Zombies (2018)

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Zombies (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »


Welcome to Seabrook.

We're a perfectly
planned community.


We all have perfect homes.

Perfect clothes.

The perfect life.

Yep, everything is perfect.


Until it wasn't.

Who would have thought
that an accident

involving lime soda would
set off the apocalypse?


And when the contaminated
green haze blew west

people were not happy.

Because it turned them into...




That's right. Zombies!

There is bedlam in seabrook,
monsters are attacking!





Dark and gory times.

But we built a big barrier
to protect us

from the zombie hordes.

Safe at last, Seabrook
could finally

get back to our perfect lives.

Well, a lot has changed

since they built the barrier
years ago.

Science found a much better way
to deal with zombies.

And you know what happened
to those

old brain-eating monsters?

Well, they still have to live
on their side of the barrier,

but now they're awesome.

I'm Zed.

And yeah, I'm a zombie.

Zombies have to wear
government-issued coveralls.

But we make 'em
look pretty cool.

And we have a curfew.

And for a long time we were
forced to stay in Zombietown.

But we've come a long way
since the outbreak

thanks to the Z-band.

This puppy delivers a dose of
soothing electromagnetic pulses

that keep us
from eating brains.

Now zombies can live happy
lives and have handsome,

yet humble, kids.

So things are changing.

Today's the first day we can
attend human high school,

and I get to try out
for the football team.

Go Seabrook!

Oh yeah!


Give me an "F",
give me an "I",

give me an "R-S-T".

It's the first day of freshman
year for me, me, me!


Oh, hi.

I'm Addison and I have crushed
cheer summer

after cheer summer
of cheer camp.

But today's my shot at making
the Seabrook cheer squad.

You make cheer
and you fit in.

And why wouldn't I fit in?

I'm a totally normal teen.

Well, except for this.

Born with it.

Doctors can't explain it.

They think it's some
rare genetic thing.

I can't dye it, nothing sticks.

I've tried everything.

In some places this hair
might be odd

in, like, a cool way,
but not at Seabrook.

People here hate anything
that's different.

If anyone outside my family
found out I wore a wig,

I would never be allowed
to cheer.

So I've worn a wig for
as long as I can remember.


That's my little sister,

She really wants a dog

but zombies aren't allowed
to have pets.

Some people still think
we'll eat them.


Come, Zed, come.



Good boy.

Hey, son, try this.

Brains in a can.

It's made out of cauliflower.

And some for you,

my little zombie angel.

It tastes like gym sneakers,

I know.
How great is that?

Listen, Zed.

I'm not so sure about
this whole football thing,

you know?

It might be too much.

I mean, you're a great kid,
it's just...

you haven't spent a whole lot
of time around humans

and humans don't really
like zombies.

That's just 'cause they
haven't met me yet.



Cheer tryouts today!

Cheer tryouts today!

I am way fired up.

Addison, you know that
Seabrook's won

every cheer championship
since... forever.

[WHISPERS] Forever.

But now the city council's
having our zombies

in our schools we need
cheer more than ever.

As mayor, I beseech you.

You make that team and win
that cheer championship.

Beseech me?

Really, mom?

I get- that was um...

Yeah, Missy,
that was a bit much.

A bit much,
I failed at that.

Nothing's gonna stop you,

As long as you keep
that wig on.

Oh yes, of course.

As long as you keep
that wig on.


It's on.
It's time.



[ALL]: Go team!



[ALL]: Hi!


Hi Zed.

What's up?





♪ I'm fired up, ♪

♪ Tryouts today, ♪

♪ I'm gonna blow 'em away, ♪

♪ Yeah, ♪

♪ Dad says I can't ♪
♪ go wrong, ♪

♪ No, ♪

♪ As long as I keep this on, ♪

♪ So, Seabrook's been ♪
♪ the best, like, forever, ♪

♪ Mom's counting on me, ♪
♪ no pressure, ♪

♪ Cheer's in the family genes, ♪

♪ Come on, let's do ♪
♪ this thing, ♪

♪ What up, everybody, ♪

♪ Let me set the scene, ♪

♪ Fresh new start ♪
♪ for your boy Young Z, ♪

♪ You saw pops, ♪
♪ For a dad he's cool, ♪

♪ He's just a little stressed ♪
♪ about my first day of school, ♪

♪ He'll say be careful, ♪
♪ those humans can be mean, ♪

♪ But I'm still going out ♪
♪ for the football team, ♪

♪ This might look rough ♪
♪ but it's home sweet home, ♪

♪ Just a little bit of dust ♪
♪ and a little bit of mould, ♪

♪ But it ain't so bad on ♪
♪ this side of the tracks, ♪

♪ We make it work with a little ♪
♪ bit of, uh, swag, ♪

♪ Oh this side we can ♪
♪ all keep winning, ♪

♪ If we just try to fit in, ♪

♪ Watch it come together, ♪

♪ Be the best one ever, ♪

♪ Because it's my time, ♪

♪ This is gonna be my year, ♪

♪ Been waiting ♪
♪ for this moment, ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I'm gonna own it, ♪

♪ You can watch me shine, ♪

♪ This is gonna be my year, ♪

♪ My year, my year, ♪

♪ my my my year, ♪

♪ My year, My year, ♪

♪ My year, My year, ♪

♪ This is gonna be my year, ♪

♪ Now let me introduce ♪
♪ you to my friend Eliza, ♪

♪ We'll never be accepted, ♪
♪ Zombies need to rise up, ♪

♪ Fight the good fight, ♪
♪ Stand for what's right, ♪

♪ We get the worst jobs ♪
♪ and a curfew at night, ♪

♪ They make us wear ♪
♪ these uniforms ♪

♪ that all look the same, ♪

♪ Why is it just us being ♪
♪ treated this way? ♪

♪ I say we stick it ♪
♪ to their institution, ♪

♪ You want justice? ♪

♪ We need a revolution, ♪

♪ Yeah, ♪
♪ you got a point, ♪

♪ But today's an improvement, ♪

♪ 'Cause baby steps is ♪
♪ still movement, ♪

♪ Ay, Bonzo, ♪

♪ come and spit a verse, ♪
♪ Zig-zag quig quad, ♪

♪ Ziggy gag za, Ziggity za yo, ♪
♪ Zag, ziggy ga-zong, ♪

♪ He just dropped ♪
♪ that in zombie, ♪

♪ Yeah, all he said ♪
♪ is he's hungry, ♪



♪ Go, go, go, go, go, ♪

♪ go, go, go, go, ♪

♪ My cuz, ♪

♪ Bucky's the man, ♪

♪ Look at how perfect ♪
♪ he lands, ♪

♪ Our very own cheer ♪
♪ rock star, ♪

♪ No more autographs ♪
♪ please, stay where you are, ♪

♪ Another year ♪
♪ and I only get better, ♪

♪ Another cheer ♪
♪ another varsity letter, ♪

♪ This year we just ♪
♪ can't lose, ♪

♪ Well, I'm gonna win, ♪
♪ y'all can come, too, ♪

♪ My year, my year, my year, ♪

♪ my year, my year, my year, ♪

♪ Watch it come together, ♪

♪ Be the best one ever, ♪

♪ Because it's my time, ♪

♪ This is gonna be my year, ♪

♪ Been waiting ♪
♪ for this moment, ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I'm gonna own it, ♪

♪ You can watch me shine, ♪

♪ This is gonna be my year, ♪

♪ My year, my year, ♪
♪ my my my year, ♪


♪ My year, my year, ♪

♪ This is gonna be my year, ♪

Yeah, yeah.


Do we need to take
a trip downtown?

No, officer.

We're all good.


No, hey.

She does not want a hug.

