12x06 - w*r and Love and the Whole Damned Thing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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12x06 - w*r and Love and the Whole Damned Thing

Post by bunniefuu »

Last on Dallas:

This is your world, and I'm your only God.


I want to hurt J.R. So badly that he'll never
be able to hurt me or anyone else again.

- I think I can help.
- You are a pool hustler.

Better believe it, cowboy.

Reckon there will be action
out at that dam.

Let Clayton and the Ewings blow it up.

[g*n COCKS]

Why, thank you, Cousin Sims.

Man, you gonna wish
you was back on that road g*ng.

Here, chicky, chicky, chicky.

Here, chicky, chicky.

Here, chicky, chicky.

Now, where'd you get off to?
I never heard you leave.

Had some unfinished business
to take care of.


- Cally, you leave him be, now.
- How'd you get ahold of him?

Cousin Sims walked him right out to us.

CALLY: You broke him out of prison?
- Not by the tale Sims will tell.

We had to lay a lump upside his head.

Made it look like Ewing done it
and then run off.

What are you gonna do with him?

Like I said, unfinished business.

- I'll get some rope.
CALLY: You can't k*ll him.

Not after all this time.
You can't still feel the same.

Time don't make what he done
any easier to swallow.

We're gonna hang him...

...and then we're gonna bury him
where nobody will ever find him.


- Shut up.
J. R: No.

- I won't let you do that.
- Ain't nothing you can do.

I'll go get the sheriff.

You do that,
he'll go back to prison the rest of his life.

Be better than hanging.

You're gonna turn us in for murders?

You don't understand.

I really do love him.

We love you, honey.

But what he done to you was wrong.

He's just like all them other outsiders.

They treat us
like we're from some foreign country.

Well, this is one
that ain't gonna get away with it.

What if I'm pregnant?

- Ain't time enough for you to know.
- Yeah, but what if I am?

You want that little baby to grow up
knowing that his uncles k*lled his daddy?

You're my brothers and I love you,
but you'll lose me forever if you do that.

- We ain't letting him go.
J. R: Oh!

Okay, well, then keep him here,
tie him up, work him, anything.

Just don't k*ll him.

All right. All right.

We'll keep him alive for a while.

See what happens.

No, that is not good enough for me.
That river has always run free.

Well, if I have to, I'll go over your head.

Damn judge.

Says McKay has the right to do whatever
he wants with the water on his land.

I won't accept that.

We'd better get the lawyers
working on it.

In the meantime,
we're not getting any water.

- How come he can do that, Dad?
- Are the cattle gonna die?

We can truck water in for them,
for a while, anyway.

Don't worry about it, boys.
We'll find a way around it.

Way around what?



- Hi there.
- Hey, boys.

BOBBY: Ray, good to see you.
- Hey, Bob.

BOBBY: How are you?
- Very good.

ELLIE: Oh, Ray.
- Miss Ellie.

- Boy, you look great.
BOBBY: Enough of that.

- Tell us how Europe is.
ELLIE: How are the children?

Everybody's real good.
Just happen to have pictures here.

Little Lucas is growing like a weed.

- Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
- Well, I thought I'd surprise you.

Hey, you got a real great price for me
on the ranch, Clayton.

Thought I'd go to the bank,
transfer the funds over.

Well, I wish they hadn't have sold it.

RAY: And why's that?
- We got real trouble with the new owner.

He dammed up Green River...

...keeping water from flowing
on to Southfork.

But why? He can't do that.

He's done it.
We're trying to figure out how to undo it.

Won't the courts
make him release the water flow?

Haven't so far.

And they may not
until we've had real damage to the herds.

- I think there's just one thing to do.
BOBBY: What's that, Mama?

Blow that dam to kingdom come.

- Are you serious, Miss Ellie?
ELLIE: Yes, I am.

If Mr. McKay wants w*r,
it's w*r he's going to get.

I don't understand why buying a dock
on Lake Ray Hubbard...

...would have any effect on J.R. At all.

It's an excellent investment, Sue Ellen,
that J.R. Turned down.

Why should J.R. Care
whether we bought it or not?

Well, he will in time.

I have information
that Bobby took J.R. Back in to Ewing Oil...

...on very conditional terms:
No dealing in oil.

How long do you think that's gonna last?

However long it lasts...

...J.R. Is not gonna be able
to sit and do nothing.

He needs action, needs deals.
If it's not oil, it'll be something else.

