Zoo Wars (2018)

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Zoo Wars (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

It is a time
of chaos in the Zooverse.

Two opposing forces have
emerged, the Nice side

and the Mice side, each seeking
to wield the most powerful

force in the Zooverse,
the power of the sauce.

Bongo Bananas, the last
of the Nice Side Warriors,

has long gone missing, and no
other space hero has stepped

up to fill his place.

In his absence, Boo Boo Squeal,
the ruler of the Mice Side,

has grown strong.

Princess Sparklefeather,
the leader of the Nice Side,

is on the run.

The ultimate battle between
the Nice Side and the Mice Side

is about to unfold.

Finding the legendary Chosen
One is the Nice Side's

only hope.

Boo Boo, we searched this
entire galaxy

for the Chosen One.

We found nothing.

Aw fetter.

I can already feel the
Chosen One within my grasp.

But at last, we must continue
to scour the Zooverse

until we find him.

Why are you looking for
the Chosen One, Boo Boo?

How many times do I
have to tell you,

you silly pachyderm?

The Chosen One is the only
one who stands between me,

Boo Boo Squeal, the most
powerful animal in the Zooverse,

and universal domination.

But Boo Boo, the Chosen One
is a myth.

It's kind of been completely
obliterated ions ago.

He's not a myth, he's
out there somewhere.

We must find him
and destroy him.

Is that understood?

You're so cute
when you're evil.

What did you say?

Uh, I said, you're
so evil Boo Boo Squeal.

So absolutely evil,
and not cute at all.

That's what I thought.

Now get me some guacamole.

I must replenish my sauce power.

Frog mercenary Chewie
Chewflies has captured

Princess Sparklefeather, sir.


Instruct Chewflies to bring
her to me.

Princess Sparklefeather is at
my mercy.

The nice side is
reduced to rubble.

Once I get the Chosen One
out of the way,

I will ride from
universe to universe,

galaxy to galaxy,
dimension to dimension,

completely unstoppable.

The universe will be my Gruyere.

Meanwhile, in a
remote galaxy

by the Zortix Nebula on
Planet Zootrini,

a very special elephant
awaited his destiny.

A destiny that would change
the Zooverse forever.

Hey Tiptoes.

I want that code written
by the end of the day.

You hear me?

You got it, boss.

How did we end up here, Marty?

Ah, I couldn't tell you, Nuke.

This life is all I know.

How long have you been here?

Ah, try a trillion Plutonian
ions, Nuke.

Oh, that's a while.

A heck of a while.

This is unjust, Marty, unjust!

Unusual, and
downright unbearable.

I'm Nuke Tiptoes, an
elephant for tusk's sake.

A proud beast.

Majestic, highly intelligent,
deeply emotional.

I belong in the open
spaces of the galaxy.

I long for a life of adventure,

A life of excitement.

That's not the
way it is anymore.

What happened to us, Marty?

What happened to
all the animals?

We got too serious.

Are you an elephant or a
snail, Tiptoes?

Pick up the pace.

We got deadlines to meet.

Okay, okay, take it
easy for peanut's sake.

These computers keys are
too small for my toes.

One of these days, Marty.

One of these days.

I'll be waiting.

Say, how about a carrot
juice by the watering hole

after work, Marty?


Carrot juice gives me the hives.

Hello Nuke.

Do you hear me?

Who's that?

It's me.

Me who?

How do you know my name?

There's no time,
you must do as I say.

Not until you tell me
who you are and how you got

into my head.

I can get you
off this planet, Nuke.

This is not where you belong.

But if you'd rather stay
here and keep slaving

for the system for a
couple of peanuts a day...

Hey Nuke, all good over there?

Just taking a peanut break,

Eh, peanuts give
me the hives.

Forget the peanuts,

Hit enter and your destiny
will be changed forever.

Like I said earlier,
there's no time.

Now there's even less time
than the last time I said it.

My destiny?

Yeah, you have a
destiny, my elephant friend.

I do?

You don't really
believe you were meant

to work in a cubicle
and eat peanuts

for the rest of your life,
do you?

I like peanuts.

Fine, Nuke, dude.

You can still eat peanuts.

Will you just hit enter already?

Okay. I'll do it.



Be sure the
truth is what you seek.

Once you hit enter, there's no
going back.

The truth about what?

The truth about
who you really are, Nuke.

Alright, I'm ready.


What now?

Be sure that you're
sure, Nuke.

I was sure, but now
I'm not so sure anymore.

Why aren't you sure,

Don't you long for the
truth, my elephant friend?

I do.

I long for truth.

But I'm just an elephant in
a room full of fancy gadgets.

I don't know the first
thing about the truth.

You know nothing
about the truth, Nuke.



You hit enter.

Alright, alright.

Here it goes.



Well never mind.


You again.

