04x12 - Second Time Around

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x12 - Second Time Around

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Victor: all
right, here we go,

Just like we rehearsed
it, energy levels up!

And action!

-♪ Warm day, the sun is high

♪ We're on the move

♪ Weaving in and out of sight

♪ Work or play? Can't decide
-victor: jessie,
closer to the camera!

♪ I'm flyin free, my worries left behind ♪

♪ And I come alive

♪ The wind is rushing by

-♪ And I take my time

♪ Breathing in the moment,
taking in the sunshine ♪

♪ Ooo ooo

♪ Under the bluest sky

♪ Ooo ooo

♪ Under the bluest sky

♪ Heart racing what a ride

♪ I fell in love this feeling keeps me up
at night ♪

♪ Today's the right time

♪ To live it up, breathing in that
sunshine ♪

♪ Ooo ooo

♪ Under the bluest sky

♪ Ooo ooo

♪ Under the bluest sky

-Man: excuse me, sir.

May I please see
your film permit?

-Yeah, soon as I get this shot.

-I need you to stop now!

-You've got
ten seconds to comply.

-We're almost
through. Just a second!

Action on the windsurfer.

Jessie, get the sail up!

Skier, pull outta there!

Get the skier outta the way!




-Jessie: my face!

-Relax! Take my can!

-Thank you. I'm okay. [Coughs]

-You okay?

-I'm okay.




-It's you, roadside assistance.

You weren't hurt, were you?

-No, but I will be
if you don't say yes.

-Yes can be a very
dangerous word.

-Yes, it can be,

But I'm a lifeguard.
I'll protect you.

-Sorry, I'm leaving
town tomorrow.

-Then, I guess that
doesn't leave us

Too much time, does it?

-Much time for what?

-To go out, to have fun,

To fall in love,

To have a tearful good-bye

When we have to break up.

-Why don't we just start
with the going-out part?

-I'm off duty in three hours.

I should be hot enough by then.

-My name is--

-Don't tell me.

I don't wanna know.

-I was afraid
this would happen.

-Well, you shouldn't have been
water skiing in
all that traffic.

-That's not what I meant.

I was afraid of this,
seeing you again.

-Afraid? Why?

-Well, I'm only in town
for three days,

sh**ting this sails video,

And then I have to leave.

I just didn't want to
complicate my life again,

Or yours.

-Thank you.

-Hey, matt, can you
come here a second?

-Well, don't worry.

I'm a very
uncomplicated kinda guy.

-Matt, this is victor--


-Griswold. Hi.
-It's a pleasure to meet you.

I appreciate you helping
jessie out there.

She's my most prized possession.

-I've agreed not to revoke
mr. Griswold's film permit

On two conditions,

One, that he simplifies
the action of the video

So he doesn't put
his models in danger,

And two, that he's got
a lifeguard present

At all times during filming.

-Yeah, actually lieutenant
buchanan suggested

You might wanna take
on that assignment.

-Can I let you know later?

-Matt or another
one of my lifeguards

Will join you first
thing in the morning.

-Great, appreciate it.

-I'll be right back.


-What's going on?

-The producer, the director,
whatever he is, [laughter]

Asked if I wanted to be
the lifeguard tomorrow

On your photo sh**t.

-What did you say?

-I said that I'd let him know.

I don't wanna complicate things.

-I'd like you to be
here if you wanna be.

I mean, I can't
think of anybody else

I'd rather have protecting me.


-Hey, what's happening?

-They're sh**ting
a sports video.

They had a little accident,

And mitch and I
got there in time.

-That girl that
you were talking to,

She looks really familiar.

Who is she?

-Oh, her. Her name is jessie.

I knew her a long time ago.

She's just one of the models.

Anyway, I gotta go.

I'll see you back at
headquarters, okay?

[Mellow music]


-Hobie: dad!

-I've been waiting for you.

Where have you been?

-I've been working.

-Listen, dad, I need bucks.

I'll pay you back. I promise,
unless you don't want me to,

But if you want me to, I will.

-What happened to all the money

You earned working at jackie's?

-I spent it.

A buck doesn't go
as far as it used to

When you were a kid, you know.

-Yeah, tell me about it.

-So, listen, can I have ?

-What's it for?

-They're selling
$ skateboards

At the swap meet for bucks!

If I don't get there
soon, they'll all be gone.

Is your wallet in here?

-$ Skateboards, huh?

-For bucks. It's
the deal of the century.

-Well, okay, here's .

-All right!

-Go for it.

Get me one, too!

