02x21 - Game of Chance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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02x21 - Game of Chance

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music]

♪ Some people stand in the darkness

♪ Afraid to step into the light

♪ Some people need to help somebody

♪ When the edge of surrenders in sight

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you out of my sight

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you out of my sight

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Theme music]

[Gentle music]

[Gentle music]

Okay, marshall's in.

It's on you.




Needed hearts.

I can't win


Your 1,000, up two.

Hey, who the hell is this?


I'm his keeper.

Ah, time to go.

Not now mitch.

Your shift started a half an hour ago.

Call or fold.

I might raise.

He folds.

No, I don't fold.

Do you know how much money is in that pot?

It doesn't matter.


Are you insane?

Ah, come on, this is my pot.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

What, you said you folded.

I didn't say I folded, he said I folded.

You told me you were gonna quit gambling.

I will, I promise, right after this hand.

I call.

Pot's right?

King of clubs, pair of kings,

Possible flush, possible straight, uneven.

Okay, I'll put you all in.

How much you got?


That's the bet, 6,500.

Two, four, six, 65.

How much you got left there?

I've got 2,000 left.

Put it in. I raise $2,000.

[Laughing] wait a second.
Where's the extra 2,000?

Mitch, let me have your rolex.


Will you excuse me gentlemen?

You are definitely insane.

Mitch, I have an unbeatable hand.

I can't lose.

Harvey, you always lose.

Not in texas hold 'em.

With the cards that are
laying face up on that table,

I have the highest possible hand.

Now, you give me your watch
for two minutes,

I will give it right back to
you with $1,000 to boot.


You lose this watch, and your shift is

Midnight to eight for
the rest of your life.


Come on, what are you doing?

Let's go, come on.

I raise.

[Laughing gently]
your raise, huh?

What is this, some kind of a bluff?

The guy walks in here and
throws in his rolex?

Well, if you think it's some
kind of a bluff,

Why don't you call?

Oh, I call, 2,000.

Aces full, pal.

Thank you.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Four kings, read 'em and weep.


[Mumbling crosstalk]

What's this?

It's 1,000 bucks, not a bad return

On your investment, huh?

This isn't right.

The guy walks in here and
gets involved with the hand.

This is not right!

Cash me out.

Cash me out!

All right, everybody hands on
the table, now move move!

You sit down.

All right, now give me the box.

What is this, some kind of a joke?

Yeah, would you like to
hear the punchline, pal?

Hey, wet suit, nice watch.
Toss it in the box.

Matter of fact, all you guys,
watches in the box now!


Close the box. Let me have it.

Close the box!

Give me the box.

Okay, now everybody
stays inside the cabin.

Your head comes out,
your head comes off.


How the hell do people
keep getting on this boat?

What is that thing?

I don't know what the hell it is.

[Phone ringing]

I mean come on, what are the odds
of me winning big,

Then getting robbed by jason,

Who's driving a van that turns
into a boat?

You tell me. You're the expert odds maker.

Hey mitch, I won $32,000.

Even a blind pig finds an acorn
once in a while.

Harvey, my dad gave me that watch.

Well, then, you shouldn't have gambled it.

Hey, hey, hey look, we'll catch this guy.

I mean, how many of those vehicles

Can there be around anyway?

Who you calling?


Mitch, you can't do that.

If you call the cops, I am a dead man.

Who are you playing with, gangsters?

Worse, agents and lawyers.

I was just thinking about you.

-You were?

Waking up next to you yesterday morning.

You looked so pretty.

I wouldn't mind doing it every morning.

Me too.

Talk to your dad?

Yes I did.

Yeah, what'd he say?

He said that he wants to talk to you.

Interrogate me you mean.

He invited you over for dinner.

Why do I feel like it's the last meal
on death row?

Well, if dad wires your chair,
I will pull the plug.

Wear your rubber shoes, huh?

Thank you, doll.

Well the invitations are out

And it's going to be a lovely
engagement party.

-For a lovely bride.

It's okay, I'm finished.

Oh, you'll need the knife
for the main course.

Well I hope everyone likes
salmon brochette.

Grilled with a low-fat bearnaise.

Mm, it sounds delicious.

Gary just started taking a cooking class.

Oh, smart move, because you are

About to marry the world's worst cook.

Look who is talking.