And you and I, Sue Ellen, are gonna
cut him off every step of the way.

We're gonna make a success
out of every deal he might turn down.

Jeremy, I know J.R.

It's impossible for anyone
to out-maneuver him all the time.

Except me.

We're gonna humiliate J.R.

He's not gonna be able to open
a hot-dog stand anywhere in the world...

...unless we let him.

- That's gonna take a fortune.
- Well, I have a fortune.

You have one too, in Westar stock...

...which I'd be willing
to take off your hands.

With your resources and mine...

...we can stop him dead in the water.

Hey. Come on.

Come on.

Come on.


Hey, boys, I need a break.

You best keep moving.

You got a lot of ground to cover
before sundown.

Hey, listen, I could buy you
a lot of modern machinery, you know.

Some plows and tractors,
maybe a combine...

...so you could farm this place right.

You don't understand a damn thing,
do you?

Well, I understand
about modern machinery.

We don't want it.
We like things just the way they are.

What we ain't got, we don't need.

- Yeah, but...
JAPHET: But nothing.

You're just behind that plow
till we figure whether you're worth k*lling.

And the more you talk,
the more you're tempting me.

You'd better get moving.

You got a whole lot of plowing left.

Hyah. Hyah.

Are we going back because of me?

No. I gotta get back to Dallas.
I got a meeting set up.

- Are you sure it's not because of me?
- Why would you say that?

Because you wanted us to sleep together,
and I didn't want to.


It's just that I'm really not ready
for that kind of intimacy yet.

I'm going through a lot of changes.

Hey. I understand.

I gotta be honest with you,
it's kind of difficult for me.

You mean there's no other woman
in your life?


Casey, do you think you could be patient
with me for awhile?

I think you're worth waiting for.

Things would be better for you...

...if you started divorce proceedings
against Mitch.

Yeah, I've thought a lot about that lately.

That's exactly what I'm gonna do.

RAY: You said the oil business
was in a slump.

BOBBY: Oh, it is. We're just here for the
free food and drink and conversation...

...telling each other
how good things are gonna be...

...that prosperity's around the corner.

I've never seen so many strangers.

Yeah, well, there's Jordan Lee over there.

Oh, Punk Anderson.

- I think I'll go say hello.
- Okay, I'll catch you later.

- Hey, pal, I'll have a Scotch on the rocks.
- Yes, sir.


Here you are.

- Uh, get me another one real fast, okay?
- Yes, sir.

Okay, thanks.

- Well.
- You always drink with both hands?

Well, you wouldn't have one with me
the last time.

I had to find a bank
and put all that money away.

Oh. I thought maybe you spent it
on your dress.

This old thing?
I only wear it when I don't care how I look.

I suppose you're gonna tell me
you're in the oil business.

Mm. No such thing. I'm still hustling.

On a slightly higher level,
but it's all hustling.

Judging from my experience with you,
you're going to be very successful.

Well, I'd be just as happy if they'd look me
in the eye instead of down my dress.

Well, I don't think there's an eye man
in the house, to tell you the truth.

Except you?

My gaze dropped once or twice.
Good for the hustle.

Just exactly what did you think
I was hustling?

Why don't you tell me?

Why don't you tell me
what you're doing here?

I thought you were just some cowboy.

Well, you can't tell an oil man
by the way he dresses, you know.

Or a hustler by the way she does.

And I'm not a hustler
in the way you meant.

But what are you?

I'm a lady with a very nervous date
that I'd best get back to.

To be continued?

Your place or mine?

Be interesting to find out.


J. R? It's me.

I thought it was your brothers.

I brought you something to eat
and something for your hands.

- I bet they're awful blistered.
- I can hardly close my fingers.

I'm glad we done what we done.

I'm just sorry it turned out like this.


Just be a little careful, now.

Are your brothers serious
about wanting to k*ll me?

They'd have done it right then
if I hadn't thought about being pregnant.

You're not, are you?

Don't know. Won't for a while.

And they're not gonna do anything
until then?

Not if I can help it.

I told them you promised to marry me,
but they don't put much account to that.

Oh, you can convince them I mean it.

Do you?

I mean, would you marry me...

...if it was just the two of us,
and you wasn't scared to death?

Oh, darling,
I'd marry you right now if I could.

Listen, when you go to work,
I want you to call my family in Texas.

- They'll take us both out of here.
- They won't let me go to work no more.

