01x02 - Our g*ng

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Shield". Aired: March 12, 2002 - November 25, 2008.*
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Vic is a rogue cop in an experimental division of the LAPD, who is willing to sink to the criminals' level in order to bring them to justice.
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01x02 - Our g*ng

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield...

CAPTAIN: Mr. Esteana claims you used excessive force during his arrest.

Fourth complaint since I came here.

If you don't like the timetable, you take it up with Gilroy.

In this building, I'm in charge.

Well, maybe in your own mind, amigo, but in the real world, I don't answer to you.

Not even on cinco de mayo.

What's your take on Vic Mackey?

I don't judge other cops.

Mackey's not a cop. He's Al Capone with a badge.

The guy I saw Mackey talking to is a drug dealer...

Named Rondell Robinson.

Are you suggesting Mackey's working for a drug dealer?

I'm suggesting the drug dealer's working for Mackey.

Who's he? Moses Hernandez.

He's in Justice.

We're talking about making a case that puts Mackey behind bars for a long time.

What are you getting out of this?

I just want a dirty cop off the street.

It's all about trust. Otherwise, you end up dead.


Knock, knock. Who's there?

Strike Team, Mr. Drug Dealer.

Terry here is losing his cherry tonight. He's coming with us.



911. What is your emergency?

MAN: I've got an officer down!

I'm sorry. Could you please repeat that?

This is Detective Vic Mackey.

I've got an officer down. I...

You have an officer down.

The g*dd*mn police radio in the van isn't working. I just...

What is the condition of the officer?


He's dying! We're in a house.

I have the address.

[TO OTHER OFFICERS] Where are we?

An ambulance is en route.

I'm... I'm coming.




VIC: He was about 10, 15 feet in front of me and Shane, when I hear this g*nsh*t and I see Terry go down.


Shane and I turn around the corner and we see the guy in this back bathroom.

He gets off a few rounds. We hit back.

We should k*ll the prick.


Hey. He's a tough son of a bitch, Terry, all right. He's gonna be okay.

What happened?

Terry's down?


How is he?

Took a head shot.


I didn't clear the room.

I was point.

The first thing you do is clear the room.

Look, we both missed him, dude.


At 1:29 a.m., Detective Terry Crowley was admitted for a single g*nsh*t wound to the face.

Surgeons made... made every attempt to resuscitate him.

Oh, shit.

Ultimately, their attempts were unsuccessful.


Detective Crowley was pronounced dead at 2:13 this morning.



I'm responsible.


I'm responsible.

Responsible how?

It was my operation. I called the sh*ts.

What could you have done differently?

Terry asked me to move him up.

He was part of your team.

He wasn't ready for this.

Eight years on the force, a stint in robbery, two commendations...

Sounds to me like he was ready.

Strike team's different.


We knock down the doors other cops don't want to.

My guys accept the risks because they know I will take care of them.

We go out on a mission, I expect every single one of them to come home.

Anything else is unacceptable.

What's taking so long?

They're asking their questions.

Yeah, well... how many questions can they have?

Look, how would it look if IAD only took five minutes to call this thing?

They have to be thorough.

Aceveda's gonna use this to shut us down.

Look, Aceveda's a water boy.

He can't do d*ck.

Then why is it taking him so long?

Look, for the last time, I swear to God, Shane...

I answered your question. No, no. You... All right.

Detective Vendrell.

Yeah, that's me.

Just tell them what happened.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

What are you doing back here?

Not our crime scene anymore.

LAD Gave us a friendly shove. Well, why didn't you shove back?

Assistant Chief Gilroy gave the order.

Gilroy. He's there? He was.

I don't like spending five hours collecting evidence for someone else.

Are we on this case or aren't we?



Your office?

Thanks for your good work this morning, Claudette.

It hasn't been wasted.

No, just our time.


Where the hell were you last night?

What do you mean?

Detective Crowley got shot.

I left you a message.

Yeah, I got it.


So you didn't say anything about me having to come down.

I shouldn't have to.

A fellow officer was dying in that hospital.

I said a prayer for him.

A prayer?


I've been on the job for three weeks.

I didn't even know that guy.

Rule number one: he was a cop.

That means you knew him.

Two deaths, two investigations.

David, please...

You can't have your cops investigating your cops.

If you clear the strike team, that's gonna smack of favoritism.

