04x17 - The Falcon Manifesto

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x17 - The Falcon Manifesto

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry
it's gonna be all right ♪

♪ Cuz I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always
I'm always here ♪

♪ Cuz I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always
I'm always here ♪

-[Slow pop music]

-I had her under
protective surveillance

Until three days ago.

-Katherine larson
has information

That will put edward
falcon away for life.

-Yes, sir.
She uncovered it while
writing an investigative

Piece for world
journal magazine.

I'm aware of that, sir.

-Then I'm sure
you're also aware

That falcon has the resources
to neutralize ms. Larson,

To suppress the evidence,
and to go right on selling

Classified military information
to foreign governments.

-Yes, sir.

I found this note in
her vacated hotel room.

She says her chances
for survival are better

If no one, including
us, knows where she is

Until after she's finished
writing this manifesto.

-I think she's wrong.

I want her found,
put under protective custody

As soon as possible.

Start with the coastal states.

I know her parents used to
run charter fishing boats.

In a situation of crisis--

-People return to
familiar surroundings.

Yes, sir. I'll get
right on that, sir.

-[Ominous music]

-Man: hi.

-Now, there's a fish.
-Wow, look at that.

-Well now, that's a beauty.

-Let me take your
picture with it.

How bout that?

-No, that's okay.

-No, no. You'll thank
me later, lassie.

-Really, I'd rather not.

-Just take a look at it.

Let's go down to the marina
and take a look at it.

I mean, we could own this place.

-I know, but we work
on boats all day.

I don't wanna go
home and live on one.

-Mitch, eddie and shauni loved

Living together on
that boat, didn't they?

-Far as I know.


Come on.
Let's take a look at it.

-Okay, fine. I'll
take a look at it.


-But, you know, I'm still not
even sure we should
live together yet.

-I am.

-[Ominous music]


-Something just drilled a hole
the size of a football
in the hull.

-Okay, but what
about the pumps?

-Water's gushing in faster
than we can pump it out.

We're sinking, fast.

rescue one from kmm295.

Do you read?

-This is rescue one.

-We just received
a distress call

From fishing boat
american eagle,

Ten degrees west of your ten-20.

The captain reports that
they're taking on water.

-Has the coast
guard been notified?

-Yes, but they're
half an hour away.

-Roger that. We're in route.


-Captain, these
people are panicking.

You've got to take control.


-Mitch, they're jumping.

-Attention, stay
on board the boat.

Do not jump in the water.

Stay on board the boat.

Do not jump.

-Mitch, there are
too many people.

We can't possibly
handle them all.

-Get on the horn and get
that cutter over here now.

Get those people
out of the water.
I'm gonna go assess the damage.

-Coast guard cutter point
bridge, this is rescue one.

Come in, point bridge.


-[Ominous music]

-Hang on.

-Okay, I got him.

-Everything's okay.
Coast guard's on its way.

-Okay, there's a hole the
size of a football down there.

-Keep everybody calm, and
keep them on board the boat.

Hey, get out of there!

-I found the hole!

Come on!

-I said, "get out of there!"

-I said, "come on!"

-[Ominous music]

-Throw us some fishing
line and a knife.


-What are you gonna do?

-Make it a cork.


-Stuff it in the
hole, cut the line,

And it'll expand and plug it.

Here, take it.

All right. Let's go.

-[Ominous music]

-Hey, matt.

Check out the body language.

Look at the way their
forearms are touching.

-Well, the way
they were looking

At each other the
whole way back,

I think their forearms
are just a start.

-No, she has barriers.

She likes him.

That's why she's not moving
away, but see the way

Her arms are crossed and
her legs keep fidgeting?

She's anxious and uptight.

-And since when did you become

Such an expert on body language?

-Being in that tower
all day watching

Everybody on the beach.

You can learn a lot from
people if you're observant.

-Okay, all right.

Then tell me what you can
get from this body language.

-It means you're crazy.

-That's right.


-Well, now that I'm thoroughly
amazed by what you can do,

I will find out who you are.

-You can leave me
out of this report.

-If I leave you out of the
report, there'll be no report.

Come on.

You deserve the credit.

-I don't do things for credit.

-Well, that's exactly
why you deserve it.

-If I wanted it,
I wouldn't be here.

I'd have gone on the coast
guard cutter with everyone else

And faced the
reporters in catalina.

-And I thought you
were here because fate

Brought us together and wanted
to see where it would lead.

-I thought I was here
to fill out that report.

-Well, I do wanna find out
everything I can about you.

