19x11 - Kinda - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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19x11 - Kinda - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

Original Air Date: 8 February 1982
Running time: 24:17

TODD: Oh no! Oh, is that?

DOCTOR: Well, we've established one thing.

TODD: What?

DOCTOR: The Kinda have a sense of humour.

HINDLE (on monitor): What's happening? What's funny?

DOCTOR: Absolutely nothing. Wait.

ADRIC: The power's failing.

HINDLE: Put the lights on! Put the lights on!

TODD: I don't believe it. This is impossible.

DOCTOR: I think it's safe to assume we all three had the same experience. How do you feel?

TODD: Fine.

DOCTOR: Not different?

TODD: No. What happened?

DOCTOR: Somehow the box linked us up with the Kinda. We were seeing the world through their eyes.

TODD: It certainly affected Sanders.

DOCTOR: Yes. It's shock. He'll be all right. Come on.

TODD: Where?

DOCTOR: You were right. This is no planet of primitives, and the answer's out there in the forest. Come on. Leave the box.

TODD: What about Adric?

DOCTOR: He'll be all right, he's very resourceful. Quickly!


DOCTOR: Well jump!

TODD: Which way?

DOCTOR: Has anyone ever told you you ask a lot of questions?

TODD: It's my training. I'm a scientist.

DOCTOR: Yes, so you are.

TODD: Well?

DOCTOR: Er, that way.

TODD: Are you sure?

DOCTOR: Come on.

TODD: Which way now?


TODD: Yes what?

DOCTOR: We're lost.

TODD: Where precisely were we heading?

DOCTOR: Well, I thought the cave in the dream.

TODD: Are you sure that exists?

DOCTOR: Oh, absolutely.

TODD: So, where do we go from here?

DOCTOR: Tell you what, toss for it. Heads this way, tails that. (tosses the coin) Heads.

TODD: Tails.

DOCTOR: Heads.

ADRIC: I've found Mister Sanders, sir. The others must have left him behind. I've also found the box.

HINDLE: I don't want to see it.

ADRIC: I was thinking, sir, if I could have your permission, that I could go and look for them.

HINDLE: Not outside.

ADRIC: No, but if you thought that I was

HINDLE: It's all in here, you know. Everything. The whole of life. Just a matter of knowing where to look.

ADRIC: I don't know what

HINDLE: Silence!


HINDLE: Listen. You too, old man. Listen. (reads) Emergency class 5B. If in the opinion of the officer designated SR security a situation should develop where a threat to the territorial integrity of the dome will, could or might extend to a threat to the security of the home world itself, then Emergency class 5B shall be declared. The procedure, implementation immediate, shall be in two phases. Phase one, the preparation, priming and location of expl*sive devices sufficient to render the dome and its contents to its base chemical constituents. Phase two

ADRIC: But all I want

HINDLE: Don't you see? Well, then we'll be safe. For ever and ever. Outside'll never get in. Don't you see?

TODD: Doctor, there's something following us.

DOCTOR: Nonsense.

DOCTOR: There's something following us.

TODD: Come out from there, whatever you are.


TODD: So many of them. They normally only associate in groups of three or four.

TODD: Doctor.

DOCTOR: Culturally non-hostile, didn't you say?

DOCTOR: Yes, we take the point, don't we.

TODD: Yes, the clown stroke jester's a familiar figure, anthropologically speaking. He diffuses a potential source of conflict through mockery and ridicule, don't you.

TODD: Your turn.

DOCTOR: Er, well, I don't really see what I could, er. Wait a minute.

DOCTOR: It's all quite simple, really. Just a, just a matter of practice. Your turn.

ARIS: Stop! Seize them. Seize the Not-we!

TODD: I think he means us.

DOCTOR: I thought you said the Kinda had no voice.

TODD: They don't.

DOCTOR: Well he certainly seems to.

TODD: Look, they're as surprised as we are.

DOCTOR: It's the girl from the dream.

TODD: It's ridiculous.

ARIS: I have spoken. The Not-we must be k*lled.



KARUNA: I must read your mind. You have voice. How can this be?

ARIS: No! Forbidden.

KARUNA: I don't understand.

KARUNA: Yes. It must be so.

KARUNA: The prophecy.

DOCTOR: The prophecy?

KARUNA: Prophecy teaches that at the beginning of things when the Not-we are come, a man will arise from among We who has the gift of voice, and so must be obeyed.

ARIS: I am he. I have spoken. Seize them!

KARUNA: No! Wait. We don't know. Only the wise woman knows. Aris has been sick. Perhaps it's his sickness that speaks. The wise woman told me to bring the Not-we to her cave. This I must do. Quickly, follow me.

DOCTOR: Gladly.

