Norm of the North (2016)

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Norm of the North (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't listen
to the haters, Norm.

You're a polar bear.
You got this.

I mean,
look at those paws.

You're an animal...

It's all-you-can-eat
seal buffet.

Go fill your plate.

Read 'em
and weep, boys.

Full house.

I'd bet antlers
he fails again.

Ah, he looks

I'm giving ten-to-one odds
he catches the poor pinniped.

They say I can't hunt.


Oy, phooey! How can I be
king if I can't hunt?



This is
gonna hurt.


That wasn't so bad.

Oy, that was bad.

They say he doesn't
have any focus.

Hi, Elizabeth.



Jeez, it's like
pure ice up here.

An accident waiting
to happen, you know?

I mean, somebody should really
do something about this, huh?


Anyway, I really
should get goin' now.

I've got a seal to go
catch and eat and I...

anyway, I uh...
see ya, gotta go.

Bye now. Catch ya
later, Elizabeth.

Babe, look!
A hunt!

This trip
is finally payin' off.

Any last words
before I eat you?

Oh, come on.
Don't say that.

You always know exactly
what to say to get to me.

Eat him. Eat him!

- Yeah! Eat him.
- Eat him!

You wanna know why I'm
not gonna eat you?

You got a minute?
Well, maybe an hour.

It all started
when I turned .

In health class they told
us how our growl would change,

how we'd start getting
more fur on our bodies.

But they didn't say anything
about speaking to humans.

I want one! I want one!
I want one! I want one!

Aren't they supposed to stay
yards away?

If this little brat takes one
more step, I'm gonna pounce.

Keep it up, kid.

The only thing you're
gonna get is a mauling.

Can't ya see we're
wild animals here?

Did you just
talk to me?

You can speak bear?

No, dummy,
you're speaking human.

- - Norm: I
didn't know what to do.

No other bear seemed to
be able to speak human.

And certainly no other bear had
these weird feelings that I had.

So I went to go see the
wisest bear in the world.

The King
of the Arctic,

who conveniently
was also my grandpa.

I don't know what to do.
I didn't ask for this.

What is wrong
with me?

Nothing is wrong with you, Norm.
You're special.

Yeah, a real
one of a kind.

Actually, more like
two of a kind.

I share the same trait.

I, too, can speak
to our human visitors.

You can talk
to them, too?

I can.

Polar bears are icons
of the Arctic, Norm.

And an icon with a voice
can be very powerful indeed.

Our land
is vulnerable

and we're

For now, just know
that what you and I have

is a great gift.

One day you'll
truly understand.

But when
will I understand?

But if didn't end there.

Human tendencies
had taken over my body.

That's when I started doing
the Arctic Shake.

¶ Everybody,
let me speak free ¶

¶ Be who you wanna be,
stand up and shout... ¶

I put the "soul"
in winter solstice.

¶ Get down move your body
all around ¶

¶ Let your crazy out,
let your crazy out ¶

- ¶ Shout... ¶ - Until
the batteries ran out.

These days, I'm pretty glad
I have these feelings,

but I just don't know
what to do with them.

And that brings me
to the other day.

Why don't you take a picture?
It'll last longer.

I knew he wouldn't
k*ll the seal.

- Pay up.
- Fine, here.

You're lucky these
things grow back.

I'm a bear who can't hunt.
I'm soft and frozen yogurt.

Who needs a bear
with too much care

and not enough scare?

Norm! What is that, a haiku?

What did Dad tell
you about writing poetry?

I know, I know. "Leave the
poetry to the panda bears."

What's up, Sam?

I only caught the tail
end of it...

but I made some money off your
failed hunt today, big bro.

I wish I'd caught
the tail end of my hunt.

Let me give you
some advice, bro.

Act with your stomach
and not your heart.


Oh, my : is here.
Excuse me, Normie.

I don't know why you spend
so much time and energy

on these tourists.
They're ruining it up here.

Au contraire, mon frère.

As Dad always said, "If humans
come to our land and clap",

they can't come
to our land and crap."

"Give them a scene..."

"the Arctic
stays clean."

Thanks, Stan, I got it.
But Grandpa always said...

Enough about Grandpa, Norm.
He left us, remember?

He's not here.
We are.

The humans won't destroy
something they love.

And they love...


Let's give these people what they
came a thousand miles to see.

A show!

And go!


You ain't seen
nothin' yet.

Whales, I need whales.

¶ What you gonna... what you
gonna do with that... ¶

How many times do I have to tell you?
This ain't Orlando.

Act real.

Oh, not that real.

Oh, that's the fourth
time this month.

Norm, I need you
for the finale.

I'm desperate. A whale
just ate my actor.

This is
my nightmare.

Oh, please.

No, the Arctic Shake was
for your bachelor party.

I'd never do that
for the human tourists.

Never, never, never.

¶ Yeah, no time, no time,
no time to lose ¶

¶ You got no time,
no time... ¶

- Wow!
- ¶ Listen ¶

¶ Baby, baby,
won't you take my hand? ¶

¶ Don't be afraid
to take a chance ¶

¶ Together there is
nothin' we can't do ¶

¶ To start it up
get in the groove ¶

¶ Dance, dance, dance ¶

¶ Out of control ¶

- ¶ You're out of control... ¶
- That bear's not scary at all.

He doesn't belong in the Arctic,
he belongs on Broadway.


Can you do the Charleston?

Oh, wisest of the winged.

of the beaked.

Norm, grab a seat.

