20x11 - Mawdryn Undead - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x11 - Mawdryn Undead - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

First Air Date: 8 February 1983
Running time: 24:32

DOCTOR: Don't you see, Brigadier? The TARDIS came to Earth in 1977 and so did the transmat capsule, carrying someone from that ship in space.

BRIGADIER: And Tegan and the other girl think, or rather thought, it was you.

DOCTOR: Indeed. And what did you think?

BRIGADIER: No, Doctor.

DOCTOR: You were there.

BRIGADIER: You mustn't make me remember.

DOCTOR: You must. I need the information to protect Nyssa and Tegan.

BRIGADIER: Even if I wanted to, I simply couldn't recall it.

DOCTOR: That experience could be the reason for your nervous breakdown.

BRIGADIER: Good heavens. Do you think so?

DOCTOR: Now. Come on. We've got to get back to the capsule before Turlough works out how to operate it, or I may never get the TARDIS back.

TEGAN: You're not the Doctor.

MAWDRYN: You travel with a Time Lord and know nothing of metamorphosis.

TEGAN: Yes, but it wasn't like this before. When he changed, he turned into a human.

MAWDRYN: Yes, a Gallifreyan human.

TEGAN: He was normal.

MAWDRYN: What do you know, prattling Earth child, of the endless changing?

TEGAN: I know that when the Doctor changed, he didn't turn into an alien.

MAWDRYN: The transmatting induced a mutative catalysis.

TEGAN: Nyssa, is that possible?

NYSSA: I don't know. It could be.

TEGAN: What do you think, Brigadier?

BRIGADIER: I've seen this happen twice. Different each time, but, well, this could well be the Doctor.

TEGAN: His features, how've they developed so quickly?

MAWDRYN: The atmosphere of the TARDIS has certain regenerative qualities, but my condition is unstable. We must return to the ship at once.

TEGAN: Why there?

MAWDRYN: It should have a laboratory. I need its equipment. Hurry!

NYSSA: We can't leave Turlough. He doesn't belong in this time zone.

MAWDRYN: Turlough?

TURLOUGH: It should work.

DOCTOR: Quickly!

TURLOUGH: Of course! The transmitter.

TEGAN: But if you're the Doctor, you should have transmatted to Earth in 1983.

MAWDRYN: Any escape from a warp ellipse can cause temporal anomalies.

NYSSA: It's true. That's what must have happened to the TARDIS.

MAWDRYN: But now I need your assistance to return the TARDIS to the ship.

TURLOUGH: What will that do?

DOCTOR: Reflect the beam back off the ship.

TURLOUGH: So the warp ellipse will absorb the time differential?

DOCTOR: That's right.

TURLOUGH: But will it work?

MAWDRYN: Tegan, Nyssa, Brigadier. My old friends, please, help me.

BRIGADIER: Do we have any real choice? We must give him the benefit of the doubt in case he is the Doctor.

BRIGADIER: But will it work, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Always the optimist, Brigadier.

BRIGADIER: That's not an unreasonable question.

DOCTOR: By the way. Yours, I think.

NYSSA: We're ready to leave, Brigadier.

BRIGADIER: And I'm coming with you.

TEGAN: Brigadier

BRIGADIER: No, don't argue.

NYSSA: As you wish.

MAWDRYN: Do not enter new coordinates. Activate sequential regression.

TEGAN: Not another alarm?

NYSSA: I don't know. Doctor? I think it's the communication system.

DOCTOR: Turlough, would you check to see if the transmitter's functioning? Tegan and Nyssa can use the beam as a beacon. If all goes well, the TARDIS should reappear. Ah. Brigadier, quickly, think. Did you go into the TARDIS with Tegan and Nyssa?

BRIGADIER: I can't remember. Does it really matter?

DOCTOR: Of course it matters. Can you imagine what would happen if you walked out of the TARDIS in 1977 and met yourself in 1983?

BRIGADIER: Oh, that's ridiculous.

DOCTOR: It's not ridiculous, Brigadier, almost certainly catastrophic.

BRIGADIER: What, do you mean that I could be two people?