Sorry, overactive
bladder syndrome.

I had to take a quick
bathroom break.

You understand, Nuke, my friend.

Now, where were we?

Oh yes.

You were about to hit enter.

That's still current?

Ready when you are,

Alright then.

Here goes nothin'.

Whoa, where in the space
tusks am I?

And who the galactic peanuts
are you?

I'm B- of the Nice Side
Robotic Fleet.

Where am I?

Welcome to the
Sparkle Express.

The Sparkle Express?

Prince Sparklefeather's
personal fleet vessel.

And who's Princess

Do you live under a rock
carbon-based life form?

She's only the leader of the
Nice Side.

Uh, sorry, I don't keep
up with social media much.

Wait, are we moving?

Oh, you betcha.

This baby is made to fly.

Where are we going?

On a mission.

Space elephants.

A mission?

Oh, positive, carbon-based.

A mission that will alter the
course of galactic history.

You see, carbon-based,
Princess Sparklefeather

has been kidnapped by the
Mice Side.

After we crash-landed on
Planet Bubbles,

I have been programmed to help
her escape.


In order to fulfill
the mission,

we seek an ally.

An ally?

A rebel squirrel named
Squeezy Whistle.

I have delivered the
Princess to you, Boo Boo.


I expect the two flies and
three gnats I've been promised.

I've never promised three
gnats to you, Chewflies.

I said two gnats.

You said three.

No way.

I would never have agreed to
three gnats.

You have too.

Chubby, check the books.

Did I ever agree to three gnats?

Says right here,
"Chewflies gets three gnats."

The books are wrong!

Two gnats.

We gotta change course.

This meteor storm doesn't
seem to want to end.

Negative, homeostatic
cellular organism.

Directive is to maintain course.

Contact with The Cashew
is imminent.

The Cashew?

Squeezy Whistle's
space vessel.

We should make contact in just
under million light years.

You're saying I escaped a
lifetime of pencil pushing

just to spend the next
million light years

in a meteor storm?

Oh, I don't think my
poor stomach can take it.

There must be another way.

There is another way.

For the love
of peanuts, what is it?

The Nebula Five Wormhole.

Okay, we're dead.

Nuke, I want you to...


Yes, Nuke,
my elephant friend.

My name is Bongo Bananas.

- Now, I want you to...
- Bongo Bananas?

Yes, Nuke,
such is my name.

Now, I want you to...

Look, Bongo, whatever your
name is.

I'm traveling at break tusk
speed through

a meteor storm with a robot
named after a 's new wave

band who's suggesting we enter
the Nebula Five Wormhole.

For all the floppy ears
in the galaxy,

what could you possibly want
from me now?

Glad you asked, Nuke.

I want you to take command of
the ship

and steer it through the
Nebula Five Wormhole.


It's your only hope.

A meteor will collide
with your ship in nine,



Give me that.

Now what?

Which way, voice, which way?




repeat after me.




Are we dead?

I'll check coordinates.

Stand by.


We're in

the Sauce Dimension.

The Sauce Dimension?

The Sauce flows through the
entire universe, carbon-based.

We have just entered the
Sauce Dimension,

where all is sauce.

Is it dangerous?

Oh, if not wielded wisely,
the Sauce can destroy.

The Sauce is power.


If anybody can control this
stuff, they'd be unstoppable.

Oh, where have you been,

Don't you know, Boo
Boo Squeal has garnered

enough Sauce power to
destroy the Zooverse.

The Sauce can destroy
the Zooverse?

Oh yes.

The Sauce can be used for good,

but with a bit too much
garlic, it can evil.

Boo Boo Squeal has already
obliterated the Nice Side

starship and captured my mistress,
Princess Sparklefeather.

He will try to extract
from her the whereabouts

of the Chosen One.

The Chosen One?


Anyone in there?

The Nice Side's only hope.

Don't you follow social media?



You lost me at Sauce.

We're back.

The Cashew.

We have located it.


Small universe.

Get to the Cashew,
Nuke, and seek Squeezy Whistle.

He will help you
fulfill your destiny.

We must get to the Cashew.

Negative, carbon-based.

Squeezy Whistle will pulverize
anything that approaches

his ship.

You must get
to the Cashew, Nuke.

Repeat after me, Bechamel.

Not Bechamel again.

I can't take anymore...



Are we aboard the Cashew?


Who's Squeezy Whistle anyway?

Squeezy Whistle,
rebel squirrel.

He escaped the Mice Side and
went rouge.

He has no loyalties, but
can be hired, for a price.

Who the chestnuts are you?


Yeah, you got him.

Now who are you and what
are you doing on my ship?

You've got three seconds to
answer before I pulverize you.

And the countdown starts now.



