05x09 - Red Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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05x09 - Red Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme song]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge
of surrender in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here


[Orchestral music playing]

[Sultry music playing]

Los angeles county lifeguard

Can you believe this weather?

It's 9:00 in the morning,

Already it's sweltering out.

It's the santa ana winds
blowing hot from the east.

You know what that means,
don't you?

No, what?

It means all the weirdos
get blown to the beach.


Mitch, there you are.

I've been looking everywhere
for you.

Guess who's here.


C.j., I don't have time
for this. Who?

Who's here?




God, it's so good
to feel your aura again.

What brings you back
to baywatch?

Well, I kind of thought
you should be forewarned.

Forewarned of what?

The astrological alignment,
it's a very rare occurrence.

Yeah, yeah, first
there's a full moon rising,

Which as you know tends
to make the females awry

And unpredictable.

Like the tides of the sea.

You know what,
I don't have time for this--

Then, there's
a 90 degree descent on mars,

Which tends to make the males
very aggressive.


But the crazy thing is
there's all these comets

Crashing on jupiter.

I mean, who knows what kind
of chaos this could bring.

My advice to you is to slap
an extra layer of sunscreen

On your soul, it could get
really intense out there.

Thank you. Thank you both
for sharing that with me.

But you know, I've got to go.

I'm due back on planet earth
in ten minutes.

Oh, well think peace.

Hey man, I hope
the ice doesn't melt.

Hey guys.

Have you got enough beer there?

Dude, I told you
we should've brought more.

I was being facetious.


Now, you're gonna have to take
that beer back to the car

Or the police will make
you pour it out.

Oh, no way dude.

I saw those on tv commercials,

They're always drinking beer
on the beach.

Not an l.a. County beach.
No alcohol here.


Yeah, bogus.

You guys really believe
what you see on tv?

Hey there, mitch.


Do I know you?


From where?

Well that's for me to know
and for you to find out.

Why don't you think about it
for a while.

I'll be around.

[Soft music playing]


Hey, what kind of tarot deck
is that?

Oh, it's um--


What's it for?

We need a leader.

And the top card
in the pyramid

Should give us a sign.

Yeah, we're like--

We're trying to get
as many people as possible

To meditate
on peace consciousness

For southern california.

That's a great idea.

If enough people think peace,
it could happen.

Whoa, that's
a high priestess card.

11 The high priestess


What does it mean?

You're our leader.

Gee, I would really love
to help,

But I have to work today.

That's okay, we understand.

But, could you just
help spread good vibes?

I will.


Can I help you?

That's a joke.

Is something wrong?

Yeah, something's wrong.

I want you out of my life.
I can't take it anymore!

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about kim.

How are we supposed to be happy
with you messing it all up?

I think you're a little confused
here, pal.

Why don't you just calm down?

Don't tell me to calm down!

You calm down, mr. Ripple pecs!

And leave us alone!

Mr. Ripple pecs?

Gotta be the wind.

Hey, mister! I found
this in the water.


Over there.

-Dude, yeah, yeah!
-Hold it, guys.

I'll take care of this.

Hey, excuse me, ma'am.

Can I throw this to you?

Could I bring you a blanket?

What should we do?

I need this.

[Beach commotion]

Hey! Hey! Stop it.

Stop it, right now.
Knock it off.

Just stop.


[Dramatic music playing]


Help, please! Help!


Amy! Amy!

Please, please, my daughter.

-What happened?
-She's gone under.

-Okay, calm down. Calm down.
-She's drowning.

Where? Where?

She's right out there!

Please, just get her!
She's drowning.

I'm glad I could've
been of service.

Wouldn't want you
to catch a cold.

[Exciting music playing]

See anything?


What's going on?

We have a submersion,
but we can't even spot her.

Give me spare air!

All right, hold on.

Here you go.

[Sirens blaring]

All right,
start clearing the water.

Anybody see what happened?

Stand back, please.

That man over there,
said his daughter was drowning.

All right, I'll take over.

Go back and cover your water.

Excuse me, sir,
I'm lieutenant buchannon.

Can you tell me exactly
what happened?

Look, I can't do this now,

All right, I can't talk
to you like this.

