01x05 - Blowback

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Shield". Aired: March 12, 2002 - November 25, 2008.*
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Vic is a rogue cop in an experimental division of the LAPD, who is willing to sink to the criminals' level in order to bring them to justice.
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01x05 - Blowback

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield...

I said I'm a cop!

And I'm a cop k*ller.

Do you trust me? Yeah.

Well, then you believe me when I tell you you don't have to look over your shoulder no more.

I took care of it.

I'm concerned about Matthew.

Well, he's a little shy. He'll grow out of it.

What I'm trying to say is I think there's a problem.

What kind of problem?

Something that a developmental pediatrician should diagnose.

A neurologist, maybe.

I'm not gay.

I wasn't gay either until the day I just admitted that I was.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Say it.

We k*lled a cop.

Lem and Ronnie failed to clear the room, and Two-Time k*lled Terry.

Get over it, and don't bring it up again.


VIC: Shh! Shh!






Is there anything you're not allergic to?

Sheet metal.

All right? That's good.



This coke's really pink?

No. Not really. It just looks pink in the right kind of light.

That's cool.

Yeah. It's Peruvian.

Rondell said the street ain't seen blow this strong since Grandmaster Flash.

What's that?

Never mind.

How much time do you suppose they're giving these days for installing an illegal wire tap?

Not as long as some of this fruit's been in here.

These third-world cavemen ever hear of a Ralphs?


Shane, Shane, Shane.

Here we go.



Hold on.


Yeah, the bakers are home, boys, and they're coming through the front door.

Exit the ass.

[WHISPERING] Let's go. Let's go.




Oh, this is gonna be a sweet win for us, boys.

Aceveda gets a gold star, we get a little breathing room.

Rondell gets product.

And the retirement fund keeps growing.

Who's saving for retirement?

Can you say "ski," dude?

All right. Hey, we're wired.



The Armenians... speak Armenian.

Theo Trian?


Professor Gaffney tells us you'd be the perfect guy to help us with a special investigation.

What kind of special...

Ah, you'll love it. Come with us.

Oh, uh, he'll, uh, meet you back at the dorm, all right?


These guys are Eastern Armenians.


So they got accents.

You understand what they're saying or not?

"The gardener delivers six loaves of Indian white bread"?

Does that make sense?

When and where?

"Will arrive here tomorrow night At the bakery.

Bakery? What kind of bread is this?

Thanks, kid.

What's this all about?

Who are these guys?

National Security.

Don't tell a g*dd*mn soul.

You've been a big help. Thanks.

Okay, Bing. Here's the story.

You were driving these gothic g*ons back from L.A.X. when you overheard them talking about this shipment of cocaine arriving at the bakery.

I won't bore you with the details.

Being such a concerned citizen, you felt compelled to share this information with the authorities.

All we need now is for you to sign your statement.

There you go.

Anything to take a bite out of crime.


Judge Weiss is waiting.

Well, thank you for helping us get our nice legal warrant.

It feels good to do the right thing.

Yes, it does.







Good seats still available.

I saw the warrant and heard you were rolling out.

I'm backing you up with a few uniform patrols.

That's not how we do it.

Well, that's how I do it.

I want to make sure everyone comes home this time.

The more the merrier.



Somebody here to see me?

Over there.

What are you doing here?

Well, I'm here to report a hit and run.


Yeah, I was struck by a beautiful black man driving a big red Hummer...

Not here. You have got to go.

Look, you haven't called.

I just wanna make sure you're okay.

Look, I'm fine. Now go!

Why are you shutting me out, then?

I'll call you later.

I don't wanna just hear your voice.

I wanna see you.

I'll stop by if you leave right now.

Okay... but if you don't show, I'm gonna be back here tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that.


Hey, Dutch.

Here are those notes and study guides for the Sergeant's exam.

Oh, great.

The test is at 7:00 a.m. in San Pedro.

What's up with that?

Lack of sleep. Thins the herd.

God, I barely know my name before 8:00.

Um... got lesson plans, practice tests.

I organized it all.

Should make it easier for us to review it.

Thanks. This is a big help.

When do you want to go over that?

DANNY: Tomorrow night good?

DUTCH: It's good for me.

DANNY: 9:00. My place?

Your place. Perfect.

No distractions.

A study date?

What kind of back-door con is that?

I'm helping her study for the sergeant's exam.

