01x12 - Circus of Plunders

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sonic Boom". November 8, 2014 - October 4, 2017.*
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Sonic and friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman who is taking over the world.
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01x12 - Circus of Plunders

Post by bunniefuu »


Hey, where you headed?

To collect gum tree berries
for my holiday wreaths.

Exploding berries?

Grenades for when the holidays
get out of hand?

No. They just look nice
on your door.

Pretty things attract
government agents. And possums.

And you know
how horrible they smell.

The possums too.

I'll take that chance.

See you when I get back
from Hidden Meadows.

Hidden Meadows?
How will you get there?

Well, I was gonna go through
Hazard Jungle, past Peril River,

over Danger Falls,
through Pleasant Gardens

and round Jeopardy Lake.

Are you kidding me?

You won't make it
through Pleasant Gardens.

I got to teach you
some survival skills.


What are we laughing at?

If anyone should teach Amy
survival skills, it's me.

After Eggman, surviving
in the wilderness is a piece of...



I'm OK.

I'll use my survival skills
to fashion a ladder out of water.

Tails, pull me up.

Great work, Tails.
You passed Well Rescue.

See, I can teach anyone.

How about Knuckles?

I bet that I can teach Amy
survival skills

better than you
can teach Knuckles.

-[Knuckles] Ow!

[munching] Mmm! This is tasty.

And the losers have to do
the winners' laundry for a month.

That's not a fair bet.
Knuckles and I don't wear pants.

But I'll do it
just to teach you a lesson.

So we'll race
to Hidden Meadows.

That'll take a good four days

and some serious survival skills.

Ta-da! Gum tree berries.

It's teams, Sonic. You and Knuckles
versus Sticks and me.

To win,
both of you need to get there.

-Good luck with that.
-[Amy and Sticks giggle]

Well, team mate, I...

[Knuckles whimpers]

I thought you love nature.

I do! That doesn't mean
I know how to survive in it.

Well, even so,
this is gonna be a piece of...




OK, Team Sticks.

First, survival skills aren't

about crafting
and making things pretty.

It's using what you've got.

First up, building fires.


Let's try something simpler.
Knot tying.

I added cinnamon sticks to mine.

You can hang it in your closet
to freshen your clothes.

If you lock yourself in,

you can eat them
until you're rescued.

So I hear.

Finish up here.
I'll rustle up some dinner.



Oh, yeah. You're ready.

I wonder how the guys are doing.

Stay tuned
for "Survival Skills Made Easy".

Why would anyone watch that?

And now back to "Are You
Smart Enough To Feed Yourself?"

That's more like it.

The test to get on that show
is a lot harder than you think.

Uh... shouldn't you guys
be training?

I have to give in to nature...

Let the training begin. Mmm!


Should we be bringing food?

No, there's plenty of food
in the wild.

As referee for this race,
I want a clean competition.

No cheating.

You'll be deep in the woods,
so I won't know if you cheat.

Look, just don't cheat, OK?

Come on, you guys.

-My job is hard enough...

[Knuckles] Sonic? Where are you?

I think I'm lost.

North is that way.

That means it's exactly . .

We're right on schedule!

This is exactly what we need.


Uh-oh, it's . .
We'd better get going.

Wait for me!



There is no way we're eating
that adorable little thing.

He's too cute.

I've picked us
a nice woodland salad.





I can't get the fire started.

That's not how you start a fire.
Let me show you.


Ow! Ow! Knock it off!
Stop it! Ow! Ow!

This is just getting sad.

Ow! Ow!

If you guys admit
you lost the bet,

we'll help with the tent
and fire and share our food.

No way!

We've had a few setbacks
but this isn't over till it's over.

-Tomorrow's another day.
-Yeah, if you live to see it.

Here's some food, guys.

[both] Grrr!

-Give it here!
-It's mine!

Look what they've got us doing.


We're going
to have to use our brains.

Good idea. And while I'm doing that,
you think of something.

I got it.
We'll just follow them.

Then right before the finish line,
we'll run ahead and win.

Why were we so worried
seconds ago?

I don't even remember
seconds ago.


Look at those losers,

going to bed when there's
a whole night ahead of us.

Let's blindfold ourselves,
run into the forest

and see
if we can find our way back.

[both laugh]



Get up! They didn't wake us up
so we could follow them.

That's cheating.

We just have to figure out
which way they went.

I'll zip home
and grab a compass.

Let me try.


Phew! I thought we were lost.

-We are lost.

It's like watching lab rats
in a maze.

Lab rats aren't that clueless.
We'd better help them.

[Knuckles] Ow! I stepped
on my hand. Get off me, me!

You think?

Which way did the girls go?

Not to worry...
I'll use my tracking skills.

They must have gone that way.

But what if an animal picked up
the boomerang and left it there?

We're going that way.

Look, a compass!

Ugh! Gah!

Why did you do that?

Nobody tells Knuckles
which way is north.

OK, this time
they can't miss the clues.

Even for them
this'll be a piece of...



That was freaky. Where are we?

I bet
it's an abandoned m*ssile silo.

It's always
some crazy conspiracy with you.

What makes you think
it's a m*ssile silo?

The m*ssile.

"Eggman m*ssile Industries.
A subsidiary of Eggman Fun Toys."

We heard you scream.
You guys OK?

-Never better.
-You sure you're OK?

-Now get us out of here!

Oh, we will...
after we get to the finish line

our superior survival skills.

Don't go anywhere! [laughs]

OK, here's what we do.

I'll cut up the tent,

you put the rest of the food
on that console.

How do you know all this?

If I had a newspaper for every time
I fell into a m*ssile silo,

we could stack them
and climb out of here.

But they're all stacked
in my burrow

so we'll have to stick
to the original plan.

All set.

-OK, now what?
-Bird calls.

[chirps and tweets]

Come on! Peck! Peck!

-Almost there.

-Hey, you hear something?
-[Sticks and Amy] Yee-hah!

Yes! Winners!

[both laugh]

No fair!

Why not? Survival skills
are just using what you've got.

We... I... You guys
want to lead us home?


What happened to that m*ssile?

I stamped it "Return to sender".


I know that sound. Uh-oh.

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