Be with you in a minute.
Just finishing up.

And the next thing
you know, I'm twerking

in front of a boatload
of human tourists.

Twerking! Have some
self-respect, Norm.

I just don't know why
everyone wants to be

so nice to
these intruders.

They've never done
anything for us

except to come to
our land uninvited.

Ah, your grandfather
had a saying...

"Panem et circenses."
"Bread and circuses."

He meant it's easier
to distract ourselves

with food
and entertainment,

than think about
the real problems.

What happened
to Grandpa, Socrates?

Did he really
just disappear?

The theories
are plentiful.

Some believe he is on
a vision quest.

Some people think he simply
went to search for fish.

While others think he went
to follow the band...


Me, I think your grandpa knew
something was happening,

and tried
to fight it.

And it looks like that
something is happening.

Holy icicle.
Is that a human house?

It's a model home.

A sales tool.

Just arrived, literally,
fresh on the boat.

It means more of these
houses are gonna be coming.

Humans are moving here?
To live?

It starts
with the tourists,

then someone says,
"I could do this year round."

It happened to my buddy,
Freddy the flamingo.

He was in Florida, minding
his own business.

A couple
of tourists show up.

Next thing you know, there are
plastic statues of Freddy

on everyone's lawn!

We gotta talk
to the king.

Norm, that house
has nothing to do

with why
Grandpa vanished.

Dad, you're not
listening, there's more.

There's a human house
right here on Grandpa's land.

Humans are
moving here now.

Ah, Norm,
you always did have

such an imagination,
now, didn't you?

- First with the poetry...
- I swear it's true.

Socrates and I snuck in.
And look...

from Florida.

Norm, you are not to go
anywhere near there.

Do you hear me?

Grandpa's land is off limits.

"Snuck in."

Norm, you
shouldn't go onto property

that doesn't belong to you.
You should know better.

Besides, I'm sure the
house you're referring to

is simply
a research hut.

Look, son,
you wanna be king?

A future king isn't supposed
to get so emotional.

We hunt, we lead, and we sleep.

Now there is plenty
of ice to go around.

Just stay away from there!
Far away.

And for the love of salmon,
no more talking human!

- You got me?
- Yes, Dad.

Did you see that? He wants
to give away the Arctic.

That's it.
We're done.

Norm, it all points
to the same thing.

Humans are invading
our land.

And you are a polar bear
who can speak to humans.

You're the only one who can
do something about this.

I can't even hunt.

Norm, your grandpa
once told me,

"Norm's the only bear
that has the potential"

to be king
of the Arctic.

He feels
the Arctic's pain.

And if he
feels it enough,

"he'll stand
for us."

I can't even stand
for myself.

Norm, don't
listen to them.

They're just furry robots
sitting in their ice cubicles

obeying the rules,

pretending nothing bad's
ever gonna happen.

But you can
change the rules.

You're seeing the future. They're
just living in the past.

You can find
a new way.

Don't just dance
for the humans.

Fight for our home

I won't let you down.

- Socrates!
- Cranberries!

Surprise is the
number-one cause of death

in the elderly,
you know.

We have to do

I have to do something.

Ah, number one
or number two?

- We gotta take some...
- Action!

- What the heck is that?
- Caw.

That is proof of why you
should stay in school.

First you're cutting class, next
you're dressing up in a bear suit

doing twirls
for a real estate commercial.

The seals would k*ll him. Cut!

Who said that?

I'm the only one
who yells, "Cut!"

I'm the director.

I'm not just going to be
a furry robot

in an ice cubicle.

We have to point that
director in a new direction.

Oh, great. A suit
coming to give me

creative notes
on my masterpiece!


But I'll need soldiers
on the ground.

Invisible soldiers.

Those little guys?
They'll get crushed.

Trust me,
they're indestructible.

Ayah, ayah, ah-ah-ah!

- What's he doing?
- He wants you to stomp on him.

He wants to prove
how tough he is.

Could he sign
a release first?

I'm gonna get, like,
lemming juice everywhere.

Do it.

- Ow.
- I k*lled him.

If I go down, Socrates, I'm
taking you down with me!

Wait for it.
Wait for it.

- Ta-da!
- You're invincible.

You guys got springs
for bones.


Can you see this, honey?
It's so beautiful, isn't it?

It's beautiful, Mom,
but what will it look like

when you and Mr. Greene
build all those houses there?

You're changing the Arctic.
Change isn't always good.

Olympia, if this campaign
works, and the houses sell,

that means
great things for us.

But it really is
amazing up here.


Olympia, I'll
call you right back.

Hi. Vera Brightly,

Head of Marketing
for Mr. Greene.

The commercial is a masterpiece!
I deserve an Oscar!

Wow, you can't win an
Oscar for a commercial,

but as long as
it can sell condos,

we've done our job.

Ah. Can you
smell that?

The air
is so fresh here.

It's completely

Caw! Whoa, whoa!

Holy Hitchcock!
That bird just pooped on me.

I think that's good luck,
isn't it?


- - Who forgot
to secure the lights?

I swear I secured them.



Is that bird
aiming for us?

Oh, poop.

Oh, my gosh.
What is happening?

Vera, we're fine.

I still have
the background lights.

Wait for it.
Wait for it.

Don't tell me those were
the background lights.

Don't worry, Vera.

I've already shot
most of the commercial,

and it's on this reel.

We'll fix
the rest in post.

Anything can be
fixed in post.

In one of my movies,
I wrote the plot in post.