I guess they figured
that's just what I'd do.

You better figure out something, or you're
gonna have a dead man on your hands.

Well, Japhet and Boaz are pretty smart...

...and they can tell
if you're lying to them.

So maybe, just maybe, you convince them
that you wanna marry me...

...well, then maybe they'd be willing
to look on you with a little more favor.

I want that
more than anything else in the world.

I truly hope so,
because if you don't mean it...

...I won't be able to stop them
from k*lling you...

...and I'm not sure I'd really wanna try.

That ought to be a message
that McKay will get.

- Get inside that barn. Move it.
- Huh?


If he finds you, you're going straight back
to that road g*ng.

- Morning.
BO AZ: Hanks.

What you doing out this way?

That fella Ewing broke out of prison
a couple of days ago.

Is that a fact?

- Well, I sure hope he don't get away.
- Oh, they're looking for him. So am I.

What's gonna happen if they find him?

They'll probably double his sentence...

...then send him up
to a maximum-security prison at the capital.

It would serve him right.
I wished they'd have given him life.

Haven't seen you in town, Cally.
They tell me at the restaurant that you quit.

After what happened,
we don't want her in there no more.

It was kind of shameful,
everybody talking about me.

Well, you ain't the first girl
that's been taken advantage of like that.

Anyway, I don't suppose you have any idea
where Ewing might be?


Are you kidding?
Last place he'd come is out here.

Well, it seems like your cousin Sims
was the guard that he jumped.

I just wanted to make sure
that you boys weren't a part of it.

Oh, I'd sure hate to think about him
being buried out here someplace.

He ain't, sheriff. I guarantee you that.

All right.
I guess I can take your word for that.

Well, I'll be back again.

Oh, uh...

Remember what I said, huh?

We will, sheriff.

- Sheriff knows something's funny.
- Eh, he don't know nothing.

He believed Cally.

You boys are gonna be in a world of trouble
if you don't let me go.

I heard the sheriff.
He's gonna come back.

Well, he ain't ever gonna find you.

Japhet, let him and me get married
and move away from here.

He may get married.

How long you figure he gonna stay married
after y'all gone?

Well, marriage is a sacred vow to me.
Till death do us part.

How about death parting you
before marriage?

Hey, now, don't talk that way, Boaz.

BO AZ: I think that would be
about the best way out for all of us.

Yeah, you do that,
I'll turn you over to the sheriff, I swear it.

Cally, no threats from you, girl.

Boaz and me decide what best be done.

I tell you, I'm leaning on getting rid of him
once and for all.

- Mr. Farlow.
- I reckon you folks know why I'm here.

CLAYTON: Nope. And I don't recall
inviting you, McKay.

- Blowing up my dam was invitation enough.
ELLIE: Someone blew up your dam?

The one blocking Southfork water?

The one I had every legal right
to build where I did.

This have something to do with us?

- You Krebbs?
- That's right.

I heard you were back.
Don't play games with me.

CLAYTON: Do you have any proof of this?
- Yeah.

- The dam's not there anymore.
- Are you pressing charges?

Mr. McKay doesn't have any real proof,
but you don't have to be a genius...

...to figure out what happened.

Don't come into this house and make
a lot of accusations that you can't back up.

I'm just here to warn you all
that I don't want any escalation of this.

Braddock's a real pleasant place,
and I am to see it stays that way.

You know, sheriff, we never had any trouble
like this when I owned that land.

Well, I own it now,
and I'll do any damn thing I want on it.

I was trying to stay inside the law with you,
but I can play by any rules that you want...

...and maybe some you haven't heard of.

- Get off this land, McKay.
- You gonna do anything about this, sheriff?

There's nothing I can do
without any proof.

Figures that you'd have this tin star
in your pocket, Farlow.

Well, he can only protect you so far.

Mr. Farlow, I meant what I said.
I don't want this to go any further.

Then you keep a real close eye on McKay.

I'll do that, and on you too.


Mr. Wendell is here.

Show him in.

- Thank you, Kelly.

Hello, Jeremy.
Thank you for coming over.

- No problem.
- Please sit down.

I've given a lot of thought
to what you said the other day...

...and I decided you are absolutely right.

- We're gonna ambush J. R?
- And more.

I've decided to sell you
all of my Westar stock.

I wanna be in a fluid position
in case we have to move fast.

I'll arrange for the payment
and transfer today.


Jeremy, do you have any idea
where J.R. Is?

