01x19 - Sole Power

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sonic Boom". November 8, 2014 - October 4, 2017.*
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Sonic and friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman who is taking over the world.
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01x19 - Sole Power

Post by bunniefuu »


What's so awesome that you had
to bring me all the way here?

Check it out.
Voice-activated controls.

Start engine.


Huh. Let me try.

Give me a chocolate shake.

I asked for chocolate. Fail.


Still working out the kinks.

There's a towel
back at the workshop.


[all] Agh!

Uh... Voice Control,
I don't mean to be bossy but...

don't crash!





Voice-activated rocket thrusters

are a bad idea
if you're screaming.

I wouldn't have screamed
if you weren't making that noise.

What noise?
I didn't hear any noise.

Wait a minute.

Because you're faster
than the speed of sound,

you don't hear it.

I'll prove it wasn't me.

When I run and nothing happens
you're going to feel so dumb.


Now, that's just
circumstantial evidence.

I'll run a few tests to figure
out what's wrong with you.

I just can't figure out
what's wrong with you.

Until we get to the bottom
of this, don't run.

All right, no problem.

Sorry. Old habit.

Sonic, you were supposed
to bring the volleyball.

Oh, sorry.
I'll just zip home and get it.

And by "zip" I mean
walk slowly and deliberately.

Is this what average people do?

This is nuts.

Guys! Robot attack
at six o'clock.

I can't do six o'clock.
I have tickets to the opera.

-Wait, that's someone else.
-Behind you!

[Amy groans]


Sonic, we got this.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Way to go, Knucks. A left,
then a right, then another left.

Wait, which one am I on?

Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

How come he gets it and I don't?

Sticks, your best move
is a spin attack.

That's your move, not mine.



Yeah! Give them a taste of your
secret triple backflip move.

It's not a secret
if you tell everyone.

This ends now!

Hey! I thought
you were talking about them.

Sure, act like
you can do it without...


[all laugh]

So someone else
is sitting on the sidelines.

Eggman. Ugh!

Wait, what do you mean,
"someone else"?

I didn't send out
these crab-bots.

Orbot and Cubot were dusting

and accidentally hit a button
in the lair.

So you weren't behind this?

Looks like
you don't need to be a genius

to be an evil genius any more.

Makes me feel kind of unneeded.

Huh. I guess we have
something in common.

You eat popcorn
when you're depressed too?

Uh... no.


The sitting on the sidelines

Have some popcorn.
You'll feel better.

OK, the doctor is in.
Talk to me.

I'm your enemy but it doesn't
mean we can't be friends.

Sonic! Eggman's not your friend.

If you listen to him,
you'll end up tied to something.

I wouldn't want that to happen.

I don't think
this is a good idea, Sonic.

Well, you couldn't help me.
I'm kind of out of options here.

[sighs] Whenever I run,
there's this weird noise.

You know, that happens to Cubot
when he gets into the motor oil.

Let's go run some tests.


I see.

A classic case of velocity
to energy ratio incompatibility.

Why is it happening now?

It comes with age.
Like wisdom... and nose hair.

But not to worry,
I have what you need right here.

These shoes
have power-absorbent insoles.

They'll prevent the sound loop
that's causing the noise.

And they're machine-washable.


How do I know this isn't
another scheme of yours?

You think I'm planning
a secret blister attack?

If you don't want my help
you can always walk out of here.

OK, here goes nothing.

Hey, that really was nothing.
The noise is gone.

-Thanks, Egghead.
-Don't mention it, buddy.

Yeah! Sonic's back, baby.

Don't refer to yourself
in the third person. It's creepy.

Yeah. Knuckles hates that.

Wait. No noise!
I guess Eggman figured it out.

Yeah! Power-absorbent insoles.

Eggman actually helped me.

Or... it was part of a trap.

Sonic, I'd like you
to meet Giant Robot.

I didn't name him because I was
too busy planning this trap.

[Eggman] My turn!

It doesn't have a power source.
How is that even possible?


That's right, Sonic, run.

Sonic, stop!

Your shoes
are powering the robot.

The faster you move,
the stronger it gets.

Ooh, sneaky.
I wish I'd thought of that.

Oh, wait, I did.

Oh, well, that's easy to fix.


Oh, did I forget to mention?
They don't come off.

We'll see about that, Eggy.



I'm not saying it'll be easy.



Brrr! Yah!

If Sonic's not running,
why does the robot still have power?

Because the shoes store the
energy he generates. You see...

Are you really going to explain
how you did it?

The hardest part was playing
that sound every time Sonic ran.

I've prepared a presentation
that explains the whole scheme.


Do you know how long
it took me to prepare it?

I've prepared a presentation
that explains it step-by-step.

If you could only
see yourself right now.

I took your greatest strength
and made it into a weakness.

[Eggman laughs crazily]

[laughter continues]

Sonic, this is crazy.

No, it isn't. It's stupid.




No... it's brilliant!

Hey, wait. That's too much.

Seriously. Slow down!
It's overloading.

Now that we're done warming up,
Sonic's gonna go for a run.

Do you guys think it's creepy

when he refers to himself
in the third person?

[all] Yeah.
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