That's true.

Let's start with your name.

What's your name?

-It's kate, kate mccoy.

What's yours?

-Mitch, mitch buchannon.

-Hi, mitch.

-Hi, kate.

So do you live in catalina,
or are you just visiting?

-From where?

-Does it matter?

-Are you always
this mysterious?

-I just don't like being
part of the public record.

I'm a very private
person, mitch.

In fact, standing out here is
more public than I wanna be.

-Well, we can
finish this later.

I just got one more
question here anyway.

What are you doing
for dinner tonight?


That is if you have any
food in your refrigerator.

-Fresh fish okay?


But I don't have
anything to wear.

-Oh, that's no problem.
I could find you something
that's appropriate.

You're about the same
size as stephanie.

-Who's stephanie?

-Well, I can be mysterious too.

-[Laughs] touche. [Laughs]

-Matt: isn't it perfect?

-I don't know, matt.

-Matt: come aboard.

I mean, look at this view.

I mean, where else can
you find a view like this?

I mean, we could have breakfast
up here every morning.

-Yeah, it is really beautiful.

-I'm telling you,
summer, we should

Pull our money and
buy it together.

In eddie's letter,
he said he'd sell

It cheap if it was
to a lifeguard.

-Yeah, but, matt, I mean, this

Is smaller than my
momma's trailer,

And that is cramped
for two people.

-Not if it's the
right two people.

I mean, think of
it. No roommates,

No parents, just the two of us.

-Yeah, it does
sound wonderful, but.

-Come on. Your mother
is out of town.

Let's just spend the night
together and see how it goes.

Trial run, okay.

-Okay, a trial run.


-Mitch: smells great.

Where'd you learn cajun cooking?

-My father was a
fisherman extraordinaire.

It's all we ever had.

I had to learn different
ways to prepare it.

-Where you from?

-Back east.


-Where abouts? New england?

-There abouts.

How long have you
been a lifeguard?

-[Laughs] it's the
only job I ever had.

-It's an important job.

You saved a lot of lives today.


-Come on, you were
already in hold

Of that ship before I got there.

-When you find
yourself in a situation,

A life and death situation,
you don't have a choice.

You just do what's right.

-Well, except
most people don't,

Especially when it puts
their own lives in danger.


-Well, maybe they're
the smart ones.

Who knows.

There's a lot to be said
for self preservation.

-[Clock beeping]

-Oh my god.

It's too late to take you
back to catalina tonight.

-I know.

-You could stay here.

-What about your son?

hobie is spending the
night at a friend's.

-How convenient.


-No really, if you'd like to
stay, you could use his room.


I don't usually spend the
night with a man I've just met.

-Well, saving
lives together tends

To accelerate relationships.

-That's not what
this is, mitch.

-Then what is it?

-It's here and now, whatever
happens while it happens.

-Well, it could
happen to be the start

Of a relationship, couldn't it?

-Can't be. [Laughs]

-Why not?

-If I told you that,

I wouldn't be mysterious
anymore, would i?


-Oh, I'm starving.

What took so long?

Uh-oh, I'm picking up some
pretty tense body language.

What's wrong?

-Matt, why aren't there
any lights on in this place?

-It's nothing.

The generators need some work.

I'll have them up and running
by the time we move in.


-Don't worry.

I brought the candles.

-Yeah, but I don't know if
this is such a good idea.

-Oh come on.

You're not gonna
wimp out on me now.

Besides, you smell incredible.

What is it?

Kung pao chicken?


It's paradise.

You in my arms, the
gentle rocking of a boat.

Won't have to listen to cj's
meditation tapes. [Laughs]

You're not saying anything.

-I just don't
know if we're ready

To move in together yet, matt.

-We're in love.

What more do we need?

-Commitment. I think we
really need a commitment.

-Well, what do you think
moving in together is?

-Well, I can tell you what it
isn't, and it isn't marriage.

-Summer, look at me.

You're my love.

You're my family.

There's never been anybody that
makes me feel the way you do.

I want us to take
it to the next step,

But marriage--

-Oh, I know, I know.

I'm not ready for that, either.

[Sigh] I just get so confused.

-Okay, come on.

I'm gonna take you home.

-No, come on it's cozy here.


You all right?


Yeah, I just have
trouble sleeping.

I'll be fine.

Go back to bed.

-Hey, come on.

Don't you know you
can trust me by now?

-You're the only
person in my life

Right now that I can trust.

So I don't wanna get
you involved.

-Involved in what?

-My life.

