20x12 - Mawdryn Undead - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x12 - Mawdryn Undead - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

First Air Date: 9 February 1983
Running time: 24:33

TEGAN: What do you mean?

DOCTOR: I can only regenerate twelve times. I have already done so four times.


DOCTOR: Don't you see? Eight of them, eight of me.

TEGAN: They want your remaining regenerations?

DOCTOR: It's the only way to end their mutation.

NYSSA: Is that possible?

DOCTOR: With this equipment, yes.

BRIG '83: Let's get back to the TARDIS before they become hostile.

TEGAN: Come on, Doctor, we've got to get out of here.

MAWDRYN: We're scientists, not warriors. We have no weapons. The Doctor can only help us of his own free will.

TEGAN: What you want is m*rder eight times over.

MAWDRYN: No. What we desire is our own death.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): Turlough, my plans are in hazard. This friend of the Doctor's

TURLOUGH: The Brigadier?

GUARDIAN (on scanner): He is present on the ship in two aspects.

TURLOUGH: That isn't possible.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): It is forbidden, but not impossible. He has travelled through time in the TARDIS.

TURLOUGH: But if the two aspects converged

GUARDIAN (on scanner): The instability could destroy everything. You must find the Brigadier who travelled with the Doctor's companions.

TURLOUGH: Leave here?

GUARDIAN (on scanner): You will obey me. The two Brigadiers must be kept apart.

TURLOUGH: What about those creatures?

GUARDIAN (on scanner): They are harmless. They only thr*aten the Doctor.

MAWDRYN: We did not know that our experiments would bring endless mutation.

DOCTOR: You have the regenerator, the facilities of the laboratory. Continue your experiments, find how to reverse the process.

MAWDRYN: We have known for many years that the process is irreversible.

MUTANT: We have experimented for centuries.

MUTANT 2: We have tried to discover a remedy.

MUTANT: There is no remission.

MAWDRYN: Only you, as a Time Lord, can help us.

TURLOUGH: Hello, Brigadier.

BRIG '77: Who the devil are you?

DOCTOR: I cannot do what you ask.

MAWDRYN: You cannot refuse.

DOCTOR: I must.

MAWDRYN: So be it, Doctor. Leave now, with your friends. But accept the consequences of your actions.

NYSSA: What does he mean?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

BRIG '83: Back to the TARDIS?

BRIG '77: So you're Turlough? Yes, Tegan told me about you.

TURLOUGH: I've come to take you to the Doctor.

BRIG '77: The Doctor? You know where he is?

TURLOUGH: Of course. Come on.

BRIG '77: Not so fast. Keep in the shadows. We have some disagreeable fellow passengers.

TURLOUGH: They're harmless.

BRIG '77: That remains to be seen.

MUTANT: The Doctor was our only hope.

MUTANT 2: He must not be allowed to escape.

MAWDRYN: My friends, do not despair. The Doctor will soon return. And of his own free will.

DOCTOR: You see, Brigadier, thanks to your imperfect memory there is now a Lethbridge Stewart some six years your junior at loose in this ship.

BRIG '83: Good heavens. You mean that I did go with Nyssa and Tegan in the TARDIS in 1977?

TEGAN: And were we glad of the company.

BRIG '77: This Doctor, what does he look like?

TURLOUGH: Older than me, younger than you.

BRIG '77: No, I mean, is he normal?

TURLOUGH: Of course.

BRIG '77: So, that deformed creature in the TARDIS was an imposter.

TURLOUGH: Exactly.

TURLOUGH: Doctor, the Brigadier's here.

BRIG '77: Doctor?

BRIG '77: Turlough, what are you up to?

BRIG '77 (OOV.): Turlough!

TEGAN: No sign of Turlough.

BRIG '83: I never trusted that boy.

NYSSA: He must be here somewhere.

DOCTOR: Well, I hope so, because I've got to get the TARDIS away from here.

NYSSA: And separate the two Brigadiers.

BRIG '83: Ah, now, hang on a minute. I've been thinking about that.

DOCTOR: There isn't time to think, Brigadier.

