01x16 - Under Pressure

Episode transcripts for the TV show "According to Jim". Aired: October 3, 2001 to June 2, 2009.*
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A comedy following a suburban macho husband, wife and their three children.
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01x16 - Under Pressure

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, my beauties!
I'm home!

Hey, honey.
How was your day?


Anything new
happen at work?


Thank you.
Where are the girls?

Outside. Oh! Hey, ruby got
an "a" on her math test.

Well, she got a smiley face,

Which isn't quite as good
as a star, but it's close.

And gracie was eating
an orange

And she choked, you know,
on the middle part

Where it's like a rope.

Anyway, she threw up,
but at least she's eating fruit.

Since when is a smiley face
not as good as a star?

What kind of school
are we sending this girl to?


Hey, there you are.
I've been looking for you girls.

How are ya?
What's goin' on?

Guess what! I ate a whole
orange and threw it up,

And it was all orange!

I know.
You're a big girl!

Daddy, come out
and play with us.

Okay, I'll tell you what --

You guys go outside,
I'll hide in here,

And when I'm done, I'll come out
and tell you where I was!


All right!
Go on, girls.

Oh, I'm hiding,
I'm hiding.

Oh, sweetie,
you know what?

I've been
with the kids all day,

And I really need
to finish dinner.

Would you help me out?

Sure, sure.

Oh, thanks, honey.

Okay, I'm done hiding.
Here I come!

Ahhhh. Sucker!

Mommy, daddy's jumping
on my pogo stick!

That's great,

[ Squeaking ]

Ohh! [ Thud ]

Ooh! Ooh!

Oh, my god, honey!
What happened?

"Fun for all ages" --
what a load of crap!


Daddy hurt his knee.

And then he said
a bad word.

Five times.

In a row.

Honey, if they don't
learn it from me,

They're gonna pick it up
on the street.


Oh, baby.

Okay, we're here --
right here.

I got it.
I got it.


I got it.
I got it.

[ Groans ]


Okay, cheryl,
cheryl, cheryl.


Okay, cheryl, cheryl.


I'm fine. I don't even
know why we're here.


Oh, cheryl,

Go over there and take
some of those rubber gloves.

Forget it!

Oh, come on! They get 'em
free from the glove guy.

I am not stealing.

Cheryl, come on!
We take some home,

Blow 'em up,
paint faces on 'em --

They'll keep the kids
entertained for hours.



Dr. Butello! Hi!
I'm fine! Hi!

Okay. Jim, I checked
your x-ray

Nothing's broken.

Is that tender?

It's just as tender

As it was the last time
you squeezed it.

All right, I'm gonna give you
an anti-inflammatory
for the pain,

But first I want
to check and make sure

It's not gonna interact with
your blood-pressure medicine.

All right?
I'll be back in a minute.

Uh, okay, w-- uh,
blood-pressure medicine?

Jim, what is he
talking about?

Have you been taking
blood-pressure medicine?

Well, I don't know, honey.

If it's on the chart there,
it must be true.

I'm not a doctor.


How long has
this been going on?

Ah, a couple weeks.


A couple months!
Six months, honey!


This is serious!
How could you not tell me?!

What the hell is wrong
with you?

She stole
rubber gloves!

I just don't understand
how you kept this from me.

I mean, I never saw you
take any pills.

I was grindin' them up
in my beer.


I am so mad at you,

And I want to
yell at you,

But I'm afraid you'll
get all upset and die.

Why didn't you
tell me this?!

I did. I wrote it in a letter
and mailed it to you.

But I might have got
the address wrong.

You still live at ...

Not for much longer.

I didn't want to tell you
because I just didn't
want you to worry.

Well, you have to
at least give me
the option to worry.

You're treating me
like one of the kids.

Oh, okay,

I'll go get you
an ice pack.

Hold on.

Honey, it is no big deal.

Men have
high blood pressure.

That's the price we pay
for goin' out in the world

And bringin' home the bacon.

Which you could eat less of,
while we're on the subject.

Not until they make
a bacon patch.

Hey, how's jim's knee?

Oh, just bruised.

The doctor told him
to take it easy
for a few days.

Ooh, good luck
slowin' down that dynamo.