We need to rescue
Princess Sparklefeather

who has been kidnapped by
Boo Boo Squeal who wants

to find the Chosen One and
destroy him so he can wield

the power of the Sauce
unopposed and take over

the entire universe.

Did I forget anything?

To breathe, carbon-based.

Princess Sparklefeather's
been kidnapped?


Will you help?


Princess Sparklefeather sent
me specifically to find you.

She said you would help.

Oh yeah?

Well Princess Sparklefeather
was wrong.

Now see yourself off my ship.

What's our
trajectory, Chubby?

We're on our way to Planet
Sprinkles, Boo Boo Squeal.

Just as you command.

We will destroy their way
of life by dumping moldy

Gruyere into their stratosphere.

Sometimes I just don't know
how I come up with this stuff.

You're so cute when
you're evil, Boo Boo.

What did you say?

I said, you're just so evil,
Boo Boo.

Just absolutely evil.

I thought you called me cute.



I meant cruel.

Yeah, that's what I meant.

You're not cute at all,
far from it.

You're actually quite unsightly
Boo Boo.

Grotesque, even.

Never seen a more hideous
looking rodent all my life.

Unlovely as they come.

You called me cute.

No, I didn't.

You did.

I didn't.

You did.




I did, but you're just so cute.

A beady eyed, fluffy,
adorable little mouse.

It's just too much.

For Gruyere's sake,
Chubby, stop calling me cute.

I'm Boo Boo Squeal, the most
evil mouse in the Zooverse.

I'm not cute.


You are.

I'm not.

You are.



Don't make me deploy
the Sauce.

Oh no, not the Sauce.

What will it be this time?



Not the Tabasco.


No, please, Boo Boo.

No, not the Sriracha.

Okay then.

Am I cute?


You're decisively not cute.

The Princess has arrived.

Excellent, Captain Ripp.

Bring her to me.

We will not leave
until you agree to help

Princess Sparklefeather.

Eh, well then you leave me
no choice

but to pulverize you.

We're leaving.

Oh no, we are not.

Surrender your ship now,
Squeezy, or I'll have no

mercy on your rodent pelt.

Ah, just what we need.

Who's that?

Oh, that's Coot Coot
Carburetor, the bounty hunter.

Why is he after you?

Oh, he ain't after me.

He's after the Cashew.

I lost it to him in a game
of old knots.

Yeah, but I'll be a used
chew stick if I give my ship

up to that ugly hog.

Ready to hand over my ship,


Then I'll destroy it.

And you along with it.

Yeah hold to your hide,

it's gonna be a bumpy ride.


Oh we have no time
for skirmishes, Squeezy.

We must rescue
Princess Sparklefeather.

Yeah, the Cashew is my
Princess, robot.

We gotta get out of here.

That's exactly what I intend
to do.

Engage hyperdrive.

Hyperdrive engaged.

So long, sucker.

Ew, Boo Boo Squeal!

In the fur, your highness.

And so we meet at last
you evil little rodent.

A great and long overdue
displeasure, don't you find?

Why do you hate the Nice Side
so much?

If you must know, because
the Nice Side Warriors

never accepted me.

You wanted to be a part
of the Nice Side Warriors?

Of course I did.

Doesn't every animal
in the Zooverse?

Doesn't every colt, lamb,
and cub dream of becoming

a Nice Side Warrior?

I suppose they do.

They thought I was nothing
but a puny little mouse.

So I found somebody else
who was willing to train me

in the way of the Sauce.

And now I will use my
Sauce powers to take over

the entire Zooverse.

The Sauce?

Surely you don't mean
the marinara.


I mean all the Sauce.

All of it.

Marinara, Tabasco, Ragu.

No, it cannot be.

But it is, Princess.

With the power of the Sauce
you could...

Wipe out the entire
Zooverse and the Nice Side

along with it?

What do you want from me?

I seek the Chosen One.

The Chosen One?

For as long as he stands,
I cannot conquer the entire

Zooverse unopposed.

You must tell me where
to find him.

I would never tell you, Boo
Boo Squeal.

Fine them.

I shall use my power of the
Sauce to read your mind.


Look at me,
Princess Sparklefeather.

Look into my infinitely
evil eyes.



No, no!

Where is the Chosen One?


Hoisin sauce.

No, not Hoisin.


Oh, no.

Your power is strong.


The Chosen One, Princess?

No, never.

Where is he?

Your Sauce power shall
not prevail.


Not the marinara.

Vodka sauce.



Whoa, that was something
wasn't it?

Nah, just a day in the
life of me.

Squeezy Whistle?

Yours must be an
incredible life.

Eh, risk, adventure, peril.

That's just the bread and Brazil
nuts of a

rogue space squirrel.

Nothing much to it.

Oh, galactic tusks.

This is the life I've
always dreamed about.

Hey, this ain't a life fit for

every space animal out there.