Unless the first question on the test is "will you sleep with me?" you're wasting your time.




Come with me, sir.


Hang back.

Once we're inside, you cover the exits.

We'll call you up.





VIC: Police! Freeze! Put that g*n down!

Put it down! Put that g*n down!

Put the g*n down!

Put your hands in the air!

Put them on your head! On your head!

Put your hands on your head!

All right, we're clear.

We're clear.

He's done. Cuff him!

Ronnie... All right, call them up.

We're secure.

One dead Armenian, three to take home.

Copy that. Code 4!

Code 4! King, call for a body wagon.

Cover that door.

I'm there.

Cover the back.


No one in or out not wearing a badge.

Mike, come with me.

That don't look pink.

It's not the right kinda light.

Get this stuff downstairs.

Load them up.

Thank you, sir.

Easy with that.

Don't spill it all over the g*dd*mn place.

I got it, I got it.

Hey, Jesus Christ, here, was the sh**t. Keep him separate.


Come on.

Okay, Ronnie, you got the ball.

You know how much fat is in that cookie?

Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

SHANE: No, I'm serious, it's a sugar-coated lard ball.

Have you looked at your waistline?

Come on, Shane.

VIC: Hey...

Let's get to it.


Bag it.

Bag it.

Bag it.

Bag it.

And, uh... bag it.


Ah... don't want my kids to end up in U.C. Northridge hell.

LEM: Hey, I went to Northridge.

SHANE: Yeah, you majored in "where's the keg at?"

Oh, that's funny.

Deliver this package to Rondell.

All right.


Hey, nice job, guys.


Four bricks of Peruvian Pink, people!

Yeah! Whoo!


♪ Let's get more beer ♪

♪ PB or Lucky Milwaukee's best ♪

♪ Stroh's and Black Label ♪

♪ Oktoberfest... ♪♪


Hi, Angel.


You're five hours late.

It's work!

You know, I have to go to work too... in about five hours.


What? I just took down some bad guys.

I'm feeling it.

Well, it doesn't mean I have to.

Just give me 15 minutes.

Ooh, a marathon!

15 minutes. 15 minutes.

All right.

All right.

Four keys. Nice bust.

Yes. Very nice.

I don't see any money in the log.

That's because there wasn't any.

A major drug deal and no cash?


Just a million in powder, a k*ller, and two drug collars.

Sorry. Slow night.

I guess if that's what you put in the book, then that's what you found.

Look, it was a delivery, not a buy.

Why is it that no matter what I do, you always assume the worst?

You've given me a choice?

Believe it or not, you and me want the same things...

Taxpayers safe, bad guys behind bars.

I just want to make sure we're going about it the same way.

I know you blame me for Terry's death.

It was my command.

I deserve that.

Yeah, you do.

But what happened that night... if I could change it, I would.

I can't.

Neither can you.


Oh, you gotta be sh1tting me.

You're a cop. I don't understand why you couldn't call it in.

It's complicated. Police issues.

What is that supposed to mean?

You have no idea how bad I need for you to be quiet right now.

We've been up and down this block three times already.

Look, unless you're pointing out a black Navigator, there should be nothing coming out of your mouth!

Black Navigator. Not funny!

No, a black Navigator! It's not funny!


Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey, pull over!

Pull... pull...

I'm a cop! I'm a police officer!

Pull... I swear to God...

Pull over! Hey! Pull over!

Shane... Pull over! Pull over right now!

Oh, my God... g*dd*mn it!

Pull your car over!

Shane... Pull over!

Right there! Pull over! Yeah!

Stay down.

Right there, you, come here!

Come here. You understand English?

Come here! Right now!

Just take the truck, man, just take it!

Don't sh**t us, dude.

Shut up. I'm a cop.

What'd we do?

You stole a police vehicle, you little shitheads.

It's my mom's car.





Let me do that.

I got it.

You make it too strong.


You're up early.

I thought I heard Matthew having a nightmare last night.

Did you hear Cassidy coughing? No.

I think she's getting whatever the baby had.

The doctor's at 3:30.

I know.




Morning, Corrine.


VIC: What are you doing here?

I, uh...

I... I kinda lost the truck last night.

You know, the one with the... The stuff inside.



I'm gonna go check on Cassidy.


You lost the Navigator?

Somebody stole it.

With the dr*gs inside.


Where were you?

A... a... at Amy's.

