, you know. If you
play your cards right...

you probably would never have
to sell another bonsai in your life.

David, that's a
rotten thing to say.

It I was interested in money,
I wouldn't have left England.

I'm sure that Clayton Fallow makes
that guy you were seeing in England...

look like a pauper.

He's here.


- Farlow?
- No.

Hello, Laurel.

Aren't you going
to introduce me?


I'm Brett Lomax.

You're the guy she dumped.

What are you
doing here in Dallas?

I'd like to speak
to Laurel alone.

You look like
you're all finished.

Do you mind?

Of course I mind.

David, please. I
don't want a fight.


Two old friends.

Why not?

Laurel, you take
care of the check?

I want you to come home.

I don't know what you're doing
in this godforsaken place anyway.

We've been over this,
Even. I don't love you.

It's the loser, isn't it?
That half-baked artist.

- How do you know about him?
- I know.

And he's been filling your head
with all this “free spirit“ nonsense.

Wake up, Laurel.

I'm offering you
a beautiful life.

You are offering
me a beautiful prison.

Jenna, you think we can get
Charlie to babysit Lucas tonight?

Like to take you to dinner and a movie.
We haven't done that in a long time.

I'd love to.

But I was putting Charlie's clothes
away and I found her report card.

She was always a
straight-A student.

She's getting F's in half of
her classes and D's in the rest.

She forged my
name. Look at this.

And look at all the absences.

She must have forged my
name on the excuses too.

Oh, Ray, I don't
know what to do.

Just when I thought
things were working out.

This has all happened
since our marriage.

I guess I haven't done
a very good job with her.

It's not your fault or
the fault of the marriage.

Teenage girls can be difficult.

So you said, but not all of them are
cutting classes and failing at school.

Not all of them have been through the
same turmoil Charlie has all these years.

Charlie's not going
through any turmoil now.

She's got a home and a family,
people that care about her.

Why are we having this
trouble with her now?

Ray, I think she's testing us.

Testing us?

I think she's trying
to pull us apart.

Well, that's not gonna happen.

- Do you mean that?
- Yes, I do.

Then I think maybe we ought to start
thinking about another school for Charlie.

Some place away from Dallas.

Well, that's awfully
drastic, isn't it?

We gotta do something.

Why all the cloak and dagger?

I don't even know how to begin.

Like everything else, you
start from the beginning.

Let's get on with
it. It's raining.

Believe me, Nicholas, this
whole thing started as a lark.

It was after that man in
my restaurant, Petey...

he called you Joey Lombardi.

It made me curious...

so I hired a
private investigator.

- You what?
- He located a couple of Joey Lombardis...

at the schools that
Petey mentioned.

Obviously, neither
of them were you.

Then he get paid a
visit by these two thugs.

They scared the hell out of
him and he wanted 0” the case.


Well, I didn't
let it go at that.

I paid him a lot of money
to continue the investigation.

I found out about your father.

What did you find
out about my father?

That he died in prison.

I mean, now I understood
why you changed your name...

and you didn't want
anybody prying.

You could have told
me that anywhere.

Why are we meeting here?

What aren't you
telling me, April?

My apartment, it
was broken into.

The police thought
it was just vandalism.

Then, this morning. I
picked up the paper...

and Larry Doyle, the private
investigator, had been m*rder*d.

I went looking for the file that he
gave me on you, and it's missing.

I've never hit a woman in my life,
April. But I am tempted to start with you.

Oh, but you're gonna have
enough of your own problems.

Not only have you
put me in danger...

but you're gonna meet some
people who play for keeps.

Now, these people are
gonna wanna talk to you, April...

because you're the only
connection they have to me.

Why do they want you? I
mean, your father is dead.

Shut up!

Now, you listen to me...

and you listen good.

Don't go home.

You check into the
Singletree Hotel.

And don't you move
until you hear from me.

Have you got that?

I'm telling you, Miss
Ellie was very upset.

I don't understand her
leaving without telling us.

Well, I hope you don't mind me joining
you, this is the only bar on this floor.

- J.R., did Mama talk to you?
- About what?

Sue Ellen just told me that
she flew off on a vacation.


Well, that explains why we're not honored
by the presence of Mr. Fallow tonight, huh?

Clayton didn't go with her.

She went alone? Where?

Saint Croix in
the Virgin Islands.

Who's in Saint Croix?

Your wife.

- Didn't you know?
- No.

You-all have a
falling-out or something?

Why don't you shut up?

She's been upset with you and
Bobby ever since you had that tight.