Hey, at least I have an excuse okay?

Between the books and the beach,

Who has time to eat let alone cook?

I've heard ucla has a great
oceanography program.

Yes they do, and marine biology
program is great too.

It's kind of a toss up between the two.

I definitely want a career
near the water though,

I know that.

So, what about you eddie?

Well I already have a job that
keeps me pretty wet.

Well, I wouldn't exactly call
lifeguarding a career.

I know some people that
would disagree with you.

So, that's what you intend to be?

Yeah, why not?

If that's what you want out of life,
indeed, why not?

Fresh air, pretty girls,
the endless summer.

So, gary, I understand you'll be

Interning at cedar's in the fall.

You know mr. Mcclain, if you don't think

That I'm good enough for your daughter,

Why don't you come right out and say it?

I beg your pardon?

That's obvious how you feel.

Because every time we're together
you go out of your way

To make a point on how I am not--
I'm not smart enough,

Not rich enough, not refined enough.

Are you?

What are you doing daddy?

Probably not.

You're right, I don't belong here.
I don't know why

I keep trying to fake it.

Eddie come on.

Shauni, your dad's one big hope
is that you wake up

And realize that you're making
a big mistake.

Well I just beat her to it.
I hope you're happy.

Mrs. Mcclain, thank you very much
for dinner.

And gary, right?


Congratulations, on qualifying
to marry a mcclain.

How could you do this to me?

Eddie, wait!

Sounds to me like you kinda overreacted.

What was I supposed to do?
Sit there, let him trash me?

Eddie, you could've talked to the guy

Before you lost your cool.

I lose it every time I'm with him.

Hoo, he's got you intimidated.

Yeah, that's true.

Why, because he wants his daughter

To date a guy with a college degree?

That's part of it.

So take a few classes.

Well you can't go to college

Unless you graduate high school.

Wait a minute. Hold it.

You're telling me you never
graduated high school?

Yeah, I quit when I was 15.

Tenth grade.

That's not what you put on
your job application.

What was I supposed to put? Drop-out?

I'm not exactly proud of it.

You know you could still graduate
if you want.

Go to night school.

For what, a piece of paper?

Yeah a piece of paper,

Restore some of that pride
you're talking about.

Come on.

[Gentle music]

♪ You were made for horizons

♪ You're gonna fly away

♪ One day

♪ Like a phoenix rising

♪ Yeah it's your destiny

♪ You're fate to feel the thrill

♪ Darling don't be afraid

♪ I know that you have the strength

♪ To push the limits

♪ You are one of the brave

♪ Never could be contained

♪ Oh

♪ Ive gotta learn to let you go

♪ Because this world it needs to know

♪ What you can do

♪ How far you can go

8♪ So I watch you now

♪ Watch you from the distance

♪ From the distance

♪ Never fell so proud

♪ You're soaring so high

♪ High in the sky

♪ Now you touch the clouds

♪ You don't have a limit

♪ Have a limit

♪ Way back on the ground

♪ I watch you from the distance ♪

♪ From distance

4♪ You were made for horizons

♪ You're gonna fly away

♪ You're gonna fly away

♪ Like a phoenix rising

♪ It's your destiny

♪ Your destiny

♪ You were made for horizons

♪ Ohh horizons, ohh


Thought you might be hungry, or thirsty?

No, thanks.

Eddie hasn't called, huh?

He won't call.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

You remember when I was a little girl,

And I used to get real scared
in the middle of the night

-And sneak into your bed?

I felt like that last night.

Oh, why didn't you?

I figured that gary might
have snuck in first.

Ha, he would have, except
for that daddy locked the door

To the guest room the minute
he went to sleep.

Hey kim, if gary was different,

If gary was like eddie,

Would you still marry him?


Shauni, before you met eddie

You were a spoiled little princess.

I'm sorry, but you were.

Eddie is the best thing that
has ever happened to you.

Daddy may not be able to see that yet,

But you should never lose sight of it.

Hey mitch, I just talked to garner.

He said the police don't have a record

Of any amphibious vehicles
registered in the area.

You didn't actually expect it
to be registered did ya?

How do you like my new watch?

How many times you played
in that poker game?

I started about six months ago.

Always the same cast of characters?


Couple of the guys have come and gone.

Why? You think it was an inside job?

