01x08 - Eggheads

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sonic Boom". November 8, 2014 - October 4, 2017.*
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Sonic and friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman who is taking over the world.
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01x08 - Eggheads

Post by bunniefuu »


I don't care what anyone says.

Meh Burgers
are the best burgers.

Mm! It's like Mardi Gras
in my mouth.

Only no one in my mouth
is handing out beads.

[all] Huh?

What will he do
with that skateboard?

I think he's gonna ride it.

[all] Ooh!

What? He's riding a skateboard.
How is that impressive?

He's got serious
street-wise style.

He's jumping six inches
off the ground.

Radical speed!

[villagers gasp]

Oh, for the love of--

Wow, those were
some sweet moves!

Thanks, bro.

You hear that?
He called me bro.

Yeah, I heard.
He's quite a wordsmith.

It's Swifty. Swifty the Shrew.

I don't see
what the fuss is about.

He's just a shrew
in gaudy clothes.

I got it.

You... caught my burger.

Radical... speed.

Radical speed.

Give me a break. I can feed
people sandwiches. Watch.

[coughs] Hey, lay off, man!

Help! Help! My baby!

Somebody needs
to help that baby.

Say no more, compadre bromigo.

Time for some...

[all except Sonic]
Radical speed.


[excited gasps]
-Well, I'm saving the day too.

Time for some rescuing baby...

action... hero-ness?

I'll figure out
a catchphrase later.

[all] Wow!

Ow, my retinas!

Get your fresh glue here.


Remember, when you need a hero
with style, give me a call.

I'm Swifty the Shrew.

Catch you around,
dudes... and lady-dudes.

I'd love to be his lady-dude.

Me too. Oh!

Fainting party!


Lousy Swifty and his lousy
in-your-face streetwise style.

Lousy hip urban lingo.

Did you see the way he pulled
down his sunglasses and winked?

Oh, he's perfect.

I know. If he ever visited me,
I'd disable all my booby traps.

You never disable
your booby traps.

I know!


This is one bodacious
radical flying machine,

duderino bro-guy.

Duderino bro-guy?

[both] Totally radical


Hey, that's my best friend
you're bonding with, punk.

Whoa, chillax, blue man.
What's the big dealio?

The big dealio
is I'm sick of you.

I'm sick
of your gelled-back fur

and I'm sick of your hip urban
lingo with words like dealio.

Let's not go aggro, brozilla.

Can't help
if I'm more handsome, styling

and totally faster than you.

You're not faster than me.

Bro, you've got speed,
but not radical speed.

Stop saying that!
It's not even a thing.

Radical speed
is totally a thing.

A race around the village
will prove it isn't.

Ah, sounds dope.
Winner gets bragging rights.

-And the loser leaves town.

Wait... what?

If you don't think
you've got the skills...

I've got the skills all right.

I'm so full of skills that
they're leaking out of my ears.

Not literally.
That would be disgusting.

See you at the race.

Man, can you believe that guy?
What a lameoid.

That lameoid
is my best friend.

-That didn't come out right.
-Swifty, you're the lameoid.

You're one thousand times
the lameoid that Sonic is.

But look at my flashy threads
and fly shades.

Yeah, look at his
flashy threads and fly shades.


Swifty, get out.

So long, losers. Swifty out!


Ladies and gentlemen,
prepare for the race of a lifetime.

The winner will have
the right to brag

whenever and wherever he wants.

The loser will um...
let's see now...

be banished from the village

That seems a little harsh,
but rules are rules.


Racers, on your marks.

Get set.


How the--

What if Sonic doesn't win?

He'll win.
Nobody's faster than Sonic.

Radical speed!

Radical shut your pie hole!


OK, I won.

This is the part
where everyone cheers.


Radical smoothie.

He won? With time
to get a smoothie? But... how?

I passed him. I saw it.

Something smells fishy
about this race.

I told you! I have
irritable bowl syndrome.

Ahem. I think it's time for
someone to be all banished, yo.

Sonic the Hedgehog,

in accordance
with town byelaw ,

subsection B paragraph ,

I hereby declare you...
uh... banished.




I can't accept
that Sonic is gone.

But Sonic is gone! Ha-ha!

You all fell victim to the
charms of my greatest robot yet.

-A robot?
-More like an army of robots.

[all] Radical speed!

Sonic didn't lose the race.

There were just multiple
Swifties all along the track.

I call shenanigans!

It's too late for shenanigans.

Now, without your precious
hedgehog hero to stop me,

I can finally fulfil
my lifelong evil dream.

Building my own theme park.

That doesn't sound very evil.

It might even create new jobs.


In my theme park empire

your entire village will be
forced to wait in long lines,

buy overpriced merch

and eat week-old turkey legs
covered in preservatives.

[all shriek]

And remember,
it all started with a shrew.

[all scream]


We need Sonic!


Get Sonic back!

Oh, well, it's not that simple.
He's been banished.

Then un-banish him.

I can't just un-banish someone.

Un-banishing requires an
assembly of the village council.

Then assemble them.

I suppose I could do that.

I hereby call to order
the un-banishing proceedings.

OK, let's see.
Hedgehog comma Sonic.

Middle name: The.

Now, where oh where
is his -Q B form?

Just do it already!

All in favour
of un-banishing Sonic

so he can save our lives,
say "aye".

[all] Aye!

-All opposed?

I hereby declare Sonic

-[Over radio] Un-banished.
-Go ahead.

[all] Unradical!

[all cheer]

My theme park!

I was gonna make a k*lling
off that merch.



Catch you later, Eggface.

-I did it!

I have a catchphrase.

[clears throat]
Catch you later, Eggface.

[all laugh politely]

Catch you... later... Eggface.

[all groan]

Let's not k*ll it, son.
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