BRIG '83: Doctor, we are talking about six years of my life.

DOCTOR: Well, you're perfectly all right in 1983. Obviously your 1977 self came to no physical harm.

BRIG '83: Well, maybe not, but I don't want to have spent a year or two in limbo on this ship.

NYSSA: Look.

DOCTOR: Stay here, all of you.

DOCTOR: Turlough, listen very carefully. We have a problem with the Brigadier.

TURLOUGH: What is it?

DOCTOR: The two time zones. The Brigadier did go with Tegan and Nyssa. There are now two Lethbridge Stewarts on this ship.

TURLOUGH: I understand.

DOCTOR: Now, I will take the Brigadier in the TARDIS back to 1983 Earth.


DOCTOR: You must find the other Brigadier and take him to the transmat capsule. You'll be quite safe, the mutants won't harm you.

TURLOUGH: But the transmat beam doesn't work.

DOCTOR: It will. The capsule is locked into the TARDIS' homing device. It will transmat to the centre of the TARDIS. I wired the device myself.

TURLOUGH: Of course.

DOCTOR: Now, when you arrive, whatever you do, stay in the capsule. Don't let the Brigadier out until I give you the word. Now, quickly.

NYSSA: Will the mutants really travel for the rest of time?

DOCTOR: I'm afraid so.

NYSSA: That's terrible.

DOCTOR: Sometimes you have to live with the consequences of your actions. Now, let's get away from here.

MUTANT: The Time Lord has left us.

MUTANT 2: Can we be certain he will return?

MAWDRYN: He will return.

DOCTOR: It takes a remarkably cunning set of the coordinates to clear a warp ellipse.

TEGAN: Doctor?

DOCTOR: This is a temperamental old thing, but I'm getting remarkably good at sorting

NYSSA: Doctor, something's happening.

DOCTOR: Not at all. We're on course for the Brigadier's school. You see, there was a problem with

BRIG '83: Doctor!

NYSSA: Doctor, do something.

BRIG '83: What on Earth is happening?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

BRIG '83: It's like Mawdryn in the laboratory.

DOCTOR: Mawdryn? That's it! They've been contaminated.

TEGAN: Doctor, do something.

DOCTOR: No, don't touch them. The transfiguration can be controlled.

NYSSA: Stop!

DOCTOR: Stop. That's it. Travelling through time is accelerating the degeneration.

BRIG '83: You've stopped the TARDIS?

DOCTOR: Well, more than that. We're going back to where we started. I just hope it induces a proportional remission.

BRIG '83: It's working.

DOCTOR: Are you two all right?

NYSSA: I think so.

TEGAN: Doctor, what went wrong?

BRIG '83: Look at them out there. I'll bet they knew this was going to happen.

MUTANT: The Time Lord has returned, as you predicted.

MAWDRYN: The Doctor is not with us yet. He will not give up so easily.

DOCTOR: You were infected when you carried Mawdryn into the TARDIS. The journey to his ship would have made it worse.

TEGAN: Infected? You mean their mutation is a disease?

DOCTOR: Well, it shouldn't be. I can only assume their constant experimenting to correct their error brought about a viral side effect.

BRIG '83: Well, why haven't we got it?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

NYSSA: So we can't time travel.

TEGAN: We don't need to. All we need to do is get the TARDIS back to Earth.

DOCTOR: That won't work. I've got to programme a temporal deviation to escape the warp ellipse.

BRIG '83: Are we stuck on this ship?

DOCTOR: I wonder. If I reverse the polarity of the neutron flow

BRIG '77: So, you've stopped pretending to be the Doctor.

MAWDRYN: The Doctor is in the TARDIS.

BRIG '77: What?

MUTANT 2: This man also is in the TARDIS.

MUTANT: He is a deviant.

MUTANT 2: There has been temporal duplication.

MAWDRYN: The TARDIS will soon return. The imbalance could be cataclysmic. For your own safety you must return to the Earth at once.

BRIG '77: Without the TARDIS?

MAWDRYN: Quickly.

BRIG '83: So far so good.

