04x19 - Western Exposure

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x19 - Western Exposure

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music plays]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-So anyway, there I was

Standing there minding
my own business,

Completely doing nothing,

When jennifer lays this big
old whomping kiss on me.

-Oh my god. Where?

-In the kitchen.

-[Laughs] so I uh

I take it you like her.

-Well, I used to like her

But now I'm not
sure if I like her

Or if I like her, like her.


-And then landon tells me
that he likes her, likes her

And I told landon
that I don't think she

Likes him, likes him
like she likes me.

-So you probably
like her, like her.

-Well, I'm not sure.

How do you tell
if you like a girl,

Or if you like her, like her?

-I'll tell you.

I figure it this way.

If you like a girl but
you don't know if you

Like her, like her
or you like her,

You probably just like her.

Because if you like her like
her, you wouldn't be confused

As to whether you like her,
like her, or just like her.

-What are you talking about?

-I have no idea.


-[Gentle music]

-♪ School let out at 3:00,
and I picked jackson up ♪

♪ Tent and the sleeping bags
in the back end of the truck ♪

-Look at you sitting down
there day in and day out

Looking at that old postcard
like an old scolded dog.

Look, I know you love crystal
and I know you love jackson,

But you know what?

You can walk up
and down that beach

To sun up to sunset and you
still ain't gon' find 'em.

-Jimmy, you booked me
340 days this year.

That's why I can't find them.

Hey cab, pull over
here, would you?

This is venice beach.

-Driver: will do.

-Hey, meet us at the hotel.

We're gonna rehearse
until you get back

And hopefully we'll
have some luck

Finding you a new opening act!

-So I sure am glad we get to
spend your day off together.

-Me too, pal.

So where should we go
get something to eat?


-It's her.

-It's who?


And there's no
doubt about it, dad.

I definitely like her, like her.

-You really like her, like her,

Then I'm gonna duck
outta sight, all right?

-Hey cool, thanks!
-Have fun.

-Hey, bridgette.

-Oh hey, hobie.

-You're a great player.

-Yeah I'm okay.

-[Sighs] remember the days.

-Uh I was wondering, you wanna
go do something afterwards?

-I'm pretty busy these days.

Hi, mister buchannon!


You girls are good.

Hey, you are one terrific
volleyball player.

-Oh, thank you!

That means so much coming
from somebody like you.

-So you guys made plans yet?

I'd be happy to
chauffeur you around.

Come on, let's go.

-No, bridgette's busy.

-Well actually I'm
not all that busy.

-Really? Well, why don't
you join the two of us

For dinner at our place tonight?

-I'd love to.

Um, I'm sure my mom
can drop me off.

I'll be there seven-ish?

-Bye, hobie.


-Bye, mister buchannon.


That's great, huh?
We'll double date!

-Yeah the only one that's
gonna be double dating is you.

She accepted your
invitation, not mine.

-I'm going to his house
for dinner tonight.

-[People talking]


Sorry son, I thought
you was somebody else.

Look, have you seen this boy?

He's about your age.

-Sorry, mister. He's not even
on a milk carton or nothing.


-Oh my god.

S-oh my god, it is!

-Excuse me, girls, have
y'all seen this little boy?

-It's jesse lee
harris! [Squeals]

-That's my son, and
his name is jackson.

-Hey, you're jesse lee harris!

-No, I'm--

-Oh yes you are!

-It's jesse lee harris!


♪ You could be the one


-I've got a blitz off tower 14.

Multiple victims
caught in a rip.

-[Exciting music]


-Help me!

-Please! Help me!


-Grab the can.

-It's okay, I got you!

-[Gasping for air]

-Now you all right?

-Yeah I think so, thank you.

-Sadie, not now.

-Now why were all
those girls chasing you?


-Sadie, just give me a minute.

-Look I didn't mean to
cause you so much trouble.

But I'm better now, so
I'll just be on my way.

-At least you saved your hat.


-That's jesse lee harris!


-He's the biggest singer
on the country charts.

-[Squealing] jesse, please!