Uh excuse me,

Vera, a director always
delivers and never quits.

There goes
the footage.

I quit! I quit!

You can't quit. We have
a one-day film permit,

and the house goes back
to New York tonight.

Au revoir, as they say in France

and some parts
of Canada!


Good job today, lemmings, but
let's not get too comfortable.

Yup, there's one more down there.
Oh, sorry about that.

You guys gotta
speak up, seriously.

If you're gonna go to the
bottom, tell somebody.

Let's not
completely relax

until "Pretty in pink"
heads back to America.

Okay, Vera, you're
a problem solver.

When you're faced
with a problem,

what do you usually do?

You solve it!

If only I had some seals
and ice, and...

are there penguins up here?

Sea lion! Hi!
Please come back.

I need your help
with this shot. Please?

It's a seal,
you generalist.

Humans think all animals
look the same.

Cracked driveway.

Not a good selling point.

Hey, the Arctic
comes as is.

Who said that?


Sorry, honey. Mommy
couldn't call you back.

I was busy
putting out a fire.

The Arctic is on fire?!

Wait, so you're
melting it now?

No, no, not real fires.
Everything is fine, Sweetie.

I'm totally fine.

Whoa! Oh, no!

Move it, lady!

Oh, no.
A polar bear!

Really? Oh, they're amazing.
Ursus Maritimus.

I think he's charging me.
Is that bad?

Look it up
on the Internet.

It says, "When confronted
with a polar bear",

assert dominance
and stand your ground."

I don't think
it's working.

Let me call
you back, honey.

Mommy has an idea.
Love you.

Tired of suburbia?

Come to the Arctic, where every
day is a safari in the snow.

All you need to do is step outside
your front door, literally.

Waterfront property
now available.


You're welcome.

Mr. Greene, we've had
some problems up here.

Oh, Vera, my dear-a,
there are no problems,

only messages
from the universe.


Say it with me, Vera.


Mr. Greene,
the director quit!


I knew you shouldn't have hired
that overpaid, pretentious...

okay, how are you
gonna fix this?

How are you gonna fix
your fault? Hmm?

Well, I've been filming
all day,

and I got some really great
footage of a polar bear

that almost
att*cked me.

You've been filming?
That is so cute.

I'm sure you think you're
a regular Scorsese.

All right, I need something
people might actually

wanna watch.

Wait a tick.
I love it.

I love it. I love it!

This bear is a star.

in the snow."

Genius of me.

This will definitely get me
approval from the Polar Council.

I can't believe it.

Oh, I'm gonna be so rich.

Condos, shopping malls,
Volvo dealerships.

Oh, God, you name it.
It's going to be Dubai on ice.

Bring the commercial and the
model back home to New York

and I'll see you
tomorrow, mañana.

That means "morning,"
I think.

Remember, we have one week
to get this approved.

Actually, Mr. Greene,
while I have you,

any word back
from your alma mater,

the Magister Mundi

It's Olympia's dream
to go there,

but as you know,
it's impossible to get in

without an alumni

Yeah, but
she ain't gettin' in

until the condos get in.

I won't let you down,
I promise.

Vera, scrap
the campaign.

We need a real
symbol of the Arctic

who can talk
to these people

and convince these
morons to buy my homes.

Find an actor who looks
just like that bear.

Let's use the Arctic
to sell the Arctic.


An actor that looks
just like that bear?

Oh, brother.

You heard them,

They want an actor
who can use the Arctic

to sell the Arctic.

If that actor
is you,

we can use the Arctic
to save the Arctic.

You need to go
to New York,

and stop these houses
from ever getting here.

I hear they have good pizza
in New York.

Come on.

¶ Can you feel it? ¶

¶ Now it's coming back
we can steal it ¶

¶ If we bridge this gap
I can see you ¶

¶ Through the curtains
of the waterfall ¶

¶ So say Geronimo! ¶

¶ Say Geronimo! ¶

¶ Say Geronimo! ¶

¶ Can you feel... ¶

- ¶ My love? ¶
- ¶ Bombs away ¶

¶ Bombs away ¶

¶ Bombs away... ¶

Wow, what can a bear like me
do in a city like this?

Lemmings, I have a feeling
this journey

might not be as smooth
as we hoped.

Just got to remember
to stay... oh...!



This place
is so amazing, Mom.

Did you know that their Latin
department is so good,

they single-handedly
resuscitated the language?

- It's no longer dead.
- Well, it's a school for only

the gifted and talented geniuses, like you.
It really is perfect.

But try not to fall
in love just yet, okay?

This is only a tour.

We still need
Mr. Greene's help and...

Mom, you're putting too
much pressure on yourself.

We don't need
Greene's help.

I can get in
on my own.

I know it.

Just have fun in
there, sweetheart.

It's the most
amazing thing.

I gotta tell
all my seal buddies.

You press the lever,
the water goes up.

Ooh! Whoo!


Um, oh, hey, guys.
Come on in.

Um, help yourself to some
fur balls in the fridge.

talking bear?

We gotta tell
Mr. Greene.

Wait. What do you mean,
"another talking bear"?


Bring the tranquilizer g*ns.



Greene House Company,
where art thou?

The King of the Arctic
has come to greet you.

Well, it's not Macbeth,
but it's a job.

Okay, bad costume, but he
knows the way to Greene.

There he is!

Come on, lemmings.

Hey! Hah-ha-hah!

Yes, I am the King
of the Arctic,

and the king
is hungry!