-Yeah, sure.

[Loud synthesizer music]




-Oh, hey, dad.

Oh, check this out!

I got it at the swap meet.

-What happened
to the skateboard?

-Oh, they were all out,

But I got a great deal on
this synthesizer, bucks!

-I gave you .

-Oh, I got something for
you, too. Hold on.

It's used, but it sounds great.

[Off-key guitar music]

-Landon got drums.

We're gonna start a band.

You wanna be in it?


-[Plays synthesizer loudly]

-[Knock on door]

-Summer: matt,
are you almost ready?

-Just a second.


So, kelly's gonna drop us
off at our tower, okay?

-Summer, I'm working
the video sh**t today.

-The video sh**t with
jessie? That video sh**t?

-Yeah, they needed
a guard and I'm --

-Matt, we were supposed

To work a tower
together today.

-This came up!

-Oh, so you just had
to volunteer, right?


-No, it's fine.

If you would rather be
with her than with me,

Then I totally understand.

Have a nice day!

-Jessie: can you get
this zipper?

It's stuck. [Laughter]

-Hey, gino, what do
you think you're doing?

Get your hands off her.

-Victor, gino's just
helping me with my wetsuit.

-No, it looks like he's trying
to get a cheap thrill to me.

-The best kind,
aren't they, gino?

-Gino, go help somebody else.

-Victor, you have gotta
stop acting like this.

-We'll talk about
it over dinner.

-No, our relationship
is strictly professional.

-I can't accept that.

-Victor, you're gonna have to.

I'm in love with somebody else,

And we're engaged to be married.

-I don't believe
you, all right?


-Am I glad to see you.

-Yeah, I can tell. [Laughs]

-I'm feeling safer already.

-Uh huh. Well, I'm not.

-What do you mean?

-Because you're dangerous.

-Matt, would you
do something for me,

Even if it was dangerous?

-That depends.

What do I have to do?

-Say you'll marry me.

-[Laughs] what?

-You don't have to do it.
Just say it,

Although you never know
what could develop.

-And why do I even
have to say it?

-While we were in
hawaii sh**ting,

I started dating the producer.

We just went out
a couple of times,

But he wanted to take it to
the next level, and I didn't.

This guy will not
take no for an answer.

He won't stop pressuring me,

So I told him we were engaged.

-Jessie, I can't believe you.

-Jessie: come on, matt, please.

-Listen, I'm--
-all I need is for
him to see us together,

And believe that there's
still something between us.

-Jessie, we got
work to do. Let's go!

-I gotta go.

Matt, I know this is
a bizarre request.

-But where's our
engagement ring?

-I'll tell him you
special ordered it.

-Okay. [Laughs]

-Hey, brandon, I need the wave
runner for tomorrow's sh**t.

-So what did you
think of the sh**t?

-I think you're still amazing.


So, did victor say
anything to you?

-No, but he
basically looked like

He wanted to rip my head off.

-Well, good, good.
Things are working.

Let me bring him over here.

Let him see how
much we're in love,

Then maybe he'll
back off for good.

-All right.

-You know what?

Let me see if he's
around here somewhere.

I'll be right back.

-Summer, what are
you doing here?

-I'm your ride home.

So, did you have a good day?

-Yeah, it was okay.

Look, I'll meet you
in the truck, okay?


-Matt, you remember victor.

-Yeah, congratulations.

You're a lucky guy.


-So, when's the big wedding day?

-Oh, we haven't set a date yet.

-Well, then there's still hope.

-Look, I gotta go back
go headquarters.

-What's the hurry?

I think a little
celebration's in order.

I've got some champagne
back at the hotel.

-Matt: maybe some other time.

Look, I gotta get outta
here. My ride's here.


[Dramatic music]

-See you at your place?



Summer! Summer!

Stop! Stop!

What are you trying
to do, k*ll me?

-Thought crossed my mind.

-You don't think I'm really
engaged to jessie, do you?

-Well, I don't know.
Let's see, matt.

You guys kissed passionately,

And then talked
about wedding plans.

Now, where would I get
a crazy idea like that?

-Summer, jessie asked
me to pose as her fiance

So that guy, victor,
would stop harassing her.

That's all.

-And you agreed.

-I was doing a favor
for an old friend.

-Come on, matt.

Jessie's a little more than
an old friend, isn't she?

-She asked me to help her.

What was I supposed to say?

-How about no!

-It wasn't a big deal.

Besides, it's over.

I mean, I'll probably never
see her again.

-You wanna know
what I think, matt?