I understand--

Just find her for me, please!

I understand, sir, but we can do
a much more efficient job

If you just help us a little.

Look, what else is it
that you need to know?

She went under, she's drowning.


My little girl.

What's her name?


And your name?


I need your name.

Bill cooper.

Mr. Cooper,
can you tell me very carefully

Exactly what happened?

She was swimming
right out there.

-Yes, alone.

What was she wearing?

She was swimming alone.

She must've gotten tired.

She went under.

What was she wearing?

She's wearing a bathing suit,
what else?

And what color?

It's red.

It was red, just like yours.

And how old is she?

She's 12.

The visibility is perfect.
I don't get it.

-We should've found her by now.
-You keep looking.

The undercurrent
must've carried her away.

did you see her go under?



[Suspicious music playing]

Mr. Cooper, I know
this is difficult for you,

But please,
would you try and help us?

Why do you keep bombarding me
with questions?

What else do you need to know?

Did anybody else come
to the beach with you today?


Is it possible that amy
wasn't in trouble?

What are you talking about?

The water is very crowded.

You're very far away,
maybe she swam underwater,

And came up some place else.

Where else?

Look at the beach, don't you
think she would be here?

Maybe she went up to the pier.

This is ridiculous!

She did not go up to the pier!

Look, I've got to file
a missing person's report.


It's just routine.

I'll be right back.

We've just been called in.

What? I'm not quitting!

We're running out of ocean,

Look, give me more spare air!

No! Mitch called off the rescue.

We gotta do what he says.

[Mystical percussion music]



Excuse me.

What do you want?

Oh, I'm sorry,
this is a public beach,

You're not allowed
to do that here.

Oh, it's now or never, honey.

So go ahead and call
the vice squad if you want.

There's a really nice hotel

About a block
and a half down the street.

You don't understand.

There's something in the air.

He hasn't been able
to do this for years.

No, I do understand.

There's a whole series of cosmic
conversions happening

From comets rushing into

To the santa ana winds.

It's stirring up a lot
of real unusual energy,

But we need to harness
that energy

For the good of mankind.

It don't get
no gooder than this.

You again?

What are you doing up here?

Just thought I'd keep an eye
on your stand for you.

Yeah, well you can't be up here,
you gotta--

Who are you?

You really don't remember?

I haven't had that much time
to think about it,

So why don't you give me a hint.

All right, I was out here
from paris on summer vacation.


Paris, texas.

And I was trying to learn
how to water ski,

And somehow I got all tied up
in the lines and I went under.

Never thought I'd come
back up again.

Then suddenly, there you were,

Breathing life right back
into my lungs.

I woke up like sleeping beauty

When she got kissed
by the prince.

You know something,
I remember that rescue.

It was a long time ago.

11 Years.

And you came all the way
out here to thank me?

Well, I didn't come out here
just to thank you.

I came out here to be with you.

What do you mean be with me?

Well, I'm engaged
and I just need to know

If I'm selling myself short
by marrying albert.


Albert. Wait a minute,
is your name kim?

-You're engaged to him?


I never stopped thinking
about you though.

First, I thought it was a
schoolgirl crush or something,

But as I've grown older
my feelings

Have just gotten stronger.

Look, you have built this thing
way out of proportion.

I still don't know
if I love albert for himself,

Or if it's just
because he looks like you.

You think he looks like me?

But he's very different inside,

He's not brave like you.

He doesn't have
that same heroic presence.

When you get right down to it,
he's basically a wimp.

Look, kim,
you are incredibly beautiful,

And I am very flattered

But I won't get in the middle
of your relationship.

Well, mitch, you already are.

Why did you call off the rescue?

you've been searching the water

For over two hours.

I questioned people on the beach
who never got any confirmation

That she was even in the water.
I talked to the father

Who didn't give me
a straight story.

When the police showed up,
he took off.

Not one single person
on the beach

Even saw a little girl
with that man.

So I made the decision
to call off the search.

Well it was the wrong decision.

I realize you feel responsible.

I cannot have you
out on the water

Chasing after some phantom.

Now I need you
to go back to your tower,

And get control
of your emotions, okay?



Wow, this is fantastic,

You really have everybody
thinking peace.

