01x10 - Dragonchasers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Shield". Aired: March 12, 2002 - November 25, 2008.*
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Vic is a rogue cop in an experimental division of the LAPD, who is willing to sink to the criminals' level in order to bring them to justice.
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01x10 - Dragonchasers

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously on The Shield...

Hooker? Face down like the other four?

I warned you about this guy. Yes, you did.

DUTCH: The guy who m*rder*d Sally's still out there!

We'll get your guy too.

It just won't be today.

I'm not gay.

Julien, come on.

It's this thing... inside of me.

I push it down, it goes away, but then it comes back stronger.

I hate this thing inside of me.

You can't go through life hating who you are.

I pushed away everyone.

My partner, my reverend, Tomas...

I'm alone.

Jesus Christ. What happened?

Well, I thought that he was gonna k*ll me!

Well, that story's not gonna cut it.

I'll lose my son.

All right, you had sex. You asked him to pay.

He said he didn't have to pay, that he was gonna make you pay.

Your friends? They'll believe that?

Only if you have the bruises to prove it.

Hit me.


STRIPPER: So, how am I doing?

I got no complaints.

You wanna go someplace more private?

I thought this was as private as it got in here.

I mean, outside.

Sounds promising.

Oh. Ooh.

We got to hurry up.

STRIPPER: I don't want my boss to catch me.

How do I know you're not a cop?

VIC: If I were a cop, would I do this?


Is he doing what I think he's doing?

No way.

Wait, how are we supposed to know when these muggers try to jump him?

I mean, we got... We got to go in.

Oh, and ruin a good thing? He'd k*ll us.


DANNY: Oh, Jesus.

I just lost my appetite.

Told you I saw something.


You want to stop jerking off there?

Put your hands up!

Get 'em out of your pants and put 'em up!

Get up against the wall. Move it.

I can explain. I can explain. Move it!

Up against the wall.

Get his wallet.

JULIEN: Turn around.

Long way from Pasadena.

Alleys not good enough for you there?

This is the stupidest thing I've ever done.

Well, we call it a lewd act in public.

MAN: Oh, God.

Well, I guess she wasn't one of the girls involved with the mugging ring.

Oh, you dog.

You nailed her, didn't you?


Like I'd tell you three.

Oh, no, he was deep undercover.

Oh, my God.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down, Connie.

What's the matter?

Uh... all right, hold on.

Listen, I got to run.

Wait a half-hour and then send the next guy in.

Rotate until one of you guys gets att*cked.

Or gets a little tail.

All right, where are you now?


Oh, God.

I'm sorry.

Oh, Christ.

Connie, what happened?

She was my mom.


STRIPPER: So tell me, Ronnie...

He used his own name?


Like, what kind of stuff you into?

RONNIE: Oh, you know, golf.

I'm a four-handicap.

He looking to caddy for this chick or get his junk greased? Jesus.

STRIPPER: Sit right here and relax.

You like this, Ronnie?


Yeah? But could you, um... like, just kind of tease me?


Not really take it off.


Like almost, and then not, you know? Oh, okay.

What, is he for real?

All right, that's it. That's it. I'm going in.

That's it. That's it.

Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie...

What are you gonna do about him, Connie?

Well, I'll feed him.

I mean... without your mom, who's gonna take care of Brian?

I can take care of him.

You need help.

I'll get clean.

I won't need help.

You can barely take care of yourself.


Connie... Please!

They can't take Brian. He's all I got left.

My mom.

God, Vic.

My mom is dead.

Help me, Vic.

You can get me through it.

Connie, you need to go somewhere.


A treatment center.

The DA's still looking at my plea.

I'll go into detox, and they'll use that.

I'll lose Brian, and they'll take my aid.

Okay? I am... it's been like 12 hours since I chased.

Tonight and tomorrow, that'll be the worst.


I'm gonna get straight this time.

I have to.

I'm his mom.




From La Unidad.

Didn't you know our captain is a Latino to watch?

How about a story about a lanky white guy to watch?

Since your arrival, there have been major drops in all areas of crime.

This precinct was an experiment, but those stats aren't a coincidence.

The Barn is a success.

"The Barn"?

Farmington's called "The Farm."

When we moved into the old church, one of the officers nicknamed the place "The Barn."

The name stuck.

It's ironic, taking over a church.

God moved out. The cops moved in.

God's still here. We just sublet.

You don't mind if I talk to some of your people, do you?

Get some background?

Of course not.

Good night for Aceveda to have a sex sweep, huh?

