02x10 - Nightmare Bay: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x10 - Nightmare Bay: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ The edge of surrender's
in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's going to be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you out
of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Never you fear
-♪ no, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ No

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Never you fear
-♪ no, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here



"Nightmare bay"


[Radio chatter]


What? That's as wet as you're
going to get today.


You weren't here.
You didn't see me.

Mitch, you're never going
to make it. He's on the deck.


[Radio chatter]

No sign of him here...

No other office quite like it,
is there, mitch?

-It's a beautiful thing.
-That it is.

Well, now, you've had the week
to think it over.

What's your decision?

Haven't made it yet.

Mitch, you can't tread water
on this forever.

Have you talked it over
with hobie?

Sure, sure. My son thinks
it would be a great career move.

Good. That boy knows
what's right.

The move up from lieutenant
to captain

Would mean a substantial hike
in salary.

Increased responsibility
within the department.

Captain, the only responsibility
I really care about

Is making sure that all these
people who come to the beach

Leave safely
at the end of the day.

Mitch, that's what we all want.

You think I'm looking forward
to becoming chief?

Moving downtown away
from all this?

Dealing with budget allocations?

Not on your life.

But chief wallace decided
that I am the best qualified

To replace him.

And I've decided you're the best
qualified to replace me.

I'm not.

There are a lot
of other lifeguards

Much more qualified than me.

-Name one.


Mitch, he is way past his prime.

Ben has never been off the sand
his entire career.

He's never even been
a lieutenant.

How am I supposed
to promote him to captain?

Ben's got more experience
on this beach

Than all the lifeguards
put together.


He saved five people
the day the pier collapsed

And crushed his leg.

Mitch, you know, I feel as bad
about his injury as anyone else.

I offered him the switchboard.
He's rejected it.

Maybe if we make it
a stepping stone.

Sorry, mitch.
You still haven't named one.

Look, you go surf.
Clear your head.

You'll make the right decision.

-Oh, captain?

Has the department made
a decision

On which beach gets a scarab?

Not yet.


You ought to see her, mitch.

34 Feet of pure velocity.

Sleek as a stingray.

The most advanced rescue boat
in the history

Of the lifeguard service.

They're leaning towards zuma.


Zuma got the last upgrade!

Come on! Our boat's
on its last legs.

It's a funny thing
about decisions, mitch.

They're often made
for all the wrong reasons.

See you tomorrow.


[Music playing]

[Music intensifies]

It's okay. I got you.

You hurt? You all right?

Just relax. Okay.

I'm going to take you
in on this.

Put your right on arm.
That's good.

That's a girl.
Put your left arm on it.

Okay, now on three,
I'm going to hoist you on.

Ready? One, two, three!

That a girl. That a girl.

Hang on.

All right. That a girl.
Here we go.

Here we go.

You've got it. That's it.
Come on, work your roundhouse.

Let me see that.
Every time. Let me see that.

Yeah, left and right.
Left and right. You got it.

Now, come on. Let's work it back
this way. That's it.

You've got it. You're on it.
You're on it.

Come on, let's finish up
with something big.

Ready? Let's go.
Come on, one more time. Now!

Come on, here it is.

Oh, eddie.
I am so sorry, sweetie.

-Did I hurt you?
-Oh, no. No.

Just caught me a little
off-guard, that's all.

-Yeah, right, eddie.

Hey. Come on a minute.

What is the matter with you?

First you hit me.
Then you sort of kiss me.

What's going on?
What's the matter?

I'm sorry, eddie. It's not you.

-Well, then who is it?
-It's my father.

He ventured off
our tennis court yesterday

And decided to find out exactly
what I do as a lifeguard.

So he sat in the parking lot
in his mercedes

And he spied on me.

Eddie, I was
running all day long.

I must have made
at least 30 preventions.

But you know all he saw?

He saw his little girl
in a bathing suit

On display in front
of hundreds of guys.

He wants me to quit.

[Music playing]

[Spray paint hissing]

Jordan, don't do that!


Jordan, don't!
You'll make it ugly!

It ain't ugly, all right?

And when the homeboys
come to the beach

And see their tag,

-I'll be in tight.
-I don't want you to be in tight

With g*ng bangers.