She probably needs
some time to herself.

Well, you two can stand here
and argue. I'm going in to dinner.

J.R., have you done
anything about Lisa yet?

- I'm working on it, Bob.
- Yeah, I bet you are.

Boy, I'm starving.

- Daddy, you coming to dinner?
- Yeah, I'll be right there.

You're her lawyer?

Yes, Mr. Ewing.

I'm representing Miss Faraday.

My brother's been hospitalized
and I'm taking on his caseload.

I wanna have a
meeting with Lisa.

No way. You've
bullied her enough.

I wanna settle this thing now.

Then you'll have to give
custody of Christopher to Lisa.

Are you out of your mind?

Get out of here, Mr. Ewing. I
have nothing further to say to you.

As for Lisa Alden Faraday,
you'll see her in court.

Hey, David, what
are you doing here?

Well, uh, you don't have a secretary,
I just took the liberty to come in.

See, Laurel told me
you had a new office.

I was in the neighborhood,
I thought I'd stop by...

see if there's anything I can do for
you. Help you out, unpack, whatever.

You know, it's
just as I thought...

you don't have anything
on your walls yet.

This is perfect.

Hey, that's nice, but...

Well, since you gave
the original to her...

I thought you'd like a
duplicate for your office.

- I appreciate the thought, but...
- Hey, you paid $6000 for the original.

Why don't we deduct the 2000
that you've already loaned me...

and I can give you this one for
$4000? Now, that's a good deal.

But I really don't
want it, David.

Well, this is really
embarrassing for me, Mr. Farlow.

Well, why is that?

Well, you've really
been good to me...

and I'm just in a real bind.

I don't wanna borrow any
more money from you, sir.

I thought if I brought the
painting down you might buy it...

for a couple thousand dollars
more, we can call it even.

I bought the original from you, David. I
just have no need for a copy. I'm sorry.

Yeah, that makes sense.

I tell you what, why
don't you just keep it?

And thanks for everything, and
I'm really sorry I bothered you.


How much you need?

Two, 3000 dollars.

And I swear I will pay you back.

Thank you.

I promise that your wife will never
hear anything about Laurel from me.

- Joey.
- Hi, Papa.

Oh, my Joey.

Oh, it's been such a long time.

It's been too long.

But your coming here like
this can only mean one thing.


Joseph, who is it?

Look who's here, who I
found on our doorstep.

- Joey.
- Hi, Mama.

Oh... It's been so
long. I missed you.

You look so good.

You've got bad news, haven't you? It's
not like my Joey. He don't look like this.

He hasn't shaved.
He hasn't slept.

No, I flew to Chicago and then I drove
right here. We're gonna have to talk now.

- They found you?
- No, not yet.

Let him wash up. Look
at him, he needs rest.

He's exhausted. You
can't be in such a hurry...

- to hear the news he has.
- No, we talk first. Sit down.

Oh, God, what's happening
here with my family?

Look, Papa, they found a trail.

I expect they're gonna
get to me any day now.

You and Mama have to
move. I've made arrangements.

I'm surprised nobody
found us sooner.

The government hid us very
well to keep us secret for...

- How long is it, Ida?
- Twenty-one years next month.

Twenty-one years. Look
how nicely we've been living.

We'll find another
place just as nice.

Your mother and I
talked about this day.

No moving. One change
of identity was enough.

It got you and your brothers out
of the old life and into a new start.

That was important to us.

It took me five years to get
used to being called Mr. Pearce.

I can't believe they still care
about you after all this time.

I testified against the family.

I broke the code
of omerta, silence.

You are never forgiven for that.

For years, every day we expected
to be found, but we managed.

We had each other,
that was good for us.

Yeah, we were contented.

I'm not gonna let them
use me to get to you.

- Yes, you will.
- No.

Yes, that's what we agreed. You
don't resist, they leave you alone.

We'll not allow you to
trade your life for ours.

Come on, Papa.

Don't disobey your father.

Do you remember the last
time that we talked, huh?

There's another way.

Yes. Yes, I know.

But if they discover you've
deceived them, they'll k*ll you.

Well, that's a chance
that I'm willing to take.

Oh, God.

Harry, I don't want excuses. I
want you to find Lisa Faraday.

Well, hire more
men if you have to.

That's right.

Now, how do you
work this damn thing?


- J.R.?
- Yeah.

I have to talk to you
about something.

All right, darling.
Come on in. Sit down.

I swear, I'll never
get the hang of this.

