20x02 - Arc of Infinity - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x02 - Arc of Infinity - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

First Air Date: 5 January 1983
Running time: 24:42

MAXIL: Take them away.

ZORAC: Each and every time the Doctor returns to Gallifrey there's v*olence.

HEDIN: Perhaps it is we who should modify our approach.

ZORAC: He resisted the guard!

HEDIN: We send armed guards when a friendly face and a welcoming hand would have sufficed. Are you surprised that he resisted?

NYSSA: He's hurt. He must have proper medical attention.

MAXIL: He'll recover.

MAXIL: The compound is guarded. If you try to leave again, my men will sh**t to k*ll. See that the Doctor knows.

THALIA: Well, where is he?

CASTELLAN: The Doctor tried to evade security. Some force had to be used. He'll be brought here as soon as he's recovered.

THALIA: The situation is critical, Castellan.

CASTELLAN: Of that fact I am more than aware. If I may pass? I must give my report to the Lord President.

DOCTOR: Not the most welcoming return.

NYSSA: They've taken the main space-time element.

DOCTOR: That's the only way to keep me and the TARDIS here.

NYSSA: What do we do now?

DOCTOR: We need a link. Something to prove the connection between this creature and Gallifrey.

NYSSA: And how are we going to find that?

CASTELLAN: Maxil. The Doctor is secure?


CASTELLAN: The High Council wish to see him the moment he's recovered. And Maxil? See that he's there, or you answer to me.

TANNOY: KLM announces the arrival of the delayed flight from London.

STUART: Excuse me. Tegan Jovanka?


STUART: Robin Stuart.


STUART: I'm a friend of Colin's.

TEGAN: Hello. Colin told me you were travelling round together. Is he here?

STUART: I'm afraid not.

TEGAN: Oh. He is all right?

STUART: Look, let's go into town and I'll tell you all about it, okay?

MAXIL: You're to come with us, Doctor.

DOCTOR: There's no need for all the fire power.

MAXIL: They have orders to k*ll at the slightest sign of resistance.

DOCTOR: The Council Chamber, I suppose.


DOCTOR: My companion is not involved in this.

MAXIL: Move. My orders are to take you both.

TEGAN: Two coffees, please.

TEGAN: When did you last see Colin?

STUART: Well, it's difficult.

TEGAN: What do you mean, difficult?

STUART: It's hard to explain. He's disappeared.

TEGAN: Disappeared? Couldn't he have just wandered off?

STUART: You're not going to believe this.

DOCTOR: Councillors.

HEDIN: Doctor. A pleasure to see you again.

DOCTOR: And you, Hedin. Nyssa, my old friend, Councillor Hedin. Councillors, my companion, Nyssa of Traken.

THALIA: You are welcome to Gallifrey, Nyssa.

NYSSA: Thank you.

ZORAC: Well, Doctor, an unpleasant business, this. I'm sure you understand why the Lord President was forced to recall you.

DOCTOR: Given the chance, I would have returned willingly.

CASTELLAN: You've never proved as cooperative in the past.

THALIA: If you remember, you were asked to return Romana, and you failed to do so.

DOCTOR: Romana chose to stay in E-space.

HEDIN: That's all past history.

DOCTOR: Yes. Well, now that I'm here, Thalia, have you given any thought to what's happened?

THALIA: There hasn't been much time, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Has anyone checked to see if my biodata extracts have been removed from the Matrix, Castellan?

CASTELLAN: What are you suggesting, Doctor?

DOCTOR: I would have thought that was obvious. None of this could have happened unless the creature had that information.

CASTELLAN: I should have thought the most important

ZORAC: Councillors. The Lord President.

BORUSA: You too have regenerated.

DOCTOR: Indeed, President Borusa.

BORUSA: And Nyssa of Traken, isn't it? Sorry to have kept you waiting. Please be seated, Councillors.

BORUSA: This session of the High Council of Time Lords is now in progress.

TEGAN: It's the sort of thing the Doctor gets up to.

STUART: Doctor?

TEGAN: A friend of mine. Have you reported this to the police?

STUART: Of course, but do you think I could tell them the same story?

TEGAN: Colin has disappeared.