-I don't want you k*lled.
-Go play in the sand, tianna.

If you spray those rocks
I'll tell mommy

You cut school
and took me on the bus.

Took you here?

Who even asked you
to come with me?

Somebody's got
to look out for you.

-Give me that.
-Let it go!

-Give it!
-Give it to me!


Tianna! Tianna! Please, tianna!

Help! Help!
My sister, she's drowning!


[Music intensifies]


Over here! Help! Please help!

Over here! My sister,
she's drowning!

Help, please! Over here!

Please come back, tianna!

Get away from the edge
of the rocks!

-Now! Get away from the edge!

Tianna! Please, tianna!

You see that building?

You go over there
and you get help!

Now! Go! Now!

[Waves crashing]

[Intense music playing]

What happened?

I found her floating
on some debris.

She's suffering from shock
and exposure.

We need a chopper up
about two miles

Off of point dume.

We've got
other possible survivors.

Help! Help!

Help! Please, help!
My sister, she's drowning!

-Help, please!

-Help us! She's over there.
-You take care of her?

Go! Go!

Get in the back. Jump in.

[Sirens approaching]

-I got her.
-You okay?

I had her breathing,
but she stopped again.

-How long was she under?
-At least two to three minutes.

-I got a pulse.
-She's still not breathing.

Get her vitals.
I want them recorded.

Pupils are dilated.

-Can you hear me?
-Maintaining the airway.

-What's her name again?

Tianna, can you hear me?

I've got capillary refill.

Tianna, if you can hear me,
move your fingers.

There's no reflex.

Come on, tianna.

Come on, tianna.

-Move your fingers.
-Tianna, can you hear me?

Come on, tianna.

Come on, tianna!

Move your fingers.


Tianna, move your fingers!

Come on, tianna.
Move your fingers.

-We got her!

Okay, baby.

Easy. Okay, mitch.

Okay, let's go!

She's going to be
all right, isn't she?

She should be.

I need a number
where I can reach your parents.

It's only my mom,
but do you have to call her?

Yeah, she has
to give her permission

So your doctors can treat
your sister at the hospital.

Come on, pal.

You were great out there.

It was all on the line
and you came through.

I just swam
to the end of the rip,

And I dove and she was--
there she was.

She was right there, you know?

I was getting so tired

I could barely keep
my head above the water.

I'd like to hear
what your old man has to say

About you being a lifeguard now.

[Music playing]

♪ Well I treasure the days

♪ We were fearless-unafraid

♪ We would talk a big game

♪ But it didn't end up
that way ♪

♪ We were bold we were brave

♪ But somehow lost our way

♪ I remember you'd say

♪ We'd be legends one day

♪ 'Cause all our lives
we played it safe ♪

♪ And it's overrated

♪ Now it's time
to break the chains ♪

♪ Yeah it's liberating

♪ Let's get crazy
let's celebrate it yeah ♪

♪ We are wild
and free [let's go] ♪

♪ No more waiting
or hesitating to ♪

♪ See who you could be
[let's go] ♪

♪ Let's get crazy
let's celebrate it yeah ♪

♪ We are wild
and free [let's go] ♪

♪ No more waiting
or hesitating to ♪

♪ See who you could be
[let's go] ♪

♪ Let's get crazy
let's celebrate it yeah ♪

♪ We are wild
and free [let's go] ♪

♪ No more waiting
or hesitating to ♪

It started out so wonderful.

I chartered a little
diving boat.

The captain said that he knew
this great spot

Where I could take pictures
for my class assignment.

And he said that he'd charge me
what I could afford, you know?

We went out to a spot about,

I don't know,
about four miles out,

Dropped anchor.

It was so peaceful down there.

So full of life.

We swam to a grotto.

Walt went to find some lobster.

He said we'd have it for lunch.

I started photographing
the sea life, you know?

The coral and everything
looked so beautiful.

I loved being there so much.

Did he say what
the spot was called?

Sunken gardens? Coral cave?

-Does any of that ring a bell?
-No. No.

But there was a cave.

Something was in it.

We heard it moving inside.

Walt swam toward the opening.
I started taking pictures.

