05x13 - Rubber Ducky

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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05x13 - Rubber Ducky

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-[g*n fires]

-[People cheering]

-[Boat motors revving]

-[Water splashing]

-[Energetic beat]


-Let's go, let's do this.

-[Boat motor revving]

-[Water splashing]

-[Energetic beat]

-[Boat motors
revving in distance]

-It's gonna be a
piece of cake, barnett.

-But australians have been
racing these boats for years.

We've been doin' it a week.

-So what's your point?

-My point's simple.
We're not that good.

-Barnett, we will be
by the day of the race.

Come on, let's do it!


-[Breathing heavily]

[Exhales loudly]

-Come on, gator, come on!

You've got to go faster!
Come on, come on!


-Next group.

It's once around
the course and back.

The winner of each heat
will automatically qualify

For the finals.

Good luck, gentlemen.

On your mark, get set.

-[g*n fires]

-[Onlookers cheering]

-[Boat motors revving]

-Oh, look. There's
barnett and matt.

-You know, I'd really like
to know

Why they call those
things rubber duckies.

I mean, they may
sound really innocent,

But look how dangerous they are.

-C.j.: I know.

-[Boat motor revving]

-I've tried to talk matt out
of entering the competition,

But of course, when he
found out logan was the

Rubber ducky champion
of australia,

He had to try and beat
him at his own game.

-Who's that with
logan, any way?

-Oh, that's his old partner
from tasmania. Gator.

-C.j.: Gator.

-[Boat engine revving]

-So, let's have your
scouting report, mate.

Any local talent we
need to worry about?

-Well, I'd keep my
eye on those two.

-[Boat engine sputters]

-[Gator and logan laughing]

-No worries there, mate.

C'mon, I wanna hear all about
your adventures in the states.

-Well, unfortunately, they
may soon be coming to an end.


-My visa expires in two weeks.

-Well, didn't you
get your green card?

-Shh! No.

-Well, what happened
to that rich widow

You wrote to me about?

-I thought you'd be married
by now. Wasn't that your plan?

Then you could stay here
as long as you wanted.

-Well, I prefer to stay
without havin' to get married.

Or at least not
right away, any way.

That's why I was counting
on you to help me out.

-Oh, how's that?

-Well, didn't you know of a
guy that bought his green card

That last time you were
here in the states?

-Yeah, I did, yeah.

-Logan: you think
he's still around?

-Kathleen: yoo hoo!


-That the future mrs. Fowler?


-I'll check things
out for ya, mate.

-Thanks, gator.

-She looks like a--


-Like a feisty one, mate.

Careful when you
break her heart, eh.

-[Logan groans]


-There goes logan, just
like he's on a leash.

-I thought you
accepted the fact

That kathleen and
logan are together.

-Oh, I have. It's just that
every time I see them together,

It makes me sick to my stomach.

-You're crazy, you know that?

I mean, you are definitely
worse with men than I am.

-[People speaking indistinctly]

-[Light music]

-[Engine whirring]

-There they are. See?

-Oh, yes, I see them.

What kind of a boat is that?

-It's called a hovercraft.
Watch really close.

They're so cool.


-[Engine whirring]

-My goodness gracious. What
will they think of next?

-Hobie: pretty awesome, huh?

-I remember when your father
first started lifeguarding.

All he had was a rickety
old dory for a boat.

Every time he went out,
my heart was in my mouth.

My goodness, now
everything is so high tech.

-Hey, mom!

-Hi, darling!


-About meeting your
mother? Why should I be?

Haven't you told her what a
wonderful person I am? [Giggles]

-Hi, mom.

-Hi, darling.

-You look great.

-Oh, thank you,
darling. So do you.

-What do ya think of this guy?

-Oh, he's grown so much
I barely recognized him.

What have you been feeding him?

-Raw hormones. [Laughs]

Mom, I'd like you to
meet tracy dodsworth.

She's filling in
here at baywatch

And training me on the scat.

-It's nice to meet
you, mrs. Buchannon.

-Nice to meet you, too, dear.

-What do ya say
we all go to kay's

And get something to eat, huh?

We'll just change
and meet you there.

-Well, i, uh, I don't think so.

I'm exhausted from flying

And I just thought I'd
go back to the house

And take a little nap.

-Sure. Whatever you want.

-I'm sure I'll be seeing you.

Come on, darling. Let's go.

Come on, here we go.