If you actually find something, you're gonna have a civil w*r on your hands.

Let internal Affairs do their job.


Has anyone sent department sympathies to Crowley's family?

I spoke to his mother an hour ago.

Someone from our side should speak at the funeral.

Well, perhaps you...

No. He was your man.

I'm sure you'll represent us well.

You're the first person that Vic Mackey brought aboard when he assembled the strike team.

We worked a few things together.

So there was a comfort level.


Same with the other guys? Uh, Vic knew them too.

Detective Crowley?

No, ma'am, he was recommended by someone.

I don't recall who.

So Terry was an outsider.

No, he was a new guy, but once Vic puts you on the team, then... then you're on the team.



Strike team's getting the third degree, huh?

Yeah, looks like it.

You're assigned the crime scene, right?

We're off it now.

The guys are curious.

I told them I'd try to find out what's going on.

Any idea?

Looks to me like Vic and his cowboys went in undermanned with a half-assed plan, and managed to get a guy k*lled.

Then again, I'm off the case.

Later, okay.

Tell them this is L.A., not the Wild West.

I'd know those fingernails anywhere.

How are you holding up?

I lost a guy. I don't like it.

I saw you at the hospital last night.

I saw you too.

You had a crowd. I didn't want...

It's all right.

Look, I don't want you to think that...

I don't.

[SOFTLY] Look, if you need a break from all this, if you wanna talk...

Come find me, okay?

That's good to know.

Any time someone kills a cop, scumbags get it into their heads that it's open season.

Police rule number...

Three: cop goes down, we re-establish our dominance on the street.

Someone mouths off, they hit the pavement.


Someone resists, we make sure they make a pit stop at the emergency room.

We gotta make sure these assholes know who's in charge.


Loud and clear.

What happened to your hand?

I put it through a window.

Last night during the raid?

No, after, when I found out about Terry.

Is it all right?


Cut up pretty bad though, huh?

Any tendon damage?

Can we just get this the hell over with, please?


CAPTAIN: Vic Mackey sent Terry to that house to get k*lled.

You don't know that.


Cops get k*lled in the line of duty.

Did you tell anyone Terry was trying to take down Mackey? Did you?


Because I didn't, and Terry's dead.

I followed protocol.


The things that Terry wanted...

A job, a car...

I'm not authorized to sign off on.

So you broke the circle.

I sent his requests up the ladder.

This is the Justice department.

So they can be trusted?

I've got to go to IAD.


To let them know exactly why Mackey wanted Terry dead.

You can't do that.

They're gonna let him walk, Moses.

If they have motive, they'll dig deeper.

David, you initiated an off-the-books investigation into one of your own men.

Now, you come forward, your career's dead.

We sent Terry to his own death. What am I supposed to do?

Well, what do you hope to accomplish?

It won't prove that Vic set Terry up.

You'll lose the power you've worked your whole life to acquire.

I'm not gonna let him get away with it.


CAPTAIN: There is an epitaph for an unknown soldier that goes...

Do not stand on my grave and weep, for I am not there.

Do not sleep.

With my brothers in the field, I kneel.

Their lives, my merit, my death, their zeal.

I believe these words do express the sentiments of Detective Terry Crowley, a good man and an exemplary police officer who served his community and his department with dignity, loyalty, and courage.

In the brief time that I was fortunate enough to work with Terry, I came to know him as a man who embraced life, adored his friends and family, and loved being a cop.

OFFICIANT: I am the resurrection and the life.

He that believeth in me, even though he were dead, yet shall he live.

CROWD: Amen.

OFFICIANT: The Lord is my shepherd.

I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.

He leadeth me beside the still waters...

CAPTAIN: We will miss his service and his good nature.

And I know I speak on behalf of the entire force when I say, Terry, our lives are your merit, and your memory gives us zeal.

OFFICIANT: He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.

Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.




I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry! Mama's sorry!

It's all right, now. It's all right.

Mama's sorry, baby! Mama's sorry. Mama's sorry.

You'll be all right. You'll be all right.

Come on, now.

What are you doing?


Save it for the car ride, Shane.

What's the matter with you?

I just didn't expect to see his mother here...

Yeah, he had a mom. So what?

So, what did we do, Vic?

Hey. What we had to.

Oh, Christ. Come on, man.

Enough. Come on.