I don't know. I guess I should have said
something to you about it before I did it.

Sounds serious. Did what?

Well, Casey Denault asked
me out and I went, several times.

Well, well, I'd do
the same thing.

I mean, you are a beautiful
girl, Sly. I'd take you out.

Wine you and dine you...

pick your brain for
information about me.

What should I do about it?

Yeah, it's been a long time
since you broke up with Biff.

I think you need
another man in your life.

- You think it's all right?
- Sure, it's all right.

- Go out and have a good time.
- Ha-ha-ha.

- I will.
- Oh, you gotta hand it to that boy...

he never stops
trying, doesn't he?

- Mr. Denault.
- Casey, please.

Then you'll call me Kimberly.

- Oh, what would you like?
- Champagne.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, I was kind of surprised
you called instead of Mr. Cryder.

Are you?

Some time ago you sold a
company to my husband...

in exchange for a
large block of stock.

Does your husband always share
those business details with you?

Yes, he does. Why?

Well, you're very
beautiful and very feminine.

Ha-ha. You just don't seem
like a businessperson to me at all.

Casey, this is business.

- All right, business.
- Ha-ha.

Thank you.

I wanna talk about J.R. Ewing.

J.R.? Why?

You've had some
business dealings with him.


He tried to buy a
company I sold to Westar.

J.R.'s planning a
takeover attempt of Westar.

Well, I've heard these rumors,
but I don't know if it's possible.

Nothing is
impossible these days.

I don't trust J.R...

which is why I'm
lining up my votes now.

And I bet you'd just love
to know which way I'll vote.

Westar or Ewing?


that depends on
the fringe benefits.

Voting Westar may bring you a
marvelous position with the company.


A lot of perks for a
young man on the way up.

Well, Kimberly...

you may have just made an offer that
even J.R. Ewing won't be able to top.

I'm scared about
tomorrow, Daddy.

I know you are, son.

You just remember what I
told you when all this started...

that nothing...

or nobody is ever gonna
take you away from me.

- Maybe they'll make me go with Lisa.
- Mm-mm.

No matter what the judge says,
I'm not gonna let that happen...

even if we have to
leave Dallas or Texas...

or the whole country, it
doesn't make any difference.

You and I are always
gonna be together.

All right?


Then what did you
do, Miss Faraday?

I learned that Christopher had been
bought, then adopted by the Ewings.

I knew I had to see
my brother's child.


And then I came here to Dallas.

I used my mother's
married name...

because if Bobby Ewing knew
that I was Jeff Faraday’s sister...

he would have never
let me near Christopher.

Had you planned to seek custody?

I didn't think about that
one way or the other.

At first, I was just
happy being with him.

Then Bobby Ewing
thought I was after him...

or something and he
stopped my seeing my nephew.

That's when I knew
I had to do this.

Would you say your seeking
custody is an act of love?


I am Christopher's real family.

He has a right to be with me
and to know about his background.

I love him very much.

I have no further questions.

Mr. Morgan?

Thank you, Your Honor.

Miss Faraday, or Miss Alden...

whichever one you feel
more comfortable with...

who paid for your trip to California and
who supported you while you were here?

Objection. That's irrelevant.

Your Honor, the plaintiff claims
she's doing this out of love.

I intend to prove
another motive.

Overruled. I'll allow it. The
witness will answer the question.

Would you like the
question repeated?


JR. Ewing paid my expenses.

Didn't it seem a
little odd to you...

that the defendant's brother
would pay you to do this?

I really didn't care
who helped me.

Being with Christopher was the
most important thing in my life.

Didn't you ever question
J.R. Ewing's motives?


Can you identify this?

It's a birth certificate.



“Christopher Shepard.“

And although your brother
and Kristin were legally married...

her maiden name is the
only one that appears here.

The father is listed as unknown.

You don't suppose they intended
blackmail right from the beginning, do you?

I don't know.

No further questions.

- Aunt Sue Ellen...
- Hmm?

When is it all gonna be over?

Soon, darling, I hope.

Who did you believe
was the father?

My husband.

And for a very good reason.

I wouldn't do that
if I were you, J.R.

Not unless you want
your child born in prison.

Now, wouldn't that be a scandal.

Jock Ewing's
grandson, jail baby.

I think I'll write
my memoirs there.

You're bluffing.

Call Dr. Gibson, I
saw him yesterday.

He'll tell you.

It was a cloud over our
marriage for a long time.

Did you ever discuss
it with Bobby Ewing?