Back to the house. I have
so many things to talk...

-[Gloves smacking bag]

-[Breathing rapidly]

-Working up a good sweat?


-Hello, logan. Were
you gonna work out?

'Cause if so, I'll leave.

-Wait, sounds like you're
still angry with me.

-Oh, well, that's
very perceptive.

-Just out of curiosity,

How long do you intend
to stay that way?

Are you ever gonna forgive me?

-Forgive you? You dumped
me for a rich older woman.

That's about as
low as you can get.

-If it's any consolation,
I don't love kathleen.

-Oh, so you're with
her just for her money.

Oh, that makes me
feel a lot better.

-No, I'm afraid it's a bit
more complicated than that.

Look, I am terribly sorry
if I hurt your feelings

Or caused you any pain.

Maybe someday I'll
make up for it.


You mean it?

-Wouldn't say it
if I didn't mean it.

-Well, then maybe there's
some hope for you after all.

-[People talking indistinctly]

-Was it my imagination

Or did I detect a trace of
hostility when you met tracy?

-[Chuckles] must've been
just your imagination.

I'm sure she's a lovely girl,

But that doesn't mean you
have to go rushing off

Into another fiasco.

-[Laughs loudly]
who's rushing anywhere?

-Hobie said that you asked him

What he thought about
your marrying her.

-Mom, do me a favor, huh.

Don't make me defend my life.

I'm not asking
for your approval.

-You're just as impetuous
as your father was.

Once he made up his
mind to something,

There was no stopping him.

You know, you remind
me so much of your dad,

So many ways.

Hard to believe it's
almost two years.

-I know.

-I still talk to him when
I'm doing the house work,

Just as if he was still there.

On his birthday, I cook
corned beef and cabbage,

Just like I used to.

-Can I ask you a question?


-Have you seen
anybody since dad died?

-You mean, been on a date?
-Mitch: yeah.

-Of course not.

-Oh, I dunno.

Maybe it's time you spread
your wings, you know.

Learn to fly again,
make some new friends.

-Well, I am lonesome
at times, mitch, but

No one could ever
replace your father.

-Oh, it's good to
have you back home.

-It's nice to be
with you, darling.

-[Waves crashing]

-♪ I know we had our time

♪ Our time up in the clouds

♪ But you are still mine

♪ When I close my eyes

♪ I can feel your love

♪ Holding my soul

♪ It's out of my control

♪ So I hold hope for us

♪ I hold hope for us

♪ My heart is in danger

♪ Our future is a stranger ♪

♪ But I hold hope for us

♪ Nights are so lonely

♪ When I'm not in your arms

♪ I miss you in the mornings

♪ You erased all my scars

♪ You gave me no reason

♪ Just gone without a trace

♪ But I can see your face

♪ So I hold hope for us

♪ I hold hope for us

♪ My heart is in danger

♪ Our future is a stranger ♪

♪ But I hold hope for us

-Did you take all these photos?

-Um, yeah.

-You're pretty
handy with a camera.


I haven't quite mastered
the espresso machine, yet.

Did you say you
wanted a lot of foam?

-[Machine brewing]

-Whatever you think is right.


-[Milk splattering]

-[Screams] oh,
ow! Aw, I'm sorry.

I'm not usually this
much of a klutz.

-Uh, I think you should
stick to photography.

Let me handle the cappuccino.


I never noticed that
ring around your neck.

Where'd you get it?

-Uh, I never wear it at work.
It's against regulations.

The rest of the time,
I never take it off.

-Must be pretty special,
then. Who gave it to you?

-Oh, it's a long story.

-Well, the coffee's
pretty strong,

So I bet you'll be
up half the night.

-It originally belonged to
an aboriginal tribal chief.

His wife had just died and
he realized at his age,

He'd never fall in love again.

The ring had been in his
family for generations,

But he had five
daughters and no sons.

No one to pass it on to.

-So how'd you get
your hands on it?

-I saved his life. Pulled
him out of a quicksand pit.

And he insisted
on giving it to me

As an expression
of his gratitude.

Supposedly, whoever wears it

Is blessed with a
spirit of eternal love.

And whoever I give it to,
will share the same blessing.

-So who you gonna
give it to? Kathleen?

-No. Kathleen and
I are finished.

-Really? Since when?

-Since I realized that I was
in love with somebody else.

-[Chuckles] good foam.

-There's still a
bit on your lip.