Walt was at the entrance
shining his flashlight inside.

Then he was, uh--

Something grabbed him

And dragged him into the cave.

And then, oh--

It's all right.

It's okay, linda.

Just take your time.

I swam over to him.

I was so scared,
I couldn't breathe.

Bubbles were gushing
out of walt's t*nk.

It was horrible.

He was trying to breathe

And he was kicking.

And, uh...

But it had him from behind

And he couldn't get away
and I was trying to help

And I couldn't.

What had him?

I don't know.
It was something...

Something monstrous.

And it was green.

It was brackish green.

There were bubbles.
I don't know.

There were bubbles all over
and there--

And it was dark
and the cave was dark.

And it started swimming
after me.

I took pictures,
but I dropped my camera.

I knew I had
to get out of my t*nk

So I could swim faster.

As I was getting on the boat,
I felt it touch me.

It had my foot.

I pulled it away.
I got on the boat.

The water around it
started to churn.

I ran to the back of the boat
to pull up the anchor.

It pounded on the bottom
of the boat.

I pulled the line, but it just
pulled it back into the water.

When the line ran out, it just
started pulling the stern under.

I tried to get to the helm
to get it started.

Then something broke
through the hull

And started reaching in.

I tried to start the engine,
but it just wouldn't start.

The boat started to sink.

I knew I was going to die!


Hey, please wait outside.

It's all right, linda.

It's all right.


It's okay.

It's not your fault.

It was trying
to get me and it was--

Try and close your eyes

And I'll be back
in just a minute, okay?


We need to talk.

This girl is a victim,
not a story.

If this isn't a story,
then I don't know what is.

Rescued at sea.
Boat crushed from below.

There was probably an expl*si*n

Which would account
for her confused state.

Claiming that her companion
was k*lled

By some sort of sea monster
in the santa monica bay?

Listen, you were here to do
a story on offshore drilling.

Oh, I am,

But the public
has every right to know

If there's something
dangerous out there.

The only thing dangerous
out there

Is going to be oil platforms,

And that's what the public
has a right and a need to know.


Oh, excuse me.

Are you always wet?

As often as possible.

I'm kaye moran. I was here
when you brought linda in.

Hi. I'm mitch buchannon.

-It's a pleasure to meet you.
-The pleasure's mine.

So what do you think
about these sea creatures

In the santa monica bay?

Well, as long as we don't
continue to pollute the bay,

I think they should all survive.

No, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean sea creatures.

I meant sea monsters.

Sea monsters?

Well, who knows?
I mean, toxic mutant jellyfish

Could ooze up on shore
to seek revenge

For what we've done
to their environment.


I remember those eyes.

You're the one who saved me.

Look, I'm not crazy.

I know you're not crazy.

But before any of us jumps
to any conclusions,

I'm going to go back
to where I found you,

I'm going to dive down there--

Oh, god. No, don't.

I mean,
it could still be down there.

You could get hurt.

Linda, I know something
down there frightened you.

Believe me,
we'll find out what it was.

In the meantime, you got
somebody to pick you up?

No. I'm out here on vacation.
I'm from virginia.

I'm down at the marina hotel.

Well, if you don't mind,

I'll have one of the lifeguards
run you back to the hotel.

And I'll call you as soon as
I find out what's down there.



Drake, buddy,
we haven't got all day.

Can you give me
some more throttle?

She's an old lady.
This is all she's got.

We better get that scarab.

Judging currents, wind drift,

And how long linda
was in the water,

Our dive spot
should be right here.

Don't those oil people realize

That there's an entire
universe out there

More diverse and magnificent

Than anything
that's left up here?

Three-quarters of the planet
is theirs.

Thanks. Unfortunately,
fish can't vote.

You know that grotto
linda was talking about?

I think I did some
echinodermata research there,

But I don't remember
there being a cave.

-Echino what?
-Dermata. Echinodermata.

You know,
spiny-skinned animals--

Sea urchins, starfish.

Any of those big enough
to crush a boat?

Well, just in case.

Oh, come on. You're
a marine biologist.

Don't tell me you believe
in sea monsters.

When I was nine years old,

My dad bought me
a sea monster book.