Can't let those monsters
change this town, cuz.


They're just going
to school like us.

Like us?

People love me, okay?

I got jazz hands.

Those freaks are
nothing like us.

They tried to eat
our grandfather.

It was just a small bite.

Cheer tryouts today
after school, everybody.

Let's go, Mighty Shrimp!


Go, bottom feeders!

Wait, you know,
'cause Shrimp.

They eat the- the waste of
the ocean at the bottom?


Woo! Go Seabrook!

Hi, I'm Bree and I've always
dreamed of being

on the cheer squad because
I really want to be a flyer...

tossed high in the sky.

Nice to meet you.
I'm Addison.

I love cheer, too.

Did you know the creator
of the wave

[TOGETHER] went to Seabrook?


That is so amazing!

I can't wait to try out
for the cheer squad!

Okay, let's go.

Come on, you guys,
we're in a real school.

No more classes
in a dingy basement.


You were saying?

I'm Principal Lee.

We are thrilled
to be forced to have...

[SQUEELS] you here.

Do not leave the basement.

Have a great year.

Principal Lee?


I was just wondering...

how do I try out
for the football team?

And the computer coding club?


Right. Music class.

Bonzo's an artist.

He's classically trained.


♪ Ahh, ahh, ahhhhhh ♪

Oh, yeah,
okay, zip it.

Let me ask you this.

Do any of these include
leaving the basement?


yeah. I guess.

Then I guess you don't.

So no tryouts for you.

I'm sorry.
I don't mean it.

Have a great day.

That's just an expression.

Excuse me.

Okay, let's do some grammar
or something.

This is supposed
to be chemistry.

Look, minutes ago I was
a janitor, kid, so bear with me.

What am I doing?

I'm on my way to
football tryouts.


Yeah, I know it's
a high-risk move,

but I got smarts
and stealth on my side.



Rogue zombie!


Wait, what?




It's going to be fine,
you don't have to...

worry about it.

There! Zombie!


Stay calm!

Everything's okay!

There's no fire!


Bonzo, there's no fire!

There's no fire!

Look, we've come way too far
to still be afraid of... fire.



Okay, everybody,
against the wall!

Let's go!

These drills are offensive
and driven by zombie phobia.

No talking.

Against the wall!



Okay, I know this
is scary, Bree,

but there's a zombie
safe room right there.

It's gonna be okay.


Zombie safe room secure.




Why, hello.

Don't get any ideas, buster.

The only thing more deadly than
my high kick is my low kick.

I'm sorry.

This just isn't how I was
expecting my first day

at a new school to go.

You weren't expecting to be
trapped in a zombie safe room?

Oh, no, that I expected.

That happens to me
all the time.

It's sorta my thing.


So I'm not gonna
get low kicked?

You're safe, for now.



'Cause today's a big day.

I'm trying out
for the football team.

Well, we're both
having big days.

I'm trying out for
the cheer squad.

That's a tough gig to get.

Yeah, but I love it.

My parents have had me
in cheer camp since forever.

My dad doesn't even think
I'm gonna make the team.


No, sure you will.

You just need someone
to cheer for you.

And soon, fingers crossed,
it'll be, like, my job.


I'm Zed.
What's your name?

Addison. Nice to meet you.

All clear.

[SCREAMS] Zombie!



Wha- Zed,
I'm so sorry.

My parents have always
taught me that zombies

are disgusting
dead-eyed freaks but...

you're not hideous at all.

Thanks. I'll take it.

My parents have always hated
zombies since one bit

my grandpa's ear off.

But now we'll just talk
your ear off.

There you are!



Zombie germs.

If you ever touch my cousin
again it won't be pretty.

Which, as you can see,
is off-brand for me.

To the cheer tryouts.

Seabrook awaits.



We're making progress.

Okay, welcome to
football tryouts.

As you know, this town
is a cheerleading town

'cause this town likes to win.

And our football team
is awful,

so we are not going
to win this year,

and I'm probably
gonna lose my job.

Good news for you, though.

Y'all made the team, whoopie.

Yes! I made it!

Except for the zombie.


Principal Lee said you guys

shouldn't even leave
the basement.

She didn't tell you?



Don't think so.

I think I would have
remembered that.

Come on, just let me be
on the team.

Can't have a zombie
on the field,

we'd look like a laughing stock.

Besides, I'm no trailblazer.

You know,
I'm more of a follower.

Actually, I'm not even really
good at that, so...


Football is stupid, anyway.

Wow, thanks for the pep talk.




Very funny.

You know, I think that
cheerleader likes me.

The one that punched you?
In the face?

Yeah, yeah.

I think there's something there,
you know?


Humans are bad,
but cheerleaders are monsters.

Things need to change.


Okay, let's go!

Line up.

Welcome to cheerleading tryouts.

It's nice to see so many...

I mean, we'd wanna be us too

if we weren't already
on the cheer squad.


You need to bring it, okay?

Like my assistant captains.

First up we have Stacey.



And Tracey.

The Aceys.


Today's tryouts
are going to be easy.

The hardest thing you'll have
to do is a back handspring,

funky chicken,
round-off match table split

with a robot down
powering finish.


Yes, Addison?

Captain Bucky, was that
funky chicken cajun

or shake-n-bake?

Well, I've never heard of cajun,
so, spice it up.

We got this.

The Mighty Shrimp
don't think small.

Cheer until it hurts.



♪ Listen up, ♪
♪ It's not so tough, ♪

♪ I'll tell ya ♪
♪ how it's done, ♪

♪ There's really nothing ♪
♪ better than ♪

♪ to hear you're ♪
♪ number one, ♪

♪ And I know how ♪
♪ to get it, ♪

♪ Crowd right up ♪
♪ and on their feet, ♪

♪ So if you want ♪
♪ them in it ♪

♪ I'll show you ♪
♪ how to get it, ♪

♪ Ain't no mountain ♪
♪ we can't climb, ♪

♪ Nothing keeps us down, ♪

♪ Got that fire in our soul, ♪
♪ never count us out, ♪

♪ We got one thing ♪
♪ on our minds, ♪

♪ Call it victory, ♪

♪ That is where we're headed, ♪

♪ And we know how ♪
♪ to get it, ♪

♪ We were made for this, ♪

♪ There's nothing ♪
♪ we can't do, ♪

♪ We came to play, ♪

♪ We're here to stay ♪

♪ And win the day ♪

♪ 'Cause... ♪

♪ We were made for this, ♪

♪ Didn't come here to lose, ♪

♪ We came to play, ♪

♪ We're here to stay, ♪

♪ What's left to say ♪

♪ When we know nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ No, so get up ♪
♪ out of our way, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ No! ♪

♪ So get up out of our way, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪
♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪


♪ Been waiting for ♪
♪ this day to come ♪

♪ and it was all so clear, ♪

♪ Since I was a little girl ♪
♪ I saw me standing here, ♪

♪ All the times ♪
♪ they told me walk away ♪

♪ I said forget it, ♪

♪ I knew where I was headed, ♪

♪ And I was gonna get it, ♪

♪ Ain't no mountain ♪
♪ we can't climb, ♪

♪ Nothing keeps us down, ♪

♪ Got that fire ♪
♪ in our soul, ♪

♪ Never count us out, ♪

♪ We got one thing ♪
♪ on our minds, ♪

♪ Call it victory, ♪

♪ Yeah, that's where ♪
♪ we're headed, ♪

♪ And we know how to get it, ♪

♪ We were made for this, ♪

♪ There's nothing ♪
♪ we can't do, ♪

♪ We're here to stay, ♪

♪ And win the day ♪

♪ 'Cause... ♪

♪ We were made for this, ♪

♪ Didn't come here to lose, ♪

♪ We came to play, ♪

♪ We're here to stay, ♪

♪ What's left to say ♪

♪ When we know ♪

♪ nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ No! ♪

♪ Come on, ♪
♪ let me hear you say, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ You're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ No! ♪

♪ Come on, ♪
♪ let me hear you say, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ You're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪


You guys got moves.