-I think you do
wanna see her again.

I think you still have
this romantic fantasy

About riding off on
motorcycles together.

-That's crazy!

-Yeah, jeopardizing
real love to chase

After some fantasy
is crazy, matt!

-[Loud synthesizer music]

-Hobster, come on.
Let's go to bed, huh?

-Hey, dad, I'm getting
a little bit better, huh?

-That actually
sounded like music.

-Hey, why don't
you get your guitar.

We'll have like a little
jam session down here.

-No, thanks. Let's go to bed.

-Come on, didn't you ever dream

You were a rock star
when you were a kid?

-Yeah, I did once,
when I was .

-So, what happened?

-My brother bought
an electric guitar.

It was a fender mustang.

It was pearl white
with a red pick guard

And a twang handle.

I can't believe I remember that.

Anyway, he lost interest
after a little while,

And I used to pick it up,
you know,

And pretend I was
george harrison.

-So, did you ever take lessons?


-Why not?

-Because it was just a fantasy.

Come on, now. Go to bed.

-Mitch: good night.
-Hobie: night.

-You know, dad, it's not
too late to take lessons.

If it's your fantasy,
you oughta go for it.


-Night, pal.

I'll be up in a minute.

[Laughs] no. [Sighs]

-Jessie: it reminds me
of my dad.

-Matt: did he
teach you how to ride?

-No, he said
the only place for a woman

On a motorcycle is behind a man,

With their arms
around his waist.

After he walked out on us,

The first thing I did was
fix one of his old bikes

And learn to ride.

-You know, you look more
like a model than a biker.

-[Laughs] it's an advantage.

My opponents underestimate me.

-This is crazy.

I know more about you
than I do most people,

But I still don't
know your name.

-It's sexier that
way, don't you think?

[Knock on door]

-Just a second.

[Knock on door]

-Matt: hi.

-Matt, hi, do you
mind if I come in?

-No, no, no, come on in.

-I'm sorry for just
showing up like this.

I hope I'm not
interrupting anything.

-No, I was just working out.

Jessie, what's wrong?

-Victor's been
following me all night,

And I thought since I told
him I was coming here,

He'd get suspicious if I
went back to the hotel.

I mean, he's out
there right now.

-This guy's too weird.
I'm calling the police.

-No, matt, please!
I don't wanna get the
police involved with this!

I can't afford to lose this job!

-Jessie, he's harassing you!

He can't fire you!

-It's different for a model.

They just won't hire
you for any other jobs.

[Knock on door]

-Are you expecting somebody?

-No, and my roommates
are on a camping trip.

No one's there.

-Matt, this whole thing is
really giving me the creeps.

Would you mind if I
spent the night here?

We really do have some
catching up to do.

-Jessie, I'm involved
with someone else,

And I really don't wanna do
anything to mess that up.

-I see.

-But if you wanna stay here,

I mean, you can sleep in
one of the bedrooms.


I sure hope she appreciates
what a great guy she has here.

-[Laughs] yeah, so do i.

-Good night.

-Good night.

-Good morning.

-[Laughs] hi.

-There's quite a selection
of negligees in your closet.

I hope you don't mind
that I borrowed one.

-That's c.j.'S room.
I'm sure she won't mind.

-C.j., Is that your
girlfriend's name?

-No, her name is summer.

C.j.'S just one of my roommates,
and stephanie's the other.

-Summer must trust
you a lot to allow you

To live with women who
wear things like this.

-Sometimes yes
and sometimes no.

-Would you like me
to make breakfast?

I make a k*ller chili omelet.

-No, thanks, I feel like
going on a bike ride,

Then I gotta go to work.

-What happened to
your motorcycle?

-Let's just say my situation

Has changed a lot since we met.

-[Laughs] not a
complicated guy, huh?

Hey, I just wanted
to give you a hug

And say thanks for
being my friend.

Matt, would you mind
if I take a shower?

I'll lock up when I leave.

-No problem.


[Knock on door]

[Knock on door]

-Who is it?

[Knock on door]

-Who's there?




-No, I'm a friend of matt's.

-[Sighs] jessie!


Come in.

We need to talk.

Summer, I owe you an apology.

-Where is matt?

-He's out riding his bike.

He told me all about
you last night.

-You and matt spent
the night together!

-In separate bedrooms,

And that was his idea, not mine.

Whatever happened between
us is in the past.

He loves you.

He made that very clear.

[Dramatic music]

-Huh! Uh!

-So let me get this straight.

You think that the
video producer --

-Victor griswold!