Hark! Seal,
hark, I say!

Hey, you!

- Huh?
- Huh?



- There he is!
- I think we can take him.

A real polar bear
always does his own stunts.

Come here and feel
my Arctic wrath.


Jeez, they don't call this place
a "concrete jungle" for nothing.

Whoa, yes!



Yee-ee... ah!

It was just
a misunderstanding.

We thought you was
a real talking bear.

Thank you. That's a
fantastic compliment.

Mad rats! Mad rats!

Yes! Run, cowards!

Get back here, lemmings!

So you're here for the
Greene Homes audition?

"King of the Arctic,"
I take it.

Yeah. Use the Arctic
to sell the Arctic.

It makes sense.

Well, you certainly look
the part of a bear.

That costume
is exquisite.

Just a little something
I threw together.

Yes. I thought I had
this role locked up,

but now my bear suit
is ruined.

Oh, I'll never
get this one.

Look, when you were
attacking those men,

you really had me convinced
you were a bear.

Yes, I am
a phenomenal actor,

but I can't
compete with you.

Such authenticity.

You even smell
like a polar bear.

Me, I smell like macaroni
and sweet Vermouth.

Now go and get
that part!

Mr. Greene,
let me be frank.

Condos in the Arctic
is a ludicrous idea.

Now, condos in the Bahamas,
that people can understand.

Until we can see public support,
we will not approve this.

Polar Council, please.

I do this all
over the world.

I know where people want
to live before they do.

Our homes
are very deluxe,

and you would love
them, Councilwoman.

People aren't interested
in living in the Arctic.

Know how I know?
Because that graph shows

you're currently at a
% approval rating.

Until that number
gets above %,

not approved.

Hi, everyone.

Sign in and wait
over there, Travolta.

Hey, guys. Toilet's right there.
Help yourselves.



Oh, yeah. Looks like we're
real close to approval, Vera.

Great work. We need
to get to %,

and we're at what,
. ?

Vera, where is my bear?

Mr. Greene, I've got
bear actors from Broadway

and the big screen
coming right now.

Well, I hope so.
Because if you fail,

you can kiss
your daughter's chances

of getting into
my alma mater goodbye.

Know what else you can kiss goodbye?
Yo' job!

'Cause I promise you,
it will vanish,

just like those condos we built
in the Bermuda Triangle.

Mr. Greene, I
have the investors on Skype for you.

Oh, great. The Arctic
condo investors.

And no approval
for Arctic condos!

Thank you all for coming.
Okay, we're looking for real.

Let me have it!

Okay, I'm not quite getting
"King of the Arctic."

It's more like
"Queen of the Prom."

Bear, bear, bear, bear.

I need real. I need
something to save my...

You, come with me.

Only if I can
bring my lemmings.

We're with
the same agency.

Cute. And very marketable.
Bring 'em.

Mr. Greene, meet
Norm of the North.


Yeah, he's pretty.

And I feel scared.
Ooh, ah.

But can Norma play
"King of the Arctic"?

It's Norm.

Help! Help!
I'm being mugged!

Just take the watch,
take my wallet.

Just don't touch
my ponytail.

That's where... that's where
I keep all my powers.

Vera, Vera, throw me my mace!
And my wet wipes!

Sorry, Mr. Greene. I was just...
keepin' it real.

You know, trying to use the Arctic
to sell the Arctic, you know.

Norm is just a consummate actor.
He certainly looks the part.

And he even brought
Arctic lemmings.

Janet! The rats are back!
Call pest control,

because the fire department
doesn't show up on time!


Om... gonna die.

Mr. Greene, you said
authentic sells,

and no one does authentic
better than Norm of the North.

Well, he's too

I mean, we need a
bear that is happy,

that makes people
feel warm and safe.

You know, fake!

You're fired, Norm. Get
out of my office. Om...

You want happy bear?
You got happy bear.

¶ Let me speak free ¶

¶ Be who you wanna be,
stand up and shout ¶

¶ Shout it out... ¶

This is great.

Add three more dancers
and we got a boy band.

¶ Let your crazy out,
shout it, shout it ¶

¶ Shout it out loud ¶

¶ Do it, do it,
do it right now... ¶

Norm, I take it back.
You're hired.

Vera, take our newest
star out to lunch.

Come on, Norm. We'll go to
Kozawa Sushi just upstairs.

It's the freshest
fish in town.

Kozawa's pricey.

Uh, okay... Vera, can you
come here for a second?

Just no lobster, Kobe,
or tipping, okay?

By the way, Norm, if
you like mixed drinks,

you must try the flat
and sparkling water.

Wow, that actor
actually smells like a bear.

I haven't smelled anything
that foul since...

Wait a minute.

Has he spoken again?

Uh, nope.

Something felt a little
too real with that bear.

The only thing that looks like
a bear, sounds like a bear,

and smells as bad
as a bear is a bear.

I knew it!

You think you're real
slick, don't you, old bear?

You thought you could send
one of your bear operatives

to take me out?

Well, I got news
for you, Gramps.

No way I'm goin' down that easy.

Norm of the North
is finished.

I've got a bear assassin to get rid of.


He's an actor.
Never takes off his costume.


Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I usually sit on the
ground at home anyway.

Um... for an entrée,
you want to do chef's choice.

He can always read
what his guests want.


This should be

Sorry we couldn't
bring the lemmings.

A little
health code thing.

Do you think they're okay down
in the office by themselves?

Uh, I needed this.
You have no idea.