Yeah, we busted a one-armed hooker.

For 50 bucks, she'll let you hump her in her socket.

Julien and I were in Koreatown, caught this guy masturbating in the alley.

Wasn't even home.

It was just a regular Joe from Pasadena.

This guy, uh... you remember what alley he was in?

DANNY: Yeah, the one between 6th and Whitworth, next to the, um... the laundromat that keeps getting hit.

You're sure?


He's not, uh, horning in on your territory, is he, Detective?

Um... what was this guy's name?

Do you remember?

His name?

Yeah. It was on the ticket, right?

We didn't give him one.

He was a citizen.

We just gave him a verbal warning, put the scare in him.

Try and remember. What was it?


Sean, I think.

Taylor. Sean Taylor.

DANNY: Yeah, that's it.

What was that about?

Who knows? It's Dutch.

If you put yourself or this kid in harm's way, DCFS isn't gonna take him away. I am.

You understand?

I promise, Vic. I promise.


You should drink a lot of fluids.

Water, juice.

Your mom got any bananas back here?

I don't know.

One of my guys is coming to sit with you.

Where will you be?

I'm gonna take Brian away.


Connie, trust me.

You're not gonna want him to see this.


Yeah, you're right.

Don't worry.

I'm gonna take care of him.

I love him.

I really love him.

I know you do.

You are so hot.

Yes, I am.

Am I turning you on?

That's nine inches of "yes" in there, darling.

Feels more like 10.

You know, I don't usually do this, but do you wanna go out back and finish this off?

All I got's time and money.

What? I was doing good.

"I'm a four-handicap"?

I was laying the groundwork.


SHANE: You're k*lling me, baby.

Let me take this thing off you.

Let me take this off you right here.

He sh**t, he scores.


Shit. Shane. Go, go, go!

SHANE: Jesus.

Freeze! Police! Back up! Get 'em up!

Against the wall! Turn around!

Hands behind your head!

Get on your knees! Get on your knees!

Get on your knees!

Shane, are you all right?


Shane. Can you say anything?


DUTCH: Danny!

Is this the guy you caught jerking off?

No, I can't go in there! No!

DANNY: Yeah.




No, I'm not going in there!


No, I'm not going in there!

Well, you should have thought about that before you solicited a cop.


Get off!

Get him off! He's biting me!

Get him off!

Goddammit! Oh, shit!

Get him off!


You okay?

I've got to get to the hospital.

Have a blood run, PEP.


Post-Exposure Prevention, in case the guy's got... got HIV.

You think he does? You saw the guy.

Damn, I was so close to her, you know?

That prick had to come and break it up.

Dude, let it go, man.

Look, I'm telling you, it wasn't just an act.

She really felt something.

That roll of 20s in your pocket.

I'm serious.

She was rubbing her ass all over my hands.


They don't just do that for everyone.

I've got a friend who lives in Chicago.

You from there?

Uh, yeah. Rockford.

Is that like a suburb?

No, it's its own town.


What are you doing here, Detective?

Uh, technically, those officers should have given you a ticket.


What you did's a misdemeanor.

Well, trust me, nobody's more embarrassed about it than I am.


We all do it. You just got caught.

This any good?

I guess that depends on what you're looking for specifically, Detective.

About the radio, the one in my car only seems to pick up Spanish stations.

That's not your system. That's just Los Angeles.

Well, I guess I'm done here.

Okay. That's it?

That's it.

Some husbands just bring home flowers.

Yeah. I didn't have time to wrap him up.

Who is this?

It's Brian, Connie's kid.


This hooker. It's a long story.

You brought a prost*tute's child home?

Why are you doing this?

Connie's mother died.


I'm sorry, but...

She's trying to kick her habit so they won't take him away from her.

You expect me to watch him?

It's just for one night.


I'm sorry.

You're the only one I trust him with.

Shh, shh, shh. It's okay.

[WHISPERING] I hate you.

I love you too.

I've got to go.

Officer, would you see her to her car, please?

Thank you.

Who's the woman?



You'd think interviewing so many liars would make you a better one.


Everybody knows you're following up on Danny and Julien's self-pleasurer.

Some of the guys started a pool to see who'd come up with the best joke.

I think he's our serial k*ller.


He k*lled Sally and the other girls.

Got anything this time other than intuition?

Like evidence?

That woman?

That's his aunt.

She raised him after his parents died.

His early childhood fits the profile.

Shy, introverted, a loner.

You're getting colder, not hotter.