I don't.
He's off the map as far as I can tell.

The family doesn't know?

Well, my son said he stayed behind
at a place where they went hunting.

But knowing J.R.,
there's something going on...

...and he's not telling anyone about it.

Well, I'm sure he'll surface soon.

He'd better.

The divorce hearing is in two days,
and I'm going ahead, with or without him.


You're handling this very well.

I know it's a tough time for you.
I'd like to help if I can.

I just want you to know
that you can count on me.

Well, that's very kind of you, Jeremy...

...but you have enough going on
without worrying about my private life.

If we're truly in this together,
your private life is very important to me.

Why don't we go to lunch
and celebrate your impending freedom?

- Well...
- l... I insist.

Well, in that case, I accept.



CASEY: Fella here with a present
for Miss April Stevens.

I see the fella, where's the present?

You don't think I'd get you to open
your door under false pretenses, do you?

- Little Oklahoma fifth.
- What are we supposed to do with that?

Well, sweetheart,
I guess if all else fails, we can drink it.

You won't be here that long.

I'm not going to be here at all
if you don't let me in.

Excuse me.

I know you must be a little upset with me
because you hadn't heard from me.

Don't you worry, I'll make it up to you.

You have nothing to make up to me.

And don't open this in here.
You'll flood the place.

Oh, come on, now.
You know you missed me.

Somehow I survived.

I take it you haven't heard the news.

It would've been the first thing
out of your mouth.

What news?

Cliff Barnes, the man you think is a wimp
who never does anything...

...sold Barnes-Wentworth to Westar
for more money than I've got.

- Now he's a part of Ewing Oil.
- Cliff Barnes, a part of Ewing Oil?

Is there an echo in here?

But J.R. Would never let that happen.

J.R. Doesn't seem to be around anymore.

At least, nobody's seen him
for the last couple of weeks.

The decision was made
by the wonderful Bobby Ewing...

...Dallas' version of Mr. Clean.

Well, if that don't tear the rag
off the bush.

There's gonna be one hell of a bloodbath
when J.R. Gets back.

Ah. Nothing could make me happier.

They'll all get what they deserve.

Well, now with, uh,
Barnes-Wentworth gone...

...and Ewing Oil self-destructing...

...there just might be an interesting opening
in the oil business.

- For whom?
- D&S Oil.

Bright new kids on the block.
Lots of money and raring to go.

- D for "Denault" and S for "Stevens"?
- Why not?

Why not show this whole city
what a couple of out-of-towners can do?

Why don't you open the champagne,
and we'll talk about it?

Why don't I just do that?

I made that just for you.

The dead man ate a hearty meal.

- I'm not gonna let them k*ll you.
- I don't know how you're gonna stop them.

Best thing you could do
is to get me out of here.

Well, I would if I could.

Can't you put something in their food,
knock them out for a while?

Where do you think
I could get something like that?

This ain't no hospital.

I can't believe this is happening to me.
I am a multimillionaire.

People get out of the way
when I walk down the street.

I write the rules in Dallas.

Well, it might not be such a bad thing...

...to find out you're not all that different
from the rest of us.

Honey, if I didn't think I was different, I'd
just as soon your brothers k*ll me tonight.

JAPHET: Now, that's one wish
you're gonna have fulfilled real soon.

What are you saying?

We done talked.

He's more trouble than he's worth.

Time we do what we started out to.

Take a good look at the sunrise tomorrow.
It's gonna be your last.



Hey, hey, hey.

Get them back.


- Something bothering you, Clayton?

CLAYTON: You know that a man
went down in that stampede?

He could've been k*lled.

I heard that the helicopter
spooked your cows.

- I'm real sorry about that.
CLAYTON: Not as sorry as you're gonna be.

I don't know why you're doing
what you are, but it stops now.

- Or what?
- Or you and I settle it right here.

- You touch that and you're mine.
- Oh, come ahead, cowboy.

Hold it,
I don't want any blood on my hands.

- You and your boy better get out of here.
- Not till this thing is settled.

And it's not gonna be our blood spilled.

Now, you're making this personal,
and it isn't.

You blew up my dam...

...and I'm just showing you
that you can't do that to me.

If that dam goes up again,
it gets blown again.


That's quite an army you've got there.

Just shows you what you're up against.

For a guy who's crying poor mouth,
you got yourself a hell of a payroll.

They're paid to do a job,
and they're willing to do it.

