05x11 - Silent Night, Baywatch Night, Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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05x11 - Silent Night, Baywatch Night, Part I

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready, I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear,
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready, I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear,
no, don't you fear ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[Acoustic christmas music]

-♪ People singing

♪ Sleigh bells ringing

♪ Santa is on his way ♪

♪ The snow is falling

♪ Winter is calling

♪ Santa is on his way

♪ Looks like a snow globe

♪ Put on your best robe

♪ Listen to the reindeer neigh ♪

♪ The elves are strumming

♪ Rudolph is humming ♪

♪ Santa is on his way

-[Dramatic music]



-All right.

-C.j.: Okay, we got you.

-Matt: all right, okay.

-All right, come
on, you're all right.

Gonna make coming down the
chimney a piece of cake, huh?


All right, good work, guys!

All right, let's take him in.

-Mitch: okay, even
though we are well into

Christmas vacation, as you
can see, summer weather,

Which means you got
work cut out for you.

Christmas in california
means going to the beach.

All right, let's hit it!

Only seven surfing days
left 'til christmas.

What are we gonna do
with all this stuff?

We're getting so much
here, where do we start?

I got a little tinsel
here, and what else?

Aw, is that a sigh I don't hear?

I know, honey, I know
you had your heart set

On a white christmas
in connecticut.

-Oh, mitch, I know
it sounds ridiculous

But I've never had
a white christmas.

I mean, my parents always
made sure we had fun

As kids but, christmas was
always on the beach and

I've always wanted to throw
snowballs and go skiing

Down a hill on a sled
and build a snowman.

We throw a pretty good christmas
around here, don't we, c.j.?

-Yeah, the best.
-See? The best.

-Especially this year because
we've organized a christmas

Day picnic at the beach
for homeless children

And we have a priest from
st. Francis coming with

A bunch of kids and
they're gonna decorate

The christmas tree
at the headquarters.

-Ah, c.j., That sounds terrific!

But it's just that, this
is probably gonna be

My last chance at
a white christmas.

-Don't be silly,
there'll be other years!

C.j.! We haven't got much time

To get this girl in
the christmas spirit!

-Well then, we better start
getting her in the mood.

We have trees to decorate.

-Popcorn and
cranberries to string.

-Cookies to bake.

-And carols to sing.

-We're swamped.

-Now, this may
not be connecticut,

And I can't promise you snow,

But I can promise
you a christmas

You will never forget.

-Matt, is everything okay?


I just didn't feel
like standing around

And comparing
christmas memories.

-Why not?

-Cause I don't have any.

-[Crowd chattering]

-Sid: uh-huh?

Yeah, kubla khan
is gonna win big

And you're gonna finally
get yourself out of debt.

The bet is on!

And when he doesn't win,
finally lose your house to me.

[Laughs] oh kyla...

You're into me now
for ten grand, baby,

I've given you all the
leeway I can, I uh...

I need to collect.

-Come on, sid,
just one more bet?

I know this horse'll come in.

Tell you what, why don't we
just discuss this over lunch.

My treat.


That's an offer I
just can't refuse.

Shall we?

-Look at the trees, sid!

Hi, santa.

-Santa: merry christmas!

-Hey! Hey! That's my purse!

Sid, everything I have is in
that bag, you gotta get him!

-Hey! Hey, stop that
kid! Get back here!

Hey! Hey! Get back here!

That boy's a thief!
Get back here!

-Hey! Hey! Stop! Stop
right now! Hey!

-[Breathing hard]

My keys!

The little witch stole my keys!
Gah! Oh!


-Damn manipulative little--

Yeah, tony, this is sid.

Listen, I got a job for you.


-Mom! You scared me to death!

-I'm sorry, kiddo!

We made a huge haul off that

Old geezer, $10,000.

Anyway, he's been
cheating us for months

So I figured he owes us.

-Mom, you know we hustled him.

-Yes, we did!
[Laughs] all right!

-[Excited chatter]


I picked this spot especially
to be near you, a lifeguard.

My colleagues and I
are here on vacation.

My name is benjamin, but
you can call me benny.

-Benny, it's nice to
meet you, my name's matt.

-Nice to meet you.

We all really
needed some time off

And we decided sunny
california's the place to be.

-Is this your
first time out here?

-Well, we've...flown
over the area.

It's beautiful here, it's
freezing where we come from.

-Matt: well, where you from?
-Debbie: benny!