He was caught masturbating two blocks from the corner where Sally worked.

Still cold.

You never established Sally was k*lled in that alley.

It's the classic opportunity offender MO.

They only k*ll when circumstances present them with the perfect victim at the perfect time.

And if the opportunity's not perfect?

Plan B.

Relive the fantasy at the scene of an earlier crime.

It's getting chilly again.

Think about it.

The guy has an apartment in Pasadena, has complete privacy there.

Why is he traveling to one of the worst parts of town just to jerk off in an alley?


You okay?

I got to get up. I got to...

No. Hey, hey.

Just lay down. Just relax.

Just relax. No!

Now, now, relax...

RONNIE: Jesus Christ.


She hit me!

Okay. Okay. All right.

I'm here.


Okay. Okay.



Here. Here, here.

Try to drink something.

It's water. Come on. Drink.

Okay, good girl.


I love you, Vic.

Yeah. Rest.

Okay? Okay, Connie?

Come on. Rest.

I love you, Vic.



Rest now. Rest.


Ssss... ls your head okay?

No, it hurts.

I'm sorry about that, you know.

I didn't know you were a cop.

That was the idea.

I wanted to stop Carl from hitting you, because I think you're real cute.


Southern, right?

Atlanta, thereabouts.


Yeah. So... tell me about Carl.

Carl introduced me to the guy who owns the club, and that's when I started, you know...



I'm a dancer.


Then this one night, Carl comes to me with this, like, relevation, asks for my help, uh... and, you know, he was getting my medicine, so I kind of felt like I owed him.

I'm epileptic.

Puts you in a tough spot, huh?

I knew it was wrong, but he was such a sweet guy.

He hit me in the head with a tire iron.

Yeah, I remember that.

Why are you guys harassing me?

My aunt?

We just asked her a few questions.

She's a nice lady. Yes.

Told us about the fire.

What fire?

The one your parents died in when you were a kid.

I've got to give your aunt a lot of credit.

It couldn't have been easy raising a child under those circumstances.

Well, I owe her everything.

You deserve a pat on the back yourself.


Well, to be able to lift yourself above something like that, excel in the face of tragedy.

Speaks volumes about your character.

Well, I did the best I could.

I'd say.

Magna cum laude.

Top 10 in your graduating class.

Turned down a full ride to law school.

Yeah, well, who wants to be a lawyer, right?


I hear you, but it does bring up an interesting question.

For a guy with such impressive brainpower, why install car stereos for a living?



I jerked off in an alley.


I'm embarrassed.

Now just write me a ticket, and let's be done with this.

You like to hunt, Sean?

Do I like to hunt?

Mike Joyce, your best friend in high school?

How do you know about Mike?

I talked to a detective back in Rockford.

Two boys go into the woods, deer hunting.

Only one comes back alive.

It was an accident.

Maybe, or maybe something happened in those woods?

Or maybe you just have a very active imagination.

"An intelligent but underachieving loner."

I wonder how you give your imagination a workout.

Look, I know what you're trying to get at, Detective, and, frankly, this whole psycho-analyzation thing, it just seems a bit out of your league.

I'm just trying to get to know you better.


I know a lot more about you than you'll ever know about me.


Either this guy's innocent, or he doesn't scare easily.

He's the guy.

Well, we'd better find something fast, because we can't hold him.

Hey, Dutch.

Heard you've been interviewing the masturbator.

What are you doing, getting tips?

g*dd*mn it!

I want to go home!

Connie, Connie, you are home, honey.

I want to die!

What is happening?

Connie. Connie!



That's right, sweetheart. It's me.

It's okay. I'm here. Okay, baby, I'm here.

I'm here. That's right.

We had sex. I told him it was time to pay.

He said he didn't have to pay.

That's when he started hitting me.

Man, Connie...

He pulled out a g*n!

I took it and shot him.

What's she saying?

You have to hit me. Hit me, all right?

Come on!

Connie... Connie.

Please, Vic.

Please. I want to die.

I want to die. I want to die!

No. Yeah.

No, no, no.

No, you don't.

Detective Wyms? Tereza Verella.

Ah, yes, I know.

Do you have a minute?

People say you're the one to talk to.

About what?

Well, I'm doing a piece on your captain, and I just wanted to ask you a few questions.

Such as?

His effectiveness.

People skills. Relationships.

He's very effective.

He seems to do fine with people, and his relationship is he's my boss.

A very good one.

He skipped a few steps in his rise to captain.

More desk than street time.

Do people resent that?