Thank you
for babysitting.
I really owe you one.

Oh, great,
because I need to borrow
your black wraparound dress,

No questions asked.

Okay. Why do you
want to borrow it?

Carrie's getting married!

Oh, my god!
Andy's ex-girlfriend?!

This is gonna k*ll him!

I know. I know.
I don't want to hurt him,

But I've known carrie
since college.

I introduced
the two of 'em.

You know, if she's
getting married,
he's gonna find out.

Yeah, you're right.
I should probably
just tell him.

No, don't, don't.
Let me tell him.

You've always been
a little rough on andy.

I have not!

Remember how you told
him the dog died?

You put it in his bed!

He was four! I thought
he needed a visual!

Jim: cheryl! Ice!

Just let me handle this.

Ohh. What was that

Oh, dana was just
telling me about this --

I already don't care.

Hey, honey, you know what would
make my knee feel a lot better?


Some nachos.

No. You are cutting
back on snacking,

You're gonna exercise
more -- or at all,

And we're gonna have
to do something

About your stress level,

Keeping stuff all bottled up
inside is not healthy.

Cheryl, you're my wife.

How I feel about things
is none of your business.

Look, jim, I really want
you to talk to me more --

I mean it, like if
something happens at work

Or if you're upset
or worried.

Not me, hon.
It's not the guy I am, honey.

I don't share well.

You're willing
to blow off steam
at total strangers,

Like yelling at waiters
or holding up traffic

So you can yell at
some guy in a tollbooth.

They've been collecting
quarters for years.

That bridge is
more than paid for.

Oh, honey.

I love you.

Every day I look
forward to you walking
through that door.

I don't know what
I would do if something
happened to you.


Would you cry?


Would you cry a lot?

[ Chuckles ]

Would you cry so hard
you threw up?

All over the place.

All right.


I'll tell you how I feel.

Thank you.

I feel like nachos.

Well, hello, people
I see every day.


Hi, baby.
How are you, girls?

Daddy, come
to our tea party.

You could
pour the tea.

All right, but don't let me
sit next to bear,

'Cause we don't get along.

Girls, you know what?

Daddy really needs
to take it easy,

So why don't you guys
go start the tea party,

And I'll bring you
cookies in a minute.

Okay, mommy.

Thank you, sweeties.

And you...

I want you to sit over here
and do nothing.


That might be
my favorite thing
to do...

Maybe of all time.

Come on over here
and do nothing with me.

Hey, honey,
do you want a drink?

Red wine is supposed
to lower your
blood pressure.

That sounds great...
But make it a beer.


How was your day?


Jim, we talked
about this.

I really want to know
how your day was.

All right.


Let's see.

the tile guy, quit.

And how did that
make you feel?

Like I need a new tile guy.

No, jim. How did it
make you feel?

Like, did it upset you,
did it frustrate you?

No. This is frustrating me.

Look, if we're
gonna reduce
your stress level,

I really need a little
bit of help here.

[ Sighs ] all right.
The guy ticked me off, okay?

I mean,
he left me high and dry.

Oh, honey.


And I think he stole
my putty knife.

Oh, sweetie.

Oh, and that
really upset me.


Oh, this feels so good.

Oh, honey.

Oh, you know what?

You have some knots
in your back.

I'm gonna go get
some massage oil, okay?


Hey, you know what, gary?

We play this right,

We could spend the rest
of our lives in pajamas!

Hey, cheryl.
Got your message.
What's up?

Yeah, andy, why don't
you come sit down.


Do you remember that
friend of dana's
from college,

That blonde?

You mean carrie

Who I went out with
for six months?

Yeah. This may be
kinda hard for you to hear.

Carrie's getting married.

Oh, my god.

[ Exhales ]

I-if we didn't break up

And if I got along
with her parents

And -- and if she
still loved me...

That could've been me.

Oh, honey, at least you
have your memories.

Yeah, and some of her
stuff that wouldn't burn.

Actually, I still have to
give her back her bike.

Oh, it's gonna be so
awkward to see her again.

You know what?
Why don't you
let me do that?

You know, you tend
to get a little
overly emotional

When it comes to carrie.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

You do it.