But can you
win over a crowd?

Get them to worship you.

Like they worship me!



Who am I fooling?

Bucky's never gonna
let me on the team.

He'll clip my wings.

I'm never gonna fly.



You don't have what it takes.

You will never be a shrimp.


Welcome to the
Mighty Shrimp!

♪ We are the Mighty Shrimp, ♪

♪ It's time to show you now, ♪

♪ We got the stuff ♪
♪ to light you up ♪

♪ It's getting hotter now, ♪

♪ We're getting hotter now, ♪

♪ It's getting hotter now, ♪

♪ We were made for this, ♪

♪ There's nothing ♪
♪ we can't do, ♪

♪ We came to play ♪

♪ We're here to stay, ♪

♪ And win the day, ♪

♪ 'Cause... ♪

♪ We were made for this, ♪

Didn't come here to lose,

♪ We came to play, ♪
♪ We're here to stay, ♪

♪ What's left to say ♪

♪ When we know ♪

♪ nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ No! ♪

♪ Come on, ♪
♪ let me hear you say, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪
♪ You're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ Come on, ♪
♪ let me hear you say, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ You're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ Fired up ♪

♪ Fired up ♪


Welcome to the Mighty Shrimp.

Wear our colours with pride.

Thank you!
Thank you so much!

Let's go girl!

Let's go Addison!

Hey, cuz.

Bree over there has great moves
and serious pep.

Seabrook is all about precision.


She can't hide under a wig
like some people.

Pretty please?



You have some real...

You made the squad.

As a stand-in.

So I'm on the team?

I'm in!

I'm on the team.

I made it!

People love cheer.

That's what makes me
so important

and I hate to see that change.

Change is upon us now that
zombies have entered our school.

Cheer is being threatened.

C-H-E-E- are you ready
to protect it?

Let the cheer initiation begin!






Every year,
for cheer initiation,

we like to remind zombies

that we don't accept freaks
in this town.

Egg that zombie house
and you're both officially one of us.



No. We can't do that.

You look lost.


Everything okay out here?


Anybody there?

Uh, no.


Come on back inside, then.

Are zombies always
this harassed?

I had no idea life was
like this for them.

Come on.

[ANNOUNCEMENT]Cheer season
is here cheer followers.

So let's rally our cheerleaders
at the pep rally today.

Hey! Hey!

Hey, what's up, cuz?

Zombies are students
at Seabrook too, Bucky.

Picking on them isn't right.

Zombies distract people
from what's really important.

Like cheer, us... me.

But we can't go around
tormenting them.

It's best if you don't
question things.

Pep rally today, cuz.

You're gonna rock it.

Yeah, Bonzo.

In addition to getting rejected
from football,

I met a cheerleader and I thought
she was cool, you know?

I thought she was different.

I thought she was the one.

But I was wrong.

Cheerleaders are all terrible.

Hey, wha- there's no human
students in the basement.

Uh, someone yakked
in the cafeteria.

Oh, right.

Still the janitor.

Wow. This is... awful.

Yeah, we would have cleaned

but the teacher is territorial
about his mop.


It's fine.

Addison, what're you
doing here?


My cousin, he's a jerk
about zombies

and last night
was cheer initiation.

Not that that's a good excuse.

I'm so sorry.

Well, what if Bucky
sees us talking?

We'll make sure he doesn't.

Uh, see you at the pep rally
this afternoon?

Zombies don't do pep rallies.

We'll think about it.

Okay, can we, like,
crack a window open here?

It stinks of human.


Of course Zed's not coming.

I mean, zombies at a pep rally
would be serious drama.

There's zombies
at the pep rally!

They wouldn't dare.

Stacey, Lacey, Tracey,
bust out the spirit sticks.

I can't believe
you dragged us out here

to see Cheery McCheerstein.

I'm gonna be sick.

Do I look green?

Greener than usual?



Bucky! Bucky! Bucky!

Bucky! Bucky! Bucky!


Welcome to the
Seabrook High cheer rally!


It is gonna be a great year.

We are gonna win the
state cheer championship again.



Come on, Eliza, ease up.

Cheer is contagious.

So is pink eye.





Go Seabrook!

Go Mighty Shrimp!

Go Seabrook!


Go Mighty Shrimp!

Go Seabrook!

Go Mighty Shrimp!

Go Seabrook!

Go Mighty Shrimp!

Go Seabrook!

Get the spirit sticks!

Go Seabrook!

Go Mighty Shrimp!

Go Seabrook!

Go Mighty Shrimp!


Let's turn up the heat!

Let everyone see them
for who they really are.


Don't worry about it.

A little fire's
not gonna hurt us.


It's gonna be fine!
Don't worry.


Bonzo, no! Stop!







You. Me. We gotta talk.

He went through
our offensive linemen

like they were scrawny freshmen!

Principal Lee, I can explain.


Coach wants you on his team.



With a monster-like-monster
player like you

we can turn the football
team around.

And with fan support
maybe I can keep my job.

Move out of my
parent's basement.

Get a cat.

Get a gym membership.

Turn it all around.

It sounds so dreamy.

I need you
on the team, Zed.

Um, okay.

Can you just give me a second
to think about it?

Yeah, sure.


We're cool?

Pull it together.

We're cool.

Who's the zombie?

I'm the zombie!

And this zombie's
playin' some ball!

I can only agree
if there are some changes.

Full integration
for all zombies.

Oh, excuse me.

There's only one little problem.

You haven't won a game yet.

That's a mere technicality.

Could you throw
my star player a bone?

Not literally.

Okay, look.

In good faith I will allow
zombies to eat in the cafeteria.

And once you start racking
in those wins

then we'll talk about those
other demands, alright?

Yeah, deal.



I'll see you at practice.

Yeah, see ya, coach.


Principal Lee,
get in here.

Oh, gosh.

You're the best.

Am I?

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Hello, students.

This is Principal Lee.
As you may have heard,

zombie students are now allowed
to eat in the cafeteria.


Ugh! Just deal with it!

The human cafeteria.

Wow, Zed.

You really delivered.

Our very own lunch table
in the darkest corner

under cheap fluorescent lights
and by the trash cans.

I know.

It's perfect.

Living large and in charge.

I just love the thought of
flying through the air.

Oh my-
oxygen is so overrated.

And so is dirt.

Ugh, I hate doing the dishes,
but it's like I love soap.

Isn't it weird?


Are you okay, Addy?

My heart's racing
and my palms are sweaty.

Oh no, you have the flu.

No, it's Zed.

Wait, you like like him?

You like like a zombie?

That's bad, right?

Really bad.

My parents would
so freak out.

Are we still friends?


I have your back
no matter what.

It's just, I don't want anybody
to break your heart.

Or devour it.

But it- this is great.

I mean, look.

I swear on all that I hold dear,
mostly glitter lip balm,

I will tell nobody.

It's cool.

Well, nothing's going to happen.

He probably doesn't
even remember my name.


Well, I can't be rude.

No, Ad- no-


Um, as they say in
old zombie tongue,

gazar nady garzane garsick.

I looked it up on the internet.

Um, you just thanked me
for rubbing peanut butter

on your umbrella.


Oh, um... I meant...
welcome to the cafeteria.


Thank you.

Okay, why is
Perky Von Cheerstick here?

The point of having
our own table

is to avoid people like her.