-Do you think I
could get a ride

Off the beach in your truck?

-Yeah, yeah!

We have to make out
a rescue report so

I'll get you back
to headquarters.

-[Cheerful country music]

Hey, sadie!

-Hey, cj, hey is he still here?

-Yes he's making
out a rescue report

Right now in the office.

Now, sadie, I have an
unbelievable idea.

If this guy is as
big as you say he is,

Why don't we just
get him to come to

Denim and diamonds
tonight to hear you sing?

-Why would jesse lee harris
wanna come hear me sing?

-I rescued him,
I saved his life.

How could he say no?


-I'll just look
up at him and say--



He's right behind me, isn't he?


-Hello. Now what's this I'm not

Supposed to be
able to say no to?

-Coming to a concert.


This is my best friend, sadie,

And she's singing tonight
at denim and diamonds

And we would love it
if you would come.

-Would you?
-I'd love to.

-You would love to? Really?

-Oh, this is so great!

This is so-- thank you so much!

Oh god, I gotta go practice!

Bye! I'll see you later, bye!

Thanks, see you later!

-That is very very kind of you.

-You're very welcome.

Listen, your colleague says

That you help find
lost children?

-Yeah, that's one of the
things that we do best.

-Do you reckon
you could help me?


Step into my office.

-Crystal and I
argued about jackson

Being on the road
with me so much.

She wanted him to
have a normal life, and,

You know, she really wanted
to have a normal life, too.

And I guess I can't
blame her for that,

But what I do blame
her for, though

Is for taking jackson and not
telling me where they are.

-You mean you didn't
know where they were

Until jackson sent
you the postcard?

-When I got this postcard,

I didn't know where they were.

I detoured my trip to vegas.

But see, I don't have much time.

And jackson and crystal,
they're out there

Somewhere and I gotta find them.

-Well, do you have
a picture of them?


-Well, what we'll do is,
we'll make up flyers and

Pass 'em out all
over the beach and

The boardwalk and
all over venice.

And believe me, if they're in
this area, we'll find them.

-Thank you. All right.

-[Country music]

-♪ Don't need no copy
of vogue magazine ♪

♪ Don't need to dress
like no beauty queen ♪

♪ High heels or sneakers,
he don't give a damn ♪

♪ My baby loves me
just the way that I am ♪

♪ My baby loves me
just the way that I am ♪

♪ He never tells me
I'm not good enough ♪

♪ Just gives me
unconditional love ♪

♪ He loves me tender,
he loves me mad ♪

♪ He loves me silly
and he loves me sad ♪

♪ He thinks I'm pretty,
he thinks I'm smart ♪

♪ He likes my nerve
and he loves my heart ♪

♪ He's always saying
he's my biggest fan ♪

♪ My baby loves me
just the way that I am ♪

♪ My baby loves me
just the way that I am ♪

♪ When there's dark
clouds in my eyes ♪

♪ He just sits back and
lets them roll on by ♪

♪ Come in like a lion,
go out like a lamb ♪

♪ My baby loves me
just the way that I am ♪

♪ My baby loves me
just the way that I am ♪

♪ He thinks I'm pretty,
he thinks I'm smart ♪

♪ He likes my nerve
and he loves my heart ♪

♪ He's always saying
he's my biggest fan ♪

♪ My baby loves me
just the way that I am ♪

♪ He thinks I'm pretty,
he thinks I'm smart ♪

♪ He likes my nerve
and he loves my heart ♪

♪ Don't see no reason
to change my plan ♪

♪ My baby loves me
just the way that I am ♪

♪ My baby loves me just
the way that I am ♪

-I love when men cook.

It's so...



-Go go go go go!


Bridgette, why don't
you come here and

See if you can beat
hobie at this game

'Cause I sure can't.

-I'm helping mitch with dinner.

-It's mitch now?

She moves fast.

-Why don't I take
over from here

And you go visit with hobie.

-I'm sorry.

Look at me
monopolizing your date.

-You wanna play?
It's a new game.

-No, I'll just watch.