Well, I smelled it coming up
the driveway,

I smelled it in the garage.

Tell me it's true.

Yup. Carrie's
getting married.

[ Sniffs ] no,
that's not the smell.

I'm making


And it's healthy.

I made it with
nonfat cheese.

Wow! That oughta
be real bland!


Hey, girls.

Girls, what do you have
to say to daddy?

We love you.

And you never have
to play with us.

I knew inside this family

There was a better family
trying to get out.

would you do me a favor?

Take the girls upstairs,
help them clean their room.

All right,
um, girls, come on.

Wow. Hey, kyle.
How are ya?

Everybody's gone.
It's nice and quiet.

So how was your day?

It was good.


Now, what do you
mean by "good"?

Well, I mean, you know,

Maurice, the tile guy,
came back,

And I found my putty knife.

I forgot I left it
in the kitchen.

I was making
a sandwich with it.

Fine, jim.

Wait, where you going,
mrs. Magic fingers?

No, no, honey.
That's fine.

Keep it all
bottled up inside.

All right.

Let's see.

There was one thing.

Oh, really?

Well, honey, why
don't you tell
me about it.

That's what
I'm here for.

Well, you know
the anderson job?

Yeah. What happened?

Well, they ran into a little
financial trouble,

And they filed chapter .

Wow, that's bankruptcy,
isn't it?

Yup. So we gotta eat
about $ , in costs.

Wow. $ , .
That's a lot of money.

But, you know what,

I'm sure another job
will come along,

And we are gonna
be just fine.

You know, you're right.

I do feel better
talking about it.

Aw, good, honey.

Now, you know what
I want you to do now?

I want you to go in,
sit in your chair,

Put your feet up,
while I finish dinner.

I love this family!


Now, honey, I want you
to just relax. Okay?


Kyle, we're goin' under.

Oh, man,
I had a horrible dream.

They still make tater tots,
don't they?

What's goin' on?

Oh, you know how
when I can't sleep

I like to give myself
really hard math problems?

Look. What do you know?

Pluto really does have
an elliptical orbit!

Well, let's go to bed.

Hold on.
Hold on, cheryl.

bank statements --

I can put two
and two together.

What's going on here?

Okay. I think I found
a solution to our
money problems.

What money problems?

I'm gonna take out
a second mortgage
on the house

To help cover your losses
on the anderson job.


You don't have
to do that, honey.

What are you doing?

Come on,
things fall apart

In the construction
industry all the time.

That's why we're
always moving

From one job
to the next one
before we finish.

That's why people
hate us!

I had to do something!

Would you please not
eat these?!

No! No! They're fat-free.
They're good for me.

Not by the dozen.

See, this is why
I don't share, okay?

You say you want
to hear my problems.

I tell you one, and you go
completely nuts!

Protecting your family
is not nuts.

Now, pretending
you're blind

To try to get a free dog,

That's nuts.

Those idiots deserved
to get ripped off.

They didn't even try to stop
me when I drove away.

Jim, this is serious.

What are we gonna do?

Sit down.


You know what you need,


Is a nice, relaxing

Ohh, yeah. Oh.

Good night, honey.

Okay, cheryl.
Here's carrie's bike.

You said you'd
take it back.

You wrecked her bike?

Actually, it fell off
the roof on the way over.


Then I nudged it
to the curb
with my car...

Or times.

Cheryl, this dress looks
too good on me.

I don't want to upstage carrie
at her own wedding.

You're going to
carrie's wedding?

I thought you were
gonna tell him.

You knew she was going
to the wedding?

Oh, I'm sorry, andy.

I didn't want your
feelings to get hurt.

You see, cheryl? I should've
just told him myself.

What were you gonna do,
put a sick dog in my bed?

It was dead, andy.

Oh, god.

You guys,
jim's home, okay?

And he's already

About the anderson
job falling through,

What? That didn't
fall through.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
Jim told me
they went bankrupt,

And you guys lost
all that money.

No. That was like
a month ago.

Everything's fine now.
We-we got paid.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

If there's any way at all

You could keep my name
out of this...


Trouble with
the paperboy?

You know, guys,

Jim looks like he's had
sort of a rough day.