Don't keep bothering
the lifeguard!

He doesn't wanna
hear you ramble on.

Let's get outta here!

Come on guys, what are you
doing, sprouting roots?

Who wants to go for a swim?

Okay, guys, let's hit the water!

-[All cheering]

-C.j.: Come on, guys,
right over here.

Come on guys!

Okay everybody, listen up!

You're gonna run to the
jetty and then you're gonna

Go to headquarters to decorate
the christmas tree, okay?

-All: yeah!


-Ready? On your
mark, get set, go!

-You're terrific with the kids.

-Thanks! Believe
me, it's not hard.

-I believe you, I spend
quite a bit of time with them.

I'm father sam ryan,
you must be c.j. Parker.

-Yeah, I am. [Laughs]

I just didn't expect, um-- don't
you wear the-- the little--

-You mean the
funny little collar.

My parishioners get quite upset
if they see me without it.

They figure if I haven't got
it on, I must be having fun.

-Well, I don't mind.

Actually, you'd probably get
the little funny tan line.

-You know, uh, we're actually
in the same line of work.

We both save lives.

-You just take them a
little closer to heaven.

-You keep them from
getting there too soon.

I'm glad we're gonna be
working together, c.j.

And please, call me sam.

-Okay, sam, let's
get to headquarters.

-Let's go.

-I'm telling you, joey, there's
a sucker born every minute.

And they're just parading
right in front of us.

-Well, I say we have
enough money for awhile.

I think we ought to just,
you know, relax and spend it.

-This is the time to make
money, honey, when we got it!

Now you know what
to do, don't you?

-I think I've seen
paper moon enough times.

I think I can handle it.

-That's my kid!

-[Crowd chattering]

-Hi, how are you?


-Um I'll take these.

-Okay, want me to
wrap them up for you?

-No, I think I'll where them.

-Change for a hundred?

How do they look?

-They look good on you.
-Thank you.

-You're welcome.
Merry christmas.

-Merry christmas, officer.

-And to you, santa,
merry christmas.

-Hi, can I help
you with anything?

-Yes, I'd like
to get this ring.


-It's for my mom's birthday.

It's gonna look real rad on her.

-Okay, that'll be five dollars.

It's pretty, she'll like it.

Thank you.

Okay, there you go.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome, bye bye.

-Hey, wait a minute, can I have
the rest of my change please?

-I gave you all
your change, honey.

-I gave you a
hundred dollar bill.

-Sweetie, no you didn't,
you gave me a ten.

-I gave you a
hundred dollar bill!

It had my name on it, it
said, "happy birthday, joey"!

-Okay, all right.

-Just look!
-Okay, all right, all right.

Oh my god, kid, look
I'm really sorry.

Here, I'll tell you
what, you just take that

And don't worry about it, okay?

-Good job!

-Hey! Hey! Police! Stop!

That kid stole my money!

-Take the money and run.

Run, joey, run!

-Hey, hey, come here! Hey!

-Hey, let me go!

-She conned me out of
almost $100.

-Prove it.

-I would but your boy
took off with my money!

-We're gonna have to take this
down to the station, folks.

Let's go.

-Benny: hey, matt, hobie!

-Hey, benny, what's up?

-My age and shaquille o'neal,
have you seen that guy?


-So, you guys
having a good time?


-We're having a great time!

The old geezer we work for is a

Sleigh driver this time of year.

-"Sleigh" driver?

-Did I say sleigh driver?

I meant sl*ve driver.

Fact is, we took off
without telling him,

So we're trying to
keep a low profile,

Uh, lower profile, anyway.

-So what kind of
work do you guys do?

-You guys'll have to
forgive him, if you give him

The chance, he will talk
forever about anything.

Who wants to play frisbee?

-I'd like to tell you what
we do, but it's top secret.

Besides, you wouldn't
believe me if I told you!

-Tony, that's him,
that's the kid, get him!

I don't care what you do
just get my money back.

Get him! Go, go!

-Tony: hey! Come here, kid!

-Don't let him get
away! Get him, get him!

-Come here, come here, you!

Don't make me chase you!


-Hey, hobe, you still
believe in santa clause?

-You serious?

-Come here, come here, you!

I gotcha now!

Come here!

Come here! Come here! [Laughs]

Come here, come here!

Not this time! Not this time!

Where's your mother?

Where's your mother, kid? Ow!

Listen, we just want the money.

-Let me go, you big fat lummox!

