19x18 - Black Orchid - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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19x18 - Black Orchid - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

Original Air Date: 2 March 1982
Running time: 24:41


DOCTOR: Lady Cranleigh.

LADY CRANLEIGH: This is Dittar Latoni, an old friend from Brazil.

DOCTOR: How do you do?


DOCTOR: I'm afraid I'm lost.

LADY CRANLEIGH: You are indeed.

DOCTOR: I should explain.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Please don't. There's no need.

DOCTOR: Oh, but there is. You see, in my meanderings I've come across something rather unpleasant.


DOCTOR: There's a body through there.


DOCTOR: A dead man in a cupboard.


DOCTOR: I'm afraid it's true. May I show you?



DOCTOR: Fascinating.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Ten bedrooms and four receptions have access to this area.

DOCTOR: A larger than average priest hole.

LADY CRANLEIGH: The Cranleighs of the time were devout and very hospitable. The priesthood came here from all over the country.

DOCTOR: It's in here. Are you sure you want to look?

LADY CRANLEIGH: It's all right, Doctor. I'm made of quite stern stuff.

DOCTOR: Yes, of course.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Poor fellow. How very unpleasant.

DOCTOR: Do you know him?

LADY CRANLEIGH: Yes, he's one of the servants. Please.

LADY CRANLEIGH: I'm very sorry, Doctor, that you've had this dreadful experience. I wonder, would you be kind enough to help me keep it from my other guests? I wouldn't want to upset them.


LADY CRANLEIGH: There's no point in involving them, unless the police decide otherwise.

DOCTOR: Yes, of course.


DOCTOR: Now, if you could tell me how to get back to my room, I think it's about time I got changed.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Yes, I'll show you.

TEGAN: I wonder where the Doctor is?

MUIR: Well, it could be a number of these fellows, since he wishes to remain incognito. Not being bored by this old codger, are you?

TEGAN: Of course not, Sir Robert.


ANN: Let me out!

ANN: I had such an awful dream. My head's throbbing.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Oh, there, there, my dear. There, there.

ANN: How did I get here? I hurt my head. There was someone in fancy dress.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Try to put the whole incident out of your mind.

ANN: I can't. It was too awful.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Come on. Some brandy will help calm you down.

BREWSTER: Some more of this, sir?

ADRIC: Er, no thank you. This will do to be going along with.

BREWSTER: Where's James with that bucket? Hurry him up will you, Henry?


CHARLES: A cold collation?

NYSSA: What's that?

CHARLES: Something to eat.

NYSSA: Oh, yes, please.

NYSSA: Is that seconds?


NYSSA: You pig!

ADRIC: You can only be Nyssa.

NYSSA: Just look at that!

ADRIC: Well, I didn't have any breakfast.

MUIR: Of course, my dear.

TEGAN: Thank you.

MUIR: Lord Cranleigh.

CHARLES: Sir Robert.

TEGAN: Have you seen the Doctor?


TEGAN: Sure you've got enough there?

ADRIC: Don't you start.

CHARLES: His neck's broken.

MUIR: By the look of him, it couldn't have happened in a fall.

CHARLES: What's that?

CHARLES: Ann was wearing this.

MUIR: Or the other one.

CHARLES: No, no, that was the other one out there on the terrace. Something's happened to Ann.

MUIR: I'll telephone the station.

DOCTOR: Had an accident?

CHARLES: I'm afraid it's a little more serious than that, Doctor.

ANN: That's him! That's who att*cked me!

DOCTOR: It's me.

ANN: Yes, you. And he did that. I saw him.

CHARLES: Doctor?

DOCTOR: I'm afraid Miss Talbot is mistaken. I've just this minute come down the stairs.

ANN: I am not mistaken! He danced with me and then pulled me in here. I shouted for help, James came and he k*lled him.

DOCTOR: I say, look here.

ANN: Sir Robert! Arrest that man. He k*lled James. I saw him.

DOCTOR: Lady Cranleigh, please.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Charles, shouldn't you

MUIR: No, Madge. Wait until the Sergeant gets here.

LADY CRANLEIGH: But our guests

MUIR: I suggest, Charles, that you call it a day. Tell your guests there's been an accident and ask them to go home.

CHARLES: What about him?

MUIR: I'll deal with this.

CHARLES: Right-o.

MUIR: Now, Ann.

ANN: This man att*cked me and then k*lled James.

DOCTOR: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

ANN: You did! He did. He danced with me on the terrace, brought me in here and then he

DOCTOR: Miss Talbot is quite mistaken. I have just come down these stairs. Before that, I was. Wait a minute. Was I like this?

ANN: Yes.

DOCTOR: Well, that's it, then.

MUIR: What is it?

DOCTOR: A completely logical explanation. A duplication of fancy dress. Someone else must be wearing an identical costume.

ANN: No.

MUIR: But my dear.

ANN: No!

MUIR: Now be reasonable.

ANN: I am being reasonable.

MUIR: What about your own costume? There are two of those.

ANN: My little joke, Sir Robert. I was in charge of the costumes. There was only one harlequin. That one.

MUIR: Doctor?