I don't.

One big, happy family, huh?

I don't know any family that doesn't have the occasional disagreement.

Neither do I.

You're talking about the Strike Team.

Am I?

Well, my sources confirm numerous complaints of excessive force, IAD investigations, civil suits...

I don't know.

I don't have your sources.

Look, Carl totally rolled on Tulips.

And Tulips totally rolled on Carl.

He's like this Svengali guy who got a bunch of the dancers to go in on his little bait and bash scheme.

Well, Carl says Tulips organized all the girls, she's the one who set up all the muggings.

Come on, she's an epileptic hottie, not Amy Fisher.

Bottom line, who's the ringleader?

Her! Him!

This has got to be the easiest case we've had all year.

Are you telling me I have to get involved?

No. No.

Then get to the bottom of it, or just nail both of them for kicking Shane's ass.

I didn't get my ass kicked.

I got sucker-punched.

Right. Sorry.

JULIEN: Hey, what'd the doctor say?

Till Aceveda subpoenas the prom queen's medical records, I take these pills, get a blood test every 30 days.

I'm sorry.

I took my eyes off him for a second.

It all happened so fast. I hit him with the baton.

It caused the blood to get in your cut.

If he's HIV...

Julien, it's not like we shared needles.

I screwed up, though. I should've...

I should have played this smarter.

Well, it's just a bite, you know?

The drug kit I'm on, I got no worries.


I heard what happened.

You okay?

Just a couple of scratches.

No big deal.

You let loose pretty good on that q*eer last night, huh?


You did the right thing, Julien.

That prick jumped you in front of a dozen scumbags.

We need to send a message.

What kind of message?

Blanket party.

No, thanks, all right?

It's in the past.

You change your mind, you let us know.

What's a blanket party?

Somebody likes to draw.

DUTCH: "Detective Wagenbach. Craves respect."

"Fantasizes about being well-liked, "yet shows

"no outward manifestation of his low self-esteem.

"Feels ignored, unappreciated, inadequate with women."

Ah, it's just off some first impressions, but I'll stand by it.

Maybe you'd like to read my palms too.

Look at him.

Tell me I'm wrong.

It's why you became a cop.

You thought by having a g*n and a badge that they'd respect you.

They do.

Even in a uniform, you were still a joke.

That's why you became a detective.

DUTCH: Tell me more. Dutch...

Uh, it's all right.

You're still the same lonely kid from high school, and at the end of the day, when you look in the mirror, you don't see the person that you wish you were.

Just a lowly civil servant that you hoped you'd never become.

I hope you're here to pick him up.

Not yet.

What are you doing?

Bringing some things to Connie.

Is that where you were all night?

Me and Ronnie are taking care of her.

She puked all over her clothes. It's ugly.

How about helping me?

It's pretty ugly around here too.

I'm sorry.

Why don't you just take this crack whore to detox?

I can't.

She'll lose him if I do.

What the hell's going on, Vic?

What are you talking about?

I'm not stupid. Between you and her, what is it?


Are you sleeping with her?

Jesus, the kids!

Oh, God.

Is this your son?

Stop it. Tell me!

I pulled her out of a brawl two years ago.

These Thai Towners were kicking the shit out of her for stealing johns.

I gave her my number.

I told her to call me if she ever needed help.

One night, she did.

Cracked out on the floor of a hotel bathroom and six months pregnant, screaming, crying, begging for forgiveness.

I show up and find her in a pool of bloody crystals.

She tried to get rid of him with some Drano and a plunger handle.

I rushed them to Mission Cross.

They did an emergency C-section.

10 weeks premature.

Jonesing at birth.

He's a tough kid.

I, um...

I have some old dresses in the garage.

Thank you.

We got a problem, Tulips.

Carl says you were the one who organized the muggings.


Yeah. Says he was just the muscle, that, uh... you were the brains.

You don't believe him, do you?

No, of course not, but who knows how a jury would see it.

So what can I do?

Well, is there anything that you can give me to prove Carl's guilt?

I don't know.

Come on. You got to...

You got to work with me here.

Victims' names, dates.

He was the one who set everything up.

I just did what he asked.

Well, there's only one deal to be made here, and, uh, I'd really like to see you get it.

I want it.

I mean, there's got to be something I can put on the table... right?

I want to give you a chance to explain yourself.

What's to explain?

Why'd you bite my partner?

Because I wanted to give her what I got.

You can't pass HIV through biting.

Aren't you the expert.

So you were trying to k*ll her?

I got it in jail.