You can't just wish a life
of adventure, peanuts.

You gotta be cut out for it.

Yeah, you gotta be made
of the right mixed nuts.

You think I could...



Eh, a lifetime of pencil
pushin's made you soft in

the gut, peanuts.

I suggest you return
to your life,

and forget all
about this mission.

And about Princess

Why do you dislike
Princess Sparklefeather

so much, Squeezy?

What has she ever done to you?

Eh, we loved each other, once.



You and the Princess?

Hey, it was never gonna work,

Me, a lonely park squirrel
from the Lower East Quadrant.

She, a Princess?

Imagine the scene at a
family event, will ya?

Bunch of elephants cowering
on backward tables,

shrieking in horror at the
sight of my rodent family.

Eh, it was just never
gonna work.

You are the reason
the Princess never found

a suitable husband.

Oh, she never married?

No, she met hundreds
of suitors,

and discarded them one by one.

Nobody seemed to be good
enough to be her prince.

Ah, Princess.

Is she the reason you left
the Mice Side and went rogue?

Yeah, that's right.

I couldn't pledge allegiance
to a leader who wanted

to harm Princess Sparklefeather.

Oh, this must be why
the Princess recorded

a message for you.

She knew you would help.

The Princess recorded a
message for me?

Why, for all the pine nuts in
the galaxy,

didn't you tell me before?

Oh, helium no.

I know you didn't just
squeak at me, squirrel form.

Well come on,
let's hear this message.

Not if you're going
to be squeaking at me.

I'm not squeaking at you.

Oh yes you are.

I'm not going to play the
message until you apologize.


Now see here.

I am a very temperamental
robotic intelligent

created with the highest
levels of emotional response.

So apologize to me before I
press delete on this message.

Squeezy Whistle, you
must apologize to U .

Or we might never know what
the Princess had to tell us.

My name, for the last time,
is B- .

B stands for best, because
that is what I am, and

is the number of times my
motherboard has experienced

a complete emotional meltdown.

I suggest you apologize to
me at once before I'm forced

to change my name to B- .

I'm waiting.

Alright fine I'll apologize,
but Princess Sparklefeather's

gonna hear about this.

Any minute now.


I'm sorry.

Sorry about?

I'm sorry I squeaked at you,
Sum .

I'll never do it again.

What did you call me?

Squeezy Whistle, if
you get this message,

I've been captured by the
Mice Side under express order

from Boo Boo Squeal.

You're the only one I can trust.


She's beautiful.

Hey, you keep your tongue
between your tusks, Nuke.

She's a Princess, not your kind.

What do you know
about my kind?

Oh yeah, well I know you're
nothing but a long nosed,

goofy-toothed, peanut chompin'...


The Princess is talking.

I must tell you about
the Chosen One, Squeezy.


The Chosen One?


He is said to be a very
special kind of animal.

He was raised by the leader
of the Nice Side Warriors.

He was trained to wield the
full power of the sauce.

No other space animal can
defeat him,

not even Boo Boo Squeal.

Eh, the Chosen One is
just a myth.

You mean a legend.

Myth, legend, whatever.

Not the same thing.

In fact, a myth is a
unverifiable story handed

down by tradition from earlier
times and popularly accepted

as historical.

A legend, on the other hand,
is an imaginary, or fictitious,

thing or person.

Oh for chestnut's sake.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Now that Boo Boo Squeal
has destroyed the Nice Side

and captured me, he will turn
his teeny-tiny beady eyes

towards Zoobar's domination.

But he can never be sure
the Chosen One will not

try to stop him.

My tusks.

The Chosen One is the coolest
space animal

I've ever heard of.

- A myth.
- Legend.


Boo Boo Squeal will stop
at nothing to find out

where the Chosen One is.


He will try to use
the power of the Sauce

to bend me to his will.

A Nice Side Princess, I
was trained to withstand

the power of the Sauce,
but I don't know how long

I can last against
Boo Boo Squeal.

He's very powerful.

My galactic flapping ears.

Whistle, I need your help.

Okay, let's hear it, Princess.

I need you to find the
leader of

the Nice Side Warriors.

He will introduce you to the
Chosen One,

the only one who can
save us all.


Please, Squeezey Whistle,
seek Bongo Bananas.

He will lead you to the
Chosen One.

Wait, what?

Did she say Bongo Bananas?

The last of the
Nice Side Warriors.

I know him.

My trusted robot, UB- , has
the coordinates to find him.

What did she call me?

I know him.

I know Bongo Bananas.

You know Bongo Bananas?

Oh that's a laugh and a half,

It's true.

He talks to me.

Bongo Bananas talks to you?

Yeah, right.

He does.

Tell him, tell him that
Bongo Bananas talks to me.

Negative, carbon.

I am not privy to that data.