-Oh, really?


-[Romantic music]

-[Door handle turns]

-[C.j. Laughs]

-Oops, I guess we
shoulda knocked.

-No, no, no. We were
just, um, having coffee.

-In the dark?

I hope that you didn't
spill any on the couch.

-No, I think we're
okay in that department.

Actually, I was just
about to say goodnight.

Can't be keeping late hours
with a race coming up.

I understand that you'll
be joining the field.

-Yeah. You know, I figured
if you could be a champion,

How tough could it really be?

-Well, if that's
the way you feel,

Perhaps we could
discuss a little wager.

-Oh, logan, it's not
about money to me.

I just wanna whip your butt.

-Well, just don't get
your hopes up too high.

I know how hard it is for
you to handle disappointment.

-[Mischievous music]

-[People talking indistinctly]

-Well, it's about time
you showed your face.

-So what'd you find out?

-Well, the good news is I
can get you a green card.


-The bad news is,

It's gonna set you back
a fair bit of cash.

-Well, how much?

-Gator: 5,000 dollars.

-5,000 Dollars?

-Look, it's gonna be all right

If we can just win
this race, all right?

-What do you mean if?

I thought you said it
was money in the bank.

-You're right about
those yanks. Look.

-[Boat motor revving]

-They seem to be
gettin' the hang of it.

-That's just
great, gator. Great.



-How's everything
going with your mother?

-Not so hot. She seems to
have a hard time letting go.

-Well, she lost the
love of her life.

I mean, how would you feel
if that happened to you?

-Yeah, but tracy,
it's been two years.

I mean, she needs to
get on with her life.

-She will, when
she's good and ready.

-Hello, dear.

Hello, tracy. I hope
I'm not bothering you.

-Not at all. Come in.

-Ah, you certainly seem

To be in a much better
mood this morning.

-Well, you'll never
guess what happened.

I was out taking a swim
and I ran into someone

I haven't seen since
I was in high school.

Funny thing is, he
use to be a lifeguard.

Says you know him.

-Ah, what's his name?

-Chip odom.

-Hey, mitchy! Small
world, isn't it?

Your mom hasn't changed a bit.

She is just as gorgeous as ever.

Well, you must be
tracy. Cliff odom.

I use to work here,
long time ago.


-I was one of the original
baywatch lifeguards.

You ever hear of
the red knights?

-Oh, I'm afraid I haven't.

-Well, my picture's hangin'
downstairs in the lounge.

Come on, I'll show ya.

-I don't think so. Uh, uh,
we've gotta hit the sand.

-Well, I'll have a look
for it when we get back.

-You sure are a pretty
little thing. Where you from?

-Tracy: australia.

-Land down under.

I visited there, once,
before you were born.

Most beautiful
beaches in the world.

-Uh, let them go, cliff.
We'll talk about it at dinner.


-Oh, yes. I invited
cliff for dinner tonight.

I hope you don't mind.

-[Mischievous music]

-What are you so upset about?

I mean, you're the one that
told her to spread her wings.

-Yeah, not in his direction.

-Now, what's wrong with cliff?

I mean, I thought he
was rather charming

In a crude and boorish
sort of way. [Laughs]

-Cliff odom was one of
the most notorious letches

On the beach.

He's hit on everybody
from greta garbo

To edith, the bag lady.

-[Tailgate slams]

-I'm gonna get a cream soda.
You want anything, grandpa?

-Maybe I should.

All of a sudden, my mouth
feels as dry as a bone.

[Winces in pain]

-Oh my god, grandpa!

Grandpa! Oh, you're
having a stroke!

I'm gonna get you
to the hospital.

-[Boat engine revs]

-[Dramatic music]


-[Dramatic music]

-[Waves crashing]

-Mitch, look at
that boat out there.

It's heading right
for the shore.

-What the hell?

-[Tires squeal]




-[Siren wailing]

-You all right?

-I'm okay. It's my grandfather.

-Get a pulse. Get
the o2 workin'.

What happened?

-I think he had a stroke.

-Mitch: all right,
let's backboard him.

-Lifeguard: right.

-Tracy: here we go.

-Lifeguard: be in position.

-Okay, we'll roll
him over on three.

Ready? One, two, three. [Grunts]

On three, we take him back.

One, two, three. [Grunts]

Okay. Let's buckle him up.

Okay. On three, we lift him.