This day has been
something else.

Both the bridge and the tunnel
were closed this morning

so traffic, was a nightmare,
and Tony was yellin' at me

like it was my fault
or something.

He's just mad
because he's short.

No offense.

So... Greene Homes
up in the Arctic?

Crazy, huh?

I'll take you to see
an exact mock-up of one.

It's actually a few floors
down from our offices.

You'll see, they practically
sell themselves.

If that's
even a good thing.

what's that?

Nothing, nothing. Just, after
having been up in the Arctic myself

and seeing how
beautiful it is,

I wonder if it's even good
to have houses up there.

That sounds
silly, doesn't it?

Not at all.

I know exactly
what you mean.

Oh, I gotta take this. It's my daughter.

Hi, Olympia.
How did the tour go?

Are you loving
the new school?

Well, it was just a tour,
but I'm happy you love it.

I'll talk to Mr. Greene
again and...

No. Okay, honey.
I have to go.

See you tonight.
Love you.

- A lot goin' on?
- Yeah, sorry about that.

Olympia is,
well, brilliant,

- but it's... it's complicated.
- Good schools are important.

Yes. Really, really,
really important.


Oh, thanks, Chef Kozawa.
That certainly looks fresh.

Do you want to play rough?


Don't worry patrons,
it's just a tranquilizer g*n.

It's only sometimes
lethal on humans.

I don't know who sent you,
but the party's over, pal.

Mr. Greene,
what are you doing?

You smell like
a wild animal, Norm.

Mr. Greene, just because I haven't
bathed, you're gonna sh**t me?

Jeez, I heard New Yorkers could be
hostile, but this is a little much.

I'm warning you!

Ah, is
there a sharp pain

in everyone's

Or is it just me?

I'm feeling it.

Norm-san, you are
my guest anytime.

- Arigato.
- Do itashi, bro.

Norm of the North, everyone.

Where am I?
What happened?

Somebody sh**t
that bear!

Mr. Greene,
please relax.

I think you might
want to see this.

- And in other news...
- The local news caught your outburst

at Kozawa's today
and Norm's heroism.

Everyone's talking
about Norm,

and look at
our approval ratings.

Hah! Oh, my goodness. We are
rising faster than the oceans.

Norm, uh, buddy. I...

I thought he was
a real bear.

I mean, I was confused
because he smells

just like
that other polar...


That storm brought

all the smells of winter
right to our doorsteps.

"Real bear," huh?

You know what? Just
forget the whole thing.

Some guy from a cola company
approached me at Kozawa's.

Said they needed a bear
for a holiday thing.

Because of me, your
ratings just jumped %.

Imagine what I
could do for a real company.

Norm, wait.

If you let him walk out that
door, we are back to square one.

Norm, Norm, Norm. Um, I am
so sorry I shot at you.



Well, Normie has to look for a
new job and a place to live.

Not all of us can afford
a fancy Greene condo,

which I hear is fully
furnished and uninhabited,

and I will probably
sleep in the park alone.

Norm, wait.

Vera, he can stay
in the model home.

Ah! I am brilliant!


So close to work,
no commute and so homey.

Right, lemmings?

Hey hey-hey-hey,

Those are the finest
leather hides from Italy.

- Are they housetrained?
- Oh, definitely.

They've peed
in tons of houses.

Well, I guess
we'll settle in.

Okay, we'll work on getting
you out on the campaign trail

for Greene Homes.

Get some rest, and there's a
minibar with some food in it.

I'll give you
a % discount.

Vera, you work on settin'
up the marketing.

I'll take care
of the rest.

Okay, boys,
we gotta find Grandpa,

stop these condos from gettin'
built and get home.

And on top of all that,
Mr. Greene is watching us,

so act natural.

Not that natural.


Okay, look...

Okay, look, we need someone
to provide cover

while I go investigate that shelf
that smelled like Grandpa.

I think I know
just the guy.

Look, all
you have to do

is go up there
and pretend to be me.

The lemmings
will let you in.

There's plenty of salmon in the
minibar, so help yourself.

Thank you, kind bear.

We'll leave
the lights on for you.

Okay, it's just
like an iceberg...

an iceberg with hundreds of
witnesses to watch me climb.


I just got it.
That's our Norm, huh?

I'll start booking talk shows
first thing in the morning.


I have Councilwoman Klubeck
ready for the call.

Janet, you're the best
at being the worst.

Knock next time.


You just woke me up,
so this better be good.

Sorry to wake you,
but I found an actor

who plays a polar bear

He even smells
like a bear.

The public will fall
for him for sure.

They'll love him,

all those extra tourists

we let in the Arctic.
Just for you, Greene.

On that note, the floor plans
for your condo in the Bahamas

are already on the way.

It's so gigantic it's bigger
than my ego.

And we got those deluxe

oh, it'll wash
that guilt right off.

I don't have any guilt.
You want miles of ice,

we still have
five million more.

Just get the people
behind this.

I need that to push
this through.

Well done, Greene.
As usual.


That smells
like my grandpa.

Okay, think. If you
were a slightly creepy,

one-note villain, where would
you keep stuff hidden?

Right. This guy's got
security cameras everywhere.

I'll be too obvious.

You guys
go check it out first.

If Grandpa's
actually in there,

tell him Norm
has come to the rescue.


If you guys had bones,
I'd be worried about ya.

you see I'm busy?

Is Norm with you?

So he was down there?

Well, we need to
get him out right now.