- Now, don't make me turn them loose.
- Turn them loose and be damned.

They come onto Southfork,
they come at their own risk.

You think your ranch hands
are any match for them?

The law will take care of them or we will.

Time for talking's over. Get off my land.


Why are you doing this?
What are you after?

Just get off my land.

You'd best go while you can.

I'll be looking for you.

You won't have to look far.

- You want a drink or something?
- Nothing.

- Are you all right?
- I've been better.

While you were out there,
a Mr. Miller called.

He said he hadn't found her yet
but he's still looking.

- Who's "her"? Is that what...?
- Don't ask me any questions.

I got a right to know.

All you've got is a packed suitcase...

...which you're gonna be carrying out
the next time you open your mouth.

I deserve better than that.

We all deserve better
than what we've got.

But that's just the way life is.

One more.

CLIFF: That'll do it, huh?
- You bet.

The money will be transferred today.

- Welcome to Ewing Oil, partner.
- Quite a day.

Half-ownership in Farlow Refineries...

Oh, no, sorry. Ewing Refineries.
- And the partnership.

My cup runneth over.

Tell you what, the offices are almost ready.
Grab Jackie. We'll take a look.

- Maybe she can help Phyllis out.
- Why not?

Glad to get out of here.

BOBBY: So you and Phyllis and Sly
will have an office together.

- At last, I'll have someone to talk to.
- Uh, don't talk too much.

- You're gonna have plenty of work to do.
- Let's hope so.

Would you excuse me a minute?

Take your time.

Oh, I'm...

- This is an accident, right?
- Are you making office calls?

I'm looking for work.

Well, what a coincidence.
I'm looking to hire somebody.

- Oh, to do what?
- What is it you do?

CLIFF: Whoa, the pool shark.
- The best friend.

This is Jackie Dugan.

- Hi. Tracey Lawton.

- The girlfriend?
- The secretary.

I'm gonna take a look at those offices later.
I promised Jackie I'd take her to lunch.

- Are you sure?
CLIFF: I'm positive.

JACKIE: Just remember,
I can't afford anything expensive.

I'm buying.

You, uh, have some time?

- Well, I really do have people to see.
- I only need two hours.

You owe me a rematch.

- I'm hardly dressed for pool.
- I'm taking that into consideration.

A hundred a game?

- A condition.
- Which is?

Winner buys the drinks
and the loser has to stay and drink them.

Well, it's hard to refuse a condition
like that.

I know.

And later we'll have some dinner
and, uh...

- And, uh?
- Let me see how much money I have.

Joking, joking.

See, the thing is,
this fight we're having with McKay...

...is gonna probably turn out
to be pretty rough.

He's gone and hired himself a bunch
of professional mercenaries to work for him.

But what about Sheriff Burnside?

He's not gonna let him
go around sh**ting people.

Burnside's only got four deputies.
They can't be everywhere.

Well, what do you want from us, Ray?

Well, a lot of you have families.

We'll understand if any of you
don't wanna be a part of this.

Anyone wants to leave, no hard feelings.

Those who stay,
we'll be paying bonus money to.

It's up to you.

I don't wanna run out on you,
Mr. Farlow...

...but I don't want my family
to be without a daddy either.

I reckon that goes for me too.

I'm no gunfighter. I reckon I'll be leaving.

Well, come on up to the house.

Anyone who wants to leave,
I'll give their final check.

The rest of you, you got my thanks.

But, uh, just be ready for trouble.

BO AZ: Cally!
- I reckon that's deep enough.


Cally, you get out of there right now.
I told you, we already decided.

Then you'd best sh**t me too.

- Move away from him, Cally.
- No.

I'd rather die with him here than spend
the rest of my life knowing what you done.

I love him. Can't you see that?

- Well, I guess maybe you do.
- And I love her, and I wanna marry her.

Think we're gonna let you cart her off
somewhere just so you can get shed of her?

No, I mean marry her right here.

I love her enough to spend
the rest of my days here with her...

...as husband and wife.

Can't you see he means it?
We love each other.

We're gonna have our kids here
and make this a happy place again.

Well, I guess maybe we better find us
a preacher man.

We're gonna have us a wedding.

Heh. Heh.

Oh, thank you.


Eight ball.


Oh. I have a feeling
the hustler just got hustled.

Oh, no, no, no, that was a lucky shot.
I probably couldn't make that shot again.

Well, I'm not gonna wait and see.
I owe you 400.

