03x08 - Princess of Tides

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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03x08 - Princess of Tides

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ No! I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready,
never you fear ♪

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Rock music playing
on headphones]

-Give me more plates down.

-Go ahead, trim it out now.

-We've picked up 200 rpm.

james lewiston driving
his triple engine "power play"

Has the slight edge over
mitch buchannon,

Who drives for owner ben edwards
in the lightning-white
36-foot "scarab."

-Stay to the inside line.
-I'm on it.

-He's back in front
with half a lap remaining.

-Surf skier dead ahead.
-That's c.j. Skiing.

What's she doing out here?

Lewiston's going to
run her down!


-I'm pulling back.

-C.j.? C.j.!

You okay?
-I'm fine.

-Mitch, we're in a race.

-Make it back to shore?
-I'm fine, just go win.

-Mitch, we'll never close
in time.

-Hang on, I'm giving
her all she's got.

-Come on, dad!

-Buchannon is closing the gap,
but he's running out of water.

-Trim it up, mitch!
Trim it up!

-Come on, dad!

-Lewiston crosses
the finish line first.

He's three seconds under last
year's winning time,

-Great race, mr. Lewiston.
-Drop me at my yacht.


-Forget it, man. Nothing you say
is going to matter.

-Well, he's gonna
hear it anyway.

Is winning a race
worth k*lling someone?

-She's alive,
so your question is moot.

-Moot? What moot?
-Nice word.

-Your win is moot!

We stopped to help somebody
you almost k*lled.

-It's not my fault you're
a more dedicated lifeguard
than a race boat driver.

-I'm going to go talk
to him, okay?

-Mitch, it's not
gonna do any good.

-Ah, james, splendid race.

Your time should qualify you
for first in the finals
again this year.

-Thank you, your highness.

To winning the randenberg cup on
behalf of the randenberg family.
-[Glasses clink]

-As well as the hand
of the princess who
presents it to you.

-Where is catherine?

-James, take me
to the beach now. Please?

-Your father's throwing
a party, catherine.
Protocol doesn't--

-I hate protocol.
I'm sick of parties.

I just want to lay on the beach
in the sand and play games
on the pier.

Walk with people in venice.

Oh, please, james,
take me there.

-If your father approves.

-But why not?

-Because sunning yourself
on a public beach is
not appropriate.

nothing's ever appropriate.

I'm bored. I just want
to have fun in the real world,

At least for a few hours.

-Trust me.

You would not like hot dogs
better than pheasant.

-I wouldn't know.

I've never tasted a hot dog.

-A week and the princess hasn't
set foot off lewiston's yacht.

-We've got to be ready
if and when she does.

-How does it look, tom?

-You still got a shot, ben.

Your boat's in third
by six seconds.

-You'll let me know
if anything changes?

-Mitch, before you say anything,
I am so sorry.

-What are you doing surf skiing

You knew the time trials
were happening.

-I just got off a 24-hour shift.
I forgot what day it was.

-i'm sorry.

-It's okay, it's okay. We're not
out of the running yet.

-Yes, we are.

-We just finished fourth
by 2 1/2 lousy seconds.

-What did the committee say?

-They won't hear our protest.

-That lewiston, he's pretty
tight with the royal family.

Hell, they're staying
on his yacht.

-Well, you'll win next year.

-There's not going to
be any next year, dear.

Hell, it's all one big
pipe dream anyway.

-No finals, no sponsor.

No sponsor, no boat.

-Thank you.

-Have you received any further

-Only rumors, your highness,

But as your chief of security,
let me assure you

That no one would dare kidnap
the princess catherine here.

These sort of rumors are never
to be taken lightly, roland.

Until we're absolutely sure,

I want my daughter protected
at all times.

-Help me!


-Are you all right?
You all right?

-Now I am.
-Okay. Hang on.

Hang on. Here we go.
Okay. Okay.

You all right?

My name is mitch buchannon.
I'm an l.a. County lifeguard.

Have we met?

-No. I would remember.

Thank you for rescuing me,
mitch buchannon.

My name is ca--cathy.

-Any time. You with some
friends around here?

-No. No, I came alone.


There you go. Come on.
I'll help you find your things.

-I'm sure I left my towel
around here someplace.

-Well, the ocean can carry you
pretty far.

-No, no. It was here.

I remember station 15.

My things must have been stolen.

-You want to file a report?

-No! No. There was nothing
of any real value.

-What about your wallet
or your keys?

-My friends dropped me
off here.


-I'm afraid I'm stranded.

