11x25 - Never Say Never

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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11x25 - Never Say Never

Post by bunniefuu »

Last on Dallas:

- How's Mom and Pop?
- Mad as hell.

Almost had to zap
them to get them out.

Keep them out a
little while longer.

It's an agreement to vote the same way
when it's time to make our takeover bid.

You don't need my
signature, you have my word.

I'll vote any way that
you want me to. I promise.

If you feel like calling,
even if it isn't business...

don't hold back.

I still care about you.

I hope you still have
those feelings for me.

- What's this all about?
- To place you under arrest...

- for the m*rder of David Shulton.
- m*rder?

Thank you.

There they are.

Let's go.

Is it true that you
and Shulton...

- fought over a woman?
- No comment.

We hear she was a nude model.

Come on, give us a break.

How do you feel about your husband
being caught in a love triangle?

No comment.

What about the painting
you bought? Is it her?

- Where's the painting?
- We just wanna hear your side of this.

We said, no comment. Now,
would you just leave us alone?

Okay, that's enough. Step aside.

Anything you wanna tell us?

Do you think your
husband is innocent?

What are the charges,
Mr. Smithfield?

No comment.

I guarantee you, wherever that
painting is, it's not hanging at Southfork.

- Yeah?
- There's 5 Casey Denault here.

He met you at the Oil Baron's.

Yeah, okay. Yeah, send him in.

- You can go right in.
- Thank you.

Thank you for seeing
me. Casey Denault.

Yeah. I'm just curious what
you could possibly want from me.

What, J. R. wanna know
how I spent my mornings?

This has nothing
to do with Mr. Ewing.

Just a coincidence that
you date his secretary.

Look, Mr. Barnes, just because I
date Sly doesn't mean I work for J.R.

Well, I can't imagine
why else you'd be here.

The fact is you and I
have a lot in common.

Oh, well, I doubt that.

See, I know all about
the Barnes-Ewing feud.

And everything Jock
Ewing did to your daddy...

J.R. did to mine.

We", even if I
believe that, so what?

So I came here because
I think I can help you out.

Why would I wanna do business
with somebody I only met one time?

I don't even know
anything about you.

Well, I know a lot
about you, Mr. Barnes.

For instance, I know you
bought quite a bit of Westar stock.

Lost money on it so far.

That's none of your business.

Well, that stock's way down now.

It seems like an awful
good time to buy more of it.

Do you think I'm crazy? Why
in hell should I buy any more?

Because it's gonna
go up like a skyrocket.

It's a damn good time for people
with money to make money.

- How much you buying?
- Well, as much as I can afford.

It's not much, but I'm doing it.

Well, I'm not.

That's your
decision, Mr. Barnes.

It's funny, isn't it?

Advice is the only thing you can
get for free, and nobody wants it.

Well, you know what I want?

I wanna know just what
you expect to gain out of this.

Well, not a thing.
Well, not right now.

But once that stock goes
up, and I guarantee you it will...

then maybe you and I
can talk a little business.

- I appreciate your time, Mr. Barnes.
- Yeah.

I'll leave my number so you know
where to reach me when you wanna talk.

Take care now.

Bobby, would you
and Harv go on in?

- I'd like to talk to your mama.
- Sure.

Don't take too long. We've
got a lot of work to do.

I'll only be a moment.


I want you to know that
it meant a lot to me...

to have you and Bobby
show up there last night...

and to leave there this morning
in front of all those damn reporters.

Well, I just wanted
you to know how I felt.

And I hope that it means that
things can get better between us.

Nothing's changed
between us, Clayton.

Well, why did you show up?

Because no matter
what problems we have...

there's no reason for the rest
of the world to know about them.

And because the Ewing family
has always banded together...

against trouble from the
outside and will continue to do so.

Ellie, I am not a Ewing and
neither are you any longer.

I didn't mean it the way it sounded,
Clayton. What I meant was that...

until this is over...

you'll have all our support.


we better go in
and talk to Harv...

see what our next step is.

- He||o.
- Ray, hi.

Connie Hall.


I see I made a lasting
impression on you.

I'm the lady with the flat
tile, in a manner of speaking.

Oh, yeah. Hello.

I've been trying to
reach you for a while.

Well, I've been
out working a stock.

Well, how've you been?

Pretty good.

I guess you're
wondering why I'm calling.

Yeah, kind of.

I thought it was time I
thanked you for helping me.

Well, you already did thank me.