Would you run in and get us
a glass of wine?

I'd kind of like to stay.


Hey, baby.

So, honey, how's it going
with the anderson job?

Oh, you know what?

That worked out
just fine.

They got the money.

Oh, that's
I know!

Um, how?

Let's see, uh...

Well, here's a funny story.

You know what?

They found a deed to a gold mine
behind one of the paintings.

You lied to me!

You're gonna have
to be more specific.

The anderson job.
Andy told me all about it.

You've gotta keep me
in the lie loop.

Jim, I almost remortgaged
our house.

This is maybe the stupidest
thing you've ever done.

Honey, watch the yelling.

I have high blood pressure.

Why would you lie to me
about something like this?

Honey, I don't know.
I didn't plan to.

It's just -- I told
you what you wanted
to hear, that's all.

What are you
talking about?

All right, look,
when I came home that day...


I told you that there
was nothing wrong.

But then you kept asking
questions and pushing.

Come on, admit it.

You wanted me to
have a problem

So you can swoop
down and fix it.

That is so not true.

I don't swoop down
and fix things.

Actually, you are
kind of a swooper.

Well, like how you
were gonna tell andy

About the carrie thing.

It's okay. You're just trying
to make things right.

Whereas you are
a backstabber.

You like to s*ab
people in the back.

Yeah, thanks
for decoding that.

Face it, cheryl.

You always make other people's
problems your problems.

That's why you always get
in the middle of things,

Like andy and dana.

Well, I'm sorry.

So I like
to help people.

You know, cheryl,
my therapist says what you do

Is called
compulsive caretaking.

See? It's a disease.

Oh, I see.

So I'm sick.


Wha-- I'm sick

Because I like to take care
of the people I love?

Good. Good, cheryl.
That's good.

Admitting that you
have a problem

Is the first step
of getting better.

And we're gonna fight
this thing together

Till you never help
another person again.

Hey, honey.

Hey, honey.

So, uh...

Aren't you gonna
ask me about
how my day went?



That's good.

That's great, cheryl.

You know, at work today,
I had a little problem.

The pickup truck
broke down,

And, gee,
I don't know whether
I should just fix that

Or buy a new one.

It's your call, sweetie.

[ Chuckles ]

What's this?

Dinner -- steak.

I can eat red meat?

Yeah. About your potato,
what do you want --

Butter, sour cream,
or both?

Honey, if I can have butter
and sour cream,

I don't need a potato.

[ Laughs ]


I'm gonna eat it now.

Here it goes.

Cow's goin'
into the barn.

Bon appetit, jim.

All right, all right,
all right.

What are you trying
to do?

You trying to k*ll me
with this steak?

No, honey.

I heard what you said,
and, you know, you're right.

People don't need me
helping them all the time.

Good. Good.

That's really good,

You learned a lesson --

Nobody's perfect.

I'm sure I have
faults, too.


All right! All right!

All right, that's it!

You know, you're sucking
all of the fun out of this.


Well, i-i-i miss it.

I'd love your
annoying stuff.

You know, your annoying
little questions

And your red wine

And your nonfat cheese
and "buckle your seat belt"

And "put some
sunscreen on"

And "put some pants on."

But, jim, you said
I had a disease.

It's a good one.

Come on, honey, face it.

If it weren't for you,
I'd be pounds,

With no kids,

Eating beans out of
a can in hobo town.

I mean, all this stuff
you do, you know,

Makes me know
that you love me.

Are you sharing
your feelings with me?


I'm just trying
to tell you that,

You know, I love you.

That's a feeling.

All right,
don't get cocky.

So we're gonna talk
about stuff?

[ Sighs ]
all right.

But if I come home,
and I have nothing to say,

I'm not gonna say anything.

That's fair.

Oh, and also,
I don't want to
hear about your day.

[ Laughs ]

So, this is for me?

No, actually,
that's mine.

This is for you.

You know what would
go with this?


A side of pizza.


How about a beer?


Put the steak down.


Hey, honey.

Hi, honey.
How was your day?

Well, let's see.

I was happy...




Then I steered
my way back to happy.

What's for dinner?

Soy burgers.

Then I was
a little annoyed.
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