-Well, I can drive you home.
My shift doesn't start
till 3:00.

I mean, where do you live?

-I'm visiting.
I'm staying with friends.

I'm afraid they won't be there.

-Well, I can't leave you
stranded now, can i?

I mean, there's gotta be
something I can do for you.

-Mmm. Don't let looks fool you.

He makes the best hot dogs
in southern california.

-What do you want on yours?

-Lou, give me a couple venice
dogs with the works and pepsi?

-And a water.

So um... What brings
you to california?

Business? Pleasure?

As much as I can squeeze in.

-Where you from?
-Far away.

No beaches, no oceans,
nothing as marvelous as this.

-Thank you very much.
-Yeah, you got it.

-Okay, now, be careful,
they're real messy.

-Mmm! Mmm, it's divine.


-I love it here.
There's so much life.

-Well, the waves are like
a natural pulse, you know?

Reminds people
that they're alive.

-There's a poet in you,
mitch buchannon.

-Yeah, yeah, I know, I know...
A bad poet.

Wait a second, you have
a little stuff right there.



-I'm afraid I haven't any money,

But I'll give you this
in exchange for these clothes.

-It's 24-carat gold.

You're going to exchange this
gold bracelet for clothes?

-I'm sorry, it's all I have.

-Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I'll pay for the clothes.
How much are they?


-Then you must take this.
-No, no, no.

There's an old chinese saying.
"When you rescue someone
from drowning,

You must provide them
with dry clothes."

-Well, there's a saying where I
come from that if somebody
saves you from drowning,

You must give them
something wet.

-What do you mean
you can't find her?

-We've checked every inch
of the ship.

I'm sorry, your majesty.

I've no idea how this
could have happened.

-We must inform the coast guard
and the local police.

-Your highness, if I may,
I think it better if I search
with my own men.

Contacting the police would
certainly mean involving
the press,

And if it became known that
the princess catherine
was left unguarded--

yes, I see your point.

-Well, I don't.

I haven't said anything
to you or to catherine.

I didn't wish to alarm
either one of you.

But there are rumors that
an extremist group may try

To kidnap catherine in order
to exchange her for
certain members

Of their organization
who are being held
in our prisons.

-Dad! Dad, guess what.


The race committee decided
to hear our protest.

-Great! I was in
a boat race yesterday,

And we're challenging
the results.

-I'm sure you're in the right.

I have never seen skates
like these before.

-They're rollerblades.

-Cathy, this is my son, hobie.
Hobie, this is cathy.

-Pleased to meet you, hobie.
-Me, too.

Ben wants you to meet him
at the boat right away.

Why don't you come with us?

We can call your friends
from there.

-My friends?

-Oh, right. Yes, I'll call.

-Thank you.
Let's do it.

-Your highness, the princess.

-Catherine, are you all right?

-I'm fine. I told you I wanted
to come to the beach, and I did.

-Where on the beach?
I'll tell roland.

-I'm not ready to come back yet.

-Father, please listen to me.

I was born your daughter,
and soon I'll be james' wife,

And I've had no say
in either decision.

This is my last chance to do
something for myself,
and I'm taking it.

-Catherine, you don't
understand the danger.

-I'll tell you when to pick me
up when I'm ready, not before.

-Tell roland I need
to see him at once.

-Man, this waiting
is k*lling me.

-I'm sure ben will be here soon.

-I'm going to give this
engine a once-over.

Hobe, you want to lay some
newspaper out for me?

-Yeah, sure.
-All right.


-Did you get ahold
of your friends?

-No, they're still not there,
but I left a message.

-"Princess catherine to present
randenberg cup."

-Are you all right?

-Got to be a little bit more
careful there, sport.

-Holy cow!

-Come skating with me.
-I can't, I can't.
I got to wait for ben.

Our shift starts
in just a few minutes.

-I'll take her, then you guys
can do something together
after work.

-Ah, I'd love that.
-All right, have fun.

-All right, see you.
-Be careful.

-I will.

-Whoo! Whoo!



-Come on, I've just seen her.

-What's your problem?!
Ooh! Jerks!



-[Gasps] hey!


-Whoa! Hey! Hey! Careful!


-Thank you, hobie.

-We got to get back to my dad
and tell him who you really are.

-You know who I am?

-You're a princess.

-Does your father know?

-No. I figured if I
told him, he'd freak.

-Please don't tell him.

-But those guys.
You could be in danger.

-No, no. They were just
assigned to protect me.

They want to bring me back.

Haven't you ever just wanted
to be on your own

Without anybody telling you
what to do?

