02x15 - Sea of Flames

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x15 - Sea of Flames

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Never you fear

-♪ No, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Never you fear

-♪ No, don't you fear

-♪ I'll be ready

-♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here.

-Well, the wave runner's
here, but...

Where's everybody else?

I don't know,

Maybe they didn't come.
Come on, let's go.

-No, no. Wait a second.

Thorpe told me
the board of supervisors
was gonna be here.

.well, they're not.
So come on, let's go.

Look at that guy
bringing that addictor
close to shore.


-Hey! Get that thing out
beyond the surf line.



-Damn it!

-Dad, dont!
-Rider: help!

-Please, don't go
out there.

-What are you doing?
Let go.

-Dad, please don't
go out there.

-What is wrong with you?
-Don't go out there.

-Let go of me.

-Come on, dad.
Don't go out there.

-Rider: help, help!
-Dad, come back.


-Please don't
go out there.



Dive down!



-Dad, you're all right.

-Yeah, of course.

I'm okay, it's just
a dream.

I was so scared.

-[Sighs] it's okay, it's okay.

Just a bad dream,
that's all.

-I kept calling to you,
but you couldn't hear me.

It was coming right at you.
It seemed so real.

-What color
was the wave runner?



The color
of rescue vehicles.


-Hey, hold it, sir.

Last night before
we went to bed,

Weren't we talking
about using wave runners
as rescue vehicles?

-Don't get them, dad.
Something bad will happen
if you do.

-Oh, hobie.

-I'm serious, dad.

It says in this book

That some dreams
are premonitions,

Like warnings
not to do stuff.

And this was one, I know it.

-I know your dreams
seem real, but it was just
a scary dream. That's all.

-But dreams can come true.

-I'm not gonna get
run down by a jet ski.

Trust me.

Now come on, finish your cereal.
We got a big day ahead of us.

-[Both giggling]
-i know.

-Mitch, I've been round
and around with the county
on this.

They still think it's
an unnecessary expenditure.

-I'm telling you,
wave runners can save lives.


Just get me a demonstration,
that's all I ask.

-You mean you expect them
to come down here and get
sand in their shoes?

-Better than between their ears,
where it is now.

Look, we get the factory
to output a prototype,

No expense to the county.

We set up a mock rescue
and show them what wave runners
can really do.

-You really feel very strongly
about this, don't you?


One wave runner can take
three guards to a rescue
in a quarter of the time.

Or let one guard bring in
two victims without having
to swim them through the surf.

-Sounds like a dream.

-You been talking to hobie?
-Hobie? No, why?

-Never mind, just
get me the demo.

-[Sighs] no promises.

But I'll, uh...
I'll do my best.

-[Engine starts]

♪ I feel the heat, you're so sweet

♪ You know you blow me away

♪ Come on now, I'm gonna show you how ♪

♪ You're gonna make my day

♪ Hot nights

♪ Sugar and spice

♪ You got me spinning

♪ Into a dream

♪ Burn it up you make it look easy

♪ Setting fire to the sky

-♪ Turn it up you shake it to tease me

♪ You don't even have to try

-♪ You take my breath away

♪ Wish you were here to stay

♪ A pretty price to pay

♪ You take my breath away

♪ Wish you were here to stay

-♪ You take my breath away

♪ Wish you were here to stay

♪ You take my breath away

-Let me guess.

The redhead on the rollerblades.


-What, some kind
of problem?

-I'm afraid somebody died.


-On the gold coast,
the old james house.

-Ben, no one's lived
in that house for 20 years.


Maggie james was living
as a recluse in new england.

She didn't sell it,
didn't rent it.

So if somebody new
is moving in,

She must have passed away.

-That's too bad.

-Maggie james was the most
beautiful woman that ever
graced the silver screen.

She was more provocative
than veronica lake,

More elegant than grace kelly,

Tougher than bette davis.


-Her last year in that house
was my rookie year on the beach.