I meant in a more
substantial way.

How about my taking
you out to dinner?

Have you ever been to The
Riviera on Inwood? It's very good.

Well, you don't have to do that.

Oh, I'd like to, really.



I appreciate it, really.

But I don't think so.

Oh. Um...

Well, I understand.

Anyway, thanks
again for helping me...

and who knows, maybe I'll
run into you again sometime.

Yeah, maybe.

Well, bye, Ray.


Well, obviously, you didn't ask me to
come over to discuss your father-in-law.

- No, I didn't.
- Well, so?

So I was wondering if you had
seen or heard from Nick lately.

- Why?
- He's been avoiding me for days now.

He hasn't answered
any of my phone calls...

and I was wondering if
there is something wrong.

Did you ask John Cate about him?

Yes, all he said was that Nick
had asked to have some time off...

but he didn't say for how long.

Why are you so
worried about him?


We've been getting very...


and I really thought he cared.

But now I don't
know what to think.

Would you think that
he's just using me?

Oh, I'm sure
that's not the case.

I mean, look, I haven't
been able to reach him either.

I put in a really big buy
order on Westar stock...

and they said he's not
handling my account anymore.

And my account has some rather
large commissions attached to it.

You're buying more Westar?

Yes, a lot.

Because JR. asked you «1?

April, I don't believe
you're going along with him.

You know you can't trust him.

He'd hurt anyone to get
what he wants, including you.

I'm sure you've
fight about JR...

and I don't really trust him.

But by listening to him, I've
made a great deal of money.

Oddly enough, in his own way...

J.R. has been very upfront
about what he's doing with me.

I've gone this far...

I guess I'm gonna go
all the way with him.

Then I suppose that puts us
on opposite sides of the fence.

Because the one
joy in my life...

is thinking of how I can stop
J.R. from getting control of Westar.

Sue Ellen...

I wish you well.

Truly, I do.

And as long as I don't
get hurt in the process...

I hope you give J.R.
everything that he has coming.

Oh, I will.

One way or another...

I will.

Kay, how are you?

I'm fine. But how are you?

Well, things are kind
of in a mess right now.

I bet they are.

Your family made the front
page even here in Washington...

and I'm afraid it's not
doing you much good.

Well, to tell you the truth, I'm
more worried about Clayton.


you may be in real trouble.

What, about this?

I don't know.

But I did get a call from the
Honorable Henry Harrison O'Dell...

asking for a meeting with you.

O'Dell? You're talking
about some real clout.

The impression I got
was he wasn't happy...

about you getting the
Ewing Oil name back.

- Hold on a second.
- Spare me a couple of minutes.

I suppose so. What is it?

Oh, out back.

Kay, I'm gonna catch the
7:00 flight in the morning.

I'll meet you at the airport.

- That's one thing I'm looking forward to.
- So am I. Bye, Bobby.

Good night.

Can you help me with
some homework, Daddy?

Hey, you bet I will.

Mama, how could you do this?

- Are you talking about Clayton?
- Well, of course I am.

How could you let that
man back into this house?

Seeing him sitting in
my daddy's chair after

heaping the disgrace
on the family name...

I'll tell you, I wanna throw up.

He's made a laughingstock
of this family in Dallas.

- I'm not gonna put up with him.
- Oh, you're not?

You're a fine one to talk about
disgracing the family name...

after the way
you lost Ewing Oil.

At least I didn't k*ll
anybody on the way.

Clayton said that he didn't know
that Shulton had died when he left.

Well, what difference does
that make? The man is dead.

I can't wait for the trial.

I'm not gonna be able to show my
face in this town, and neither will you.

Clayton was out-and-out cheating on
you. How could you put up with that?

I suppose the same way Sue
Ellen put up with you all these years.

Compared to you,
Clayton's practically a saint.

Well, with any luck at all...

that saint's gonna spend
the rest of his life in jail.

Come on, eat. You're
gonna be late for school.

- I'm ready.
- Me too.

Bye, sweetheart.

Hey, Christopher, your daddy's away a
lot. Do you have any idea where he goes?

No. He doesn't tell me.


Hello, Clayton.

- Bobby not here?
- He had to go out of town for the day.

I see.

Well, I wanted to talk
to all of you at once...

but I guess I can
wait till he gets home.

I just wanna say...

that I'm sorry if any of my
actions have embarrassed you.

It certainly was
never my intention.