Grandpa says it'll blow my
cover if I break him out?

He wants me
to build an ark?

Oh, no, no.

He wants me to focus on the
Arctic, saving the Arctic.

I got it.
It all makes sense.

I'll save the Arctic first,
and then I'll save Grandpa.

And then, if I have time,
I'll build an ark.


Hey, Norm. Norm, this is
my daughter, Olympia.

Olympia, this is the great
actor I was telling you about.

Great to
meet you, Norm.

Quite a costume
you found yourself.

Yes, hi, Mr. Greene. Sorry
I didn't pick up before.

Your mom is very good
at her job, Olympia.

- You must be proud.
- I know.

Sometimes I wish she
wasn't so good at her job,

if it meant she got to
spend more time with me.

- Oh! You have lemmings.
- Mm-hmm.

The smallest animals
in the Arctic.

Can I?

They're very instinctive.
They know a good person.

Hmm, so let's see.

You're approximately

exact skull
and nose proportions.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I only weigh pounds,

just like the average
American male.

Please, I know exactly
what you're doing, Norm.

- - You're
saving the Arctic, your home.

So I'm thinking,
maybe we can work together.

And you can save my
home in the process.

He can't talk like you and me.
I tell ya!

There's nothing to...

Be honest.
What's your plan here?

Well, Mr. Greene wants to
use me to sell the Arctic,

and I'm gonna use
the Arctic to save it.

Exactly. You have
to rally the public

so that they love you,
wait for your moment

and turn them
against Greene.

Use his own plan
to defeat him.

But the key
is to make sure

you time your moment
just right,

when the public
loves you the most.

The approval rating! I'll
get it as high as possible,

and then I'll strike. Olympia,
you really are a genius.

My mom's not the only one
who studied marketing.

So ladies and gentlemen,

we have an unusual
guest today who is here

to tell us about
his home, the Arctic,

and how you can make it
your home, too.

Without further ado,
Norm of the North!


So, Norm,

you're here for
a very special mission.

Would you like to
tell us what it is?

I... I, uh...

Ladies and gentlemen, I think our
furry friend's a little nervous.

Well, let's loosen him up

with a clip of some of
his most recent heroics.

I'm warning you.

- - You know, if
we're not helping each other,

I mean, what are
we here for, you know?

"What are we here for?"
We're here to sell condos!

Talk about
Greene Homes!

- What a jerk.
- Ahem.

What can I say?
Norm, the public loves you.

Hey, Tamecia. What do you say we
take this party to a bigger stage?

¶ Just keep your eyes on me, I
said, "You're holding back" ¶

¶ She said,
"Shut up and dance with me!" ¶

¶ This woman
is my destiny ¶

¶ She said, "Ooh-ooh-hoo,
shut up and dance!" ¶

¶ Don't you dare look back,
just keep your eyes on me ¶

¶ I said,
"You're holding back" ¶

¶ She said,
"Shut up and dance with me!" ¶

¶ This woman is my destiny,
she said, "Ooh-ooh-hoo"... ¶

- Now?
- Not yet.

¶ "Shut up and dance with me!"
Oh, come on girl! ¶

¶ Don't you dare look back,
just keep your eyes on me ¶

¶ I said,
"You're holding back" ¶

¶ She said,
"Shut up and dance with me!" ¶

¶ This woman
is my destiny ¶

¶ She said, "Ooh-ooh-hoo,
shut up and dance with me!" ¶

¶ "Ooh-ooh-hoo,
shut up and dance with me!" ¶

Norm! Norm! Norm!


Look at Norm!
He's famous!

Norm's fame has
helped our cause,

but it isn't
enough, Greene.

I can't get this through
until Norm publically says,

"Norm of the North supports
Greene Homes in the Arctic."

Make sure he does it
or you're done.

This is it, Norm.
You did it.

The public loves you. And
you know what that means?

You're right, Olympia.
It's time to save our homes.

How long can it take
to get into a costume?

I don't think
he liked the outfit.

Norm, can you
please come out?

I think I just did.

Okay, lemmings.
We got one shot at this.

It's showtime. We do this,
and then we go get Grandpa.

¶ Get up and show
a little attitude ¶

¶ Beats bangin',
feel the bass ¶

¶ Just turn around
and shake, shake, shake ¶

¶ Dance, dance, dance ¶

¶ Out of control,
you're out of control ¶

¶ Dance, dance, dance
just let... ¶

Yay, Norm!

Ahem. So someone somewhere
thought it was a good idea

to build in the Arctic.

That someone is our "friend," Mr.

I just wanted to let you
all know the truth

about what this would mean
for my home.

Norm of the North supports.

Greene Homes in the Arctic.

Norm! Norm! Norm!

Norm, we did it.

I'm on with
my architect.

We're figuring out
where to put the first.

Arctic frozen yogurt shop.

Your announcement has been
reposted a million times!

No, your announcement was
reposted a million times.

- I had something I needed to say.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Four homes pre-sold,
and already built.

Mr. Greene, you can't
sell the homes yet.

We don't have approval from the Council.
It's illegal.

Aw, "I'm wittle Vee-wa.
I'm scared of the po-weece."

Guess what,
toots, I'm above the law.

Welcome to the cold, hard
world of big bid-ness.

You sound just like
the investors.

"Uh, duh, it has
to be done correctly, Greene",

with integrity."

Please, wake up
and smell the profits.

Not to mention that after Norm of
the North's announcement today,

approval is a guarantee.