You stopped to get laid?

What the hell were you thinking?

Well, thinking about getting laid.

I'm... I'm sorry.

Hey, sorry doesn't cut it.

I was wrong.

So what do you wanna do now?

We got about four more hours before that truck is on the way to Mexico City in about 10,000 pieces, and our score's out on the street.


Call Lem and Ronnie, get them to the club house.

Nobody steals from us.

No, that quick, it had to be a pro.

Yeah, it's being chopped as we speak.

Which means they have the dr*gs.

And I'm out 50 K.

We're all out 50 K.

Maybe they're just letting it sit, cool off.

You hold on to that little dream.

Go to Rondell. Tell him what happened.

Tell him what happened?

Yeah, the stuff hits the street, he'll hear about it anyway.

All right. You, come with me.

I can't wait to tell Rondell.


Vic! My man.

Officer Hoffman!



What's up, Hoff?

Which car you scoping?

Green Jeep. Had a couple nibbles.

No bites. What can I do you for?

Who's chopping the big trucks?

What kind? Navigator.

Year? Brand new.

2002 Lincoln Navigator?

Few places offhand.

Currently, demand is greater than the supply.

Where is demand the greatest?

Oh. Oh. Hold on. Hold on.

[SIGHING] Slow day. Sheesh.

Look, a main shop was in your part of town that chops those monsters.

Skinny. Polish prick. Mark, uh... Wojo...

Wojciehowicz or something like that.

Don't tell him I sent you.

Ah, thanks, man. I owe you.

Hey, look, if you ever need another guy on your team, man, maybe you'll toss my name in the hat.

I could use the action.

Who knows?

Might be a new spot opening up any day now.

Well, all right.

So many rocks, so little time.

Nothing like the bust last night, though, huh?

That was a big one.

Hey, what was the final score on that one?

Four bricks.

Four, huh?


Mackey sure knows how to pull them out of his ass, huh?

You might as well talk to us.

We've got four cops who saw you blow your buddy's brains out.

You know what that means?

It means one of them could get hit by a bus, and we'd...

Still have three cops who could put you away for first-degree m*rder.

You listening to me?

Add that to the trafficking...

Charge, and, uh... well... your prospects aren't looking too pretty.

Tell me where you got the dr*gs.

WYMS: Tell me about your buddy Margos and his drug connections.

DUTCH: You listening to me?

WYMS: I say something funny?

DUTCH: What if I stuff big blue bananas in your ears and set them on fire?

Any of this getting through?

This guy ignores me almost as much as my kids did in high school.


No one's talking.

They're all terrified... of him.

Anything on the prints?

Only Desarian's came up on Interpol.

Luckily he's got a Glendale address.

He's been questioned but not charged in Kosovo, Bogota, Sri Lanka.

Frequent flyer.

He just came back from a 36-hour holiday from Chiclayo, Peru.

Harvest time.

Get a warrant to search his place.


DUTCH: Revenge, a hit, crime of passion?

He insult your mother?

Having a bad hair day?

Let me know if I'm getting warm.



Yeah? This Universal Studios?

What? No!

Oh, you mean this ain't Citywalk?

What, you guys for real?

Hey, lookie here.

This looks like a vehicle that's being stripped for illegal distribution.

Well, I'll be damned. In plain sight, too.

It's a good thing we're policemen.

No way.

Think that "Universal" thing's gonna hold up in court?

Ha. Well, maybe, maybe not, but in the meantime, it looks we're gonna have to return these vehicles to their rightful owners and bring you in, Polish prick mark.

All right, look, what do you guys want?

Blue Navigator.

Don't have one.

Get any offers last night?

Answer the question!

I... I get to keep these?

If you make me happy.

Okay, Guy Ricardo called, wanted to unload a Navigator.

Ricardo have an address?

Yeah, he's in Silver Lake.

Where in Silver Lake, assh*le?


Must like you, Officer.

It's the first thing this f*gg*t's said all day.

Hey, Dutch.


You interviewed that Armenian, right?

Uh, interview would imply that a conversation actually took place.

This guy didn't say a word.

He did to me.

When? Just now.

What did he say?

I guess it was Armenian.

It sounded something like "hamma votecar."

Ha... hamma...

Hamma votecar.

Hamma... votecar.

You okay?

Yeah, that guy just creeps me out.

Well, don't let him. He's behind bars.

I'll check on this.