ARIS: Stop them!

SANDERS: There. That should do it.

HINDLE: You sure?

SANDERS: Yes. You see, the master detonator triggers six expl*sive charges placed in a pattern of two overlapping equilateral triangles on the dome wall. That way you guarantee ZMI.

HINDLE: Zone of Maximum Impact, which is right here in this room.

SANDERS: Yes, or more accurately


SANDERS: Just about where you're sitting.

HINDLE: Excellent. That'll surprise them.

ADRIC: Surprise who?

HINDLE: Anybody. Anything at any time tries to get in here and boom!

HINDLE (OOV.): We blow ourselves to bits. The perfect defence. Boom!

SANDERS (OOV.): Of course, the TAD is more difficult to quantify. Perhaps thirty square miles.

ADRIC: TAD? Total Area of Devastation?

SANDERS: Right. Where do you want this?

HINDLE: Hold it there.

HINDLE: I wish to announce phase 5B, defence of the dome, now complete.

ADRIC: What now?

HINDLE: Now? Now we can relax, enjoy ourselves.

DOCTOR: Where are we going? I expect you know these woods backwards, eh? Well, I don't suppose you've come across a young woman?

KARUNA: A Not-we woman with auburn hair?

DOCTOR: Yes, that's her. Tegan.

KARUNA: We've seen her.

DOCTOR: Now, where is she?

KARUNA: She was seen at the place of great dreamings.

DOCTOR: Well, is that far?

KARUNA: We'll take you there later.

DOCTOR: (to Todd) Come on.

DOCTOR: Now, this person Aris.


DOCTOR: You said he'd been sick.

KARUNA: His father is with the Not-we in the dome. It has darkened his mind.

DOCTOR: Yes, but now he can speak. He has voice.

KARUNA: As you heard.

DOCTOR: Yes, but so do you.

KARUNA: Aris is a male. Panna will explain.

DOCTOR: Panna?

TODD: The wise woman.

KARUNA: Aris is one of my fathers.

DOCTOR: Is he? How many do you have?

KARUNA: Seven.

DOCTOR: Seven.

TODD: Seven!

DOCTOR: Isn't that rather extravagant?

KARUNA: Why? How many fathers does a Not-we have?

DOCTOR: Well, on the whole, one.

KARUNA: Only one?


KARUNA: That's very sad.

TODD: So many questions, Doctor.

ADRIC: No! I don't want to play.

HINDLE: Why not?

ADRIC: Because I don't want to. It's childish.

HINDLE: Oh, go on. It isn't a game, it's real, with measuring and everything.


HINDLE: Tell him!

SANDERS: Well, if he doesn't want to.

HINDLE: Who's in charge here?

SANDERS: You are, of course.

HINDLE: Right! One word from me. One word.

SANDERS: I'll help you.

HINDLE: You, old man?

SANDERS: I'd like to.

HINDLE: I still give the orders.

SANDERS: Oh yes, of course.

HINDLE: All right, then. Let's get started.

KARUNA: Panna? Panna?

DOCTOR: Such stuff as dreams are made of.

KARUNA: Panna, are you there?

PANNA (OOV.): Of course I'm here.

PANNA: Where else should I be? Did you bring the Not-we woman from the dome?


PANNA: Where is she? Let me feel her face.

PANNA: You are welcome.

TODD: Thank you.

KARUNA: There is another.

PANNA: What other?

DOCTOR: Hello.

PANNA: A man!

KARUNA: He was with her.

PANNA: Impossible. Was he present when you opened the box?

DOCTOR: Yes. Most enlightening.

PANNA: What's he babbling about? No male can open the Box of Jhana without being driven out of his mind. It is well known. Unless. Is he an idiot?

KARUNA: Are you an idiot?

DOCTOR: Well, I suppose I must be. I have been called one many

PANNA: Keep silent, idiot.


HINDLE: We could cover the whole floor.

SANDERS: Yes, lets.

HINDLE: Every detail must be correct.

SANDERS: Oh, of course.

HINDLE: Where are you going?

ADRIC: Er, as you're so busy, I thought I might go for a stroll.

HINDLE: Haven't you forgotten something? You first ask permission.

ADRIC: Sorry. May I?

HINDLE: No. You made me angry.

KARUNA: Aris has found voice.

PANNA: So soon.

KARUNA: The others will follow him.

PANNA: It is all beginning again.

DOCTOR: What is?

PANNA: What is? What is? History is, you male fool. History is. Time is. The great wheel will begin to roll down the hill gathering speed through the centuries, crushing everything in its path. Unstoppable until once again

TODD: Until?

PANNA: I must show you. That is why you have been brought here. Then perhaps when you understand, you will go away and leave us in peace. If it is not already too late.