DOCTOR: Obviously. You'd exist twice over. And if the two of you met, you'd short out the time differential. Don't you see? The Blinovitch limitation effect? Oh dear. As Tegan would say, zap!


DOCTOR: Oh no.

NYSSA: It's stopped.

MAWDRYN: Dematerialise.

TEGAN: Wait. If that sound came from the communication system, then maybe someone was trying to get in contact with us. Perhaps it was the Doctor.

MAWDRYN: I am the Doctor. Dematerialise immediately. Time is running out. We must leave this place at once.


BRIGADIER: If it's any use to you, Doctor, I recall now that I didn't board the TARDIS in 1977. I was standing near the transmitter and I remember it dematerialising.

DOCTOR: Thank you, Brigadier. The problem is now strictly academic. I cannot even return to the ship.

BRIGADIER: You're trapped on Earth?

DOCTOR: Unless I can assemble some equipment for tracking the TARDIS, and soon.

BRIGADIER: A sort of homing device?

DOCTOR: Indeed.

BRIGADIER: I have such an object. Tegan gave it to me.

DOCTOR: What did you say?

BRIGADIER: The homing device.

DOCTOR: Where?

BRIGADIER: You never know when something like that's going to come in useful.

DOCTOR: Brigadier, where is it?

BRIGADIER: Back at the hut.

DOCTOR: Come on. There isn't a moment to lose.

MAWDRYN: The ship. You will all stay here in the TARDIS.

TEGAN: Wait. If you're in a regeneration crisis then you'll need all the help you can get.


BRIGADIER: She's right, Doctor.

MAWDRYN: No, I must go into the ship alone. You do not understand the nature of the transmogrification, the unique restorative conditions of that vessel. The presence of other lifeforms would inhibit the reparation.

TEGAN: We've all seen the Doctor regenerate before, and it seems without the presence of other life forms, he could die.

MAWDRYN: Open the doors.

TEGAN: No. You're not going out into that ship alone. Either we go with you, or you stay here.

NYSSA: But Tegan

TEGAN: Look, he could reactivate the beam and the TARDIS could be stuck here forever.

NYSSA: But if he is the Doctor

TEGAN: I don't believe it.



MAWDRYN: Hurry, you're destroying me.

DOCTOR: It isn't working.

BRIGADIER: Well, can you repair it?

DOCTOR: Hopefully.

MAWDRYN: Spare me the endurance of endless time, the agony of perpetuity. For pity's sake, release me.

BRIGADIER: Do as he asks.

NYSSA: I agree.

TEGAN: I hope you know what you're doing.

NYSSA: We can't be certain he isn't the Doctor.

TEGAN: Can't we?

DOCTOR: That's it.

TURLOUGH: Have you located the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: It must be on the ship. I'm a fool. I should have realised.

BRIGADIER: That thing Tegan saw inside the capsule. It must have been mutilated by the transmat process and couldn't survive the return journey.

TURLOUGH: So it's used your TARDIS?

DOCTOR: Yes. Come on, the capsule.

TURLOUGH: But there's no beam. The transmitter's been destroyed.

DOCTOR: You're forgetting this. The TARDIS is on board the ship, and this will home in on the TARDIS. Come on.

TURLOUGH: Coming? Sir.

BRIGADIER: Right, time for a recce. I think I'd better keep an eye on this character in case you're right about him, Tegan.

TEGAN: I'm coming with you.

BRIGADIER: You girls will stay here.

TEGAN: We girls are perfectly capable

BRIGADIER: You will both remain here in the TARDIS and that is an order, Miss Jovanka.

BRIGADIER: Good heavens.

TEGAN: Chauvinist.

BRIGADIER: This is the third time today that I've yomped up that wretched hill.

DOCTOR: Good of you to come and see me off, Brigadier.

BRIGADIER: No, I'm not letting you out of my sight. You've raised too many questions that I want answering.

DOCTOR: The transmat could be dangerous.

BRIGADIER: I'm coming with you.

DOCTOR: If you insist.

TURLOUGH: And so am I.

BRIGADIER: Oh, don't be ridiculous, Turlough.