What the hell?

Who are you guys?

Shut up.

I'm trying to sleep here.

Where's the blue Navigator you tried to unload last night?

How'd you get in my bedroom?



Look, I didn't jack it. It was Deena.

Who's Deena?

A girl I'm trying to break into the game.

He's trying to bone.


Where can we find Deena?

Who are you guys?

Hey, call Lem and Ronnie and have them pick you up and bring you over to Deena's.

Where are you going?

I got somewhere to go.


Hey, you're not exactly in a position to question my decisions.

Just call me when you have Deena or the dr*gs.

Officer Sofer...

Detective Mackey...

What you got there?

Notes. Sergeant's exam.

Dutch is gonna help me out.

Dutchman isn't pulling the old "I'll help you study", you help me get laid" maneuver, is he?

He'd like to help me pass.

He'd like to help you out of your pants.

Last night, Shane ran in for a Slurpee and managed to get our police-issued vehicle jacked.


Yeah, had our weapons in the back too.

That stuff hits the street and gets traced back to the squad, Aceveda'll put Shane's balls in a vise, and mine too, probably.

What's the vehicle?

2002 blue Navigator, fully loaded.

I'd like to bring it in personally, quietly.

I'll keep my eye open, give you a heads-up when we pull over a winner.


So is that what Shane's calling it these days, a Slurpee?

I guess so.


Detective Wyms, I was hoping I could talk to you for a minute?

About? Advice.

Shouldn't you be going to your P-3 for advice?

I'd rather talk to you.

Why? Because I'm black?


Better not be because I remind you of your mother.

No, ma'am.

I mean, Detective.

Never mind.

I'm... I'm sorry to have bothered you.


What is it?

I think I may have seen another cop do something illegal on the job.


And I don't know what to do about it.

You're talking about jeopardizing two careers here... his and yours.


Nobody likes a rat, especially one who hasn't proven himself.

So I should keep this to myself.

No, I didn't say that.

You gotta ask yourself if it's something bad enough it's worth risking that kind of heat.

Is it something you can't live with holding?

You're certain there were six bricks?

Six or seven.

Definitely more than four.

You did the right thing.


I know it wasn't easy.

No, sir.

We'd be a lot better off with more men like you and fewer like Mackey.

So what happens now?

Can you check the motor pool logs?

Tell me when the blue Navigator was checked in?

Don't have to. It wasn't.

It was supposed to be in five hours ago.

Wilshire's been calling, asking for it back.

CORRINE: He's supposed to be the best.

They say that about every goddamned doctor.



ACEVEDA: ls Shane with you?

No. Why?

I just got a complaint from a woman who said a police officer, fitting Shane's description, assaulted her son at gunpoint claiming that he stole a police vehicle.

You sure she's not some crackpot?

Where's that blue Navigator you signed out last night?

Don't know.

I'll ask Shane when I see him.

I need that truck back, now.

Loud and clear. Gotta run.


That's quite all right.

Why don't you both have a seat.

So, Mr. And Mrs. Mackey, how are you both doing today?

You tell us. How'd the testing go?

The past three sessions have gone well.

You're very lucky.

Matthew is a charming, intelligent little boy.

He also has autism.



Oh, God.

Wait a minute.

I... He's a little shy, b... behind a bit, but...

Autism? Jesus!

What does that mean?

It's a hard word to hear, but it's also a very misunderstood word.

Matthew's a beautiful child. He...

I know my son is beautiful!

I understand what you're feeling.


I have two autistic boys of my own.

Two? Oh, man...

Yes. I've felt everything you're feeling, twice.

CORRINE: What's gonna happen to him?

He's going to grow up.

What about school?

He may be best served in a special program.


What do you mean, like, blue bus special?

That's not my kid!

You look at him!

He's just...


I knew something was wrong.

He may be able to stay in his present school, with some speech therapy and special skills instruction.

Will you just cut to the chase? Is he gonna be normal or not?

With the proper support, he will be able to make gains to the best of his ability, and with intervention, the prognosis is very good.

He's just gonna need a lot of love and a lot of work to get there.

He's got the love. What kind of work?


Oh, Jesus. I'm sorry. I'm a cop.


SHANE: Oh, we are so screwed, man!

Aceveda just put out a state-wide APB on the Navigator.


VIC: What's up?

Roommate said this Deena girl went to go get waxed.

She didn't know where.