I'm cold, man.

Look, we made him one of us, and what did he do?

Huh? What did he do?

He turned rat.

He tried to stick you and me both in a cage with the same g*dd*mn animals we fight every day.

Now, did I enjoy it?


Did it need to be done?

You're g*dd*mn right it did.

Now, Shane, listen to me.

We're gonna ride this out. Right?

I'm so sorry for your loss.



Sir, step back.

Oh, no. It's cool. I called you.

Step away from the body, sir.

But I need to get the money he owes me.

Don't make me warn you again, sir.

He's got to have my cash here somewhere.

Sir, I'm not gonna warn you again.

No, I just need to get the money he owes me.

What she said... Julien!

What? What!


What were you doing to that body?

Man, Levi said he had the hundred he owed me, so I thought I'd come here and I see somebody shot him.

So I went down the block and called for 911 and come back here to get my money.


Jesus, Julien, this guy's still alive.

This is 1-tango-13. I need an R.A. to respond.

Hey, Levi. Keep fighting, man. Keep fighting.

I'll collect from you later!

Let's go.

Shane barely touched his pork chops.

I don't think he's doing well.

He's gonna be fine.

He don't seem fine.

It hasn't even been a week yet.


I'm coming, sweetie.

It's like he blames himself for the whole thing.

It's not normal.

I mean, it's not like he k*lled Terry.

Here I am, baby.

No, I'm sitting poolside with this guy named Frank, right...

A tr*nsv*stite?

He's buying drinks, man.

I figure, what the hell.

Right? The guy to always hang out with.

He's 50 years old! You gotta be joking me, man.

Come on. You holding out on me, Shane?

I got the fresh meat. This here's Terry.

He comes to us from Robbery.



You mean, like, the f*g squad, man.

[LAUGHS] Well, they ran out of fresh asses, so I figured I'd try you prom queens on for size.

Oh, that's not bad.

VIC: Hey, if you're looking for fresh asses, I'd cross Shane off your list.


[LISPING] Oh, stop it, mister. Stop it.

Well, it looks like it's gonna be a blast to run with you guys.

You just make sure you keep up.

I'll try.

Don't let these pussies haze you too bad either.

[SOUTHERN ACCENT] Yeah, we love you pretty boys from robbery.

Know how to play pitch?

Uh, no. No?

You bring your wallet?

Don't let them stick you with Shane as a partner.

He always loses. Uh-huh.

That's because y'all are a bunch of cheaters.

And he's a crybaby, dude. You're all a bunch of...

Shut up, Shane. Don't trust one of these guys.

You know what? He's the worst player in here.



Okay, Captain infinity, let's get you ready for school.

Come on.

Body was over there.

We found one shell casing a few feet away.

How's the victim?

Paramedic says he's swirling down the drain.

Who said that? Randy?


Sounds like Randy... Cynical bastard.

Does the rookie ever talk?

Yeah, he talks.

What does this tell you? Ma'am?

Well, you're our first eyes and ears on a crime scene.

What does this one tell you?

Overturned carts, footprints... clear sign of a struggle.

Actually, the struggle occurred after we arrived.

There was a guy going through the victim's pockets.

After repeated requests to stop, I pulled him off the body.

Knocking over the churro cart and getting powdered sugar spread all over our crime scene?

Yes, ma'am.

Actually, detective, it was my fault.

I should have taken control...

I hope this isn't the way you teach a trainee how to preserve a crime scene.

This is how murderers go free, son.

Don't take it hard.

She's in a pissy mood because it's her birthday.

Did we... Is this scheduled?

No. Frances came by to give me her preliminary report.

I wanted you to get a sneak peek at it too.

We wrapped up the interviews.

I'll fast track ballistics and get you a final copy in the next couple of weeks.

Bottom line: it wasn't a model operation, but it wasn't a crime, either.

Vic and his boys look okay on this one.


The drug dealer's girlfriend confirms the strike team's account.

She puts the g*n that k*lled Detective Crowley in the dealer's hands seconds before the sh**ting.

Thanks for the fast work, Frances.



Oh, she must be good.

Two men k*lled, a dozen rounds fired, no ballistics, and she's already making her call.

It's a preliminary report, David.

I just don't want to be accused of whitewashing anything.

The last thing this department needs is to add another chapter in the Rodney King-O.J. book.