-So what are you gonna do?

-About what?


-[Whispers] about what?

-[Whispers] the crush that
bridgette has on you.

Oh no, don't tell me
you haven't noticed.

I'm mean, it's lucky we're not
talking mac trucks here.

-What are you talking about?

The girl's 14 years
old. That's ridiculous.

-I rest my case.

-Mitch, this is
really wonderful.

You're a great chef.

-thank you.

-Stephanie: hobie
made the rice.

It's delicious.


-Stephanie, I hope
you're still planning on

Going dancing with me at denim
and diamonds tomorrow night.

-Oh yes, I'd love to.

I'm really looking
forward to it.

-Stephanie's a line dancer
from way back, aren't you?

-Oh I just love to
texas line dance.

-Wow, what a coincidence!

So does hobie!

That's awesome.

-I do?

-I got it!

Why don't the two of you
join us tomorrow night?

We'll all go dancing together.

-I'd love to!

I'll save a dance for you.

-Come on, partner!
We gotta pick up stephanie
and bridgette. Let's roll.

-So, how do I look?


-Uh, awesome is the word I
believe you're looking for?

Wait 'til bridgette
sees me, man.

You won't have a chance.


-[Cheerful country music]


-Hey, guys!

-This is jesse.

-Hey jesse, nice to
meet ya. I'm mitch.

-I'm bridgette.

-My son hobie, and stephanie.

-Stephanie: hi,
nice to meet you.

-Oh you guys, sadie's
about to go on.

I've got a table
for us over here.

-All right, everybody
having a good time tonight?


I said,
everybody having a good time?


-All right! Now,
denim and diamonds wants
y'all to join with me

And give a big
welcome 'cause she's

Making her first appearance.

Please welcome miss
sadie jennings!


-[Cheerful country music]

♪ Don't tell me no stories

♪ I don't wanna hear no lies

♪ No reasons, or excuses

♪ None of your alibis

♪ Phone rings I pick it up

♪ Nobody's on the line

♪ I know she's waiting for you

♪ She's just biding her time

♪ You'd have me
believe it's just a

♪ Night out with your friends

♪ Well I know you're going
back to see her again

♪ You're still in love

♪ Living on life number nine

♪ Breaking my heart

♪ Living on borrowed time

♪ You're catting around

♪ Playing with fire

♪ Still in love

♪ Living on life number nine

♪ You're running on empty

♪ Trouble's on every side

♪ You've used up
your last chance

♪ You got no place to hide

♪ I'm tired of these heartaches

♪ Tired of living a lie

♪ Go to her, she's waiting

♪ Someday you're gonna find

♪ The grass ain't always
greener on the other side

♪ Now what you thought was
love was what you left behind

♪ Still in love

♪ Living on life number nine

♪ Breaking my heart

♪ Living on borrowed time

♪ Catting around

♪ Playing with fire

♪ You're still in love

♪ Living on life number nine


-You know hobie, it wasn't
till tonight that I realized

You're not at all
what I thought.


-You're a real dork.


What'd you guys think?

-Um, don't know how
to tell you this but

But we all agree that...

Man you were wonderful!

-Yeah! Great!


Oh thank you guys, thanks!

Oh that's so great!

You guys really think so?

-You were unbelievable!

I can't believe
it, I actually--

I love country music!

-See, I told ya!

All you had to do was listen
once, and you'd be hooked.

Jesse, did you really
think it was good?

-Hey I mean what I say
and I say what I mean.

As a matter of fact, I
got a proposal for you.

I'm headed to
vegas in a few days

And I think that you're just
what I need to open the show.

-You're kidding!

-How would you like
to join my tour?

-Me, open your show?

-Oh I'm so proud of you!

-So great.

Thank you so much
for everything.

-Stephanie: come
on, let's dance!

-All right, all right, I'm in.

-I'm not gonna let you down.

I can't wait.

I gotta go call my mom and dad.


-[Slow country music]

-I know we didn't
have any luck today

Finding jackson and crystal,

But we're gonna find them.

I promise.