Oh, no, I just wanted to thank
Zed for rescuing me from the-

excuse me.

You know you're talking
to zombies, right?

I'm fighting against

Oh. I fought mine
by eliminating dairy.

Uh, zombie intolerance.

Okay, look.

You're cousin is not
gonna be happy

you're paling around
with zombies.

don't support freaks.

Oh right, Bucky said there was
something different about you.

I can see that now.

No, I- I'm not different.

Your smile.

Is that an overbite?

Is one leg longer
than the other?

Do you wear
corrective lenses?


No, no.

I'm not different.

I'm the samest person
you've ever met.

Hanging with zombies
can be hazardous.

You could end up at
the reject table like-


[French accent] Ah, ze perfect
picnic spot.


Sorry I couldn't sit
with you at lunch.

I wanted to, it's just-
everyone is-

I get it.
Some day, maybe.

Thanks for saving me
at the pep rally.

Are you kidding?
It worked out for everyone.

Look at me.

I'm gonna be on the football
team and if things go well

zombies will be more accepted.

And we could, like,
hang out in public.

Wouldn't that be something?

This town.
This school.

It's- it's hard not fitting in.

How would you know?

You're perfect.

It's a wig.

My real hair is freakish
and I- I can't change it.

Well, can I see it?



My parents always made me
cover my hair.

And they're right.

'Cause now I'm on the squad
and- and I fit in.

Are you coming to the meeting?

This is where we first met.

This is where we had
our first punch.



♪ Oh, la la la, ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, ♪

♪ I know we might be crazy, ♪

♪ But did you hear the story, ♪

♪ I think I heard it vaguely, ♪

♪ A girl and a zombie, ♪

♪ Oh tell me more, boy, ♪

♪ Sounds like a fantasy, ♪

♪ What could go so wrong ♪

♪ with a girl and a zombie, ♪

♪ You're from the ♪
♪ perfect paradise, ♪

♪ And I'm living ♪
♪ on the darker side, ♪

♪ Oh, I've got a feeling, ♪

♪ If you get to know me, ♪

♪ Right from the start ♪
♪ you caught my eye, ♪

♪ And something inside me ♪
♪ came to life, ♪

♪ Oh, I got a feeling, ♪
♪ If you get to know me, ♪

♪ Some day, this could be, ♪
♪ this could be ordinary, ♪

♪ Some day, could we be ♪
♪ something extraordinary, ♪

♪ You and me side by side, ♪

♪ Out in the broad daylight, ♪

♪ Hey love, we'll say, ♪
♪ we're gonna be some day, ♪


♪ We're gonna be ♪
♪ some day, ♪

♪ Some day, some day, ♪

♪ We're gonna be ♪
♪ some day, ♪

♪ We're gonna be ♪
♪ some day, ♪

♪ Girl you look delicious, ♪

♪ Oh, I mean gorgeous, ♪

♪ Now you're getting fearless ♪

♪ Oh, I'm just rooting for us, ♪

♪ If different was ♪
♪ a super power, ♪

♪ We'd be so flawless, ♪

♪ Then we could make ♪
♪ these two worlds ours, ♪

♪ I'm rooting for us, ♪

♪ Two lonely hearts ♪
♪ beat in a jar, ♪

♪ Imagine if now they start ♪
♪ a spark, ♪

♪ You got my attention, ♪

♪ What happens next, ♪

♪ Movies and long walks ♪
♪ in the park, ♪

♪ Hanging out everywhere ♪
♪ we want, ♪

♪ I like the way ♪
♪ you're thinking, ♪

♪ I can almost feel it, ♪

♪ Some day, ♪

♪ this could be, this ♪
♪ could be ordinary, ♪

♪ Some day, ♪

♪ could we be something ♪
♪ extraordinary, ♪

♪ You and me ♪
♪ side by side, ♪

♪ Out in the broad daylight, ♪

♪ If they laugh we'll say, ♪

♪ we're gonna be ♪
♪ some day, ♪

♪ Some day, some day, ♪

♪ So let them talk ♪
♪ if they wanna, ♪

♪ Let them talk, ♪
♪ if they're gonna, ♪

♪ We're gonna do ♪
♪ what we wanna, ♪

♪ Let them talk, ♪
♪ let them talk, ♪

♪ If they wanna, ♪
♪ they wanna, ♪


♪ Some day, ♪

♪ This could be, ♪
♪ this could be ordinary, ♪

♪ Some day, ♪

♪ could we be something ♪
♪ extraordinary, ♪

♪ You and me side by side, ♪

♪ Out in the ♪
♪ broad daylight, ♪

♪ If they laugh we'll say ♪

♪ we're gonna be ♪
♪ some day, ♪

♪ Some day, some day, ♪

♪ We're gonna be ♪
♪ some day, ♪

♪ Some day, some day, ♪

♪ We're gonna be ♪
♪ some day, ♪


Good luck
at the football game.

Yeah, yeah, it'll be awesome.

Woo! Yes!



You want a piece of me?

Alright boys, we got this.

There's no "I"
in "team", okay?

But there is an "I"
in "zombie"-

okay, that's not the point.

Let's go, Seabrook!

Hey, be my guest.

The zombie's all yours.




Oh, that hurts.


Oh, zombie down!

Let's go!

Five, six, seven, eight!

[ANNOUNCER] It's third
and long for Seabrook.

Really long.

Yep, the Mighty Shrimp
are doing what they do best.


Come on, Zed.



At least the cheerleaders
are amazing.

Go Seabrook!
Go Seabrook!

Go Seabrook!

We don't clap for cheerleaders.


[ANNOUNCER] It's halftime

and the Mighty Shrimp are
getting barbecued,

skewered, fried and flayed.

Here's what you
need to do, okay?

I'm only gonna draw this once
so pay attention.

All you have to do.

Move forward.

Move all the way forward.

Don't go back.

There's nothing back here.

This is empty.

You don't need
to go back here.

You need to go up here.

The end zone is up there.

Just go- just move it up.

Just move.

Just do something.

Look, I know we're gonna
lose, alright?

And you knew it, too.

So let's just go out there
and lose better?

Go team.

Doggone if you didn't get me
dreaming of winning, huh?

Oh, shame on me.

What is happening
out there?

I- I don't know, coach.

Maybe it's team chemistry,

but honestly I'm not sure
the team

is actually blocking
for me.

Hey, Zed.

I thought we had a deal.

You didn't keep
your end of it.


So win this game or it's back
to the basement.

Oh, hey coach, great idea.

Now people hate us
and we're losing.

What happened to that brute
strength I saw at the pep rally?

Oh, my Z-band was-

Great! Use that!

Take it and use it.

No, I can't.

Coach, no, I can't.

Yeah, no, I'm sorry.

I'm not letting you talk me
into doing this.

I just need a little
zomboost, okay?

Like what happened
at the pep rally.

Because that wasn't almost
a total disaster?

Yeah, no, I'm not doing it.

Look, you- you already jail
broke your Z-band

to play video games.

This is different, okay?

This is ludicrously dangerous.

If I win this game,
that's good for us.

And that's good for zombies,
and isn't that what we need?



Way too zombie.

Ugh, too human.

Okay, just a little bit more.

There. Perfect.

That's it?

That's it.

Alright, never swipe
to the right, okay?

That'll corrupt the software.

Only left.

Never right.

Got it?

Got it.

Hey. If you smell smoke,
stop, drop, and roll.



Like coach said,
we can do this.

So let's do this!

Let's go Mighty Shrimp!

Break on five.

Yeah, I don't think so.







Too easy!



Dumb luck.

That's my son!




Go Zed!


Feel that breeze?

It's not a sneeze!