I said, "dad,
there's no such thing."

He said, "prove there isn't."

I've been trying ever since.
I haven't yet.

Just in case.

[Music playing]

[Muffled gasping]

[Knocking on door]

I'm sorry to disturb you.

I just came to see
how tianna was doing.

This is the lifeguard, mom.


God bless you.

God bless you, child,
for saving my little girl.

I'm just happy that I was there

And she's going to be all right.

I'm happy you were there, too.

My baby should have
never been there.

Truth be known,

You saved two lives today.

'Cause if anything would have
happened to my tianna,

I don't know what I would have
done with that boy.

Sarah, I don't know
what I would have done

If jordan hadn't brought help
as fast as he did.

He got lucky today.

But there won't always
be someone like you around

To get him out of the trouble
he is determined to get into.

Lord knows, working two jobs,

I just can't be
there all the time.

I would know her just by looking
at her little hand.

It's all I looked at, just
waiting for one finger to move.



This is the lady
that rescued you.

Her name is shauni.

Isn't that a pretty name?

It's not as pretty as tianna.

That's a beautiful name.

Shh. Baby.

Don't try to talk.

You don't have to say anything,

You just close your eyes and you
try to get some sleep, okay?


Good morning to you.

Could I get some more syrup,

This is not going to be enough.

You guys, could I borrow
your syrup, please?

Pass the jam, please?
Thank you very much.

Can I have your syrup, please?
Thank you very much.

More syrup. Thank you.

I need all the syrup
you guys got.

I want to drown in it.
Nomi, if I start drowning...

Do a pull up on me.
Thank you very much.

Hurry, mitch is coming.
He's coming. Where's the hole?

I want you guys to smear me from
head to toe with this stuff.

Can you do that?
I want this stuff all over me.

Now come on. He's coming.

Get over here and dump
this stuff all over me.

I want no area of me
that is not covered.

Give me this filthy mess!

All over. Come on. All over.

Get the jam.

I beat you.

That makes us blades 3,
spokes 2.

I got this thing won.

It's a seven-game series, pal,

And I'm going to win it
because I'm hungrier.

Oh, yeah, dad? You want to see
who can eat the most pancakes?

You're on. Lilly?

Two stacks of pancakes
for the hobster and me.

And keep them coming.



If this is another way
to get me involved

In one of your crazy
business schemes,

-Forget it.
-I don't believe it.

My creator doesn't recognize
his own creation.

You don't know what I am,
do you?

No, but if you want
to stop by later

And drip on my pancakes,

-That would be fine.
-Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I'll give you
a couple of hints, okay?

I'm zsa zsa gabor out from one
last beauty treatment.

-Let's see.

I'm a japanese monster movie.

Jawzilla. The thing
that ate breakfast!

Harvey, what? What?
What are you? What?

I'm a toxic mutant jellyfish

Oozing out of the water
to seek my revenge.

The t-shirt rights alone are
going to be worth six figures.

Right here, lieutenant.
You made the front page.

You're kidding me.
She quoted me.

-Let me see that, will you?
-Allow me, mitch.

"When asked his opinion
of the victim's contention

That her boat
had been att*cked

By a mysterious sea monster

In the santa monica bay,

Lifeguard lieutenant
mitch buchannon

Stated that it could have been

"A toxic mutant jellyfish
seeking revenge

For what we have done
to its environment."

Dad, cool. Can we go diving
and look for it?

No, we can't go diving
and look for it.

She quoted me out of context.

What really happened out there,

-Go get the pancakes, will you?
-Sure, dad.

I don't know, ben.

Waiting for the coroner's report

On the body
we pulled up yesterday.

Can you believe this picture?

Shouldn't be in a newspaper.
It should be in a comic book.

[Thorpe chuckling]


Locally, more sightings
have been reported,

Although nothing
has been verified

Regarding the so-called
santa monica bay sea monster.

The identity of the victim
has not been released

Pending notification of kin.

Dang, baby?
What you trying to do? Hit me?

I'm sorry.
I didn't see you run out.

Naw, that ain't even
going to work. Naw, baby.

-Not around here.
-I was looking for an address.

It's 13508.

Baby, what you doing?