I don't wanna be a chapter in that book, either.

I'll make sure she doesn't get lazy on this one, okay?

It was a great eulogy, by the way.

It was very nice.

If my dad dies, it's all my fault.

Why's that?

Dad wanted me to go to college around here...

Live at home. He's a vendor.

He doesn't make much money.

But I wanted Stanford.

I had gotten a scholarship, but it didn't cover everything.

There was still books, housing...

When he found out, he said if that was my dream, he'd make it happen.

That's when he stopped paying.

Stopped paying what?

Protection money.

This bully in the neighborhood made all the vendors pay.

My father wasn't licensed, so...

So he didn't go to the police.

I told him he couldn't stop paying the guy, but he said it was the only way I could go to Stanford.

He was so proud when I had gotten in.

I begged him to pay the money, but...


The thug that did this to my dad...

Can you guys really get him?

We can try. Who is he?

His name's Marlon Demeral.


DANNY: Marlon Demeral?

Yeah. So?

You need to come with us.

Thanks, but I think I'll pass.

WOMAN: What's going on here? Come on, man.

You can go peacefully or not.

Hey! Let's go.

How about I don't go at all?

Hey, what's the emergency, brother?

You're wanted for questioning in a sh**ting.

A sh**ting? When? Today.

Today? Look, I ain't sh**t nobody today.

What are you doing to my boy?

Take him out. Come on.

Come on, man. Let's go.

Mama, get the camcorder! They're taking Marlon!

Stay in the house.

Hey. What is wrong with you? Look...

Stay in the house.

Let him go. He didn't do anything.

Come on. He's my son's father.

Mama, get the video! I didn't sh**t nobody, man.

Right, right, yeah. You didn't do anything.

Who are you to say something like that?

You a brother?

Or did you give that up just to become one of them?

Look what you're doing to one of your brothers!

He's not my brother. Let go of my boy!

Mama, get the camcorder! They're taking Marlon!

You ain't got nothin' to do today?

He did not...

Know what? You ain't nothing but a Uncle Tom!

Uncle Tom?

That's right. If the Oreo wrapper fits... wear it, brother.

Shut up. Yeah.

Don't go making it black and white, Marlon.

Take the pictures. Smile for the camera!

g*dd*mn cops!


But I'm like, where the hell am I supposed to find a dental dam at 2 in the morning?

What's a dental dam?

It's like a rubber that you put on your mouth when you go down on a chick.

No. Are you serious?

You feel the need to put on a dental dam, I gotta question what your face is doing down there in the first place.

No, no, no. She had made a specific request.

Sounds like a petri dish with legs to me.

I'd think about investing in a couple of syringes of penicillin.

Whatever... so I find this all-night Vietnamese convenience store, right, and they carry them.

Leave it to Charlie to stock the dental dams right next to the toothpaste.

Are you serious?

I rush back.

I slap this thing on, and I am going to town.

I'm like Gene Simmons on that.

I was like the Tao of Poon, I swear to God.

And, she's like, "I don't feel anything."

And you're like, "Really? Because that's my d*ck."


Have you ever actually tried to use one of these things?

I guess you and me dated a different breed of woman.

Down and dirty.

No pun intended.

Oh, don't make me hurt you.


What time is lunch around this place?

[DOOR BUZZES] Shut up.

Because you worked me up an appetite.

Tom here could use a bite too.

It's "sir" to you.

Well, yes, sir.

Uncle Tom is looking mighty hungry.

Detectives, meet Marlon Demeral.


Shut up.

Is that the only word you ladies know?


Happy birthday, by the way.

You told her?


Yes, by accident.

Come with me, Marlon.

Whatever you say, birthday girl.

MAN: Hello, you, uh... you gonna grab a beer with us tonight?

Can't. I've got other plans.

What's with your partner?

Can't spend a little quality time with his fellow boys in blue?

Look, I'm just going to church tonight.

God can wait.

Tonight, my friend, you get your first B & B.

What's a B & B?

It's a little tradition we have around here.

Nothing like your very first one.

Be at the motor pool at the end of the shift.

You skip out on us, it's your ass.

Come on. Let's get outta here.

What's a B & B?

It's stupid, and it's juvenile, and the sooner you get it over with, the sooner you'll be accepted by Jackson and the rest of them.

Why should I care what they think?