Ready? One, two,
three, lift. [Grunts]

All right. Get him out.

All right. Easy in.


-Sorry about crashing
on your beach,

But when I saw
your headquarters,

I realized you were
his only chance.

-Mitch: you wanna ride?

-Mitch: all right.

-Just a few more minutes,
grandpa. We're almost there.

-Mitch: go!
He'll be all right.

-[Siren wailing]

-[Breathing heavy]

-I still don't understand

Why she grounded the
boat on the beach.

-Well, she knew
that the lifeguards

Were the closest
medical emergency team.

-We were able to get her
grandfather on high flow oxygen.

Saved his life.

-That's a bright girl.

-He's still in intensive care,

But he's responding
well to the treatments.

He should make a full recovery.

-Well, you both should be
very proud of each other.

-That reminds me of the time

That I was in this
cross-channel swim to catalina.

And I felt this
expl*si*n inside of me.

Well, it turns out that
my appendix had burst.

They got me to the hospital
in the nick of time.

The doctor who operated on me

Said it was the biggest
mess he'd ever seen.

Have you ever seen a
burst appendix, tracy?

-For god sake's, cliff!
We're eating dinner here.

-[Laughs] I'm sorry. I
didn't mean to gross you out.

Hey, by the way, this
stuff is delicious.

My compliments to
the chef. [Chuckles]

-Warm up your coffee for you?

-Oh, thank you.
You're spoilin' me.

Oh, gosh. It's good
to be with you.

-Well, that looks delicious.

-Look at him!

He's putting the moves on my
mother right in front of us.

I don't believe this.

-Will you lighten up?

-Excuse me, I'm not
about to stand here

And watch some over-the-hill
pickup artist hustle my mother.

-You're such a flirt.

-[Chuckles] you
sure are beautiful.

-Why don't you go sit
down and relax, dear?

I'll help with the dishes.

-Oh, that's okay, mom.

-Oh, no, but I want
to talk to tracy.

We haven't had a chance to
speak a word all evening.

-All right.

-[Both chuckle]

-You know, he
loves you very much.

-He's a good man.

-Yes, but he's been
hurt so much in the past.

I worry about him.

-Not as much as he
worries about you.

-Is that somethin',

Me runnin' in to your mother
after all of these years?


-You don't think I
know what you're up to?

-I beg your pardon.

-You stay away from her.

-Now, wait just a minute, son.

-Don't ever call me son.
Don't ever call me son.

-Now, look, mitch. I know
I've got a certain reputation,

But so help me, I've
changed. I swear.

This is not just a fling to me.

-Fling? Fling?

You're using the word
fling about my mother?

You stay away from her. You
keep your hands off of her.

-Anybody ready for dessert?

Hot apple pie!

-[People talking indistinctly]

-[Inaudible] pretty
embarrassing, huh?

-[Caroline laughs]

-Is logan fowler here?

-Uh, no. He's already
gone to his tower.

-Will you see him?

-Most likely.

-Would you tell him
our prenuptial agreement

Is ready to be signed

And that he can stop
by my attorney's office

When he gets off duty?

-We'll be sure and
give him the message.

-Thank you.

-[People talking indistinctly]

-[Door slams]

-There you go. Try to
be more careful, okay?


-Once again, you have
managed to humiliate me.

Is it some sort of
sport for you, logan?

Or are you just
in to being cruel?

-I have no idea what
you're talking about.

-Kathleen showed
up at headquarters

To tell you that the
prenuptial agreement

Is ready for your signature.

-She did?

-Why did you lie to me?

-I didn't lie to you.

I am not gonna marry kathleen.

-Well, she's under the
impression that you are.

-Logan: I know. I
haven't told her, yet.

-Do you wanna tell
me what's going on?

-At one point, I was
thinking of marrying her

To get my green card.

Fortunately, that's never
gonna have to happen.

Turns out gator has
some connections.

I'm gonna get my green
card through him.

-Well, how?

Logan, it can't be legal.
What if you get caught?

-What's the alternative?

I go home and we never
see each other again.

My visa is about to expire.

It's the only choice I've got.

-Not necessarily.

You could have asked me.

-That's a very generous offer,

But I don't think that's any
way to start a love affair.

We don't wanna put the
cart before the horse,

So to speak.

-So when do you plan on
breaking the news to kathleen?

-As soon as I win
the rubber ducky race.

-What does winning the race
have to do with anything?