How do you think I got into
your ship?

Uh, solar winds?

What? No.

It was Bongo Bananas.

He told me to hit enter
and then...

Hey you got me mixed
up in a pistachio

of a mess elephant.


Yeah, you.

But, but I didn't do anything.

I was sitting at my desk
when I got teleported

into the Sparkle Express by
Bongo Bananas.


But, but, but...

Ah, shucks.

I'm afraid this is where
we part ways, peanuts.

You go back home where
you belong while I...

What are you going to do?

Eh, what I always do, peanuts.


You can't just run, Squeezy.

Yeah, well watch me.

I've docketed the next station
and you can hitch a ride

back to your cubicle desk
job on Zootrini.

But we have to do something.

The Princess said...

Yeah, I heard what the
Princess said.

But this ain't my fight.

Your walnuts are still raw
from losing her, Squeezy.

Hey, my walnuts are just fine,
Dr. Phil.

- It's just that...
- What?

Eh, I'm tired of
all the fighting.

You have to take a stand,

You have to decide if you
are with the Nice Side,

or the Mice Side.

I have no sides.

This is one fight you
must take on, Squeezy.

You just wanna go on a
space adventure,

don't you, peanuts?

Yeah, yeah I do.

Sorry, no can do.

I wanna meet Bongo Bananas.

Why ever for?


Because he spoke to me.

He told me that if I hit enter,

I would learn the truth,
and I still don't know

what the truth is.

Eh, I'm afraid that you might
never know

this truth you speak of,

Why not?

'Cause Bongo Bananas
is no longer with us,

and I hardly doubt he's
been communicating from

his final galactic resting
place with a peanut chomper

from Planet Zootrini.

No offense.

It can't be.

Bongo Bananas spoke to me.

You must believe me.


I saw Bongo Bananas get
sucked into a black hole.

Nothing survives that.


You know what I think?

I think that a lifetime of
running has made you soft

in the pistachios, Squeezy.

My pistachios are rock hard.

I've chipped incisors on
those pistachios.

Prove it.

Hey, I'll tell you what.

I know someone who can
help us sort all this out.

His name is Jabber the Jaw.

Jabber the Jaw?


He's big in the underground
world of kangaroo boxing.

Got his hooves on a
little bit of everything.

Yeah, if something's worth
knowing, Jabber knows about it.

He'll know if Bongo
Bananas is still alive.

Let's go see him then.

Eh fine, but just be aware.

Jabber the Jaw's a little odd.

How is that?

Eh, he speaks of himself
in the third animal,

and he really loves his
space calypso tunes.

But just ignore all that.

Now you keep your flapping
trunk still

and you let me do the talking.

Carbon-based, that was
an emotional rollercoaster.


I'm glad we went
through it together.

Let's hold hands?

Oh shut up.

Ah, shut up.

You must have run out of
sauce by now, Boo Boo Squeal.

You just must have.


In fact, what about some
Cincinnati Chili, Princess?

No, it cannot be.

I got as much sauce power
as you got time, Princess.

I have underestimated
you, Boo Boo Squeal.

You are indeed terribly

More powerful than the
Chosen One?

Oh, the Chosen One is
much more powerful than you,

Boo Boo Squeal.

Squeezy Whistle will find him
and then...

Squeezy Whistle is
looking for the Chosen One?

That's good to know, Princess.

He will lead me right to the
Chosen One.


And once he does,

I will destroy both of them.

We're approaching Jabber the
Jaw's lair.

Now, peanuts, you keep
your eyes between

your floppy ears and keep
your trunk on silent mode.

I'll deal with him, capisce?


Hello there, Squeezy Whistle.

Oh yeah?

Well who in the space
sunflower seeds are you?

I am Tartar the Third.

Mighty galactic warrior and
part time orthodontic student.

I have come to destroy you.

And your ship.

Hey, why such animosity
ugly face?

Can we talk it out?


Ugly face?

You, ugly face.

Brains the size of a walnut,
these guys.

No sense of humor and absolutely
no swank.

That might be but he
seems pretty gung ho about

destroying the Cashew,
Squeezy Whistle.

What are we gonna do?

Watch and learn peanuts.

Hey, ugly face.

Look, over there.

Huh, what?


thermal blasters.

Thermal blasters


Oh, that's gonna...


Now here's Jabber's planet.

Now, remember, Nuke, you
let me do the talking.

Jabber the Jaw.

Nice to see you my friend.

Jabber has no friends.

You must keep your visit
brief, as Jabber has business

to attend to.

You got five cosmic seconds.

Eh, five cosmic seconds,
cosmic seconds.

I don't count time
anymore Jabber.

I count emotions.

I can respect that, Squeeze.


Can we get to the point?

Now what do you seek
from Jabber?

Help us find Bongo Bananas.