-Did you get to know her?

-Sadly, no.

I just watched her from afar
like a lovesick fool.

-I don't believe that
for a minute.

Not the legendary ben edwards.

Thought you dated every
starlet who came within
walking distance of your tower.


Maggie james
was a star.

-Hey, it's me.

Listen, I'm gonna be done
in about ten minutes

So why don't you
meet me here, we'll do
a little workout,

And then go get
something to eat.

-Yeah, I know.

Working venice is weird.

Get this one,
this is classic.

Some cult was down here earlier,

Drawing circles in the sand

So the spaceships could see
where to pick them up.

And those are
the sane ones.


You know, it sure is
getting hot in here.


-Uh, shauni,
I think my tower is on fire.

Call it in, would ya?


Get out of there!

What, are you crazy?
You're gonna burn yourself.


-Sumo! Sumo! Sumo!


-Connors took him in.

Let me tell you, this crazy
was sucking up too many fumes.

Eddie, I know scorch. He's been
working the strand for years.

He's not crazy.

-Mitch, the man eats fire.
He is crazy.

-So he cooks his food
after he swallows it,
big deal.

-Mitch, the guy
burned down my tower.

-Yeah, I know.

-Connors thinks scorch
got a hold of some bad dr*gs.

-What are you doing?

-Your hair got a little singed.

-Don't touch that!

-Miss, miss james!

You're alive!

-Do I look like
a ghost to you?

-No! No, not at all.

-Then I'm still
flesh and blood.

Who are you?

Why are you here?

-Um, my name is
ben edwards, ma'am.

I'm an l.a. County

I make up for this
with experience.

May I say, miss james,
that you...

You're just as--
no you're more beautiful
than ever.

-You may, but I don't
believe it.

However, I love compliments.

You must be thirsty.

-Yes, ma'am.
I'm dry as a bone.

oh, man.

-This house was so alive
before I left it.

Always a party.

Always visitors.

And when I see it in
my mind's eye, in my memory,

I'm always alone
at sunset.

I don't think I ever was.

-[Clears throat] thank you.

You know, I wondered
about that--

-Don't ask me questions
or you shall have to leave.

-Oh, I'm sorry.

-Never apologize.

No regrets.

That's the secret of life.

Turn sideways.

Fine, be stubborn.

Did you work as a lifeguard
in the summer of '62?

-I thought you said
questions were not allowed.

-By you, not me.

-Oh, no.

You answer my questions,
I answer yours.

Now why did you come back
here after being away
for 30 years?

-Well, i...

I finally realized that
I never should have left it
at all.


-I beg your pardon.

-Summer '62, I often
worked the tower
right across from your house.

-Some more sherry?

-Do you have
any beer?

-No, I certainly do not.

-Maybe just a little, please.

-Boy: check it out!


what happened?


-Don't touch it.

-All right, I'll ask mitch
to keep everyone out
of the water.

But in the mean time,
you get back to me

And let me know why
those fish died as soon
as possible.

-Whoo, this place stinks.

-I don't smell anything, do you?

-No. [Sniffs]

But, connors, you smell
like dead fish. You ought to try
a different deodorant.

So what's up,
what do you got?

-You know that fire-eater
that torched your tower?

He was whacked out
on something called spice.

-Spice, what's that?

-Well, it's some new
designer drug

And this stuff's like
dancing with death.

You know, we came this close
to shutting down our whole
operation last month.

-What happened?

-Well, we got to the lab
about an hour too late.

Now they've set it up someplace
else, but we haven't been able
to find 'em yet.

-Wait a minute.

Wait a minute,

That crazy kept...

Well, he kept saying,
"sumo, sumo."

Maybe there's something there.

-Like what? Like he got it
from some big fat wrestler.

-I don't know.

I don't know, that's just
what he kept saying.

-Dad, can't you just cancel
the demonstration?


-Then can you get
somebody else to do it?