-i already am involved.

Kate, do you have
any idea how long

I've waited to find
someone like you?

-You don't know me.

You don't know
anything about me.

-Then tell me.

-Don't ask, please.

Just hold me.

I feel very safe with you.

I haven't felt safe
in a very long time.

-[Upbeat classical music]



-Whoa. [Laughs]



-Spend the day with me?

-Oh, I'd like to,
but I really should

Get back to catalina, mitch.

-Aw, come on.
I'll take you as soon
as I get off duty.

Come on. Come on. Come on.



-Great day, huh.

-You too.


-Wear plenty of
sunscreen, and alway

Swim near a manned
lifeguard tower.

-I'll remember. [Laughs]

-♪ But I try to keep my hope alive

♪ Been looking

♪ For a fire

♪ That keeps burning bright

♪ I'am just a soul who wants to believe

♪ Everything can be more than what it
seems ♪

♪ I've been lost in this day dream called
life ♪

♪ Never thought I could get it right

♪ Cause I see you

♪ When you don't see me

♪ And I need you

♪ Like the air I breathe

♪ The world was empty

♪ Until I met you

♪ The road was long

♪ But you always got me

♪ Through

♪ I'm just a soul that's trying to be
strong ♪

♪ Hoping I'll find a place where I can
belong ♪

♪ I've been wandering this world all alone

♪ I never thought I would find a home

♪ Cause I see you

♪ When you don't see me

♪ And I need you

♪ Like the air I breath

♪ I've been missing something

♪ All this time

♪ You're the first and the last thing ♪

♪ On my mind

♪ Cause I see you

♪ When you don't see me

♪ And I need you

♪ Like the air I breathe

♪ Cause I see you

♪ When you don't see

♪ Me

-Wow, time to wake up,
sleeping beauty.



Oh my god.

Three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.


-You okay?

-She was so full of life.

-Um, listen, we need to notify

Next of kin, but she
didn't have any id on her.

-Her name was kate. Kate mccoy.

That's all I know.

-When did you meet her?


She was someone
I thought I could

Spend the rest of my life with.

I mean, this whole thing
doesn't make any sense!

-The coroner will
do an autopsy,

And I'll let you know as
soon as the results are in.

Come on.

-I mean, she's five
feet from my tower. How--

-Right now we don't know
what happened, mitch.

You're not responsible.

-I am responsible.

I'm the lifeguard, man.

She was on my beach.

She felt safe with
me, and I let her die.

-Mitch, you said you
didn't see anything unusual,

-That's right.

I didn't,

But I should have.

-[Ominous music]

-Hobie: if you wanna talk
more about it, I'll listen.

-No, no. It's okay.

-You know, once you
told me no matter

How bad it hurts
to lose somebody,

You should always treasure
what you got from knowing them.

Even if it's just a little bit
of time you spent together.

It's better than not
knowing them at all.

-It's a lot easier
saying those things

When it's someone else's loss.



-Um, sorry to bother you.

We got the autopsy report.

Thought you would
wanna know they

Determined she died
of a heart attack.

-A heart attack?

That's impossible.

I mean, she was young.

We were running on the beach.

She was in good shape.

-Well, that's why they
wanted a second opinion,

Both confirmed, heart attack.

-You know, last night...

She told me she hadn't felt
safe in a long time, and that

She didn't trust anyone but me,

And that she didn't
want me to get involved.

-In what?

-In her life.

Something's going on here.

-Are you suggesting her death

May have been the
result of foul play?

-I don't know.

I don't know.

I've been going
over every minute

Of the day looking
for some sort of clue.

I was falling in love with her.

-But you didn't
know who she was.


You run her fingerprints
through the computer?

-Being done as we speak.

-Let me know if you
find out anything, okay?

-Course I will.

If you remember anything,
you let me know, okay?




-[Ominous music]

-How is he?

-You know mitch.

He'll hang in.

-Can I come in?

-Yeah sure, come on in.


-What's all this?

-It's everything kate
had with her yesterday.

-Mitch, I'm really sorry.

-Yeah, yeah, me too.

-She was an amazing woman.

I mean, you could
tell right away.

-You know,
it's rare to find someone

You fit together
with in so many ways.

When you do, you gotta value
every minute you spend together.

So how things going with you?

You and matt gonna
move in together?

-Maybe, I don't know.

Do you think we should?

-Well, what I think
really doesn't matter.

It's-- it's how you feel.


Listen, I better go.

But if there's anything
I can do for you,

Mitch, just let me know, okay?