STUART: He's a foreign national, a hitchhiker. Unless there's proof of v*olence, they're not interested. It's the same in any country.

TEGAN: We'll see about that.

STUART: I can't get involved. What I've said is the truth, but I've lost my passport. I can't risk making a fuss.

TEGAN: Marvellous, isn't it. First I lose my job. Not to worry, I think. I'll go and see my favourite cousin, cheer myself up. Now this.

STUART: I'm sorry. What do you want to do?

TEGAN: Tell me your story again, every detail. Then we'll go to the police. It's all right. I'll handle it alone.

BORUSA: The space-time parameters of the Matrix have been invaded by a creature from the anti-matter world. We know its composition and how unstable is the magnetism that shields it. The creature must be expelled immediately if we are to avert disaster.

DOCTOR: Without knowing its purpose here.

BORUSA: Its presence here must be our first concern. Anti-matter cannot co-exist in harmony in our universe.

DOCTOR: Lord President, this creature is here now because it bonded with me. To do so it needed something very special, full and precise details of my biological makeup. Now, I didn't pass this information on. Somebody did. The question is who.

CASTELLAN: We considered this, Doctor, but the implications are quite preposterous.

DOCTOR: Chancellor, can bonding occur without the full imprint of a so-called bioscan?

THALIA: Not to my knowledge. But the power of this creature is outside the limits of what we know, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Lord President, I ask for time to have this fully investigated.

BORUSA: I'm sorry, Doctor, but we must deal with the situation as it exists now. The time factor involved leaves only one course of action open to us. Commander!

BORUSA: You know that capital punishment has long been abolished here in Gallifrey, but there is a precedent for a situation like this. Have you nothing further to say, Doctor?

DOCTOR: I have a great deal to say.

NYSSA: You can't do this! You must destroy the creature.

BORUSA: Child, do you think we have not considered this? The creature is shielded. We have no way of tracing it.

NYSSA: So you're prepared to k*ll the Doctor?

BORUSA: Commander! Remove the Doctor to the security compound. As soon as the warrant is issued, you will convey him to a place of termination. I'm sorry, Doctor.

NYSSA: No! You can't!

DOCTOR: Executing me will not alter the fact there's a traitor at work on Gallifrey!

STUART: What did they say?

TEGAN: Foreigners get themselves lost all the time. They'll make routine enquiries. Which means, as you said, they'll do nothing.

STUART: Did you tell them about the crypt?

TEGAN: Only that Colin was last seen there.

STUART: So what now? We can't just abandon Colin.

TEGAN: You are telling me the truth?

STUART: Yes, I am.

TEGAN: Let's see if we can find Colin ourselves.

NYSSA: Time Lords, I beg of you, think what you're doing. The creature knew the TARDIS' location, time zone coordinates, bioscan. That information could only have come from here, from Gallifrey.

CASTELLAN: Only the High Council of Time Lords can extract such data from the Matrix. You too accuse us of treason.

NYSSA: Can you deny the possibility? At least give the Doctor time.

BORUSA: There is no time, nor can proof of what you say change things. We must prevent the full bonding.

NYSSA: But the Doctor is innocent.

THALIA: What would you have us do? Spare the Doctor and condemn untold billions to destruction? That is the choice we face here.

DAMON: Doctor.

DOCTOR: Damon!

MAXIL: I must speak to the Doctor.

DOCTOR: He is a friend of mine.

MAXIL: I have my orders.

DOCTOR: You don't have to relish them so much.

BORUSA: We have listened to what you say, but the decision must stand.

HEDIN: Lord President, in view of what she says, couldn't we at least delay carrying out the judgement?

THALIA: We can't risk it, Hedin.

ZORAC: We're sorry, child, but truly there's no other choice.

NYSSA: So much for your justice.

CASTELLAN: All that remains is the warrant of termination. The precise wording should be in the Matrix.

HEDIN: What would we do without your diligence.

BORUSA: This session of the High Council is now adjourned.

DAMON: Nyssa of Traken, I am Damon, a friend of the Doctor's. We must talk, but not here.

HEDIN: Castellan.

HEDIN: I'm worried by what both the Doctor and his companion have said.

CASTELLAN: The possible connection between this creature and Gallifrey?