Rule number seven: those guys might be overgrown frat boys, but someday, they could be the only thing that comes between you and a b*llet.

Look. What y'all got to eat around here?

DUTCH: How about a nice churro?

You like churros, Marlon?

Yeah, that sugary shit is all right.

But what I'm really jonesing for is a cheeseburger.

Let me see if I can accommodate you.

My man.



Oh, come on, sweet thing.

Now, I know you got a smile for me underneath all that.

Uh, Dutch?



I, uh, I could use your help with an interrogation.

I'm in the middle of a case.

Well, Claudette's got it under control.

All right.

That's what all this is about?

Look, you could have saved me a trip.

Read my lips. I did not k*ll Pancho. Okay?

Nivan Gonzalez.

And he's still alive at the moment.

Whatever. I didn't sh**t nobody this morning, but I'll turn you on to who did, though.

Oh, will you, now?


But, uh, you gotta get me something first.

And what is that?

A cheeseburger.

I'm hungry as hell!

Talk first, then you eat.

Oh, come on.

All right, all right.

Yeah, I had a protection thing going on with those churro chumps.

You know, and it was a good gig, too... till last month.

This new Mexican g*ng comes in packing some serious heat, tells me they moving in on my business.

And what g*ng was this?

They call themselves the Los Magnificos.

You know.

See, that's what's wrong with this country.

I'm prime example numero uno.

Here I am trying to make a serious buck, and then in comes some w*tback shaking away my job.

Your job?

My job.

Your job was illegally shaking down churro vendors.

Look, a job is a job, lady.

Now, I like mine well done, just like me, with everything.

No onions.

They give me a rash.

I don't find you funny.

You lookin' for me?

We'd like to ask you some questions.

About what?

About how Terry died.

Oh, are you IAD now?

Seems right up your alley.

I don't feel IAD checked every angle.

Oh. So now you got questions.

I've got a few.

What's stopping me from having my PBA rep tell you to blow me?


If Vic Mackey wants to hide behind a lawyer, then that's the way it'll be.


You got questions, fine.

Ask your g*dd*mn questions.

Why'd you go in without more backup?

A battalion of cops makes a lot of noise.

It's called the element of surprise.

Imagine my surprise when I heard you got one of your guys k*lled.

Well, those of us who venture out past our desks sometimes get shot at.

You could have brought more firepower without tipping him off.

Well, who should I have had watching our backs? You?

I'd hate to have to change your diaper afterwards.

Better than burying one of your own.

So you fired at the dealer, the dealer returned fire, hitting Terry.


Like I told IAD, Two-Time shot Terry, then Shane and I returned fire.

Sounds textbook to me. What?

That's all we got.

Thanks for your time.

"That's all we've got"?

Was that supposed to make him spontaneously confess?

No. It's supposed to make him feel safe.

Now we go after the weak link in the chain.

Who's the weak link?


What was that all about?

Aceveda is spinning his wheels, as usual.



Hey, what can you tell me about a new g*ng called Los Magnificos?

Well, they're not so new, but they been clawing their way up the food chain for the last six months.

Well, I think someone from the g*ng pulled the trigger on my churro guy.

Any bushes you can beat?

Looks like we've been invited to the party, ladies.

Let's go.


Let's do it.

Hey, I hear it's your birthday.

Happy birthday.

I need to ask Shane a few questions.


I need 10 minutes.

I'll send him to catch up with you.

I'm cool.

I'm gonna grab a Coke first.

Do you need anything?


How's the paintbrush, bro?

Hey, man, don't be coming around here unless you looking to buy.

And no more freebies.

You want some info, you gonna have to buy something this time.

All right.

Lem, pick the poison.

What do I know about art, man?



I kind of like the one with the clouds.

You got a place for it?

Yeah, I guess.

VIC: All right. How much?

Give me a hundred.

And don't be hanging it in no bathroom, neither.


Looking for Los Mag.

Shot up a churro vendor.

Hey, man, look.

People say amigo didn't want to pay his freight, ignored a couple of warnings, Los Mags sent in a baby banger to do the dirty deed.

It earned him his stripes.

Initiation sh**ting?

Things they got these kids doing...

You have to bake a batch of brownies back in your day then, bro?

Getting into life was a lot more fun than getting out.

Yeah, I heard you lost a man a few days back.