-Okay, thanks.

-Hang in there.

-Mitch, this is
agent john mathers.

He's with the government.

This is lieutenant mitch
buchannon, county lifeguard.

-How do you do?

I understand you spent some time

With katherine larson before she

Expired on your beach yesterday.

-Her fingerprints id'd her as

Katherine larson not kate mccoy.

Apparently ms. Larson
was cooperating

With the nbi in an
ongoing investigation.

-What kind of investigation?

-I'm afraid I can't release
that information at this time.

Are these her belongings?


I allowed lieutenant
buchannon access to them

To see if he could
come up with anything.

-And have you, lieutenant?


-While you were together,
did katherine larson

Happen to mention the word
falcon or falcon manifesto?


-You know what
these keys are for?


-Do you know the location
of katherine larson's

Residence either
temporary or permanent?

-I just met her.

I don't really know
anything about her.

-You appear quite
emotionally involved

For someone who didn't know her.

-She died on my beach.

You appear to be quite involved

For someone who's
investigating a heart attack.

-Was that katherine larson's?


-I hope there are fingerprints
on these items besides yours.

-Oh, what the hell
is going on here?

What are you talking about?

What are you suggesting?

-We'll be in touch, lieutenant.

Officer ellerby.

-Why are you
withholding information

From a government
investigator, mitch?

That is a federal offense.

-Wait a minute.
Just wait a minute here.

You said that katherine was
cooperating with the nbi.

Cooperating. Was that
his word or yours?


-She wasn't cooperating
with anybody.

She was running from something.

Until I find out what or
who she was running from,

I'm not gonna cooperate either.

-Mitch, I know you're
upset about this,

But you may be in
way over your head.

Please watch your step.

-[Ominous music]

-Lifeguard: hey, mitch.

-I was looking for
clues in what was there,

But I never noticed
what wasn't there.

Garner, her sunscreen.

-I don't remember sunscreen
in the log of her items.

-The first two
times she applied it

Nothing unusual happened.

But the last time
some of it squirted

Out of the back onto this towel.

-A tear in the seam?

-No, no. It was more
like a small pinhole.

Now what if somebody
injected some sort of

Topical poison
into the sunscreen

And it absorbed through her skin

And made it appear she
died of a heart attack.

-Mitch, you've been
reading too many spy novels.

That's sophisticated stuff
you're talking about there.

-Well humor me will ya?

Have your lab run
some tests on this.

-Sure, why not.

-And see if you
can find out about

This falcon mathers
was talking about,

Falcon or falcon manifesto.


-[Ominous music]

-Mitch, you were right.

It was poison.

Works by arresting
the circulatory system

Eventually causing
heart failure.

If you don't know
to look for it,

It shows up as a heart
attack in an autopsy.

-Mathers was on
the beach that day.


-Mathers was on the beach
dressed as a tourist.

All right? He got close to kate
at least one time that I saw.

-Yeah, he probably had her
under protective surveillance.

-What'd you find out?

-Katherine larson was an
investigative reporter.

She managed to uncover evidence

Regarding the sale of top
secret military technology

To foreign countries by a
man named edward falcon.

She wouldn't turn it
over to the government

Until she had completed
her manifesto.

-Cuz she didn't trust them.

-Mitch, they were trying
to protect her from falcon.

That's who probably k*lled her.

-Well, if mathers was
on the beach that day

Trying to protect
her, he sure as hell

Didn't do a very
good job now did he?

Where is he?
I wanna talk to him.


He got a hold of your incident
report on that fishing boat.

-Now I know why
she didn't wanna be

A part of the public record.

-[Ominous music]

-Destroying evidence, mathers.

-Okay, okay, matt, come on.

What's the surprise?

-You ready?



-I bought it.

-I don't understand.

-Well, since I
enrolled in college,

My father agreed
to cosign the loan,

Which means that you
have an open invitation

To move in whenever
you're ready.

No pressure.

-Oh, matt.

-Care to do the honors? Okay.

-Oh, okay.


-Mathers confessed to being
bought off by edward falcon.

-What about kate,


-He admitted k*lling her just

The way you said,
on falcon's orders.

That, along with the
evidence katherine compiled

Against falcon should put
them both away for good.

-In life and death situations,

You don't have a choice.

You just do what's right.


-Something katherine said.

The way she lived her life.

-The way she lived her
life saved the lives

Of a lot of people that
falcon's weapons can't k*ll.

At least her soul can
rest easy knowing that.

-Mine won't.

-[Somber music]
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