Cops put me in jail, so why shouldn't I give it to cops?

Look at you.

You're the reason why people hate faggots.

Wanna give me a big kiss, lover?

I should have bitten both of you.

Where is it you're from again?

La Unidad.


So... what is this room?


Victims and witnesses can safely identify suspects.


And, uh, we get to monitor interrogation techniques.

SEAN: About three years.

I have less free time than you'd think.

DUTCH: That's right.

The harm on the Farm.

That's what people call the policing tactics in Farmington, isn't it?

It's just PR.

Never hurts to have the bad guys a little nervous.

Well, I'd say they're more than nervous.

The complaints suggest brutality.


Does your captain encourage that type of law enforcement? [KNOCKS]

I need my detective.

Who is that woman?

What are you telling her?


She's the one looking for dirt.

So she goes where it's dirty?

Hey, you and I don't like each other.

That's not a new headline.

No, it's not.

Well, one thing you know...

If I come after you, it'll be straight on.

This one'll cut our hands off and then sweetly smile as she asks you to clap louder.

If she keeps digging, I don't think either one of us is gonna be happy.


So how do we shut her down?

I heard Danny went home early.

The medicine she's on is making her nauseous.

I hope she doesn't end up another Watson.

Knock wood.

Who's Watson?

Got stuck with a needle.

No one ever mentioned him before.

What do you expect?

Cop gets shot in the line of duty, and it's all accommodations and 21-g*n salutes.

Some q*eer in a dress gives you AIDS, you end up unemployed and the city's dirty little secret.

The guy who bit her couldn't care less.

You know, just because Danny doesn't want to give this guy a blanket party doesn't mean this fairy doesn't deserve one.

Count me in.

LEMONHEAD: Last cage on the right.

Let's go, darling.

How's the case coming? Sweet.

I cut a deal with Tulips to testify against Carl, roped in the other girls who were in on it.

Consider the mugging book closed.

I was doing a little channel surfing up in Observation.

I didn't know we got the Spice Network.


You saw that.

Yeah. I better not see any repeats.

Hey, I talked to the girlies.

They all say the same thing.

Tulips was behind the whole thing. What?

Yeah, apparently Carl was just like her sexual pawn she totally manipulated.

Imagine that.



So when am I getting out of here?

Uh... well, I'm not too sure, darling.

Uh, see, your dancer friends and Carl, well, they have a different hit on who's been calling the sh*ts in your little slam dance scam.


So what are you saying?

Well, I'm saying that with their testimony, um...

two years is the best I can get for you.

I'm, uh... I'm sorry.

How much time are you getting for sexual misconduct?

Pardon me?

I got a yammy full of Georgia joy juice, darling.

Enough DNA to have you writing parking tickets in Pacoima, so... am I walking out of here, or, uh... do we need to call your supervisor?


Do I look okay?


I'm feeling a little, um... dizzy.

Would you like something to drink?


You should lie down.


Can you just get me some tea first?


SEAN: I'm tired of talking about my parents.

Let's talk about you.

How does your father feel about the way that your life's turned out?

He's proud of me.

Sure. That's what he says to your face.

Oh, man!

Hey, guys, guys, come here.

You got to check this out.

What's up?

Dutch is getting hammered by this civie.

It's brutal.

It's like watching a train wreck, only it's more horrific.


Whatever you're after, put it on the table.


Tell me about the increased allegations of brutality.

We're a pro-active force.

Bad guys don't like to be arrested.

Allegations are all they are.

So you're not promoting use of force as a way to inflate your impressive crime statistics?


Listen, he's the top cop in this building.

He gets results, but not at the expense of the law.

He deserves a lot of credit.

What about your alleged r*pe of a 21 -year-old white girl?


Would you like to take credit for that?

Give us a minute.

What are you doing?

A captain with a history of v*olence is in command of the district with the highest percentage of brutality complaints.

Now he wants to be on the city council.

That was 15 years ago.

Hospital records show Maureen Wilmore had signs of bruising, and burns.

I'm not gonna discuss this.

I have a wife and daughter.

And how would you feel if their r*pist wanted to be their representative?

There's not a story here.

I'll take that as a no comment.


Truth is, Sean, I may not have been the most popular guy in high school, but I got laid, more than a few times.

I'm getting laid now too, and guess what?

She's hot.



Oh, man!

What's going on?

SHANE: Sherlock Holmes here is getting smoked.

Truth is, I just like to solve puzzles.

I would have told you earlier, but I needed to buy some time to do a few things.