Zombies score
and run with ease!


What're you doing?


The football team
hasn't won since forever.

But we can change that.

I bet the whole squad
cheering together

could lead the football team
to victory.

You know what?

That whole idealistic
kind of positive attitude

has no place in cheer.

So stop.



Seabrook wins?

Wow, a win!


Way to go, Zed!


Let's go, Mighty Shrimp!

Wow, you were amazing.

Awesome cheers.

Life is good.

[ANNOUNCEMENT] And another
win for our football team,

thanks to zombie Zed.

So be sure to show
some zombie pride.

Oh yeah, and tickets are now
on sale

for next week's
cheer championship.

So get yours today.

Let's go hang with the zombies.

I'm gonna go.

Can you believe these zombies?

They're actually cool.

I know...

Being liked is so weird.

You're either pro-cheerleader
or pro-zombie.

Decide now.

Wait, what?

You don't know how hard I-

What's it gonna be?


I wanna be a cheerleader.

That's all I ever wanted.


Hey, Addison!

The zombie trend will pass.

They're not going to win
another game.


It's time to get going,

It's time to move on,


Put this behind me,

That day is gonna come,

I'm breaking the walls down,

One by one,

Nothing can stop me,

That day is gonna come,


[ANNOUNCER] Well, deep fry me
and dip me in cocktail sauce.

The Mighty Shrimp win again.

That's five wins in a row
for our football team.

Look, I am in no mood
for autogra-

That day is gonna come,

That day is gonna come,

You know I believe it,

That day is gonna come,

Okay, I'm off to computer club.


I think I might be happy.


Hey, zombie chic.

I like it.

Gimme some.

Boom, boom,
there it is.

No more sadness

That day is gonna come.

No more hatred,

Our love is strong,

But the resistance,

That day is gonna come,

That day is gonna come,

That day is gonna come,

"Cheering for you
on the inside,

XO, Addison."

[ANNOUNCER] Unbelievable!

The Mighty Shrimp have
scampied their way

to a perfect season
lead by zombie Zed.

The big homecoming game
is next.

...all these possibilities.


I ain't ever
looking back,


"Ready to break every
rule in the book?"

"Meet me at the barrier.
pm tonight."


"I could get in so
much trouble."

I'm in.


You made it.

Yeah, and I'm totally not
freaked out at all.

You're gonna love this.


Let's do this.

Are you okay?

You don't look so hot.


No, you know what I meant.

I have to mess with my Z-band
to win games.

Isn't that dangerous?

Addison, if I don't win
zombies will never be accepted.

I know how that feels.


Are you serious?

It's a chance to get loose
and be ourselves!


So this whole celebration
is for you winning football games?

It's more than that.

It's a win for all of us.

And we really
needed a win.


It's zombie tongue.

We have a rich language.

different words for brains.


So, you like a girl
with brains?


You know that's
super offensive.

Oh, no, no, no.

It was just a joke.

I'm sorry.

You brought little miss Cheer Boots
to our zombie mash?

A human, here?


It's starting.
Come on.




♪ Hey, welcome to Zombieland, ♪

♪ It's a party, go ahead, ♪
♪ everybody dance, ♪

♪ Do the draggy leg, ♪

♪ You surely can, ♪
♪ be a part of the team, ♪

♪ Gotta wave the flag, ♪

♪ Let your freak flag fly, ♪

♪ Gotta stare when we pass by, ♪

♪ I'm not your average guy, ♪

♪ But you know I'm fly, ♪

♪ So alive, just on ♪
♪ a different side, ♪

♪ Look in my eyes, ♪

♪ We're the same ♪
♪ but different, ♪

♪ Just like you I got ♪
♪ hopes and wishes, ♪

♪ Itchin' to show the world ♪
♪ what they're missing, ♪

♪ This is our time, ♪
♪ yeah it's time to flip it, ♪

♪ What, I'm about ♪
♪ to show you, ♪

♪ What you gonna show me? ♪

♪ I guess nobody told you, ♪

♪ You ain't gotta tell me, ♪

♪ I'm about to put in work, ♪

♪ Listen, this is my turf, ♪

♪ Bam. ♪

♪ Oh man, oh man, ♪
♪ bet you can't do it like I can, ♪

♪ Bam. ♪

♪ Oh man, oh man, ♪
♪ understand, this is Zombieland, ♪

♪ Bam. ♪

♪ Oh man, oh man, ♪
♪ bet you can't do it like I can, ♪

♪ Bam. ♪

♪ Oh man, oh man, ♪
♪ I'm a man with a plan, ♪

♪ lemme do my dance. ♪

♪ You're in Zombieland, ♪

♪ I'm in Zombieland, ♪

♪ We're in Zombieland, ♪

♪ Watch me do it like Bam, ♪

♪ You're in Zombieland, ♪

♪ I'm in Zombieland, ♪

♪ We're in Zombieland, ♪

♪ Watch me do it like Bam, ♪


♪ Woah, oh man oh man ♪

♪ oh man, I'm the man, ♪

♪ You just can't ♪
♪ do it like I can, ♪

♪ Woah, ♪

♪ oh man oh man oh man, ♪

♪ I'm the man, ♪

♪ You just can't ♪
♪ do it like I can, ♪

♪ Ready for action, ♪
♪ yeah, we 'bout to blow up, ♪

♪ Party's going down, ♪

♪ But we 'bout to show up, ♪

♪ We got your back, ♪

♪ No need to have worry, ♪

♪ Now we're all cool, ♪

♪ At first it was all scary, ♪

♪ And we can do a lot ♪
♪ with a little, ♪

♪ Call on your friends when ♪
♪ you're caught in the middle, ♪

♪ And you should do ♪
♪ the same, ♪

♪ Like I do the same, ♪

♪ You should be yourself, ♪
♪ It's the coolest thing, ♪

♪ I'm about to show you, ♪

♪ What you gonna show me? ♪

♪ Guess nobody told you, ♪

♪ Girl, you don't know me, ♪

♪ I'm about to put in work, ♪

♪ Listen, this is our turf, ♪

♪ Bam, oh man oh man oh man, ♪

♪ I'm the man, ♪

♪ You just can't ♪
♪ do it like I can, ♪

♪ Bam, ♪

♪ oh man oh man oh man, ♪
♪ you a fan, understand, ♪

♪ This is Zombieland, ♪

♪ Woah, oh man ♪
♪ oh man oh man, ♪

♪ I'm the man, ♪

♪ You just can't ♪
♪ do it like I can, ♪

♪ Bam, ♪

♪ oh man oh man oh man, ♪

♪ I'm a man with a plan, ♪

♪ lemme do my dance. ♪

♪ You're in Zombieland, ♪

♪ I'm in Zombieland, ♪

♪ We're in Zombieland, ♪

♪ Watch me do it like Bam, ♪

♪ You're in Zombieland, ♪

♪ I'm in Zombieland, ♪

♪ We're in Zombieland, ♪

♪ Watch me do it like Bam, ♪



♪ Bam, oh man, oh man, ♪

♪ I'm the man, ♪

♪ Bet you can't do it ♪
♪ like I can, ♪

♪ Bam, ♪

♪ oh man, oh man, ♪

♪ you a fan, understand, ♪
♪ this is Zombieland, ♪

♪ Bam, ♪

♪ oh man, ♪
♪ oh man, I'm the man, ♪

♪ Bet you can't do it ♪
♪ like I can, ♪

♪ Bam, ♪

♪ oh man, oh man, ♪

♪ You're a fan, ♪

♪ Understand, ♪
♪ this is Zombieland, ♪

♪ Bam, ♪

♪ oh man, oh man, ♪

♪ I'm the man, ♪
♪ bet you can't do it like I can, ♪

♪ Bam, ♪

♪ oh man, oh man, ♪

♪ I'm the man, with a plan, ♪

♪ lemme do my dance. ♪


What is up?