Yes, but it wasn't until the day
before that he and Pam were granted...

temporary managing

Um... Bobby brought it up.

I was divorced from J.R. by
then and Bobby came to see me.

Sue Ellen, I...

I wanna talk to you
about Christopher.

I need your help.

Well, of course,
Bobby. What is it?

There just isn't an
easy way to say this.

Christopher's natural
mother was Kristin.


Bobby, are you sure?


He was given to me by
the man she was living with.

Why you?

It's a very long and
complicated story...

and I'd just as seen not
get into it, if you don't mind.

It's all right.

Then it was true.

She did have the baby.

You knew she was pregnant?

Yes, I knew.

You know who the father is?

Don't you?

Why do you think there were no
charges against Kristin for the sh**ting?

Sue Ellen, I'm sorry.

All of J.R.'s nasty
little secrets...

come back to haunt
me sooner or later.

It was a very
trying time for me.

So you believed all along that
you were paying off a blackmailer...

and getting your
brother's son back for him?

That's right. It started when I
got a photograph in the mail.

As I opened the mail, one unmarked
envelope had a picture in it...

of Kristin Shepard and the baby.

“If you're interested in
any more information...

be in your office
at noon. I'll call.“

Bobby Ewing here.

Did you get the photograph?

Yes, I got the picture, but I
don't understand it. Who are you?

Well, that's not important.

What is important is that's the photograph
of your poor dead sister-in-law...

and her baby.

- Her baby?
- That's right.

Little Christopher Shepard, that's what
it says right on the birth certificate.

If that's true, why
are you calling me?

Why not call J.R.? She was
his sister-in-law, not mine.

Yeah, Kristin told
me plenty about J.R...

and I don't wanna have
anything to do with him.

And if you wanna know more about
this, it'll cost you for the information.

Two thousand dollars.

And then after a while,
Faraday met me in person.

He gave me little bits of information
for a couple of thousand dollars each.

When I searched the files...

I found that .J.R. had been
paying Kristin regularly.

! assumed he was the father.

So! agreed m meet with Faraday.

Mr. Ewing.

All right, what have you
get? More documents?

I gave you everything I had.

- Why did you call this meeting?
- I don't know if it did you any good...

but I can't hang around
Dallas and wait for you.

I need more money or I'm gonna
take the kid and head back to California.

See if maybe the
father's out there.

How much do you want?

A couple of thousand.

I mean for the boy. I want him.

- You find out who the father is?
- That doesn't matter.

I'm asking you how
much money for that baby.

Twenty-five thousand.

- Done.
- Cash.


Tomorrow's fine with me. The scene!
I'm out of here, the better I'll like it.

All right, tomorrow at
Fair Park, same time.

Mr. Ewing, don't try anything
funny, huh? Like the cops or anything.

It'd make a hell of a scandal if
people knew what I had to say.

Nothing funny.

You just make sure
you have that baby.

I'll be there.

So obviously, I was convinced
that I was getting J.R.'s child.

When did you discover
that Faraday was the father?

Not till after he was dead.

The police who were investigating
his death gave me a copy of a bill...

from a hospital in California.

Pam and I flew out there and we discovered
that Kristin had miscarried J.R.'s child.

She'd become pregnant
again with Faraday.

It seems to me that you
were a victim of extortion.

You didn't buy that baby at all.

I object.

Mr. Morgan is
leading the witness.

I'm going to hold off
on my ruling on that.

I'd like to see the
child in my chambers.

I'd like to have Mr. Ewing and Miss
Faraday present and no counsel.

Well, Christopher, what
do you think about all this?

You mean...

I can say who I wanna be with?

You can say
anything you want to.

When I first met Lisa...

I liked her a lot.

I even thought she was
gonna be my new mommy.

When my daddy sent her away...

I was angry at him for
not letting me see her.

But I didn't know she was gonna
try to take me away from my daddy.

My real mommy wouldn't do that.

I love him.

I don't wanna go with Lisa.

I wanna stay in my
house with my daddy.

I'll ask my lawyer
to drop the case.

What does that mean?

It means you can
stay with your daddy.

I was gonna say that anyway.

Next on Dallas:

Benet men Khan JR.
Ewing have tried to break me.

The company is
not worth your life.

I'm not gonna lose
millions to sue you.

Find another way to
get your gas to market.

I haven't been up to anything.

That might be kind of hard
to try and prove to your wife.

How stupid do you think I am?
I don't know what you're up to?

I'm scared.

When they come for you,
don't play any games...

just give them my
name and my address.

Thanks for everything.
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