If you hadn't started running
around with that tramp...

you could have saved us all a lot
of embarrassment, especially Mama.

Well, that's just about what I
might have expected from you, J.R.

For what it's worth...

there was never
anything between us.

Right, right. That's why
you k*lled her boyfriend.

Oh, J.R.

- I'm just telling the truth, Mama.
- Well, that would be a first, wouldn't it?

That's right, Sue Ellen,
tum it around on me.

Before long, we'll find out that the world
owes Clayton a favor for k*lling that boy.

No. What happened was wrong.

I know it.

I just want you to know...

how much being back at
Southfork means to me.

Well, at least it's
only in a guest room.

Well, if you'll all excuse
me, I gotta get to work.

Have a nice day.

Clayton, don't let
him upset you so.

Hard not to.

I didn't intend to k*ll Shulton.

But I'm afraid I might have.


Thanks, cabbie.
Are you all right?

Brett, what are you doing here?

I just got off a plane. I'd gone
home after you turned me down.

Then I read about what
happened to Clayton and Shulton.

I caught the plane right back.

You mean they're reporting
the story in London?

Somehow they found
out you were British.

It's almost headlines.

Pretty model, rich
Texan, struggling artist.

Stuff those rags thrive on.

God, what a mess.

Laurel, I came back because I know
you need someone to see you through this.

No strings, no pressure.

Just someone to give you a little
comfort and support until this is all over.


Fair. Thanks.

Of course, the details
are a bit sketchy.

Is there anything you can
tell me that would help?

Senator, Mr. Ewing
and Miss Lloyd are here.

Show them right in.

Good morning, senator.

Kay, you're looking
mighty fine today.

- And of course, you're Bobby Ewing.
- Pleasure to meet you, sir.

You know, for a moment...

there's something about
you, maybe around the eyes...

that reminds me of Jock Ewing.

- Well, I'll take that as a compliment.
- Well, that's how it was intended.

I was mighty fond of your daddy.

Kay, this young man and I have
a certain amount of talking to do.

Some of it might
be a little personal.

You wouldn't mind just kind of stepping
outside until we're through, would you?

Not at all.

- I'll be outside.
- Okay.

Sit down.

Senator, Kay has
been a real help to me...

and I certainly don't mind
discussing things in front of her.

Well, she's a bright girl
and a mighty pretty one...

but I think our discussion is
gonna be better one-on-one.

Fair enough.

You know what the shame is?

The shame is that the
Justice Department...

ever took Ewing Oil away
from you in the first place.

The company meant
a lot to old Jock.

Some of my fondest memories are
of deals that he and I put together.

J.R., too, for that matter.

Yes, sir.

The two of them really knew the
bottom line when it came to making a deal.

I wonder if you're cut
from the same cloth.

Well, I have put together
a few deals in my day.

Yes, I hear you've been
making some nice contributions...

to some of the boys' w*r chests
that are running for reelection.

Just doing my patriotic duty,
backing the right candidates.

Of course, this is my last term so
I'm not looking for any contributions.

Come on, now, senator, you
are looking for something...

or you and I wouldn't
be having this discussion.

Interesting magazine, that.

Fancy places all over the world.

Now that I'm facing
retirement, my little bride and I...

have been talking
about a lot of traveling.

Maybe splitting up our time
between here and Europe.

I'm sure you've earned it.

So I've been looking for
a little retirement place.

A little “pied-de-tene," I
believe the French call them.

Of course, now. With
the dollar down so low...

I can hardly afford
anything worth living in.

Well, I've always
considered it a shame...

that people who devote themselves
to public service aren't paid more.

My sentiments exactly.

You want to take a
look at Page 30 there?

You ever seen
anything that pretty?

A little castle in the
Scottish highlands.

Got its own hunting preserve.

Even got a salmon stream
running right through the ground.

Well, the upkeep on
that's gotta be pretty steep.

Well, Scotland's one of the
few bargain spots left over there.

A fella could probably
pick up that whole place...

for a couple of million or so.

And this is where you've
decided you'd like to retire?

That's it.

Now, a real dealmaker would jump at
a chance to pick up a bargain like that.

Well, sir, maybe I am not the
dealmaker you thought I was.

And maybe you'd like to say goodbye
to the Ewing name once and for all?

Senator, I've got
the Ewing name.

I just want the right to use it.

Well, you think about it.

Get back to me.

Miss Ellie, there's a
Miss Laurel Ellis here.

All right, Teresa, show her in.