I don't know.

The Z-band hack
really hurts.

I can barely feel my wrist.


I'll be fine buddy,
don't worry about it.


Okay, Bonzo, my arm.

I'm crazy, I'm cute.

Zombie to boot.

I'm rockin', I smile.

Zombies aren't vile.


That's some great cheering.

I wasn't doing anything.

Certainly not cheering.

Please don't tell anyone.

You're Zed's
little sister, right?

I'm Zoey.

You're Addison.


When I cheer
it makes me happy.

Me too.

You're great
at cheerleading, Zoey.

Thanks, but my pet Zandor
doesn't seem that impressed.

Well, he should be.

But I think you're old enough
to have a real pet.

Wouldn't that be awesome?

Stop teasing her.

You know they don't allow
zombies to have pets.

I didn't know that.

I'm still learning that zombies
aren't what I was taught.

I mean, look at you.

You're smart, cool, pretty.

You think I'm pretty?


There you are.

Zoey, woah, what're you
doing here?

Please. I'm not gonna miss
a zombie mash.


Come on.

Who's a good boy?




Good boy. Good boy.

Alright, I'll take you home.

Zed's gotta make sure Addison
gets outta here.

We should hang out, Eliza.

And I really like your boots.

Oh, thanks.

They're orthotic.

I got this draggy foot thing
going on, so...


She's cool.

Yeah, for a human, right?

She's just cool.

You guys look good together.


Don't forget Zander.


See ya.


Wow, what is this place?

It's a zombie-light garden.

It's beautiful.

Where are we going?

For a walk in the park.

♪ I know you might be crazy, ♪

♪ But did you hear the story, ♪

♪ I think I heard it vaguely, ♪

♪ A girl and a zombie, ♪

♪ Oh tell me more, boy, ♪

♪ Sounds like a fantasy, ♪

♪ Oh what could go so wrong ♪
♪ with a girl and a zombie, ♪

♪ You're from ♪
♪ the perfect paradise, ♪

♪ And I'm living ♪
♪ on the darker side, ♪

♪ Oh, I got a feeling, ♪
♪ If you get to know me, ♪

♪ Right from the start ♪
♪ you caught my eye, ♪

♪ Something inside me ♪
♪ came to life, ♪

♪ Oh, I got a feeling, ♪
♪ If you get to know me, ♪

♪ Some day this could be, ♪
♪ this could be ordinary, ♪

♪ Some day could we be ♪
♪ something extraordinary, ♪

♪ You and me side by side, ♪

♪ Out in the broad daylight, ♪

♪ If they laugh we'll say ♪
♪ we're gonna be some day, ♪

♪ Some day, some day, ♪

♪ We're gonna be some day, ♪

♪ Some day, some day, ♪

♪ We're gonna be some day, ♪

It's beautiful.

You're beautiful.

Zombies, show yourselves!

You're out past curfew!


Zombie, please turn around.



What're you doing here?

This is a hot bed
for zombie activity.

It's not safe for humans.

Come on,
let's get you home.

You snuck out?


Do you know how dangerous
it is out there?

I'm gonna go, chief.

This town is full
of monstrous zombies.

What were you up to?


I was out with a boy.

Oh boy.

Probably a good idea
I just leave, chief.


Now who exactly is this boy?



Goodnight, chief.


You will not cheer and there
will be no cheer championship

until we meet this boy.


No cheer championships-

Honey, I know-
I'm not changing my mind.


Right. We need to
meet this boy, Addison,

or you'll never cheer again.

Right, Gus?

Goodnight, chief.

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Alright, Mighty
Shrimps, today is the day,

we've all been waiting for.

It's the Homecoming game!

Look, I'm all for trampling
the system and the opposing team

but you've really gotta stop
messing with your Z-band, okay?

It's not safe.

It's just one more game
to get through.

And then no more hacking
your Z-band?

Yeah. Totally.

Come here.

Zed's cheating.

He's been hacking his-




Last night, I wanted to help
when the zombie patrol arrived

but I was just-
I was afraid-

Zed, it's not your fault.

The big problem is my parents
won't let me cheer

until they meet you.

Great. So I'll just win them
over with my quick wit

and charming smile.

No, not great.

They don't know
you're a zombie.

And they hate zombies.


I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

For making things difficult
for you.

No, no.

You haven't done anything wrong
besides being you.

And you're great.

You know what?

If my family can't
accept zombies,

maybe I don't wanna
be a cheerleader anymore.

But you love cheer.

It's what makes you, you.

I wish I could just flip
a switch and change everything.

But I can't.

I have to go,
I'm late for class.

Flip a switch.

How is Zed winning
these football games?

Cheer spirits.

Glory to all that is
firecracker, firecracker,

shish boom bah.

Send me a sign so that
my perfectly toned body

can stop zombies from
stealing our spotlight.

We know how to stop Zed!

He's been hacking
his Z-band.

It's all about Eliza.

She's using her
computer to do it.

Shish boom bah.

A spa date.
All of us.


We've been so wrong about
zombies this whole time.


I mean, with some concealer,
blush, contour, highlight

and a little bit of hair dye,
you could look cute.

And I mean, when was the last
time you pampered yourself?

Yeah, giggling over make-up and
doing each other's toenails?

No sale.

Uh, you like computers, right?

My mom just set up
a full VR room.


Okay, I mean, I don't wanna
discriminate against humans

so in a way it'd be
wrong for me

not to take you up
on your offer.

Um, yeah.

I'm in.

Okay, on second thought,
maybe not.

Maybe next time.

Ugh. I can't access it.

There's a firewall
on Eliza's computer.

We have to get in.

We have to show everyone
that Zed's a monster.

Try harder!

Not that hard.

So Eliza told me not
to swipe right,

but no risk,
no reward.

This is gonna hurt.



Something happened.
Software is corrupted!

We're in!

I can't do this anymore.

There's something
you need to know.


Now we're getting somewhere.

Now we're getting somewhere.




Woah, woah.

You do not wanna open that.

Where are your manners?

Don't be ridiculous.

Okay, fine.
Open it.

Yes, my date to the
homecoming game is-


You look-


Uh, thank you.
They're beautiful.

So, how do you know
my daughter?

She's a cheerleader and
I'm on the football team.

Oh, really?


I used to play a little
ball myself.

He did.



I was a full back.

Get out.
I'm a full back.



Let's do this.

go Mighty Shrimp!

Break! On five!

That was amazing.

That's what I'm talking about.

We're gonna go to
the homecoming game.

Nice meeting you.

He is such a nice boy.

Such a nice boy.

Where did you dig him up?

I'll see you at the game.

How did you-

I adjusted my Z-band.

I can feel the energy coursing
through my bones right now,

it's awesome.

Hey, we still got time
before the game

and I owe you a real date.

A date?



Like I said,
a proper date.



Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

I'm all good.

Eliza was wrong.

Nothing bad happened,
I'm completely fine.

After you.


Vanilla. Vanilla.

Double vanilla.

Can you guess what
the last one is?


Yeah, how'd you know?

You guys got a wide variety.

Of vanilla.

Here you go.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

This is so Seabrook.

Hey, you know what?

Vanilla works.


I've always wanted
to come here.

Now finally here I am,
with you, on a date.

This is so great.


Is it, Zed?

Yeah. Look at us.
We're together.

But you're forced to be
someone you're not.

Here, and on the football field.

So? You wear a wig to fit in.

Why can't I do the same thing
with my Z-band?

Why is that so bad?