-Hobie, I'm gonna do this
and prove to you, you don't have
to be afraid of your dreams.



-That jogger, it's the same one
that was in my dream.

-Come on, pal.

-No, really. It ran past
the truck just like that.

I swear, I am not
making it up.

It's "dija-view."


-You know, where you're seeing
something you've seen before.


-Deja vu.

-I know, so don't go out
on the wave runner today.

-Hobie, everything's
gonna be fine. Don't worry.

-That's what lincoln said.

-Lincoln? Lincoln who?

-Abe lincoln.

Before he got shot.

He had a dream about it,
but he didn't pay
attention to it.

[Fast rock beat playing]

♪ I'm gonna fly fly fly

♪ I got the wind in my sail

♪ I'm gonna drive drive drive

♪ I get that motor to wail

♪ Yeah we're flyin in the sun

♪ Yeah we'll fly till the day is done

♪ I'm gonna ride ride ride

♪ I'm gonna take what I want

♪ Yeah we're flyin in the sun

♪ Sun sun sun sun sun

♪ Sun sun sun sun sun

♪ Sun sun sun sun sun

-Not bad!

-Whatcha doin' up there?

-Top of the world, mitchy boy.


[Mitch sighs]

What's gotten into you?

-Sherry. [Laughs]

In teeny, tiny glasses.

It's the most revolting liquid
that has come out of
a perfectly good grape.

-How many of those
teeny, tiny glasses
did you have?


But I broke one.

Maggie, she called me
a clumsy oaf.


You mean maggie james?
I thought you said
she was dead.

-That's how rumors start, mitch.

-You're the one
who told me.

-Happily, I was

She is still beautiful, mitch.

And the woman
breathes fire.

[Mitch sighs]

-So do you.

-When I left her,

I felt something that
I hadn't felt in years.




-Like a volcano.

It's been dormant
for a very long time.

-You know, ben,

You're still my idol.

Come on, I'll help you down.

-No, my good friend. No.

I want to stay out here
and watch this beautiful view.

-All right.

-Just don't erupt.

[Both laugh]

-What? That's impossible.

-The test results
are right here. Read them
for yourself.

You know, I've heard of putting
spice on fish, but never to the
point where they o.d.'D.

-This is crazy.

How could a school of fish
belly up on the same drug
we found in that fire-eater?

-I guess this school didn't have
a "just say no" program.

[Phone rings]

-This is a logical explanation.

-Why would anybody
want to dump their dr*gs
off a boat?

-Think about it.

No fixed location,
they get busted, they can move
wherever they want.

-And then if somebody
finds them?

-That's right, they dump
it in the water.

-Let's contact
the harbor patrol,

The coast guard, and get a list
of all the boats that they've
stopped recently.

-All right. In the meantime,
we should check our own
logs too.



-Well, they're lovely.

I'm so glad
you decided to visit again.

Waiting for notices
can be so nerve-racking.

Maggie james was a
dynamic presence

Who mesmerized her audience

With her rare
and magnificent beauty.


I always welcome
good reviews.

[Both chuckle]

-Come in.
-Thank you.

[Slow, big band jazz playing]

-Made some pasta.

Well, it's just two of us.

-For us?


-To a beautiful sunset.

-And a beautiful woman.


-Watch me.

-[Laughing] oh.

-You know, I've got
a great idea.

Why don't you and I
take a midnight swim?


-Oh, come on.

I know I'm a klutz
on the dance floor,

But in the water
I'm like fred astaire.

-I said no.

-But why not?

-That is none of your business.

It's late, I think
you'd better leave.

Good night.

-Maggie, if I've
said something--

-No, please.

Just lock the door
on your way out.

Good night.

-Thank you very much
for a wonderful evening.

I really enjoyed it.

-Dad! Dad, watch out!


Dad, behind you. Dad!

Dad, watch out.

Dad, watch out!

Dad! Dad, behind you.

-Wake up, wake up.
It's okay, wake up!