Great. You got anything more vague?

What should we do?

Ah, Aceveda gets a hold of this truck, he's gonna do a chem match on the blow.

Our fingerprints are all over those bricks.

We'll be finished!

We're gonna all crash and burn because of you!

I mean, Christ, dude! Amy's not even that hot!

Come on, Lem. No! Bull!

No, he's right. You boned us.

Oh, thank you for the support, assh*le!

Cut it out!

We're not going down.

You understand me?

Yeah. Yeah.

All right, Ronnie, you stay here, wait for Deena.

Lem, they got a bunch of those hair and wax places over on Olivera Street.

We'll check the muff-rippers over in Little Tokyo.

Let's go.

You check out Margos' place?

Oh, yeah. We were there.

You think this guy was spooky before, you should see the way he lives.

What did you find?

Nothing incriminating.

Just a couple hundred maps, six different dictionaries in five different languages.

Scanner, digital camera, Gameboy...

Incense, meditation books...

Disposable diapers... Three jars of herring, a whole case of microwave popcorn.

Hey, no microwave.

No microwave.

No fridge, no stove...

No plates, silverware...

No soap. No toilet paper.

No more.

This guy just gets better and better.


Break almost over? Yeah.

Hey, did you get a chance to look at those notes?

A little.

A lot of stuff in there to absorb.

Don't put it off too long.

I won't.

Hey, Dutch, any luck with that translation?

Oh, um, you know... it's a phonetic spelling.

Armenians have this eastern-western dialect thing.

What did your guy say that it meant?

Well, this is by no means definitive, but what Margos may have been saying was, uh...

"delicious feet."

Excuse me?

Delicious feet. Yeah.

Oh, God.

You probably just heard him wrong.


Hey, hey...


Hey, hey, hey!


Come on. Let's go.

Don't move.



He snapped his neck.

Let me guess. You're not talking.

Get them out of here.

And call Central.

Have them get this guy out of my building.

Step outside the car by opening the door from the outside.


All right.

Step outside.

I'm so sorry. I don't have...

Turn around. Put your hands on the window.

Look, I had... Turn around!

I... I... I know it's not your problem, okay, but...

[SOBBING] I'm sorry. My dad's drinking again, and I had to grab my brother and bolt out of there this morning.

It was so crazy.

God, I was so scared.

Yeah. I'm sorry.

Listen, is there anything we can do for you?

Yeah. I just need to pick up my brother at school before my dad gets there.

I mean, God knows what he'll do to him.

If you could just let me go...

You always pick up your abused brother in a stolen vehicle with bogus plates?


One Tango 13, copy.

Go ahead, Tango 13...

Hey, hold up on that.

Stand by. What?

I told Vic I'd give him the heads-up when we found the Navigator.

What for?

I don't know. He wants to be the one to bring it in.

It's an APB. We have to call it in.

Look, I owe Vic one.


Where do you think you're going?

You two looked like you needed some alone time.

Get in the car.


One Tango 13.

We have a confirmation on that stolen Navigator.

Roger, Tango 13.

I'll notify the watch commander.

I can't risk a bad mark on my jacket this early in my career.

Nothing was touched?

No, sir.

We secured the scene, and we made the call.




g*dd*mn it!

Look, I'm sorry.

He called it in before I could stop him.

What's his problem?

Look, he's just learning.

Look, the good news is they didn't find those weapons.

They didn't find anything?

Just Deena.

Looks like I located your missing truck.

I was hoping I'd save you the trouble.

All's well that ends well.




You're in deep, Deena.


Shoplifting, as*ault, now grand theft auto.

What's next?

I was thinking about the police academy.

Why don't you, uh, go get me an application?

You think this is a game, little girl?

This is real time in real prison.

Okay, are you going somewhere with this scared straight angle?

Or is this where I break down and tell you how my daddy used to crawl into bed with me?

I want to know what you found in the Navigator.

I heard someone call you Captain.

I mean, isn't a stolen car case normally a little below your radar?

You wouldn't be in here with me if I didn't have something you wanted.

Where are the dr*gs?

They're safe.

Tell me where, and I'll make sure the auto theft goes away.

Until I see it, I don't say it... in writing, signed by the D.A.




That the car thief stuff?


Hey, I hear you're looking for another stripe.


Yeah. See ya.

All right. Good luck.


She made three phone calls after she stole the truck.