-I got just so much that
I wanna say to both of 'em.

I just pray that
I get the chance.

-You will.

-Excuse me, stephanie.

I promised to save
mitch a dance.

-[Laughs] uh, where's hobie?

-I don't know.

-I'll be right back.

What's wrong?

-Bridgette called me a dork.

-Oh man, I'm sorry.

Forget about that.

Come on, I bought you your
favorite, a&w cream soda.

Let's go out and show those
guys how to line dance, huh?

-All right.

-[Gentle music]


-Hey, jesse, come on in.

-Hey, mitch.

-Sadie was unreal
last night, wasn't she?

-Oh boy she was great.

I was really impressed.

I'll tell you, I don't know
how to thank you for this.

But I guess you know, don't you?

-Yeah, I know
exactly how you feel.

-I miss my boy, mitch.

Last night seeing
you with hobie.

Man, he's a great kid.

I sure do miss those
father-son times.

-Well I guess
the point here is,

What you're willing
to do to get him back.

-You mean like what am
I willing to give up?

-Yeah, something like that.

-Mitch I worked hard
for my singing career.

I mean it's my job
to be on the road.

-I don't mean to
be out of line here,

But I'm familiar
with your music.

I mean I got most
of your records.

They chart gold, platinum.

You've already made it.

You know, maybe it's not that
much to ask for

Crystal to have you cut
down on a few road trips.

-Well we ain't ever been
very good at compromising.

-Sit down for a
second, will you?

You know, jesse, I wish I had
somebody to compromise with.

I mean, I'm doing
it all with hobie.

Dealing with all of his
problems, healing all his hurts.

Last night at denim and
diamonds, this little girl

Came up to him and
called him a dork.

I would've given anything if
his mother could've been there

To hold him and comfort
him and talk to him.

-Well crystal is
a wonderful mother

So I guess jackson's
lucky for that.

-He needs a dad too.

Okay partner, what do you say
we go hand out some flyers?

-And I got some
decisions to make.

-[Slow country music]

-♪ School let out
at 3:00 ♪

♪ And I picked jackson up

♪ I had the tent and
the sleeping bags ♪

♪ In the back end of the truck

♪ Built a fire up by the lake

♪ Watched the sun go down ♪

♪ Fell asleep side by side
on nature's hallowed ground ♪

♪ You may not find
me every sunday ♪

♪ Sitting on the front row pew

♪ There are other
ways of praying ♪

♪ I believe we still
get through ♪

♪ The quiet of the back woods
with a boy and a fishing rod ♪

♪ That's just my way
of talking to god ♪

♪ Waking to a whip-poor-will

♪ At the crack of dawn

♪ Sunbeams shining
through the pines ♪

♪ Before the mist is gone

♪ I hear a different drummer

♪ When I'm closer to the land ♪

♪ Sometimes I have to get away

♪ To find out who I am ♪

♪ You may not find
me every sunday ♪

♪ Sitting on the front row pew

♪ There are other
ways of praying ♪

♪ I believe we
still get through ♪

♪ Down the road less traveled

♪ I let go of a lot ♪

♪ That's just my way
of talking to god ♪

♪ I don't need a cathedral
or a tabernacle choir ♪

♪ A mountain stream, cold
and clean, gets me inspired ♪

♪ Standing in a rainstorm,
now some might think it odd ♪

♪ But it's just my
way of talking to god ♪

♪ It's just my way
of talking to god ♪

-Excuse me, if you
see these two people

Can you contact
baywatch headquarters?


I'm looking for
these two people,

If you can contact
baywatch headquarters.

-Excuse me, girls.

If you see these people,
please call this number.

That's my family.
They're missing.


-Hobie look, we'll have
better luck if we split up.

Why don't you go
that way and I'll

Go up here by this
bike territory?

-All right.


-Oh excuse me
but do I know you?

-No, I'm cj parker, I'm
a la county lifeguard,

And I'm a friend
of your husband's.

Jesse loves you
both very very much.

He came here just
looking for you guys

And we're helping him out.