Did you say Bongo Bananas?

Hey, I told you to let
me do the talking, peanuts.

What do you want from
Bongo Bananas?

I need to see him.

I guess you two didn't
get the memo.

Bongo Bananas is...



Oh no, he's very much alive.

What are you jabbering about,

You heard me, squirrel.

Bongo Bananas is alive.

We must find him.

Ooo, you won't find him
so easily.


He's left this
dimension a long time ago.

He's been in hiding.

He's the greatest
warrior of the Nice Side.

Why would such a powerful
warrior need to hide?

His old age must have
caught up with him.

So he just abandoned the
Nice Side?

From what I heard, he trained
two very special animals

to take his place when the
time came.

But alas, they both
deserted him.

But what about the Princess?

The Nice Side?

The Zooverse?

Is it all lost?

All that Jabber the Jaw can
tell you

is that Bongo Bananas
plans to remain in hiding

in a parallel dimension
until the return of...

The Chosen One.

The Chosen One.


The Chosen One is the
Nice Side's only hope.

Bongo Bananas is waiting to
reunite with him at last.

We need to find Bongo Bananas
at once.

The Princess, the Chosen One,
my destiny.

You'd have to access an
alternate dimension, pachyderm.

Not an easy feat if you don't
know how.

There's gotta be a way.

Why don't we ask him?

Ask who?

Bongo Bananas of course.

I told you, he talks to me.


Hey, peanut face here
might be on to somethin'.

Hey come on now, Jabba.

This elephant speaks crazy.

Ooo, I like him, let's
give peanuts a shot.

Ah, fine.

Go ahead, peanuts.

Talk to Bongo Bananas.



It's me, Nuke.

Uh, I think your inter
dimensional communication device

has failed you, peanuts.

Give him another
chance, Squeezy Whistle.

The pachyderm has chutzpah.



Uh, Bongo?

It's me, Nuke.

Remember me?

You told me I needed to
find my destiny.

You said I should know
the truth.

And now, here I am.

I'm ready.

Ready to know it all.

Okay, that does it.

This fantasy trip is over,

I'm taking you back to...

Hello, Nuke.

Whoa, Bongo, is it really you?

It is I.

Bongo Bananas?

The Princess, she's in grave
danger and we need your help.

I know all about.

That's why I sent for you, Nuke.

And you Squeezy Whistle.

You're my only hope to
finally defeat Boo Boo Squeal.


Me and Squeezy Whistle?

Squeezy Whistle and me?


Both of you must come to me.


Galactic tusks.

We're on our way.

Wait, where are you and
how do we get there?

You know the way,


You must remember,


Remember what?

I can't remember a thing
I did a minute ago.

Eh, you're an elephant.

Ain't you supposed to
have an amazing memory?


I have a terrible memory.

What can I say?

Remember, Nuke.


Hey, whatever it is you must

just remember it, will you,

Well I can't remember what
I'm supposed to remember.

For all the stars in
the galaxy, pachyderm,

will you just remember already?

You have outstayed
Jabber the Jaw's welcome

by seven cosmic ions.


I can't remember a thing.

Remember, Nuke.


Aw, shucks.

Oh come on, what is it?

What are you supposed
to remember?

I don't know.

Is it a code?

I don't think so.

A phone number?


An address?

Uh, I don't believe it is.

A lock combination?


More like a condiment.




Uh, nope.

Peanut sauce?

That sounds divine.

But no, it's not peanut sauce.

Tartar reporting on
the "Destroy the Cashew

"and return triumphant" mission.

Ah, Tartar.

I trust you bring me great news.

Tell me, my trusty Tartar.

Have you destroyed the Cashew
and that silly squirrel

along with it?

Uh, Boo Boo?

I'm afraid I'm the
bringer of nefarious news.

Are you saying?

I'm saying...

You, the proud space
warrior, Tartar the Third,

son of Tartar the Second, and
grandson of the first Tartar,

not able to defeat a
puny park squirrel from

the Lower East Quadrant?

Alas, it is so,
Boo Boo Squeal.

That makes me very, very
angry, Tartar.

Uh oh.

So angry, in fact, I
might be forced to use

the power of the Sauce upon you.

No, not the Sauce!

Indeed, the Sauce.

May my power of the Sauce
blast you a million ions

into the farthest space
DIMENSION: Marinara!

Looks like I'm surrounded
by imbeciles.


Yes, Boo Boo?

Prepare the Boo Boo Ship.

It's time to send out the
best warrior

in the Zooverse to defeat
Squeezy Whistle,

and the Chosen One.

Oh goody.

And who's that?

Me, you silly pachyderm.









Uh, Ragu, Sauce Ragu.

Is it Sauce Ragu?




Wait, I got it.


Oh, no, never mind.

Oh for chestnut's sake.

Oh, wait.