Two were to her roommates and the other one was to a pawnshop in Echo Park, uh...

Pemble and Pemble, on Esther.


Head for Esther in Echo Park.

Oh, man, do I owe you one!

Please. At best I'm even.

Stop staring at my feet, you Balkan freak!




Come with us.

I think Aceveda got Deena to talk. I gotta go.

Damn it.


Hey, man, we're not closed yet.

Yo, sprechen sie English, skinhead?

I said we're not closed yet...

Yo! Yo!

In 30 seconds I'll either know what I want to know, or you'll be dead. Deena Klein.

I don't know a Deena.

Oh yeah? How come you have our g*ns here, then?


Deena called for Freddie.

Who's Freddie?

French guy. Helps me out with the night traffic.

Where are the dr*gs?

I don't know!

Maybe Freddie took them home!

Not good enough.


I swear to God, man, I don't know!

Why would I cover for him? Jesus Christ, he's French!

Where can we find the frog?



Looks like Freddie couldn't hold his sugar.

Power of the pink.

Blew a g*dd*mn vessel.

Oh, that is nasty.

All right, go through this place.

Make sure there's nothing here to tie us.





It's Aceveda.

Hey, let's clean up Freddie!

What? Here we go.


Let's clean him up.

Wipe it all down.

Tray. Here's a tray. Tray coming through.


All right? All right.


What's going on here?

It must've been a hell of a party.

What happened to him?

Looks like an O.D. We found him that way.

Yeah. We were about to call it in.


We were about to call it in.

ACEVEDA: What are you doing here?

SHANE: Good question.

Tracking down the g*ns from our... our stolen ride.

Yeah. All's here and accounted for, sir.

Can't have them hitting the streets.

ACEVEDA: Your g*ns?

SHANE: Yes, sir. 100% police issue.

Didn't want these puppies in the wrong hands.

Now they're not.

Where's Mackey?


Hey. I thought he wouldn't mind if I used the can.

VIC: What'cha doing there, Captain?

I'm looking for something.

Where is it?

Don't know what you're talking about.

You can treat yourself to a full cavity search if you like.

I'll see you back at the barn.

Turn it inside out.

Every inch.

I thought you were working.

Yeah. I gotta go back.

I snuck out to tuck in little man.

Better hurry.

He might already be asleep.


How you doing?

I'm all right. I'm just a little tired.

Yeah. I know.

Don't worry. We'll get through this.

Uh, what'd you get for 38?


I answered C.

No, it's B.

You have to report the infraction immediately to your Commanding Officer.

There's no latitude on that.

Stupid rule.


I mean, would you turn in your partner on something like that?

I know how I'd answer on the test.


Hi. No, are you okay?

No, come on over.


Everything all right?


A friend of mine is having a crisis, and she wants to come over.

Is she okay?

I don't know.

We got a lot of work done tonight, huh?


Hey, you're a good teacher.

Uh, see you tomorrow?


We'll dive into, uh, administrative and procedural.

It's dry stuff, but you can't pass without nailing it.

Good night.

Night. I hope your friend's okay.

Yeah. Yeah, me too.



Sorry about today.

It was such a f*gg*t thing to do, showing up at your work.

Don't do it again.

I won't.

You gonna sit?

I really am sorry.

I'll make it up to you.

I can't be the person that you want me to be.

I... I shouldn't even be here.

You've never come back, have you?

This is stupid.

No, what's stupid are the late-night cruises and the anonymous hummers in the front seat of your car.


I read a page of your diary?

You don't know anything about me...

The things that I believe, things that I see.

You're a good person.

I'm doing a bad thing.

You deserve to be happy.

You ought to read the Bible.

Scripture teaches...

Never mind.

You came back.

Start listening to yourself.

You're here late.

I'm e-mailing my girls.

Just got a call from Central.

Margos Desarian escaped from the paddy wagon.



Jimmied open the back door of the wagon, dove out at 40 miles an hour in his cuffs, disappeared down an alley.


I know.

That's a special kind of crazy.

Very special.

Just thought you should know.

I wish I didn't.

God knows where he is right now.

You okay?

Not really.

I'm, uh... just kind of all over the place.


Yeah, and I...

Brutal day.

Where are you?

I don't know.

I got something going on with my kid.

You don't wanna hear it.

Let's talk about something else.


Oh, you've got to be sh1tting me.



♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪♪
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