-Of course I have... I'm a kid.

-Then you know exactly
how I feel.

Promise me you won't tell him.

-But you can trust my dad.

-I know I can, but...

If he knows who I am,
he'll freak, as you say,

And that might spoil everything.

-Okay, I promise.
-Oh, thank you.

-Looks like they're condoning
lewiston for almost running
c.j. Down.

-Mitch, his boat never
touched her or her ski.

There's no harm, no foul.

-Can't we appeal this thing?

There's nobody to appeal to.

The race committee's
decision's final.

You know, I had a lot
of dreams in my day.

Running a boat like this--

That was one of them.

I'm trying to remember

What all those other
dreams were,

And I can't.

I started getting old
some place.

Oh, god.

Listen to me, guys, will you?

You two take off.
I want to be left alone.

-All right, we'll leave
you by yourself,

But you are never alone.

-It just doesn't seem fair.

You shouldn't be penalized
because someone was
almost injured.

-Well, when it's
the randenberg cup,

And you're friends
with the randenbergs,

Fair doesn't enter into it.

-Thank you. I should call
my friends.

May I use your phone?
-Both: sure, it's in the den.

-Thank you.
-Why, I oughta...


-Yeah. Didn't do your homework
last night, did you?

-Aw, man.

-So you really like her,
huh, dad?

-Sure. Give me a break.
What's not to like?

-I got a great idea.
Let's make a fire!

-Hey, it's the middle
of the summer.

-You'll see. It's kind of
cool tonight, anyway.

I'll open some windows.
We haven't had a fire in months.

-Hey! Hey!

This is princess catherine.

I'd like to speak
to the chairman of
the race committee.

-Any luck?
-They're still not home.

Thank you for letting me
stay here.

-My pleasure.
-Hey, we made a fire.

But isn't it a bit warm?

-Apparently not.

Hobie, what are you doing?

-Just thought I'd turn down
the lights so we could
see the fire better.

[Yawns] besides,
I'm... I'm bushed.

I think I'll hit the sack.

You guys, just stay up
as late as you want.

Maybe I'll read the dictionary
or something.

Good night.
-Both: good night.

-He usually goes to bed
kicking and screaming.

Obviously, you've made quite
an impression on him.

-His father's made quite
an impression on me.

-May I have another, please?

-You realize we've been
together all day,

And all I know about you
is that you love hot dogs
and root beer floats?

-I think it's wonderful you
and gayle remain friends.

-See, there you go changing
the subject again.

-I've never been
a mystery woman. It's fun.

-Yeah, I know, but I want
to know more about you.

-People who know me think
my life is a fairy tale,
but it's not.

This is my fairy tale,
here with you.

I don't want to break the spell.

-[Pretend fighting]

For rescuing my daughter
and other acts of bravery,

I knight you sir hobie,

Order of most
excellent heroes

And future heir
to my royal throne.


♪ I feel that I'm awake
♪ inside this dream

♪ And this is the way it's meant to be

♪ I'll keep reaching for the sky

♪ I know the sun will shine

♪ And the wind will carry me away ♪

♪ To the end of time ♪

♪ This is always in my mind

♪ Now it's come into my life

♪ How can this dream that last forever ♪

♪ Forever flying high

♪ As long as it takes
♪ to bring it together

♪ I can see the sun is risin'

♪ A new day has come to life

♪ So carry me away

♪ 'Cause I believe, oh yeah

♪ In this dream

♪ How can this dream that last forever

♪ Forever flying high

♪ As long as it takes
♪ to bring it together

♪ I can see the sun is risin'

♪ A new day has come to life ♪

♪ So carry me away

♪ 'Cause I believe

♪ In this dream


-Hey, whoa, whoa,
stop that, that tickles.

-I'm sorry.

Well, I'm going for a swim now.

-You'll pay for this.

-Well, you have such a handsome
face, you don't need
a body anyway.

-Aw, don't leave me here.
I'll rescue you.

-All right, catherine,
you've had your fun.

Now it's time to go home.
-I will return when I'm ready!

Let go of me!

-Who is this creep anyway?

-He works for my father.
He wants to bring me back.

But I won't go, not yet.

Will you hold him here, please,
until I'm gone? I'm sorry.

-Come near her again,
I'll have you arrested.

-Your highness.

-I'm afraid there's
nothing new to report.

I'm still unable
to locate the princess.

If it's of any comfort, sir,
I doubt if she's in danger.

Even if a domestic plot
does exist,

It's unlikely
to unfold this far from home.

-You were right. He was piloting
one of the boats.