Yes, ma'am.

Right this way, miss.

Mrs. Fallow, I'm Laurel Ellis.

I know who you are.

I've seen your painting.

If you're looking for
Clayton, he's at the office.

It's you I want to talk to.


To tell you the truth
about Clayton and myself.

Which version of
the truth do you have?

Clayton's or David Shulton?

Or is there a third version
that I haven't heard yet?

Clayton told me what David
said to you. It's all simply untrue.

What is true? I
don't know anymore.

Clayton was a friend to
me. Almost a father figure.

He was just
drifting through life.

He'd given up on himself.
He seemed so lonely.

All I did was try and make him see
what a wonderful man he still was.

If he was lonely, he had an
entire family to comfort him...

and tell him how
wonderful he was.

I don't think you saw
him in that light or

else he wouldn't have
needed to be with me.

He certainly needed to
be with you a lot, didn't he?

Nothing ever
happened between us.

And for how long would nothing have
happened if I hadn't found out about you?

Don't you see? It was almost
over between us by then.

Clayton was back on
his feet in business.

He's a fine man, Mrs. Fallow.

He needs your love and
support now, not your anger.

When I was your age, that would
have been an easy thing for me to do.

But at my age...

it's hard to put your
dreams back together...

once they've been shattered.

We", try and put them
back together again.

He loves you.

It's you he wants to
spend his life with, not me.

I'm truly sorry I'm
responsible for any of this.

Well, hello. Do I know you?

I doubt it.

Might I ask what
you're doing here?

I came to talk to Mrs. Fallow.

Oh, yeah.

We“. I'm JR. Ewing.

And I'll bet you're
Clayton's little cupcake.

Oh, how nicely you put that.

Well, I gotta hand it to
him, he's got good taste.

Why don't you and I have dinner and
you can tell me your side of this affair?

I don't think so. It wouldn't
be lurid enough to tum you on.

Oh, I don't know.

You'd be surprised at
what can tum me on, honey.

I doubt that. I've met
men like you before.

You've never met
anybody like J.R. Ewing.



Cliff, there's 5 Mrs. Kimberly
Clyde! here to see you.


Kimberly Cryder?

Show her in.

- Mr. Barnes.
- He||o, Mrs. Cryder.

Thank you, Jackie.

I just took a chance
I'd find you in this late.

Well, okay, I'm glad you... You
want a drink? Some champagne?

Nothing, thank you.

Actually, this is a business call,
and I'd like to get right down to it.

Fine, okay. Sit down, please.

Well, what can I do for you?

- You obviously know who I am.
- Yeah.

I know that you've bought a
large amount of Westar stock.

I don't know why.

But Westar is fighting a
takeover attempt from J.R. Ewing.

And since I know how much you dislike
him, I thought you and I should talk.

I don't like Westar any
more than I like J.R.

I'd like to change
your mind about that.

I'd like to arrange a meeting
for you with the head of Westar.

I already met your husband. I
threw him out of the office once.

Well, Wilson is now my ex-husband,
and I wasn't referring to him.

I was talking about the power
behind the company, my father.

Your father. Who is your father?

His name is Dr. Herbert
Styles. He's from Austin.

And he's very anxious
to meet with you.

I can guarantee you it's to
your advantage to meet with him.

What if I don't even
wanna be in this fight?

I can assure you that either my father or
J.R. Ewing will soon be running Westar.

You have one enemy there...

don't make another.

Think about it.

I'm sure you'll see that
you will want to join our side.

I'll call you soon.


Hello, Harry, it's J.R. here.

Hello, J.R. What
can I do for you?

Well, I'm kind of
worried about Clayton.

They might be able to make
this m*rder charge stick.

Yeah, that's the
way it looks right now.

Yeah. Now, that little girl he was
involved with, What's her name?

Uh, Laurel Ellis.

Right, right.

You know, she might be able to shed
some light on this and help old Clayton.

I'd like to talk to her.

Well, she's already
given a statement.

Yeah, I know that...

but if I met her face to face maybe
I could get something out of her.

Pick her up and bring
her to the office tomorrow.

J.R., I'm not
assigned to the case.

I know you're not
assigned to the case.

Pick her up, tell her anything you have
to, and get her over to my office tomorrow.

Got it, Harry?

- Will do.
- All right.

You two-step better
than you foxtrot.

I'm sorry. Did I step
on your foot again?

No, but I'm afraid you will.

I apologize, Kay.