-Look, we just want the money.

-Joey: help! Help!

-Where's the money? Ow!

Where'd you learn that?

-Help, somebody, help!


I'll find you again, kid.

-Matt: get away from him!

-That bum tried to
steal my five dollars!

It's all I got!

-It's okay.

-[Coughing and spluttering]

-[All yelling]

-Matt! Matt, it's benny!

-Hobie, take him
back to headquarters.

-Don't worry, I won't let
anything happen to you.

-[All yelling]


-You're all right, benny.
-[All chattering]

-You okay, benny?

You okay?

We're trying to go unnoticed
here, benny, not make
the headlines.

-I'm sorry, debbie, I didn't
realize I was so out of shape.

I used to swim every day before
I started working for kris.

-I just wanna make sure
he's breathing okay.

You're breathing
okay now, right, ben?

I think he's just fine.

Um, you can go now.

-You guys work for santa
at the mall or something?

-We gotta go. See ya.
Thanks a lot.

-Uh, hi, dad. Tracy.

-I thought you were spending
the night at landon's.

-Something came up,
hold on, come here.


This is joey jennings.

He got on the wrong
bus to san diego.

His mom's gonna pick
him up tomorrow.

He just needs a
place to stay so--

-[Laughs] here? Tonight?

Hi, I'd really like
to talk to your mom.

-I talked to her, but you
won't be able to reach her

Cause she's on the bus.

-Well, I think I'll leave
you fellas to your man stuff.

-Ah, um [mutters]

-And I'll see you tomorrow
morning bright and early.


-Joey: thanks.

-It's...bath time.

Thank you, thank you so much.

-Where'd you find
this kid, anyway?

You all right?
-Joey: yeah.

-Wait a minute, you
didn't take a shower.

You just turned the water on.

-I didn't feel
like getting wet.

-Yeah-- whoa there partner,
I think maybe

We'll go in together this time.

-I don't think so.

-Why not?

-[Whispers] I'm really
a little girl.

-[Laughing] why can't you--


Is a she.

-Hobie: no way!


-Hmm, I'd know those
hands, that scent anywhere.


-Joseph! Who's joseph?

-He's just a representative
of all the men in the world

Who could never hold
a candle to you.

Where's hobie?

-Hobie is babysitting joey.

-Oh, and how'd things
go with him last night?

-Him is a her.


-Yeah, turns out
joey is a little girl.

-[Laughs] a girl?
How'd you find out?

-Wow, that's terrific!

You guys been at this
for two days now.

-Yeah, we're almost
out of ornaments.

-Not a moment too soon.

-Garner: ho, ho, ho!

Merry christmas! [Laughing]

-Garner, is that you in there?

-Of course, it's me, exhausted.

I must have had 100 kids
on my lap today.

-I've never seen you so
festive, I mean, you're

Usually quite cynical
this time of year.

-Well, let me tell you
something, partner,
I've missed my calling

I'm faking it, I
should be an actor.

Do you know what I'm saying?
Yeah, but, you know,

I figure if I can
convince others,

Maybe I can convince myself.

Ho, ho, ho!

-Hi, dad. Hi, garner.

-So much for convincing others.

-Hey, joey, you want
to talk to santa

And tell him what you
want for christmas?

-There's no such
thing as santa.

That's just a fairy
tale adults make up

To make their kids
behave all year.


-Ho, ho, ho, what
a lovely tree.

Let's go look at the tree.

-Say, junior
lifeguards, come on!

The kids from st. Francis
are waiting for us!

Ho, ho, ho!

Merry christmas.

-[Mischievous music]

-Hey, what you wrapping there?

-It's a gift...for my mom.

-Speaking of your
mom, isn't it about

Time she picked you up?

-Well, she had a
bit of a problem

And can't make it 'til tomorrow.

She'd really appreciate it
if I could stay one more

Night with you, being
christmas time and all.

-Oh, you talked to
her on the phone.

But I won't be
able to reach her.

She's still on the bus.

-Hey, dad, come on, let's
go see the st. Francis kids.

-Okay, see ya

-Hobie: come on, this
is really cool, hurry up.

-Mitch: okay pal, okay.

-C.j.: We need a lifeguard
to keep us safe.

-You've got such passion
for your work, I envy you.

-I can't imagine
doing anything else.

My mom said I was born with
a rescue kit in my hand.

-The children love you.

It's easy to see why.


-Oh no.

-Stay here!