Had to be somebody who knew

That box was full of $100 bills.


How can you risk so much money
in a card game anyway?

'Cause when your card comes up,

There's no adrenaline rush like it.

-Uh huh, and when it doesn't,

There's no sinking
feeling like it, is there?

-This guy's played poker.

-No, let's just say that I
know some people who have sunk.


-Who's john myles?

-I talked with some old pals,

One of them knows
this myles character.

Says he was working
on an amphibious van.

His address is on the paper.

-Thanks ben.

Come on.

-See ya.

[Light rock music]

-Anybody home?

-You see anything?


-Looking in
the wrong direction.

-John myles?

-Who wants to know?

-I'm mitch buchanan,
this is harvey miller.

-We're l.a. County lifeguards.

-So, I don't see
anybody drowning.

-I understand you do work
on amphibious vehicles.

-That's it.

-You've seen one like
this before? Where?

-It was used in
a robbery at sea.

-I was afraid of
something like that.

-Why's that?

-Look, I've spent the last
ten years of my life designing

And building two prototypes
of this amphiranger 2800.

Last year I needed a
partner. I bring him in,

And a week ago he steals
the other one, disappears.

That's why I'm so paranoid
of you guys out there.

-Did you report
it to the police?

-Yes, they said he's my
partner. He has the right to it.

-I put up the money,
all he's supposed to do

Is market the thing.

-What's he look like?

-I got a picture
around here somewhere.

I sure hope you
can find this guy.

'Cause I haven't been able to.

What'd he steal?

-Only the best
night I ever had.

And his watch.

[Techno music]

♪ Girl, you're driving me mad

♪ What I am I going to do

♪ Can't take my mind off you

♪ Can you feel it take my hand

♪ And run away with me

♪ Into ecstasy

♪ Hold me tight

♪ I want to wrap around you

♪ Till I turn blue

♪ Lets get busy

♪ Nothing stopping us

♪ Listen to me

♪ Take my hand

♪ And run away with me

♪ Into ecstasy

♪ Hold me tight

♪ I want to wrap around you

♪ I'm coming closer to ecstasy

♪ Take my hand

♪ And run away with me

♪ Into ecstasy

♪ Let's get busy

♪ Nothing stopping us

♪ Listen to me

[Crowd noises]

-Isn't it fabulous?
Look at the luster.

Kim, hold it more
up into the light.


-Well, it's a beautiful
engagement ring.

You should be proud
to show it off.

-It's a little
loose. I haven't had

A chance to get it sized yet.

-Oh, there's harry and
susan. Let's go show them.

Excuse us girls.

-Ah, there you are.

You remember brown goodman?

-Hi shauni, you're looking
beautiful as always.

-Thank you.

Um, dad, can I speak with
you for a minute please.

Will you excuse us?

-Only if you promise to
have a drink with me later.

-I don't drink.

Why is he here?

-Because I invited him.

He happens to be an
exceptionally bright young man

Who is still very
much enamored of you.

-And still very much a jerk.

Why do you keep
doing this to me?

-Because I think you
can do better than eddie.

Shauni, you could
have anyone of these

successful young men.

For the life of me, I can't see

How eddie stacks up
against any of 'em.

-Dad, this is not about
your life. It's about mine.

So please, stop trying
to sabotage it, okay?

[Crowd noises]

-Hey eddie.

-Eddie, you came.

Shauni will be so happy.

-I brought a little
gift for you and gary.

-Oh, how sweet.

Thanks, I'm soaked.

Can we just put it over there?


-She around? You
know where she is?

-Yeah, I think she's in the
house putting on her swimsuit.

Did you bring yours?

-Nah. It's my day off.

-Oh, I want you to meet gus,

He started with me
over at--

-Mr. Mcclain.

-Hey, robert it's
good to see you.

-Wanna show me your bedroom?

-No, I don't.

-Oh, come on.

Show me what a girl who still

Lives with her
parents room is like.

Bet there's stuffed
animals all over your bed.

-If you don't let go of me,

You're gonna be
a stuffed animal.

-As long as you
keep me on your bed.

Now let's see that
pretty bathing suit.

-Stop it, now!

-What do you
think you're doing?

Get your hands off of her.

-Chill out man.

-You chill out.

-Eddie, come on. It's okay.

I'm okay. It's okay.