Norm, come back!
Don't be a diva.


Vera, get my lawyer.

We're gonna copyright that
roar and make it a ringtone.

Hey, it's
Norm of the North!

You're the King!

I'm Norm of the North,
king of nothing.

I came to save my home.
I ended up destroying it.

Norm, your
grandpa once told me,

"Norm's the only bear
that has the potential

to be King
of the Arctic."

Hey, Norm. Norm. Why don't
you come over for dinner?

I'd rather be alone
right now, Vera.

just leave me be.

Norm, why are you so down?
You were great!

The campaign
was a success.

- Everyone loves you.
- Don't you get it, Vera?

Because of me, Mr. Greene
is gonna destroy my home.

I think you're taking this polar
bear act a little too far, Norm.

Come on. Olympia would
love it if you came over.

Olympia...? Dinner with a genius?
Mmm, I'm in.

You wouldn't happen to know where
I can get some ice water, huh?

You know, so I can freshen
up a little bit? For dinner.

You okay?



It's humble,
but it's home.

You should see my place.
No furniture,

but I do get year-round
air conditioning.

Thanks, Mrs. Soo.

you're home early.

How was
school today?

as usual.

Olympia's just not really
challenged at her current school.

That's why Magister Mundi
will be so great.

All the students
are like Olympia.

I actually think Olympia and
myself are a lot alike.

We're both special.
We have great gifts.

Two peas in a pod.


Anyway, Mommy, I was
researching the effects

of human activity
in the Arctic,

and the research
is irrefutable.

It will destroy the
Arctic and possibly

the rest of the earth
as we know it.

Olympia, Greene Homes will
bring awareness to the Arctic.

Olympia, let's
you and I go hang out

on that
comfortable-looking sofa.

Vera, it's official.
Just got word.

The Polar Council
is a yes!

Oh, okay.

Make the announcement tomorrow.
Time to go public.

We're in.
We got approval.

Well, don't all
scream at once.

It's not over yet, Norm.
You can still do something.

Shake it up. Hit Mr.
Greene where it hurts...

his wallet.


Where do you think the
investors are right now?

Great job, everyone.
Great job.

Amazing day.

Oh, thanks, guys!

I've got to get Pablo and the
investors to uninvest in Greene.


Hi, guys.

I'm sorry for just dropping
in on you like this, but...

- You're a real bear?
- Uh-huh.

- Who can speak?
- Yeah, who would have thought?

But I need to come clean
about who I really am

and what I'm
really doing here.

We know exactly
who you are.

You're Norm
of the North.

I am Pablo, and this is my
investment group.

Pablo, building in the
Arctic will destroy my home.

- That's where I live.
- But the Polar Council,

well, they are very
aware of the impact.

You mean this council?

On that note, the floor plans
for your condo in the Bahamas

are already
on the way.

And we got those deluxe

oh, it'll wash
that guilt right off.

How did you
get this?

I had some very small
hairy associates

relieve Mr. Greene
of this flash drive.

You're corrupt! You took our
money under false pretense,

and you're as fake
as that ponytail clip-on.

- - It doesn't
matter if I'm corrupt,

because a deal's a deal. The
first four homes are built,

and once they land
in the Arctic,

you're contractually
obligated to fund the rest.

If I know Greene,

he'll have the homes
transported tonight.

Yeah, and if I know Mr. Greene,
he'll dispose of anything

that reminds him
of the Arctic.

You promise to take care
of Vera and Olympia?

I never got a chance
to say goodbye.

you have my word.

Now get me
out of this deal.

We need to get the homes
down to the river.

That old bear? No!

We need to get rid of him before
he can cause any trouble.

"Operation k*ll That Bear."

Just as Pablo predicted.

And just like I predicted.

I bet Grandpa
is in that last one.




What now?

- Norm!
- Grandpa!

Everyone back home
thought you abandoned us,

but Socrates and I always
knew that something happened.

Oh, it's good
to see you.

You know, sometimes when
you stick up to "the Man,"

you get stuck with
a tranquilizer dart.

- Were you able to stop Greene?
- Not yet.

The houses are being
transported tonight.

If we can stop them, maybe we
can stop this whole operation.

Then what the heck
are you doing here?

Norm, don't worry about me.
It's your time now.

Leave me. Go! Save the Arctic!
Save our homes.

You are the Arctic,

Hmm. I must have
weakened them for you.

What do you say
we go save our home?


The Arctic rats?


What do you mean the bear
broke out of the cage?

It's impossible.
He's like, .

It would have taken
two bears to...

That isn't Norm!

Get the chopper
and find two polar bears!

How long until
the ship leaves?

I don't care if they're
predicting a storm.

Leave now!

- - Norm: The
houses are on the way to the Arctic!

we gotta get to them!

Where are we

Same place
where I came in.


There they are!

Get ready, Grandpa.
There's our ride home.





If we don't get
down there, it's gonna be

a long swim
to the Arctic.

Oh-hh. Hey!

Just sh**t
those bears.

Greene said to put them
out of their misery

- and dump 'em in the ocean.
- Wait! Wait!

You guys think
we're bears?

You hear that,

Talking polar bears in Manhattan?
Now, come on, guys.

Yeah, maybe our friend the
Easter Bunny's around here, too.

Are you sure
they're bears?

They sound
like humans to me.

I didn't sign up to sh**t real people.


Norm, no matter
what happens,

just know that
I'm proud of you.

You've come
a long way.

You might think you're not
a hunter, but you are.