Tough times, Vic.

I don't know.

Maybe someday, somebody even win this w*r.

I intend to.

See you around.

All right, man.



This little vato ready for the barrio?



VIC: The wannabe getting initiated, he's our sh**t.

I'll take him.

Anybody else gets caught in our net, it's gravy.

Are we going in?

Nah. This punk-ass wants a beating.

I say we let him have it.


What's he saying?

Welcome to the life.

You were supposed to be his backup.

We were backup.

Why is Terry dead, then?

Wrong place, wrong time.

Aren't you and Vic supposed to be these kick-ass top cops?

How does somebody you're backing up get blown away by some pissant drug dealer?

LAD cleared us.

I didn't clear you.

It just went bad. That's all.

You lie.

You notice how every time he lies, he squints.

You squint when you lie.

No, I don't.

You're squinting now.



All right. Playtime's over.

Last one down the hill gets to drink the backwash.

All right. We're a go in three, two, one, go!



Hey! Police!

Hands up! Freeze!




Hola, pequito mas?

Bienvenido a la vida.


You let Terry Crowley get k*lled.

Why would we do that?

You know why.

LAD cleared us.

You know a drug dealer named Rondell Robinson?


You're squinting. You don't know him?

I know who he is.

I meant I don't know him personally.

So if I had a witness that saw you and Vic acting real friendly with Rondell Robinson, that would be a lie.

That's right.

So that witness didn't see the three of you at a car wash?

Uh, well... Vic was just putting a scare into him, letting him know that we were... We were watching him.

So you lied about that.

No, I didn't lie about that. I meant something else.

I meant just something else. I caught you.

Terry knew that you and Vic were in bed with Rondell Robinson, so Terry had to die.

Terry was part of our team.

You didn't trust him. He was your errand boy.

This is bullshit.

You led Terry into that house to die.

No. Not true.

The one guy who disapproved of Vic and Rondell is the only team member who didn't come out of that house alive.

That's a coincidence?

Believe what you want.

Terry was gonna turn you in, so Vic wanted him dead. No.

Vic needed him dead!


Oh, God. The shot.

That's what the last shot was.

The last shot?

Two-Time's girlfriend says in her statement that she heard the last shot 10, 15 seconds after the others.

When we approached Two-Time, he moved.

Vic couldn't leave it to chance.

They fired once more.

That's the shot that k*lled Terry.

No way.

Vic fired that shot, didn't he? No.

Stop squinting!

I know.


You're wrong.

I want Mackey.

You don't have to go down with him.

That is not how it happened.

Stop lying to me.

I know what happened.

I have a witness, Shane.

He connects you and Vic with Rondell Robinson.

I have a witness.

Give me Vic and your problems end.

Just give me Mackey.


What the hell's going on here?

You've had him here for two hours?

He's making up sick shit about us, Vic.

VIC: Go downstairs. Wait for me.

SHANE: This whole thing is a joke.

VIC: Grab a sandwich, Dutch Boy.

I know what you did.

Up until now, I've tolerated you.

You come near my men again, I'm gonna lose patience.

You listening?

I know.


The churro guy you shot's in surgery.

The doctors don't know whether he'll live or die.

Tell her you didn't sh**t this man.

If you tell me who put you up to this, I'll see if I can get you placed in juvie court.

If you wait and he dies, though... you'll be tried for m*rder as an adult.

Please tell her you didn't do this.

Of course I didn't do it.

You see?

I sh**t someone?

He don't almost end up dead.

Bitch ends up all dead.

That's your alibi?

If you'd have shot him, he'd be dead?

Hell, yeah. That's my alibi.

Guess what.

Churro guy's actually gonna make it.


You're not gonna believe what just went down between Aceveda and Mackey.

I don't want to know.

Yeah, no, but this is...

Anyone who gets between those two is just gonna end up with a hose full of piss running down his leg.

[SIGHS] Good news and bad news.

Bad news is... the churro vendor just died.

Dios mio.

Good news for your son, though.

Someone else is taking credit for the k*lling.

Thank you, Jesus.

Yeah, some guy named Marlon walked in off the street, said your g*ng was trying to muscle in on his business, so he decided to show the other vendors that your g*ng couldn't protect them.

Marlon didn't do no sh**ting.

Apparently, he did.

Everyone is in the streets talking about how he showed your boys up.