-Well, thank you, cj, but
I never doubted that

Jesse didn't love jackson.

I mean, what I do doubt is that
we come before his career,

So if you'll excuse me, I've
got to get back to my son.

-It's a great gift
to give someone

The opportunity to have changed.

Couldn't you give the
three of you that gift?

-Hi, if you see these
people, give me a call.

They're missing.



Dad! Dad!

-Hi hobie.

-Dad! Dad!

-Not now, bridgette.

-Dad! Dad!


-Excuse me, folks.

-Dad! Dad! Dad!

-[Tense music]





-[Tense music]


Oh my god, son,
are you all right?


-Dad, I knew you'd come!

I just knew it!

-Are you okay?

What were you doing up there?

-God! Jesse!


Jackson's all right. He's okay.

-Mom, I told you dad loves
us more than anything.

See, he came for
us, mom. He came!

-Are you sure that
you're all right, sweetie?

-Yeah, I'm great now.

-Crystal, I swore to god
if I found you and jackson,

That I wouldn't be mad.

I would just tell you everything
that I needed to tell you.

-I guess we can talk.

-Oh, great.

-Yes! Yes!


You were great.

I can't believe
how brave you are!

I'm sorry about what I
called you last night.

-Bridgette, do you
have a quarter?


-Go call somebody who cares.

-[Friends laughing]

-[Gentle music]

-Well that is one beautiful
family, wouldn't you say?

-I'd say so.

-Mitch, this is
my wife, crystal.

-Hey, crystal.
-Hi, mitch.

-And this is my son, jackson.

-Jackson, now wait a minute.

You're not the guy who jumped
off the pier. Was that you?

-Yeah, that was me.

-Jackson, did you know
that hobie is mitch's son?

-Oh, he and cj saved me.

-No more swan dives
off the pier! Got it?

-All right.

-Hey jesse! Jesse lee!

Hey, jackson, man, I'm
so glad to see ya.

Hey, crystal.

Man, I am so happy you
got your family back and

You know what, bus is
getting ready to roll

And we've got a
schedule to keep.

-Yeah, well I got a
schedule of my own to keep

Like starting by
thanking my friends.

Mitch, cj, I don't know
how to thank you guys

For helping me gettin'
my family back.

-Just seeing you all together's
all the thanks we need.

Our pleasure.

-I promised you, didn't i?

-Yeah you did.

And I made some
promises to myself too

And to crystal.

'Cause from now on,
things are gonna be

A whole lot different,
because I'm gonna be

On the road a whole lot less.

and at home in nashville
a whole lot more

In the recording studio.

-We are?

-And I postponed
vegas for a week.

-You didn't!
-I did.

-But dad, all your
fans will be disappointed.

-Disappointed? They'll riot!

-Well they're just
gonna have to understand

Because me and my family
are going on a vacation.

-Oh dang, why argue when life
ends up like a country song?


-All right, I want all you
folks out there to get ready

For america's number one
country music singer,

Jesse lee harris!


-Thank you very
much! Thank you.

Thank you for being here.

I want you to have
a good time tonight

And I want to thank
the baywatch lifeguards

Because they put me and
my family back together.

Hadn't been for them,
they wouldn't be here,

I wouldn't be here,

And I want to dedicate this
song to my son jackson

And to my wife crystal.

Are you ready, guys?


-♪ Well I think
I get the message ♪

♪ I'm not deaf
and I'm not blind ♪

♪ But the signals
that I'm getting ♪

♪ They caught me by surprise ♪

♪ And it seems
that you decided ♪

♪ To just get up and go

♪ But if the reasons here ♪

♪ Are oh so clear

♪ There's one
thing I got to know ♪

♪ Where was I

♪ I wish I knew

♪ You say it's all over

♪ Baby I'm confused

♪ Well wasn't that
you in my bed ♪

♪ It must've been
all in my head ♪

♪ When love
finally said goodbye ♪

♪ Where was I

♪ Well where was I

♪ I wish I knew

♪ And you say it's all over


-Thank you, thank you!
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