-It was the same one.

The same dream!

-Hobie, it's okay.
It's okay.

-Why won't you
listen to me?


-Oh, it's okay.

I'm here.

-Shauni, look at this.


-The name of this boat.


That's what fire breath
kept saying.

And check this out,

Coast guard inspected
this boat last tuesday.

-Let me see that.

No running lights
at night.

-Mm-hmm. I'll call connors.

-No running lights at night.

-That's her slip.

-Hey, excuse me,
have you seen the sumo?

-Yeah, she just put out
a couple of hours ago.

-One night...

31 Years ago,

Jeffrey holtzman--

-That's the director.

He drowned here on this beach.


Yes, he did.

Jeffrey and i...

Went for a midnight swim,


He'd been drinking. He...

He couldn't make it
back to the shore.

I tried to help him,
but I wasn't strong enough.

When I staggered up
onto the beach,

I passed your tower.

I couldn't help
thinking where...

Where was my lifeguard
when I needed him?

-It was midnight.

-It was the last night
I spent in this house.

And for over 30 years,

I've waited for someone
to come and knock on the door...

And ask me about that night.

-No, it was an accident.

-When you're a movie star...

There are no accidents.

Only scandal, that's all
the public remembers.

At least I avoided that.

-I guess so. You locked yourself
away for three decades.

-Wasn't so bad.

The more I stayed out
of the public eye, the more
they talked about me.

Did you injure your leg
saving someone's life?

-My hip, yes.

-What a movie this would make.


Not today, god forbid,
but a classic movie.

The lifeguard hero

And the movie queen reunited
after 30 star-crossed years.


How do you think
it would end?

-I haven't any idea.

Oh? Would they let
their golden opportunity
pass them by

And leave the audience
in tears or...

Or would they seize the moment?

And send the audience
home elated...

And fulfilled?

-If I had the choice...

I'd take the fulfillment.

-So would i.

Ben, you're blushing.

-No, I got a little
sunburned, that's all.

-Better put some lotion on.

-Some lotion...

-This is k.m.f. 295,
Send your traffic 63-60.

-Roger. We have visual
on the sumo, heading southwest
at 10 knots,

Three miles south
of long beach harbor.

-10-4. Thanks
for the assistance.

K.m.f. 295 To rescue baywatch.

Coast guard responding.

-Great, shauni. Thank you.

Hey, send the coast guard
my love, huh?

You fellas ready
to go for a ride?

Better hang on
to something.

-Okay, just get us
in there fast, eddie.

Stay on the mother ship!

We've got to get there
before they dump those dr*gs.

-What happened?

-No go. They turned
us down cold.

-What do you mean? I thought
the demonstration was a success.

-It was. What can I tell you?

They still don't think
the use justifies the expense.

-Those short-sighted, blind--

-This is k.m.f. 295
To baywatch dock.

Mitch, eddie and connors
just found the drug lab
on a boat.

8They've been using addictors
to run this stuff to shore.

Mitch, two of them
are headed your way.

-What are you doing?

-Justifying an expense!

-Mitch, those aren't
approved yet!

If you break them,
don't bring them back!

[Both shouting]


-Hobie's voice:
dad, watch out!

Dad, behind you!


-It's strange, hobie.

It's like...


-I never saw
the addictor coming.

I mean, I never
even heard it.

Suddenly I hear you
yelling, "dad!

Watch out, look out
behind you!"

-Like in my dream.


I dove out of the way
of it just in time.

-See, I told you.

-Yeah, you did. You did.

-All right!

-What do you mean, all right?

-Well, I had another dream
about you getting married
last night.

-You did?

To who?

-I don't know, but
she sure was pretty.

-That's good.

Was she a blond
or a brunette?


-She didn't say her name, huh?

-No, but I'll try
and dream about her
again tonight.

-Well, if you do,

Come and wake me up.



Your dreams sound like
they're a lot better than mine.

[Playful noises]

You're it!


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