I got it.

Really, this time?

Yeah, hold tight to your
fluffy tail, Squeezy Whistle.

The word I'm supposed to
remember is...

Why should I hold onto
my fluffy...


Amazing space tusks.

Is this?

Bongo Bananas.

It is I.


At last you have come,
my elephant friend.

I've had help.

This here is Squeezy Whistle
and he...

I know who he is.

We know each other very well.

Don't we, Squeezy?

Yeah, you and I go
way back, Bongo Bananas.

Way back.

To the days of the
Nice Side Warriors.

- To the day...
- We battled.

You two battled each other?

I thought I had defeated
you, Bongo Bananas.

I saw you being sucked into a
black hole.

But here you are.

It takes more than
a little park squirrel

from the Lower East Quadrant
to defeat Bongo Bananas.


I hear you defected to the
Mice Side.

I couldn't find it in
my heart to fight anymore.

I sought freedom.


Bongo Bananas, aren't you
sore at Squeezy Whistle

for sending you into a
black hole?

Au contraire,
my elephant friend.

It was the perfect opportunity
to fake my own demise.

Boo Boo Squeal had grown
to strong, even for me.

I've been waiting in the
shadows for the perfect moment

to strike back.

To bring the galaxy back to
a time when the Mice Side

and the Nice Side got along.

A time of peace.

Wait, the Mice Side and
the Nice Side got along?


That's a long time ago.

A time before you were even
born, Squeezy.

That's impossible.

The Nice Side and the Mice
Side are sworn enemies.

There was a time when all
the animals in the Zooverse

lived in harmony.

What happened?

I accepted a traitor
in our midst.

Whoa, a traitor?

I took him in as if my own.

He had such talent.

Such abilities, such promise.

But most of all, he understood
the power of the Sauce.


I trained him in the ways of
the Sauce.

He quickly gained total mastery.

He was my best student.

Who are you talking
about Bongo?

Ah, you still don't get it,

He's talking about
Boo Boo Squeal.

No Squeezy, I'm not.

I'm talking about you, Nuke.

Eh, well I'll be a
rotten tree trunk.



It was you, Nuke.

You were born of royal blood.


Brother to Princess


You were first in line
for the Nice Side throne.

Your father, the king,
entrusted your care to me before

you even grew tusks.

I knew you had
incredible promise.

You were so bright,
Nuke, so eager.

I immediately knew you
were the one and so,

I began to instruct you
in the ways of the Sauce.


Just, just, whoa.

Wait, this isn't possible.

None of that ever happened.

It did happen, my friend.

Wouldn't I remember
it if it had happened?

No, you would not.

I made sure you wouldn't
before I released you

from my charge.

I used a dememorizer to
take away all your memories,

all your knowledge,
and all your powers.

I turned you into a blank slate,

Just a boring old elephant dude.

No way.


Tell me, Nuke, what do you
remember of your young years?

Think, Nuke, think.




I remember nothing.

But, but, but why?

Why did you take away my
memory, Bongo Bananas, why?

Because, Nuke,
you became too strong.

You became too powerful,
and your strength made you

too presumptuous.

You started to believe
that the power of the Sauce

was for you to
wield as you pleased.

And, you started to disobey me.



You decided to harness
the Sauce for yourself.

I did?

Alas, Nuke, you did.

You assembled an
invincible army and decided

to use your powers to
rule the whole Zooverse.

No way.

You became unstoppable.

Oh, for all the assorted
salty nuts in the universe.

Thankfully, I had been
training another

in the ways of the Sauce.

Wait, another?


Another warrior.

His name was...

Boo Boo Squeal.

Whoa, I think my brain
is having a meltdown.

He was just as talented as
you, Nuke.

Just as powerful.

But he was never accepted
by the Nice Side Warriors.

They considered him no more
than a puny little mouse.

So I trained him in secret,
and taught him everything

you knew.

When you betrayed me, I
unleashed him against you,

Nuke, my friend.

You pitted Boo Boo Squeal
against Nuke?

Two of my most beloved pupils,

fighting against each other.

One to protect the power
of the Sauce,

and one to abuse it.




But then, Boo Boo Squeal
also became hungry for power.


The Sauce makes one hungry for
more Sauce.


Such is the nature of
the Sauce, my friend.

Wait, what happened to
Boo Boo Squeal?

What happened to me?

Your father, the king,
disowned you, obviously.

And Boo Boo defeated you,
of course.

He was unstoppable.

He still is.

Unstoppable, and so cute.

He beat you, Nuke, but
discord among the animals

was created, and there was no
going back.

Boo Boo Squeal assembled
his army.

And defeated the Nice Side.

And now, if we don't
stop him, he will rule

the entire Zooverse.




What is it, Nuke, my friend?