DOCTOR: Oh, no.

BRIG '83: But nothing's happening.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, it is.

MAWDRYN: You will return to Earth immediately in the transmat capsule.

BRIG '77: How the deuce do you expect me to

MAWDRYN: Get in.

BRIG '77: Look, if you think I'm trusting myself to this bauble

MAWDRYN: The capsule is programmed for Earth. Quickly.

NYSSA JR: It's no good, Doctor.

DOCTOR: We're travelling in the opposite direction out of the ellipse. It's having a reverse effect.

TEGAN JR: Stop! Stop!

DOCTOR: Someone's trying to operate the transmat capsule. Must be Turlough taking your other half to the centre of the TARDIS.

BRIG '83: Can the capsule do that?

DOCTOR: Only when the TARDIS is clear of the ship. Until that happens, the transmat can't take place. The capsule will return to its terminal.

DOCTOR: It's no good. I can't get clear of the ship without hurting Nyssa and Tegan.

NYSSA: What are we going to do?

GUARDIAN (OOV.): You have failed me!


GUARDIAN (OOV.): The Brigadier is still free.

TURLOUGH: That's not my fault.

GUARDIAN (OOV.): Why did you not transport him in the capsule, as the Doctor instructed.

TURLOUGH: The Doctor? But I'm supposed to be working against him.

GUARDIAN (OOV.): Imbecile! Why should you not profit by the Time Lord's cunning?

TURLOUGH: I'm sorry.

GUARDIAN (OOV.): So near the annihilation of the Doctor and you risk all with your negligence and stupidity.

TURLOUGH: I can still keep the two Lethbridge Stewarts apart.

GUARDIAN (OOV.): If you fail me again, I shall destroy you.

TEGAN: We can't stay in the TARDIS for ever.

BRIG '83: Well, Doctor?

NYSSA: You knew that would happen.

MAWDRYN: Yes, Nyssa.

NYSSA: You infected us. You passed on the mutative pattern.

MAWDRYN: Yes, but not deliberately.

TEGAN: What happens to us now?

MAWDRYN: You will remain in the ship.

TEGAN: For the rest of our lives?

MAWDRYN: You're fortunate. Your journey will be short. Ours is without end.

BRIG '83: We are not leaving them on this ship.

MAWDRYN: Take them with you in the TARDIS and they will die.

BRIG '83: Are you telling me that with all the facilities on this ship, you can't come up with some sort of antidote?

MAWDRYN: We have no restorative for Tegan and Nyssa.

BRIG '83: Doctor, have you got any ideas? ... You said in the laboratory that the Doctor could help you through that machinery.

MAWDRYN: That is true, but only of his own free will.

BRIG '83: Well then, surely he can do the same for Nyssa and Tegan.

MAWDRYN: That is a question you must ask the Doctor.

BRIG '83: Well, Doctor?

TEGAN: Doctor?

NYSSA: Doctor?

DOCTOR: Take me to your laboratory.

MAWDRYN: The Doctor chose to involve himself. Soon he will be a Time Lord no longer. That is his reward for compassion.

BRIG '77: Doctor! Where is he?

DOCTOR: You will activate the energy transfer, Brigadier. It will take several moments for the charge in the machine to build up. You can read off the countdown to the moment of exchange. Are you all right?

BRIG '83: Yes.

MUTANT: Do not be afraid. When the moment comes, we will all share in the life force of the Doctor.

MUTANT 2: Our mutation will end.

MUTANT: You will no longer be contaminated.

NYSSA: And the Doctor won't be a Time Lord any more.

TURLOUGH: Brigadier? Brigadier!

MAWDRYN: My brothers in exile, we approach the ending.

DOCTOR: Activate, Brigadier, now.

GUARDIAN (OOV.): So near the supreme moment! The Brigadiers must not converge. Stop him, or I shall destroy you all!

BRIG '83: Twenty seconds. Nineteen.

TURLOUGH: Brigadier! Brigadier, come back!

BRIG '83: Thirteen, twelve, eleven

BRIG '77: Doctor, Tegan. What the devil?