HEDIN: Yes. And the fact that a Time Lord could be a traitor. You do intend to pursue it?

CASTELLAN: They were both overwrought.

HEDIN: But if it were true

CASTELLAN: I'm sure I'd know if such a serious breach of security had occurred.

NYSSA: You're sure it was the Doctor's biodata extract?

DAMON: Yes, I managed to pass it to him on his way to the compound.

NYSSA: We must tell the High Council immediately.

DAMON: But who to trust? Only members of the High Council have access to biodata information.

NYSSA: We must find a way to speak to the Doctor.

DAMON: That could be difficult. He's closely confined.

TIME LORD: The Doctor is to be terminated.

OMEGA: Good. You are prepared?

TIME LORD: Yes. The Matrix is already programmed.

MAXIL: You wanted to see me?

DOCTOR: Your guards will not allow me to leave the console room.

MAXIL: They have their orders.

DOCTOR: If I'm to die, I want to prepare myself mentally. For that I need to be alone.

MAXIL: Which is the nearest room?

DOCTOR: My companion's. It has already been searched.

MAXIL: Then you may withdraw. But be sensible, Doctor. If you try to lose yourself in the corridors of the TARDIS, my men will hunt you down, and your death will be far from dignified and painless.

HEDIN: Nyssa, Damon.

NYSSA: We had to see you, Councillor.

HEDIN: I'm deeply sorry for what has happened.

NYSSA: Councillor Hedin, we need your help.

HEDIN: Anything I can do.

NYSSA: We must see the Doctor. Can you arrange it?

HEDIN: Difficult. The Castellan is very possessive about his charges.

DAMON: The Doctor isn't a criminal.

HEDIN: True, but what has happened makes him very dangerous.

NYSSA: Please, try.

HEDIN: I said difficult, Nyssa, but not impossible. Especially with one so sensitive to public opinion as the Castellan is.

DOCTOR: My bioscan.

STUART: I just don't think it's wise, that's all.

TEGAN: I'm not scared to go into that crypt, if that's what you mean.

STUART: Look, I feel bad enough about Colin. What if something happens to you?

TEGAN: Don't worry on my account. How much further is it?

STUART: Just over the next bridge.

MAXIL: Wait here.

DAMON: I feel there is something wrong.

NYSSA: What?

DAMON: The Castellan agreed too quickly to our visiting the Doctor. Even if he knows he can't refuse, he always attempts to make it appear he's granting you permission. I mean, that's the Castellan's way.

DOCTOR: So soon? What about my appeal?

MAXIL: You have visitors, Doctor.

NYSSA: Doctor.

DOCTOR: How did you get in here?

NYSSA: Councillor Hedin arranged it with the Castellan.

DOCTOR: Well, that's very generous of the Castellan. Come, we'll walk while we speak.

MAXIL: You're to talk here, where I can see you.

DAMON: Castellan said we might be alone.

DOCTOR: Excellent. Well, Damon, what news of my old companion Leela?

DAMON (OOV.): Er, she's, she's well, and very happy.

DOCTOR (OOV.): I was so sorry to miss her wedding. Still, perhaps I'll get to see her before I (out of range)

CASTELLAN: You're a fool, Maxil.

DOCTOR: In here. Maxil has just planted a listening device in the console room. Well now, we have proof my biodata extract was removed from the Matrix.

NYSSA: So there is a traitor.

DOCTOR: Indeed. And a disaster in the making. Unless I'm mistaken, Gallifrey could lose control of the space-time Matrix.

DAMON: But that's impossible.

DOCTOR: That's exactly what the High Council think. So, we must see what we can do to stop it happening. Look, Damon, I know you've already risked a great deal for me, but could I impose on you a little further?

DAMON: Anything.

DOCTOR: I need another space-time element for the TARDIS. Preferably without a recall circuit.

DAMON: I'll see what I can do. Anything else?

DOCTOR: Yes. You could check to see if the Matrix is aware of any details concerning power equipment, movement, transportation.

DAMON: Right.

DOCTOR: Well, Commander, our time is up so soon. Well, Nyssa, that's my final word. No appeals. We must accept the decision of the High Council. Understood?

TEGAN: This is it?

STUART: Yes. The entrance to the crypt is over there, behind the fountain, but I found a back way in behind the house.