I just can't get O'Dell off my mind. That
man out-and-out tried to blackmail me.

Is that righteous
indignation I hear?

Maybe a little.

I mean, he was so
damn blatant about it.

He sure expected me to
come through for him too.

You know, you've talked
to me a lot about your father.

What a great man he was.

How much Ewing Oil meant to him.

If Senator O'Dell made the same
offer to your father to get Ewing back...

what would he have done?

For Ewing Oil?

He would have done just about anything,
including making the deal with O'Dell.

I rest my case.


Mr. Pearce is here
for his appointment.

Send him right in, Kelly.

Thank you, Kelly.

- Nicholas, what are you doing?
- I know. I owe you an explanation.

I got the flowers.

They were lovely.

But they didn't
explain anything.

Sue Ellen, it's hard to explain.

I just wanted to let you know that
nothing has changed between us.

At least not the way I feel.

Then where have you been?

And why haven't we talked?

I didn't even know whether you
got the message to meet me today.

Look, you're gonna
have to trust me on this...

because I can't tell
you what happened.

It's like I said before, it
had to do with my family.

It was a problem
that I had to deal with.

If it was your family, I
would have understood.

No, I don't think
you would have.

I'm not sure it's over yet.

From a business standpoint, I
can come here and talk to you.

But we cannot go out together.

We can't be alone anywhere.

Nick, are you in
some kind of danger?

No, no.

But I'm not gonna
take any chances.

Especially not with you.

So, what do we do?

We talk business.

Even if that's the
last thing on my mind?

Right now, it's better that way.

Nick, I don't like mysteries.

And I can't stand not knowing
what's happening between us.

As soon as I
can tell you, I will.

I'll be in touch with you.

I promise.

McSWEEN: Come back here.

What the bloody
hell is going on here?

-Thank you, Harry.
McSWEEN: You bet.

Are you gonna answer me?

- Well, what do you need to know, darling?
- What I'm doing here.

I thought I was going to the
police station to give a deposition.

Oh, no. No, you're not.
We're gonna have a little talk.

And who was that phony
cop, one of your stooges?

Oh, no. He's a real
cop. I have a lot of

influence with the
Dallas Police Department.

But you gotta admit, it's an interesting
way to setup a conversation, isn't it?

I told you, I have very little,
if anything. to say to you.

I told you that I wanted to hear your side
of how you broke up my mother's marriage.

Now, what on earth did
you see in Clayton Fallow?

That is none of your business.

Oh, yes, it is. You see,
he's like a father to me.

I was the first one to welcome
him with open arms into my family.

And now because of
you he'll soon be gone.

You don't know anything about what
happened between Clayton and me.

Well, I have a pretty
good imagination.

And I don't know about Clayton,
but if you'd have been with me...

you would've been properly
and frequently bedded, my dear.

You know, I might have
made love to Clayton.

He's a warm, considerate person.

But if I live to be 1000,
I'd never let you touch me.

You're about to learn what a lot
of ladies have learned before you.


Nave! say have! to JR. Ewing.

If there's anything I can do
for you, I'm gonna be there.

You're gonna beat this thing.

I got somebody at the door.

I'll call you tomorrow.

All right, I'm on my way.

Hi. Have you made
plans for dinner yet?

Don't be angry, but
I still owed you one.

And I can understand why a married
man wouldn't wanna be seen out...

having dinner with someone, so I
thought I'd make dinner for you here.

Aren't you gonna say anything
like, “Come on in," maybe?

Come on in.

The police know that you wrote
Shulton checks totaling $10,000...

in three installments.

Six thousand was for a painting,
and the others were loans.

The police think
it was blackmail.

Well, since it
turned out that way.

When he asked for the
money, I thought it was for loans.

And when he finally talked about blackmail,
I told him I'd break him in half.

At the Oil Baron's, in front
of dozens of witnesses?

Plus, you admitted to the police that
you beat Shulton up and left him to die.

I did beat him up.

But I thought he
was unconscious.

I had no way of knowing
that he was dying.

Harv, the real point is what do
we do when this goes to trial?

I think our only hope...

is involuntary manslaughter.

You didn't use a
w*apon, only your fist.

- You surely didn't intend to k*ll him.
- No, I did not.

All right.

But you better be ready
for a lot of media attention.

This is just the kind of
trial they love to cover...

in the worst light possible.

Yeah, how do you say the
name of this wine again?

I don't think I've ever had
any that tastes quite this good.