-[Excited chatter]

-Where is he?

-[Suspenseful music]

-His friend said he
inhaled a piece of candy!

-Pressure on the stomach.


Put him down.

Okay, okay.

No pulse!

-One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

-There it goes, okay.

You all right?
-Kid: yeah.

-[Mischievous chatter]

-Debbie: now, please, go!

-Hey, guys!
-Hey, matt.

-Hey, matt, saw that
rescue! Good job!

-Great, thanks.

-[Sweet music]

-Is this the county jail?

Kyla jennings, please.

But I need to talk to
her, I'm her daughter!

-Guard: keep it short.


-Mom, are you there?

I've called everywhere!

This was my last hope!

-Oh baby, are you
okay? I miss you.

-Don't worry about me, mom.
I'm gonna bail you out.

-Do you have the money?

-It's in a safe place. I'm
gonna go and get it right now.

I love you, mom.

-Oh, baby, I love you too.

-See you soon. Bye.

-Guard: come on, let's go.

-Oh no!

-Hey, hey, hey, what
are you doing here?

You gotta wait 'til christmas
like everybody else,

Whether you believe
in santa claus or not.

Come on, let's play
with the other kids.

-Joey: I need to
make some money fast.

For christmas
presents, of course.

-Yeah, me too,
especially after losing my

Allowance to you last
night in that poker game.

-Hey, hobie, how would you
lie to make some big money?

-Not if it's playing
poker with you.

-It's not.

All we need is a
picture of your dad.

-My dad?

-So you get the chance
to be an honorary

Lifeguard in the new
year's parade with

This handsome
lifeguard right here.

-All you have to
do is donate $20

That goes towards the
float for the parade

And he'll make his
choice in a few days.

-Well, yeah, I'm in!

-Great, thanks, hope to
see you guys at the parade.

-[Jazz music]

♪ Tis the season joy were bringing

♪ It's that special time of year ♪

♪ Sleigh bells ringing carolers singing ♪

♪ For all the world to hear

♪ It's that time

♪ When your in my arms

♪ Ooh feels so good

♪ It's christmas christmas time

♪ When I'm next to you

♪ I'm next to you

♪ When I'm next to you

♪ It's christmas time

♪ It's christmas time

-Yeah, have you seen hobie?

All right, if he shows up, have
him call me at headquarters.

Thank you.


-Hey, hey, hey!
Merry christmas!

-Yeah, ho, ho, ho.

-What? Trouble in paradise?

I don't know what bugs me more,

The fact that hobie and
joey are an hour late

Or there's still no
sign of her mother.

-Well, sounds like a tie to me.

-You shouldn't have!

-Uh, I didn't.

-We only have $300.
It's not enough.

-Joey, everyone's gone
home, besides, my dad's

Already gonna k*ll
us for being late.

-Hey, kid, come here, I need
to talk to you, come here!

-Joey: oh no! He's after me!

-Joey, run!

-I don't think so!

Let's talk about
your girlfriend.

-I don't think so!

-Now I'm pissed.


-Joey, you okay? Where are you?

-Hobie, I'm over here!

-Hobie: you okay?
-Look, I don't wanna
hurt no kids, understand?

-Hobie: up here.
-Tony: I just want the money!

-Hobie: all right, let's go.

Joey, come on, this way.

-Tony: that's real bright.

-Hobie: all right,
watch your head.

-Like I'm not gonna
find you up here? Huh?

-[Laughs] hey!


-Hobie! I'm scared!

-It's okay, just
don't look down.


-Hobie: I hear him coming!

Come on, we have to keep going!

-Hobie, I can't move!

-Don't worry, I've got you!

He's catching up!
Watch your head!

-Any word on hobie?

-J.b. Hasn't seen him all
day and neither has conner.

-They're not at
landon's either.

-I'm beyond mad
now, I'm worried.

-Well, let's just
hope for the best.

-Mitch, I just got
a call from a worker

On the santa monica pier.

Two kids are trapped under
the pier on the catwalk.

-Damn it! I knew it! Let's go.

-Tony: here I come!

No place to run, baby!

-Joey, faster!

-No place to hide!

Make it easy on yourself, kid.

Just want the money, kids!



-Joey! Joey, hang on! Here!



-Hobie, I can't hang on!

-Give me your other hand!

-I'm slipping!

-Joey, give me your other hand!

Don't look down!

-Hobie! Hobie!

-joey! No!


-[Ending theme music]
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