DOCTOR: And only one m*rder*r. Lady Cranleigh, I agreed to keep it from your guests, but I have the distinct feeling I'm in rather hot water.

DOCTOR: Miss Talbot.

ANN: Yes?


ANN: Why what?

DOCTOR: Why would I attack you? Have you done me any harm?

ANN: No!

DOCTOR: No, then I've no reason to harm you. And besides

MUIR: Besides what?

DOCTOR: Well, it wouldn't be cricket.


MUIR: I respect the sentiment, sir, but I have known Miss Talbot all her life. She has laid a complaint.


MUIR: Made an accusation. There's more to this than meets the eye. Is this the reason that you wish to remain incognito?

DOCTOR: No, of course not.

MUIR: What is your name?

DOCTOR: That's a very difficult question.

MUIR: Have you any means of identification?

DOCTOR: No, I've never needed any.

MUIR: Fortunate man. Just exactly who are you and what are you doing here?

DOCTOR: I'm afraid if I told you, you wouldn't believe me.

MUIR: I am the Chief Constable of this county and you, sir, are under suspicion of m*rder.

DOCTOR: I'm a Time Lord.

MUIR: A what?

DOCTOR: I told you.

MUIR: Try again.

DOCTOR: I travel in time and space. I have a time machine. You've read H G Wells?

MUIR: I know of him, of course, yes. He writes fiction.

DOCTOR: Lady Cranleigh, please help me.

MUIR: How can Lady Cranleigh help you?

DOCTOR: There's something terribly wrong here. Lady Cranleigh knows. I showed her another dead body.

MUIR: What? Madge?

LADY CRANLEIGH: I'm afraid like Mister Well, the Doctor has a vivid imagination.

DOCTOR: I showed you a body in a cupboard up there. You and the Indian.

MUIR: Indian?

DOCTOR: An Indian, with a lip. I give up.

MUIR: Perhaps you'd show me?

DOCTOR: Willingly. This way.

ANN: Please don't leave me.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Go and find Charles, my dear.

ADRIC: I don't believe it. The Doctor would never do a thing like that.

TEGAN: We can all speak for him.


CHARLES: Miss Talbot was a witness.

ADRIC: Her word against his.

CHARLES: That's enough. You'd better get inside the house. The police will be here any minute.

BREWSTER: There's a telephone call for you, sir.

DOCTOR: This one.

LADY CRANLEIGH: My father gave me that when I was six.

DOCTOR: Where's the Indian? There was an Indian. I showed you the body of a man in there. A man of about thirty, in a white coat. A short white coat. You said he was a servant.

MUIR: An Indian?

DOCTOR: Well, not in there, no. With Lady Cranleigh. A South American native.

MUIR: Madge?

DOCTOR: I'm not imagining all this.


DOCTOR: Lady Cranleigh, I appeal to you. It was you who introduced me to this man.

MUIR: The man in the cupboard.

DOCTOR: No, the Indian.

MUIR: With the lip?

DOCTOR: Yes. His name was Ditoni, or something like that. You said he was a friend from Brazil.

MUIR: From Brazil?

DOCTOR: Where the nuts come from.

CHARLES: Hello? Cranleigh here. Smutty! Now listen, that fellow you sent us. What? What? Well, there was a fellow here. Yes. Won the blessed game for us. First class bat and a demon bowler.

MUIR: You refuse to name yourself or give any good account of yourself except some irresponsible fiction, and you were seen to k*ll a man. Heaven knows what your motive was, but no doubt that will come out during the course of the enquiries.

DOCTOR: I sincerely hope so.

CHARLES: Bob, I've just received a telephone call from Smutty Thomas, apologising for the fact that the replacement he arranged missed his train.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Then this man is an imposter as well.

CHARLES: Indeed.

TEGAN: Is he?

CHARLES: I beg your pardon?

TEGAN: I don't know what this is all about, but I do know that the Doctor is no imposter.

CHARLES: I've just received a telephone call from

MUIR: All right, Charles. I'm arresting this man, Sergeant, on suspicion of m*rder.

MARKHAM: Yes, Sir Robert.

MUIR: I must warn you that anything you say will be taken down and may be used in evidence.

DOCTOR: That's very kind of you.

MUIR: I shall prefer the charge later at the Station, Sergeant.

MARKHAM: Very good, Sir Robert.

MUIR: His accomplices must come too.

DOCTOR: Accomplices?

MUIR: Well, perhaps I should say accessories.

NYSSA: What are accessories?

MUIR: Accessories to m*rder. And they suffer the same penalty.

MARKHAM: Right, you'd better all come along with me, then.

CHARLES: Tanner will take you, Bob.

MUIR: Thank you, Charles.

DOCTOR: Thank you, Lady Cranleigh, for a delightfully unexpected afternoon.

NYSSA: Why don't you show them the TARDIS, Doctor?

ADRIC: What will that prove?

TEGAN: That he isn't lying.

DOCTOR: Sergeant, do we pass the station?

MARKHAM: You're going to the station.

DOCTOR: I mean the railway station.


DOCTOR: Would you stop there a moment?

MARKHAM: Certainly not.

TEGAN: Oh, please?

DOCTOR: There's vital evidence that will prove what I'm saying is true.