You wearing this
the wrong side out.

Around here, red will make
you dead. You know that?

Look, I was just trying
to find this address.

Lifeguard? What's this?
This ain't no beach!

This is blacktop,
you know what I'm saying?

Stop it. Let go.

We're going to have fun
with this.

Hey, stop it.


Get off of me.


Let me go.

[Engine revving]


Let me go! Stop the car!

Stop it.

Man, what you got?

-Let's see what's inside.
-Give it to me!

You're going to break it.

Oh, I did break it.

Aw, it's a little pony.

My little pony need a doctor.

-Ha! Ha ha!

Hey, leave her alone.

Get out of that car right now
before I crack your head open.

-Did I break it?
-I'm so sorry.

Give me the keys.

Give them here.

Darren, you get inside
till I call your mama.

And take that rag off
your fool head.

Naw, naw. You do what I say,
not her.

Back on your head.
And get across the street.

And you, too. Put yours on.

He is only 12 years old.
Why don't you leave him alone?

You don't know nothing.

Freak come into our hood
wearing red.

Naw, naw. Without us,
he is alone.

Without you, he's alive.

And I'm going to make sure
he stays that way.

Now, you want to try
to s*ab me or sh**t me?

You ought to get your butt off
my lawn right now.

Maybe I'll come by and take you
by the beach sometime.

Might even take a ride
by here one night.

Yo, man.

Better leave it right here.
It'll be safer.

Shauni, why didn't you call me?

I would have warned you
not to come down here.

I would have come anyway.


You probably jump into
shark-infested waters, too, huh?

There's not one lifeguard
who's got anything on you

When it comes to making rescues.

Yeah, we got plenty
of our own sharks out here.

I wrote an accurate account
of what happened yesterday.

My editor's the one
who sensationalized it.

I've already threatened to quit

If he doesn't print
a retraction.


You mean two lines
buried on page eight

Saying "mitch buchannon
is not a complete lunatic?"

Lady, because of you,
I've got lifeguards

Pulling kooks with spear g*ns
out of the surf.

What you did was
totally irresponsible.

I'm sorry,

But I am not responsible for all
the kooks here in los angeles.

That's endemic to this city.

Excuse me, will you?
I got work to do.

I just took photographs
of a bent anchor

And a crushed scuba t*nk.

Do you want to tell me
how they got that way?

Why would I want
to tell you anything?

Because if you don't...

Those photos are still
going to run.

Then the public's going to have
to imagine for themselves

How they got that way.

Mitch, you and I are
on the same side.

Both of us are after the truth.

I'm not trying to exploit it.


Then just tell me what it was

And this whole thing
will be over.

You can't, can you?

Or you won't.

Well, I guess I'm going to have

To give linda a call
at her hotel

And I'll get the story from her.

I'll leave you my card.

When you get your voice back,
use it.

-Marina hotel.
-Linda harrelson's room, please.

I still can't believe you went
to that neighborhood

Wearing a red jacket.

What do I know about g*ng
colors? I grew up in brentwood.

You're so naive.

If I recall, you didn't seem
to think so last friday ni--

-That was completely different.
-I know, and you loved it.

Don't change the subject.
I'm serious.

Didn't you notice that jordan
was wearing a blue bandanna?

Eddie, my focus was
on his sister.

Shauni. Hey.

Do me a favor.

Don't do something like
that again

Unless I'm with you, okay?

I won't. I just--

I really wanted
to get those kids

Involved in the water program.

I want to do something for them.

I know.

I want to do something for you.


It's a new technique
in mouth to mouth.

-Oh, really?

It's something
completely different.

Takes your breath away.

Well, teach it to me.

Get ready for the set.


Winch in the main drag cable!



What is it? What's happened?


Net must have snagged bottom!

Lock off the winch, nick!

Lock it off!

Captain! Water over the stern!

[Men shouting]

[Shouting continues]

Cut the cables!

Cut them now!



Mayday! Mayday!

This is the fishing trawler

This is baywatch headquarters.

State your condition and exact
location, retriever. Over.

We're five miles due west
of the palos verdes peninsula.

Something's caught in our net!

To be continued

[Ending music]
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