Your way of hunting is just
different than everyone else.

You're going to make
a great king one day.

I know it.

What's wrong?

We're gonna
get this, Norm.

No, sorry.
It's not about that.

I... I'm just worried.
In saving our own home,

I may have ruined
someone else's.

I'm just hoping Vera and
Olympia will be okay.

Olympia's voice:
It's beautiful, Mom,

but what will it look like
when you and Mr. Greene

build all those
houses there?

"Mr. Greene, I'm sorry,"

but I cannot help you
destroy somebody's home

in order to build
houses no one needs.

"I quit."

Okay, every office
around the world

is ready to feed this.
Are you sure, Pablo?

Send it now.

We have to
dislodge this barge

so we can flip
these houses.

These condos must never
reach the Arctic.

Buckle up, guys.
This could get bumpy.

We have to
do this, now.

It won't dislodge,
it's too rough.

The swells keep
pushing it back.

Welcome to the real
North Shore!

See you on the other side...
whichever one we get to.

But remember,
whatever happens,

a king always fights
for his home!

Come on, lemmings!

A king
always fights for his home.


lemmings! Grandpa!

Talk to me.

What the...
they never got there?

Then where are my condos?

The bottom of the ocean?

Is that
some kinda joke?

Two polar bears?

"Greene Homes and Polar
Council under investigation"

for bribery charges?

"Beloved Norm
helps reveal sham"?

These condos weren't for any
of you peasants anyway.

They were for the one percent.
The one percent!

Huh, would you look at that?
I'm late for yoga.

Namaste, everybody.

- Janet?
- Whatever.


Help me, you peasants!
Help me!

Don't you know
who I am? Huh?

Rats! They're crawling on me!
This is Italian!

Look who's
out of hibernation.


Every time I see you,
you've fallen on your butt.

I march to the beat of my own drum.
You know that.

When everyone else
stands, I sit.


You made it!

Where's Grandpa?
Did he...?

We've searched
everywhere, Norm.


Norm, you saved
our home.

I'm sorry I didn't
realize until now,

but we are
so proud of you.

The lemmings told us
what you've done.

You used your gift
and you risked your life

to protect ours.

And on behalf
of all of us...

thank you.

Ahem. Remember
what we discussed?

A new day dawns upon us.

We need a leader who feels
for the Arctic,

speaks for the Arctic,
and always fights for our home.

Norm, I crown you...

Now just a New York minute.

You can't do this
without me.


They all said
you drowned.

I was % sure
you were gonna make it.

Now that's what I call
a grand entrance.

The tide took me all
the way to Greenland,

but I hitched a ride
with an orca.

He said he was coming back
to audition for Stan.

You need therapy.

I have an opening tomorrow afternoon.
Book yourself in.

Son, please

I crown you king.

That's my brother! Yeah!

If the clouds clear
and the barometric pressure

is just right...

Wow. I see Magister
Mundi is teaching you

all these fancy
new terms already.

I told you I could do it
on my own, without Greene.

Aren't you liking it without Mr.
Greene in your life, too?

Pablo seems like
a much better boss.

Well, Norm gave me
a great recommendation.

Oh, my gosh!
I can see it.

I can finally
see it.

He even looks like Norm.
I miss him, Mom.

Me, too. But I know
he made it home.

I bet he has
his own family now.

Isn't it pretty?

Yeah. I wonder if Vera and
Olympia can see this, too.

- Whoa!
- They're beautiful!

¶ I will work this body,
I will run this flesh ¶

¶ In the dead of night and
in the morning mist, yeah! ¶

¶ Show me what you got ¶

¶ Work this body
on the floor... ¶

Wait for it. Wait for it...


¶ Show me what you got ¶

¶ Work this body
on the floor ¶

¶ Who do you think
you are? ¶

¶ Come on, meet me
on the court, yeah! ¶

- ¶ Work, work...
- ¶ Show me what you got ¶

- ¶ Work, work... - ¶ Work
this body on the floor... ¶

¶ Yeah, no time, no time,
no time to lose ¶

¶ You got no time,
no time ¶

¶ Listen ¶

¶ Baby, baby,
won't you take my hand? ¶

¶ Don't be afraid
to take a chance ¶

¶ Together there is
nothin' we can't do ¶

¶ To start it up,
get in the groove ¶

¶ Dance, dance, dance
out of control ¶

- ¶ You're out of control ¶
- ¶ Dance, dance, dance ¶

¶ Just let it go ¶

¶ Everybody, let me speak free,
be who you wanna be ¶

- ¶ Stand up and shout ¶
- ¶ Shout it out ¶

¶ Jump up, get down,
move your body all around ¶

- ¶ Let your crazy out ¶
- ¶ Let your crazy... ¶

¶ Let me speak free,
be who you wanna be ¶

- ¶ Stand up and shout ¶
- ¶ Shout it out ¶

¶ Jump up, get down,
move your body all around ¶

- ¶ Let your crazy out ¶
- ¶ Let your crazy out ¶

¶ Shout it, shout it,
shout it out loud ¶

- ¶ Shout it out ¶ - ¶ Do it,
do it, do it right now ¶

- ¶ Do it right now ¶ - ¶ Push it,
push it, push it on through ¶

- ¶ Push it on through... ¶ -
Said there's no time to lose ¶

¶ No time, no time,
no time to lose ¶

¶ You got no time, no time,
no time to lose ¶

- ¶ You got no time... ¶
- ¶ You got no time to lose. ¶
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