DOCTOR: No, Brigadier, get out of here!

BRIG '77: What do you think you're doing? Who on Earth?

BRIG '83: I remember.

TURLOUGH (OOV.): It's cracked.

DOCTOR: Are you all right?

NYSSA: I think so.

TEGAN: What happened?

DOCTOR: A massive discharge of energy exactly synchronising with the moment of transfer.

TEGAN: Is the Brigadier dead?

DOCTOR: I don't think so.

NYSSA: Doctor.

DOCTOR: It's all right, old friend.

BRIG '83: Oh, sorry about that, Headmaster. Touch of vertigo. It won't happen again. What the devil's been going on?

DOCTOR: Nyssa, I want you to take the Brigadier back to the TARDIS, right to the centre, and keep him there until I give you the all clear. You'll be quite safe.

TEGAN: This one must be all right. He belongs in 1977.

DOCTOR: Amazing. The Brigadier's timing. A millisecond either way and

TEGAN: And what?

DOCTOR: At the moment of transfer, the power didn't come from me.

TEGAN: Where did it come from?

DOCTOR: Well, from the TARDIS, really. The two Brigadiers just shorted out the time differential.

TEGAN: You mean zap?

DOCTOR: Yes, that's right. Zap.

TEGAN: Can Nyssa and I still time travel?

DOCTOR: You're as good as new.

TEGAN: Can you still regenerate?

DOCTOR: I am a Time Lord.

TEGAN: Look at Mawdryn.

MAWDRYN: It is finished, Doctor. Can this be death?

TEGAN: They're all dead.

DOCTOR: They would have travelled for the rest of time, Tegan. Death was all they wanted. Come on, we must get the Brigadier back to 1977.

TEGAN: Before we go, Doctor, thank you. You were prepared to risk everything for us.

DOCTOR: Come on.

BRIG '83: Look, what's been going on?

NYSSA: The Doctor will explain later.

TEGAN: What's that noise?

DOCTOR: The ship is dying with the mutants.

TEGAN: It's come out of orbit?

DOCTOR: Yes. Hurry.

RUNCIMAN: Brigadier?

RUNCIMAN: Brigadier?

RUNCIMAN: Brigadier, what happened? I came as soon as I got your message.

RUNCIMAN: You'll be all right.

BRIG '83: My word, you've been making some changes in here, Doctor.

DOCTOR: One has to move with the times. How are you feeling?

BRIG '83: Haven't felt so well for, for at least six years.

DOCTOR: There we are, 1983. Back to school, Brigadier.

DOCTOR: Goodbye.

BRIG '83: Goodbye, Doctor. If ever you're passing. Where's Turlough?

DOCTOR: Turlough. He left in the capsule.

NYSSA: He can't have done. If the Brigadier was still in the ship, he never used the transmat system.

TEGAN: The auto-destruct! We've got to get back to the ship. Come on!

TEGAN: Oh, Turlough.

NYSSA: You're safe.

TEGAN: We thought you were on Mawdryn's ship.

TURLOUGH: I'm not that easy to get rid of.

TEGAN: So it seems.

TURLOUGH: Doctor, may I join you?

DOCTOR: I think you already have.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Tegan Jovanka
Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Vislor Turlough
Mark Strickson

Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart
Nicholas Courtney

The Black Guardian
Valentine Dyall

Headmaster Mr. Sellick
Angus MacKay

Stephen Garlick

Dr Runciman
Roger Hammond

Sheila Gill

David Collings

Peter Walmsley
Brian Darnley

Studio Lighting
Don Babage

Visual Effects
Stuart Brisdon

Production Associate
June Collins

Richard Croft

Title Music
Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Theme arrangement
Peter Howell

Film Cameraman
Godfrey Johnson

Incidental Music
Paddy Kingsland

Production Assistant
Valerie Letley

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Carolyn Perry
Sheelagh Wells

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Amy Roberts

Stephen Scott

Assistant Floor Manager
Ian Tootle

Film Editor
Chris Woolley

Peter Grimwade

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Peter Moffatt

John Nathan-Turner
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