Yeah, we have to keep it up
until midnight.

I mean, l.a. Is so big,

It needs the help it can get
on a day like today.

Uh-oh, here comes
tiny tim again.

He loves his heavy metal.

at about 1,000 decibels.

Oh, I'd better go
take care of this.

-Keep thinking peace.

And get out your earplugs.

[Violin music playing]

I'm not letting you take her!


I don't want to take her.

Are you just gonna use her
and throw her away?

I'm not gonna throw her away.

Are you gonna add her
to your beach harem,

Is that it, mr. Ripple pecs?

Stop with the mr. Ripple pecs,

I know what you're thinking.

You're bigger than me,
you're stronger than me,

But I'm fighting
for a good cause.

And I've got something
that you don't have.



Spunk is good, it's good.

Spunk is good. It's good.

Come on, let's get
this over with.

To the death, winner gets kim.

I don't want kim.

Oh, now she's not good enough
for you, is that it?

To the death! To the death!


Okay, to the pain. To the pain.

Can I let go of you now?


All right, calm down.

All right? All right.

The way I see,
you've got a serious problem.

Maybe I can help you.

She wants you
to be more like me, right?

Everything I do, she criticizes.

"Mitch wouldn't do that.

No, mitch would do it this way."

She's constantly comparing me
to you.

She thinks you're the greatest.

Have you ever heard
anything more absurd?

If she won't accept you
for the person you are,

Maybe you're not
with the right woman.

I love her
more than life itself.

If she wants me
to be more like you,

Then I have to learn how.

[Upbeat music playing]

♪ Oh i...
Wanna be cool like you ♪

♪ Oh i...
Wanna be cool like you ♪

♪ You can't have
pleasure without pain ♪

♪ Won't win the girl
unless you train ♪

♪ Time to learn
it's back to school ♪

♪ Strip it down
and learn the rules ♪

♪ Oh i...
Wanna be cool like you ♪

♪ Oh i...
Wanna be cool like you ♪

♪ Raising doubts
that you believe ♪

♪ This could be
the death of me ♪

♪ Pay no mind
they stop and stare ♪

♪ Get the groove
they won't compare ♪

♪ Oh i...
Wanna be cool like you ♪

♪ Oh i...
Wanna be cool like you ♪

♪ Sometimes it's not your day

♪ Stand up and wash your face

♪ All clear
and soon you'll see ♪

♪ Now look all eyes on me

♪ Take notes
til you got it down ♪

♪ Thumbs up
when there's girls around ♪

♪ Heads up
cause we're moving fast ♪

♪ It's time for the master class just watch ♪

♪ Oh i...
Wanna be cool like you ♪

♪ Oh i...
Wanna be cool like you ♪

♪ Oh i...
Wanna be cool like you ♪

♪ Oh i...
Wanna be cool like you ♪

Are you all right?


nobody drowned here today.

How can you be so sure?

Believe me, if that man's
little girl had drowned,

He wouldn't have just vanished.

It just doesn't make any sense.

Nothing makes sense today.

C.j., Why would he make up
a story like that?

Because he has a problem.

For some reason,
he's taking it out on us.

It's not your fault.

You did your job.

If stephanie were here, she'd be
telling you the same thing.

Okay look,
I appreciate it you trying

To make me feel better,
I really do.

C.j., I just kind of wanna be
alone for a while, is that okay?


Are you sure you're all right?


Then I'll see you back
at headquarters.







[Exciting music playing]

Daddy's coming!

I'll save you!

[Sirens blaring]

[Panting and grunting]

He's got a pulse.

He's not breathing.


Okay, okay.


It's gonna be okay.

Stay still.

It's okay.

He's in shock.

Mitch, get a blanket
from the back of the truck.

-Got it.
-It's okay.

It'll be all right.

You're gonna be okay.

It's okay. You're gonna be okay.

So I called his wife.

His daughter did drown.


She drowned a year ago,
c.j., In florida.

They moved out here
to try and forget,

But he can't just seem
to get over it.

Does he have any other children?

Yeah, he does. He has a son
and a younger daughter.


No. No, my name's caroline.

I'm the lifeguard
who brought you in.

I heard about your daughter,
mr. Cooper.