TURLOUGH: The Doctor needs my help. And besides, how do I explain to the Headmaster where you've gone?

DOCTOR: Turlough could be useful.

BRIGADIER: And what about the danger you implied?

DOCTOR: It still exists, but if you're so concerned about Turlough, set an example and stay behind.

BRIGADIER: Moral blackmail.

BRIGADIER: How long will the journey take?

DOCTOR: Come on.

BRIGADIER: It isn't possible. Such luxury.

BRIG '77: Doctor?

MAWDRYN: I, Mawdryn, have returned. It is time for the awakening. Help me.

BRIG '83: Doctor, we're supposed to be looking for the TARDIS. Your friends may be in danger.

DOCTOR: The creature will have left the TARDIS by now. He'll need his own life support systems.

DOCTOR: I don't remember that. Turlough, find the TARDIS and stay with Nyssa and Tegan. Brigadier, I want you to come with me.

BRIG '83: Are you sure?

DOCTOR: A metamorphic symbiosis regenerator.

BRIG '83: Really.

DOCTOR: Used by Time Lords in cases of acute regenerative crises.

BRIG '83: Well, what's it doing here?

DOCTOR: It must have been stolen from Gallifrey.

MAWDRYN: I bring to the ship a TARDIS. The time of our ending is near. Help me.

TURLOUGH: It's not my fault the Doctor was able to home in on the TARDIS. Can you hear me? There's not much I can do with the Brigadier about. Answer me!

DOCTOR: Someone on this ship has been trying to regenerate.

BRIG '83: The creature, the alien?

DOCTOR: It would explain the mutilation. Severe instability.

BRIG '83: Well, where is he now? Perhaps he didn't make it in time. Collapsed somewhere. May even be dead.

DOCTOR: Or undead, Brigadier.

BRIG '83: But why should this creature want to regenerate?

DOCTOR: Extend its life.

BRIG '83: But what for?

DOCTOR: I don't know, but you can be sure it's for no good reason. Ah. Brigadier, look at this.

BRIG '83: Hmm?

DOCTOR: Connections to the regenerator. Eight of them.

BRIG '83: So, there's more than one creature on board.

DOCTOR: Somewhere.

GUARDIAN: While the Doctor is still alive, I am never far from you, Turlough.

TURLOUGH: I'm sorry. I wasn't to know the Doctor had a homing device.

GUARDIAN: Whimpering boy. You do not understand. Everything now acts towards the total humiliation of the Doctor. You have done well. Reach out your hand.


GUARDIAN: There is nothing to fear. Reach out your hand.

BRIG '83: Shouldn't we get to the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: There have been some very cunning modifications.

BRIG '83: That all looks extremely dangerous.

DOCTOR: Oh, quite right. It could do very nasty things to a genuine Time Lord.

BRIG '77 (OOV.): Doctor?

BRIG '83: Listen.

DOCTOR: We should get back to the TARDIS, Brigadier.

BRIG '77: Doctor?

MUTANT: Mawdryn has returned.

MUTANT 2: Does he bring hope of our ending?

MUTANT: Where is Mawdryn?

BRIG '83: Doctor, we must get on. Now where's he gone?

MAWDRYN: Brigadier. Brigadier. Help me.

BRIG '83: Doctor?

TEGAN: I'm going after the Brigadier.

NYSSA: Is that wise?

TEGAN: I'm not in the army. I'm not taking orders from him.

NYSSA: But you could get lost out there.

TEGAN: Well, I'm prepared to take the risk. You can stay here if you want to. I'm going after the Doctor. The real Doctor.

DOCTOR: Right.

TEGAN: Doctor!

DOCTOR: Er, wait here.

MAWDRYN: Increase the power. The energy repairs the depredations of the transmat capsule.

BRIG '83: You're not the Doctor at all.

MAWDRYN: I am Mawdryn.

BRIG '83: Where is the Doctor?

MAWDRYN: I don't know.

BRIG '83: You're lying. If you don't tell me, I shall disconnect the power.

MAWDRYN: No matter.

BRIG '83: I imagine it matters to you if you die.

MAWDRYN: Without the energy, only our shape will change. Our endless voyage will never cease. We cannot die.