MARKHAM: What evidence?

DOCTOR: Stop, and I'll show you.

MUIR: What's the idea?

DOCTOR: There's something I'd like to show you.

MUIR: Well?

DOCTOR: It's not here.

MUIR: What?

DOCTOR: What I wanted to show you.

MUIR: Come along, Markham. He's wasting time.

CUMMINGS: Did you see it, Sarge?

MARKHAM: See what?

CUMMINGS: The police box in the yard.


CUMMINGS: It was on the north bound platform at the railway station. We've been able to move it, but we can't break in. No key will unlock it.

DOCTOR: This one will.

LADY CRANLEIGH: The male nurse was k*lled.

CHARLES: Digby? When?

LADY CRANLEIGH: Must have been last night.

CHARLES: And you said nothing?

LADY CRANLEIGH: No. It would do no good.

CHARLES: Do no good? We can't let that Doctor fellow suffer for something he hasn't done.

LADY CRANLEIGH: He will come to no harm. He is innocent.

CHARLES: We've got to tell the police.


ANN: Charles, please don't leave me alone.

CHARLES: Ann. Now there's something you've got to know.


CHARLES: Yes, Mother!

DOCTOR: Please.

DOCTOR: After you, Sergeant.

MARKHAM: But there won't be any room.

TEGAN: You are in for a surprise.

MUIR: Unbelievable. Quite unbelievable.

MUIR: I must say, all this is going to be rather difficult to explain in my report. In this sense, you are owed an apology.

DOCTOR: In this sense?

MUIR: Well, there is still a m*rder to be explained.

CUMMINGS (OOV.): Sir Robert?

DOCTOR: Come in.

CUMMINGS: Strike me pink!

MUIR: What is it, Cummings?

CUMMINGS: A call from Lord Cranleigh, sir, up at the Hall. He's found another body. A man called Digby. His neck's broken, just like the servant, James.

DOCTOR: The man in the cupboard?

MUIR: Yes. Thank you, Cummings.


MUIR: Come on, Markham.

DOCTOR: I could get you there sooner.

MUIR: You could? All right, you do that.

ANN: How could you? Oh, how could you?

ANN: Oh, Sir Robert!

CHARLES: Now, Mother, don't worry. I'll look after Ann.


CHARLES: All right, old chap. All right.

ADRIC: Nyssa!

CHARLES: He's started a fire! Get the Brigade!

DOCTOR: The stairs are burning!

MUIR: What was that thing?

DOCTOR: Tell him, Lady Cranleigh, and why he's so interested in Ann.

MUIR: Well?

LADY CRANLEIGH: They were engaged to be married. That thing, as you call him, was my elder son George.

CHARLES: How did you know?

DOCTOR: The black orchid for one, Latoni for another.

MUIR: Explain!

DOCTOR: I'll leave Lady Cranleigh to do that. I have to rescue Nyssa.

LADY CRANLEIGH: He won't hurt her. He loves Ann.

DOCTOR: Really. And what will he do when he discovers he has the wrong girl?

CHARLES: There they are!

DOCTOR: Try and hold his attention here. I'll find a way up through the house.

MUIR: No, lad. Two are enough.

LADY CRANLEIGH: I've done something terribly wrong, Robert. Charles is not to blame.

MUIR: What did the Doctor mean about the black orchid?

LADY CRANLEIGH: Well, you saw how George looked. The Kojabe Indians did that to him. To them, the black orchid is sacred. And they cut out his tongue. His mind was affected. He was rescued by another tribe, and their chief befriended him and brought him home.

MUIR: Latoni.

LADY CRANLEIGH: Yes. With Latoni and Digby's help I was able to keep George hidden in the house.

MUIR: Did George k*ll Digby?


MUIR: And the servant?

CHARLES: George. Please, George. Now George, she's done you no harm.

CHARLES: George. Please, George.

DOCTOR: George, that isn't Ann. Ann is down there. Look.

DOCTOR: Keep still, Nyssa! It's true, George. Please let me have her. Please.

CHARLES: Thank you, George.

LADY CRANLEIGH: I'm grateful you stayed for the funeral.

NYSSA: What's that?

TEGAN: Our fancy dress. Do you really mean it? We can keep them?

ANN: Of course.

LADY CRANLEIGH: There's something I'd like you to have.

DOCTOR: Thank you. I shall treasure it.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Matthew Waterhouse

Janet Fielding

Nyssa/Ann Talbot
Sarah Sutton

Lady Cranleigh
Barbara Murray

Sir Robert Muir
Moray Watson

Lord Charles Cranleigh
Michael Cochrane

Brian Hawksley

Timothy Block

Ahmed Khalil

The Unknown/George Cranleigh
Gareth Milne

Sergeant Markham
Ivor Salter

Constable Cummings
Andrew Tourell

David Wilde (uncredited)[1]

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon

Gary Downie (uncredited)

Rosalind Ebbutt

Tony Burrough

Film Cameraman
Peter Chapman

Film Editor
Mike Houghton

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Lisa Westcott

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Juley Harding

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Fred Wright

Studio Sound
Alan Machin

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Tony Auger
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