I'm so sorry.

I talked to your wife.

And she told me you have
a very wonderful family at home.

You're very lucky.

I don't feel very lucky.

I know.

I'm sorry, that was
a really stupid thing to say.

I guess I don't know
how to say--

You have two children
at home who love you

And need you so very much.

I miss amy.

I miss her so much.

I can't forget her.

You're not supposed
to forget her.

But I think
you need to let her go.

I can't tell you anything that's
gonna make this all right,

And I can't be your daughter.

But I can be your friend.


She didn't go for it, huh?

She said she didn't want
a mitch buchannon wannabe.

She wanted the real thing.

Sounds like it's time
for plan b.

What's plan b?

I shatter her image of me,
she loses her infatuation,

And realizes that you are
the man of her dreams.

Yeah right,
and how are you gonna do that?

[Electronic music playing]

♪ She likes me just for me

♪ Don't call me crazy
I'm just ahead ♪

♪ Of the times

♪ Pretend I'm lazy

♪ I'll make her lose her mind

♪ Some would say she likes me

♪ Just for me

♪ Blown away
she likes me just for me ♪

♪ Obnoxious suitor
I'm not a gentleman ♪

♪ So make it ruder
all chivalry is dead ♪

♪ Some would say she likes me

♪ Just for me

♪ Blown away
she likes me just for me ♪

♪ She likes me just for me

♪ Some would say she likes me

♪ Just for me

♪ Blown away
she likes me just for me ♪

Mitch, I don't really know
how to say this.

Over the years, I've thought
about you all the time,

About how you saved me,
how heroic you are.

I created a fantasy
without even knowing you.

And now, that you've seen me.

Well, I think you're better
than I ever dreamed of.

I mean, not only are you strong
and heroic at the beach,

But alone with a woman
you're just boyish and clumsy,

And it's so sweet.

I just couldn't ask
for anything more.

[Pleasant music playing]

Look, kim, we need to talk.

This is so great.

Hey, mitch,
when do you get vacation,

Because I want you to come
back to paris, texas with me.

No, I don't want--

No, not to live, silly.

I just want you to come see
where I'm from,

And meet my family
and everything.

Kim, that's
what I'm trying to tell you.

You are so wonderful.

And you're just
so wild and crazy.


Listen, i--

It's okay, mitch, I understand.

Kim, I love you very much,

And I'm sorry
that I wasn't the one for you,

But your happiness
is the most important thing

In the world for me.

And I wish you the best of luck.

You're getting a great guy.

Mitch, take care of her.

She's one in a million.

And she's getting one
in a million in me.

I mean, why should she settle
for a hamburger like you,

When she could have
steak like me.

Come here, baby.

Oh, baby.

What did you see
in that squirt, anyway?

I mean I could understand you
wanting an imitation mitch,

Every woman should have one,

But you don't shop
for one at a garage sale.

How can you be so rude?

Yo! Flat butt.

Cinch up that belt,
your pants might fall down.

And insensitive!

Oh, I'm just sowing
my oats here.

You know, I rescued a fine woman

From drowning
in a dull marriage.

Get your hands off me,
you bully!

Albert, wait.


Can you ever forgive me?

Of course I forgive you.

Let's go home.



I just wanted to apologize again

For the way I acted today.

I don't usually fly off
the handle like that.

Forget about it.

It happens to the best of us.

Mitch, do you think
I have what it takes

To be a lifeguard?

Or am I just kidding myself?

I think you've got all the tools

To be a very good lifeguard.

But in this job,
you've gotta prove yourself

Every single day.

Believe me, it's a nonstop
learning experience.

Hey guys.

Hi, guys.

Where's destiny?

She's still out there
thinking peace.

Well, I guess she got
the message across,

We all survived a day

Without major traumas
to our souls.

I hope.

Well I all can think
about right now

Is getting under a nice,
cold shower.

Then why don't you go

Because I'm too tired to move.

Do you feel that?

Feel what?

The wind coming off the water.


Onshore flow,
means no more santa ana winds.

Oh god, that does feel good.

Well, we're not out
of the woods yet.

The convergence lasts
'til midnight,

So we still have to think peace.

[Ending music]
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