That old man stopped paying us.

That's my sh**ting.

He's just looking to piggyback a rap.

Olman, no.

So, what, you're trying to take credit for what happened now?

No. Stop...

I told you if I shot him, he'd be dead, right.

People need to know.

Los Mags own these streets.

Who asked you to do the sh**ting?

I ain't never telling you that.

These are my brothers now.

Do you know what this means, Olman?

Means I earned my way in.


It means you're going to jail.

At least I'll have family there.


Tell me you didn't re-open an investigation that wasn't yours in the first place.

There were unanswered questions.

You accused Vic Mackey of working with a drug dealer.

Who's your witness?

Anonymous tip.

Anyone who can corroborate it?

Is there something you know that I don't that explains why you're still pursuing this?



Then it ends here.

Christ, David.

You're doing a good job.

Chief said so the other day.

Don't lose focus now.

I won't.


Thanks for getting Captain Ass-invader off my back.

Yeah, it wouldn't k*ll you to show him a little more respect.

Come on.

Hey, Vic, the men here take their cues from you.

I'm just saying dial it down.

I don't do my best work with him nipping at my heels.

Which is why I'm watching out for you.


Question is, are you watching out for me?


Well, my guys tipped you off that Terry was looking to take you down.

Ben, the bust just went bad.

My source at Justice is all over my ass.

He wants to know if you made us all accomplices to a m*rder.

I told him you'd never, never do that to me.

Would you?

Terry got overeager. He got himself k*lled.

End of story?

End of story.

It better be.


Is this from you?


I know how you feel about birthdays.

Denture cream.


Thank you.

Because I'm getting old.

I don't see a card.

Anyone want to take credit for this?

Not me.

I didn't think so.

How's the birthday girl doing?

Don't say that word.

I came to take you dancing.

I don't want to go dancing.

Oh, now, we gotta do something, honey.

It's your birthday.


So it's ladies' night at the Crimson.

I have it on very good authority that Franklin Green's gonna be there.

His divorce final?

Two weeks ago.

I can't let Franklin Green see me looking like this.

Which is why we're gonna spruce up first, then go to the Crimson.

We too old to be chasing men around.

I'm not.

Neither am I. Come on.

ALL: Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!

Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!



Who said the Jesus freak couldn't drink, huh?


Your B & B's almost complete, buddy boy.

You had the beer.

Now it's time for the blow.

You're kidding.

I kid you not.

She's a badge sucker.


What's a badge sucker?

A badge sucker, man.

A badge sucker. She digs cops, okay.

She's like the neighborhood welcoming committee.

Ah! Listen, listen.

A better... a better hummer you're not gonna find.

Trust me.

No, I cannot...

No, no, stay, stay, stay, listen.

Sit down, huh?

This isn't t*rture, okay.

We've all gone through this.

Julien, say hi to Betty.

So this is the new guy?


[WHISPERING] Welcome to the force.


And he's lucky too.

Wanna go for a walk?

No, fellows, I cannot.

I can... No. Come on.

No! No! Whoa!

Come on, now.



♪ Promise is a promise In my eyes ♪

♪ Can't say you're gonna Just to compromise ♪

♪ The very thing that keeps Two hearts intertwined ♪ Now, wait. Come on.


Come on. Let's get you over here.

Relax, officer.

This is a lot more fun than roll call.

You don't have to do this if you don't want.


Check this out.


♪ Her wedding day And she's thinking about ♪

♪ The way he won her affection ♪


Oh, yeah. Oh, oh.

Shh. Shh.

Oh, she love him long time.



♪ He looked her in her eye With sincerity ♪

♪ Said he only wanted To protect her, so she... ♪ Thanks a lot.

♪ Took a chance on him ♪

♪ And she's glad she did 'Cause he came for real ♪

♪ And he did Just what he said ♪ You don't put me in an interrogation room without giving me all the g*dd*mn facts.

I wanted them to feel like you had nothing on them.

Then I could take my shot.

You didn't think they'd respect me enough to fear me?

No. I didn't.

Well, that's pretty shitty.


Y-You really think Vic had something to do with Terry dying?

♪ A promise is a promise You can't deny ♪

♪ There's no way ♪

♪ No way ♪

♪ No, there ain't no way ♪

♪ The man's only As good as his word ♪♪


♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪♪
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