You're saying, the
cause of the w*r between

the Nice Side and the Mice Side,

a w*r that might result
in the obliteration of

the entire Zooverse, is me?

Yeah, pretty much.

This is the truth you wanted
to tell me?

The truth you made me
come all the way out here,

to a whole different dimension
to hear?

Alas, Nuke, my friend, it is.

But, but Bongo Bananas?

This is the worst truth I have
ever heard.

Such are the ways of Sauce,

I thought you were gonna tell
me that

I was the Chosen One.

Oh yeah.


But then, then, why am I here?

And who is the Chosen One?

I believe I can answer both
of your questions, my friends,

for the answer is one
and the same.



The Chosen One is within you,

Whoa, really?

Yeah, he's actually
literally within you.

Been there the whole time.

Right on the underside
of your earlobe.



Here I am.


Whoa, who are you?

I'm Filippo
the Flea.

Filippo the Flea,
the Chosen One.

The only one who can
defeat Boo Boo Squeal.

You have come.

I have.

Filippo the Flea...

Is the Chosen One?

Indeed, my friends.

While I spent years teaching
Nuke the ways of the Sauce,

Filippo here sat patiently
right inside Nuke's inner ear,

listening, mastering
the ways of the Sauce.

Unfortunately, he didn't
notice the thick layer

of ear wax that eventually
trapped him inside Nuke's head.

He could have stopped
all of this much sooner

if only Nuke had been
more hygienic.


Filippo has seen it all.

And now that you have let him
free, Nuke,

he's ready to take on
Boo Boo Squeal.

Ready macaroni.


Always a hoot.

This is the worst day
of my life.

Eh, and the day is not
over peanuts.

You'd best hold onto your hide.



And stop scratching.

Full blasters ahead, crew.

It's time to show Boo
Boo Squeal what's what.

You think Filippo can
really defeat Boo Boo Squeal?

Hey, I'm right here.

I can hear you.

Oh yeah.

Sorry, Filippo.

Yeah, yeah, it's
okay, Nuke,

I'm just a flea, right?


It's Boo Boo Squeal.

In the pelt, Squeezy.

Hope you're ready to kiss
your puny pelt good bye.

Boo Boo Squeal has come to
destroy you.

The defense shields.

They're jammed.

All your weapons are
powerless against the Sauce.

The subatomic blasters,
they're stalled.

Ah, we're gonna die!

Positive, carbon-based.

We need to unleash the
Chosen One.

That's our only hope.


Where is he?

I don't know.

But, all of a sudden I feel
fresh, and clean, and itch free.

Maybe this day isn't
so bad after all.

That's just a taste
of my powers.

Now, I will show you what
I'm truly capable of.

Prepare yourselves for full
Sauce power.




Why am I so itchy?


Who's Filippo?



He's the Chosen One, Boo Boo.

The one you seek.

The Chosen One, at last.

Show your face Chosen One so
I can finally destroy you.


Where are you?

I'm here.


Show yourself.




And here.

And here, and here, and here.



tickle, tickle.

Hey, no.

tickle, tickle.



The power of the Sauce
has turned against you,

Boo Boo Squeal.

What? Where?


Tickle, tickle,
tickle, tickle, tickle.

Hey, no.


tickle, tickle.

No more.

tickle, tickle, tickle,

tickle, tickle.

I can't!

tickle, tickle.

- Do you give up?
- Never!

tickle, tickle, tickle.

Tickle, tickle, tickle.

No, no.


tickle, tickle.


tickle, tickle.

Tickle, tickle, tickle,
tickle, tickle.

Filippo is truly the
Chosen One.

Pretty impressive.

Surrender, Boo Boo
Squeal, or the Chosen One

will show no mercy on your hide.

tickle, tickle.

- Tickle, tickle, tickle.
- No.


I give up.

I give up.

Your reign of evil is
over, Boo Boo Squeal.


Peaceful reign among
all animals.

Big and small.




I give up.

I give up.



And so it came
to pass that the Mice Side

and the Nice Side agreed
to a truce and to seal

the Peace Accord.

Princess Sparklefeather of the
Nice Side

and Squeezy Whistle, rogue
warrior of the Mice Side, wed.

Dearly beloved, we
are gathered here today

on this happy
and joyous occasion.

Oh my motherboard.

I think I'm going to cry.

Oh wait, I have no tear ducts.

To join this lovely pachyderm
and this brave squirrel

in loving matrimony.

Oh, they are so cute.

You may now kiss the bride.

Make no mistake,
foolish space animals.

The Zoo Wars are not over.

Boo Boo Squeal will rise again.

tickle, tickle.

Oh, ouch.

Tickle, tickle,
tickle, tickle, tickle.

Tickle, tickle, tickle.


tickle, tickle.

Stop that.

tickle, tickle, tickle.

Oh geez.
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