-Well, I need my portion
of the prize money

To pay for the green card.


-Don't worry. We'll win.

I promise.

-[People talking indistinctly]

-[Woman laughing]

-[People cheering]

-[People talking indistinctly]

-[g*n fires]

-[Boat motors revving]

-[Fast-paced drum beat]

-[Boat motors revving]

-[Lively guitar music]

-[Upbeat tempo]

-[Lively guitar music]

-[Boat motor revving]

-[Upbeat tempo]

-[Boat motor revving]

-[Inspirational rock music]

-[Boat motor revving]

-[Inspirational rock music]

-[Onlookers exclaiming]

-[Fast-paced drum beat]

-[Boat motors revving]

-[Men exclaiming]

-[Onlookers exclaiming]

-Yeah! Come on, let's go!


-What do you say,
mate? It's now or never.

-Go for it.

-[Frenzied guitar music]

-Let's go, barnett!
Go, barnett, faster!

-Here we go!

-[Frenzied guitar music]

-[Logan and barnett scream]

-[Onlookers exclaiming]


-[Foreboding music]

-[Onlookers exclaiming]

-[Boat motor revving]

-Turn around.

-Someone else'll pick 'em up.

-[Inaudible] we're turning
around, damn it, now!

-[Boat motor revs]

-[Suspenseful music]


-[Boat motor revs]

-[Suspenseful music]


-[Frenzied guitar music]

-[Boat motors revving]


-[Breathing heavily]

-Barnett: I'm okay.
Get matt. Get matt.



-[Breathing heavily]


-C.j, over there.

Barnett, you okay?


-[Boat motor idles]

-I need some help here.



-I'm all right. I'm all right.

-Okay. You almost got k*lled.


-Are you okay?
-Logan: yeah.

-[Frenzied guitar music]

-[Onlookers cheering]

-Announcer: and
crossing the finish line,

The winning team, new zealand!

-[Light music]

-Yeah, that'll be
tower 12 for that guy.

-Okay. Thank you.
-Mitch: thank you, roxy.

Mom! [Chuckles]

-I prefer to handle
this myself, all right?

-I understand. I'll
wait right here.

-[People talking indistinctly]

-Hey, hi. What
are you doin' here?

-I came to say goodbye.


-Well, cliff's taking me
on a cruise to acapulco.

-Mom. [Chuckles] you are not
going on a cruise with him.

-Mitch. I know how you
feel about our relationship,

But I'm not asking
for your approval.

Listen, don't make me
crawl back in the shell

You finally got me
to crawl out of.

I didn't think I
would feel this way.

I finally realize that I
will not be growing old

With your father.

And I don't want to
grow old by myself.

-If you're happy, I'm happy.

-Oh, thank you, darling.

-Walk you to your car?

-Oh, you're so galant.

-Now, you have a great time.

-Thank you.

-Don't worry. I'll
take good care of her.

-Say goodbye to tracy for me.

I'm sorry if I was a little
standoffish at first.

I'm glad you found her. You two
will be very happy together.

-All right. Be good, huh.

-I'll try.

-Goodbye, son.

-I told you to
never call me that.


-[Car engine cranks]



-Back to work so soon?

-All I had was a slight
concussion, no major damage.

-That's good.

-Look, um, I wanted to say
thanks for saving my neck

The other day.

-Well, it's the
least I could've done.

-No, you could've gone
on and won the race.

-Yeah. Well, I guess I'm
not as tough as you thought.

See ya later.

-By the way, I hear
you got married.

-Yeah. That's right.


-[People talking indistinctly]

-This is for you.

-[Sorrowful music]

-[Car engine cranks]

-[Sorrowful music]

-[Birds squawking]


-[Gasps] gator!


Oh, I was wondering when
you were gonna turn up.

-Oh, you look, you
look as lovely as ever.

-No. Well, how's
it goin' back home?

-Oh, they're missin'
you desperately.

They begged me to bring
you back, in fact.


It's great to see
ya laughin' again.

Logan tells me some yank's
head over heels with ya.

Thought that weren't
gonna happen.

-[Sighs] I didn't
want it to happen.

-Did you tell him?

-Not yet.

-Don't you think he's
got a right to know?

-[Sighs] I'm gonna tell him.

-Gator: when?

-As soon as I get up the nerve.

-The longer you
leave it, trace,

The harder it's gonna get.

-I know.

-[Light music]

-[End theme playing]
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