Now... here's what I know about you.

You're... perceptive.

You can sense when people are vulnerable.

You have... access to other people's cars.

That way, they can't be traced back to you.


There wasn't a speck of dust in your shop, because in your business, you can't make any mistakes.

Did you put a Sony CD player into a green Ford Taurus five weeks ago?

I don't know.

I work on a lot of cars.

Customer said you returned it with a broken right rear tail light.

Now, that... that does sound vaguely familiar there.

You remember Sally, Sean?

Should I, Dutch?


[LAUGHING] Oh, my God.

Oh, someone stop it.

I want to leave.

Well, you had the chance to leave earlier.

Instead, you decided to stick around and show off.

We got the judge to issue us the search warrant.

For what?

He gave us the keys to your place.

You're not gonna find anything there.

Just the standard collection of bondage/domination porn.

DUTCH: Which is why we also got a search warrant for your aunt's house.

You can't do that.

You co-signed the mortgage papers.

Technically, we can.

I thought this guy was eating Dutch for lunch.


Let me draw you a picture, Sean.

This... is your aunt's house.

This is the porch, and this... this is the crawlspace Pasadena P.D. just dug two bodies out of.

How many more are we gonna find, Sean?






Jesus Christ.

That's just under the crawlspace, you know.

The other ones I dumped.


I ran out of room under my aunt's house.


That's pathetic.

What is?

How typical you are.

As soon as you're caught, you try to be special.

I k*lled 22 people.

Well, 23, if you want to count the hunting accident back in Rockford.

Oh, I'm special, all right.

If you're so special, how come a lowly civil servant like me just caught you?


OFFICER: That's something they don't teach you at the academy.


Yeah, Dutch!

That was a great job, man.

Thanks. Thanks. Really.

Hey, Dutch.


Told you we'd get this guy.

Yes, you did.

And here I thought I was gonna have to do all the work.

Right. Ha.

Good job.



Looks like you're quite the celebrity.

Way to go, Ron Jeremy.

A simple investigation, and you cage everyone except for the evil stripper.

At least we got the guy who hit me, and she's a dancer.

Right. You think the dancer's gonna have any trouble finding another loser with a tire iron?

Oh, come on.

So everyone else here is free to just bang away.

Lem here's nailing Chiquita Banana...


You know what I'm saying.

Yeah, you know what? And I'm tired of you saying it.

Oh, so once again, I'm the assh*le.

Just leave Tigré out of this, dude, all right? I dig her.

Oh, come on, this whole West Side Story thing's got a life span of two weeks, tops.


Where's Connie?


Oh, shit.

DAVID: You're my wife.

I don't want to keep anything from you.

Who is this woman?

Maureen was a girlfriend at USC.

Her father is Chester Wilmore.

The publisher?


Maureen, she liked to play... rough.

Pleasure-pain kind of thing.

It was...

Just tell me, David.

One night, we were drinking, and she asked me to tie her up.

I did.

Pour hot wax on her stomach.

I did.

She wanted me to choke her to heighten the...

I couldn't.

It was too much.

Next day, I broke up with her, and she got pissed off, obsessed.

One night, she tracked me down.

We got in this huge fight.

She grabbed my roommate's pocketknife.

I didn't get this scar from rock climbing.


And when that didn't get my attention, she filed charges on me, got Daddy's lawyers involved.

What kind of charges?

Sexual battery, attempted r*pe.

It was a long time ago.

My God, David.

If Verella prints this story, who knows what the public will believe.

You want to fight it.

Babe, you just say the word, and I will step away from all of this.

Let the bitch come after you.

Are you okay?



I tried.

I know.

Come here.

Is he okay?


Yeah, he's good.



Look, I...

I just wanted to be sure.

You need help.

I can't... be helped.


He can.


He's a good boy, Vic.

Someone will love him.

He's your boy.

A happy white baby.

Couples will be fighting over him, right?

He needs his mother.

That's just not me.

There you go.

No! No!

Ow! No!

Come on, come on.

No! No!

She's your partner, man.

Come on!

Shut up.


Shut up.


Shut up. Shut up.

Aah! No!

Julien! Julien! That's enough! Oh, shit.

You're not supposed to k*ll him!

JULIEN: Get off!

He's had enough!

All right.

COP: Dutchster, great job!


♪ The answers of questions Asked after ♪

♪ You decide to leave here ♪

♪ And as you leave The door, it seems wide open ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm a liar ♪

♪ You must believe me ♪♪


♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪♪
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