His name is mitch buchannon.

He's a lifeguard.

-All right.

We go tomorrow as planned.

And this time...

No surprises.

-[Knock on door]

-Mitch, please understand.

If I tell you everything,
we might lose what we
found here together.

-Well, we're definitely going to
lose what we found here

If we can't be honest
with each other.

-I'm engaged to be married.

My father's planning to announce
my engagement tomorrow.

-Why didn't you tell me?

-I didn't want to lose you.

-Yeah, but you're getting

-I don't love him.

-Then why are you marrying him?

-My father, my family.

I didn't know
what I was giving up.

I didn't know what love was.

Till now.



-Mitch! I have been leaving
messages for you everywhere.
-What's up?

-Tom from the race committee
came by to see ben, and it
looks like the royal family

Got them to reconsider
your protest.

-You're in!

-Yes! Yes!

You, lewiston and another boat
in a three-way final.


♪ King of

♪ A thousand tides

♪ Let's go

♪ Dreaming in double time ♪

♪ We'll throw

♪ Caution to winds behind

♪ Live fast

♪ Danger can change the game

♪ Unmask

♪ The hunger to tame the waves ♪

♪ Hold on, the wind
♪ and sea will guide you

♪ Don't stop, moving the speed of light

♪ So stand strong
♪ the bravest heart inside you

♪ Will be crowned
♪ king of a thousand tides

-All right, catherine.

-Both boats are full throttle
as they approach the turn.

-That's enough, roland.
Tell my father I'll return
after the race.

-I don't think so,
your highness.

-Have you lost your mind?
-No, not at all.

Consider this a career move.

I'm sure your fiance will find
$10 million a reasonable ransom.

-You're kidnapping me?

-Yes. Actually, yes.

But the blame will fall
on the extremists,

At least until we disappear.

-Announcer: buchannon
takes the lead.

-Hobie, be careful!


Call the police, hobie!

-Come on, mitch!
Squeeze him! Squeeze him!

Come on, mitch!
Go all the way! Squeeze him!


-I just heard from ben.
Cathy's been kidnapped.

-They're heading north
in a gray chaparral.

-Let's go.
-Hey, mitch,
we don't have enough fuel.

-We'll go in this.
Come on, mitch.

-Turn toward them!

-Turn toward them!
We'll never outrun them! Turn!

-What's he doing?
-Get down!

All right, turn around.
-Are you nuts?

Just do it, huh?

-[Grunts, screams]

-Stop the boat!

-Okay, call for backup.

-"Scarab" to headquarters.

-Fish him out, huh?
-You got it.

-You all right?
-Now I am.

-[Siren wailing]

-You seen cathy?

-Yeah, she, uh...

She went with some detectives.
She said she'd see you tomorrow.

-And, dad.

About cathy.



-Isn't that something?

They're going to etch our names
right there right amongst
the great ones.

-Ben, you deserve it.
-So do both of you.

Aw, mitch, come on,
she'll show up.

Go have yourself a good time.

You're gonna meet some royalty.

-I'm going to call hobie
and see if he's heard from her.

You ran a great race.

-Thanks. So did you.

-Ladies and gentlemen,
presenting prince alexander

And princess
catherine randenberg.

-Come. I'll introduce you.


-Your highness, may I
introduce this year's cup
winner, mitch buchannon.

-Very well done, young man.

-Thank you, your highness.

-And this is
the princess catherine.

-Congratulations on
your victory, mr. Buchannon.

I know how much it must
have meant to you.

-Excuse me, I'm sorry, I'm...

Not used to being this close
to royalty.

-We're no different
than anyone else.

Well, if I'd met you someplace
else, like...

On the beach perhaps,

But here I can see you're
a part of a different world.

Pleasure meeting you.

Will you excuse me?

-Mitch, I'm sorry.
I should have told you.


He's your fiance?


-You lying to him now?

-I shall tell him everything
after we're married.

-How can you marry someone
when there's no love?

-But there "is" love...

I love my people,
I love my country.

James will provide jobs...

Industry which our economy
desperately needs.

-What about our needs?

Or was everything that happened
between us just a diversion?

-You know it was more
than that, mitch.

I never knew we would
grow so close.


-Fall in love.


-You rescued me twice, mitch.

This time, you can't.

My father's waiting
to announce my betrothal.

I have to accept who I am,

Accept my responsibilities.

Will you kiss hobie
goodbye for me?

I'll never forget you.

Remember me.

-I will.

I always will.

may I have your
attention, please?

I have a joyous announcement
to make.

-[Theme music playing]
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