-Ran you off point dune road.

-Matt: yes!
-On purpose.



-Because he's totally
obsessed with jessie.

-Then, why is he
trying to k*ll you?

-Because he thinks
we're getting married.

-You and jessie?

-No, me and him!

Mitch, it's not
that complicated.

The guy wouldn't
stop hitting on her,

So jessie thought
that he'd back off

If we pretended to be engaged.

-But he tried to
k*ll you instead?

-Yes, the guy's crazy!

-Did you see him?

I mean, did you actually
see him on the motorcycle?

-No, all I saw was
his black helmet.

-Can you identify
the motorcycle?

-No, it was too fast.

All I saw was a blur.

-So it could have been victor

Or some drunk who lost control

And was just too scared to stop.

-Mitch, I know it was him.

-But you can't prove it.

Look, if this guy really
is stalking jessie,

The best way to get him is
for jessie to press charges.

-She won't.

-And it's your job to make
sure she changes her mind.

Take care of that.


-I wonder where everyone is.

-Well, are you early?

-I don't think so.

Anyway, summer,
thanks for the ride.

Matt's very lucky to have
somebody so understanding.

-Well, you know, what you told
me about this victor guy,

Maybe I should just hang out

'Til you're sure
everything's okay.

-There's our
marine coordinator.

Hi, ransom. Where is everybody?

-No one told you? The sh**t
was cancelled for today.

-Oh, well, I wasn't at a number
where I could be reached.

Well, I guess you don't have to
stay, but thanks for offering.

Really, I appreciate it.

-Are you sure you don't need
a ride back to the hotel?

-Oh, no, I just
need to gather up

Some things in the trailer,

Then I'm gonna go lay on the
beach and veg for a while.


-Hey, summer, give matt
a kiss good-bye for me.

-Okay, I guess it's
better me than you, huh?

-Lucky you.

See you.


-You spent the night with
him last night, didn't you?

-Where I spend the night
is none of your business.

-Victor: okay, okay,
well, now you're gonna feel

What it's like to be
in love with someone

And then just have them
taken from you, all right?

-Get out, victor.

-Matt, is that his name?

Matt, that's perfect,

Because now he's
about as flat as one.

-What did you do, victor?

-As they say,
to the victor go the spoils.

Give me a little kiss, jessie.
-No! Victor, no!

Get off me! No!

-Why don't you leave her alone?

Are you okay?

-Yeah, I'm okay.

-Summer: what did
you do with matt?

-Who's this?

-That's matt's girlfriend,
his real girlfriend.

He only pretended
to be my fiance

So you would stop harassing me.

-Well she's, you know,
she's cute.

Maybe, maybe I
should be with her,

And then you can see
what it feels like--

-Don't you touch me!

-Run, summer! Get help!


-Matt, victor's gone crazy!

He's after summer!

-Love those water
toys, don't you?

-Yeah, a thrill a
minute! [Laughter]

-Cop: all right, let's go.

-Jessie: I'm sorry for
getting you both involved

In the insanity of my life.

-It's okay.

Our lives are always a
little insane. [Laughter]

-Not as insane as his.

-I really know how to pick 'em.

I mean-- uh--

-It's okay.

Summer, remember what I
asked you to do for me?

Would you mind terribly
if I did it myself?

-Honestly, yes, but I
wouldn't mind doing it for you.

That was from jessie,

And this is from me.


♪ When I hit the stage

♪ And the fans they rage

♪ It's like a freight train coming

♪ To show you how to get
your groove on ♪

♪ Its a mystery

♪ But soon you'll see

♪ Have your name up in lights so scream
and shout this place is jumpin ♪

♪ Living the dream

♪ Part of the scene

♪ So nice to meet you

♪ So good to see you

♪ Living the dream

♪ Part of the scene

♪ So good to see you

♪ So nice to meet you

♪ Living for today

♪ It's the only way

♪ So raise your hands, lift a glass

♪ The time has come,
the show has started ♪

♪ Cause it feels so right ♪

♪ All the time

♪ Don't shake me break me wake me up
I might be dreaming ♪

♪ Living the dream
part of the scene ♪

♪ So nice to meet you

♪ So good to see you
living the dream ♪

♪ Part of the scene
so good to see you ♪

♪ So nice to meet you
living the dream ♪

♪ Part of the scene
so nice to meet you ♪

♪ So good to see you
living the dream ♪

♪ Part of the scene
so good to see you ♪

♪ So nice to meet you

[Rock music] [cheers]

-[Ending theme music]
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