DOCTOR: You said once again.

PANNA: Of course. Wheel turns, civilisations arise, wheel turns, civilisations fall.

DOCTOR: And I suppose this happens many times.

PANNA: Of course. Wherever the wheel turns, there is suffering, delusion and death. That much should be clear, even to an idiot. Now stop babbling and get ready.

PANNA: Are they seated?


PANNA: (chants) Wheel turns.

ARIS: Old woman!


PANNA: Quickly, child. Help me. He must not interfere. You, Not-we woman, stay where you are, with the idiot.

HINDLE: That's it. Perfect. What do you think, Adric?

SANDERS: I'll go after him.

HINDLE: Wait! I'm in charge here, old man. I'll decide what's to be done.

SANDERS: Yes, sir.

HINDLE: Why can't we all play the game?

PANNA: What do you want?

ARIS: Listen to me, old woman.

PANNA: No, you listen to me, all of you.

ARIS: I have voice. They know the prophecy. Now they listen only to me.

PANNA: Is that true, child? Quickly, read them.


PANNA: Go on.

KARUNA: I can't. It hurts me.

PANNA: I must know what is in their minds.

KARUNA: Obedience. Obedience. Obedience. Obedience! Obedience! Obedience! Obedience! Obedience!

PANNA: Stop!

KARUNA: Obedience, obedience, obedience.

ARIS: Stop.

ARIS: Come over here, Karuna.

PANNA: Stay where you are. Where are you, child?

PANNA: Please. What are you going to do?

ARIS: We shall destroy the dome. The Not-we must be k*lled. This is our duty.

PANNA: You fool, you blind male fool. Do you think it ends there?

ARIS: We shall be free.

PANNA: Of course not. It doesn't end there. That is how it all begins again, with a k*lling. It doesn't end. That ends as it has always done, in chaos and despair. It ends as it begins, in the darkness. Is that what you all want?

PANNA: Who are you?

ARIS: I am Aris. He who speaks.

PANNA: No. No, you are not.

ARIS: Silence. To the dome. I shall return.

TODD: Come on, we must follow them.


DOCTOR: Did you see the design on his arm?

TODD: What design?

PANNA: The sign of the snake.

DOCTOR: Yes, that's right.

PANNA: It is the mark of the Mara, the evil ones.

TODD: Doctor, I really think we should

DOCTOR: What do you know of the Mara?

PANNA: It is the Mara who now turn the wheel. It is the Mara who dance to the music of our despair. Our suffering is the Mara's delight, our madness the Mara's meat and drink. And now he has returned.

TODD: Doctor!

DOCTOR: I too have heard the legends of the Mara.

PANNA: Help me.

TODD: Doctor, we're wasting time.

PANNA: Yes, yes, you're right. We must proceed at once.

PANNA: Sit down.

TODD: But.

PANNA: No, I must show you. You cannot help without understanding. Don't you see?

SANDERS (OOV.): Adric? Adric?

SANDERS: Adric? Adric. You really must try not to antagonise Mister Hindle.

ADRIC: I'm sorry.

SANDERS: Well, play along with him, son. He means well.

ADRIC: Does he?

SANDERS: Er, yes, of course he does. We all do, don't we, underneath it all? Now come along.

PANNA: And now the Mara turns the wheel of life. It ends as it begins. Pass through. You must pass through

TODD: Look!

PANNA: No harm.

TODD: Tell me it's a trick.

PANNA: Pass through.

DOCTOR: We must do as she says.

PANNA: Pass through.

TODD: Doctor, look. The cave, Panna, they've disappeared.


TODD: What's going on?

DOCTOR: You heard Panna. This is the beginning and the end.

TODD: We must help him.

DOCTOR: We can't.

TODD: Can't we do anything?

PANNA: It's the end of everything.

DOCTOR: Did you recognise the laugh?

TODD: Aris?

DOCTOR: No, the Mara within him.

TODD: The Mara caused all that to happen?

DOCTOR: In a manner of speaking.

TODD: Look, was what we just saw the future or the past?

DOCTOR: Both. And now we must get back to the dome, stop the attack.

TODD: We'll never find our way through the forest.

DOCTOR: Well, the old woman must direct us.

TODD: Doctor!


TODD: I think she's dead!

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Matthew Waterhouse

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Nerys Hughes

Richard Todd

Simon Rouse

Mary Morris

Sarah Prince

Adrian Mills

Anna Wing

Roger Milner

Jeff Stewart

Lee Cornes

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon

Barbara Kidd

Malcolm Thornton

Incidental Music
Peter Howell

Suzan Broad

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Sue Plumb
Rosemary Parsons

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Mike Jefferies

Studio Sound
Alan Machin

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Logan
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