DOCTOR: Where's Turlough?

NYSSA: You brought that boy with you?

DOCTOR: And the Brigadier, but I've lost both of them.

TEGAN: What do you mean, you brought the Brigadier?

DOCTOR: You mean he's here with you as well?

TEGAN: As well?

DOCTOR: How could you be so stupid!

TEGAN: What?

NYSSA: He insisted on coming.

DOCTOR: He also insisted on coming with me.

NYSSA: Oh, no. What if they should meet?

DOCTOR: Precisely. Come on, we've got to find them.

DOCTOR: Better check the laboratory. Tegan, you stay here in case the Brigadier come past, in which case, stop him. Come on.

BRIG '83: Doctor.

DOCTOR: Brigadier, thank goodness you're all right. One of you, anyway.

NYSSA: Doctor, that's him.

MAWDRYN: I am Mawdryn. Welcome to my ship, Time Lord.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): You will not be able to operate the TARDIS.

TURLOUGH: I can work it if you show me how. Then the Doctor will be trapped and I can escape. Isn't that the agreement?

GUARDIAN (on scanner): Do you think I have controlled you merely to prick the flesh of this presumptuous Gallifreyan?

TURLOUGH: What more do you want of me?

GUARDIAN (on scanner): You will remain on the ship and witness the nemesis of the Doctor.

DOCTOR: It was you who stole the regenerator from Gallifrey.

MAWDRYN: Yes, Doctor, but time itself has punished us for that crime.

DOCTOR: And you modified the machine and created endless life for yourself.

MAWDRYN: Endless torment.

DOCTOR: Ah, you induced a perpetual mutation.

MAWDRYN: So horrible that the elders of our planet exiled us to this ship.

DOCTOR: How were you able to come to Earth?

MAWDRYN: Every seventy years the beacon guides us to within transmat distance of a planet, and using the mental energy of the other seven, one of our company may leave the ship to seek help, taking on the appearance of a native of that planet.

NYSSA: But what help can there be for you?

MAWDRYN: None, it seems. We remain in this pitiful state.

NYSSA: The TARDIS. You stabilised in the TARDIS.

MAWDRYN: That is true. The atmosphere of the TARDIS was suitable. But without those influences we degenerate.

NYSSA: But can never die.

MAWDRYN: It is the Time Lords' curse.

DOCTOR: It's the result of your own criminal ambition.

MAWDRYN: The Time Lords could have given us the missing element. They abandoned us!

TEGAN: Doctor, there are others like him coming this way.

MAWDRYN: My brothers in exile.

TEGAN: I knew you weren't the Doctor.

BRIG '83: Look out!

BRIG '83: Who are they?

DOCTOR: Fools who tried to turn themselves into Time Lords. It all went disastrously wrong.

MAWDRYN: It is eternal agony. That is why we long for death.

TEGAN: They're immortal?

DOCTOR: For what it's worth.

MAWDRYN: Help us.


MAWDRYN: Give us the energy of a Time Lord! Help us to die!

DOCTOR: I can't!

MAWDRYN: For pity's sake.

TEGAN: Doctor, why can't you help them?

DOCTOR: Don't you understand? If I did, it would be the end of me as a Time Lord.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Tegan Jovanka
Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Vislor Turlough
Mark Strickson

Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart
Nicholas Courtney

The Black Guardian
Valentine Dyall

Headmaster Mr. Sellick
Angus MacKay

Stephen Garlick

Dr Runciman
Roger Hammond

Sheila Gill

David Collings

Peter Walmsley
Brian Darnley

Studio Lighting
Don Babage

Visual Effects
Stuart Brisdon

Production Associate
June Collins

Richard Croft

Title Music
Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Theme arrangement
Peter Howell

Film Cameraman
Godfrey Johnson

Incidental Music
Paddy Kingsland

Production Assistant
Valerie Letley

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Carolyn Perry
Sheelagh Wells

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Amy Roberts

Stephen Scott

Assistant Floor Manager
Ian Tootle

Film Editor
Chris Woolley

Peter Grimwade

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Peter Moffatt

John Nathan-Turner
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