Because it's not right.

We're changing ourselves

but what needs to change
is everybody else.

Addy, we're gonna make
this work, okay?

Everything's great.

Trust me.

I'll dial myself back to zombie
mode and win the game.

Take your pom poms out there
today, Bree.

But I'm not a starter.

Who says?

It's time things changed
around here.


[ANNOUNCER] Well, it's been
a season to remember

and it all comes down
to the final seconds

of this year's homecoming game.


Time out! Time out!

[ANNOUNCER] Unbelievable!

Mighty Shrimp
are down by five.

They call their final time out.

Bring it in, guys.

Bring it in.

Dare to dream, gentlemen.

We can win this.

I could keep my job.

Buy slacks that
aren't sweatpants.

Maybe even win back
my ex-wife.

She likes the slacks.

Okay? Let's do this!


Yes please!

[ALL] Let's go Mighty Shrimp!

Break! On five!



Hustle out there!

Remember the slacks!

Wow, people really love Zed.

It's almost like he's one of us.

He is one of us.

You're right.

He is.


You okay?


Yeah, uh, almost there.

I do this and we win.


Oh, I have to go.

But I'll be cheering for you.



Give me a "zom"!

[CROWD] Zom!


Give me a "bie"!

[CROWD] Bie!


You are way too good
of a cheerleader

to throw your
life away, Addison.

I'm cheering
for a change, Bucky.

Don't do it.

Give me a "zom"!

[CROWD] Zom!


Give me a "bie"!

[CROWD] Bie!

I'm warning you.

What does that spell?

[CROWD] Zombie!

Last chance.

What does that spell?

You're off the team,
you freak!

Go zombies!

Go team!


You're off the squad, too!



Stage one is done.

[ANNOUNCER] Fifty yards to go
and three seconds on the clock.

The Mighty Shrimp need
one touchdown to win.

It's not working.

The software's been corrupted.



Zed, what did you do?

Okay, I can still do this.

Even as regular old me
I can do this.



Seabrook wins the game!

I did it! Yes!


Stage two.

Stage two.






Okay, excuse me.

Excuse me.

Stage three.

Bonzo and Eliza.




My plan is working.

I thought of everything.


So how do we stop the monster
from eating our brains?


Didn't think of that.




Together we can take them.

Yep, totally.


She's much tastier.





Zed, Zed, Zed.

Take my hand.

Everything will be okay.

Just listen to me.

No, no, no.

Where are you taking him?

No, please.

Zed, please come back.

No! Please.

Addison, stay back.

No! No!

Hey! Hey!

Threat neutralized,
we're bringing them in.


Hey! These are my friends.

We don't have human friends.

We told you, Addy.

Zombies are not safe.

Give them an inch-

And they'll bite
your face off.

They'll bite
your face off.


That's my son
you're talking about!

I suggest you move along,
Mr. Necrodopolous.

I'll make sure they look
after him. I'm sorry.

Come on.

Zed, please!

Addy, I'm sorry.

Maybe they're right.

Maybe we shouldn't
be together.

What? No.

Don't say that.




You did this to him.

All of you.

He was your monster!

You made him feel like he had
to risk his life to belong!

Because you couldn't deal
with someone different!

But you had no problem
using him

to win your stupid game!

♪ I want to scream, ♪

♪ Top of my lungs, ♪

♪ Not sitting back, ♪

♪ Won't hold my tongue, ♪

♪ No, some things ♪
♪ are different, ♪

♪ Than we thought, ♪

♪ There's more to life ♪
♪ than what we're taught, ♪

♪ I'm speaking up, ♪
♪ enough's enough, ♪

♪ 'Cause I can't go ♪
♪ on this way, ♪

♪ I gotta wake up ♪
♪ and be brave, ♪

♪ But I know I'll face ♪
♪ the fire if I say, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand strong, ♪

♪ Nothing's stopping me, ♪

♪ I'll be loud, ♪

♪ You'll hear me now, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand tall, ♪

♪ Take it to the top, ♪

♪ I'll be free, ♪

♪ can't bring me down, ♪

♪ So I'll rise, ♪
♪ won't turn back, ♪

♪ I won't hide who I am, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand, ♪


♪ Done living life ♪
♪ inside the lines, ♪

♪ Following the rules ♪
♪ and playing nice, ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm stepping up ♪
♪ with all my strength, ♪

♪ Even if they think ♪
♪ it's a mistake, ♪

♪ Won't turn my back, ♪
♪ won't close my eyes, ♪

♪ On the edge, ♪

♪ I'll risk it all, ♪

♪ It's worth the chance ♪
♪ that I might fall, ♪

♪ So I'm not backing down, ♪

♪ Believe when I say, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand, ♪

♪ yeah, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand, ♪

♪ oh, ♪

♪ How can I just forget, ♪

♪ All the things in my head, ♪

♪ Just stand, ♪

♪ Oh, ♪

♪ You just stand, ♪

♪ And if I stand ♪
♪ will I fall, ♪

♪ Trying to knock down ♪
♪ these walls, ♪

♪ What if I don't know ♪
♪ where I stand, ♪

♪ Stand, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand strong, ♪

♪ Nothing's stopping me, ♪

♪ I'll be loud, ♪

♪ you'll hear me now, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand tall, ♪

♪ Take it to the top, ♪

♪ I'll be free, ♪

♪ Can't bring me down, ♪

♪ So I'll rise, ♪

♪ won't turn back, ♪

♪ I won't hide who I am, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand, ♪

♪ yeah, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand, ♪

♪ yeah, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand, ♪

♪ yeah, ♪

♪ I'm gonna stand, ♪


Alright get out.

We spent some time
in zombie containment.

Not fun.

But it's all my fault.

I thought I was doing
something right

by doing something wrong.

But now all zombies are
getting software updates.

No more tweaking them.

Sweet. Eliza,
they have wifi now.

Too soon?

Cheerleaders steal my computer,
sabotage everything,

yet zombies get the blame.

It was stupid of us to think
humans were gonna change.

You know what?

We tried doing it
the nice way,

now it's time to do it
my way, alright?

We'll have a zombie uprising.

Force them to make us equal
or we tear it all down.

I've been waiting
my whole life, alright?

I'm sick of waiting.

Your father and I have been
so worried.

What were you thinking?


You could have died
adjusting your Z-band, Zed.

You don't have to change
who you are, son.

I love who you are.

Yeah, but they don't.

Let's get inside.

With the cheer championship
a few hours away,

Bucky is purging anyone
who isn't anti-zombie.

And that's a lot of people.

What is this?


Zombie flare?

You're cut!


Look at this.

More zombie apparel.

You're cut!

Thank you!

This isn't good.

Bucky, what're you doing?

Don't doubt me.

We are cheerleaders.

We are flawless.

And that is why
we will be perfect

at the cheer
championship tonight.

So we are going to start at
the beginning and go over it.

Over and over.

Get into position!

I can't believe
they're sending us back

to zombie-only school.

They say it's temporary but
Eliza didn't even show up

to school to clean out
her locker.

You got all
of her stuff, right?


Eliza's gonna sabotage




The cheer championship.


Well, come on.
We gotta stop her, dude!

[ANNOUNCER] It's been
a tremendous day here

at the Regional
Cheer Championships.


And we've already seen
a number of

high-flying performances.

You could say they've been

Well, you can say that.

I wouldn't.

It's a- it's a
made up word, so...


We're up next.

How is this gonna work?

We're not even half a team.

We'll be great.

I can feel it in my gut.

It feels like a pit
in my stomach.

Well, that is not good,

We're gonna crush this.



I've always dreamed of
cheering here.

Just soaring in the air
as the crowd roared.