NYSSA: It's impressive.

DAMON: We must hurry. I must first check the coding for a Type Forty time rotor.


MAXIL: All is in order, Castellan.

CASTELLAN: No appeals? No last minute requests?

MAXIL: Nothing. The Doctor seems to be taking it quite well, in fact.

CASTELLAN: You are extremely privileged, Maxil. It's given to very few to supervise the destruction of a Time Lord. It has in fact only happened once before.

MAXIL: The warrant is issued?

CASTELLAN: Yes. Summon the Doctor.

TIME LORD: It is time, my friend. The Council have been summoned to the place of termination. You have little time. Can you do it?

OMEGA: All will be ready here.

OMEGA: Do precisely as you have been instructed. To the controls.

NYSSA: What is it?

DAMON: The alert. The Doctor is being taken to the place of termination. We're too late.

NYSSA: They'll execute him now, this instant?


DAMON: No, Nyssa. Look, you can't stop them now.

NYSSA: Help me!

DAMON: Please, Nyssa, please. You'll die too.

NYSSA: We can't fail him, Damon. You finish assembling the time element. Now please, I want this thing open.

DAMON: It's madness.

NYSSA: You must get to the TARDIS and fit the element into place. If all goes well, we'll need to leave in a hurry.

DAMON: Be careful and, and good luck.

DOCTOR: I trust you know what you are doing?

BORUSA: You know the choice we have to face, Doctor. Our duty, if not our conscience, is clear.

DOCTOR: And the decision was unanimous?

BORUSA: There was one dissenter, your good friend Councillor Hedin.

DOCTOR: Thank you, Hedin. I much appreciate all you've done.

BORUSA: By the authority vested in me as laid down by Rassilon, I, Lord President Borusa, and in harmony with the majority of the Time Lords here present, we are resolved

GUARD: Halt!

BORUSA: By reason of cruel but unavoidable necessity, we have no recourse but to exercise the final sanction of termination. Commander Maxil, this warrant empowers you to carry out judgement.

MAXIL: Guards, bring the Doctor forward.

OMEGA: Align scan coordinates.

NYSSA: Over here, Doctor.

DOCTOR: No! Nyssa, I will not have blood spilt to save my life.

BORUSA: Nyssa of Traken, I command you to lay aside that w*apon.

NYSSA: Doctor, quickly!

THALIA: Obey the Lord President, or you too will die.

CASTELLAN: You cannot escape, girl.

NYSSA: Don't you understand? The Doctor was betrayed. His bioscan was extracted from the Matrix. Doctor, tell them.

DOCTOR: They're right, Nyssa. We cannot escape.

NYSSA: But we're ready to leave.

DOCTOR: Please. You must obey the Lord President. I know what I'm doing. The w*apon, please?

DOCTOR: Lord President, my companion acted from misguided loyalty. She will cause no further trouble. In return, I ask that she is allowed to go free.

BORUSA: Thank you, Doctor. For your sake, we will overlook it.

OMEGA: Activate booster terminal, now!

MAXIL: Judgement has been carried out, Lord President.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

President Borusa — Leonard Sachs

Chancellor Thalia — Elspet Gray

Councillor Hedin — Michael Gough

The Castellan — Paul Jerricho

Cardinal Zorac — Max Harvey

Commander Maxil — Colin Baker

Omega/The Renegade — Ian Collier/Peter Davison

Damon — Neil Daglish

Talor — John D. Collins

Colin Frazer — Alastair Cumming

Robin Stuart — Andrew Boxer

Hotel Receptionists — Maya Woolfe
Guy Groen

The Ergon — Malcolm Harvey

Terry Phillips
Kevin O'Brien
Barbie Denham
Glenn Bexfield
Charis Andrews

Assistant Floor Manager
Lynn Richards

Dee Robson

Marjorie Pratt

Film Cameraman
Fintan Sheehan

Film Editor
Bernard Ashby

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Frances Needham

Production Assistant
Diana Brookes

Production Associate
June Collins

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Don Babage

Studio Sound
Trevor Webster

Title Music
Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
arranged by Peter Howell

Visual Effects
Chris Lawson

Johnny Byrne

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Ron Jones

John Nathan-Turner
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