I don't wanna take money
from an out-of-work lady.

I said I needed work, not money.

I get paid when I win,
and I pay when I lose.

- You said winner buys.
- Yes, I did.

- Hi, uh, Scotch on the rocks, two of them.
BARTENDER: Yes, sir.

You brought me a Scotch at the party.

- How did you know?
- I knew.

- Don't tell me I'm that easy to read.
- I'm not trying to read you. I just knew.

Like when you took care of the cowboy
at the pool hall...

...I knew we'd get together.

And what if you were wrong?

Am I?

I don't know.

I'm not sure that I wanna find out.

BARTENDER: Here you go.
- Thanks.

- You're not married, are you?
- Mm-mm.

Neither am I.

I do have a son, though,
from a previous marriage.

Why are you telling me all of this?

Because I don't want polite,
glib cocktail conversation.

I wanna find out about us.

Maybe I'd like glib a little longer.

What are you afraid of?


You scare the hell out of me.
And I don't even know your last name.

Well, are you sure you want to?

Just in case I wanna find you.

Ewing. Bobby Ewing.

When I'm ready to go past glib...

...l'll look you up.

That's Ewing Oil.
Anybody in town can tell you where it is.

You're not talking about a real army.

Well, they are not ordinary ranch hands,
I can guarantee you that.

Well, then we're gonna
have to turn this over to Sheriff Burnside.

RAY: What can he do, Miss Ellie? I'm sure
they all have permits for their weapons.

And it's hard to prove that that helicopter
was intended to start a stampede.

- Stampede? What are you talking about?
- Bobby, where have you been?

Well, I... I was with a friend.
What's going on?

McKay. He had his helicopter spook a herd
we had over on East 40 today.

Charlie Dobbins went down.
A broken leg, cracked ribs.

He's gonna be okay,
but he could've been k*lled.

He did all that
just because we opened up the river?

That's what he says,
but there's more than that.

We had a look at his hired hands today.

They looked more like a r*fle squad
from Vietnam than cowboys.

This doesn't make sense.
What's he trying to do?

That's what we're gonna
have to find out.

Obviously, he had this in mind
when he bought Ray's ranch.

Clayton, you didn't have any sense of this
when you sold him the ranch?

Course not. I was looking forward
to having him as a neighbor.

- I just don't understand it.
- What do you know about him, Clayton?

Not much. He said he's from Colorado.

And he certainly had enough money
to buy that ranch without a hitch.

All right. So where do we go from here?

Well, until we could find out more
about him...

...we have to make sure
this just doesn't escalate.

Well, that may be out of our hands, Ellie.

- Well, that was simple enough.
- Too simple.

At any rate, congratulations.

You're a free woman now, Sue Ellen.

Well, wherever J.R. Is...

...I hope he's not enjoying today
as much as I am.

I do.

And do you, Calpurnia Elizabeth...

...take this John Ross Ewing
to be your lawful wedded husband...

...to love and to honor
and to be a proper wife to...

...until death do you part?

I truly do.

Then by the law that's vested in me
by this state...

...I now pronounce you
husband and wife.

You can kiss her.

He's mine now.

Welcome to our family.

We're gonna make real sure
you like living here.

I don't know if
I'm ever gonna get the hang of that French.

- It's got all these funny little "ooh" sounds.
- Yeah, but I bet Jenna speaks it, right?

- Yeah, and Charlie's getting good at it too.
- And Lucas?

- He's just starting to talk, Bob.
- I know.

He's gonna be a fine boy.
You're gonna be real proud of him.

Well, lookie here.
It must be cowboys' night out.

Oh, aren't you kind of taking a chance...

...wandering around
without all that heavy a*tillery?

I got all I need right with me.

Would you care to find out?


I might just wanna do that.

These are them boys
I was telling about today, Bob.

Yeah, I think I could've guessed that.

There's three for you and three for me.
At least it'll be a fair fight.

Seems fair to me.

Another county heard from.
Are you a Ewing too?

Why don't you come on over
and ask me yourself?

Well, I just might wanna do that.

You first.

Then him.


They're both mine.



He's dead.


Next on Dallas:


Good dog.
You'd best come on back to bed.


- Divorced?
- Yeah. It only lasted a couple of weeks.

He was much older than I was.
I don't even know why I married him.


I think you've got a lot of hired g*ns,
not ranch hands.

I hire people
to protect my land from you.
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