Flying higher than
anyone's ever flown.

That was a stupid dream.

No. You will fly.

Some day.

As soon as this town
gets over itself.

I thought your parents
didn't want you out in public

with your real hair.

They don't.

But they can't make me
hide it anymore.

I'm not leaving this seat.

No way.

My dad's whole patrol couldn't
get me out of this seat.

I don't know, Bonzo.

She has to be here somewhere.


It's Zed!


Um, I'm gonna leave my seat.





No, no, no, no, no.
Put that away!

Stop. Stop.
Everybody stop.

Ow! Get off of me,
you big lug!

Eliza, you can't do this.


♪ Enjoy the cheer championship ♪
♪ with some fellow zombies? ♪




I'm deeply offended.

I'd never.

Okay, maybe just
a little sabotage.

Ruining the cheer championship

is only gonna prove
their worst fears.

That zombies are monsters.

They think that anyway.

At least you have the guts
to stand up for yourself.

I say do it.

Okay, you know what,

You're not gonna change
my mind.

Wait, you agree with me?

Okay, I like this girl.

Sabotage isn't
the zombie way.

It's not who we are.

It's not who you are.

I'm not a monster.
I'm a zombie.

You're a cheerleader.

You're not gonna change
the world through sabotage.

You change the world
through cheer.

Okay, um, so no sabotage?

No sabotage, Eliza.

That's not who I am.

That's not who we are.

Seabrook's up next!


Put your hands together
for our defending champions,

a team that needs
no introduction-

But since we're doing it anyway,

it might as well be
over-blown and flashy.

Here are the almighty
outtasighty Seabrook Shrimp

that are mighty!


Go Seabrook!

Go Mighty Shrimps!

Go Seabrook!

The sweetest type of sabotage.



Seconds in and Seabrook
is literally falling apart.

Get off the stage, Bucky!

What's that sound?

I- I think they're booing us.

Oh, there seems to be
technical difficulties

with Seabrook's audio track.

You have one job.

Let's go Seabrook Cheer!

Get off the stage, zombie!



What is she doing?

She's changing things.

By cheering.

But that's not
how change works.

You can't just change things
with one person

and a pair of pom poms.

Yeah, you're right.

It's gonna take more than
just one person.

It's gonna take all of us.

Like they'll ever see us
as normal.

They won't.

Because we're not normal.

And they need to see that.

Zombies celebrate
their differences.

So let's go out there
and celebrate.

Cheer championship style.

You guys in?


So this is a revolution?

Yeah, this is our revolution.

Okay, but does it have
to be cheer, though?

Come on.

Bucky, things can change.

Look, change
is happening, Bucky.

And we're not going away.

So you can either
fight us and lose

or you can be a part of it.

I can't.

I guess we need
a new captain.

Alright, here's the plan.

We're gonna let
our freak flags fly.


Zombies and cheerleaders
are on the floor together!

You are watching history unfold.


♪ Been waiting ♪
♪ for this day to come ♪

♪ and it was all so clear, ♪

♪ Since I was a little girl ♪
♪ I saw me standing here, ♪

♪ All the times they told me ♪
♪ walk away I said forget it, ♪

♪ You know where ♪
♪ you are headed, ♪

♪ And we are gonna get it, ♪

♪ Takin' it right to the top, ♪

♪ We ain't got no doubts, ♪

♪ Together we can build it up, ♪

♪ Can you hear us now, ♪

♪ Yeah, we see the future, ♪

♪ It's looking really bright, ♪

♪ Yeah, that's where ♪
♪ we're headed, ♪

♪ And we know how to get it, ♪

♪ We were made for this, ♪

♪ There's nothing ♪
♪ we can't do, ♪

♪ We came to play, ♪

♪ We're here to stay, ♪

♪ And win the day, ♪

♪ 'Cause ♪

♪ we were made for this, ♪

♪ Didn't come here to lose, ♪

♪ We came to play, ♪

♪ We're here to stay, ♪

♪ What's left to say. ♪

♪ When we know. ♪

♪ We know nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ No! ♪

♪ Come on, ♪
♪ let me hear you say, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ You're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ No! ♪

♪ Come on, ♪
♪ let me hear you say, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ You're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪



They're good, right?


The only thing
they're missing

is the best cheerleader
I ever saw.

I'm good.

So are you.

I know.



♪ We were made for this, ♪

♪ There's nothing ♪
♪ we can't do, ♪

♪ We came to play, ♪

♪ We're here to stay, ♪

♪ And win the day, ♪

♪ 'Cause ♪

♪ we were made for this, ♪

♪ Didn't come here to lose, ♪

♪ We came to play, ♪

♪ We're here to stay, ♪

♪ What's left to say, ♪

♪ When we know, ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ No! ♪

♪ Come on, ♪
♪ let me hear you say, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ You're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ No! ♪

♪ Come on, ♪
♪ let me hear you say, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ You're fired up, ♪


That's the nicest thing
anyone's ever said to me.

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ You're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna ♪
♪ get in our way, ♪

♪ No, ♪

♪ Come on, ♪
♪ let me hear you say, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪

♪ You're fired up, ♪

♪ We're fired up, ♪



Cheer-tastic, indeed!


Who would have ever thought
that a zombie and a cheerleader-

Could change the world

and have their happily
ever after?



I gar-gargiza you, too.

Go Seabrook!


We didn't win the cheer

but we did something
even better.

We brought everyone together and
we threw an awesome block party.

And even my parents came.

Hey Zoey, look what
Addison got you.

A puppy!

My very own puppy!

Zander, this is puppy.



♪ Ready for action ♪

♪ Yeah, we 'bout to blow up ♪

♪ Party's going down ♪

♪ But we 'bout to go up ♪

♪ We got your back ♪

♪ No need to have worries ♪

♪ Now we're all cool ♪
♪ At first it was scary ♪

♪ And we can do a lot ♪
♪ with a little ♪

♪ Call on your friends when ♪
♪ you're caught in the middle ♪

♪ And you should do the same ♪
♪ like I do the same ♪

♪ You should be yourself, ♪
♪ that's the coolest thing ♪

♪ I'm about to show you ♪

♪ I'm about to show you ♪

♪ Guess nobody told you ♪

♪ Nobody told you? ♪

♪ I'm about to put in work ♪

♪ Listen, this is our turf ♪

♪ Bam! ♪

♪ Oh man, oh man ♪

♪ You're the man ♪

♪ Look at you, ♪
♪ do it like I can ♪

♪ Bam! ♪

♪ Oh man, oh man ♪
♪ I'm a fan ♪

♪ Understand ♪
♪ this is Zombieland ♪

♪ Bam! ♪

♪ Oh man, oh man ♪
♪ You're the man ♪

♪ Look at you, ♪
♪ do it like I can ♪

♪ Bam! ♪

♪ Oh man, oh man ♪

♪ You're the man ♪
♪ with the plan ♪

♪ Now we do our dance ♪

♪ Bam! ♪

♪ You're in Zombieland ♪

♪ I'm in Zombieland ♪

♪ We're in Zombieland ♪

♪ Watch me do it like bam! ♪

♪ You're in Zombieland ♪

♪ I'm in Zombieland ♪

♪ We're in Zombieland ♪

♪ Watch me do it like bam! ♪

♪ You're in Zombieland ♪

♪ I'm in Zombieland ♪

♪ We're in Zombieland ♪

♪ Watch me do it like bam! ♪


Watch it come together

Be the best one ever

because it's our time

This is gonna be our year

Been waiting
for this moment

Yeah we're gonna own it

You can watch us shine

This is gonna be our year

Our year

Our year

Our, our, our year

Our year

Our year

This is gonna be our year

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