It's a Ducru-Beaucaillou,
second growth, Saint-Julian.

A '66, which was
a very good year.

Well, I'll have to take
your word on all that.

The closest I ever get
to it is a foreign beer.

How did you ever learn about
all this wine stuff anyhow?

I spent a year after
college in France...

and a lot of it in Bordeaux.

I guess some of
it just rubbed off.

Well, I'm glad it did.

I'm glad you came
by here tonight.

Can get a little lonely rattling
around a big old house like this.

You miss your family, don't you?

I sure do.

I can hardly wait for
Jenna to get back.

Well, I better clean up
here. It's getting kind of late.

Let me help.

I'll be right back.
Let me help with this.



Well, how are you, honey?

How's everything going?

How's the school?

Just let me know
what's happening.


You take care too.

Bad news?

I'm sorry.

Well, it was Jenna.

They hate the
school in Switzerland.

So they'll be home soon.

Not right away.

As long as they've ever there...

she thought she might as well
show Charlie around Europe.

Maybe take her to see
her father's family in Italy.

Why, I just don't know when
they're gonna be home now.

That's awful, Ray.

I wish there was
something I could do.

There's nothing anybody can do.

Come on, let's go get
a drink some place.

Are you sure?

I sure don't wanna
hang around here tonight.

Come on.

You've got a date.

This is Cliff Barnes.

Cliff, this is my
father, Dr. Styles.

Mr. Barnes, it's
a real pleasure.

Maybe so. Maybe.

Anything you care
for, Mr. Barnes?

No, I just wanna hear
what you have to say.

If you've come all this
way, you must be interested.


I say that I'm curious.

Now, I gotta tell you
right from the get-go.

I don't like Westar
a whole hell of a lot.

You don't have to like us to
appreciate our company for what it is.

A giant in the oil industry.

Well, if you're such a giant,
what do you want from me?

You're very direct, Mr. Barnes.

So am I.

I want you to come along with
me in this fight with J.R. Ewing.

Why would I do
something like that?

Because the amount of stock you hold could
be very important if it comes to the...

management vote.

If you need stock...

why don't you just buy it?

Don't be a fool, Mr. Barnes.

I bought all I could.

But even I don't have
limitless resources.

I want your vote.

For it, I'm willing to offer you a very
important position with our company.

Perhaps a merger of
your company into ours.

No, I don't want any
part of a merger, period.

Sooner or later, you're
going to have to take sides.

You'd be a lot
better off on my side.

You know what I hope,
what I really hope?

I hope this w*r between
you and J.R. just explodes...

and blows the both of
you all to hell and back.

Well, now I can say I met you.

Good day.


Daddy, are you all right?


Are you all right?

I think we've lost, Kimberly.

I think we've lost.

- Yeah?
- Kimberly Cryder is here, .J.R.

All right, send her in.

Hello, Kimberly.
What brings you here?

I need to talk with you.

If it's about Sue Ellen, you can
forget it. She's still at Southfork.

I don't care about that anymore.

- Really?
- I want to call the whole thing 0”.

You don't have to marry me.

I'll convince my
daddy to back you.

You can have Westar.

What about you?

Whatever you want.

I'll be yours whenever you want.

What makes you
think I want you at all?

And as far as calling it off,
I'm afraid that's impossible.

- Oh, J.R., please.
- No. Uh-uh.

I went to your daddy, hat in
hand, looking for support...

and he laid down some
terms that I found intolerable.

You mean me?


Your daddy wanted
a w*r and he got one.

There'll be no truce. I want
an unconditional surrender.

I'm gonna break him and
take Westar away from him.


The w*r is practically over.

There is no one in this world
more important to me than my father.

And one way or the other...

I will stop you.

Kimberly, you're
out of your league.

It's only a matter of
time until I have it all...

including everything
that Ewing Oil ever had.

And, honey, you can
take that to the bank.

Next on Dallas:

Connie, this isn't right.

That's what makes
it so delicious.

What's the matter? Wasn't
the old man enough for you?

Someone once said that there's no
price too high to pay for a good name.

Obviously, you don't feel
that way about Ewing Oil.

You and I have a lot in common.

Got a risky deal you
want me to invest in?

That's right. A risky deal.

If this is a setup for
a seduction, forget it.

Just enjoy yourself. I'll
open some champagne.

You're willing to risk
everything to get what you want.

It's the only way to stop J.R.,
and it's exactly what I'm going to do.
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