-What the hell
is going on here?

-Everybody, come on
inside. We're going to

Take group pictures
in front of the house.

Now come on, let's go.

Pictures with the happy couple.


Now honey, we can't start
without the bride to be.

-You're welcome.

Kim, where's your ring?

-What? Oh god!

-Your ring, it's
not on your finger.

-It must have
slipped in the pool.

-Oh honey.

-Look mom, don't
worry, okay? I'll find it.

You go on with the guests.

-You sure?


-Brown started it.

-I don't care who...

I don't care who started it.
This is an engagement party,

Not a prize fight.

And now for the sake and
the safety of my guests,

I hope you'll be gracious enough

To leave this house at once,
and take your present with you.

-Brown should be
the one to leave!

-Shauni, forget about it.

I'll call you later.

[Melancholy music]


[Ominous music]

-Help! Help!
Someone call 911 now!

-Come ahead everyone,

Get ready for the pictures.

Group pictures, right
outside in front.

Great, good goody.

-Where's kim?

-Turn off the pump.


-Turn off the pump. Her
hand's stuck in the drain.

-Turn it off now!
It's over there, go!

[Ominous music]

-I got a pulse.

-Capillary refill.

Look out eddie!

-Gary no!

-I'm a doctor.

-And he's a lifeguard.

-Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

-Excuse us please.
Watch out please.

Move, please.


-Come on.

Come on.



-What happened?

-Eddie just saved her
life. That's what happened.

-Don't move,
don't move, don't move.

-Hey harvey, let's go.


-I'm sorry. I'm such a loser.

-Shut up!

-No, I mean even when
I win I can't win.

-Shut up!
Will you shut up?

Come on.


-To pay mr.
Myles another visit.

-Myles, what for?

-Since we left, something's
been bothering me.

Didn't he say he was working
on two identical prototypes?


-A prototype is one of a kind.

-Yeah, you're right.

-So I had ben check
with some of his pals,

Seems that mr. Myles
dropped a bundle

In a poker game last
month in del mar.

-Wait a minute, vincent won
big in del mar last month.

-Maybe mr. Myles
was just making sure

He got his money back.

[Gentle music]

-Myles, we wanna talk to you!

-Stop him!

[Fast-paced music]


-Unit seven pursuing
amphibious vehicle

At tower ten. Cut it off.
Don't let it get to the water.


three responding.

We're right with you mitch,
coming in from the left.


-Radio the
scarab to cut it off,

Force it back to shore.

We're heading north on
pch towards the canals.

Try to force it out
of the water there.

is baywatch scarab.

We forced it around the jetty.

It's headed towards shore
south of the canals.

We'll try to cut it off
at the main channel.

On our way now, over.

[Rock music]

-Baywatch headquarters, I've
got the amphiranger coming in.

Heading up towards avenue 56.

-It's entering sunrise bay,

Heading east toward
the canals. Cut it off.

[Rock music]

Kmf 295 from unit seven,
the scarab is in pursuit,

Request back-up at
all canal exits.

[Rock music]

It's heading south. I think
it's circling behind you mitch.

-Roger that harvey.

Stay on him!


That's my watch.

-Shauni, can't we talk
before you do this?

-What is there to talk about?

-The choice you're making.

-Yeah, it's my
choice and I made it.

-Shauni, if you're doing
this just to make a point...

-Dad, the only point is that
I love eddie, and he loves me,

And we wanna live together.

I'm sorry if you
don't approve of that,

But I don't know what
else he has to do.

-It isn't that
I'm not grateful.

God knows he saved my daughter's
life, but that doesn't mean

I have to let my other daughter
throw hers away on him.

-I'm not throwing
my life away, dad.

You're throwing it away,

If you don't love
me enough to let me

Go live it the way I want to.

I want your blessing.

-I'm gonna miss you shauni.


[Somber music]

-How you doing? Are you okay?

-Yeah, I am.

Let's go.

[Rock music]

-He-eey come
on, you're telling me

We can't use one
of these things?

Check it out. It's
got everything.

It's got four wheel drive,
150 horsepower, a propeller.

It's got a marine compass, a
fish finder, an echo sounder,

It's got a k*ller stereo system.

Hey, about the only thing
it doesn't do is talk.

-It doesn't talk?

Forget it.


[Rock music]
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